April 2019

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http://www.ascetruckeemeadows.org/ ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch Monthly Newsletter April 2019 Table of Contents Luncheon Info. President’s Message Luncheon Presentation Summary and Presenter Biography 2019 Award Banquet Winners & Photos Featured Sponsors ASCE Seattle Section Seminar Community Clean-Up Event 19th Annual Marv Byars’ Golf Tournament Local Job Postings Supporters of ASCE Future Meetings/ Board of Directors 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8-10 11 12 13 14-15 16 April Luncheon: Information Governance Risks and Opportunities Cost: $30 for Members $35 for Non Members $5 for Students When: April 9th at 12:00 pm Where: Peppermill Resort 2707 S. Virginia St. Reno, NV 89502 Visit: https://www.ascetruckeemeadows.org/events to RSVPand see all otherASCE-TMB Events ASCE YMF Truckee Meadows https://www.facebook.com/pages/ASCE YMF Truckee Meadows/767767886641959

President’s Message

Spring is here; however, I’m not sure anyone told Mother Nature. I hope that you are planning some great vacations, trying to enjoy our wild Northern Nevada weather, or maybe hunkering in for what is going to be a busy construction season.

I want to thank all of those who attended the ASCE TMB Annual Awards and Student Recognition Banquet. I had many compliments on how fun the event was, which is a testament to the hard work our Board Members have put into the event each year.

Those who were recognized at the event were well deserved; I feel grateful to be a part of such an inspiring group of students, engineers and professionals. For those who might not have been able to attend the event, we have included a re cap of the night’s award winners including engineer of the year, young engineer of the year, and projects of the year awards.

This month our UNR engineering students are once again heading off to Mid Pac. Join me in wishing them luck, although we know they won’t need it! They have always done a great job of representing us in the past! This year San Jose State University is hosting the event from April 18th to April 20th, 2019. UNR will compete against other great teams across the west coast in events such as concrete canoe, geo wall, and water treatment. Good luck and Go Pack!

We have put together another great speaker topic this month. I hope to see you all at the next luncheon, which is April 9th, 2019 at the Peppermill.

Monthly Newsletter April 2019 www.ascetruckeemeadows.org 2
Regards, Randall

Luncheon Summary

Information Governance - Risks and Opportunities

Abstract: Every organization today, regardless of the sector or size of business, must strike a balance between the risks of having unmanaged information and the opportunity to leverage that information. Organizations that can find that balance can achieve significant cost savings, can minimize legal and business threats, and can create optimal processes aimed at using information for business value. Information Governance is for everyone.

Presenter Biography:

Lisa A. Desautels has 25 years professional technology experience in the Document Imaging industry. She is a Certified Information Professional CIP, ECMp and CAPTUREp certified (IG industry credentials). She previously was involved in the Engineering and GIS market and leveraged that to become the experts in the capture of large format documents. Her experience includes successfully managing major multi year contracts for Hoover Dam, PG&E, and the Reno Tahoe International Airport. Projects have included implementation of records management and standards for compliance within the building industry. Keys to success include attention to detail, working as a leader and understanding of the evolving industry. Lisa has been recognized nationally and was awarded the “Distinguished Service Award” for her efforts in the Document Management Industry. She has volunteered as the AIIM Nevada Chapter President/ Board member 2010 2017 and has been on the Nevada GIS Board from 2003 to 2010.


Presenter Biography & Presentation Summary

Monthly Newsletter April 2019 3

2019 ASCE Award Winners

Monthly Newsletter April 2019 www.ascetruckeemeadows.org 4
4th St/ Prater Way Bus Rapid Transit Project, RTC Environmental
NorthTruckee Drain Realignment Project, Phase 3; City of Sparks Congratulations to all the winners!
Young Engineer of theYear: AshleyVerling from Wood Rodgers Engineer of theYear: Craig Wesner, CEO from Lumos & Associates Structural/Geotechnical Project of theYear: Stampede Dam, Bureau of Reclamation
Project of theYear:

ASCE Award Night Photos

Monthly Newsletter April 2019 www.ascetruckeemeadows.org 5

Featured Sponsor

Monthly Newsletter April 2019 www.ascetruckeemeadows.org 6

Featured Sponsor

Monthly Newsletter April 2019 www.ascetruckeemeadows.org 7

Seattle Section Seminar

Monthly Newsletter April 2019 www.ascetruckeemeadows.org 8

Seattle Section Seminar

Monthly Newsletter April 2019 www.ascetruckeemeadows.org 9

Seattle Section Seminar

Monthly Newsletter April 2019 www.ascetruckeemeadows.org 10

Community Clean-Up Event

Monthly Newsletter April 2019 www.ascetruckeemeadows.org 11

19th Annual Golf Tournament

Monthly Newsletter April 2019 www.ascetruckeemeadows.org 12

Job Posting


Monthly Newsletter April 2019 www.ascetruckeemeadows.org 13


Monthly Newsletter April 2019 www.ascetruckeemeadows.org 14
Monthly Newsletter April 2019 www.ascetruckeemeadows.org 15 2019 BRONZEASCE-TMB SPONSORS 2019 SILVERASCE-TMB SPONSORS 2019ASCE-TMB YMF SPONSORS


April 9, 2019 ASCE-TMB Luncheon



ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch P.O. Box 70002 Reno, NV 89570 0002

ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch
of Directors
3, 2019 ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch BOD Meeting 12:00 at City of Reno 1 E 1st Street 6th Floor Conference Room Reno, NV 89501
Peppermill Casino 2707 S. Virginia St Reno, NV 89502
1, 2019 ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch BOD Meeting 12:00 at City of Reno 1 E 1st Street 6th Floor Conference Room Reno, NV 89501
Do you have a groundbreaking or ribbon cutting ceremony coming up for your project? Send the details to Randall
at ricera@reno.gov and
UPCOMING EVENTS Randall Rice, President ricera@reno.gov 775.657.4635 Kaci Thomas, President-Elect Kaci.Thomas@jacobs.com 775.360.7215 Garth Oksol, Treasurer garth.oksol@parsons.com 775.885.2433 Brian Moon, Secretary bmoon@lumosinc.com 775.827.6111 Bryan Byrne, Director at Large Bbyrne@dyerengineering.com 775.230.2890 Jackie Borman, Director at Large jackie.borman@washoeschools.net Mike Davidson, Director at Large mdavidson@WoodRodgers.com 775.823.4064 Jillian Tobin, Webmaster ascetmb@gmail.com Emily McKenzie, UNR Student Chapter President unrasceagc@gmail.com Kristin Kramer, YMF President kkramer@lumosinc.com ASCE.Truckee.YMF@gmail.com 916.397.3388 Amber Harmon, Newsletter Editor aharmon@WoodRodgers.com 775.823.9744 ASCE YMF Truckee Meadows https://www.facebook.com/pages/ASCE YMF Truckee Meadows/767767886641959
7, 2019 ASCE TMB Luncheon Peppermill Casino 2707 S. Virginia St Reno, NV 89502
a representative from ASCE will be there to cheer you on

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