January 2020

Page 13


We are committed to bringing you quality presentations, community outreach opportunities, learning opportunities (including PDH credits and PE review courses),andsocialevents.Webelievethat our ASCE group is very unique due to the close connection between our Younger Members Forum (YMF) and our branch. ASCE Truckee Meadows is a proud supporterofthestudentchapterofASCEat the University of Nevada, Reno and has helped to develop an environment where engineers graduate into YMF and then continue to remain active with the branch. We are proud supporters of the Concrete Canoe Team, Steel Bridge Team, and other various Civil Engineering competitions. We believethefutureofourprofessionisheld withinthebrightyoungmindsthatwillone daybeinourshoesandthatiswhyitisour goal to foster creative thinking and communityinvolvement.

Inside This Issue
ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch
President's Message 2 Featured Sponsors 3 ASCE 2020 Banquet Info/Forms          4-12 ASCE PE Review Course 13 Supporters of ASCE 14-15 Future Meetings/ Board of Directors 16 Visit our website https://www.ascetruckeemeadows.org Follow Us! https://www.facebook.com/pages/ASCE-YMF-

President's Message

Happy New Year 2020!

As we ring in a new decade, we have some proud news to share …

Our Truckee Meadows Branch has been awarded the ASCE 2019 Outstanding Small Section/Branch of the Year Award!!  Congratulations, as there are approximately 255 Sections and Branches to compete against.  This is the fifth time we have been selected as the winner of this prestigious award in the past six years.  A huge thank you to our Board Members, volunteers, and all of you for your active participation and support.

A quick reminder, one last chance to get your gold/silver/bronze/individual sponsorships, YMF sponsorships, and ASCE Cup Challenge registrations submitted.  There are still openings for all levels.

The 2020 ASCE TMB Annual Awards and Student Recognition Banquet is scheduled for Thursday, March 12, 2020 at the Silver Legacy. Nomination forms for Project of the Year, Engineer of the Year, Young Engineer of the Year, and a new award - Lifetime Achievement Award will be sent out soon, so please take the time to nominate your deserving projects and outstanding engineers.

Looking forward to seeing you all at the January 14th  luncheon when Doug Maloy from the RTC will present the programs and projects that the Regional Transportation of Washoe County has completed recently, are currently undertaking, and those that are on the horizon.  The new year brings in the planning and budgeting process for the next fiscal year and the 2050 Regional Transportation Plan.

May 2020 bring you clear vision (ha ha) to your New Year’s Resolutions, Regards,

Kaci Stansbury, PE President, ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch
January2020 Page2

Featured Sponsor

January 2020 Page 3

2020 Banquet Sponsorship Application Form

ASCE Annual Awards Night and Student Recognition Banquet

If you have questions about this form, please contact Kaci Stansbury at Kaci.Stansbury@jacobs.com

The ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch is pleased to invite you to become a sponsor for the 2020 Annual Awards and Student Recognition Banquet, which will be held on Thursday, March 12, 2020 at the Silver Legacy.

Payments due by March 1, 2020 Please make a check to “ASCE TMB” and mail with a copy of this form to:


P.O. Box 70002 Reno, NV 89570

Firm/Agency Name:

Student Discipline Request: ☐Civil ☐Environmental ☐Structural ☐Geotechnical ☐Mechanical ☐Electrical ☐Chemical ☐Architectural

Primary Contact Name: _ Email: ____________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________


Table sponsorships are available for $500 each. This includes dinner for six people, six complimentary drink coupons and 6 raffle tickets. We will seat up to two students at your table. Your logo will be displayed in the program, at your table, and on various display boards located at the venue. Please RSVP for your guests on the website at: https://www.ascetruckeemeadows.org/events by March 1, 2020. Individual meals can be purchased for $50 each.

Number of Tables / Meals to Purchase ($500 table / $50 individual): Subtotal Purchase: $


Companies may sponsor a raffle gift ($100 per sponsorship) or donate items for the raffle. Please indicate if you would like to contribute to the raffle.

Number of Raffle Prize Sponsorships ($100 each): Subtotal Raffle Prize Sponsorships: $

I would like to donate a prize to the raffle (please describe prize):


Companies may also sponsor one of the two bars. This includes 35 complimentary drink coupons and 10 raffle tickets. Your company will be recognized during the banquet and your logo will be displayed in the program and on various displays boards located at the venue. Only two bar sponsorships available.

Bar Sponsorship ($500 each):

Subtotal Bar Sponsorship Purchase: $


Total Amount Due: $


• Project construction must have been completed in 2019.

• Project site must be located within 100 miles of Reno/Sparks or within the State of Nevada, excluding the southern counties of Mineral, Esmeralda, Nye, Lincoln, and Clark

• Multi phase projects are eligible after construction of the first phase is complete.

• Please complete one project per form.

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Award Nomination Category: (Select one that best fits the project type) Environmental (Water, Wastewater, Solid Waste, Air, Erosion Control, etc) Structural/Geotechnical (Buildings, Bridges, Dams, Foundations, etc.) Transportation
Project Name: Location of Project (City,
Scope of Project: Budget:____________ Total Construction Cost: Suggested Citation for Selection Process and Announcements (not to exceed 40 words: Project Owner:
You may NOT submit a project in multiple categories.
(Traffic, Highway
Materials, etc.)

Project Designer:

Project Prime Contractor: Other Supportive Team Participants: Nominated by: (Signature) (Print)

ASCE Member Number: Date: Nominator Contact Information

Describe the Project’s pre eminent qualifications for the Award in this category that clearly presents the notable features of the nomination (why this nomination is Outstanding). This could be used for selection process and issuing a press release (300 words or less):


Submit an electronic version of your nomination with a minimum of three (3) project photos to: Mike Davidson - ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch Secretary: Email: mdavidson@woodrodgers.com Phone: 775.823.4064

All nominations will be forwarded to ASCE Southern Nevada Branch for voting

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Award Nomination Category: (Select One)

Civil Engineer of the Year Award


Nominee must be an active member of ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch


Occupational and Professional Achievements In 2019 - Consideration of engineering accomplishment - design, development, control, testing, research, writings (both formal scientific and informal journal articles), and other similar effort - will be given.

Civic and Political Affairs -This criteria includes recognized charity organization activity; volunteer activities, appointed boards, commissions and committee involvement.

Engineering and Educational Affairs -The contribution made by the candidate to their profession and to the education of future engineers.

Young Civil Engineer of the Year Award (Nominee must be under the age of 35)


Nominee must be an active member of ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch


Occupational and Professional Achievements - Consideration of engineering accomplishment - design, development, control, testing, research, writings (both formal scientific and informal journal articles), and other similar effort - will be given.

Civic and Political Affairs -This criteria includes recognized charity organization activity; volunteer activities, appointed boards, commissions and committee involvement.

Engineering and Educational Affairs -The contribution made by the candidate to their profession and to the education of future engineers.

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Name: (Nominee’s Full Name, including middle name and all credentials (e.g. Ph.D., P.E., L.S., M.ASCE)

Preferred Title: W ork Address: Phone/Email: (W ork) (E-mail)

Professional Engineer (circle one): YES NO ASCE Member (circle one): YES NO Other Credentials: Suggested Citation for Selection Process and Announcements (not to exceed 40 words):

Nominated by: (Signature) (Print)

ASCE Member Number: Date: Nominator Contact Information:

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Describe the nominee’s pre eminent qualifications for the Award in this category that clearly presents the outstanding features of the nomination (why this nominee is Outstanding). This could be used for selection process and issuing a press release (300 words or less):


Please complete one engineer per form. Submit an electronic version of your nomination with a headshot photo to: Mike Davidson – ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch Secretary: Email: mdavidson@woodrodgers.com Phone: 775.823.4064

All nominations will be forwarded to ASCE Southern Nevada Branch for voting

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Criteria: Minimum 30 years of Professional Engineering Experience Minimum 25 years as an ASCE member in good standing (A majority of nominees’ professional career, must be in the Truckee Meadows area)

The Truckee Meadows Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to a Professional Engineer who, through his or her commitment to the field for at least 30 years, has advanced the engineering profession, exhibited technical competence, and significantly contributed to public service, research, mentoring, education and overall advancement of the Engineering Profession.

Name: (Nominee’s Full Name, including middle name and all credentials (e.g. Ph.D., P.E., L.S., M.ASCE)

Preferred Title: Work Address:

Phone/Email: (W ork) (E-mail)

Professional Engineer (circle one): YES NO ASCE Member (circle one): YES NO

Other Credentials:

Suggested Citation for Selection Process and Announcements (not to exceed 40 words):

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Nominated by: (Signature) (Print)

ASCE Member Number: Date: Nominator Contact Information:

Describe the nominee’s pre eminent qualifications for the Award in this category that clearly presents the outstanding features of the nomination (why this nominee is Outstanding). This could be used for selection process and issuing a press release (300 words or less): DEADLINE: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2020, 5:00 PM, PST

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Please complete one engineer per form. Submit an electronic version of your nomination with a headshot photo to: Mike Davidson – ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch Secretary: Email: mdavidson@woodrodgers.com Phone: 775.823.4064 All nominations will be forwarded to ASCE Southern Nevada Branch for voting


$2,000 in ASCE student scholarships will be awarded at the 2020 ASCE Annual Awards & Student Recognition Banquet on Thursday, March 12th. The purpose of these scholarships is to reward students in Civil Engineering who have demonstrated scholastic achievement and have been active in student service, especially within ASCE. Short interviews and financial need may also be used. The members of the ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch Board of Directors will make the selection of the award winners. If you have any questions, contact Mike Davidson, ASCE TMB Secretary, email: mdavidson@woodrodgers.com or phone: 775.823.4064.


Name: Phone: Email: ACADEMICS (as of the end of Fall 2019)

Please attach an unofficial copy of your most recent transcript.

Expected Graduation Date: Year in School: Engineering GPA at UNR: Overall UNR GPA: Major Area of Concentration:

EIT Registration Number (if passed) or anticipated date to take the FE Exam:

Discipline(s) Interest: ☐Civil ☐Environmental ☐Structural ☐Geotechnical ☐Mechanical ☐Electrical ☐Chemical ☐Architectural


On a separate sheet, list and describe your student activities. Provide specific information concerning what you did, the time period, and your level of involvement. The student activity sheet must be signed by Dr. Sanders or Kelly Doyle as verification of its content. Also provide a brief description of why you think student activities are important. You may also list engineering work experience/internships (if any).


On a separate sheet, briefly describe your general financial situation and the income sources that you use for covering the costs of attending UNR. This information will be held in strict confidence.


Please provide the name and contact information of one reference. They may be a CEE faculty member.

Name: Company: Email: Phone:

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS is February 7, 2020, 5:00 PM PST Return this form and attachments to Mike Davidson by email at: mdavidson@woodrodgers.com


ASCE PE Review Course - Spring 2020

When Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 6:00 PM PST -toTuesday, March 10, 2020 at 9:00 PM PDT Add to Calendar Where University of Nevada, Reno Building/Room: TBD


ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch YMF will be hosting a review course for the morning session topics of the Civil PE exam. Classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-9PM, beginning February 11th and ending March 10th

The review sessions will cover: hydrology, geometrics, hydraulics, structures, traffic, geotechnical, construction, and environmental. Courses will be taught by local professors and professionals. Please note the review sessions will be geared toward prepping you for the morning portion of the exam. However, if time permits in the individual sessions, lectures may go into more depth for the afternoon topics.

**Disclaimer: A minimum of 10 registrants will be required in order to host this class. Please spread the word to anyone you know taking the exam. If ASCE does not meet the minimum registrants, reimbursements will be made to those enrolled. The class is limited to 25 students.

Click on the link below to register. Regular registration will be open from today through January 31st, and late registration will be open from February 1st through February 7th. Sign up today to save on the registration fee!

ASCE Member (through 1/31): $250 Non-member (through 1/31): $275

Late ASCE Member (after 1/31): $275 Late Non-member (after 1/31): $300

Register Now!

I can't make it

Additional information regarding payment, location and specific session dates will be provided in another email.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us at asce.truckee.ymf@gmail.com


ASCE Truckee Meadows YMF asce.truckee.ymf@gmail.com 650-387-1353

ASCE Sponsors

January2020 Page 14
Our sponsors are instrumental in everything we do.  Thank you to everyone

ASCE Sponsors

January 2020 Page 15

January 08, 2020

Meadows Branch

Board Of Directors Meeting

12:00 pm at Jacobs 50 W. Liberty Street, Ste. 205 Reno, NV 89501

January 14, 2020        ASCE-TMB Luncheon  Peppermill Casino |  12:00 pm 2707 S. Virginia Street Reno, NV 89502

February 08, 2020       ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch Board Of Directors Meeting

12:00 pm at Jacobs 50 W. Liberty Street, Ste. 205 Reno, NV 89501

February 14, 2020       ASCE-TMB Luncheon

Peppermill Casino |  12:00 pm 2707 S. Virginia Street Reno, NV 89502

Kaci Stansbury | President | Kaci.Stansbury@jacobs.com | 775.360.7215

Garth Oksol | President-Elect | garth.oksol@parsons.com | 775.885.2433

Brian Moon | Treasurer | bmoon@lumosinc.com | 775.827.6111

Mike Davidson | Secretary | mdavidson@WoodRodgers.com | 775.823.4064

Jackie Sessions | Director at Large | jsessions@farrwestengineering.com | 775.851.4788

Lindsey Owens | Director at Large | lowens@blackeagleconsulting.com | 775.359.6600

Andrew Hanson | Director at Large | andrew.hanson@live.com

Bethany Calvert | UNR Student Chapter President | unrasceagc@gmail.com

Mike Wetterau | YMF President | MWetterau@carollo.com | ASCE.Truckee.YMF@gmail.com | 775.324.4427

Matt Van Dyne | Outreach Chair | matt@farrwestengineering.com | 775.851-4788

Jillian Tobin | Webmaster | ascetmb@gmail.com

Amber Harmon, Newsletter Editor | aharmon@WoodRodgers.com | 775.823.9744

ASCE Truckee
Do you
a groundbreaking or
coming up for your project? Send the details to
and a
there to cheer you on and
Kaci Stansbury at Kaci.Stansbury@jacobs.com
representative from ASCE will be
newsletter!!  UPCOMING
ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch P.O. Box 70002 Reno, NV 89570-0002 www.ascetruckeemeadows.org/

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