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President's Message

School is out, the sun is out (sort of), and it is time to start our summer plans. Please remember ‘safety first’ as you head off on a road trip, a vacation, or inspecting a job site; there is always time to stop what you are doing and evaluate the risks you face on any particular task. Do not let complacency stop you from saying something if an activity looks unsafe. We cannot change safety culture without people looking out for one another.

Don’t forget about our Annual Marv Byars’ Memorial Golf Tournament at Toiyabe Golf Club on July 12th, 2019. It will be a shotgun scramble with a 9:00 am start this year. A link to all the details can be found on our website: Marv Byars’ Tourney. Our next luncheon is on June 4th at the Peppermill where we will have a presentation on the Vista Narrows 60% Design which is being undertaken by the Truckee River Flood Control Project. I hope to see you all there.


Regards, While Memorial Day has come and gone for 2019, I want to express my gratitude for our veterans. Thank you to our men and women who have served and are fortunate to be with us, to those who are here in memory, and to all the loved ones who have endured the sacrifices of our service men and women.

Flag Day is June 14th and signifies the adoption of the US flag on the same day in 1777. For those interested, I’m including a ‘flag etiquette’ guide here: Flag Etiquette Guide.

Father’s Day is on June 16th this year and is our time to honor the fathers in our lives. Hopefully no one forgets that special father figure if you choose to participate.

Randall Rice, PE, M.ASCE President, ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch

J u n e Lu n c h e o n

Tr u c ke e R i ve r F l o o d Co n t ro l Pro j e ct Vi sta N a r row s 6 0 % D e s i g n

Cost: $30 for Members $35 for Non-Members $5 for Students

When: June 4th at 12:00 pm

Where: Peppermill Resort 2707 S. Virginia St. Reno, NV 89502

RSVP Here: https://www.ascetruckeemeadows. org/events The Vista Narrow s Project is located at the east end of Sparks where the Truckee River exits the valley and drains into the canyon area. The project includes constructing a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers standard levee on the north bank of the river and excavating r iver terr acing on the south and north sides of the river. The Vista Narrows Project will replace the existing Sparks Industrial berm with a levee. The river terr acing will help to reconnect the river to the overbank floodplain by allowing more frequent flood flows to flood the overbank terr ace areas, lowering flood depths upstream in the Truckee Meadows and passing additional flood flow downstream.

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