Quest 5: Grunnbok

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Anne Helene Røise Bade
Maria Dreyer Pettersen
Kumi Tømmerbakke



Anne Helene Røise Bade

Maria Dreyer Pettersen

Kumi Tømmerbakke

Engelsk for barnetrinnet



Gode strategier

• Samtalebilde knyttet til temaet

• Mål for kapitlet

• Spørsmål til samtale

• “Bli kjent med kapitlet-quest”

• Before reading: Førlesing for å stimulere forkunnskaper

• After reading: Spørsmål til teksten

• Talk about it: Knytter temaet til egen hverdag og åpner for gode samtaler

• Gloser: Lesestøtte, blå rader er kjerneord

Systematisk progresjon

Quest bygger stein på stein og har en systematisk progresjon.

Temaene og metodene bygger på hverandre fra år til år. Egne sider repeterer og utvider elevenes ordforråd. Elevene bruker ordforrådet aktivt gjennom ulike aktiviteter.


Quest legger vekt på felles opplevelser knyttet til ulike tekster. Det er noe å gjøre for alle elever i arbeidet med alle tekstene.

Tekstene er merket med ulik vanskegrad.

vanskegrad 1

vanskegrad 2

Tekster som består av flere deler, er av og til merket som både rød og gul tekst. Hensikten er å differensiere mengde tekst.

Quest legger vekt på mye muntlig aktivitet – både lytting og snakking. Talking partners-symbolet viser at oppgaven kan løses sammen med læringspartnere.

Write-sidene har modelltekster og skriverammer som gir god støtte i skrivearbeidet med ulike typer tekster.

På Language Work-sidene er det lærestoff knyttet til grammatikk og språklæring.


Quest har ulike oppgaver for refleksjon over egen læring: Learning words, Summing up, kopiark for egenvurdering (Bus stop) og kapittelprøver.

Everyday Practice 6

What Is Today’s Date? 6

Ordinal Numbers 6

Verbs We Use a Lot 7

How Can You Find a Good Book to Read? 8

Be a STAR Reader! 9

1 It’s My Life! 10

• This Is Me 12

•• Different Families 14

Verbs in the Present Tense 18 To Be 19

• My New Pet 20

• My Pet 21

• The Lion and the Mouse 22

Write: Identity Card 24

• Chores 25

•• My Chores 26

2 School and Spare Time 28

• I Am the New Kid 30

• Tips to Welcome a New Kid 31

Best Friends Forever (The BFF Song) 32

• The Lessons of the Week 33

• School Words and Phrases 34

• School Life in the UK 36

• What Is a Boarding School? 38

• Your School Needs Your Voice and Vote! 40

Personal Pronouns 41

• What Are Your Hobbies? 42

• Gaming is Life 43

• Football All Year Round 44

Write: My Hobby – Fact Card 46

3 How the Body Works 48

• Body Parts 50

• Little Red Riding Hood 51 Nouns 52

The Indefinite Article 53

The Definite Article 53

Write: Five Senses Poem 54 Doctor, Doctor! 56

•• Tyler and Rosie Have to See a Doctor 57

• What Your Body Needs 60

• Shopping for Groceries 62

• How Do You Feel? 64

• Me and You 66

• Worries 67

• The Empty Fridge 68

4 Let’s Go to the UK! 72

• Facts About the UK 74

• Travelling to London 76

• Sights to See and Things to Do 78

• The Underground Snake 80

• The Manchester Star 82 To Have 84 To Do 84

Asking and Answering Questions 85

• Sunny Café Menu 86

• At Sunny Café 88

• Polite Phrases 89

• Scottish Words 90 My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean 91

• The Loch Ness Monster 92

• Wales – What’s in a Name? 94

• Amazing Adventures at Tregoyd House 95

• A Wonderful Week in Wales 96

Write: Diary 99

• 1 Welshman + Maths = Fascinating Facts 100

• Finn MacCool: a Giant from Northern Ireland 102

5 Let’s Read! 106

• Read to Me 108

• Open a Book 109

• Big Nate 110

• Girl Saves Her Best Friend! 112

• The Dragonsitter 114

•• How to Recognise a Witch 116

Write: Book Review 120

Adjectives 122

Prepositions 123

• Oliver Twist 124

• Charles Dickens 126

•• King Arthur and the Wizard Merlin 127

6 The Three Rs 132

Earth, We’re in It Together 134

• What’s in the Rubbish Bin? 135

• Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Tips 136

• Make a Collage Greeting Card 138

• Fashion Show with Forgotten Clothes 140

Write: Poster 142

There Is / There Are 143

• Beach Cleanup Day 144

• Kids Can Save the Planet 146

7 Hidden Treasures 148

• Pick, Pan and Shovel 150

Oh, My Darling, Clementine 152

• Treasures of the British Museum 154

• A Visit to the Museum 156

• The Sutton Hoo Treasure 158

• The Gokstad Ship 160

Pirate Song 161

• Captain Blood and the Crown Jewels 162

Verbs in the Past Tense 168

• The Tomb of King Tut 170

Write: News Article 174

Glossary 176

A New Quest ♪

Zoom is holding his brand new book. Gather around him and have a look. He hopes you like it and find it hot. Get motivated – and learn a lot!

North Pole, South Pole, east or west, Come with Zoom and join his quest, Learn more English – do your best!

Zoom is fond of a mystery. He’d like to travel in history. Hidden treasures – he knows them all.

Pick up your Quest books and have a ball!

Everyday Practice

Today is the ...

What Is Today’s Date?

The twenty-first of June, twenty sixteen

The thirtieth of November, twenty eighteen

Ordinal Numbers

1st first 11th eleventh 21st twenty-first

2nd second 12th twelfth 22nd twenty-second

3rd third 13th thirteenth 23rd twenty-third

4th fourth 14th fourteenth 24th twenty-fourth

5th fifth 15th fifteenth 25th twenty-fifth

6th sixth 16th sixteenth 26th twenty-sixth

7th seventh 17th seventeenth 27th twenty-seventh

8th eighth 18th eighteenth 28th twenty-eighth

9th ninth 19th nineteenth 29th twenty-ninth

10th tenth 20th twentieth 30th thirtieth

Verbs We Use a Lot

Go out of the door

Run to the store

Get some potatoes

Find some tomatoes

Put them in a sack

Bring them all back

Make a quick dish

Eat it with some fish

Want some ice cream

Try the fudge banana dream

Like it a lot

Mmm, like it a LOT

Use the last cup

Do the washing up

Talk on the phone

Give Rex a bone

Read for an hour

Have a quick shower

Play with the cat Say “There’s a rat!”

Take out the trash Clash, splash, smash

Remember to lock Walk around the block

Ride the bus to town See the Queen’s crown

Stay until ten Start back again

Catch the twenty-five Know when to arrive

Tell Rex to sleep in the shed Think it’s time for bed

How Can You Find a Good Book to Read?

Read the title. Is it interesting?

What are you waiting for? Let’s read!

Are there pictures in the book? What do you like about them?

Read a paragraph of the book. Is the text too easy, too difficult or just right?

Look at the front cover. Do you like the picture?

Look at the back cover of the book. What is the book about?

Cat Rescued from Tree

Yesterday, a cat got stuck up a tree in Main Street. Many people tried to get the cat down by offering food and milk, but the cat would not come down. The shopkeeper at the grocery shop called the fire brigade, and a firefighter climbed the

tree. The cat was very scared, but the firefighter finally rescued her. Cathy Evans (12), who owned the cat, was very happy to get her back.

Read to learn: Look up words you don’t know.

Scan: How old is Cathy Evans?

Skim: What is the text about?

Read for pleasure: Enjoy the story!

skim skumlese

scan letelese

read for pleasure les fordi du har lyst read to learn les for å lære (nærlesing) !

My name is Steven. I come from Texas in the USA.

I am Mary. I come from Torquay in the south of England.

My name is Kimberly. I come from Sydney in Australia.

1It’s My Life!

In this chapter, I will

• describe myself and a pet.

• talk about my family and home.

• talk about my chores.

Talk about it!

a Where do they come from? Steven comes from ...

b Find the different places on a map.

c Who has a pet and what kind of pet is it?

d What are the children wearing?

e Read the to do list. Who do you think the list belongs to and why?

f Look through this chapter and find:

• a boy with short, curly hair.

• what kind of house Kimberly lives in.

• the name of Fahim’s cat.

• one thing you can do to help at home.

I’m Alan. I come from Glasgow in Scotland.

Before reading

What do you look like?

This Is Me


Black hair

Short, curly hair

Brown eyes

Nationality: American


Blonde hair

Long, straight hair

Blue eyes

Nationality: English

Kimberly Red hair

Short hair

Green eyes

Freckles on nose

Nationality: Australian

Alan Dark brown hair

Brown eyes

Nationality: Scottish

Talk about it!

Describe yourself to a partner.

What colour are your eyes?

What colour is your hair? Is it straight, wavy, fuzzy or curly?

blue eyes

green eyes

grey eyes

brown eyes straight hair

curly hair

wavy hair

fuzzy hair

blonde hair

brown hair

black hair

grey hair

red hair

long hair

short hair


Before reading Who lives in your home?

Different Families


Hello, my name is Steven Bold and I am from Austin, Texas in the USA. I live with my mother and my father. I have a twin sister, Lisa. We are ten years old. I have brown skin and brown eyes, and my hair is black and curly.

We live in a detached house and my best friend lives next door. I love playing basketball and my friends and I very often meet after school to play.

twin sister tvillingsøster skin hud curly krøllete detached house enebolig next door huset ved siden av


Hi, I am Kimberly Jackson. I am nine years old and I live in Sydney, Australia. I live in a terraced house with my father and my older sister, Janet. We live near the beach, so in my spare time I love swimming.

I have short red hair and green eyes. My skin is pale and I have freckles on my nose. I have a rabbit named Fluffy. I got him for my seventh birthday and I keep him in a cage in my room.


beach strand spare time fritid pale blek freckles fregner cage bur

After reading

a Where is Steven from?

b What is the name of Steven’s twin sister?

c What kind of house does Steven live in?

d How old is Kimberly?

e What is the name of Kimberly’s rabbit?

f Who loves playing basketball?

g Who could say: “Sometimes I wish I didn’t have an older sister.”

Talk about it!

Tell about the people who live in your home: In my family we are ... people. My ...

divorced stepfather stefar once a week en gang i uken every second weekend annenhver helg

half-sister halvsøster get in the way er i veien guinea pig marsvin buddy kompis

semi-detached house tomannsbolig


My name is Mary Smith and I am 10 years old. I have long blonde hair and blue eyes. My parents are divorced, so I live with my mum and stepfather. I visit my dad once a week, every second weekend and in the holidays. Luckily, he does not live far from us.

I have two younger brothers and a half-sister. My brothers always get in the way and make so much noise! My half-sister is just a baby and she is so much fun. I also have a guinea pig, which is two years old. His name is Buddy and he really is my buddy!

I live in a semi-detached house in a town called Torquay in the South of England. Did you know that we have palm trees in our town?


Hi, my name is Alan Wilson and I am 9 years old. My hair is dark brown and I have brown eyes. My skin is light brown. I live with my mum and dad and my older sister, Jenny. We have a cat called Tiger. He is six years old and loves sleeping in my bed at night.

My dad comes from Scotland, and my mum comes from Pakistan, so in our house we speak both English and Urdu. My grandparents still live in Pakistan, but hopefully we will visit them next summer.

We live in Glasgow, which is the biggest city in Scotland. We live in a block of flats. Our flat is on the fifth floor.

When I have the time, I love playing football. My favourite team is Rangers FC. Sometimes we go to Ibrox Stadium to watch them play football!

block of flats boligblokk flat leilighet floor etasje sometimes av og til watch se på

ground floor = første etasje

first floor = andre etasje

After reading

a Who could say: “I often go by bus to see my dad.”

b Who could say: “I love to go to Ibrox Stadium!”

c Who could say: “I hope to go to Pakistan one day.”

d Who would you like as a friend: Steven, Kimberly, Mary or Alan? I would like ... as a friend because ...

Talk about it!

Make your own questions and answers to the text.


Verbs in the Present Tense (verb i presens)

I live in Norway. You live in England. He lives in Texas. She lives in Sydney. It lives in the sea. We live in Scandinavia. You live in Australia. They live in New Zealand.


Lucas lives in Spain. = He lives in Spain. The rabbit eats carrots. = It eats carrots.

John and I love pizza. = We love pizza. My parents play games. = They play games.


a When do we add an -s to the verb?

b Make sentences with the following verbs: play, sing, live, love, speak. Where do you live?

To Be (å være)

I am cool. singular (one)

You are cool. He is cool. She is cool. It is cool. We are cool. plural (many)

You are cool. They are cool.

You’re cool, too, Sandra and Jim!

You’re cool, Zoom!

In English you can say the Norwegian word “er” in three different ways: am, are, is.


Lisa is a girl. = She is a girl. The classroom is big. = It is big. John and I are good friends. = We are good friends. My parents are nice. = They are nice.


a Make three sentences with am, are and is.

b Show your sentences to your partner.

c Explain to your partner why you have used am, are and is in your sentences.

d What does you’re mean?

Before reading

Name some animals that can be pets.

My New Pet

Child: I asked my father for a pet. He said Dad: I’ll take you shopping.

pet kjæledyr asked spurte store butikk picked plukket ut puppy valp parakeet parakitt guppy guppy (liten akvariefisk) turtle skilpadde

Child: My father took me to a store where animals were hopping. He asked me

Dad: Which one would you like?

Child: So I picked out a puppy, a parakeet, a rabbit, plus a hamster and a guppy.

I also picked a monkey and a pretty yellow cat, a turtle, snake, and lizard, plus a very big white rat.

My dad said

Dad: If you want a pet, then you will have to feed it.

Child: That’s why I picked a storybook. I cannot wait to read it.

Adapted. Bruce Lansky

b What does the girl choose in the end? !

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair, Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy, was he?

After reading

a What kind of animals are listed in the poem?



If you had a pet, what would it be?

My Pet

Fahim meets Kyle walking his dog.

Fahim: Hi Kyle. How are you?

Kyle: I am fine, thank you.

Fahim: Is this your dog?

Kyle: Yes, his name is Cooper.

Fahim: He looks very big.

Kyle: Yes, he is. But he is very friendly. Do you want to stroke him?

Fahim: Yes, if he doesn’t bite me.

Kyle: Cooper likes meeting new people.

Fahim: He is lovely, and his fur is so soft.

Kyle: Do you have any pets?

Fahim: Yes, I have a cat. His name is Zucca.

How long have you had Cooper?

Kyle: Four years. I have had him since he was a puppy.

Fahim: Does he eat a lot?

Kyle: Yes, he loves food!

Fahim: My cat loves tuna fish.

Kyle: I have to go to the shop now to buy more dog food. Would you like to come? They have lots of animals to see.

Fahim: Yes, I would love to!

Talk about it!

a What is your favourite kind of animal and why?

b Why do people have pets?

Role play

Act out the dialogue.

walking his dog går tur med hunden sin

friendly vennlig

stroke klappe/ stryke fur pels soft myk tuna fish tunfisk !

Before reading

Look at the title and the pictures. What do you think this fable is about?

The Lion and the Mouse

Narrator: Once upon a time, a large lion was asleep in the jungle. A little mouse was running up and down the lion’s back and dancing on his head. Suddenly the lion woke up. He was very angry. He grabbed the mouse and held him in his big paws.

narrator forteller was asleep sov back rygg paws labber roaring brølende dare våge jaws kjever was shaking skalv perhaps kanskje tiny bitte liten laughed lo

Lion (roaring): How dare you wake me up! Don’t you know that I’m the King of the Beasts? I shall kill you and eat you!

Narrator: He opened his big jaws and the mouse was shaking.

Mouse: Please, don’t eat me, Your Majesty. I didn’t mean to wake you up! I was only playing. Please, let me go and I will be your friend forever. If you let me live, perhaps I can help you some day.

Narrator: The lion looked at the tiny mouse and laughed. Lion: You? Save my life? What a crazy idea! What could a tiny little mouse like you do for a great, giant lion like me?

Mouse: You just wait and see, Your Majesty.

Narrator: And with that , the lion lifted his paws and let the

A few days later the lion was caught in a hunter’s net. He tried to break free but he couldn’t. He let out a big roar of anger that shook the forest. Every animal could hear it, including the tiny mouse.

Mouse: My friend the lion is in trouble!

Narrator: The mouse ran as fast as he could and soon found the lion trapped in the hunter’s net.

Mouse: I will help you.

Narrator: And the tiny mouse started chewing and chewing on the net with his sharp little teeth. Very soon the lion was free.

Lion: I did not believe that you could help me, little mouse, but today you saved my life. Thank you.

Mouse: You are welcome. It was my turn to help you.

The moral of the story is that little friends can be big friends. From Aesop’s Fables

was caught ble fanget hunter’s net jegers nett break free komme seg løs shook ristet trapped fanget chewing tygge did not believe trodde ikke

Role play

Act out the fable.


Question words

Who? Hvem?

What? Hva, hvilken?

When? Når?

Where? Hvor?

Which? Hvilken?

How? Hvordan?

Why? Hvorfor?

Identity Card

What is your name? My name is ...

When is your birthday? My birthday is ...

How old are you? I am ... years old.

Where do you live? I live at ... (address)

Who are the people in your family? I have a ...

Do you have a pet? I have a ... / I don’t have a pet.

What do you like doing in your spare time? I like ...


Write a short text about yourself. Use the Identity card or the texts on pages 14–17.

Before reading

What do you do to help at home?


Things you can do to earn some money:

• Walk the dog

• Babysit

• Clean the house

• Hoover the house

• Set the table

• Empty the dishwasher

• Tidy your room

• Feed the pets

• Take out the rubbish

• Wash the car

• Mow the lawn

• Shovel snow

• Do the laundry

• Make dinner

• Make your bed

Talk about it!

a Point to an illustration and ask your partner which chore this is. Use the list to find the answer.

b Mime different chores: What am I doing? Your partner has to guess: You are walking the dog.

c Make up riddles: You do it outside on the grass. You use a mower. What is it?

d Choose three chores. Explain to a partner why you would like to do them.

Before reading

Scan the text. How much pocket money do Claire and Alex get?

chores plikter

pocket money lommepenger tidy rydder

set the table dekke bordet rubbish søppel

make my bed rer opp senga dishwasher oppvaskmaskin laundry klesvask take turns bytter på spend bruke

My Chores

We asked four children on the street: What do you do to help at home? How much pocket money do you get?

Money doesn’t grow on trees!

Alex (10): I make my bed every morning after breakfast, I make my own breakfast and packed lunch, I clean my room and the bathroom once a week. I also help an old lady who lives next door and do some shopping for her. I get £6 every week and I am saving the money to buy a computer. I only need about £150 more!

Daniel (11): I pick up my little brother from school and walk him home three times a week. I also tidy my school bag when I get home, take out my lunch box, water bottle and so on. If Mum or Dad asks me, I have to help to make dinner, or set the table, or take out the rubbish. My pocket money is £7 each week.

Claire (10): Every day when I get home from school, I have to walk our dog. I also have to tidy my room every week. My brother and I take turns emptying the dishwasher and setting the table. I hate it, but it is nice to earn your own money that you can spend as you like. I often go to the cinema or to the swimming pool. My pocket money is £9 a week.

Sarah (11): My chores at home are to babysit my baby sister, help with the laundry and take care of and feed my hamster, Musty. I like that chore the best. I have to tidy her cage and give her fresh food and water every day. Once a week I clean her cage with a special soap I buy in a pet store. The worst thing is that I have to help with the laundry. Dirty socks and underwear ... yuk!!! But I earn £20 a month and I am saving my money to buy a horse!

Talk about it!

a Tell a partner about your chores at home and if you get any pocket money.

b In your opinion, should children get pocket money? Why or why not?

1:30 – 1:31, Learning words,

Quest er Aschehougs prisbelønte læremiddel i engelsk for barnetrinnet.

Quest er et fleksibelt læremiddel som består av både bøker og digitale ressurser med god lydstøtte.

Quest legger til rette for utforsking av språket og innbyr til kreativ oppgaveløsning. Quest har fokus på elevmedvirkning, samspill og kommunikasjon gjennom varierte tekster, oppgaver, leker og aktiviteter. Læremiddelet vektlegger nyttige lese- og skrivestrategier og den gode leseopplevelsen. Elevene får presentert varierte tekster i flere sjangre som bidrar til dybdelæring og skaper interessante engelsktimer med aktive og deltakende elever. Quest sikrer en tydelig struktur og progresjon mellom trinnene fra 1.–7. trinn.

Quest 5 består av:

• Textbook

• Workbook

• Teacher’s Guide

• Quest 1–7 Digital

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