Technical Sessions • Short Course • Exhibition
Participating International Societies:
A Sneak Peak at this Year’s Program! w w w. a d h e s i o n s o c i e t y. o r g
The Host
Adhesion Society Society Program Chair: Professor Joelle Frechette, Johns Hopkins University
esion ciety on y International Organizing Committee
Professor Silvio de Barros, Brazilian Society of Adhesions and Adhesives
Professor, Hyun-Joong Kim, Society of Adhesion & Interface Korea
Professor Akio Takemura, Professor Chiaki Sato, & Professor Hajime Kishi, Adhesion Society of Japan
Professor Andreas Hartwig & Professor Wulff Possart, DECHEMA Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie
Steve Shaw, Professor Bob Adams, & Professor Tony Kinloch, Society for Adhesion and Adhesives
Professor José Miguel Martín-Martínez, Professor Juan Carlos Suarez-Bermejo, Sociedad de Adhesion
Professor Lucas F. M. da Silva, Portuguese Adhesion Society
Professor Costantino Creton, Société Française du Vide
1 6th WCARP & Adhesion Society 41st Annual Meeting
Professor Zhang Junying, Beijing Adhesion Society
Plan now for the 41st Annual Meeting and 6th WCARP! Dear Adhesion Society Members & International Colleagues, Please join us for the combined 41st Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society and 6th World Congress of Adhesion and Related Phenomena (WCARP) in San Diego, CA on February 25-March 1, 2018. WCARP is an international meeting focused on adhesion that occurs every four years rotating between Europe, Asia, North America, and South America. Program Chair Professor Joelle Frechette, session organizers, and the WCARP International Organizing Committee have done a fantastic job putting together a program that is most likely the largest the Adhesion Society has ever had and is one of the most compelling due to the great number of invited plenary and keynote speakers. In summary, the meeting will feature concurrent technical sessions through Thursday morning, banquet with dinner speaker, four plenary and twenty-seven keynote presentations, a lively poster session and exhibition, the popular Peebles student award symposium and Alan Gent award competition, a women’s networking reception, a planning get-together where you can bring ideas for session topics for the 2019 Annual Meeting, a 5k fun run/walk, and of course the opportunity to meet and network with colleagues. Two days preceding the start of the meeting, a panel of renowned experts from our Society will teach a short course on “Adhesion Science and Technology” (February 23-24, 2018). The Program and International Organizing Committees encourage you to make travel plans to attend at the Catamaran Resort Hotel & Spa in San Diego, CA. Please visit under Annual Meeting or contact Malinda Armstrong at for more information. Best regards,
Greg Schueneman, PhD Supervisory Materials Research Engineer, Forest Service, Forest Project Laboratory President, Adhesion Society
Joelle Frechette Professor, Johns Hopkins University 2018 Program Chair, Adhesion Society
6th WCARP & Adhesion Society 41st Annual Meeting 2
Plenary Talk I: Dispersion and Assembly of Nanoparticles in Polymers for Functional and Structural Applications Hung-Jue Sue, Texas A&M University
Session: Surface Preparation for Bonding Laser Ablation Surface Treatment of Structural Aerospace Composites & Metal Alloys for Adhesive Bonding John Connell, NASA
Plenary Talk II: Leveling of Thin Polymer Films Elie Raphael, ESPCI, France
Session: Transportation The Role of Structural Adhesives in Transforming Aerospace Designs Kay Blohowiak, The Boeing Company
Plenary Talk III: Innovative Adhesive Surfaces – from Bioinspiration to Robotics and Medicine Eduard Arzt, Leibniz Institute for New Materials & Saarland University Plenary Talk IV: Novel Hydrogels with Reversible Sacrificial Bonds Jian Ping Gong, Hokkaido University Session: Additive Manufacturing Development and Current Processes for Additive Manufacturing Keynote: David Bourell, University of Texas, Austin A Polymer Science Perspective on Improving Additive Manufacturing Keynote: Mark Dadmun, University of Tennessee Polymer Powders for Laser Sintering Manfred Schmid, ETH Zurich Session: Fracture Mechanics Cohesive-Length Scales and Fracture Michael Thouless, University of Michigan Session: Biomedical Adhesives and Clinical Applications Dental Adhesion and Its Application Jinsoo Ahn, Seoul National University Surface Contaminations (Biofouling, Insects & Ice) Ice Adhesion Reducing Polymers and Prepolymers Based on Siloxanes and F-POSS Ranya Simons, CSIRO Hydrophobic & Amphiphilic Strategies for Reducing Ice & Hydrate Adhesion Using Conformal Polymer Coatings Gareth McKinley, MIT Session: Novel Tools & Methods for Characterization In Situ Measurements of the Real Area of Contact: The Contact Mechanics Challenge Greg Sawyer, University of Florida Carbon Nanotube Based Hierarchical Composites with Modified Interfaces for Enhanced Adhesion and In-situ Sensing Erik Thostenson, University of Delaware Session: Tribology Frictional Damage & Wear in Engineering & Bio-Materials: Role of Adhesion (Stiction) & Stick-Slip Sliding Jacob Israelachvili, University of California, Santa Barbara Session: Novel Chemistry Crosslinking Chemistry for Activatable and Patternable Pressure Sensitive Adhesives Jason Clapper, 3M Company Session: Physical Properties and Design of Bioadhesives Gecko-Inspired Wedge-Structured Dry Adhesives for Vacuum Application Yu Tian, Tsinghua University
Session: Elasticity and Capillarity in Adhesion Surface Tension-Induced Functionalization of Soft Materials Arnaud Antkowiak, Institut Jean le Rond d’Alembert, UPMC Session: Bioadhesive Chemistry The Role of Redox Chemistry in Mussel Adhesion Herbert Waite, University of California, Santa Barbara Session: Plasma on Surface and Interfaces Hydrophobic Recovery of Corona-treated Polypropylene Keynote: Mark Strobel, 3M Company Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition of Polymer Films for Engineering Interfaces Keynote: Mark Forster, University of Akron Session: Rheology & Adhesion Early Stages of Contact Formation between Polymer Melts and Debonding at Short Contact Times Anke Lindner, ESPCI Session: Particulate Adhesion Novel Responsive Gels and “Gecko Leg Particles” with Strong Adhesion Enabled by Multiphasic Liquid Orlin Velev, North Carolina State University Engineering Shape Anisotropic “Suction Caps” for Targeted Delivery of Actives Huda Jerri, Firminich Session: Gel Adhesion and Mechanics Extreme Contact Mechanics: Puncture of Soft Gels Alfred Crosby, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Some Strategies of Gel Toughening: Thermoresponsive Toughening with Crack Bifurcation in Phase-Separated Hydrogels under Isochoric Conditions Alba Marcellan, ESPCI Session: Organismal Adhesion Dynamics of Prey Prehension by Chameleons through Viscous Adhesion Pascal Damman, University of Mons Session: Wettability and Surface Interactions Mapping Microscale Wetting Variations on Biological and Synthetic Water-Repellent Surfaces Robin Ras, University of Alto Fluidic Microassembly with Surface Tension Effects Pierre Lambert, ULB Brussels Session: Materials and Interfaces for Soft and Electronic Technologies Key Materials of Emerging Panel Process for Foldable AMOLED and Fan-out Panel Level Package Jia Cho Ho, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) Liquid Metals as Soft, Stretchable, and Reconfigurable Conductors: The Importance of the Interfacial Michael Dickey, North Carolina State University
Sunday, February 25 Noon-5:00 p.m. 1:00–1:30 p.m. 1:30–4:45 p.m.
1:30–6:00 p.m. 5:00–6:00 p.m. 6:30–8:30 p.m.
*Times and sessions are subject to change
Registration Open Opening Ceremony 2018 Award for Excellence in Adhesion Society Symposium
• Increasing the Toughness, Cyclic-Fatigue Resistance and Damage Characterisation in Adhesively-Bonded Composite Joints by the Use of Carbon Nanofibres, Anthony Kinloch, Imperial College • Next-Generation Soft-Particle Toughening Through Changes in Particle Shape, Alan Lesser, University of Massachusetts • Are Hairy Nanoparticles the Key to Robust Mechanical Properties, Linda Schadler, RPI • Fracture Process Zone and Intrinsic Fracture Energy of an Epoxy Adhesive Modified with CSR Nano-Particles, Alojz Ivankovic, University College Dublin • An Overview of Nanoparticle Toughened Epoxies, Ray Pearson, Lehigh University & 2018 Award of Excellence Recipient
Exhibition Business Meeting, Early Career Scientist & Distinguished Paper Awards Presentation Presidents & Poster Reception & Dinner
Monday, February 26 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Registration Open 7:00–7:45 a.m. Networking Breakfast 8:00–8:45 a.m. Plenary Talk I: Dispersion and Assembly of Nanoparticles in Polymers for Functional and Structural Applications Hung-Jue Sue, Texas A&M University
Morning Technical Sessions 9:00 a.m.–Noon Transportation
Session Chairs: Aaron Mann, LORD Corporation & Kay Blohowiak, The Boeing Company
9:00 a.m.–Noon Fracture Mechanics
Session Chairs: Chenglin Wu, Missouri University of Science and Technology & Bamber Blackman, Imperial College London
9:00 a.m.–Noon Biomedical Adhesives & Clinical Applications
Session Chairs: Bruce Lee, Michigan Technological University, Kolbe Ahn, University of California, Santa Barbara & Yuhan Lee, Harvard Medical School
9:00 a.m.–Noon Surface Contaminations (Biofouling, Insets & Ice)
Session Chairs: Christopher Wohl, NASA Langley Research Center & Hossein Sojoudi, University of Toledo
9:00 a.m.–Noon Innovation in Polyurethane Adhesives
Session Chairs: Jose Miguel Martín Martínez, University of Alicante
Noon-1:30 p.m. Noon-1:30 p.m. Noon-1:30 p.m. Noon-1:30 p.m.
Soft Adhesives Division Meetings Structural Adhesives Division Meetings Bioadhesives Division Meetings Lunch on Your Own
Afternoon Technical Sessions 1:30–6:00 p.m. Novel Tools & Methods for Characterizations
Session Chairs: Chelsea Davis, Purdue University & Aaron Forster, National Institute of Standards & Technology
1:30–6:00 p.m. Tribology
Session Chairs: Frederic Restagno, Université Paris-Sud & Noshir Pesika, Tulane University
1:30–6:00 p.m. Novel Chemistry
Session Chairs: Karl Benson, 3M Company & Scott Phillips, Boise State University
1:30–6:00 p.m. Surface Contamination (Biofouling, Insects & Ice)
Session Chairs: Christopher Wohl, NASA Langley Research Center & Hossein Sojoudi, University of Toledo
1:30–6:00 p.m. Physical Properties & Design of Bioadhesives 6:30–9:00 p.m.
Session Chairs: Boxin Zhao, University of Waterloo, Dan Sameoto, University of Alberta, & Jason Nadler, Georgia Institute of Technology Poster Session with Reception • Chair: Ben Xu, Avery Dennison
Tuesday, February 27 6:00 a.m.–7:00 a.m. 5K Run – Start the morning off right with a 5K Fun Run in beautiful San Diego. Interested attendees should meet in the hotel lobby at 5:45am. Maps will be provided.
7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Registration Open 7:00–7:45 a.m. Networking Breakfast 8:00–8:45 a.m. Plenary Talk II: Leveling of Thin Polymer Films, Elie Raphael, ESPCI Best Poster Award Presentation
Morning Technical Sessions 9:00 a.m.–Noon Novel Tools & Methods for Characterizations
Session Chairs: Chelsea Davis, Purdue University & Aaron Forster, National Institute of Standards & Technology
9:00 a.m.–Noon Surface Preparation for Bonding
Session Chairs: Frank Palmieri, NASA-LARC & Dan Knorr, US Army Research Laboratory
9:00 a.m.–Noon Additive Manufacturing
Session Chairs: Michael Bortner, Virginia Tech, Amy Peterson, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Jonathan Seppala, National Institute of Standards & Technology & Erich Bain, US Army Research Laboratory
9:00 a.m.–Noon Tribology
Session Chairs: Frederic Restagno, Université Paris-Sud & Noshir Pesika, Tulane University
9:00 a.m.–Noon Novel Chemistry
Session Chairs: Karl Benson, 3M Company & Scott Phillips, Boise State University
Noon-1:30 p.m. Lunch on Your Own Noon-1:30 p.m. 2019 Program Planning Meeting
Afternoon Technical Sessions 1:30–6:00 p.m. Transportation
Session Chairs: Aaron Mann, LORD Corporation & Kay Blohowiak, The Boeing Company
1:30–6:00 p.m. Elasticity & Capillarity in Adhesion
Session Chairs: Michael Bartlett, Iowa State University & Robert Style, ETH Zurich
1:30–6:00 p.m. Organismal Adhesion
Session Chairs: Alyssa Stark, Villanova University & Alexis Noel, Georgia Institute of Technology
1:30–6:00 p.m. Peebles Awards Session
Session Chairs: Tim Long, Virginia Tech & Eric Silverberg, Henkel Corporation
1:30–6:00 p.m. Plasma on Surface and Interfaces
Session Chairs: Carlos Barrios, 3M Company & Mark Strobel, 3M Company
1:30–6:00 p.m. Fracture Mechanics
Session Chairs: Chenglin Wu, Missouri University of Science and Technology & Bamber Blackman, Imperial College London
6:30–8:00 p.m.
Banquet Dinner featuring Dr. Robert Allen, IBM Almaden Research
Wednesday, February 28
7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Registration Open 7:00–7:45 a.m. Networking Breakfast 8:00–8:45 a.m. Plenary Talk III: Innovative Adhesive Surfaces from Bioinspiration to Robotics and Medicine, Eduard Arzt, Leibniz Institute for New Materials Peebles & Alan Gent Award Presentations
*Times and sessions are subject to change
Morning Technical Sessions 9:00 a.m.–Noon Additive Manufacturing
Session Chairs: Michael Bortner, Virginia Tech, Amy Peterson, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Jonathan Seppala, National Institute of Standards & Technology & Erich Bain, US Army Research Laboratory
9:00 a.m.–Noon Fracture Mechanics
Session Chairs: Chenglin Wu, Missouri University of Science and Technology & Bamber Blackman, Imperial College London
9:00 a.m.–Noon Surface Preparation for Bonding
Session Chairs: Frank Palmieri, NASA-LARC & Dan Knorr, US Army Research Laboratory
9:00 a.m.–Noon Rheology & Adhesion
Session Chairs: Ali Dhinojwala, University of Akron & Vivek Sharma, University of Illinois
9:00 a.m.–Noon Elasticity & Capillarity in Adhesion
Session Chairs: Michael Bartlett, Iowa State University & Robert Style, ETH Zurich
Noon-1:30 p.m. Lunch on Your Own
Afternoon Technical Sessions 1:30–6:00 p.m. 1:30–6:00 p.m.
Particulate Adhesion
Session Chair: Carson Meredith, Georgia Institute of Technology
Gel Adhesion and Mechanics
Session Chair: Costantino Creton, ESPCI
1:30–6:00 p.m. Bioadhesive Chemistry
Session Chairs: Niels Holten-Andersen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology & Haeshin Lee, Korea Advance Institute of Science
1:30–6:00 p.m. Surface Contamination (Biofouling, Insects & Ice)
Session Chairs: Christopher Wohl, NASA Langley Research Center & Hossein Sojoudi, University of Toledo
1:30–6:00 p.m. Wettability & Surface Interactions
Session Chairs: Alidad Amirfazli, York University & Chuck Extrand, Colder Products Company
1:30–6:00 p.m. Material and Interfaces for Soft and Electronic Technologies
Session Chairs: Chris Campbell, 3M Company, Michael Bartlett, Iowa State University & Robert Style, ETH Zurich
6:30–9:00 p.m. 2019 Women’s Networking Reception
Thursday, March 1
7:00 a.m.–Noon 7:00–7:45 a.m. 8:00–8:45 a.m. 8:45 a.m.
Registration Open Networking Breakfast Plenary Talk IV: Novel Hydrogels with Reversible Sacrificial Bonds, Jian Ping Gong, Hokkaido University Closing Remarks
Morning Technical Sessions 9:00 a.m.–Noon Novel Tools & Methods for Characterizations
Session Chairs: Chelsea Davis, Purdue University & Aaron Forster, National Institute of Standards & Technology
9:00 a.m.–Noon Surface Preparation for Bonding
Session Chairs: Frank Palmieri, NASA-LARC & Dan Knorr, US Army Research Laboratory
9:00 a.m.–Noon Wettability & Surface Interactions
Session Chairs: Alidad Amirfazli, York University & Chuck Extrand, Colder Products Company
9:00 a.m.–Noon Transportation
Session Chairs: Aaron Mann, LORD Corporation & Kay Blohowiak, The Boeing Company
9:00 a.m.–Noon Structural Adhesives
Session Chairs: Aaron Forster, National Institute of Standards & Technology & Erich Bain, US Army Research Laboratory
February 25-28, 2018 Catamaran Resort Hotel The exhibition portion of the Annual Meeting will be held February 25-28, 2018 at the Catamaran Resort Hotel. The vendor exhibition is integrated with the president’s reception, coffee breaks and poster session, providing high visibility to all meeting attendees. The exhibitor registration fee includes all benefits that are part of the standard registration, for one participant of the exhibit, at the technical program of the meeting. Additional attendees (others) for the exhibit, who participate in the program, must pay the full regular registration fee. Registration options include either single-size or double-size exhibit space.
For more detailed information and to register, visit
One mission of the Adhesion Society is to provide recognition of the accomplishments in the international adhesion science and technology community. A special “THANK YOU” to our generous sponsors of the following awards:
• Adhesion Society Award for Excellence in Adhesion Science sponsored by 3M • The Robert L. Patrick Fellowship Award sponsored by The Adhesion Society • Distinguished Paper Award sponsored by Henkel Corporation • Peebles Awards for Graduate Student Research in Adhesion Science sponsored by The Adhesion Society • Alan Gent Distinguished Student Paper Award sponsored by Henkel Corporation • Best Poster Award sponsored by Avery Dennison • Adhesion Society Young Scientist Award sponsored by the Adhesive Sealant Council • 5K Run/Walk sponsored by INSERT YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE
7 6th WCARP & Adhesion Society 41st Annual Meeting
February 23-24, 2018 • Catamaran Resort Hotel This course provides an introduction and overview to a variety of critically important topics in the field of adhesion. Unlike other courses, the goal is not to give comprehensive coverage of the adhesion field, but rather to use the Adhesion Society’s Annual Meeting to assemble an outstanding group of instructors that would not otherwise be available in a single course. Each subject is presented by a scientist who is a world leader in that area. This gives the attendees the opportunity to learn from and interact with scientists whose expertise provides a unique view into the history, science, and relevance of their topic.
PROGRAM Topics (tentative) • Designing Adhesives Using the Polymer Parameters: Structure Property Relationship – Tim Long, VA Tech • Viscoelastic Properties of Adhesive Materials – Dave Yarusso, 3M Company • Surface Energetics and Adhesion – Giles Dillingham, Brighton Technologies Group, Inc. • Types and Classes of Adhesive Design: Synthetic Strategies – Tim Long, VA Tech • Surface Modification and Surface Analysis – Giles Dillingham, Brighton Technologies Group, Inc.
• Stresses, Strength, and Failure of Adhesive Bonds – David Dillard, VA Tech • Industrial Applications of Adhesive Fracture Mechanics – Tony Kinloch, Imperial College London
• Soft Matter Adhesion – Costantino Creton, ESPCI ParisTech • Introduction to Pressure Sensitive Adhesives – Dave Yarusso, 3M Company • Adhesion in Microelectronics and MEMS – Kevin Turner, University of Pennsylvania
*Course time is Friday 7:15 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. & Saturday 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
For more detailed information and to register, visit under events.
6th WCARP & Adhesion Society 41st Annual Meeting 8
Catamaran Resort Hotel 3999 Mission Boulevard San Diego, CA 92109 Phone: (800) 422-8386 Discount Group Rate $179 single/double, $199 Triple or $219 Quad* * additional charges will apply for more than two persons per room
IMPORTANT: The Adhesion Society works directly with the Catamaran Resort Hotel and does not work with third parties working on behalf of the Catamaran Resort Hotel and/or the Society. Be sure you contact the Catamaran Resort Hotel directly to make your hotel reservations.
The group rate is available until 5:00 p.m. EDT on Friday, January 30, 2018. Reserve your room as soon as possible as the group rate will not be available if the room block sells out prior to the deadline. Reservation requests received after January 30 will be charged standard rates as rooms are available. You can make your reservation on the Adhesion Society website at or contact the hotel directly at (800) 422-8386. To secure the discounted group rate, please mention that you are attending the Adhesion Society Annual Meeting. The Society kindly asks that you only reserve the number of rooms you need, so other attendees will not be turned away because the hotel room block is full. We appreciate your consideration.
Register today and save! Registration for the Annual Meeting includes attendance at the technical meeting, all receptions and breaks, meeting proceedings and one year membership to the Adhesion Society.
WCARP & Annual Meeting (February 25-March 1) Standard Registration........................................................................................................ $630 Fellow Registration............................................................................................................ $555 Retiree Registration........................................................................................................... $315 Student Registration.......................................................................................................... $315 Regular One-Day Registration............................................................................................ $325 Student One-Day Registration............................................................................................ $175 Guest Registration............................................................................................................... $75
Adhesion Science & Technology Short Course Only • February 23-24 Regular Registration.......................................................................................................... $975 Student Registration.......................................................................................................... $325
Exhibition/Tradeshow • February 25-28 This fee includes one participant to the technical program of the meeting with your exhibit space. All others should register to attend the technical program. Single Exhibit Space.......................................................................................................... $900 Double Exhibit Space...................................................................................................... $1,500
How to Register Registration for the Annual Meeting, Short Course and the Exhibition can be found online at You may submit an electronic registration form or fax a printout of the completed PDF to (301) 986-9795. Pre-registration ends on January 31, 2018. After that date, rates increase by 20 percent.
If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact Malinda Armstrong, Logistics & Home Office Manager at (301) 986-9700 x106 or
6 t h W C A R P & A d h e s i o n S o c i e t y 4 1 s t A n n u a l M e e t i n g 10
For more detailed information and to register, visit
February 23-24, 2018
SHort Course
Adhesion Science & Technology
February 25-28, 2018
Adhesion Science & Technology
February 25 - March 1, 2018
6th WCARP In conjunction with The Adhesion Society 41st Annual Meeting
San Diego!
Join Your Peers in 7101 Wisconsin Avenue Suite 990 Bethesda, MD 20814
The Adhesion Society