AS 2017 Annual Meeting Preliminary Program

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• Technical

Sessions • Short Course • Exhibition

A Sneak Peak at this Year’s Program! w w w. a d h e s i o n s o c i e t y. o r g

ounding the concept of a society to address issues in adhesion was first developed by several scientists attending the Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on the Science of Adhesion in 1977. This action was prompted by the announced cancellation of the 1978 Adhesion Science GRC by the GRC Board of Directors on the grounds of insufficient interest and ill-defined science. Although symposia on adhesion were occasionally sponsored by established scientific societies, these symposia were usually limited to a single aspect of adhesion science, such as chemistry, fracture mechanics, etc. and did not provide a regular venue to present the interdisciplinary aspect of adhesion. Thus, an organizing committee, led by Alan Gent, realized the need for a multidisciplinary forum to discuss adhesion issues. Alan Gent, as Chair of the 1978 GRC on the Science of Adhesion and as Chair of the Adhesion Society Organizing Committee, proceeded on two fronts. He, and others, argued with the GRC Board of Directors and was successful in getting the 1978 GRC approved. (The GRC on the Science of Adhesion met annually until it was eventually switched to a biennial cycle in 1992.) In parallel, he set the framework for the new Society by organizing the Inaugural Meeting, 1 Adhesion Society 40th Annual Meeting

Left to right: James P. Wightman, Guy Davis, and Louis Sharpe

recruiting candidates for offices, and drawing up the Constitution and By-Laws. The new Society would augment the GRC in that their meetings would be open and more flexible; proceedings could be published and quoted, and more presentations could be given and would not be restricted to “Frontiers of Science.� An announcement was made on February 10, 1978, of the organization of The Adhesion Society and the call for papers for the Inaugural Meeting on March 20-21, 1978, at the University of Akron. The Organizing Committee met the night before at an Akron restaurant to hammer out the details of the Society formation. The first meeting had eight technical presentations, but more importantly, those present (about 50 persons) ratified the organizational plans for the new Society and set its development in motion. During the 40th annual meeting we celebrate these initial bold steps and all of the efforts of those whom came after the founders. We are humbly grateful for the Society they built for us and its unique focus on adhesion.

Adhesion Society 40th Annual Meeting 2

Plan now for the 40th Anniversary Annual Adhesion Society Meeting! Dear Adhesion Society Colleagues: Please join us as we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Adhesion Society’s founding in St. Petersburg, Florida during our annual meeting to be held February 26-March 1, 2017. The Society started as a small group led by Professor Alan Gent who organized a meeting in Akron, Ohio. Those gathered had a mutual interest in adhesion science and technology. The cross-discipline nature of this field relies on healthy and vibrant discussions of applications and research. This spirit was nurtured by the founders and early leaders and became the Adhesion Society we know today. We will have a special gathering to celebrate our Society and welcome founders and early leaders to share memories and photos from the beginnings of the Society. In addition to the concurrent technical sessions, the meeting will feature three plenary and twelve keynote presentations, a lively poster session and exhibition, and the popular Peebles student award symposium and Alan Gent award competition. Outside of the program we have many more events to enjoy. These include the women’s networking reception, planning meetings for the Divisions and overall program where you can bring session topic ideas for the 2018 Annual Meeting, a first annual 5k fun run/walk, and of course the opportunity to meet and network with colleagues. Two days preceding the start of the meeting, a panel of renowned experts from our Society will teach a short course on “Adhesion Science and Technology” being held February 24-25, 2017. The Program Committee encourages you to make travel plans to attend and celebrate our 40th Annual Meeting at the Hilton Bayfront in St. Petersburg. Please visit under Annual Meeting for more information or contact Malinda Armstrong at Best regards,

Greg Schueneman, PhD Supervisory Materials Research Engineer, Forest Service, Forest Project Laboratory President, Adhesion Society

3 Adhesion Society 40th Annual Meeting

Kai-Tak Professor, Northeastern University 2017 Program Chair, Adhesion Society

Plenary & Session Keynotes Plenary Talk I: Adhesion for Stretchable and Flexible Electronics Professor Yonggang Huang, Northwestern University Plenary Talk II: Micromechanics of Adhesion at Broad Length Scales: from Molecular to Continuum Adhesion Professor Kyung-Suk Kim, Brown University Plenary Talk III: Composite Interphase Imaging and High Performance Surface Modified Nanocellulose Dr. Jeffrey Gilman, National Institute of Standards and Technology Session: The Chemistry of Bioadhesives Biological Wet Adhesion to Mineral Surfaces: Mussels, Siderophores and the Catechol-Cation Synergy Alizon Butler, University of California, Santa Barbara Session: Biofouling & Ice Adhesion I Functional Aeronautical Coatings with Improved Performance and Durability Elmar Bonaccurso, Airbus Session: Mechanics of Structural Adhesives Geometrical Transferability in Fracture of Nano-CSR Modified Structural Epoxy Adhesives Alojz Ivankovic, University College Dublin Session: Soft Materials I Adhesive Properties of Supramolecular Polymers: Why Linear Rheology Can Fail Costantino Creton, École SupÊrieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles

Session: Reliability & Durability in Structural Adhesives Predicting the Fatigue Lifetime of Adhesively-Bonded Repairs of Aerospace Structures Tony Kinloch, Imperial College Session: Biomedical Adhesives and Clinical Applications Nature-Inspired Biomaterials for Tissue Repair in Cardiovascular Applications: A Translational Story Maria Pereira, Head of Research, Gecko Biomedical Session: Structural Adhesives: Bonding Challenges in Transportation Opening New Horizons for Automotive Manufacturing Elisabeth Cura, 3M Germany Session: Wettability and Surface Interactions I Polymer Physics of Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing Processes Jonathan Seppala, National Institute of Standards & Technology Session: The Physics and Design of Bioadhesives Mechanical Origins of the Robust Adhesion of Marine Mussels Megan Valentine, University of California, Santa Barbara Session: Structural Adhesives Characterization for Manufacturing CAT-Technology for Adhesive Strength Determination Uwe Rietz, LUM GmbH

Session: The Biology of Bioadhesives Running with Sticky Feet: Biomechanics of Insect Adhesion Walter Federle, Cambridge University Session: Biofouling & Ice Adhesion II Designing Durable Icephobic Surfaces Anish Tuteja, University of Michigan

Adhesion Society 40th Annual Meeting 4

Sunday, February 26 Noon-5:00 p.m.

Registration Open

1:30–4:45 p.m.

2017 Award for Excellence in Adhesion Society Symposium

• Introductory Remarks by Greg Schueneman, President, Adhesion Society • Functional Group Quantification in Ultrathin Polymer Coatings and Membranes, Christopher Stafford, National Institute of Standards & Technology • Superhydrophobic and Superhydrophilic Surfaces Showing Self-Healing Properties, Atsushi Hozumi, AIST • The Chemistry-Property Relationships of “MQ”: From Sol to Silica, Daniel Flagg, University of Massachusetts-Amherst • Hydrophilization of Fluoropolymers and Silicones, Wei Chen, Mount Holyoke College • Different Views of Wetting, Thomas McCarthy, University of Massachusetts-Amherst

1:30–6:00 p.m.


5:00–6:00 p.m.

Business Meeting

6:30–8:30 p.m.

40th Anniversary Celebration & President’s Reception

Monday, February 27 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Registration Open

7:00–7:45 a.m.

Networking Breakfast

8:00–8:45 a.m. Plenary Talk I: Adhesion for Stretchable and Flexible Electronics, Professor Yonggang Huang, Northwestern University

Morning Technical Sessions 9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. The Chemistry of Bioadhesives Session Chairs: Bruce Lee, Michigan Technological University & Boxin Zhao, University of Waterloo

9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Biofouling & Ice Adhesion I Session Chair: Christopher Wohl, NASA Langley Research Center

9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Mechanics of Structural Adhesives Session Chairs: Chris Campbell, 3M Company

9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Soft Materials I Session Chairs: Eric Silverberg, Henkel Corporation

12:30-1:30 p.m.

Soft and Structural Adhesives Division Meetings

12:30-1:30 p.m.

Lunch on Your Own

Afternoon Technical Sessions 1:30–5:30 p.m. The Biology of Bioadhesives Session Chairs: Alyssa Stark, University of Louisville

1:30–5:30 p.m. Biofouling & Ice Adhesion II Session Chair: Jonathan Boryenko, Virginia Tech

1:30–5:30 p.m. Reliability & Durability in Structural Adhesives Session Chairs: Aaron Mann, Lord Corporation

1:30–5:30 p.m. Peebles Award Session Session Chairs: Eric Silverberg, Henkel Corporation & Tim Long, Virginia Tech

5:30–7:00 p.m.

Poster Session with Reception

5 Adhesion Society 40th Annual Meeting

*Times and sessions are subject to change

Tuesday, February 28 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Registration Open

7:00–7:45 a.m.

Networking Breakfast

8:00–8:45 a.m. Plenary Talk II: Micromechanics of Adhesion at Broad Length Scales: from Molecular to Continuum Adhesion, Professor Kyung-Suk Kim, Brown University

Morning Technical Sessions 9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Biomedical Adhesives Session Chairs: Yuhan Lee, Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical Schoool & Niels Holten-Andersen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Structural Adhesives: Bonding Challenges in Transportation Session Chair: Kay Blohowiak, The Boeing Company

9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Wettability & Surface Interactions Session Chair: Atsushi Takahara, Kyushu University

9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Soft Materials II: PSAs Session Chairs: Dale Haner, DHM Adhesives, Inc.

12:30-1:30 p.m. Lunch on Your Own 12:30-1:30 p.m.

2018 Program Planning Meeting

Afternoon Technical Sessions 1:30–5:30 p.m.

The Physics and Design of Bioadhesives Session Chairs: Burak Aksak, Texas Tech University & Niels Holten-Andersen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1:30–5:30 p.m.

Test Method Development in Structural Adhesive Session Chair: Chelsea Davis, Purdue University

1:30–5:30 p.m.

Wettability and Surface Interactions II

1:30–5:30 p.m.

Soft Materials II: PSAs

Session Chair: Glen McHale, Northumbria University Session Chairs: Eric Silverberg, Henkel Corporation

6:00–7:00 p.m. Women’s Networking Reception

Wednesday, March 1 7:00 a.m.–Noon

Registration Open

7:00–7:45 a.m.

Networking Breakfast

8:00–8:45 a.m.

P lenary Talk III: Composite Interphase Imaging and High Performance Surface Modified Nanocellulose, Jeffrey Gilman, US National Institute of Standards & Technology

Morning Technical Sessions 9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Computational Modeling I Session Chair: Christian Lorenz, Kings College London

9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Friction and Adhesion Session Chair: Kai-Tak Wan, Northeastern University

9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Structural Adhesives Characterization for Manufacturing Session Chair: Frank Palmier, NASA-LARC

9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Dynamic Bonds & Structural Adhesives Session Chair: Kollbe Ahn, University of California, Santa Barbara


February 26-28, 2017 Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront Hotel The vendor exhibition is integrated with the president’s reception, coffee breaks and poster session, providing high visibility to all meeting attendees. The exhibitor registration fee includes all benefits that are part of the standard registration, for one participant of the exhibit, at the technical program of the meeting. Additional attendees (others) for the exhibit, who participate in the program, must pay the full regular registration fee. Registration options include either single-size or double-size exhibit space.

For more detailed information and to register, visit

One mission of the Adhesion Society is to provide recognition of the accomplishments in the international adhesion science and technology community. A special “THANK YOU” to our generous sponsors of the following awards:

• Adhesion Society Award for Excellence in Adhesion Science sponsored by 3M • The Robert L. Patrick Fellowship Award sponsored by The Adhesion Society • Distinguished Paper Award sponsored by Henkel Corporation • Peebles Awards for Graduate Student Research in Adhesion Science sponsored by Adhesion Society • Alan Gent Distinguished Student Paper Award sponsored by Henkel Corporation • Best Poster Award sponsored by Avery Dennison • Adhesion Society Young Scientist Award sponsored by the Adhesive Sealant Council • 5K Run/Walk sponsored by INSERT YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE

7 Adhesion Society 40th Annual Meeting

February 24-25, 2017 • Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront Hotel This two-day event provides an introduction and overview to a variety of critically important topics in the field of adhesion. Unlike other courses, the goal is not to give comprehensive coverage of the adhesion field, but rather to use the Adhesion Society Annual Meeting to assemble an outstanding group of instructors that would not otherwise be available in a single course. Each subject is presented by a scientist who is a world leader in that area. This gives the attendees the opportunity to learn from and interact with scientists whose expertise provides a unique view into the history, science and relevance of their topic.

PROGRAM SCHEDULE Friday, February 24

Saturday, February 25


Registration & Breakfast

7:30 Breakfast


Introductory Remarks – David Dillard

8:00 Industrial Applications of Adhesive Fracture Mechanics – Tony Kinloch

8:15 Designing Adhesives using the Polymer Parameters: Structure Property Relationships – Tim Long



9:30 Stresses in Adhesive Joints – David Dillard

9:15 BREAK



9:30 Viscoelastic Properties of Adhesive Materials – Dave Yarusso


Soft Matter Adhesion – Costantino Creton



10:15 Surface Energetics and Adhesion – Giles Dillingham 11:00 BREAK 11:15 Types and Classes of Adhesive Design: Synthetic Strategies – Tim Long 12:15


1:15 Surface Modification and Surface Analysis – Giles Dillingham 2:45


3:00 Failure, Fracture Mechanics and Toughening in Adhesive Joints – Donald Hunston

1:15 Introduction to Pressure Sensitive Adhesives – Dave Yarusso 2:00


2:15 Adhesion in microelectronics and MEMS – Kevin Turner 3:30

Wrap-up and Evaluations – David Dillard

For more detailed information and to register, visit under events.

Adhesion Society 40th Annual Meeting 8

Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront 333 1st Street South St. Petersburg, FL 33701 Phone: (800) 944-5500 Discount Group Rate $179 single/double* * additional charges will apply for more than two persons per room

IMPORTANT: Adhesion Society works directly with the Hilton St. Peterburg Bayfront and does not work with third parties working on behalf of the Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront and/ or the Society. Be sure you contact the Hilton St. Petersburg directly to make your hotel reservations.

The group rate is available until 5:00 p.m. EDT on Friday, February 3, 2017. Reserve your room as soon as possible as the group rate will not be available if the room block sells out prior to the deadline. Reservation requests received after January 28 will be charged standard rates as rooms are available. You can make your reservation on the Adhesion Society website at or contact the hotel directly at (800) 944-5500. To secure the discounted group rate, please mention that you are attending the Adhesion Society 40th Annual Meeting. The Society kindly asks that you only reserve the number of rooms you need, so other attendees will not be turned away because the hotel room block is full. We appreciate your consideration.

9 Adhesion Society 40th Annual Meeting

Register today and save! Registration for the Annual Meeting includes attendance at the technical meeting, all receptions and breaks, meeting proceedings and one year membership to the Adhesion Society.

Annual Meeting • February 26-March 1 Standard Registration........................................................................................................ $600 Fellow Registration............................................................................................................ $525 Retiree Registration........................................................................................................... $300 Student Registration.......................................................................................................... $300 Regular One-Day Registration............................................................................................ $325 Student One-Day Registration............................................................................................ $175 Guest Registration............................................................................................................... $75

Adhesion Science & Technology Short Course Only • February 24-25 Regular Registration.......................................................................................................... $975 Student Registration.......................................................................................................... $325

Exhibition/Tradeshow • February 26-28 This fee includes one participant to the technical program of the meeting. All others should register to attend the technical program. Single Exhibit Space.......................................................................................................... $900 Double Exhibit Space...................................................................................................... $1,500

How to Register Registration for the Annual Meeting, Short Course and the Exhibition can be found online at You may submit an electronic registration form or fax a printout of the completed PDF to (301) 986-9795. Pre-registration ends on January 27, 2017. After that date, rates increase by 20 percent.

If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact Malinda Armstrong, Logistics & Home Office Manager at (301) 986-9700 x106 or

A d h e s i o n S o c i e t y 4 0 t h A n n u a l M e e t i n g 10

For more detailed information and to register, visit

February 24-25, 2017

SHort Course

Adhesion Science & Technology

February 26-28, 2017


Adhesion Science & Technology

February 26 - March 1, 2017

The Adhesion Society 40th Annual Meeting

St. Petersburg!

Join Your Peers in 7101 Wisconsin Avenue Suite 990 Bethesda, MD 20814

The Adhesion Society

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