The Industry Is Gathering in NOLA!
Lively New Orleans, the destination of this year’s Annual ASC Convention and EXPO, is one of the world’s most culturally rich cities. In 2022, Travel + Leisure magazine ranked it No. 2 on its Best Cities in the United States Awards. It is ideal for this annual gathering of North American adhesive and sealant professionals, as it is always known for its high energy and fun.
The convention takes place April 17-19 at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans centrally located downtown minutes from the French Quarter and Mississippi waterfront. The two-day event features numerous masterclass educational sessions, networking opportunities, and, of course, the ASC EXPO.
This year’s theme is “Together, Navigating Through Change.” While we celebrate the return of many routine aspects post-Covid, many disruptions and changing landscapes continue. As we come together in New Orleans, we will discuss the current and future challenges.
Building off last year’s tremendous experience at the World Adhesive and Sealant Conference in Chicago, we have much planned for attendees this year making it a must-attend event once again. Among the highlights in New Orleans:
Keynotes Susan O’Malley, former owner of the Washington Capitals and Washington Wizards; Michael Okoroafor, Chief Sustainability Officer at McCormick & Company; and Malik Thompson, Aerospace Materials Engineer at NASA’s Marshall Space Center.
50+ speakers within the educational sessions presenting on a variety of adhesive and sealant hot topics, including Digitalization, Supply Chain Challenges, Sustainability Across the Value Chain, Transport in Action, and Recycling Trends Across Adhesive and Sealant Markets among others
90+ exhibitors in the ASC EXPO
Multiple networking receptions, including our First-Time Attendee and New Member Reception
ASC “Gives Back” program benefiting HandsOn New Orleans volunteer charity
A special three-hour, behind-the-scenes tour of the Port of New Orleans
Two short courses focused on Pressure Sensitive Adhesives and Caulks and Sealants
2023 ASC Innovation Awards sponsored by Bostik and the 2023 ASC Scholarship Awards announcement
Register Online:
I look forward to welcoming you to the 2023 Annual ASC Convention and EXPO in New Orleans! In the meantime, continue to visit ASCouncil.org for the latest updates on program and activity details. See you April 17-19 in NOLA.
President,Adhesive and Sealant CouncilIMPORTANT DATES
Early Bird Registration Deadline – February 17, 2023
Regular Registration Deadline – March 31, 2023
Hotel Deadline – March 25, 2023
New Orleans History - Enthralling, captivating and always a good time, that’s New Orleans through the ages. For additional details on the history of New Orleans, visit www.neworleans.com/things-to-do/history
If New Orleans history was translated to the silver screen, it would be a blockbuster – a story dripping with drama, romance, piracy, intrigue, tragedy, and inspiration. Volleyed between the French and the Spanish from the late 17th century until the United States bought Louisiana for pennies an acre in 1803, New Orleans is forever shaped by its European heritage. The city’s broad timeline offers a portal into what we see, taste, hear and experience in 21st century New Orleans.
ASC thanks its sponsors for their generous contributions to the success of the 2023 Annual Convention & EXPO.
Add your company’s name to the list – see available sponsorships below.
Performance Polymers
Convention App
EXPO Reception (booths 418 & 420)
Hotel Keycards Attendee Tote Bags
Networking & Coffee Lounges
Convention & Short Course Emails
ASC Gives Back Community Service Project
• Escalator Cling
• Atrium Elevator Cling
• Atrium Elevator Cling
• Education Session
Main Lobby Elevator Clings
• Custom Education Session
• Education Session
Sponsorships Available: Contact Malinda Armstrong
• Silver Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
• Bronze Sponsor
Sponsorships Available:
Contact Malinda Armstrong at malinda.armstrong@ascouncil.org.
• Attendee T-Shirts
• iPad EXPO Raffle
• Main Lobby Elevator Clings (set of 2)
• Charging Stations
• Ballroom Lights Columns (3 available)
• Atrium Elevator Cling
• NEW Lanyard & Badge Kiosk
• Tuesday General Session Lunch
• Wednesday General Session Breakfast
• Wednesday General Session Lunch
• Apple iWatch EXPO Raffle
• Education Session Sponsors
Convention Media Partner Education Session
ASC 2023 AnnuAl Convention PlAnning Committee
A special THANK YOU to these individuals and companies for their time and commitment in planning the 2023 Annual Convention as well as those from other committees that provided valuable feedback and input into this year’s program!
Peter Carbutt, itW
mick Funderburg, eastman
Christopher Johnson, ingevity
Jay Johnston, Covestro
ning lu, momentive
michael obrien, Stepan
Chris oswin, nUCo inc.
Sanjeev Singh, Franklin international ingo Stohrer, evonik Corporation
Sangeetha Subramanian, itW
malinda Armstrong and Connie Howe, ASC Staff Advisors
tUeSDAY oPening geneRAl SeSSion BReAKFASt & KeYnote Seven leadership & life lessons
Susan O’Malley, Former President of the Washington Sports and Entertainment, First Female President of a Professional Sports Franchise
in an engaging and upbeat presentation, Susan o’malley outlines the seven seminal ‘rules’ for leadership and life and shares insider stories about entertainment, hockey, and basketball. Her message is influenced by her family and the management lessons she learned in her successful, unprecedented career. many life lessons are learned early, from family and familial experience. Sitting around the kitchen table listening to parents and grandparents discuss the struggles and triumphs of life and work is one of the most vital learning experiences for any leader. By focusing on the lessons of her own childhood and then reinforcing them with her proven business expertise, o’malley offers vital insights for leaders of all stripes. A trailblazer for herself and others, she is hilarious, brilliant, genuine, and inviting. Her warm sense of humor, self-described “folksy” style, entertaining stories, and sharp wit make her lessons memorable and an instant favorite among audiences. She leaves listeners thoroughly entertained and uplifted and with practical takeaways for their own lives and businesses.
aSC industry update & awards Presentation
Bill Allmond, ASC President
Join President Bill Allmond as he presents the recipients of the 2023 ASC innovation Award. ASC’s prestigious innovation Award recognizes outstanding companies that differentiate and make significant impacts in the marketplace through innovation. Additionally, recipients of this year’s ASC Scholarship Program will be announced as well as graduates of the ASC training Academy Certificate Program. Directly after the presentation, take the opportunity to network with your industry peers.
WeDneSDAY geneRAl SeSSion BReAKFASt & KeYnote driving the ESG agenda to Future-Proof your Business in a Changing World
Michael Okoroafor, Chief Sustainability Officer, McCormick & Company
in this keynote, thought leader Dr. michael okoroafor will share insights in developing a successful strategy for transitioning to a more resilient and sustainable world. this will include emphasis on aligning to the Un’s Sustainable Development goals (SDgs) as the key to future-proof your business. the discussion will also highlight the importance of partnerships for an effective, just transition.
WeDneSDAY geneRAl SeSSion lUnCH & KeYnote
Pot life to Extraterrestrial life: Bonding applications for “deep Space”
Dr. Malik Thompson, Aerospace Materials Engineer, NASA Marshal Space Flight Center Adhesives & Seals Materials
today nASA continues to push the bounds of deep space exploration by developing and manufacturing space systems for interplanetary travel. this requires innovation and extensive testing to expand the limits of materials within the aerospace industry to meet the needs of present and future goals for the agency. every launch vehicle and spacecraft relies heavily on nonmetallic materials such as adhesives and sealants to bolster their functionality while withstanding some of the harshest environments ever encountered. to meet its goals, from establishing a sustained presence on the moon to numerous scientific missions across the solar system, cutting edge approaches have been devised to test these materials for their viability in space applications. this session will include some of the many adhesives and sealing applications used in nASA as well as an overview of some of the technical needs of the agency as we continue to venture where no human has gone before. sponsored by:
*Sponsorships available for keynote sessions.
edUCAtIon trACKS, SeSSIonS & SpeAKerS
ASC’s 2023 Annual Convention includes two days of concurrent educational sessions. Review the sessions below and confirmed speakers to plan out your time during the convention. Sessions and speakers are subject to change.
Best Paper Award is back again for 2023 so bring your A game! Criteria for judgment (Tech committee and popular vote): delivery: engagement, audience interaction; content: topic, flow, slide deck and depth; and overall perception.
n Hydrocarbon Based Tackifiers - Global Update
global Update, Steven Williams, VP, C5 and Hydrocarbon Resins, Argus media, inc.
n Speaker #2
Speaker and title to be Confirmed
n Speaker #3
Speaker and title to be Confirmed
n North American Market Report Update
tBD, Smithers
developing Solutions for New manufacturing Challenges
n Selection of Adhesive for Bonding Optical lens in ADAS Camera and Case Study of Failure Analysis
Aravinda Reddy Bommareddy, Principal materials engineer, ZF electronics & ADAS global Headquarters
n Reliable Bond on Snow: Strong Interlaminar Adhesion in Skis
Raphael Schaller, R&D technical, nolax Ag
n Next Generation of Lightweighting Sealers
nicholas Huff, group leader, Sunstar engineering
n Inherently Reactive Acrylic Copolymers Containing Type II
Photoinitiators for Improved Performance in 100% Solids
UV-PSA Formulations
Christopher macneill, Senior Research Scientist, Arkema
n The Effect of Temperature on the Adhesion of High Temperature Bioinspired Adhesives
Burak Aksak, Vice President-Research, Setex technologies
Panel: Navigating Sustainability market Requirements through innovation
n Moderator:
tad Radzinski, President, Sustainable Solutions Corporation
n Soy PSA Life Cycle Analysis: Quantifying the Bio-Adhesive
Value Proposition
Jim Holbery, Ceo-President, nvirovate materials
n Developing a Sustainable Materials Roadmap for Hot Melt Adhesives
lisa madenjian, Principle Scientist, Dow
n Compostable Hot Melt Adhesive Development for Personal Hygiene Application
Bill Chen, Principal Scientist, Henkel Corporation
n Sustainable Operations: Achieving Net Zero: CO2, Water, and Waste
gloriamar gamez, Sr. Sustainability manager Henkel Adhesive technologies, Henkel Adhesive technologies
digitalization tools and trends
n High-Tech to Enable High-Touch: Digitizing Customer Experience
Kimberlee Sinclair, Vice President, Digital Customer experience, H.B. Fuller
n Digital Tools: Moving Beyond Strategy to Implementation
Jim Swope, Chief Commercial officer, ChemQuest group
n Digital Opportunities for Chemical Suppliers - Why and How
Jay Bhatia, Founder & Ceo, Agilis Commerce
innovation awards
n Speaker #1
Speaker and title to be Confirmed
n Speaker #2
Speaker and title to be Confirmed
n Speaker #3
Speaker and title to be Confirmed
materials and Challenges in Building applications
n Innovative Polyacrylic Emulsions for High Performance Foam Adhesive
tao Yu, technical Director, Wanhua Chemical
n Adhesive Challenges for Floor Covering and Concrete SubFloor Installation
Raj Hariharan, Senior group leader, mAPei
n Eco-Responsible Adhesives and Sealants Enabled by New SPUR Prepolymers
Anne Dussaud, momentive Performance materials
Panel: Epic Challenges in Supply Chains & Shipping: What You Need to Know
n Moderator: Dan murray, Senior Vice President, AtRi
n Randy guillot, President, triple g express inc.
n Janine mansour, Head of Business Development, Port nolaPort of new orleans
n Rob martinez, Vice President, Freight and economic Development, moffitt & nichol
edUCAtIon trACKS, SeSSIonS & SpeAKerS
Hot melt adhesives in Packaging
n Polyolefin Block Copolymer Technology for Hot Melt Adhesives
Stacy Pesek, Research Scientist, Dow inc.
n Role of Adhesives in Sustainable Packaging for Consumer Goods
melissa Seburg, marketing Specialist, H.B. Fuller
Sponsored By
technologies and techniques
n Novel Styrenic Block Co-Polymer for Hot Melt Label Adhesives
Paul Dalley, Principal Scientist, tSRC Specialty materials
n The Benefits of Polycaprolactone Technology in Reactive Hot Melt Adhesives
Adam Cowell, technical market Development manager–Adhesives, ingevity
n A Collaborative Journey Towards A More Sustainable Future
Pieter van Helden, Project leader, Applications Development, Sasol
n Speaker #4
Speaker and title to be Confirmed
New Product introduction
n BNX® 1400 Antioxidant and Hot Melt Adhesive Performance Review
Weihong lang, Director of technology, mayzo
n Kurarity = Novel Acrylic Block Co-polymer - New Grades for Adhesives and Sealants
erich Klein, market manager, Kuraray
n New, Water-white Liquid Tackifier from Teckrez
marc Jackson, President, teckrez, inc.
n New Styrene-Butadiene Copolymer for Automotive Interior Assembly
Jesus Rodriguez, Senior technician, Dynasol group
n Improved Durability of Adhesives and Sealants including Water Based Systems with Label-free Light Stabilizer Additives
mouhcine Kanouni, technical marketing Performance Additives, Clariant
n New Polyolefin with High Heat Resistance for Hot Melt Adhesives in Automotive Interior Applications
Kelven Feng, Principal Scientist, Adhesive technologies, Synthomer
improved Performance through material Selection
n Polymerizable Surfactants - As Emulsifier for Adhesive Formulations
Shailesh majmudar, Sr. Staff Scientist, technical manager, Solvay
n Rheology Additives with Enhanced Performance for Sealants and Adhesives
marcelo Herszenhaut, Commercial manager, Business Unit
Surface technology, lehmann & Voss north America
n Study of CNSL-based Polyols, Diols, and Diluents for Electrical Vehicle Applications
Yun mi Kim, Sr. technical marketing Director, Cardolite Corporation
n Calcium Based Rheological Modifier
Kazuya ito, President & Ceo, Shiraishi America inc.
n Material Characterization Techniques for Adhesives and Sealants - Expanding the Capabilities Using Hyphenated Systems Aniket, Principal Product line leader, Perkinelmer
n Study of Cure Behavior of Adhesives and Sealants by Dielectric Analysis (DEA)
Yanxi Zhang, technical Sales Support, netzsch instruments north America
n Speaker #1
Speaker and title to be Confirmed
n Speaker #2
Speaker and title to be Confirmed
n Speaker #3
Speaker and title to be Confirmed
n Speaker #4
Speaker and title to be Confirmed
ConferenCe SChedUle
7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m. – 4:50 p.m.
7:30 a.m. – 4:50 p.m.
8:00 – 11:30 a.m.
noon – 4:00 p.m.
5:30 – 6:00 p.m.
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
7:15 – 8:00 a.m.
7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
9:15 a.m. – noon
Registration & Speaker Ready Room open
Caulks & Sealant Short Course (registrants only)
*Times, presentation titles and speakers are subject to change
Pressure Sensitive Adhesives Short Course (registrants only)
ASC Board of Directors meeting
ASC gives Back Program sponsored by
First time Attendee & new member Welcome Reception
nolA mardi gras Welcome Reception
Registration & Speaker Ready Room open
networking Breakfast
Caulks & Sealant Short Course (registrants only)
Pressure Sensitive Adhesives Short Course (registrants only)
geneRAl SeSSion KeYnote – Susan o’malley, Former President of the Washington Sports and Entertainment, First Female President of a Professional Sports Franchise
Sponsored Coffee lounge sponsored by
Morning Education Sessions noon – 1:00 p.m.
9:15 a.m. – noon
2023 inDUStRY UPDAte AnD AWARDS PReSentAtion lUnCH –Bill Allmond, President, Adhesive and Sealant Council
Sponsored Coffee lounge sponsored by 1:15 – 3:00 p.m.
1:15 – 3:00 p.m.
Afternoon Education Sessions
3:00 – 6:30 p.m.
eXPo & ReCePtion sponsored by
7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
7:15 – 8:00 a.m.
8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
9:15 a.m. – noon
9:15 a.m. – noon
noon – 1:00 p.m.
1:15 – 3:30 p.m.
1:15 – 3:30 p.m.
3:30–6:00 p.m.
Registration & Speaker Ready Room open
networking Breakfast
geneRAl SeSSion KeYnote – michael okoroafor, Chief Sustainability Officer, McCormick & Company
Sponsored Coffee lounge sponsored by
Morning Education Sessions
geneRAl SeSSion KeYnote & lUnCH – malik thompson, Aerospace Materials Engineer, NASA Marshal Space Flight Center Adhesives & Seals Materials
Sponsored Coffee lounge sponsored by
Afternoon Education Sessions
neW oRleAnS PoRt toUR
Buses depart the hotel at 3:40pm.
(Registration required.)
aSC Gives Back Community Service Project
Join Kraton, ASC Board of Directors and staff as we give back to the new orleans community. Join us at our social legacy community service project as we network and give back to new orleans. ASC and Kraton are currently working with Handson new orleans to secure a community service project offsite. the service project will take place on monday afternoon and is free to participate. more details to follow.
First time attendee & New member Welcome Reception (invitation only)
this exclusive invite only reception on monday at 5:30 p.m., provides an opportunity for new members and first-time attendees to ask questions about ASC program/ services and to meet with ASC Board of Directors and staff.
NOla mardi Gras Welcome Reception & dinner
Join us for a fun filled night on monday at 6 p.m. as we kick off the 2023 Annual Convention & eXPo in mardi gras nolA style. take this opportunity to network with your peers while enjoying some of the best food and entertainment nolA has to offer. We are looking forward to welcoming you back to nolA! Registration is required to attend.
tuesday Networking Breakfast
meet a colleague for a refreshing breakfast before the start of the day.
EXPO & Reception
this is one of the largest expositions exclusively dedicated to the adhesive and sealant industry. it’s a can’t miss event on tuesday starting at 3 p.m. At 5:30 p.m. join the exhibitors for an evening refresher during the eXPo reception.
Port of New Orleans tour
on Wednesday, April 19th ASC invites attendees to take a tour of the Port of new orleans. on the Port nolA tour, you will see Port nolA’s facilities capable of efficiently handling a diverse array of cargo including container, breakbulk, temperature-sensitive, and heavylift operations. in addition to our barge and truck operations, Port nolA’s own new orleans Public Belt shortline railroad connects cargo with six Class i railways all serving as vital gateways to global trade. full Convention registration is required to attend. Buses will depart the hotel at 3:40 p.m.
Convention app
Download the App to connect with attendees, schedule meetings, view presentations and share your experience during the event by uploading your photos via your social media platform via the App.
sponsored by reception sponsored byfreqUently ASKed qUeStIonS
what do I need to know about airport security regulations, while traveling to or in the United States? not sure about what you can carry on the plane and what you need to check? the transportation Security Administration (tSA) has a comprehensive website that answers all of your travel concerns. visit www.tsa.gov.
About the hyatt regency new orleans
Hyatt Regency new orleans is conveniently located near many popular attractions. We’re only a few minutes’ walk from the French Quarter and the Arts District. or hop on the city’s famous streetcars — the loyola line stops directly outside the hotel. how far is the airport from the hotel(s)?
Louis Armstrong International Airport to book your flight use the airport access code mSY to locate louis Armstrong international Airport. the airport is located 12 miles from the hotel. Approximately 27-minute drive time adjacent to terminal C. taxi cost approximately $36.
Hyatt Regency new orleans offers premium valet services. in addition, there are several nearby parking lots, including the 1301 girod Parking garage that connects directly to the hotel. Contact merit Parking to confirm pricing — (504) 561-0575. Valet over night parking cost: $52++.
Shuttle Service
Hyatt Regency new orleans is happy to partner with a local shuttle service to make your trip to and from the louis Armstrong new orleans international Airport easy. l and reserve your spot at least 24 hours prior to your flight arrival time when you https://www.airportshuttleneworleans. com/portals/hyatt-regency-new-orleans.
what is the conference dress code? to encourage a feeling of comfort and friendship, the dress code is “business casual.”
what does my registration fee cover?
full convention registration fee covers Wednesday. All networking receptions, meal functions, keynotes, educational session, Back community service project, and eXpo only registration fee covers access to the along with the monday welcome reception. cover any sessions, meals functions, keynotes or educational sessions.
Speaker registration option is for those individuals that are confirmed as a SPeAKeR in the Annual Convention Program. eXpo booth staffer registration includes staffing the booth onlY and access to the eXPo reception which is held during the eXPo it does not include any networking events, meal functions, keynote or educational sessions.
one day registration includes the one day that you are registered. example if you are registered for tuesday only you have access to the full day on tuesday.
reserve a booth click on the 2023 eXPo at www.ascouncil.org/events or contact malinda Armstrong at malinda.armstrong@ascouncil.org.
how can I book a meeting room?
You can contact the hotel directly. Please note that ASC approves all requests for meeting rooms. We will only approve meeting rooms for ASC members under certain circumstances and confirmed exhibitors.
I would like to attend the short course with convention. how should I register?
if you are attending the short course with convention, please process your registration under the short course and select the convention add on.
do I need to make a hotel reservation or does ASC reserve my room?
ASC does not make hotel reservations. You can reserve a room by visiting the website.
will my badge be mailed?
All badges will be available for pick up onsite at the designated registration area.
I need to cancel my registration. how can I get a refund? Please review the cancellation policy on the website. there are no ReFUnDS after march 31, 2023.
I want to take advantage of my time in new orleans. where can I find more information about touring the city? information about tours can be found at www.neworleans.com/things-to-do/history.
Interested in learning more about ASC?
information on member services, memBeRSHiP, Value of ASC, education/training and so much more is a click away on the ASC homepage located at www.ascouncil.org.
EXPO Hours:
tuesday, april 18, 2023
3:00-6:30 p.m.
(reception starts at 5:30 p.m.)
With 100+ exhibitors, the Annual Expo is the largest adhesive and sealant tradeshow. This elite group of companies will showcase the latest innovations and breakthroughs. With traffic builders such as an Exhibitor Appreciation Reception, and door prizes, the exhibit hall is an effective and efficient way for companies to market their products and services. Companies and products lines of all types are welcome to exhibit so RESERvE YOuR BOOtH tOdaY by contacting Malinda Armstrong at (301) 986-9700 x1106 or
Who should Attend?
The course is designed for professionals working with manufacturers, suppliers and end-user companies as well as design-engineering professionals. A basic chemistry background is assumed; however, no advanced knowledge is required. This course is ideal for RD&E, Application engineers, Technical Sales/ Service, Architects, Specifiers, Project managers, Sales and Marketing professionals.
Short Course attendees are invited to attend the ASC EXPO and reception on Tuesday at 3:00 p.m.
Gain a Better Understanding of the Functions and Applications of Caulks and Sealants
Co-located with the 2023 Convention & EXPO is a two-day Caulks & Sealants Short Course. that takes place April 17-18, 2023. Caulks and sealants are primarily used in building, construction, and transportation to bond surfaces together, fill gaps and serve as a physical barrier. Due to their use in bonding substrates with differing coefficients of thermal expansion, sealants are formulated to have higher elongation and paste like viscosities to allow for gap filling applications. Taught by industry experts, ASC’s technical short course will help you gain a better understanding of the functions and applications of caulks and sealants.
PROGRAM TOPics (tentative)
• Introduction to Sealants and Testing for Building Applications –Angelina Sprecher, DAP Products
• Sealants for Transportation and Assembly Applications –Ryan Kruger, Bostik Inc
• Sealant Performance from Design and Use Perspective –Jared Lawrence, Terracon
• Introduction to Rheology – Haksu Lee, Arkema
• Waterborne Polymers for Architectural Sealants – Rick Miner, Arkema
• Polyurethane and Hybrid Sealants, Maneesh Bahadur, Tremco Inc
• Silicone Sealants – Toby Vick and Samantha Wilczewski, Wacker Chemical Corp
• Plasticizers – Mick Funderburg, Eastman Chemical Company
• Adhesion Promotors for Adhesives and Sealants – Ping Jiang, Momentive
• Functional Fillers – Navin Patel, Imerys
• Establishing Performance – Chris White, Exponent
• End User Perspective – TBD
This short course is a Green Course – all course materials (available slide decks) will be provided in the attendee welcome letters prior to arrival for electronic download and printing as desired.
For more information, visit... www.ascouncil.org/events Questions, contact Connie Howe at connie.howe@ascouncil.org or Malinda Armstrong at malinda.armstrong@ascouncil.org.
In-depth Knowledge of the Fundamentals and Latest Developments for Pressure Sensitive Adhesives
Co-located with the 2023 Convention & EXPO is a two-day Pressure Sensitive Adhesives Short Course. that takes place April 17-18, 2023. The Pressure Sensitive Adhesives (PSA) Short Course is designed to offer an in-depth knowledge of the fundamentals and latest developments for pressure sensitive adhesives. Presented by industry experts, this course covers formulation strategies, based on application and performance requirements. Learn how polymers, plasticizers, tackifiers and other additives are used for optimized processing and enhanced properties. Learn about the current methods of characterization including rheology, tack/shear test methods and details of PSA production. Gain an insight into the innovation and sustainability efforts in the PSA technology.
PROGRAM TOPics (tentative)
• PSA Technology & Chemistry – Mitch Blumenthal, Nekoosa Corporation
• PSA Market Overview – Justine Hanlon, HB Fuller
• Rheology – Ibrahim El-Hedok, MC Polymers
• Testing – Dave Yarusso, Yarusso Consulting
• Styrene Block Copolymer PSAs – Paul Dalley, TSRC
• Sustainable Solutions in PSA – TBD
• PSA Hot Melt Formulations – Cristina Dejesus, Henkel
• Waterborne PSAs-Formulating for Optimal Converting –Keith Andes, Arkema
• Emulsion PSAs – Raj Hariharan, Mapei
• Acrylic PSAs – Lars Kilian, Bostik
• Tackifiers – Ryan Calton, Kraton
• Medical Adhesives – Kiu-yuen Tse, 3M
• Silicone Release Liners for PSAs – Benjamin Niu, Dow
This short course is a Green Course – all course materials (available slide decks) will be provided in the attendee welcome letters prior to arrival for electronic download and printing as desired.
For more information, visit... www.ascouncil.org/events
Questions, contact Connie Howe at connie.howe@ascouncil.org or Malinda Armstrong at malinda.armstrong@ascouncil.org.
Who should Attend?
Professionals involved with formulating or converting pressure sensitive adhesives for specific applications. Lab and Tech support personnel will gain valuable insight into the technology that will help them with formulations and understand the test methods. Technical, Sales and Marketing personnel working with manufacturers, suppliers and end user companies would greatly benefit by gaining technical depth for tailored solutions to product requirements.
Short Course attendees are invited to attend the ASC EXPO and reception on Tuesday at 3:00 p.m.
pleASe note: ASC has a new web and registration platform! you need to login to the new platform and update password and your profile to register.
Visit www.ascouncil.org/events.
Please click on the RegiSteR button to register for the convention, short course or eXPo only admission.
regUlAr regIStrAtIon endS MArCh 31, 2023. rates increase by 20% afterwards automatically.
**If you are attending a Short CoUrSe or Short CoUrSe + ConventIon you MUSt register under the short course registration page online.
CAnCellAtIon polICy: there are no refUndS after March 31, 2023.
April 18 eXpo + April 17 Monday opening reception only
This fee includes attendance to the EXPO and Monday Opening Reception ONLY. It does NOT include attendance to the technical sessions or include any other meals.
If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact Malinda Armstrong at (301) 9869700 x1106 or malinda.armstrong@ascouncil.org
Liability Disclaimer:TheAdhesive and Sealant Council (ASC) claims no liability for the acts of any participant at this meeting, nor for the safety of any person participating in, or in transit to, or from this event.TheASC reserves the right to cancel any function without penalty.The total amount of any liability of theASC, in the event of cancellation, will be limited to a refund of the registration fee.
hyAtt regenCy new orleAnS
601 loyola Avenue
new orleans, lA 70113
Phone: 800-233-1234
ASC discount group rate
$249 Single/Double
$274 triple
$299 Quad
You can make your reservation at www.ascouncil.org or contact the hotel directly at +1 800-233-1234. to secure the group rate, please mention that you will be attending the ASC Annual Convention & eXPo the group rate is available until March 25, 2023. Reserve your room as soon as possible as the group rate will not be available if the ASC room block sells out at any time prior to March 25, 2023. Reservation requests received after March 25, 2023, will be charged standard rates.
IMPORTANT: ASC works directly with the Hyatt Regency New Orleans and does not work with third parties working on behalf of the Hyatt Regency New Orleans and/or the Council. ASC kindly asks that you only reserve the number of rooms you need, so other attendees will not be turned away because the ASC hotel room block is full. We appreciate your consideration.