ASC 2013 Fall Convention Final Program

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ASC Board of Directors Chair

C. Russell Thompson

President & CEO Evans Adhesive Corporation, Ltd. Treasurer

Andrew Johnston

Vice President, Adhesives Ashland Performance Materials Past Chair

Glenn Frommer

President ADCO Products, Inc. Directors

Christine Bryant

John McLaughlin President & CEO DAP Inc.

John Meccia

Vice President, Paper Converting Henkel Corporation

Steven Meenan

Business Unit Director 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Division

Lawrence Owen

Senior Vice President Franklin International

Lex Reynolds

Sr. VP, Commercial Operations Coatings, A&S NAFTA Bayer MaterialScience, LLC

President The Reynolds Company

Philip Byers

President Albion Engineering Company

Business Unit Director, Adhesives Eastman Chemical Company

Gerhard Haas

Vice President, Research and Development, Technical Service, Purchasing Jowat Corporation

Stephen Harms

Senior Vice President of Business Development Management Sika Corporation

Traci Jensen

Senior Vice President, Americas Adhesives H.B. Fuller

Kenneth Lauffer

Business Unit Director – Adhesives Arizona Chemical Company

Robert Marquette President Bostik, Inc.

Mark Schneider Mark Siebert

Vice President & General Manager Kraton Polymers U.S. LLC

Christopher Stevens

Vice President & General Manager ITW Polymers NA Adhesives

Christopher Urheim

North American Commercial Director, Adhesives & Functional Materials Dow Chemical Company

Charles Williams, Jr.

Principal Scientist Avery Dennison Performance Polymers

Matthew Croson,

Ex-Officio Member President The Adhesive and Sealant Council

ASC Onsite Staff Malinda Armstrong

Senior Manager, Meetings & Tradeshows

Jessica Carter

Online Communications Manager

Mark Collatz

Director, Government Relations

Matt Croson President

Steve Duren

Senior Director, Member Services

Connie Howe

Senior Manager, Technical Services

Myranda Nickoloff

Project Coordinator, Education Services

Kate Zando

Director, Finance & Administration

1 2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program

ASC would like to recognize the generous support of our sponsors! As you interact with them throughout the event, please personally thank them for their continued support of ASC and the industry.

2013 Fall Convention Sponsors Closing Reception

Tuesday Opening General Session Breakfast

Education Track – Wednesday AM Business Development & Market Trends (9:15 a.m. to Noon)

Fun Run/Walk Event & Notepads

Hotel Keycards Education Track – Tuesday AM Business Development & Market Trends (9:15 a.m. to Noon)

Water Stations

Education Track – Tuesday PM Business Development & Market Trends (1:15 to 4:00 p.m.) Wednesday General Session Breakfast & Final Program

Education Track – Wednesday PM Technical & Government Relations (1:00 to 4:00 p.m.)

Education Track – Wednesday AM New Technology & Innovation/Application (9:15 a.m. to Noon)

EXPO Road Map

Education Track – Tuesday AM Technical & Government Relations (9:15 a.m. to Noon) Education Track – Tuesday PM New Technology & Innovation/Application (1:15 to 4:00 p.m.) iPad for EXPO raffle – Booth 1 Hotel Room Drop

Registration Packet Insert Education Track – Wednesday AM Technical & Government Relations (9:15 a.m. to Noon) Education Track – Tuesday PM Technical & Government Relations (1:15 to 4:00 p.m.) Education Track – Wednesday PM Business Development & Market Trends (2:45 to 5:00 p.m.) Wireless Guest Room Internet Convention Marketing

Attendee Tote Bags

Coffee Lounges & Kindle Fire Raffles – Booth 24 & 25 Education Track – Wednesday PM Technical & Government Relations (2:45 to 5:00 p.m.) Education Track – Tuesday AM New Technology & Innovation/Application (9:15 a.m. to Noon)


2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program 2

Final Program Contents:

ASC Board of Directors and Onsite Staff................................... 1 ASC’s Sponsors........................................................................... 2 General Convention Information............................................... 3 Daily Program and Newest Members....................................4-21 Speaker Biographies.............................................................23-33 Schedule at a Glance............................................................34-38

Registration/Information Hours Red Wing Room, Third Floor Monday, October 21 Tuesday, October 22 Wednesday, October 23

7:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. 6:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Speaker Ready Room Conrad D, Second Floor

AVPG is the audio visual needs provider. Speakers may prepare for and/or make changes to their presentations in the Speaker Ready Room. Check with the ASC staff at the Registration Desk if audio/ visual technicians are unavailable to assist you.

Coffee Lounges

Marquette Ballroom Foyer, Second Floor sponsored by: Tuesday, October 22 and Wednesday, October 23 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Speaker Presentations Online*

In keeping with ASC’s continuing efforts to make our events more environmentally friendly, hard copies of presentations will not be available. Speaker presentations will be made available to all Full Paid attendees on the ASC website following the convention. *Not all presenters have authorized ASC to publish their presentations.

Thanks to the following Program Committee volunteers for another outstanding program: Mike Barch – MWV Specialty Chemicals Eric Bartholomew – Avery Dennison Performance Polymers Deb Bhattacharjee – Dow Chemical Company Shamsi Gravel – Emerald Kalama Chemical Larry Saidman – Nordson Corporation Paul Shessler – Schaetti America, Inc. Steve Duren & Malinda Armstrong – ASC Staff Advisors 3 2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program

Daily Program

7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Hot Melt Short Course (registrants only)

Symphony I, Second Floor

9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Golf Outing Rush Creek Golf Club (pre-registered golfers only)

Please arrive at the course by 8:30 a.m. Tee time is 9:00 a.m. Golfers are responsible for their own transportation to and from the course.

Noon – 5:00 p.m. ASC Board of Directors Meeting Conrad C, Second Floor

5:30 – 6:00 p.m. First-time Attendees & New Members Reception (invitation only)

Marquette Ballroom III, Second Floor

6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Welcome Reception IDS Tower, 50th floor

Please Welcome ASC’s Newest Members* • BeardowAdams, Inc. (manufacturer)

• Cardolite Corporation (supplier)

• Hallstar (supplier) • Lord Corporation (manufacturer)

• Imerys (supplier) *as of September 9, 2013

• Nan Pao Resins Chemical Co., Ltd. (manufacturer) • Oynurden Kimya San TIC A.S. (affiliate supplier) • Paramelt USA (manufacturer) • Product Regulatory Division Pace Analytical (service supplier)

2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program 4

7:30 – 9:00 a.m. EMERALD KALAMA CHEMICAL OPENING GENERAL SESSION BREAKFAST & KEYNOTE Grand Ballroom EF, Third Floor Energizing America: Facts for Addressing Energy Policy John Felmy, Chief Economist, American Petroleum Institute Technological innovations are changing the vision of our energy future resulting in new opportunities to put more people to work, boost domestic production, grow government revenue, and save many billions annually in imported energy costs. Many Americans lack a full understanding of the link between economic growth and the energy policy options we face in terms of fueling our future. John Felmy, chief economist of the American Petroleum Institute, will discuss how the Keystone pipeline and opening up drilling, both on and Sponsored by: offshore, could affect oil markets as well as the trends and market drivers for global and North American oil and their impact downstream on Learn more at petrochemical industries.

7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Hot Melt Short Course

(registrants only)

Symphony I, Second Floor

Morning Education Sessions 9:15 a.m. - Noon Education Track 1: Business Development and Market Trends

Global Oil Trends Marquette III, Second Floor

Sponsored by:

9:15 to 10:00 a.m. Shale’s Impact on U.S. Downstream Karl Bartholomew, Vice President, Americas, ICIS Consulting The impact of shale oil & gas over the past two years has changed the landscape for U.S. refining & petrochemicals. This presentation will show the changing dynamics of feedstocks for the hydrocarbon industry.

5 2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program

Daily Program

10:00 to 10:30 a.m. BREAK 10:30 to 11:15 a.m.

Trends in Key Adhesive Raw Materials: Chaos or Order? Bill Hyde, Director C4 Olefins and Elastomers, Chemical Market Associates, Inc. (CMAI) In recent year’s butadiene and styrene markets have experienced significant change. Market volatility has been much larger than has been historically typical. What underlying market dynamics have caused the market conditions, and more importantly will they continue into the future?

11:15 a.m. to Noon

A Manufacturer’s Perspective on Global Oil Trends and the Downstream Impact to the Adhesive Market Steve Willging, Department Head, H.B. Fuller The adhesive industry is not a major market driver for most of the feedstock and raw material supply chains used by the industry. In this presentation, we will examine the major markets impacting our key raw material supply chains. By understanding and tracking these market drivers, the adhesive industry has weathered several past raw material challenges and will be able to work through the current and future supply chain challenges. This will allow us to meet our customer’s ongoing adhesive needs.

Education Track 2: Technical and Government Regulations

Formulation & Technical Marquette II, Second Floor

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9:15 to 10:00 a.m.

Flexibilizers for Epoxy Adhesives and Sealants William Heath, Research Scientist, Dow Chemical Company Hybridizing epoxy resins enables formulation of materials with optimal adhesion and improved elongation relative to pure epoxy resins. With proper formulation, these new flexibilizers enable the development of adhesives and sealants with improved mechanical properties and low temperature performance without the release of organic by-products such as nonylphenol or methanol. Additionally, the formulations provide adhesives with exceptional adhesion to challenging and dissimilar substrates. Cure profile, thermo-mechanical, tensile, impact, and adhesion properties will be presented to demonstrate the effect of these new flexibilizers on epoxy based systems.

2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program 6

10:00 to 10:30 a.m.

Polyurethane Hot Melt Adhesives from CO2-based Polyols Jason Anderson, Director, CO2 Strategy & Business Development, Novomer, Inc. CO2-based polycarbonate polyols are uniquely well-suited to hot melt polyurethane adhesive applications. In this study, PPC polyols were compared to both existing ester polyols and finished PU hot melt adhesives and found to deliver improved strength, increased adhesion, and excellent hydrolytic and chemical resistance.

10:30 to 11:00 a.m.

Bio-based Polyols for High Performance Polyurethane Adhesives Eric Brouwer, Applications Specialist, Croda Coatings & Polymers Polyurethanes have been used for many years to produce high-performance materials. The hydrocarbon character imparts water repellency and affinity for a wide range of substrates as well as (low temperature) flexibility, improved wetting and absence of strain-induced crystallization. The unique combination of enhanced hydrolytic and thermo-oxidative stability is highly relevant for demanding applications like sealants, sportswear and automotive adhesives. These properties will be demonstrated for reactive adhesives and polyurethane dispersions.

11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Succinic Acid, a Bio-based Building Block for Polyurethane Adhesives and Sealants William Coggio, Global Manager for Application Development and Technical Support, BioAmber Inc. This presentation will describe the synthesis and properties of bio-based PEP dispersions useful in water-based coatings and adhesives. The dispersions, based on hexanediol succinate were characterized for solids, particle size, and viscosity. Cast PU films were prepared from the dispersions and compared to similar PUs made with petroleum based hexanediol adipate. The polymers were characterized by DSC, DMA and mechanical properties. The similarities and differences of these properties will be summarized.

11:30 a.m. to Noon

Use of Mixture Designs in Formulation of Pressure Sensitive Adhesives William Arendt, Research Fellow, Emerald Kalama Chemical LLC The use of Design of Experiment (DOE) and mixture design, in particular, strategies and software to formulate is well known. Recently two such programs were used to assist in understanding the role of plasticizers in general and dibenzoates specifically in the formulation of acrylic based pressure sensitive adhesive formulations. The purpose of this presentation is to show how plasticizers function with the soft polymers used in PSA’s and to describe ways in which these plasticizers can be used in formulation of PSA’s and how they affect performance attributes. 7 2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program

Daily Program

Education Track 3:

New Technology and Application

End User Focus: Product Opportunities in B&C Marquette I, Second Floor

Sponsored by:

9:15 to 10:00 a.m.

Design Perspectives and Influence of the Engineering Firm on Product Selection Dean Rutila, Senior Principal, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc. Design professionals in the construction industry specify products and provide recommendations and/or approvals of the products proposed by others. Innovations that bring new products into the construction industry, resulting in constant change, are a challenge for designers. Contractors, manufacturers and distributors urge designers to accept products but designers who ignore the recognized standards for evaluating new products do so at their peril. In this presentation, Mr. Rutila describes the design firm’s role in the selection of products, how designers interact with others in the industry, and the considerations that influence decisions. He will also present his perspective on what works and what does not, and why, using examples of his own investigations of successful and unsuccessful products.

10:00 to 10:30 a.m. BREAK 10:30 to 11:15 a.m.

Defining New Opportunities in High Performance Buildings Mark LaLiberte, President, LaLiberte Online Inc. Mark LaLiberte is the co-founder of Construction Instruction, Inc. and has been involved with the building industry for over 25 years and works with manufacturers and contractors nationwide. His experience and knowledge will be shared in a fast paced review of where we’ve been and where he thinks we are going. This presentation will cover where the new codes are leading us; what are the challenges with new performance goals; what are the challenges with labor and trades; what new wall systems will be next and what role do we play; and are we talking to the right customers and what are we saying.

2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program 8

11:15 a.m. to Noon

Road Less Traveled – Working Together to Fill Customer Needs Cordell Burton, Manager Sustainable Building Technologies and Test/Evaluation Lab, Pella Corporation When most in the industry chose to avoid the subject of water infiltration due to the highly litigious environment, Pella partnered with sealant and tape suppliers to solve the problem for their customer. Using consumer research and solid design / testing, Pella was able to turn this gap into a profitable business while also dramatically reducing installation related call backs. We’ll walk through the internal and external barriers to change and the value of solving the problem for your customer. What did Pella look for in partners for sealants and tapes and how did these relationship help drive the successful change of builder habits.

Noon – 1:00 p.m. LUNCH ON YOUR OWN Take this opportunity to explore downtown Minneapolis, plan a one on one meeting with a colleague, or grab lunch at SkyWater restaurant located in the hotel. SkyWater offers Midwestern hospitality in a refreshingly comfortable, yet distinctly metropolitan setting.

Speed Networking Lunch Marquette IX, Second Floor

The inaugural ASC Speed Networking Lunch is an exclusinve members only event currently at capacity. Only confirmed members may attend.

Afternoon Education Sessions 1:15 - 4:00 p.m. Education Track 1: Business Development and Market Trends

ASC Market Report to 2015 with a Focus on Electronic Marquette III, Second Floor

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1:15 to 2:00 p.m.

Overview of Markets and Trends from the 2012-2015 ASC Market Reports David Nick, President/CEO, DPNA International, Inc. Two new market studies are now available from the ASC for 2013. The first is an analysis and outlook for the North American adhesive and sealant industry with a special, more in depth look at the USA electronics market and discussion of the BRICS’ influence on the marketplace. The second market study is an overview and report on our industry’s outlook in the fast growing Asia Pacific region. This presentation will be highlights from 9 2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program

Daily Program

each regional report and where opportunities may be found for both new and existing participants. Both reports are structured to be of value to formulators and raw material suppliers alike. A Q&A session will follow.

2:00 to 2:45 p.m.

Opportunities in the Electronics Market Segment Ben Arnold, Director, Industry Analyst, The NPD Group, Inc. New technologies and feature convergence are constantly influencing the market for consumer electronics products. As momentum in the market shifts towards more mobile forms of computing and other internet connected devices, what are the expectations for growth? How will traditional electronics product categories like desktop computers and Blu-ray disc players weather an increasingly portable and disk-free world? Beyond today, what new technologies will consumers gravitate towards and which existing markets will feel the disruption? Ben will lead a discussion centering on the present and future state of the electronics market and provide his outlook on how technology products will impact consumer lifestyles going forward.

2:45 to 3:30 p.m.

A Manufacturers Perspective on the Electronics Market Douglass Dixon, Marketing Manager, Henkel Electronic Materials LLC The electronics world has been driven by constant change, but there is a prevailing trend throughout the industry and can be summed up as follows: smaller, faster, and more functional. The capability of many digital devices is strongly linked to Moore’s law: processing speed, memory capacity and functionality. Moore’s law simple states: The numbers of transistors on an IC will double every 2 years. This exponential improvement has dramatically enhanced the impact of digital devices. This presentation takes a macro look at the effect of Moore’s law on electronics devices and some of the challenges these changes are creating.

Education Track 2: Technical and Government Regulations

Perspectives on LEED v4 Marquette II, Second Floor

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1:15 to 2:00 p.m.

LEED v4 Technical Update Sara Cederberg, Manager, LEED, U.S. Green Building Council USGBC’s LEED green building rating system has been a significant driver for market transformation since its debut in 2000. The latest version of LEED (LEED v4) passed USGBC member ballot in July and will be released later this year. This session will provide an update on the development process, a general overview of the technical changes proposed and information of specific interest to Adhesive and Sealant Council members related to updates made in the Energy & Atmosphere, Materials & Resources, and Indoor Environmental Quality credits. It will also include an early look at supporting tools and resources for the LEED v4 program. 2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program 10

2:00 to 2:45 p.m.

The Challenges of LEED v4 and Impact to the Specification Community-What a CTO should be thinking about before Developing New Products Paul Bertram, Director, Environment and Sustainability, Kingspan Insulated Panels, Inc. This presentation will address these reporting challenges and opportunities from the LEED v4 perspective. It will explore potential impacts to the manufacturing sectors including end users and supply chain.

2:45 to 3:30 p.m.

The Legal Implications of Design Professional Advocacy for Sustainability and Health Ujjval Vyas, Principal, Alberti Group, LLC It is commonly assumed that one of the primary roles of the design professional is to act as an advocate for sustainability, including health impacts and outcomes related to building products, assemblies, and systems. This presentation elaborates from first principles the conditions under which design professionals, and particularly licensed architects, may advocate whether they are dealing with so-called “red lists,” green building rating products, or other aspects of sustainable building. An important outcome of this exploration is that attendees will be able to recognize that advocacy falls outside of general professional liability coverage and subjects the design advocate to legal liability. A solution for minimizing exposure to such risks is also presented in an easy-tounderstand action plan.

3:30 to 4:00 p.m.

American High Performance Buildings Coalition – An Update D’Lane Wisner, President, D’Lane Wisner & Associates, LLC The American High Performance Buildings Coalition (AHPBC) came together in July 2012 and grew rapidly into a sizeable group of leading organizations representing a range of products and materials relevant to the building and construction industry that are committed to promoting performance-based energy efficiency and sustainable building standards. AHPBC supports the development of green building standards through consensus-based processes derived from data and performance-driven criteria. This presentation will provide an update on the AHPBC and recent activities.

11 2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program

Daily Program

Education Track 3:

New Technology and Application

Trends & Market Drivers in Green Chemistry Marquette I, Second Floor

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1:15 to 2:00 p.m.

Green Chemistry: Sustainability through Innovation Paul Anastas, Director, Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering, Yale University Green Chemistry is the use of chemistry to make products and processes less toxic and reduce waste. Through the use of the Principles and Green Chemistry, sustainable, innovative, and cost effective benefits can be designed in. This talk will describe not only the scientific and business accomplishments since the founding of the field over twenty years ago, but also describe the future directions, challenges, and opportunities going forward.

2:00 to 2:45 p.m.

Users and Investors Profile of What Green & Clean Really Means Robert Smith, Vice President Strategic Marketing, Bioformix, Inc. The adhesives and sealants industry is only today ever so lightly touching what green and clean really means. To users, i.e., manufacturers of products, green and clean really means dollars in their pockets that leads to dramatically improved costs and product options and thus profit positions for their customers and themselves. Bioformix does this today and by doing so has attracted over $500 Billion in revenue companies backing the firm. We will clearly lay out what our investors and customers, including a top three global automaker, really want and how to evaluate and pursue these opportunities honestly and effectively.

2:45 to 3:30 p.m.

Bio-based Adhesive Opportunities within Specialty Adhesives Segments Richard Claar, Partner, The Martec Group The Martec Group, as part of an evaluation of the Specialty Adhesives market, has identified unmet needs that could be addressed through bio-based adhesive solutions. This presentation will provide an overview of the Specialty Adhesives market and highlight those specific areas where bio-based solutions can succeed.

2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program 12

3:30 – 7:00 p.m. ASC EXPO and reception Grand Ballroom A-D, Third Floor The ASC EXPO is an exclusive opportunity to interact one-on-one with colleagues, exchange information on the latest developments in the industry, win some of the terrific prizes in the EXPO raffle and mingle during the reception, which begins at 6:00 p.m. For a complete list of exhibitors, see the 2013 Fall EXPO Guide or the EXPO Road Map (quick reference).

EXPO Raffle Prize Sponsors: Kindle Fire Booths 24 & 25 Apple iPad – Booth 1

7:00 – 10:00 p.m. ASC-CATIA Leadership Dinner The Gallery, Lobby Level ASC welcomes delegates from the Chinese Adhesive and Tape Industry Association. This is an invite only event.


Daily Program

7:30 – 9:00 a.m. H.B. FULLER GENERAL SESSION Breakfast & KEYNOTE Grand Ballroom EF, Third Floor Value Creation through Adhesive Technology Jim Owens, President and CEO, H.B. Fuller Adhesive technology enables innovation across nearly every sector of the manufacturing and construction industries and goes far beyond product development by helping us tackle some of the biggest issues facing the world. Together with our customers, suppliers, equipment manufacturers and other partners, this industry is building a better, stronger, faster future. During his presentation, Jim will address how we identify micro- and macro-trends around the globe; the Sponsored by: role the adhesives and sealants industry plays as a value creator, and the importance of taking risks to drive early commercialization of game-changing solutions to a variety of adhesion challenges. Learn more at

Morning Education Sessions 9:15 a.m. - Noon Education Track 1: Business Development and Market Trends

Trends in Life Cycle Assessment Marquette Ballroom III, Second Floor

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9:15 to 10:00 a.m.

The Business Value in Creating Product Category Rules: Activity within Packaging, B&C and Footwear Industries Thomas Gloria, Managing Director, Industrial Ecology Consultants This presentation will provide an introduction to Production Category Rules (PCRs) for companies to make Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) based on underlying environmental life cycle assessment studies. The presentation will be a frank discussion on the business value for companies to engage in this arena.

10:00 to 10:15 a.m. BREAK 2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program 14

10:15 to 11:00 a.m.

Sealants for Sustainability: A Life Cycle Assessment of a Polyurethane Sealant on a Residential Structure Jay Johnston, Senior Associate Scientist, Bayer MaterialScience LLC A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was conducted to verify the benefits of sealing an existing residential house with a moisture-curing polyurethane sealant. The case study utilized blower door testing and infrared thermal imaging to measure and identify air infiltration. Estimated cost payback periods range from several months to 1.5 years. Approximately 100 times more energy is saved over a ten-year period of use compared to the energy expended to make the sealant. This case study verifies that sealing a house is economically attractive, reduces energy use and greenhouse gases.

11:00 a.m. to Noon

The PCR for Seals and Sealants: Status and Next Steps Wayne Trusty, President, Wayne B. Trusty & Associates Limited Following a brief overview of the PCR and EPD development process, this presentation will focus on the status of the seals and sealants Product Category Rules (PCR) that have been under development through the ASTM International Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Program. It will include a review of key issues, such as the PCR scope, that have been under discussion or have been resolved by the Technical Advisory Committee, and will highlight the essential content of the PCR, and outline next steps.

Education Track 2: Technical and Government Regulations

Trends in Hot Melt Adhesives Marquette Ballroom II, Second Floor

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9:15 to 10:00 a.m.

Low Melt Viscosity Hot Melt Adhesives Based on Radial Styrenic Block Copolymers Paul Dalley, Research Scientist, Dexco Polymers A TSRC Company This paper will show that HMA’s based on radial SBC products with 3-4 arms or branches per molecule, including some commercially available products, can be formulated with significant reductions in adhesive melt viscosity while retaining acceptable properties. It will also show how the structure (linear versus radial) and composition of SBC’s affects the balance of properties in attempting to develop this type of formulation.

15 2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program

Daily Program 10:00 to 10:30 a.m.

Hot Melt Formulation Strategies for New Propylene-based Polymers Jim Coffey, Chemical Engineer, ExxonMobil Chemical Company Vistamaxx™ propylene-based elastomers are a family of innovative metallocene-catalyzed polymers based on readily available olefin feedstocks. New grades within this family have been specifically designed for the hot-melt adhesives (HMA) market. These polymers possess a fully saturated backbone resulting in excellent thermal and viscoelastic stability. These polymers are designed to offer superior performance and formulation flexibility. This enables high value in use via reduced add-on weight and helps the market achieve its goal of higher Polyolefin usage. In this presentation we will present formulation concepts that illustrate the attractive performance with this new class of polymers.

10:30 to 11:00 a.m.

Metallocene Based Polymers, Waxes and Adhesion Promoters for the Hot Melt Industry Christian Steib, Technical Manager, Adhesives & Coatings, Clariant Produkte GmbH Metallocene based polymers, waxes and adhesion promoters for the hot melt industry – Learn how Maleic Anhydride grafted Metallocene waxes improve adhesion and influence physical and mechanical properties of your Polyolefin hot melt adhesive.

11:00 to 11:30 a.m.

Optical Clear Polyurethane Reactive Hot Melt Bing Wang, Hot Melt Director, Nan Pao Resins Chemical Co., Ltd. An optical clear polyurethane reactive hot melt (PUR) has been prepared from isocyanate-terminated prepolymers, and other optional hot melt ingredients. PUR products have advantages of typical PUR, such as solvent free system, green strength as high as hot melt, solvent and water resistance, heat resistance, and great adhesion to different substrates. In general, the application temperatures are in the range of 120-150C. The property behavior of this product, including typical set time, open time, heat resistance, and examples of applications will be detailed in this presentation.

11:30 a.m. to Noon

Reduce Production Costs through Innovative Hot Melt Processing with InvisiPac™ Tank-Free™ Hot Melt Delivery System John Ferguson, Strategic Sales Manager-Packaging, Strategic Sales Manager-Packaging, Graco Inc. InvisiPac™ Tank-Free™ hot melt delivery systems are designed to improve end of line packaging efficiencies and reduce downtime. This innovative technology redefines hot melt adhesive processing. What if... customers could eliminate nozzle plugging, heat up to application temperature from ambient in less than 10 minutes and record errors, events and adhesive consumption in an easy to access format that would allow them to monitor and optimize line performance. InvisiPac™ Tank-Free hot melt systems make this dream a reality.

2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program 16

Education Track 3:

New Technology and Application

Advanced Technology Link Marquette Ballroom I, Second Floor

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9:15 to 10:00 a.m.

Resources for Research and Product Development at the University of Minnesota James Marti, Scientist, University of Minnesota This presentation will describe the capabilities and recent projects of two such facilities, the Nanofabrication Center and the Characterization Facility, with special emphasis on materials applications.

10:00 to 10:15 a.m. BREAK 10:15 to 11:00 a.m.

An Overview of Research in Interfacial and Materials Engineering at the University of Minnesota Bob Lewis, Director of Technology Transfer, University of Minnesota This presentation will provide an overview of IPrime (the Industrial Partnership for Research in Interfacial and Materials Engineering), an Industry/ University partnership at the University of Minnesota. IPrime is a consortium of more than 50 companies supporting fundamental collaborative research on materials. All the research in IPrime is pre-competitive and non-proprietary. This presentation will also touch on research highlights that may be of interest to ASC members such as block polymers for pressure sensitive adhesives, adhesion in multilayer films, reactive compatibilization, sustainable adhesives, and block polymer self-assembly and characterization of microstructure development.

11:00 a.m. to Noon

Automated Aerosol-Based Sealing of Building Envelopes Curtis Harrington, Associate Research Engineer, UC Davis, Western Cooling Efficiency Center As building codes demand tighter building envelopes significant effort has been made to reduce the leaks in building shells through current construction practices, but the problem remains one of excess labor costs, constant vigilance and quality control issues. A recently developed technology at UC Davis for automating the envelope sealing process has been successfully tested in the laboratory and demonstrated in full-scale applications. This presentation will cover the basic concept of the technology, the results from both laboratory and field installations, and the expected path to commercialization.

17 2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program

Daily Program

Noon – 1:15 p.m.

ASC MEMBERSHIP UPDATE LUNCH Grand Ballroom EF, Third Floor Membership Update Lunch Rusty Thompson, ASC Chair & President/ CEO, Evans Adhesive Corporation and Matt Croson, President, The Adhesive and Sealant Council Join ASC Chair Rusty Thompson and President Matt Croson to learn more about how ASC is delivering value to its members. The membership lunch will also recognize and honor past leaders of the Council, and provide a glimpse of the Council’s draft long range plan. Use the opportunity to learn more about how ASC is leveraging the collective strength of the industry, while also meeting other members and volunteer leaders who are guiding the direction of the Council.

1:30 to 2:30 p.m. ASC Committee Meetings (concurrent) nG lobal Resource Committee Meeting

(committee members only)

Committee Chair: David Nick, President/CEO, DPNA International, Inc.

Symphony Ballroom IV, Second Floor

n Marketing Committee Meeting (committee members only) Committee Chair: Ingo Stohrer, Business Director, Adhesive Resins, Evonik Degussa Corporation

Directors Row 2, Third Floor

n Membership Committee Meeting (committee members only) Committee Chair: Shamsi Gravel, Product Line Director, K-Flex, Emerald Kalama Chemical

Directors Row 4, Third Floor

n Regulatory Affairs

(committee members only)

Committee Chair: Neema Toolaabee, Manager, Regulatory and Environmental Affairs, DAP Inc.

Directors Row 3, Third Floor

n Technical Committee Meeting (committee members only) Committee Chair: William (Bill) Arendt, Research Fellow, Emerald Kalama Chemical LLC

Directors Row 1, Third Floor

2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program 18

Afternoon Education Sessions 2:45 to 5:00 p.m. Education Track 1: Business Development and Market Trends

Small Business Focus Marquette Ballroom III, Second Floor

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2:45 to 3:30 p.m.

Understanding How Healthcare Reform Affects Small Businesses Marc Jacobson, Health Care Broker, Marc Jacobson & Associates Lisa Green, Group Health Executive, Marc Jacobson & Associates Healthcare Reform affects everyone. As a small business owner, compliance with new regulations is a must. This is an overview of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and requirements in 2014. Discussion will include early implementation provisions, required notifications, and how modified community rating may affect some small groups.

3:30 to 4:15 p.m.

Social Media – Beyond the Hype and into Practical Use Joe Rueckert, Digital Strategist, Snowblind Digital, LLC Social Media has owned the headlines for the past 5 years. But are you fully utilizing it yet? This session will help demystify what Social Media is, and help provide you the practical tips and tools to help you grow and manage your social channels. After all, it’s still about attracting, nurturing, converting and retaining customers while creating advocacy for your brand. We’ll cover simple ways to use social media to complement what you’ve always done to grow your business.

Education Track 2: Technical and Government Regulations

Regulatory Affairs Marquette Ballroom II, Second Floor

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2:45 to 3:15 p.m.

Management under TSCA of Short-, Medium-, and Long-Chained Chlorinated Paraffins Maria Doa, Director, Chemical Control Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Chlorinated paraffins are typically used in oils and metal working fluids to impart stability during high temperature/pressure operations; in plastics/ rubber (PVC) compounding, paints, coatings, adhesives, sealants, and leather fat liquors as plasticizers and flame retardants. These chemicals are generally found to be highly persistent, and some of the congeners may be highly bioaccumulative. They have been found in releases to air and water, and have been detected in soil from industrial applications as well as sediments and in biota. This presentation will describe EPA’s management actions for these chemicals. 19 2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program

Wednesday – Daily Program 3:15 to 4:00 p.m.

What TSCA Reform Legislation Could Mean for Industry Mark Duvall, Principal, Beveridge & Diamond, P.C. The Toxic Substances Control Act has not been overhauled for 37 years. Is now the time for change? TSCA reform efforts have proceeded slowly for the last several years, but they are now in overdrive as Democrats and Republicans are actively engaged in debating what a future TSCA will require of manufacturers and processors. Learn the latest developments and implications that the leading proposals have for the adhesive and sealant industry.

4:00 to 4:30 p.m. TSCA for Chemists

Steve Ernst, Project Manager III, Product Regulatory Services, Product Regulatory Division, Pace Analytical This presentation is designed to help explain TSCA regulations to the industrial chemist. It emphasizes the importance of the chemist in the regulatory process and gives helpful advice to the chemist to assist with TSCA requirements. It is an ideal presentation for chemists who design and work with novel chemistry or who formulate.

4:30 to 5:00 p.m.

May 2014 is Coming: Complying with U.S. Conflict Minerals Requirements Nancy Walsh, Lead Regulatory Specialist, 3M In 2010, Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Section 1502 covered “conflict minerals” and required the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to promulgate rules for publicly traded companies to disclose annually the use of any such minerals, and whether the minerals originated in the African Congo region. This presentation will provide a brief review of the Conflict Minerals final rule, highlighting exclusions that may help issuers and their suppliers alike. It will also cover best practices and other considerations for undertaking supply chain inquiry and responding to customers.

Education Track 3:

New Technology and Application

Advanced Technology Link Marquette Ballroom I, Second Floor

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2:45 to 3:15 p.m.

Soy Bio-Based Materials in Adhesives and Paper Linda Kim-Habermehl, Commercialization Manager, OmniTech International, Ltd. In this presentation, the sustainability, production, and chemistry of soybeans as a bio-based feedstock for adhesive and paperboard applications will be described. Commercialization activities regarding feasibility assessment of soy based products for new uses in these applications will also be summarized, in the context of current industry trends. 2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program 20

3:15 to 4:00 p.m.

Renewable and Biodegradable Monomers for Adhesive Materials Steven Severtson, Associate Professor, University of Minnesota This presentation will review our efforts to design and commercialize pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) containing a high biomass content. In addition to reviewing the general synthesis approach, properties of latexes and adhesive films and results for the structural characterization of high-biomass content adhesive polymers, the remaining challenges faced in bringing this technology to the marketplace as well as ongoing research involving similar approaches with alternative sources of biomass will be described. Also discussed will be the increasing requirements placed on pressure-sensitive products due to their content in recyclable materials such as paper and plastic bottles.

4:00 to 4:30 p.m.

The Bio-Adhesive Technology: Chemical, Rheological, and Mechanical Properties Elham Fini, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, North Carolina A&T State University This presentation focuses on the chemical, rheological, and mechanical properties of the bio-adhesive produced from pig manure.

Commercialization of the Bio-Adhesive Technology Mahour Parast, Assistant Professor of Technology Management, North Carolina A&T State University This presentation provides an overview of the commercialization plan for the bio-adhesive technology.

4:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Challenges of a Successful Innovation Process in the Chemical and Adhesive Industries Kristy Beckman, Global New Product Director, H.B. Fuller Innovation process looks simple on paper, but presents real challenges for the adhesives and chemical industries. Among the challenges to be discussed are the gap in mid-career innovation talent across our industry and ways to create a stronger entrepreneurial spirit; what keeps our industry from bringing forth more break-through innovation and ideas to improve; and what keeps the industry from spreading technology advances across the globe more quickly, when to push harder, and how to recognize that regional differences are real.

21 2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program

5:00 – 6:00 p.m.

CLOSING SESSION Marquette Ballroom III, Second Floor

Innovation and Collaboration in Green Chemistry Research, Education and Policy: Implications for the Boardroom Steve Kelley, Director and Senior Fellow, University of Minnesota Successful green chemistry ventures from fuels to materials have energized innovative research to develop new materials, including adhesives and other polymerbased materials. The University of Minnesota’s Center for Sustainable Polymers is one example of researchers, educators, public policy experts and business executives working together to create new materials and develop the broader systems that support the growth of green chemistry. This presentation will explore the exciting possibilities that green chemistry offers and the challenges and opportunities it presents for business leaders.

6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

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Closing Reception The Gallery, Lobby Level

2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program 22

Paul Anastas

Yale University

Paul Anastas is the Teresa and H. John Heinz III Professor in the Practice of Chemistry for the Environment. He has appointments in the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Department of Chemistry, and Department of Chemical Engineering. In addition, he serves as the Director of the Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering at Yale. Anastas took public service leave from Yale to serve as the Assistant Administrator for the US Environmental Protection Agency. From 2004 -2006, Paul Anastas served as Director of the ACS Green Chemistry Institute. He was previously the Assistant Director for the Environment in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Dr. Anastas received his Ph.D. from Brandeis University.

Jason Anderson

Novomer, Inc.

Jason Anderson is Director of Business Development for Novomer’s CO2 technology platform, where he leads efforts to commercialize CO2-based polycarbonate polyols in a range of thermoset chemistry applications including adhesives, coatings, foams and elastomers. Prior to Novomer, Jason held management roles at McKinsey & Company and BASF Corporation. Jason has a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from The University of Oklahoma and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.

William Arendt

Emerald Kalama Chemical LLC

Bill Arendt is a Research Fellow with Emerald Kalama Chemical. For the last forty two years with Emerald Kalama, Genovique Specialties and Velsicol Chemical, he has focused on new and existing plasticizer, application development and technical support. He has 17 US patents and has several patents pending. Bill is also the chair of the Technical committee of the ASC. He is an Honored Fellow of the Society of the SPE, and is Vinyl Division Councilor of the SPE. He is active in ASTM C24 and D01 and American Coating Society.

Ben Arnold

The NPD Group, Inc.

Ben Arnold is Director of Industry Analysis, specializing in consumer technology. In his 12+ years of work as an analyst, Prior to joining NPD, Ben was a senior analyst at the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) serving as the principal analyst on video, audio, and mobile computing research initiatives and leading analyst briefings with association members, the press, and government officials. Before CEA, Arnold worked as a senior analyst at USA TODAY.

Karl Bartholomew

Americas, ICIS Consulting

Karl Bartholomew was appointed Vice President Americas consulting for ICIS in December 2012. Karl joins ICIS from a long career history with KBC Advanced Technologies, Pace Consultants/Jacobs Consultancy and Exxon Refining. He serves as ICIS’s representative to American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) Board of Directors, as well as the AFPM Fuels Committee and Associates Steering Committee. Karl is a registered professional engineer, an accredited senior appraiser and a member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors. 23 2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program

Speakers Kristy Beckman

Global New Product Director, H.B. Fuller

Kristy Beckman has 20-years of experience in new product development across multiple industries. She came to the adhesives industry two years ago after multiple successful product development efforts in engineering thermoplastics. She holds a B.S. in chemical engineering, a M.E. in technical leadership, and is a Design for Six Sigma Black Belt. Kristy is currently serving H.B. Fuller as Global Product Director for Hot Melt Adhesives. Prior to joining H.B. Fuller, she played an integral role in implementing the stage gate process, portfolio management, project management, and best practices for gathering technical voice of customer for other large specialty materials companies.

Paul Bertram

Director, Kingspan Insulated Panels, Inc.

Paul is a Fellow of the Construction Specifications Institute and Immediate Past President of the Institute. Paul’s current work as Director, Environment & Sustainability for Kingspan Insulated Panels includes Envelope First Energy Efficiency strategies. Prior to joining Kingspan Paul was Director, Environment & Sustainability of NAIMA - North American Insulation Manufacturers Association. He was also president of his Orlando based design firm of 30 years designing specification programs for various building product manufacturers. He began his career in Design and Development at Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL.

Eric Brouwer

Croda Coatings & Polymers

Eric Brouwer holds a Master degree in Chemical Engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands) and specialized in Polymer Chemistry. Eric joined Croda Coatings & Polymers in 2011 as a Applications Specialist. He has over 18 years of experience in R&D departments of coatings, polymers and adhesives producing companies.

Cordell Burton

Pella Corporation

Cordell Burton is an ex-contractor and son of a custom builder who learned the importance of quality craftsmanship and techniques from a young age. Burton’s team was responsible for developing Pella’s simplified installation and product application instructions, processes, materials, tools and trainings. He served as a consultant in Pella’s work for the California Energy Commission, and has represented Pella as an expert in television appearances on Bob Villa’s “Home Again” syndicated program, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition aired on the ABC network, Home and Garden Television’s “Curb Appeal,” and has been quoted in numerous magazine interviews.

Sara Cederberg

U.S. Green Building Council

Sara Cederberg is a Manager in the LEED department of the U.S. Green Building Council. Sara manages the creation of LEED v4 submittals and LEED Online forms. She also works on the technical development of the LEED rating system with a focus on the relationship between human health, occupant experience and the built environment. Prior to joining USGBC, Sara worked as an architect and sustainability consultant. She successfully managed the certification of over 60 LEED certified projects across various rating systems. Sara earned her Master’s in Architecture from Tulane University. 2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program 24

Richard Claar

The Martec Group, Inc.

Richard Claar is a Partner of The Martec Group, Inc. Mr. Claar has more than 27 years experience in chemical marketing research and consulting with a focus on technology forecasting, product development, market analysis, customer benchmarking and mergers & acquisitions. Mr. Claar also has been active with the private equity sector evaluating new technologies in electronics, nano materials, biotech as well as a host of other specialty chemicals including adhesives, coatings and additives. He is a graduate of Yale University and holds a B.S. degree in Biology and has also earned an MBA from the University of Michigan.

Jim Coffey

ExxonMobil Chemical Company

Jim Coffey received a BS in Chemical Engineering in 1985 from Texas Tech. He started his career with Eastman Chemical, joined ExxonMobil Chemical in 2000 and has since held various positions in the area of Strategic Market Research, New Product Development and Application Technology Development for compounding, polyethylene, polypropylene, and adhesives. More recently, Jim has been instrumental in the commercialization of novel polyolefinic base polymers for hot melt adhesive applications.

William Coggio

BioAmber Inc.

Dr. William (Bill) D. Coggio is the Global Applications and Technology Support Manager for Bio Amber. He earned his Ph.D. in chemistry from The Pennsylvania State University under the direction of Prof. Harry Allcock. Previously he was the Global Applications Development Lead for Silicone Elastomers with Cabot Corporation and was a Senior Research Scientist with 3M Company. He holds more than 25 issued US patents, has 12 peer reviewed journal publications and has given numerous professional seminars and lecturers.

Paul Dalley

Dexco Polymers - A TSRC Company

Paul Dalley graduated from Hope College with a B.S. in Chemistry; obtained a Masters in Polymer Chemistry from the University of Detroit-Mercy, and obtained a J.D. from Marquette University Law School. Paul holds licenses for the State of Wisconsin, and the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Paul has over fifteen years of experience in formulating hot melt adhesives for product assembly applications. Prior to law school, Paul worked for Dow Automotive, Bostik, and H.B. Fuller. Paul joined Dexco Polymers in August, 2012.

Douglass Dixon

Henkel Electronic Materials LLC

Douglass Dixon is the Marketing Communications Director for Henkel Electronic Materials Since joining Henkel in 2001, Dixon has championed multiple service initiatives on behalf of the company that have made a positive impact on the communities in which Henkel Electronic Materials employees live and work. Examples include Henkel’s work with Think Together, a California-based organization dedicated to encouraging children to stay in school; and the Tianhua Orphan Education Project, a Chinese charity that provides full educational assistance for orphaned children. Dixon holds an Engineering degree from the University of Utah. 25 2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program

Speakers Maria Doa

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Maria Doa is the Director of the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Chemical Control Division in the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention. Previously, she was the Director of EPA’s National Program Chemicals Division. She led EPA’s lead paint program and toxics programs on PCBs, mercury, asbestos, and phthalates. She was the co-chair of the United Nations Environment Program and World Health Organization Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead in Paints and led the United Nations Environment Program Mercury Products Partnership. She also led EPA’s Toxics Release Inventory Program. Maria holds a B.S. degree in Chemistry and a Ph.D. degree in Organic Chemistry.

Mark Duvall

Beveridge & Diamond, P.C.

Mark Duvall is a principal with Beveridge & Diamond. He has extensive experience with all aspects of TSCA, including regulatory compliance counseling, rulemaking, enforcement actions, and advocacy. Mark formerly served as in-house counsel for major chemical companies. He leads the firm’s TSCA Dialogue Group. Mark also heads the firm’s OSHA and FDA practices, and works regularly on issues relating to pesticides, consumer products, green marketing, FIFRA, nanotechnology, and biotechnology.

Steve Ernst

Pace Analytical

Steven Ernst has a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Iowa. He has worked in an international biotech company as a production and safety/regulatory manager. Following this he worked for 14 years in the industrial sector as a technical manager for a small regional chemical manufacturing company. He has more than 15 years experience working with EPA and OSHA in the regulatory compliance industry for chemical companies. He has experience with TSCA, REACH, WHMIS, DOT, DHS, and many international regulations regarding chemicals.

John Felmy

American Petroleum Institute

John Felmy is Chief Economist of API. His areas of emphasis are the economic, statistical and policy analysis of the Institute. This includes managing the production of the Institute’s weekly and monthly petroleum statistics. He has thirty years of experience in energy, economic and environmental analysis. He received Bachelors and Masters in Economics from The Pennsylvania State University and a Ph.D. in Economics from University of Maryland. John is a member of several professional associations including American Economics Association, National Association for Business Economics and the International Association for Energy Economics.

2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program 26

Elham Fini

North Carolina A&T State University

Dr. Fini received a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2008. She is currently Assistant Professor at North Carolina A&T State University. She is also the Director of Sustainable Infrastructure Materials Laboratory and President of the American Society of Civil Engineers. She is recipient of NSF CAREER award, NCA&TSU’s Outstanding Young Investigator and Rookie of the year awards. She is also FHWA’s Eisenhower fellow, and the recipient of the American Society of Engineering Education’s Gerald R. Seeley Best Paper award, Transportation Research Board’s advising award, and Helene M. Overly Memorial Scholarship from Association of Advancing Women in Transportation.

John Ferguson

Graco Inc.

John Ferguson is the North American Sales Manager Packaging, for Graco Inc. He is responsible for the growth and development of Graco’s Packaging Equipment North American Channel and Sales Organization. John has been with Graco for 14 years, holding positions in marketing, sales and sales management throughout the organization. Prior to joining Graco, he sold mechanical seals for rotating industrial equipment at Flowserve Inc. John holds a Marketing diploma from Conestoga College, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.

Thomas Gloria

Industrial Ecology Consultants

Tom Gloria, Ph.D. is Managing Director of Industrial Ecology Consultants and Lecturer at the Harvard University Extension School. He has nearly 20 years of professional experience in sustainability management consulting and information technology engineering design. His work encompasses product innovation; environmental LCA and life cycle management; methods and policy implications regarding greenhouse gas emissions inventories; and energy efficiency feasibility analysis.

Lisa Green

Marc Jacobson & Associates

Lisa has been involved in group benefits since 1990. She was the Corporate Benefits Manager for Coldwell Banker prior to joining Team MJA. Lisa is responsible for managing all aspects of our Group Benefits Department. Lisa is a licensed life and health agent in Illinois. Since the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in early 2010, Lisa has become PPACA certified and understands the key technical components of PPACA and has counseled client on the upcoming required changes, options and requirements for health care plans.

27 2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program

Speakers Curtis Harrington

UC Davis, Western Cooling Efficiency Center

Curtis Harrington is an Associate Research Engineer with the UC Davis Western Cooling Efficiency Center. Some of his research includes investigating the feasibility of using swimming pools as heat sinks for air conditioners to reduce cooling energy use and peak demand, laboratory testing of water management strategies for water-cooled condensers, and is the project manager for the aerosol-based envelope sealing research. He received a degree in Mechanical Engineering from UC Davis.

William Heath

Dow Chemical Company

Bill Heath is a Research Scientist at Dow Chemical Company with six years of experience in material process and product development. He is currently in the Thermoset R&D group working to develop hybrid technologies for CASE applications. He holds a Ph.D. in polymer chemistry from the University of Texas.

Bill Hyde

Chemical Market Associates, Inc. (CMAI)

Bill began his career with Union Carbide Corporation in 1990 where he had various positions including engineering, optimization, planning, and logistics. In 2000, he joined Texas Petrochemicals as a Business Analyst. Bill joined CMAI in the Olefins Consulting Practice in 2002. He assumed responsibility for CMAI’s Global C4 Olefins and Elastomer Practice in 2006. He has published a number of papers on the Olefins and Elastomers industries as well as presented at Olefins and Elastomers Conferences. Bill has B.S. and M.S. Degrees in Chemical Engineering from Brigham Young University and an M.B.A. from Tulane University.

Marc Jacobson

Marc Jacobson & Associates

Since 1989, Marc’s production has been in excess of what the Million Dollar Round Table considers the Top of the Table, the top one tenth of one percent of all life insurance Agents in the United States. He has won 23 national championships over the last 25 years from two companies. Most recently, Marc earned the highest honors from a Major US insurer four years in a row.

Jay Johnston

Bayer MaterialScience LLC

Jay Johnston graduated with a Ph.D. in polymer chemistry from the University of Akron in 1991. He then completed postdoctoral fellowships at General Electric’s Corporate R & D center and at the University of Akron’s Institute of Polymer Science. Jay joined ICI Polyurethanes in 1994. Currently, he is a Senior Scientist in the CAS (Coatings, Adhesives, and Specialties) group at Bayer MaterialScience in Pittsburgh, PA and is responsible for applications development in the Adhesives and Sealants market. Jay is active in several chemical industry associations.

2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program 28

Steve Kelley

University of Minnesota

Steve Kelley is a Senior Fellow at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs and Deputy Director of the Center for Integrative Leadership. He is also a senior collaborator with the University of Minnesota’s Center for Sustainable Polymers. He previously served as the director of the Center for Science, Technology and Public Policy. Before joining the Humphrey School in 2007, Steve served in the Minnesota Senate for ten years and the Minnesota House of Representatives for four years. He received a B.A cum laude in political science and political economy from Williams College and his law degree from Columbia University.

Linda Kim-Habermehl

OmniTech International, Ltd.

Linda Kim-Habermehl is a Commercialization Manager for Adhesives and Paper at Omni Tech International where she’s been working since 2012. Linda received her bachelor’s and master’s degree in polymer engineering from Case Western Reserve University and then spent 24 years working at Dow. She spent time in Dow Latex in research developing products for paper and specialty applications. Linda also spent time in Dow Construction Chemicals working with customers on projects related to cellulose ethers and redipsersible powders in dry mix mortar and mastic applications.

Mark LaLiberte

LaLiberte Online Inc.

Mark LaLiberte has spent over 25 years in the building industry. He is the 2013 Building Science co-chair for the Hanley Wood Vision 2020 project and he has provided technical assistance to the Cold Climate Housing Research Center in Fairbanks, Alaska for 7 years. Mark is the founder and president of both LaLiberte Online and Construction Instruction Inc. He is also a Partner in the Millau Group, helping to bridge Sales and Marketing efforts to our industry. Mark reaches over 7,000 industry people each year traveling over 120,000 air miles annually throughout the U.S. and Canada.

Bob Lewis

University of Minnesota

A graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, with an M.S. MOT (Management of Technology) from the University of Minnesota, Bob has extensive experience in the adhesive and sealants industry. Starting in 1981 as a waterbase chemist with Bostik (then Findley Adhesives), he progressed through roles of increasing responsibility in technical service, product development and R&D management, culminating as Director of R&D. In 2001, he joined Brady Corporation as Director of Materials R&D. In 2004, he joined the University of Minnesota as Director of Technology Transfer for IPrime. At IPrime, he is responsible for cultivating new companies for IPrime as well as for building solid connections with member companies to facilitate research collaborations at the University of Minnesota.

29 2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program

Speakers James Marti

University of Minnesota

James Marti is Associate Program Director and External Affairs Coordinator for the Nanofabrication Center. Prior to joining the NFC, Dr. Marti conducted research on nano-particles for academic and government labs, and served as R&D director for several small companies with a nanotechnology product focus. In his present role, Dr. Marti seeks to link industrial research labs with University researchers to promote wider use of the University’s considerable R&D resources.

David Nick

DPNA International, Inc.

David Nick is the founder of DPNA International, Inc. He has authored numerous market study reports for the ASC and produced proprietary and global multi-client market studies covering the adhesive, sealant, coatings and ink industries. Mr. Nick has more than 35 years of experience in the specialty chemicals industry. He began his career at Lord Corporation as an R&D chemist and later as International Chemicals Manager. His last corporate assignment was Manager, International Division of the Carboline Company. Mr. Nick started his consulting practice in 1991. His unparalleled global contacts in the industry include raw material suppliers, users, formulators and specifiers.

Jim Owens H.B. Fuller

Jim Owens is President and CEO of H.B. Fuller Company, where he is leading the company’s transformation and profitable growth in its targeted markets. Prior to joining H.B. Fuller in 2008, Owens spent 22 years with National Adhesives, a division of ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries Limited), in a variety of management positions. Jim holds a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Delaware and an M.S. in Business Administration from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a current member of the ASC and formerly served as Board Chair (2008-2010) and Treasurer (2006-08). Owens currently serves on the board of Donaldson Company, Inc.

Mahour Parast

North Carolina A&T State University

Mahour Parast is an Assistant Professor of Technology Management at North Carolina A&T State University where he teaches courses on operations management, supply chain management, innovation management, and statistics. He received his Ph.D. in Industrial & Management Systems Engineering from University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2006. Mahour joined the bio-adhesive research team in June 2012 to evaluate and examine the commercialization of the technology through the National Science Foundation (NSF) Innovation Corps (I-Corps) project. He is currently serving as the president of the Bio-Adhesive Alliance, a spin-out company from NC A&T State University.

2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program 30

Joe Rueckert

Snowblind Digital, LLC

A digital media expert for 15+ years, Joe has spent his career applying emerging media to meet business objectives for his company and clients. As the founder of Snowblind Digital, he puts his passion about the digital and social landscape to work to create meaningful experiences for brands and consumers. Joe has most recently lead social marketing at Minneapolis agency Martin|Williams. Prior to that, he earned Ameriprise Financial recognition as an industry leader in leveraging social media on behalf of their financial advisors.

Dean Rutila

Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc.

Mr. Rutila is a Senior Principal at Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc. He holds a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Michigan and has over 35 years of experience in the construction industry. He is a licensed professional engineer in 24 states.

Steven Severtson

University of Minnesota

Steve Severtson is a Professor in the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering at the University of Minnesota and a Qiushi Chair Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, China). His current research projects include the study of wetting involving soft substrates, characterization of small molecule migration in polymer films and development of environmentally benign coatings and adhesives. Prof. Severtson received his B.A. from Augsburg College (Minneapolis, MN), M.S.M.E. from Georgia Tech. and Ph.D. from IPST (currently IPST at Georgia Tech).

Robert Smith

Bioformix, Inc.

Bob, a 35-year veteran of the Adhesives, Sealants and Coatings Industry is responsible for developing Bioformaix intentional and tactical business strategies. Prior to joining Bioformix, Bob worked for almost a decade at the ChemQuest Group. Before ChemQuest, Bob served as Business Manager and New Business Development Manager of Ashland Specialty Chemical Polymers & Adhesives Division, and has also held management and other positions with Loctite Corporation and W.R. Grace & Co. He holds a B.S. in Natural & Synthetic Polymer Chemistry from SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry.

Christian Steib

Clariant Produkte GmbH

Christian Steib received his engineering diploma in chemistry from the University of Isny, Germany. He has been employed since 2003 by Clariant in Research & Development department fulfilling various responsibilities. He currently holds the position of R&D responsible for Clariant’s Licocene® project, especially for hot melt adhesives. He also has extensive knowledge about hotmelt backcoating and recycling of artificial turf and carpets and textile coating.

31 2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program

Speakers Rusty Thompson

Evans Adhesive Corporation

Since 2002, Rusty has been President and CEO of Evans Adhesive Corporation, Ltd. Rusty began his 20 plus year career in the adhesive and sealant industry with HB Fuller. After progressing through successful sales and sales management responsibilities, Rusty was part of the strategic start up and development of the global account coverage. Rusty has been a member of the CEO Group “Vistage” (formally TEC) since 2002. Rusty holds a BS/BA. in Marketing from the University of Louisville.

Wayne Trusty

Wayne B. Trusty & Associates Limited

Wayne has a Masters degree in economics and more than 40 years of experience in diverse fields. He is Past President of the Athena Sustainable Materials Institute and Athena Institute International, an Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Calgary Faculty of Environmental Design, and chair of the ASTM. Wayne also served as Chair of the Technical Committee established in the U.S. to take the Green Globes rating system through a full American National Standards Institute process and served for many years on the LEED Resources and Materials Technical Advisory Group, as well as on the Metrics and Life Cycle Assessment task force for the Canadian Green Building Council.

Ujjval Vyas

Alberti Group, LLC

Ujjval Vyas, Ph.D., J.D. is principal of Alberti Group, a Chicago-based interdisciplinary consultancy specializing in the built environment. A licensed attorney, he practiced construction law for 10 years. His recent interests and consulting have focused on risk management, performance, and sustainability in construction, insurance, and real estate development. Alberti Group also pursues entrepreneurial activity with first- and second-stage companies developing disruptive technologies for the built environment.

Bing Wang

Nan Pao Resins Chemical Co., Ltd.

Bing Wang holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry. He is Hot Melt Director of Nan Pao Resins Chemicals Inc. He used to work for H.B. Fuller as Research Chemist of HB Fuller, Specialist of Imation Company, Senior Chemist of 3M, and Research Associate of Virginia Tech. He graduated from University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Nancy Walsh


Dr. Walsh is currently a Lead Regulatory Specialist in the 3M Material EHS group. She also had over 14 years experience as a Product Steward in two 3M business units. Nancy has a chemistry B.A. from Carleton College, and a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Minnesota. She taught management ethics in the St. Mary’s University Masters in Management Program, as well as provided occasional lectures at the University of Minnesota and the University of St. Thomas in business ethics.

2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program 32

Steve Willging

Department Head, H.B. Fuller

Dr. Stephen M. Willging is currently the Technical Manager Feedstocks in the Global Sourcing of H. B. Fuller Company. Stephen started his industrial career 31 years ago as a bench chemist in the Fine Chemicals group of Henkel Corporation. He joined H. B. Fuller Company 26 years ago where he has held various positions from bench chemist to lab manager in addition to his current position. Stephen has a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry and a M.S. in Management of Technology from the University of Minnesota.

D’Lane Wisner

D’Lane Wisner & Associates, LLC

D’Lane Wisner is the principal of D’Lane Wisner & Associates, a consulting firm formed in 2003. D’Lane’s educational background includes a B.S. in Industrial Engineering from Pennsylvania State University and a M.S. in Industrial Administration from Carnegie Mellon University. His career in the chemical industry began with BFGoodrich Chemical where he worked in product management, sourcing, and marketing. Later at PolyOne Corporation., he focused on environmental issues management.

33 2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program

Your guide to ASC educational tracks during the 2013 Fall Convention.

BD/M = Business Development & Market Trends Track T/GR = Technical & Government Regulations Track NT/A = New Technology & Application Track


Tuesday, October 22 Morning Education Sessions by Time Slot 9:15 to 10:00 a.m. BD/M: Shale’s Impact on U.S. Downstream Karl Bartholomew, Vice President, Americas, ICIS Consulting Marquette III, Second Floor T/GR: Flexibilizers for Epoxy Adhesives and Sealants William Heath, Research Scientist, Dow Chemical Company Marquette II, Second Floor NT/A: Design Perspectives and Influence of the Engineering Firm on Product Selection Dean Rutila, Senior Principal, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc. Marquette I, Second Floor

10:00 to 10:30 a.m. – T/GR & NT/A BREAK 10:00 to 10:30 a.m. T/GR: Polyurethane Hot Melt Adhesives from CO2-based Polyols Jason Anderson, Director, CO2 Strategy & Business Development, Novomer, Inc. Marquette II, Second Floor

10:30 to 11:15 a.m. BD/M: Trends in Key Adhesive Raw Materials: Chaos or Order? Bill Hyde, Director C4 Olefins and Elastomers, Chemical Market Associates, Inc. (CMAI) Marquette III, Second Floor NT/A: Defining New Opportunities in High Performance Buildings Mark LaLiberte, President, LaLiberte Online Inc. Marquette I, Second Floor

10:30 to 11:00 a.m. T/GR: Bio-based Polyols for High Performance Polyurethane Adhesives Eric Brouwer, Applications Specialist, Croda Coatings & Polymers Marquette II, Second Floor

11:15 to Noon BD/M: A Manufacturer’s Perspective on Global Oil Trends and the Downstream Impact to the Adhesive Market Steve Willging, Department Head, H.B. Fuller Marquette III, Second Floor NT/A: Road Less Traveled – Working Together to Fill Customer Needs Cordell Burton, Manager Sustainable Building Technologies and Test/Evaluation Lab, Pella Corporation Marquette I, Second Floor

11:00 to 11:30 T/GR: Succinic Acid a Bio-based Building Block for Polyurethane Adhesives and Sealants William Coggio, Global Manager for Application Development and Technical Support, BioAmber Inc. Marquette II, Second Floor

11:30 to Noon T/GR: Use of Mixture Designs in Formulation of Pressure Sensitive Adhesives William Arendt, Research Fellow, Emerald Kalama Chemical LLC Marquette II, Second Floor


Tuesday, October 22 Afternoon Education Sessions by Time Slot 1:15 to 2:00 p.m. BD/M: Overview of Markets and Trends from the 2012-2015 ASC Market Reports David Nick, President/CEO, DPNA International, Inc. Marquette III, Second Floor T/GR: LEED v4 Technical Update Sara Cederberg, Manager, LEED, U.S. Green Building Council Marquette II, Second Floor NT/A: Green Chemistry: Sustainability through Innovation Paul Anastas, Director, Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering, Yale University Marquette I, Second Floor

2:00 to 2:45 p.m. BD/M: Opportunities in the Electronics Market Segment Ben Arnold, Director, Industry Analyst, The NPD Group, Inc. Marquette III, Second Floor T/GR: The Challenges of LEED v4 and Impact to the Specification Community – What a CTO should be thinking about before Developing New Products Paul Bertram, Director, Environment and Sustainability, Kingspan Insulated Panels, Inc. Marquette II, Second Floor NT/A: Users and Investors Profile of What Green & Clean Really Means Robert Smith, Vice President Strategic Marketing, Bioformix, Inc. Marquette I, Second Floor

2:45 to 3:30 p.m. BD/M: A Manufacturers Perspective on the Electronics Market Douglass Dixon, Marketing Manager, Henkel Electronic Materials LLC Marquette III, Second Floor T/GR: The Legal Implications of Design Professional Advocacy for Sustainability and Health Ujjval Vyas, Principal, Alberti Group, LLC Marquette II, Second Floor NT/A: Bio-based Adhesive Opportunities within Specialty Adhesives Segments Rick Claar, Partner, The Martec Group Marquette I, Second Floor

3:30 to 4:00 p.m. T/GR: American High Performance Buildings Coalition – An Update D’Lane Wisner, President, D’Lane Wisner & Associates, LLC Marquette II, Second Floor


D/M = B B usiness Development & Market Trends Track T/GR = Technical & Government Regulations Track NT/A = N ew Technology & Application Track


Wednesday, October 23 Morning Education Sessions by Time Slot 9:15 to 10:00 a.m. BD/M: The Business Value in Creating Product Category Rules: Activity within Packaging, B&C and Footwear Industries Thomas Gloria, Managing Director, Industrial Ecology Consultants Marquette III, Second Floor T/GR: Low Melt Viscosity Hot Melt Adhesives Based on Radial Styrenic Block Copolymers Paul Dalley, Research Scientist, Dexco Polymers - A TSRC Company Marquette II, Second Floor NT/A: Resources for Research and Product Development at the University of Minnesota James Marti, Scientist, University of Minnesota Marquette I, Second Floor

10:00 to 10:15 a.m. – BD/M & NT/A BREAK 10:00 to 10:30 a.m. T/GR: Hot Melt Formulation Strategies for New Propylene-based Polymers Jim Coffey, Chemical Engineer, ExxonMobil Chemical Company Marquette II, Second Floor

10:15 to 11:00 a.m. BD/M: Sealants for Sustainability: A Life Cycle Assessment of a Polyurethane Sealant on a Residential Structure Jay Johnston, Senior Associate Scientist, Bayer MaterialScience LLC Marquette III, Second Floor NT/A: An Overview of Research in Interfacial and Materials Engineering at the University of Minnesota Bob Lewis, Director of Technology Transfer, University of Minnesota Marquette I, Second Floor

10:30 to 11:00 a.m. T/GR: Metallocene Based Polymers, Waxes and Adhesion Promoters for the Hot Melt Industry Christian Steib, Technical Manager, Adhesives & Coatings, Clariant Produkte GmbH Marquette II, Second Floor

11:00 to 11:30 a.m. T/GR: Optical Clear Polyurethane Reactive Hot Melt Bing Wang, Hot Melt Director, Nan Pao Resins Chemical Co., Ltd. Marquette II, Second Floor

11:00 to Noon BD/M: The PCR for Seals and Sealants: Status and Next Steps Wayne Trusty, President, Wayne B. Trusty & Associates Limited Marquette III, Second Floor NT/A: Automated Aerosol-Based Sealing of Building Envelopes Curtis Harrington, Associate Research Engineer, UC Davis, Western Cooling Efficiency Center Marquette I, Second Floor

11:30 to Noon T/GR: Reduce Production Costs through Innovative Hot Melt Processing with InvisiPac™ Tank-Free™ Hot Melt Delivery System John Ferguson, Strategic Sales Manager-Packaging, Strategic Sales Manager-Packaging, Graco Inc. Marquette II, Second Floor 37 2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program

Wednesday, October 23 Afternoon Education Sessions by Time Slot 2:45 to 3:15 p.m. T/GR: Management under TSCA of Short-, Medium-, and Long-Chained Chlorinated Paraffins Maria Doa, Director, Chemical Control Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Marquette II, Second Floor NT/A: Soy Bio-Based Materials in Adhesives and Paper Linda Kim-Habermehl, Commercialization Manager, OmniTech International, Ltd. Marquette I, Second Floor

2:45 to 3:30 p.m. BD/M: Understanding How Healthcare Reform Affects Small Businesses Marc Jacobson, Health Care Broker, Marc Jacobson & Associates Lisa Green, Group Health Executive, Marc Jacobson & Associates Marquette III, Second Floor

3:15 to 4:00 p.m. T/GR: What TSCA Reform Legislation Could Mean for Industry Mark Duvall, Principal, Beveridge & Diamond, P.C. Marquette II, Second Floor NT/A: Renewable and Biodegradable Monomers for Adhesive Materials Steven Severtson, Associate Professor, University of Minnesota Marquette I, Second Floor

3:30 to 4:15 p.m. BD/M: Social Media – Beyond the Hype and into Practical Use Joe Rueckert, Digital Strategist, Snowblind Digital, LLC Marquette III, Second Floor

4:00 to 4:30 p.m. T/GR: TSCA for Chemists Steve Ernst, Project Manager III, Product Regulatory Services, Product Regulatory Division, Pace Analytical Marquette II, Second Floor NT/A: The Bio-Adhesive Technology: Chemical, Rheological, and Mechanical Properties Elham Fini, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, North Carolina A&T State University Marquette I, Second Floor NT/A: Commercialization of the Bio-Adhesive Technology RMahour Parast, Assistant Professor of Technology Management, North Carolina A&T State University Marquette I, Second Floor

4:30 to 5:00 p.m. T/GR: May 2014 is Coming: Complying with U.S. Conflict Minerals Requirements Nancy Walsh, Lead Regulatory Specialist, 3M Marquette II, Second Floor NT/A: Challenges of a Successful Innovation Process in the Chemical and Adhesive Industries Kristy Beckman, Global New Product Director, H.B. Fuller Marquette I, Second Floor


D/M = B B usiness Development & Market Trends Track T/GR = Technical & Government Regulations Track NT/A = N ew Technology & Application Track

2013 Fall Convention and EXPO Final Program 38

Where smart polymer technology and advanced solutions come together Lighter, Faster, Safer, Smarter Count on our polymers when you need to deliver high-performing, life-enhancing products. And count on H.B. Fuller for the breadth of polymer solutions you need to stay competitive. • Low-VOC and formaldehyde-free polymers for certified-green products • Flame-retardant polymers for fire resistance and safety applications • Super-absorbent polymer technology for dryness protection Whether you’re bonding the latest lightweight material, working on new high-speed equipment or improving work environments, partner with the polymer supplier advancing the technology needed for tomorrow. Check out the latest innovations at

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