Clinical governance tools

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Clinical Governance tools

Clinical Governance (CG) tools:

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CG tools: Evidence-based Practice – EBP

Evidence-based Practice (EPB) is a multidisciplinary approach, formally introduced in clinical practice in 1992, according to which all decisions concerning clinical, healthcare and organizational practice should be taken on the basis of quantitative scientific studies selected according to proofs of concept.

EPB can be defined as the integration between the best scientific evidences currently available and clinical experience, with consideration for the patient’s individual values and circumstances

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CG tools: Information management

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CG tools: Data management

Strumenti della Clinical Governance 5 • •
Clinical Governancetools

CG tools: Guidelines (GL) and Care Pathways (CP)

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Local context (LC)

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Care Pathway (CP)

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CG tools: Health TechnologyAssessment

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CG tools: ClinicalAudits

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Identify priorities 1 Set standards Measure practice against standards Identify areas that need change 4 Implement change 5 Re-audit: assess the efficacy of change 6 2 3
Clinical audit steps:

CG tools: Clinical Risk

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CG tools: Continuing education, training and professional accreditation

• Consider operators as an integral part of the care

• Regard continuing education and hands-on practice as strategies to modify professional practice

• skills

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CG tools: Research & Development

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CG tools: Human Resources Management and Development

Define staff management strategies to develop human resources, according to the personal attitudes, knowledge and skills of each

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CG tools: Users’involvement

Involve citizens in the assessment and definition of the modalities of service and care provision, because they are entitled to it and their contribution can reduce the inappropriateness of demand

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Clinical Governance tree

Quality systems

Evidence-based strategies and policies

Management of resources and services

Reliable data

Research & Development

Risk Management

Audit and assessment

Technology Assessment



Accountability and Performance

Training culture

Titolo Presentazione
Clinical Governancetools

Areas of investigation

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What indicators?

• Structure indicators

• Process indicators

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Structure indicators

Structural, technological, organizational and professional requirements of healthcare facilities

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Process indicators

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Outcome indicators

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Outcome indicators


• Mortality (deaths for a specific cause)

• Clinical events (major complications)

• Metabolic indexes (cholesterol levels, arterial blood pressure)


• Directly medical (hospitalization, outpatient visits, tests, drugs)

• Indirectly medical (job loss, limitations to daily activities)

• Intangible (burnout or psychological distress)


• Symptoms (pain)

• Quality of life

• Functional state

• Patient satisfaction

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Process and outcome indicators

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Process and outcome indicators

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