Dam Safety 2015 Conference Program

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Getting Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Conference Evaluation Form . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Professional Development Hours . . . . . . 13 Networking Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Dine-Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Awards & Recognitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Field Trips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Meetings & Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Technical Agenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Special Activities in Exhibit Hall . . . . . . . . 49 Poster Presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Scan to Download the Dam Safety 2015 Mobile App

Door Prize Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Exhibit Hall Floor Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Exhibitor Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58



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Welcome to Dam Safety 2015 ASDSO Conference Planning Committee:

ASDSO Board of Directors:

Chair: John Ritchey, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection

President: Michael J. Johnson, Ph.D., P.E., Arizona Department of Water Resources (Left State service 7/29/15)

Jason Campbell, P.E., Dynegy, Inc. Eric J. Ditchey, P.E., McCormick Taylor, Inc. Benjamin Doerge, P.E., USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service John W. France, P.E., AECOM Garrett Jackson, P.E., Colorado Division of Water Resources Douglas Johnson, P.E., Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Matthew Lindon, P.E., Loughlin Water Associates Gregory S. Paxson, P.E., Schnabel Engineering Eric C. Halpin, P.E., US Army Corps of Engineers (advisory) ASDSO Staff:

President-Elect: James T. Pawloski, P.E., Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Treasurer: Dusty Myers, P.E., Mississippi Department of Water Quality Secretary: Jonathan D. Garton, P.E., Iowa Department of Natural Resources Past President: D. Thomas Woosley, P.E., Georgia Department of Natural Resources Roger Adams, P.E., Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Charles F. Cobb, P.E., Alaska Department of Natural Resources James W. Gallagher, P.E., New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, Dam Bureau

Lori Spragens, Executive Director

Michele Lemieux, P.E., Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation

Susan Sorrell, Training Program Director

David Marble, P.E., Utah Division of Water Rights

Ross Brown, Marketing and Membership Director

Steven M. McEvoy, P.E., North Carolina Land Quality Section (retired 5/29/15)

Jennifer Burns, Office Manager/Training Assistant Sarah McCubbin-Cain, Information Specialist Brittany Lewis, Office Assistant

Stay connected at dam safety 2015 Wireless SSID: Dam Safety 2015 Password: asdso2015

Art Sengupta, P.E., Florida Department of Environmental Protection Paul R. Simon, P.E., Missouri Department of Natural Resources Harald W. Van Aller, P.E., Maryland Department of the Environment Affiliate Advisory Committee Representatives: Eric J. Ditchey, P.E., McCormick & Taylor, Inc. Paul G. Schweiger, P.E., Gannett Fleming, Inc.


Getting Around the Hyatt Regency

Lobby Level Bus Departures & Returns

Staging Tunnel

Level One Exhibits, Poster, Resource Center Registration

Elite Hall Elite Hall Foyer

Level Two General Sessions Empire Ballroom AB (comb.) Concurrent Sessions Empire Ballroom A, B, C, & D Regional Caucus and Bolden Rooms 2, 4, 5, and 6 Committee Mtgs

Level Two cont. Annual Business Meeting Speaker Preview Room Workshop I: Internal Erosion Workshop III: Levees

Strand 12 Bolden 3 Strand 11 Empire D

Level Three Workshop II: HEC-RAS Celestin A


Evaluation form


Name We appreciate you taking a few minutes to tell us what you thought of the conference and to give us some good ideas for the future. Please complete and drop this form at the registration desk – or if you prefer, respond to the electronic survey that will be emailed to all participants at the end of the week. Thank you in advance for your comments and suggestions! 1. Please rate the following: Registration Procedures





N/A or

No Opinion

Meeting Facilities





N/A or

No Opinion

Breaks & Receptions





N/A or

No Opinion

Exhibit Show





N/A or

No Opinion

Comments on any of the above:

2. Please list your favorite speaker(s).

Speaker Reason

Speaker Reason

Speaker Reason


3. How would you improve the conference?

4. How did you hear about the conference? Received an info packet in the mail Received an email announcement from ASDSO Found it via an internet search, or saw an ad in an industry publication A colleague forwarded the information to me Other: _________________________________________________________

5. In your experience, what was the most valuable activity or interesting aspect of attending Dam Safety 2015?

Please drop this completed evaluation into the designated box at the ASDSO registration counter, OR return to ASDSO via fax or email: • Fax: 859-550-2795

• Email: info@damsafety.org

Professional Development Hours The Association of State Dam Safety Officials is a national professional association for individuals working in the area of dam safety in the U.S. Part of ASDSO’s mission is the education of government officials, dam owners and consultants on specialized topics related to the dam safety industry. In order to apply for credit for Professional Development Hours, please complete the form below. Fill in the number of hours in attendance, complete the participant’s information section, and submit, along with a copy of the conference or seminar topical agenda, to the organization you belong to that requires such notification. Please do not return this form to ASDSO. Conference/Seminar Name:

ASDSO 2015 National Conference New Orleans, Louisiana

Hours in Attendance

Monday, September 14


Tuesday, September 15


Wednesday, September 16


T hursday, September 17 (Field Trip) Or Friday, September 18 (Field Trip)




Participant Information Name:


Company/Agency: Address: Phone:

The above participant attended the 2015 ASDSO Annual Conference and is entitled to the number of PDH credit hours indicated: ______________________________________________________________________9/17/2015______ Susan A. Sorrell, ASDSO Conference Coordinator Date Notes: (1) The ASDSO conference is not an approved course for New York professional engineering license continuing education. (2) Participants in the Specialty Workshops on Thursday Sept 17 will receive a separate form for workshop credits.


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networking opportunities All registered participants are invited to take advantage of these opportunities to meet and learn from colleagues from across the dam safety industry.

Dine Around

Monday, September 14

When: Monday, September 14 and Tuesday, September 15

7:30 am

Continental Breakfast

12:00 pm-1:30 pm

12:00 pm

Dine Around (see information to the right)

3:00 pm

Refreshment Break and Poster Lightning Talks

5:30 pm

Welcome Reception

Take advantage of this opportunity to enjoy lunch while networking and meeting new people! ASDSO is making reservations at some of the local eateries for our annual Dam Safety Dine-Around. Sign up in the morning in the registration area to claim a seat at your restaurant of choice. We’ll have lots of great places to choose from, and there will be a table waiting for you and some of your fellow attendees. This is a great way to extend your networking outside of the scheduled conference sessions -- and because anyone can sign up to dine at any restaurant, you never know who you might be seated with.

Tuesday, September 15 7:30 am

Continental Breakfast

12:00 pm

Dine Around (see information to the right)

10:00 am

Refreshment Break and Poster Forum

3:00 pm

Refreshment Break and Poster Forum

5:00 pm

Reception and Door Prizes

Wednesday, September 16 7:30 am

Continental Breakfast

10:00 am

Refreshment Break and Poster Forum

12:00 pm

Lunch with the exhibitors

3:00 pm

Refreshment Break and Poster Forum

We’re reserving a limited number of tables, so sign up early if you want to participate. To learn more about the restaurants including the location and menu options check out the conference app. We’ll take the stress out of where to go and what to do ... and leave the networking to you. This is an “ASDSO organized,” event, not ASDSO sponsored. We’ll make sure you have a seat, but lunch is on you!


Awards & recognitions ASDSO annually honors those individuals and organizations making exemplary contributions to the improvement of dam safety in the U.S. Please join ASDSO and your colleagues in congratulating the following recipients on their noteworthy accomplishments. More information about each winner will be available at DamSafety.org. National Award of Merit: Chosen by the ASDSO Board of Directors, this award honors an individual or organization contributing to dam safety on a national level. • Mark W. Pabst, P.E., US Army Corps of Engineers: Mark is saluted for his numerous contributions to ASDSO and dam safety nationwide. Over the years, Mark has been quietly contributing to the profession in so many ways, it is difficult to list them all. Mark is well known to ASDSO members for his many excellent, informative and cutting edge presentations and workshops. He has authored over 21 technical papers; has been a contributing author on several interagency manuals on seepage, use of filters and drains, and internal erosion; and has been the lead author on a number of design manuals. National Rehabilitation Project of the Year: This award recognizes developer of a unique remedial design that advances the state-of-the-art in the field of dam safety and exemplifies the high professional engineering standards that dam safety requires. • Gilboa Dam Rehabilitation – New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYDEP); Gannett Fleming, Inc.; and Hazen and Sawyer, P.C. ASDSO honors those involved with this ambitious and innovative rehabilitation which began in 2004 and was completed in 2014. Gilboa dam is an 88-yearold dam that impounds the Schoharie Reservoir, and is a key component of the NYDEP’s water supply system. Located in the Catskill Mountains, approximately 125 miles north of Manhattan, this water supply reservoir provides approximately 14 percent of the water for more than 9 million people in New York City and several upstate communities. Delivering approximately 1.2 billion gallons of water per day, the New York City water supply is the largest gravity-fed, unfiltered water supply system in the world. Regional Awards of Merit: Awarded to individuals, companies, municipalities, or other entities that have made outstanding contributions to dam safety on a regional level. • Southeast Award: Zahir “Bo” Bolourchi, P.E., Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development • Northeast Award: John H. Moyle, P.E., New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection • Midwest Award: Troy Naperala, P.E., AECOM • West Award: Jennifer L. Williams, P.E., AECOM Honorary Members: The Board of Directors occasionally honors individuals who have contributed to the improvement of ASDSO and the advancement of dam safety over a lifetime of work. • William B. Bingham, P.E., Gannett Fleming, Inc. • Zahir “Bo” Bolourchi, P.E., Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development Outgoing Board Members: In recognition of and appreciation for Members of the Board of Directors who have recently retired or whose terms are expiring this month. • Dave Marble, P.E., Utah Division of Water Rights • Steven M. McEvoy, P.E., North Carolina Land Quality Section • D. Thomas Woosley, P.E., Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Welcome Students! DAM SAFETY 2015 STUDENT ACTIVITIES The ASDSO Resource Center Student registrants are invited to attend all sessions and receptions, and to relax, mingle, and browse materials in the ASDSO Resource Center, located in the Elite Hall. Make the Resource Center your first stop after checking in to the conference, to meet with an Educational Outreach committee member and get details on all of the activities geared especially to student participants. Career Fair Info Sessions Educational Outreach committee members will host informal info/Q&A sessions in the Resource Center during conference hours. All student participants, whether attending individually or in a class group, are encouraged to participate. Learn about potential careers in dam safety from multiple perspectives, and from folks with first-hand knowledge. Following the info session, explore the conference exhibit hall, featuring displays presented by many of the private companies and government agencies involved in dam safety in North America. This is an opportunity to meet and network with organizational reps in a casual and relaxed atmosphere. Be sure to bring copies of your resume! Dine-Around Monday, September 14 and Tuesday, September 15 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Students are invited to participate in this fun lunch-time mixer! Sign up is in the registration area.

Poster “Lightning Talks” Monday, September 14 3:30 pm Students and other poster presenters will explain their posters in three minutes or less during the Lightning Talks event in the Elite Hall. Student Awards Monday, September 14 4:15 pm Paper and Poster Competition winners, along with the recipient of ASDSO’s 2015-2016 Senior Undergraduate Scholarship, will be recognized at the Student Awards Ceremony in the Elite Hall. .

Congratulations to Student Authors and Presenters: Monday, September 14 A Comparison of the Instrumented Becker Penetration Test (iBPT) to Existing Methods for Liquefaction Potential Assessment at Bouquet Canyon Dam

Wednesday, September 16 Three-Dimensional Modeling of Geomorphic Features Within a Levee System Lourdes Polanco-Boulware, Graduate Student, Utah State University; John D. Rice, P.E., G.E., Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Utah State University Poster Presentations GIS-based Method to Assess the Vulnerability of Disadvantaged Populations During Hurricane Evacuation: A Case Study of New Orleans Ruijie Bian, Ph.D. Student, Civil Engineering, and Dr. Chester G. Wilmot, Professor, Louisiana State University Dam Safety Challenges in Florida Robert M. Gooljar, Jr., Student, Florida State University and Intern, Florida Department of Environmental Protection

Alexander P. Sturm, Graduate Student, University of California – Davis Tuesday, September 15 Experimental Modeling of Levee Failure Process due to Overtopping Ali Asghari Tabrizi, Graduate Research Assistant, Ezzat Elalfy, Graduate Research Assistant, Lindsey Ann LaRocque, Postdoctoral Researcher, M. Hanif Chaudhry, Professor and Associate Dean, and Jasim Imran, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Carolina


Field Trip New Orleans Storm Damage Risk Reduction System In August 2005, an 18-foot storm surge, which produced 7-foot waves caused by Hurricane Katrina, overpowered the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet and Gulf Intercoastal Waterway, ultimately causing the collapse of a 4,000 foot long section of the floodwall along Louisiana’s Inner Harbor Navigation Canal (IHNC). This and other levee and floodwall breaches brought nearly 15 feet of floodwaters into many southeastern Louisiana neighborhoods, covering a 90,000 mile area. After the hurricane, Congress authorized the US Army Corps of Engineers to design and construct a Storm Damage Risk Reduction System (SDRRS) which would defend against the effects of a future storm surge event. The largest civil works design-build project in the Corp’s history, the $1.35 billion Inner Harbor Navigational Canal (IHNC) Surge Barrier is designed to reduce risk for some of southeast Louisiana’s more vulnerable areas from a future storm surge generated from Lake Borgne and the Gulf of Mexico. Nearly two miles long and 26 feet high, the project was completed in 2011 and helps keep the region a vital and safe commercial destination.

Facilities included in the tour: The IHNC – Lake Borgne Surge Barrier is the largest designbuild civil works project in the history of the USACE. The concrete barrier wall stretches for 1.8 miles across the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet and the Golden Triangle Marsh. It also consists of a bypass barge gate and a flood control sector gate (each 150 feet wide) at the GIWWV and a 56 foot wide vertical lift gate at Bayou Bienvenue. The surge barrier has floodwall tie-ins to the New Orleans East risk reduction system on the north end and the St. Bernard risk reduction system on the south end. The entire structure is at an elevation of 25 and 26 feet above sea level. The Mississippi River Levees (MRL) are an integral part of both the Lake Pontchartrain and Vicinity (LPV) and West Bank and Vicinity (WBV) hurricane projects. For some reaches of the river, the HSDRRS and the MRL coincide, meaning they serve a dual purpose of providing risk reduction from both riverine flooding and hurricane surge flooding. Some reaches of the river levees are “co-located,” meaning that the required levee grade to reduce risk from the storm surge that has a one percent chance of occurring in any given year is higher than the levee grade required to reduce risk from a riverine event. There are approximately 15.5 miles of co-located levees and pile supported floodwalls located along the west bank of the Mississippi River.

The Gulf Intracoastal Waterway – West Closure Complex provides the first line of defense for communities on the West Bank of the Mississippi River from storm surge entering the Harvey and Algiers Canals from the Gulf of Mexico. The WCC will significantly reduce the risk to a large area of the West Bank by eliminating 25 miles of levees, floodwalls, floodgates and pumping stations along the canals from the direct impacts of storm surge. The nearly $1 Billion project consists of the nation’s largest sector gate, the world’s largest drainage pump station, floodwalls, sluice gates, foreshore protection and an earthen levee.

under way on the Permanent Canal Closures and Pumps (PCCP), which will be completed in 2017. The total maximum pumping capacity at the three outfall canal pumps upon completion will be 24,300 cfs.

The Permanent Canal Closures and Pumps on the Outfall Canals were constructed and installed before the start of the 2006 hurricane season. These interim structures provide 100-year level risk reduction and will remain in place until the new permanent structures are completed. The total maximum pumping capacity today at the three outfall canal pumps is more than 16,000 cubic feet per seconds (cfs). Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) equipment installed at the outfall canals gives the Corps a remote computerized control system to operate the pumps and gates while monitoring water levels in the canals. The pumps, gates and SCADA equipment performed successfully during Hurricanes Gustav and Ike in 2008, and Hurricane Isaac in 2012. Major construction is well

Thursday, September 17 or Friday, September 18 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Thanks go to the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority for assistance in coordinating and hosting this comprehensive tour. Sources: US Army Corps of Engineers Fact Sheets www.mvn.usace.army.mil; and ASCE Civil Engineering Blog & News Network, March 2014.

Cost: $75 per person includes motorcoach transportation from the Hyatt Regency, guided tour of the Storm Damage Risk Reduction facilities, box lunch and beverages.


meetings and activities Saturday, September 12 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Bolden 6 ASDSO Board of Directors Meeting Sunday, September 13 8:00 am – 10:00 am Bolden 6 Advisory Committee (AdCom) Meeting 10:00 am – 2:00 pm ASDSO Leadership Day for State Officials 10:00 am – 12:30 pm Regional Caucus Meetings Bolden 2 - Midwest Region Bolden 4 - Northeast Region Bolden 6 - West Region Bolden 5 - Southeast Region 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm Strand 12 Lunch for State Voting Representatives 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Strand 12 Annual Business Meeting for State Voting Representatives 5:30 pm – 9:30 pm Kick-off Event: Mardi Gras World Tour and Reception Participants to check in and board buses at the Lobby Level Staging Tunnel. Monday, September 14 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Networking Dine-Around 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Bolden 4 Committee on Educational Outreach (CEO) Meeting

1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Guest Activity: Taste of New Orleans Culinary Tour Participants to check in and board buses at the Lobby Level Staging Tunnel. 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Bolden 2 Dam Owner Outreach Committee Meeting 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm Elite Hall Special Activities in the Exhibit Hall • Poster Lightning Talks (3:30 pm); • Presentation of Student Awards (4:15 pm); • Dam Failures & Incidents Portal Demonstration (4:45 pm) 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Bolden 4 Technical Training Committee Meeting 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Empire D USACE Staff Meeting 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Elite Hall Welcome Reception 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm Bolden 5 NRCS Staff Meeting Tuesday, September 15 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Bolden 4 Peer Review Committee Meeting 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Networking Dine-Around 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Bolden 6 Joint ASDSO Board and ICODS Luncheon Meeting

12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Off-site Journal Committee Meeting 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm Bolden 5 Dam Rehab Finance Committee Meeting 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Bolden 2 NDSRB Research Workgroup Meeting 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Bolden 4 Dam Failures and Incidents Committee Meeting 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Elite Hall Reception with the Exhibitors Wednesday, September 16 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Bolden 5 US Levee Coalition 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Elite Hall Lunch (Provided) in the Exhibit Hall 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Bolden 4 Dam Design and Construction Technical Issues Committee (DDACTIC) Meeting 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm Elite Hall Exhibit and Poster Dismantle

Thursday, September 17 *Field trip and extra activities: Separate registration required. 7:30 am – 5:00 pm Strand 11 Workshop: Internal Erosion Analysis and Remediation of Embankment Dams 7:30 am – 5:00 pm Celestin A Workshop: HEC RAS 5.0 2D Model Training 7:30 am – 5:00 pm Empire D Workshop: Update on National Levee Safety Initiative Implementation and Overview of Levee Technical Guidelines 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Bolden 2 FEMA Dam Safety Staff Meeting 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Field Trip I to the New Orleans Storm Damage Risk Reduction System Participants to check in and board buses at the Lobby Level Staging Tunnel. Friday, September 18 *Field trip only: Separate registration required. 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Field Trip I to the New Orleans Storm Damage Risk Reduction System Participants to check in and board buses at the Lobby Level Staging Tunnel.


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Technical Agenda SATURDAY | Sunday

Technical agenda SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Bolden 6 ASDSO Board of Directors Meeting

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 8:00 am – 6:00 pm Bolden 3 Speaker Preview Room Open 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Elite Hall Foyer Registration Open


Technical Agenda Sunday | monday 8:00 am – 10:00 am Bolden 6 Advisory Committee (AdCom) Meeting 10:00 am – 12:30 pm Regional Caucus Meetings Bolden 2 - Midwest Region Bolden 4 - Northeast Region Bolden 5 - Southeast Region Bolden 6 - West Region 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm Strand 12 Lunch for State Voting Representatives 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Strand 12 Annual Business Meeting for State Voting Representatives 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Elite Hall Early exhibitor move-in 5:30 pm – 9:30 pm Kick-off Event: Mardi Gras World Tour and Reception Participants to check in and board buses at the Lobby Level Staging Tunnel.

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 7:00 am – 8:00 pm Bolden 3 Speaker Preview Room Open 7:00 am – 6:00 pm Elite Hall Foyer Registration Open 7:30 am – 8:30 am Empire Ballroom Foyer Continental Breakfast

Technical Agenda monday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm Elite Hall Exhibitor Move-In and Poster Setup 8:30 am – 10:00 am Empire Ballroom A-B Opening General Session and Awards Ceremony Welcome/ASDSO Report James Pawloski, P.E., ASDSO President, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Ten Years After Katrina: What Have We Learned? Federal, Regional and Local Perspectives After Ten Years of Improvements Moderated by Whitford Remer, American Society of Civil Engineers Panelists Steven Stockton, Director of Civil Works, US Army Corps of Engineers; Roy Wright, Deputy Associate Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency; Robert A. Turner, Regional Director, Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East; and Norma Jean Mattei, Ph.D., P.E., President-elect Elect, American Society of Civil Engineers and Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of New Orleans Presentation of National Awards ASDSO Leadership 10:00 am – 10:30 am Empire Ballroom Foyer Refreshment Break 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Empire A Concurrent Session One: Soapbox: Is it Us Against Them? Challenges on Both Sides of Regulatory Design Reviews Moderated by: Gregory S. Paxson, P.E., Schnabel Engineering, Inc. Each regulatory program has its own processes for the review of engineering designs for dams. This soapbox will include panelists with experience on both sides of the review process. Discussion topics will include the scope and intent of the review, qualifications of the designer and reviewer (including ethical considerations with regard to engineering competency), and a discussion of unique approaches to the review process. Speakers & Panelists: Greg Paxson, P.E., Schnabel Engineering; Michele Lemieux, P.E., Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation; Jeremy Franz, P.E., Design Review Engineer, Colorado Division of Water Resources; Charles F. Cobb, P.E., State Dam Safety Engineer, Alaska Department of Natural Resources; David Marble, P.E., Directing Engineer, Utah Division of Water Rights; and Anthony Nokovich, P.E., Senior Engineer, Pennsylvania American Water.


Technical Agenda monday 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Empire B Concurrent Session Two: Focus on Roller Compacted Concrete Moderated by: Steve H. Snider, P.E., O’Brien & Gere An Evaluation of Soil-Cement Slope Protection for Embankments - Stair-stepped vs. Plating Kenneth D. Hansen, P.E., Consulting Engineer; John Rutledge, P.E., Vice President, Nicole Rutigliano, P.E., Project Manager, and Brad Kirksey, P.E., Project Manager, Freese and Nichols, Inc. Molded into Shape – The Lake Wohlford Dam Replacement Dam Dennis J. Hogan, P.E., East Region Practice Leader, Gregory Zamensky, P.E., Americas Practice Leader, and John Bekmanis, Project Manager, Black & Veatch Corporation; and Craig Whittemore, Deputy Utilities Manager, City of Escondido (CA) Design and Construction of the Upstream Geomembrane Facing System for the San Vicente RCC Dam Raise John Wilkes, P.E., President, Carpi USA; Gerard (Jerry) E. Reed III, P.E., Project Manager, San Diego County Water Authority; Michael Rogers, P.E., PMP, Area Manager, and Glenn S. Tarbox, P.E., F. ASCE, Vice President, MWH Americas, Inc. 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Empire C Concurrent Session Three: Spillways and Open Channel Flows Moderated by: Randall P. Bass, P.E., Schnabel Engineering, Inc. Scott Dam Spillway – The Rigor of Training Walls, Gates and Dams Darren Hinton, P.E., Ph.D., Seattle Laboratory Manager, and Brian Hughes, M.A.Sc., P.Eng, Principal, Northwest Hydraulic Consultants; and Rob White, P.E., Senior Engineer, Pacific Gas and Electric Stilling the Waters: Stilling Basin Design for Stepped Chutes Sherry L. Hunt, Ph.D., Research Leader & Research Civil Engineer, and Kem C. Kadavy, P.E., Agricultural Engineer, USDA - Argriculture Research Service Will the Spillway Walls Overtop? 3D CFD Provides the Answer Steve Jamieson, P.E., Principal, and Don Lopez, Associate Engineer, W. W. Wheeler & Associates, Inc.; and Dan Gessler, P.E., Ph.D., Vice President, Alden Research Laboratory 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Empire D Concurrent Session Four: Tools and Applications for Better Emergency Planning Moderated by: Kristin J. Ray, P.E., CFM, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Situational Awareness: Key to a Successful Implementation of Dam Safety- Emergency Management Program Roderick M. Dela Cruz, MBA, P.E., Senior Engineer/Program Manager, and Brandon Blevins, Southern California Edison; and Chris Karam, P.E., Senior Engineer, GEI Consultants, Inc. Look then LEAP! Look into your Levee Management Toolbox Then Add a Levee Emergency Action Plan (LEAP) Frank Brown, P.E., CFM, Senior Civil Engineer, Flood Control District of Maricopa County

Technical Agenda monday You Never Fail Until You Stop Trying - Developing a Dam Emergency Intervention Toolbox Paul G. Schweiger, P.E., CFM, Vice President, Greg Richards, P.E., CFM, and Kate Aulenbach, E.I.T., CFM, Gannett Fleming, Inc.; and Michele Lemieux, P.E., Montana Department of Natural Resources & Conservation. 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Networking Dine-Around or Lunch On Own 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Bolden 4 Committee on Educational Outreach (CEO) Meeting 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Guest Activity: Taste of New Orleans Culinary Tour Participants to check in and board the bus at the Lobby Level Staging Tunnel. 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Bolden 2 Dam Owner Outreach Committee Meeting 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Empire A Concurrent Session Five: Improving Seismic Resilience: Part One Moderated by: Bill McCormick, P.E., P.G., Colorado Division of Water Resources A Comparison of the Instrumented Becker Penetration Test (iBPT) to Existing Methods for Liquefaction Potential Assessment of Gravelly Soils at a Southern California Dam Alexander P. Sturm, Ph.D. Student, and Jason T. DeJong, Professor, University of California, Davis; Mason Ghafghazi, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto; Doug Wahl, Professional Engineer, amd Andrew Dinsick, Professional Engineer, GeoPentech Inc.; Adam Perez, Geotechnical Engineer, and Jianping Hu, Geotechnical Engineer, Los Angeles Department of Public Works Seismic Remediation of Frequently Loaded Levees in California Central Valley Zia Zafir, Ph.D., P.E., G.E., Vice President, Justin Kempton, P.E., G.E., Principal, and Bret Lingwall, Ph.D., P.E., Project Engineer, Kleinfelder, Inc.; and George (Steve) Mahnke, Chief, Flood Projects Office, California Department of Water Resources Seismic Performance of Levees in the Kanto Plains North of Tokyo During the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Dr. Daniel Pradel, P.E., G.E., Adj. Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of California Los Angeles and Shannon and Wilson; Joseph Wartman, Ph.D., P.E., University of Washington, Seattle; and Binod Tiwari, Ph.D., P.E., California State University, Fullerton


Technical Agenda monday 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Empire B Concurrent Session Six: Instrumentation and Monitoring Grab-N-Go Moderated by: Mark E. Landis, P.G., P.E., Schnabel Engineering, Inc. Troubleshooting Vibrating Wire Piezometer Readings: A Study of Frequency Domain vs. Time Domain Analysis of VW Piezometers Brent Parker Randall, Product Manager and Application Engineer, Campbell Scientific; Jeremy L. Eck, US Army Corps of Engineers Remote Detection of Deep Conduit Flow by a Novel Brine-Enhanced Electrical Resistivity Surveying Method James L. Lolcama, MS, P.G., Principal and Hydrogeologist, KCF Groundwater, Inc.; and James L. Stuby, MS, P.G., Senior Geophysicist, Earth Resources Technology, Inc. How Big Is My Rock Toe? A Geophysical Success Story Christina Winckler, P.E., Senior Geotechnical Engineer, John W. France, P.E., D.WRE, Senior Principal, and Amanda Duvigneaud, P.E., Geotechnical Engineer, AECOM; and Bob Bass, P.E., Colorado Springs Utilities Using Aerial Infrared Thermography to Identify Seeps and Flows in Dam Inspections Eric Raymond Stockton, President, Sustainable Infrared Using a Downlooker to Accurately Measure Open Channel Flow in Difficult Access Conditions: Avoid Building a Costly Weir John Chandler, P.E., Water Resources Technical Lead, Harrison Ting, P.E., Senior Electrical Engineer, and Chris Brown, Supervisor of Electrical Engineering, Puget Sound Energy Utilizing Automated Motorized Total Stations For Web Enabled Dam Monitoring Joe Tavares, Business Developmemnt, Soldata Inc. 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Empire C Concurrent Session Seven: Muddy Waters Moderated by: Scott M. Arends, P.E., Hanson Professional Services, Inc. Two-dimensional Flexible-mesh Modeling for Dam Break and Tailings Dams with Multiple Rheological Formulations Reinaldo Garcia, President and Director of Model Development, Hydronia, LLC; Carmelo Juez, Javier Murillo, Asier Lacasta, and Pilar Garcia-Navarro, Fluid Mechanics, LIFTEC/CSIC-Universidad Zaragoza, Spain Predicting Tailings Dams Breach Release Volumes for Flood Hazard Delineation Jimmy O’Brien, Ph.D., P.E., President, FLO-2D Software; Richard J. Tocher, P.E., Kuo Chieh Chao, Ph.D., P.E., and Daniel D. Overton, P.E, Engineering Analytics, Inc.; and Noemi Gonzalez-Ramirez, Ph.D., Riada Engineering

Technical Agenda monday Risk Assessment Approach for Coal Ash Impoundments David S. Bowles, Ph.D., P.E., P.H., Managing Principal, RAC Engineers and Economists, LLC and Professor Emeritus, Utah State University; Loren R. Anderson, Ph.D., P.E., Principal, RAC Engineers and Economists, LLC and Professor Emeritus, Utah State University; Sanjay S. Chauhan, Ph.D., P.E., Principal, RAC Engineers and Economists, LLC; Ed Luttrell, Senior Vice President, and Elena Sossenkina, P.E., National Geotechnical Lead, HDR Engineering, Inc.; and Dara Parker, P.E., Senior Specialist, Dam Safety Policy, Tennessee Valley Authority 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Empire D Concurrent Session Eight: Real World Guidance on Gates and Outlets Moderated by: Bill Price, P.E., Hazen & Sawyer, P.C. An Innovative Tainter Gate Dewatering System That Could Save Your Lake M. Leslie Boyd, P.E., Senior Lead Engineer, Layne Bukhair, P.E., Design Engineer, and Victor M. Vasquez, P.E., Project Manager, Freese and Nichols, Inc.; and Doug Witkowski, P.E., Principal Engineer, Lower Colorado River Authority Updated Methods for Sizing Air Vent Systems in Dam Low-level Outlets and Penstocks Josh Mortensen, Hydraulic Engineer, Tony Wahl, Hydraulic Engineer, and Joseph Kubitschek, Ph.D., Hydraulic Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation Field Test and Analytical Methods for Safety Assessment of Radial Spillway Gates Brett Commander, P.E., Principal Engineer, Bridge Diagnostics Inc.; Kevin Gerst, P.E., S.E., Engineer Dams and Hydraulic Structures, HDR, Inc.; Michael T. Likavec, P.E., Engineer, Puget Sound Energy; and Nathan McGowan, P.E., Mechanical Engineer, US Army Corps of Engineers 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Bolden 4 Technical Training Committee Meeting 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Elite Hall Refreshment Break 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm Special Activities in the Exhibit Hall • Poster Lightning Talks (3:30 pm); • Presentation of Student Awards (4:15 pm) • Dam Failures & Incidents Portal Demonstration (4:45 pm) 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Empire D USACE Staff Meeting 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Elite Hall Welcome Reception


Technical Agenda Monday | tuesday 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm Bolden 5 NRCS Staff Meeting

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 7:00 am – 8:00 pm Bolden 3 Speaker Preview Room Open 7:00 am – 5:30 pm Elite Hall Foyer Registration Open 7:30 am – 8:30 am Elite Hall Continental Breakfast 8:30 am – 10:00 am Empire Ballroom A-B General Session and Awards Ceremony Digging Deeper Into How Man-made Flood Protection and Flood Risk Management Have Impacted the Gulf Coast Moderated by Stephen Verigin, GEI Consultants, Inc. Speakers Richard Campanella, Geographer, Tulane School of Architecture; Thomas Holden, Regional Business Director for the Mississippi Valley Division, US Army Corps of Engineers; David Waggonner, President, Waggonner and Ball Architects; and Chip Kline, Chair, Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority Presentation of Regional Awards ASDSO Leadership 10:00 am – 10:30 am Elite Hall Refreshment Break 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Empire A Concurrent Session Nine: Dam Safety Program Issues for Owners and Regulators Moderated by: Anthony L. Fernandes, Aqua Pennsylvania, Inc. I Need to Make Some Dam Sense of This! (Explaining PMP and Other Dam Safety Concepts to Dam Owners) Dennis R. Dickey, P.E., Senior Engineer, Gannett Fleming, Inc.

Technical Agenda tuesday Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR)’s Statewide Dam Construction Monitoring Plan Chad R. Davis, P.E., Assistant Vice President, and Stephen Kramer, P.E., Senior Water Resources Engineer, Michael Baker International; Gary Harsanye, P.E., Senior Project Manger, and Mia Kannik, P.E., Program Manger, Ohio Department of Natural Resources Practical Use of DSAT-DSS-WISE-Lite – Incident at Langley Pond Dam, SC Josh Yen, Regional Engineer, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control; and Katy Goolsby-Brown, Regional Dam Safety Program Manager, Federal Emergency Management Agency 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Empire B Concurrent Session Ten: Soil Shear Strength Selection for Stability Analysis – Practical Guidance John W. France, P.E., D.WRE, Dams Technical Practice Network National Leader, Tiffany E. Adams, Ph.D., P.E., Project Manager, Jennifer L. Williams, P.E., Project Manager, and Christina J.C. Winckler, P.E., Project Manager, AECOM 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Empire C Concurrent Session Eleven: New Dimensions in Flood Modeling: Part One Moderated by: Arthur C. Miller, Ph.D., P.E., CFM Jumping from Pseudo 2D to Full 2D: A Look Ahead at HEC-RAS 5.0 Michael T. Chilson, P.E., Senior Civil Engineer, Golder Associates From Data Graveyards To Smart Phones: Leveraging 2D Modeling Technology To Modernize Dam Hazard Assessments and Risk Management Benjamin Israel-Devadason, P.E., CFM, Senior Hydraulic and Hydrologic Engineer, Paul G. Schweiger, P.E., CFM, Vice President, Amanda J. Hess, P.E., CFM, Hydraulic and Hydrologic Group Manager, and Kate Aulenbach, Hydraulic and Hydrologic Designer, Gannett Fleming, Inc.; and Karen Goff, P.E., Dam Safety Engineer, North Dakota State Water Commission A Comparison Of Results Between 1D, 2D, And Hybrid 1D-2D Dam Breach Outflow Routing Marc C. Johnson, P.E., CFM, Principal Water Resources Engineer, and Lee Beshoner, P.E., CFM, Water Resources Engineer, FTN Associates Ltd. 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Empire D Concurrent Session Twelve: Expert Advice on Dam Removal Moderated by: Gregg W. Hudock, P.E., Golder Associates Inc. Rerouting a River – The Carmel River Reroute and Dam Removal Stephen G. Brown, P.E., Program Manager, Craig Hall, P.E., P.G., Principal Engineer, Bret Lingwall, P.E., Project Engineer, and Chad Lukkarila, P.E., LEG, Kleinfelder, Inc. Recent Project Experience on Design of Repositories for Reservoir Sediments for the Carmel River Bret Lingwall, Ph.D, P.E., Project Geotechnical Engineer, Stephen Brown, P.E., Program Manager, Craig Hall, P.E., G.E., Service Line Director for Engineering Geology, and Zia Zafir, Ph.D., P.E., G.E., Senior Principal Earthquake Engineer, Kleinfelder, Inc. 33

Technical Agenda tuesday Improvements at Upper Kapahi Dam – Evolution of a Dam Safety Project on the Garden Island Chad M. Masching, P.E., Engineering Division Manager, and Steve Verigin, P.E., Senior Vice President, GEI Consultants, Inc. 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Bolden 4 Peer Review Committee Meeting 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Networking Dine-Around or Lunch On Own 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Bolden 6 Joint ASDSO Board and ICODS Luncheon Meeting 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Off-site Journal Editorial Committee Meeting 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm Bolden 5 Dam Rehab Finance Committee Meeting 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Empire A Concurrent Session Thirteen: Improving Seismic Resilience: Part Two Moderated by: Bryant A. Robbins, P.E., US Army Corps of Engineers Complex Seismic Analysis at AV Watkins Dam Greg Eddy, P.E., Civil Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation Groundwater and Drilling Disturbance Effects on Liquefaction Characterization For an Embankment Dam and Foundation David C. Serafini, G.E., P.E., Geotechnical Engineer, US Army Corps of Engineers; Jeffrey A. Schaefer, Ph.D., P.E., Civil Engineer, and Peter T. Shaffner, P.G., Senior Engineering Geologist, USACE, Risk Management Center Old Dams, New Faults - Now What? John C. Stoessel, P.E., Senior Engineer, C. Mike Knarr, S.E., Consulting Civil/Structural Engineer, Nicolas Von Gersdorff, P.E., Engineer, and Matt Muto, Ph.D., Engineer, Southern California Edison; and Zee Duron, Ph.D., Professor, Harvey Mudd School of Engineering




Technical Agenda tuesday 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Empire B Concurrent Session Fourteen: State of the Practice in Risk Assessment: Part One Moderated by Debora J. Miller, P.E., Ph.D., Miller Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. Misconceptions about Quantitative Risk Assessments of Dams Richard R. Davidson, Senior Principal, AECOM Risk Reduction Vs Resiliency - The Intersection of Social, Economic and Infrastructure Systems Robert J. Beduhn, Senior Vice President, Director - Civil Works and Resiliency Initiative Leader, HDR Engineering, Inc. Third Presentation To Be Announced 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Empire C Concurrent Session Fifteen: Beach Models! Now that we have your attention, we meant Breach Models. Moderated by: Robert A. Eichinger, P.E., Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. Experimental Modeling of Levee Failure Process due to Overtopping Ali Asghari Tabrizi, Graduate Research Assistant, Ezzat Elalfy, Graduate Research Assistant, Lindsey Ann LaRocque, Postdoctoral Researcher, M. Hanif Chaudhry, Professor and Associate Dean, and Jasim Imran, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Carolina User Guide To Windam C Earthen Embankment Soil Inputs Karl Visser, Hydraulic Engineer, USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service Levee Breach Modeling with WinDAM B Paul B. Risher, Hydraulic Engineer, US Army Corps of Engineers Risk Management Center 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Empire D Concurrent Session Sixteen: Case Studies in Dam Construction Moderated by: Richard A. Millet, P.E., G.E., AECOM Between a Rock and a Hard Place – Design and Construction of the Hard Labor Creek Reservoir Dam, Walton County, Georgia James R. Crowder, P.E., Senior Associate, Bradley T. Boyer, P.E., Senior Engineer, and J. Tyler Coats, P.E., Project Engineer, Schnabel Engineering Construction Can be Hard, Tired, Ragged, and Rocky - Lessons Learned From Four New Dams Randall P. Bass, P.E., Principal, and Mark Landis, P.G., P.E., Principal, Schnabel Engineering How Many Challenges Can One Dam Have?? And You Want the Repairs Made in How Many Days? Designing and Constructing Risk Reduction Measures at Beaver Park Dam Douglas M. Yadon, P.E., P.G., R.G., CEG, Senior Geotechnical Engineer, and Gregory G. Glunz, P.E., Senior Civil Engineer, AECOM; John P. Clark, P.E., Dam Operations Manager, Colorado Parks and Wildlife; and Matthew J. Gavin, P.E., Dam Safety Engineer, Colorado Division of Water Resources 37

Technical Agenda tuesday 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Bolden 2 NDSRB Research Workgroup Meeting 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Refreshment Break 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Bolden 4 Dam Failures and Incidents Committee Meeting 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Empire A Concurrent Session Seventeen: Professorial Perspectives on Risk Moderated by: Eric C. Halpin, P.E., US Army Corps of Engineers Public Alerts and Warnings for Dam and Levee Safety Emergencies: What Really Matters? Jason T. Needham, P.E., Senior Consequence Specialist, US Army Corps of Engineers; John H. Sorensen, Ph.D., and Dennis S. Mileti, Ph.D. Considering Uncertainty in Consequence Estimates in Risk Analysis for Dams Martin W. McCann, Jr., Ph.D., Director, National Performance of Dams Program, Stanford University; and Gregory S. Paxson, P.E., Principal, Schnabel Engineering A Climatological Perspective of Hurricane Katrina Barry D. Keim, Ph.D., State Climatologist; Amanda Lewis, Research Associate; Hal Needham, Ph.D., Program Manager; and David Sathiaraj, Ph.D., Associate Director for Information Technology, Louisiana State University, Southern Climate Impacts Planning Program. 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Empire B Concurrent Session Eighteen: How Can Dam Owners Buy Down Their Risk? Part One Moderated by: Peter H. Baril, P.E., GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Beyond PFMs – Incorporating Environmental and Economic Risk into Screening Level Risk Analysis John P. Clark, P.E., Dam Operations Engineer, Colorado Parks and Wildlife; and Vicki J. Scharnhorst, P.E., LEED AP, Operations Manager, Tetra Tech, Inc. A Performance Based Approach to Risk Assessment for Dams Matthew Muto, Ph.D., Dam Safety Engineer, Nicolas von Gersdorff, P.E., Dam Safety Engineer, Michael Cruz, P.E., M.B.A., Chief Dam Safety Engineer, and John Yen, P.E., Consulting Engineer, Southern California Edison; and Ziyad Duron, Ph.D., Professor of Engineering, Harvey Mudd College Addressing Nebraska’s Aging Dams John G. Petersen, P.E., Project Manager, JEO Consulting Group, Inc.; and John Cambridge, P.E., Senior Water Resources Engineer, HDR.

Technical Agenda tuesday 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Empire C Concurrent Session Nineteen: Super-Solid Grouting Techniques Moderated by: Mark Haddock, P.E., Golder Associates, Inc. Unique Use of Grout Column Support of Karst Features below Logan Martin Dam, AL R. Craig Findlay, Ph.D., P.E., G.E., Dam Safety Consultant, Findlay Engineering, Inc.; Brian H. Greene, Ph.D., P.G., Engineering Geology Consultant; Donald A. Bruce, Ph.D., President, Geosystems, L.P.; Bobby E. Williams, P.E. Civil Engineer, Josh H. Williams, Senior Power Generation Specialist, and R.L. Mickwee, P.E., Civil Engineer, Southern Company Application of Modified GIN-Method for Grouting the Duck River Dam Foundation Jacob J. Esterhuizen, Ph.D., P.E., G.E., Senior Consultant, Todd Cotten, P.E., G.E., Senior Geotechnical Engineer, and Richard E. Riker, P.E., G.E., Global Technology Lead for Dams, CH2M HILL Depression at Nesbitt Dam Anthony M. Nokovich, P.E., Senior Engineer, Pennsylvania American Water; Cari R. Beenenga, P.E., Principal Geotechnical Engineer, Gannett Fleming Inc.; and James C. Myers, P.E., Moretrench 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Empire D Concurrent Session Twenty: Case Studies in Spillway Rehab Moderated by: Joshua Mortensen, P.E., Bureau of Reclamation Rehabilitation of Canton Dam With the World’s Largest Fusegates Hasan T. Kocahan, Project Manager, and Nicolas Mathis, Technical Manager, Hydroplus, Inc.; Jeffrey L. Waldie, Technical Manager, and Daniel E. Morales, Senior Structural Engineer, US Army Corps of Engineers Physical and Numerical Modeling of Lake Palo Pinto Spillways Cris Parker, P.E., Senior Project Manager, HDR Engineering, Inc.; and Steven L. Barfuss, PE, Research Associate Professor, Utah Water Research Laboratory Need to Save Millions on Your Spillway Rehabilitation? Consider Combining Rock Scour Analysis and CFD Modeling Greg Glunz, P.E., Senior Civil Engineer, and Frank Lan, P.E., Ph.D., Senior Hydraulic Engineer, AECOM; Gregg Batchelder-Adams, P.E., Project Manager, US Army Corps of Engineers; and Mike Gustin, Assistant Chief, New Mexico Department of Game and Fish 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Elite Hall Reception with the Exhibitors


Technical Agenda wednesday

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 7:00 am – 6:00 pm Bolden 3 Speaker Preview Room Open 7:30 am – 3:30 pm Elite Hall Foyer Registration Open 7:30 am – 8:30 am Elite Hall Continental Breakfast 8:30 am – 10:00 am Empire A Concurrent Session Twenty One: Soapbox: Leveraging Limited Resources for Safer Dams Moderated by: Keith Mills, P.E., G.E., Oregon Water Resources Department Speakers & Panelists: Keith Mills, P.E., G.E., State Engineer, Oregon Water Resources Department; Dusty Myers, P.E., Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality; Alon Dominitz, P.E., New York Department of Environmental Conservation; and Mark Ogden, P.E., Ohio Department of Natural Resources (retired). 8:30 am – 10:00 am Empire B Concurrent Session Twenty Two: Structural Issues: Wanapum Dam Moderated by: Douglas L. Johnson, P.E., Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Wanapum Spillway Crack Development: Root Cause Analysis Adam N. Jones, P.E., Senior Engineer, and Kevin Snyder, P.E., Senior Engineer, HDR Engineering, Inc.; Kevin J. Marshall, P.E., Hydro Engineering Manager, and Dale Campbell, P.E., Hydro Supervisor, Operations, Grant County Public Utility District; and Robin Charlwood, Ph.D., P.E., Principal, Robin Charlwood & Associates, PLLC The Wanapum Spillway Incident: Response, Remediation and Lessons Learned Dave Mishalanie, P.E., Dam Safety Supervisor, Ian Hunter, P.E., and Rebecca Simpson, E.I.T., Dam Safety Engineer, Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County; David Thompson, P.E., Principal Civil Engineer, and Greg Rollins, P.E., Vice President, MWH Americas, Inc. Repairing the Wanapum Spillway Crack Paul Krumm, Operations Manager, Abigail Stein, Project Engineer, and BJ Hepworth, Project Manager, Nicholson Construction; and Aled Hughes, P.E., Lead Civil Engineer, MWH Americas, Inc.

Technical Agenda wednesday 8:30 am – 10:00 am Empire C Concurrent Session Twenty Three: Making Major Progress in Levee Safety: Part One Moderated by: Michael K. Sharp, Ph.D., P.E., US Army Corps of Engineers The Levee Vortex: Lessons Learned Dealing With the Force Dan Fricke, P.E., CFM, LEED AP, Project Manager, and Lalit Jha, P.E., D.WRE, CFM, Vice President, JEO Consulting Group, Inc. Upcoming Changes for EM 1110-2-1913: Design, Construction and Evaluation of Levees Scott Shewbridge, Ph.D., P.E., G.E., Risk Management Center; Michael Navin, Ph.D., P.E., Neil Schwanz, P.E., and Noah Vroman, P.E., US Army Corps of Engineers Forensic Study Of Levee Performance Records In California Sujan Punyamurthula, Ph.D., P.E., Vice President and Geotechnical Engineer, Richard Millet, P.E., G.E., Vice President and Geotechnical Engineer, and Nagesh Malyala, P.E., Senior Engineer, AECOM 8:30 am – 10:00 am Empire D Concurrent Session Twenty Four: Blue Ribbon Presentations on Hydrology & Hydraulics Moderated by: Richard J. Tucker, P.E., RJ Associates, LLC 3D Flood Wave Animations for Emergency Action Planning Tom Ryan, P.E., Senior Water Resources Manager, John McCarthy, P.E., Vice President, and Chad R. Davis, P.E., Assistant Vice President, Michael Baker International The Effects of Soil Map Changes on Spillway Design Floods Amanda J. Hess, P.E., CFM, H&H Group Manager, and William J. Kingston, E.I.T., CFM, Hydrologic and Hydraulic Designer, Gannett Fleming, Inc Yes, HEC-ResSim Can Do That Kevin Fagot, P.E., Project Manager, WEST Consultants, Inc.; and Kayson Shurtz, P.E., Water Resources Engineer, Hansen, Allen, and Luce, Inc. 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Bolden 5 US Levee Safety Coalition Meeting 10:00 am – 10:30 am Elite Hall Refreshment Break


Technical Agenda wednesday 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Empire A Concurrent Session Twenty Five: Learning From Federal Agency Initiatives Moderated by: Daniel W. Osmun, P.E., Bureau of Reclamation Rewards And Challenges Of Growing the Bureau of Indian Affairs Safety Of Dams Program C. Scott Goss, P.E., Branch Chief, Rinda Tisdale, MEP, CEM, Emergency Management Coordinator, and Michele Minihane, Ph.D., Technical Writer, Bureau of Indian Affairs; and Jack G. Byers, P.E., President, Byers Group LLC It’s Live! - National Deployment of the NRCS DamWatch System to Monitor 12,000 Watershed Dams Larry W. Caldwell, P.E., Watershed Specialist NRCS (Retired), Noller Herbert, P.E., Director of Engineering, NRCS; Joe Scannell, President, USEngineering Solutions; and Steve Durgin, P.E., National Design Engineer, NRCS Bureau of Reclamation Examination of Inacessible Features and Case Studies Nathaniel Gee, Supervisory Civil Engineer, and Scott Foster, Civil Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Empire B Concurrent Session Twenty Six: Spotlight on Concrete Dams Moderated by: Robert R. Bowers, P.E., O’Brien & Gere Unraveling the Mystery of Lake Jackson Dam Chad R. Davis, P.E., Assistant Vice President, and Donald R. Green, P.E., Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Michael Baker International; Marc T. Aveni, Chief-Environmental Services, and Madan Mohan, P.E., Chief-Watershed Branch, Prince William County Public Works A Review of Proven Methods for Rehabilitating Gravity Dams and Hydraulic Structures Robert A. Kline, Jr., P.E., Vice President, Gannett Fleming, Inc. FEM-Analysis of a Concrete Dam in Northern Sweden Dr. Fredrik Johansson, Ingvar Ekstrom, Civil Engineer, Camilo Rito Pi, Civil Engineer, and Dr. Richard Malm, Sweco Energuide, Stockholm, Sweden; and Viktor Carlsson, Civil Engineer, Skellefteå Kraft AB 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Empire C Concurrent Session Twenty Seven: Making Major Progress in Levee Safety: Part Two Moderated by: Stephen Whiteside, P.E., CDM Smith Flood Risk Reduction - Levee Accreditation Case Study Maureen P. Cissel, CFM, Project Manager, McCormick Taylor, Inc. Alternatives Analysis for Levee Remediation – How Human Bias Can Influence the Outcome Mark H. Stanley, Senior Technical Advisor, HDR Engineering, Inc. Piping From Past Floods Threatening Tomorrow’s Future George L. Sills, P.E., Manager, Sills Engineering; and Leslie F. Harder, Jr., Ph.D., P.E., G.E., Senior Professional Associate, HDR Engineering, Inc.

Technical Agenda wednesday 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Empire D Concurrent Session Twenty Eight: New Dimensions in Flood Modeling: Part Two Moderated by: Jeffery G. Powers, P.E., Hazen and Sawyer Dam Breach Analysis with HEC-RAS 5.0 2D - Improvements to Accuracy, Hazard Data Outputs and Efficiency, Case Examples Keith Weaver, P.E., Water Resources Engineer, Mark E. Forest, P.E., CFM, Practice Leader-Floodplain Management and Surface Water Modeling, and Mitchell L. Blum, P.E., CFM, Water Resources Engineer, HDR Engineering, Inc. Reducing Uncertainty for a Dam Breach Analysis Michael Crouch, P.E., CFM, Senior Water Resources Engineer, Riverside Technology; Keil Neff, Water Resources Engineer, Tennessee Valley Authority Use of Flood Modeller Pro to Develop Linked, Alternating 1D and 2D Models of Overland and In-River Flows for Breach of a Large Off-Channel Ring Dam Tyler L. Jantzen, P.E., Water Resources Project Technologist, and Duane McClelland, Senior Water Resources Consultant, CH2M HILL; Jason A. Eichler, P.E., PMP, Senior Engineer, and Nathan M. Gullo, P.E., Senior Engineer, Lower Colorado River Authority 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Elite Hall Lunch (Provided) in the Exhibit Hall 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Bolden 4 Dam Design and Construction Technical Issues Committee Meeting (DDACTIC) 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Empire A Concurrent Session Twenty Nine: Decade Dam Failures Part One Moderated by: Dusty Myers, P.E., MS Department of Environmental Quality 1915 Failure of Lyman Dam Upstream of St. Johns in Apache County, Arizona Waleed Aboshanp, Ph.D., P.E., Dam Safety Engineer; and Michael J. Johnson, Ph.D., P.E., (former) Assistant Director, Arizona Department of Water Resources Failure of Sella Zerbino Secondary Dam in Molare, Italy Irfan Alvi, P.E., President and Chief Engineer, Alvi Associates, Inc. 40th Anniversary of the Banqiao and Shimantan Dam Failures, China Wayne J. Graham, P.E., Civil Engineer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 20th Anniversary of the Folsom Dam Gate Failure, California Jerzy Salamon, Civil Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation





Technical Agenda wednesday 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Empire B Concurrent Session Thirty: State of the Practice in Risk Assessment: Part Two Moderated by: Warren S. Hayden, P.E., Mead & Hunt, Inc. Instrumentation and Failure Modes – What Do You Really Need To Monitor? Jennifer Williams, P.E., Project Manager, and Karen Aguillard, P.E., Project Engineer, AECOM; Jay Stateler, P.E., Civil Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation; Roger Raeburn, P.E., Chief Dam Safety Engineer, PacifiCorp Energy; and Justin Nettle, P.E., Civil Engineer, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Anatomy of a Risk Assessment: Westville Lake Dam Issue Evaluation Study Erik W. Matthews, P.E., Geotechnical Engineer, Anastasia Papadopoulos, P.E., Dam Safety Program Manager, and William Lawrence, P.E., Geotechnical Engineer, US Army Corps of Engineers, New England District Case Study – FERC’s Potential Failure Modes Analysis - CA DWR P2426 Dams Dean B. Durkee, Ph.D., P.E., Vice President, Steve Verigin, P.E., and Matt Balven, P.E., Gannett Fleming, Inc.; Carol Buckles, P.E., Terra Mater, Inc., Olivia M. Virgadamo, P.E.; and David L. Panec, P.E., California Department of Water Resources 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Empire C Concurrent Session Thirty One: Weather Wisdom Moderated by: Joshua K. Myers, P.E., CFM, Golder Associates, Inc. Updating Virginia Statewide PMP-from Hurricanes to the Stippled Region Bill Kappel, President/Chief Meteorologist, Applied Weather Associates; and Robert Bennett, P.E., R.A., CFM, Director, Dam Safety and Floodplain Management, Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation Using a Stochastic Event Flood Model (SEFM) to Predict Frequency Floods at Friant Dam Joseph Wright, Hydraulic Engineer, Technical Services Center, Bureau of Reclamation US Army Corps of Engineers Approaches to Incorporating Climate Change Hydrology in Water Resources Planning and Design Kathleen D. White, Ph.D, P.E., and Jeffrey R. Arnold, Ph.D., US Army Corps of Engineers, Institute for Water Resources; Bryan E. Baker, and Peter M. Seman, US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center; Martyn P. Clark, Ph.D., and Ethan D. Gutmann, Ph.D., National Center for Atmospheric Research, Research Applications Laboratory; and Levi Brekke, Ph.D. P.E., Bureau of Reclamation, Research and Development.

Technical Agenda wednesday 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Empire D Concurrent Session Thirty Two: R & D on Internal Erosion Moderated by: A. Tom MacDougall, P.E., RJH Consultants, Inc. Three-Dimensional Modeling Of Geomorphic Features Within A Levee System Lourdes Polanco-Boulware, Graduate Student, Utah State University; John D. Rice, P.E., G.E., Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Utah State University Large-scale Filter Performance Tests Ted Howard, P.E., Geotechnical Engineer, Caleb Rudkin, P.E., Geotechnical Engineer, and Peter Irey, P.E., Geotechnical Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation Backwards Erosion Piping: A Historical Review and Discussion of Influential Factors Bryant A. Robbins, P.E., Civil Engineer, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center; and Vera M. van Beek, Researcher, Deltares Geo-Engineering Unit 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Elite Hall Refreshment Break 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm Elite Hall Exhibit and Poster Dismantle 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Empire A Concurrent Session Thirty Three: Decade Dam Failures Part Two Moderated by: Dean B. Durkee, Ph.D., P.E., Gannett Fleming, Inc. 50th Anniversary of the Fontenelle Dam Incident, Wyoming Mark E. Baker, P.E., Dam Safety Officer, National Park Service Hadlock Pond Dam Failure – In Court R. Lee Wooten, P.E., Principal, GEI Consultants, Inc.; and Peter L. Spangenberg, P.E., Civil Engineer III, Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection 10th Anniversary of the Taum Sauk Dam Failure Robert A. Clay, P.E., Civil Engineer, Missouri Department of Natural Resources; and Wayne B. King, Regional Engineer, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission


Technical Agenda wednesday 3:30 pm – 5:00 p m Empire B Concurrent Session Thirty Four: Making Dam Inspections a Brees Moderated by: Art Sengupta, P.E., P.G., PMP, Florida Department of Environmental Protection What Is Your Dam’s Score? Using Tablet-Based Dam Inspections To Enhance Condition Assessments Marc C. Johnson, P.E., CFM, Principal Water Resources Engineer, and Travis Scott, P.E., CFM, Project Manager/ Water Resources Engineer, FTN Associates Ltd.; Trevor Timberlake, P.E., CFM, Engineer Supervisor, Arkansas Natural Resources Commission Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service in Utah Norm Evenstad, PG, Water Resources Coordinator, and Bronson Smart, P.E., State Conservation Engineer, USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service Are We Preventing Dam Failures? Rethinking Surveillance and Monitoring David W. Lord, P.E., Senior Civil Engineer, and Eric Gross, P.E. Senior Civil Engineer, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Empire C Concurrent Session Thirty Five: How Can Dam Owners Buy Down Their Risk? Part Two Moderated by: Charles N. Thompson, P.E., New Mexico Dam Safety Bureau Maximizing the Insurability of Your Dam Tamara L. Jameson, I.E., Engineer III, Wendell R. Buckman, P.E., Managing Engineer, and Anthony P. DaRin, P.E., Vice President, Barton & Loguidice, D.P.C. Understanding the Federal Emergency Management Agency Funding Opportunities Brooke Connor, P.E., CFM, Senior Engineer, Katy Goolsby-Brown, Mitigation Engineer, and James Demby, P.E., Federal Emergency Management Agency Challenges at the Fringes: Complicated Decisions at the Boundaries of Risk Nathan Snorteland, P.E., Director, Risk Management Center, US Army Corps of Engineers

Technical Agenda thursday | friday

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Bolden 2 FEMA Dam Safety Staff Meeting 7:30 am – 5:00 pm Strand 11 Workshop: Internal Erosion Analysis and Remediation of Embankment Dams Mark Pabst, P.E, Geotechnical Engineering - Senior Technical Specialist, US Army Corps of Engineers; John W. France, P.E., AECOM; and Denis Hanneman, Bureau of Reclamation 7:30 am – 5:00 pm Celistin A Workshop: HEC RAS 5.0 2D Model Training Mark E. Forest, Practice Leader, HDR Engineering, Inc.; Mitchell L. Blum, Water Resource Engineer, HDR Engineering, Inc.; and Gary W. Brunner, US Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) 7:30 am – 5:00 pm Empire D Workshop: Update on National Levee Safety Initiative Implementation and Overview of Levee Technical Guidelines Elena Sossenkina, P.E., National Technical Advisor, HDR Engineering, Inc.; Michael Sharp, Ph.D., P.E., Technical Director, US Army Corps of Engineers; Steve Verigin, P.E., G.E., Senior Vice President, GEI Consultants, Inc. 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Field Trip to the New Orleans Storm Damage Risk Reduction System Participants to check in and board the bus at the Lobby Level Staging Tunnel.

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Field Trip to the New Orleans Storm Damage Risk Reduction System Participants to check in and board the bus at the Lobby Level Staging Tunnel.



1049 - A

John W. France, P.E., D.WRE john.france@aecom.com T. 303.740.3812

Built to deliver a better world AECOM provides a blend of technical excellence and innovation, local knowledge, and global reach, to realize your vision. Our dam, levee and hydropower experts work collaboratively with our clients to provide tailored solutions to meet their unique needs. AECOM is proud to be a Platinum Sponsor of the Association of State Dam Safety Officials’ Dam Safety 2015 Conference.


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Special activities in exhibit hall Monday, September 14 3:30 pm – 4:10 pm Poster Lightning Talks Always a popular event, the Lightning Talks provide an opportunity to learn as many exciting ideas about the poster topics as possible in a short, lively manner. Don’t miss these insightful and entertaining minipresentations, which will inspire you to visit the Poster Forum for more in-depth information on the topics that interest you the most. 4:15 pm – 4:30 pm Presentation of Student Awards ASDSO’s Committee on Educational Outreach is proud to recognize the hard work and achievements of this year’s group of student participants. Please join us in congratulating the 2015 undergraduate scholarship winner, as well as the student presenters who are contributing to the technical agenda. (See list of honorees page 17). 4:45 pm – 5:15 pm Dam Incidents and Failures Portal Demo - Gannett Fleming In 2013, James Demby, Jr., PE, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency authorized a project team to research dam failures and incidents and select the most appropriate information to include in a compendium of lessons learned supported by case histories. The primary goal of this project was to convey educational information relating to and resulting from dam failures and incidents in an innovative, user-friendly manner. As a result, the Lessons Learned from Dam Incidents and Failures website was created. The website – www.damfailures.org – was launched on Sept. 1, 2015. It is currently hosted and maintained by the Association of State Dam Safety Officials with oversight and ongoing contributions by the association’s Dam Failures and Incidents Committee. Please attend this short but instructive demonstration to learn more about how to use or contribute to this valuable online resource. Key contacts Mark Baker, PE — Chair, Dam Failures and Incidents Committee mark_e_baker@nps.gov Greg Richards, PE — Project Manager, Gannett Fleming, Inc. grichards@gfnet.com Kate Aulenbach, EIT — Project Specialist, Gannett Fleming, Inc. kaulenbach@gfnet.com


poster presentations GIS-based Method to Assess the Vulnerability of Disadvantaged Populations During Hurricane Evacuation from New Orleans Ruijie Bian, Ph.D. Student, Civil Engineering, and Dr. Chester G. Wilmot, Professor, Louisiana State University Water, Water Everywhere (Considerations for Control and Diversion of Water during Dam Construction and Rehabilitation Projects) Bradley T. Boyer, P.E., Senior Engineer, and J. Tyler Coats, P.E., Project Engineer, Schnabel Engineering Assessment of Undocumented Dams Kevin J. DiRocco, P.E., Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Kirsten Paul, Geotechnical Engineer, and Meghan C.L. Quinn, P.E., Project Manager, US Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division; and Shaun R. Stanton, IMCOM ITIIP Dam Inspection Program Manager, Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory, US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center A Unique Approach to Principal Spillway Outlet Pipe inspections with Custom PACP Reporting Mark Fountain, P.E., Water Resources Project Manager, HDR Engineering, Inc. 90th Anniversary of the Llyn Eigiau and Coedty Dam Failures, Wales, UK Jonathan Garton, P.E., Iowa Department of Natural Resources Dam Safety Challenges in Florida Robert M. Gooljar, Jr., Graduate Student, Florida State University and GIS Analyst Intern, Florida Department of Environmental Protection Long-Term Force Monitoring of Pre-stressed Anchors Used on Dam Rehabilitation Projects Shahid Islam, Ph.D., Senior Engineer, HQ Technical, and Kenneth Purinton, Eastern Manager- GT Unit, DYWIDAG-Systems International USA

Gilboa Dam Rehabilitation, Reducing Dam Safety Risk Under Extreme Conditions, ASDSO 2015 National Rehabilitation Project of the Year Robert A. Kline, Jr., P. E., Vice President, Gannett Fleming, Inc. Co-contributors: Hazen and Sawyer, P.C., New York City Department of Environmental Protection, Barnard Construction Company, Inc., and D.A. Collins Construction Company, Inc. A Race Against Mother Nature, Emergency Dam Safety Repairs at 11,000 feet Nicholas Miller, P.E., P.H., Project Manager, GEI Consultants, Inc.; and Steve Anselmo, P.E., Project Manager, Pueblo (CO) Board of Water Works Integration of Rain Gauge and Doppler Radar Data Using Bayesian Approach Chin Man Mok, Vice President, GSI Environmental Inc.; Nisai Wanakule, Ph.D., and Jeff Geurink, Ph.D., Tampa Bay Water 90th Anniversary of the Sheffield Dam Collapse, California Dusty Myers, P.E., Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Green Levees: Beneficially Reusing Bauxite Residue as Levee Fill Shannon Isovitsch Parks, Senior Project Leader, Alcoa; and Matthew Gore, Ph.D. Candidate, and Robert B. Gilbert, P.E., Ph.D., D.GE, BrunswickAbernathy Professor of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin 10th Anniversary of the Shakidor Dam Failure, Pakistan Thomas I. Roberts, P.E., CFM, Regional Dam Safety Engineer, Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation 20th Anniversary of the Timberlake Dam Failure, Virginia Thomas I. Roberts, P.E., CFM, Regional Dam Safety Engineer, Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation

prize drawing program ASDSO’s Door Prize Program is designed to help you meet and interact with conference exhibitors and sponsors throughout the Exhibit Hall. Drawings will be held on Tuesday evening during the reception and on Wednesday during the lunch in the exhibit hall. Drop your business card into the exhibitor’s collection bowl for a chance to win. You must be present to win. Good luck! Thank you to the following prize sponsors: Ayers Associates, Booth #304 - Six-month craft beer membership (12 beers per month, 4 styles, 3 of each) Gannett Fleming, Booth #101 - Apple iPad mini 3 MGYE2LL/A 16GB, Wi-Fi, Gold GeoEngineers, Booth #622 - Goal Zero solar charger HDR, Booth #600 - iPad Mini Hydrogeophysics (HGI), Booth #618 - A bottle of Makers Mark Bourbon and a bottle of Knob Creek Bourbon Kleinfelder, Booth #219 - $250 VISA gift card Northwest Hydraulic Consultants (NHC), Booth #721 - iPad Mini 2 (32GB) OBG, Booth #623 - Dr. Dre Pill Wireless Blue Tooth Speaker in red Schnabel, Booth #700 - Soundlink Mini Speaker II US Army Corp of Engineers, Booth #508 - 3.5’ Inflatable Brown Beaver

Check out the conference app or video boards in the exhibit hall for exact times and additional giveaways. Good Luck!



Agenda Tracks 56


Meetings & Activities

Exhibitor Profiles ACF Environmental - Booth #501 Jim Nadeau 2831 Cardwell Road Richmond, VA 23234 207-659-6993 jnadeau@acfenv.com www. acfenvironmental.com At ACF Environmental, we understand that every minute on a project means money. So, our team of geosynthetic experts focuses to solve your project challenges—from the first phone call to the last detail. We have a wide range of solutions from the best suppliers and a network of warehouses to deliver them when you want. Plus, ACF offers technical and job site support, and custom products if that’s what is needed. We are in an industry that needs answers, not more questions. Getting the job finished quickly and effectively makes all the difference. There’s work to do. Let’s get it done. AECOM - Booth #113 John France 8181 East Tufts Avenue Denver, CO 80112 303-694-2770 john.france@aecom.com www.aecom.com Across all components of the in-project cycle — design, build, finance and operate, AECOM is a leader in dam and levee services. The recent incorporation of URS accelerates our vision to become the world’s premier fully integrated infrastructure firm. The firm’s experience covers the full range of dam safety activities including risk assessments, dam inspections, dam safety analysis, dam rehabilitation design and construction, environmental impact studies, and permitting. AECOM has supported the advancement of dam

safety technology by organizing and presenting numerous ASDSO-sponsored training courses and workshops, including emergency action planning, seepage, and slope stability. Alchemy Polymers - Booth #722 Andy Powell 4508 Bibb Blvd. Suite B5 Tucker, GA 30084 404-618-0435 apowell@alchemypolymers.com www.alchemypolymers.com Alchemy Polymers manufactures an arsenal of cutting edge polyurethane leak seal, soil stabilization and slab lifting technology. Armed with state of the art R&D facilities, key support staff with decades of experience, and ever expanding marketing resources – Alchemy Polymers specializes in helping contractors, municipalities and engineers shift their professional operations into higher gear. Unlike our competition, we focus 100% of our efforts on leak seal, soil stabilization and slab lifting. Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc - Booth #209 Larry Sample 100 SE 9th Street, Suite 400 Topeka, KS 66612 785-272-6830 larry.sample@amec.com www.amecfw.com Amec Foster Wheeler is a multi-discipline engineering and consulting company that is able to handle all of your dam and levee needs.

ARCADIS - Booth #215 Scott Manning 1210 Premier Drive, Suite 200 Chattanooga, TN 37421 423-756-7193 scott.manning@arcadis-us.com www.arcadis-us.com ARCADIS is an international design and consultancy firm with a strong presence throughout the United States. The firm excels in environmental, infrastructure, and water resources engineering as well as project and construction management. Our dam safety center-of-excellence serves damowning clients nationwide. ARCADIS’ expertise includes geotechnical, hydrologic, hydraulic, structural, geologic, and materials engineering. We are experienced in dam safety evaluations, risk assessments, dam stabilization and rehabilitation, gate inspections and evaluation, emergency action planning, flood inundation mapping, instrumentation, and GIS applications. We serve our clients through all facets of a project, from initial planning, through detailed design, construction management, and project closeout. ASI Constructors, Inc. - Booth #315 Amy Dudley 1850 E. Platteville Boulevard Pueblo West, CO 81007 719-647-2821 adudley@asiconstructors.com www.asiconstructors.com/ ASI Constructors, Inc. (ASI) is a self-performing, heavy-civil contractor specializing in the construction and rehabilitation of dams, hydroelectric and renewable energy facilities, pipelines, and other major water resource projects.

ASI Marine - Booth #310 Drew Michel 40 Centre Drive Quaker Centre Business Park Orchard Park, NY 14127 716-667-3507 info@asi-group.com www.asi-group.com ASI is a 120-person firm founded in 1987 by a core group of individuals with backgrounds in marine biology, commercial diving, and marine construction. The company has grown extensively since 1987, providing industries and governments worldwide with leading-edge underwater services focused on the assessment, maintenance, rehabilitation, and construction of underwater infrastructure and environments. More specifically, ASI specializes in underwater inspections, marine geophysical and hydrographic surveys, contaminated spill site remediation, and light marine construction. Our services are provided throughout the world from offices located in St. Catharines, Sarnia, and Vancouver, Canada; and Orchard Park, New York. Avanti International - Booth #616 Charlie Lerman 1100 Hercules Avenue, Suite 320 Houston, TX 77058 281-486-5600 charlie.lerman@avantigrout.com www.AvantiGrout.com Avanti International is the only full service provider and most experienced producer of high-quality chemical and cementitious grouts in the United States. Since 1978, AvantiGrout has been used world-wide to improve facilities and operations in dams, mines, tunnels and other applications by stopping leaks, stabilizing soils and controlling groundwater – permanently.


Ayres Associates - Booth #304 Chris Goodwin 3433 Oakwood Hills Parkway Eau Claire, WI 54701 715-834-3161 GoodwinC@AyresAssociates.com www.AyresAssociates.com Ayres Associates: Innovative solutions for your dam safety challenges, including regulatory compliance; FERC Part 12 inspections and PFMAs; dam break modeling and GIS inundation mapping; stability analysis; EAP development; hydro operation and hydrology studies; gate system design and inspection; dam alignment surveys; LiDAR and digital terrain models; and reservoir soundings. We provide engineering solutions to reduce construction costs with our hinged floating bulkhead, an award-winning design. The hinged floating bulkhead is much easier to install than a traditional bulkhead and can be moved from spillway to spillway. Ayres Associates’ representatives will be in Booth 304 to discuss these and other innovations. Ballard Marine Construction - Booth #517 Scott Korab 727 S 27th Street Washougal, WA 98671 206-715-3002 scottk@ballardmc.com www.ballardmc.com Providing civil/marine and industrial services since 1978. We have a proven track record of taking on, and successfully completing, technically demanding projects for government and private clients around the world. From Remote Operated Vehicles (ROV) to Commercial Diver inspections, repairs and new construction Ballard Marine Construction is a marine contractor of choice by Dam Safety professionals worldwide.

Barnard Construction Company Inc. Booth #231 Aaron Rietveld 701 Gold Avenue Bozeman, MT 59715 406-586-1995 aaron.rietveld@barnard-inc.com www.barnard-inc.com Barnard’s people are the reason for our 40 years of success in tackling complex and logistically challenging heavy-civil construction projects. With no debt, cash strong, and a bonding capacity of over $1 billion, our privately held company can take on complicated projects under a variety of contract types. Barnard specializes in dam, reservoir and hydropower construction and rehabilitation, power transmission and distribution, tunneling, inland marine, oil, gas, utility, and sewer and water pipeline projects. Our approach to work and commitment to Partnering allow for quick issue recognition and resolution. We are headquartered in Bozeman, Montana, but build throughout North America and beyond. See what we can do; visit www.barnardinc.com. Barr Engineering Co. - Booth #311 Tor Hansen 4700 W 77th Street, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55435 952-832-2600 thansen@barr.com www.barr.com Barr has over 40 years of dam and hydroelectric project experience, working with power companies, federal and state agencies, and municipalities. From planning through final design and construction, we know every aspect of dam engineering. That includes inspections, evaluations, feasibility studies, licensing, permitting, dam-removal, and fish passage. We are particularly adept at projects involving complex issues such as aging concrete and steel components, stability and settlement concerns, seepage modeling, discharge capacity,

and hydropower licensing. We also design, inspect, and analyze a wide variety of gate and hoist systems. Barr has offices in Minnesota, Michigan, Missouri, North Dakota and Alberta, Canada. Bencor - Booth #607 Timothy Myers 6811 Ash Street Frisco, TX 75034 972-247-6767 timothy.myers@bencorinc.com www.bencorinc.com Bencor (est. 1969) is now part of the Keller Group of Companies and brings with it decades of experience and drive for innovation that made it a leader in diaphragm slurry walls and various drilling / grouting technologies. Bencor complements Keller’s existing product lines in North America and abroad and provides clients with turn-key, cost-effective geotechnical solutions and designbuild services for composite deep foundation, earth retention, and ground improvement systems. We are headquartered in Frisco, TX, and mobilize nationwide, as well as internationally. Bureau of Reclamation - Booth #520 Karen Knight Bureau of Reclamation, Dam Safety Office P.O. Box 25007 Denver CO 80225 303-445-3044 kknight@usbr.gov www.usbr.gov The Bureau of Reclamation, established in 1902, is best known for the dams, power plants, and canals it has constructed in the 17 Western States. Reclamation’s Dam Safety Program was implemented in 1978 to ensure that Reclamation’s water storage facilities do not present unreasonable safety risks to the public, property, the environment, or cultural resources. The Program inspects, monitors, and evaluates 366 dams and dikes at 243 facilities, assesses potential impacts from dam incidents, and takes necessary actions to reduce risk.

Campbell Scientific, Inc. - Booth #518 David Odd 815 W 1800 N Logan, UT 84321 435-227-9522 dodd@campbellsci.com www.campbellsci.com Campbell Scientific data-acquisition and control products have been part of the construction and monitoring of major dams worldwide. Recently we have announced two new products. First, the CRVW3 is a self-contained, 3-channel vibrating-wire datalogger with integrated radio communication and rechargeable battery, packaged in a small environmental enclosure. It uses Campbell’s industry-leading VSPECT vibrating-wire analysis technology. Second, the CR6 is our most capable multichannel datalogger, with VSPECT technology built in. VSPECT vibrating-wire technology provides trusted data for critical decisions. Our technology provides a clear view of your measurements by providing immunity from the noise and interference that disrupted previous measurement methods. Canary Systems, Inc. - Booth #230 Martin van Balkom 5 Gould Road New London, NH 03257 603-526-9800 martin@canarysystems.com www.canarysystems.com Formed in 1997, Canary Systems is the leader in providing integrated geo-monitoring solutions for a broad range of industries including dam safety. We help clients better manage risk, monitor performance, and increase the safety of their operations by tying together all loose ends: the hardware required for automatic or semi-automatic data acquisition – and the software to collect, process, store and present the data in a simple and efficient way on a single combined powerful platform.



CARPI USA, Inc. - Booth 222 Debbie Freeman 4370 Starkey Road, Suite 4D Roanoke VA 24018 540-776-7727 debbie.freeman@carpitech.com www.carpitech.com

CDM Smith - Booth #211 Stephen L. Whiteside 5400 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27612 919-325-3500 whitesidesl@cdmsmith.com www.cdmsmith.com

With over 50 years in operation, CARPI specializes in waterproofing hydraulic structures including dams, canals, hydraulic tunnels, reservoirs, and intake structures with flexible impermeable geomembranes. The company provides design, materials, and installation, full comprehensive warranty, and has completed more than 1350 projects worldwide, including +130 dams. The patented waterproofing systems are used for new construction, as well as rehabilitation, to address seepage through structures. Seepage reduction from CARPI systems can be monitored to verify improvement and systems are maintenance free. If dewatering is not feasible, CARPI provides turnkey installation of patented systems to meet the challenges of underwater seepage repair on dams.

As a full-service engineering and construction firm, CDM Smith delivers exceptional client service, quality results and enduring value across the entire project life cycle. With more than 5,000 professionals in over 100 offices worldwide, CDM Smith maintains a global network of offices and affiliations. Our multi-disciplined staff provides our clients with an integrated services approach to meet each project’s specific needs. CDM Smith has extensive experience in providing engineering services for water supply dams, flood control dams and levees, water management structures, hydroelectric power dams, and ecosystem restoration. We are a leader in providing innovative, sustainable solutions, including safety inspections for dams and levees; embankment and RCC dam design; planning and permitting; emergency action plans; and construction management.

Cascade Drilling - Booth #306 Steve Bratton 2232 Edgevale Columbus, OH 43221 614-402-1808 sbratton@cascadedrilling.com www.cascadedrilling.com Cascade Drilling (formerly Boart Longyear E&I) is a worldwide provider of drilling services specializing in the application of our Sonic drilling system for geotechnical professionals. We have applied the Sonic system for numerous dam/earthen embankment and geotechnical construction projects globally in support of both design and construction efforts. For more information on our Sonic system visit, our website www. cascadedrilling.com or contact Steve Bratton at 614-402-1808.

Center Rock Inc. - Booth #328 Joseph Ecker 118 S Chrock, Drive P.O. Box 307 Berlin, PA 15530 651-587-1072 jecker@centerrock.com www.centerrock.com Center Rock Inc. is a USA based manufacturer located in Berlin Pennsylvania. We serve the global drilling industry with specialty drilling products including but not limited to; downhole drills & bits from 3.5” up to 36” in diameter, LP canister drills from 24” up to 120”, ROTO LOC under reamer systems for casing advancement, Wassara water hammers, hole openers, and many more. Center Rock prides itself in affording its customers the best


value possible. Utilizing a consultative approach, we can satisfy your drilling product needs by designing and manufacturing a product for you in a matter of days not months. CH2M - Booth #715 Richard E. Riker (Rick) 9191 South Jamacia Street Englewood, Colorado 80112 541-602-3167 Rick.Riker@ch2m.com www.ch2m.com CH2M is a global solution provider solving problems for clients around the world. With extensive experience in dams we provide complete dam engineering services ranging from planning and permitting, dam safey and risk evaluations, siting and feasiblity studies, hydrologic and geotechnical evaluations, designs, and construction management. Contech Engineered Solutions - Booth #229 Dan Priest 9025 Centre Pointe Drive, Suite 400 West Chester, OH 45069 800-338-1122 info@conteches.com www.ContechES.com Contech Engineered Solutions LLC is a leading provider of site solutions for the civil engineering industry. Contech’s portfolio includes bridges, drainage, erosion control, retaining wall, sanitary, stormwater and wastewater treatment products. To contact one of Contech’s 50 offices or 300 sales and product professionals nationwide, visit www. ContechES.com or telephone 800-338-1122.

Crane Materials International - CMI - Booth #131 Jeff Holm 1165 Northchase Parkway SE, Suite 300 Marietta, GA 30067 770-933-8166 jholm@cmilc.com www.cmilc.com As the world’s largest, performance-driven manufacturer of sustainable sheet piling solutions, Crane Materials International (CMI) has decades of experience in providing category leading products to address some of the most challenging chemical containment, levee seepage and groundwater cut-off projects as well as marine, flood protection and water control applications. CMI is committed to protecting and sustaining the environment through its work in environmental remediation, Superfund and EPA-funded projects. In addition to providing high-performing, durable synthetic and composite piling solutions, CMI offers proprietary installation equipment, product engineering assistance and a team of experts to support every aspect of a project. Visit www.cmilc.com or call 1-800-256-8857. Crofton Industries - Booth # 302 Kurt S. Feairheller 16 Harper Avenue Portsmouth, VA 23707 757-397-1131 kurtf@croftondiving.com www.croftondiving.com At Crofton Industries the foundations upon which our success was built are Safety, Service, Integrity, and Ingenuity. Established in 1949, Crofton Industries offers our Hydroelectric and Water Resources Industries clients a complete package of Design/Build, Heavy Construction, Engineering, and Commercial Diving Services that have made us a preferred contractor with the industries’ leading professionals.

As reliance upon Water Resource facilities grows, the aging facilities and supporting infrastructure require an experienced firm that can facilitate repairs and maintenance on these important structures. Crofton Industries is one such firm that can respond to the multifaceted systems maintained at each facility. Crux Subsurface, Inc. - Booth #330 Gwyn Hanson 4308 N Barker Road Spokane Valley, WA 99027 509-892-9409 gwyn@cruxsub.com www.cruxsub.com Crux is a drilling contractor specializing in challenging core recovery and difficult logistics for exploration and construction projects. Our customized equipment, designed and manufactured in-house, allows us to access these challenging locations and provide solutions on a project-specific basis. We provide clients with significant experience and a broad knowledge of dam upgrades, dam raises, and exploration for supporting intake structures. Specialty capabilities include long-range horizontal drilling, highefficiency core recovery, instrument installation and monitoring, packer and slug testing, optical/ acoustical downhole imaging, and pressure grouting. DeWind One-Pass Trenching LLC - Booth #125 Mark Vanhoose 9150 96th Avenue Zeeland, MI 49464 386-527-9530 markvh@dewindonepass.com www.dewindonepasstrenching.com Dewind One-Pass Trenching LLC is the developed and sold operator of the world’s deepest earth cutting trenchers. The fleet of Dewind One-Pass Trenchers represent the state of the art in deep trenching technology. The fleets capacities

include the installing in a single pass in ground containment, control, structural support and remediation systems such as slurry walls, zero valent iron walls, biomass walls, and stone filled collection trenches. Depths up to 75 feet can be achieved in some applications. Downhole Surveys - Booth #326 Lee Webb 39 Welshpool Road Welshpool, Australia +61893614745 jalered@downhole.com.au www.downholesurveys.com.au Downhole Surveys is an innovative company with over 25 years’ experience in providing Absolute Precision through Specialised Survey Solutions. Our expertise include ground anchoring, ground stabilisation and tunnelling in which areas we have partnered with a number of world renown USA companies to deliver extremely good project results. We look forward to discussion difficult surveying projects in which we will be certain to provide assistance. Dyrhoff Inc. - Booth #318 Greg Barron 354 West Boylston Street, Suite 222 West Boylston, MA 01583 508-852-5090 greg.barron@dyrhoff.com www.dyrhoff.com Specialists in the design and supply of inflatable rubber dams and flashboard systems, Dyrhoff have been involved in the design and supply of over 100 rubber dams and pneumatically-operated gates for applications including hydropower, flood management, irrigation and tidal water control. We also specialise in the replacement of Fabridam and Bridgestone inflatable weirs that have reached the end of their working life. Whatever your project, we will offer the best solution.


DYWIDAG-Systems International, USA, Inc. Booth #521 Ken Purinton 1263 Newark Road Toughkenamon, PA 19374 610-268-2221 ext. 114 ken.purinton@dsiamerica.com www.dsiamerica.com DSI is a globally leading supplier of innovative ground anchoring and dam stabilizing technologies including DYWIDAG Threadbar Anchors, Soil Nails, Strand Anchors. Tie Rods and Micropiling Systems ECM Consultants, Inc. - Booth #329 Brooke Porter 4409 Utica Street, Suite 200 Metaire, LA 70006 504-885-4080 Bporter@ecmconsultants.com www.ecmconsultants.com Since its inception in 1995, ECM Consultants Inc. has served the engineering community as a full service A-E firm with a broad range of expertise including engineering design, architecture, construction management, and inspection. ECM Consultants, Inc., has been providing dam safety inspection services for over seven years for the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development. Each year, an average of 200 publicly and privately owned dams are inspected to ensure that the man-made impoundment and control structures are functioning to their intended purpose. The inspections are performed by ECM professionals in accordance with the Louisiana Dam Safety Program to make certain that public safety is not compromised by the presence of dams, and to minimize potential hazards to downstream lift and property in the event of a dam failure.

Exponent - Booth #123 David Sykora 9 Strathmore Road Natick, MA 01760 888-656-3976 info@exponent.com www.exponent.com Exponent is a leading engineering and scientific consulting firm providing solutions to complex problems. Exponent employs a diverse, multidisciplinary team of geotechnical engineers, engineering geologists, geologic engineers, civil engineers, surface hydrologists, structural engineers, mechanical engineers, corrosion engineers, and materials engineers that provide for a complete and thorough evaluation of feasibility, design, construction, performance, and rehabilitation studies or root cause failure analysis of dams, basins or levees. 20 US and 6 International offices. Federal Emergency Management Agency Booth #506 James Demby 500 C Street Washington, DC 20472 202-646-3435 james.demby@fema.gov www.fema.gov As the lead Federal agency for the National Dam Safety Program, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is responsible for coordinating efforts to secure the safety of dams throughout the United States. FEMA is dedicated to protecting the lives of American citizens and their property from the risks associated with the development, operation, and maintenance of America’s dams.

Fenstermaker - Booth #711 Sherie Burton 135 Regency Square Lafayette, LA 70508 337-237-2200 sherie@fenstermaker.com www.fenstermaker.com

Flow Science, Inc. - Booth #308 John Wendelbo 683 Harkle Road Santa Fe, NM 87505 505-982-0088 john.wendelbo@flow3d.com www.flow3d.com

High Definition Acoustic Imaging & Measurement for Structural Inspection: Water Bottom Site Assessment & Hazard Mapping

FLOW-3D is a powerful and highly-accurate computational fluid dynamics software that gives hydraulics engineers valuable insight into many physical flow processes. With special capabilities for accurately predicting free-surface flows, FLOW-3D is the ideal CFD software to use in your design phase as well as in improving production processes.

Fenstermaker’s Underwater Acoustic Services team provides critical details on projects requiring advanced underwater imagery. Fenstermaker has refined this technology, which offers important information that gives dam owners a clear perspective to make critical decisions on projects. This technology is highly efficient, allowing intelligent data to be gathered and delivered with reduced cost and in a timely manner while reducing the risk of harm to divers. FLO-2D Software, Inc. - Booth #228 Jimmy S. O’Brien PO Box 66 Nutrioso, AZ 85932 928-339-1935 contact@flo-2d.com www.flo-2d.com FLO-2D Software, Inc. specializes in models for flood hydraulics, dam breach, and sediment transport engineering. Our staff of programmers benefit from a diverse background of engineering experience including extensive field data collection, flood mitigation design, hydraulics and hydrology analysis and computation fluid dynamics.

FLOW-3D specializes in helping hydraulics engineers develop, design and implement options for a wide range of issues, from large hydroelectric power projects to small municipal wastewater treatment systems. Simulation can play a crucial role for testing design options, helping to reduce complexity and focus efforts on optimized solutions. The valuable insights derived from numerically testing different design options can save considerable time and money. Learn more at www.flow3d.com. Fugro - Booth # 320 Melinda Robinson 6100 Hillcroft Avenue Houston, TX 77081 888-241-6615 inquiries@fugro.com www.fugro.com Fugro is the world’s largest integrator of geotechnical, survey, subsea and geosciences services. Our services are specifically designed to support your engineering design and large structure building projects. We create value by acquiring and interpreting earth and engineering data to assist you with the design, construction, installation, repair and maintenance of your infrastructure.


Gannett Fleming, Inc. - Booth #101 Rodney E. Holderbaum, PE, PLS P.O. Box 67100 Harrisburg, PA 17106-7100 717-763-7211 rholderbaum@gfnet.com www.gannettfleming.com

GeoEngineers, Inc. - Booth #622 Gordon Denby 8410 154th Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98052 425-861-6000 gdenby@geoengineers.com www.geoengineers.com

Gannett Fleming has served as a partner in global infrastructure, specializing in dams, levees, and flood mitigation for 100 years. We have helped improve communities through transportation, environmental, water, power, and facility-related projects in more than 65 countries. As we celebrate this milestone, we look forward to a second century of delivering innovation and excellence. We provide planning, design, technology, and construction management services for a diverse range of markets and disciplines. From more than 60 offices around the world, we embrace sustainability and innovation, finding the best solutions and the most efficient processes to meet our clients’ complex challenges.

GeoEngineers is an employee-owned, earth science, engineering and technology consulting firm with 14 offices nationwide, that offers a variety of services related to dams, levees and dikes. Our geotechnical engineers and scientists are skilled at analyzing problems and developing creative and practical solutions. We also offer technology services related to designing, installing and monitoring instrumentation programs related to many types of engineering projects. We can address the range of dam safety engineering and environmental issues on any project. We have provided clients with solutions that have resulted in significant cost savings, reduced permitting requirements, mitigated risks and reduced maintenance costs.

GEI Consultants, Inc. - Booth #201 Kelly Cohane 400 Unicorn Park Dr. Woburn, MA 01801 781-721-4078 kcohane@geiconsultants.com www.geiconsultants.com GEI Consultants Inc. has for decades been a leader in water resources across North America, providing engineering services on thousands of water-related projects such as dam design and construction, rehabilitation, analysis and inspections in from coast to coast. GEI’s water resources practice provides municipal, state and federal governmental agencies, water districts and private dam owners a full array of integrated professional water resources as well as geotechnical, environmental and ecological consulting services, employing many of the best minds in the business to help clients achieve technical excellence and innovation.

Geokon, Inc. - Booth #620 Matt Sullivan 48 Spencer Street Lebanon, NH 03766 603-448-1562 matt.sullivan@geokon.com www.geokon.com Geokon, the World Leader in Vibrating Wire Technology, manufactures a full range of high quality geotechnical instrumentation suitable for monitoring the safety and stability of a variety of civil and mining structures including dams, tunnels, foundations, mine openings, piles, etc. Geokon has been an innovative leader in vibrating wire technology for over 30 years and is well known throughout the world for it’s superb line of Vibrating Wire sensors. Geokon’s sensors exhibit excellent long-term stability, accuracy and reliability even

in the most adverse conditions and our product line includes piezometers, pressure cells, strain gages, inclinometers, load cells, extensometers, dataloggers, etc. Geo-Solutions Inc. - Booth #305 Loren Martin 1250 Fifth Avenue New Kensington, PA 15068 724-335-7273 lmartin@geo-solutions.com www.geo-solutions.com Geo-Solutions is a recognized leader in seepage barrier / cutoff wall technology. We provide cost effective solutions using proven techniques such as foundation grouting, slurry trenching and soil mixing using both large and small diameter augers. The versatility of our techniques can be applied to address a wide range of problems related to dam stability and seepage control in dam embankments and foundations. Geo-Solutions’ principal expertise is in low permeability soil-bentonite, cementbentonite, soil-cement-bentonite and soil mixed cutoff barriers. These techniques or a combination of techniques can be used to solve a wide range of geotechnical challenges. Global Diving & Salvage Inc. - Booth #716 Frank Immel 3840 W Marginal Way SW Seattle, WA 98106 206-623-0621 fimmel@gdiving.com www.gdiving.com Global Diving & Salvage is a leading provider of marine construction and infrastructure support services in the United States, and an internationally recognized casualty responder. Our experience enables us to adapt quickly to unique problems and resolve potentially costly situations. In addition, we have the proven ability to customize systems and management teams for individual projects. We are ready to take your project to the next level in safety, quality, and technology.

Golder Associates Inc. - Booth #606 Gregg Hudock 3730 Chamblee Tucker Rd. Atlanta, GA 30341 770.496.1893 ghudock@golder.com www.golder.com Golder Associates provide engineering solutions from the ground up. As one of the leaders in the planning, permitting and design of dams, reservoirs and outlets works, we provide a complete spectrum of services. Whether it is investigating dam sites, designing diversion tunnels or evaluating, upgrading and rehabilitating older dams and levees, you can count on Golder to provide a world of solutions delivered locally. Golder is a respected, employee-owned, global company with 180 offices worldwide. Our more than 8,000 employees work with clients to manage their environmental and engineering activities in a technically sound, economically viable, and socially responsible manner. Grace / De Neef - Booth #301 Scott Anderson 62 Whittemore Ave. Cambridge, MA 02140 sanderson@deneef.com www.deneefusa.com Griffin Dewatering Corporation - Booth #321 Terry S. Aylward 5306 Clinton Drive Houston, TX 77020 800-431-1510 griffin@griffindewatering.com www.griffindewatering.com We at Griffin continue to use our extensive experience and operational knowledge to develop and produce the highest quality of equipment to solve groundwater problems. We offer both products and turn key services to meet the needs of a wide range of groundwater control applications.


Griffin Construction Dewatering provides: - Deep Well Systems - Wellpoint Systems - Eductor Systems - Filtration and Treatment - Groundwater Modeling GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc. - Booth #309 Peter H. Baril, P.E. 249 Vanderbilt Avenue Norwood, MA 02062 781-278-3818 peter.baril@gza.com www.gza.com/ GZA provides single-source expertise for design of new dams, inspection and design of remedial measures for breaching or rehabilitation of existing dams, emergency action planning, environmental permitting, construction engineering, construction management, specialty foundation construction, operations and maintenance planning, instrumentation and automated data acquisition systems for long-term monitoring. GZA is a FERC Independent Consultant for hydropower facilities and performs feasibility studies leading to retrofit designs. GZA has been involved with safety inspections, hydrologic/hydraulic and geotechnical evaluations, emergency preparedness planning, and/or design of repairs to several of the largest earth, concrete gravity and stone masonry dam water supply structures in the Northeast, including key water supply reservoirs for New York City, Metropolitan Boston, Massachusetts and Hartford, Connecticut. More recently our work has expanded to evaluation of existing levee and combustible coal waste impoundments as well as low head hydropower retrofit designs.

Hanson Professional Services Inc. - Booth #603 Dan Whalen 1525 S. Sixth Street Springfield, IL 62703 217-788-2450 ext. 8315 dwhalen@hanson-inc.com www.hanson-inc.com Hanson Professional Services Inc., founded in 1954, is a national employee-owned consulting firm providing engineering, planning and allied services. With 22 offices nationwide, the firm provides services from seven strategic markets: aviation; federal services; government and energy; infrastructure; power and industry; railway and telecommunications. Hanson’s award-winning staff has designed, permitted, rehabilitated and inspected numerous earth and concrete dam projects nationwide and in several foreign countries. Harbor Offshore Barriers/Harbor Offshore Inc. - Booth #503 Tom Pruitt 5720 Nicolle Street Ventura, CA 93003-7612 206-999-6475 tpruitt@offshorebarriersinc.com www.harboroffshoreinc.com Boat barrier systems for the purpose of resisting unauthorized intrusion into restricted areas. Boat barrier systems offered are based on US Navy design technology under license to Harbor Offshore Inc. and used by the US Navy specifically to defend against terrorist acts against navy assets and facilities. Boat barrier systems are rated to stop high energy impact by boats having intent to execute unlawful or terrorist type activities. Boat barrier systems of this type are applicable for protection of like assets and facilities of nuclear power water bodies, dams, domestic water supplies systems, LNG facilities.

Commercial diving and marine construction services for installation, repair and maintenance of underwater structures, facilities and mechanical equipment. Includes deep water diving and ROV inspections and operations. Hayward Baker Inc. - Booth #605 Jeffrey Hill 7550 Teague Road, Suite 300 Hanover, MD 21076 410-551-8200 info@haywardbaker.com www.haywardbaker.com Hayward Baker Inc., a Keller company, is ranked #1 in the profession by Engineering News-Record, and provides geotechnical construction for planned and existing dams and levees. Applications include foundation soil improvement, seepage control, liquefaction mitigation, cutoff walls, sinkhole stabilization and overturning/sliding stabilization. Jet grouting and cement grouting construct cutoff walls and grout curtains for seepage control and scour prevention. Soil mixing constructs extremely low permeability cutoff walls, including in difficult soils. Anchors can increase stability. Vibro replacement stone columns and jet grouting mitigate liquefaction at dam sites. Compaction grouting stabilizes sinkholes. Our nationwide network of offices provides local knowledge combined with international experience for even the most challenging conditions beneath your dam. Hazen & Sawyer - Booth #129 Jeff Powers 5775 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Suite D-520 Atlanta, Georgia 30342 678-313-3473 jpowers@hazenandsawyer.com www.hazenandsawyer.com

Our focus brings us exceptional challenges – such as the largest drinking water UV disinfection installation in the world, developing reservoirs to enhance water systems, upgrade of major wastewater treatment plants, and recharging vital drinking water aquifers with highly-treated wastewater effluent. Our focus also makes us home to many of the world’s most knowledgeable and experienced environmental engineers and scientists, each seeking a challenging and rewarding career while making an important contribution to their community. HDR - Booth #600 Keith Ferguson, P.E. 1670 Broadway Denver, CO 80202 303-764-1546 keith.ferguson@hdrinc.com www.hdrinc.com Aging infrastructure and evolving standards have increased demands on dam and levee owners. HDR can guide you through regulatory and design solutions that sustain both built and natural environments. We are one of the industry’s most comprehensive resources for owners, agencies and operators of dams, levees and large hydraulic structures. We believe that the way we work can add meaning and value to the world. That ideas inspire positive change and that small details yield important realizations. Above all, we believe that collaboration is the best way forward. Our employees, working in 225 locations around the world, push open the doors to what’s possible each and every day.

Since 1951, Hazen has focused on two critical activities – helping our clients provide safe drinking water and controlling water pollution and its effects on the environment.


Hydro Componenet Systems LLC - Booth #323 Shane Scott 4719 NE Salmon Creek St Vancouver, WA 98686 360-601-2391 shane@sscottandassociates.com www.hydrocomponentsystems.com

Hydronia, LLC - Booth #313 Reinaldo Garcia 18331 Pines Boulevard, No. 160 Pembroke Pines, FL 33029 954-251-7130 info@hydronia.com www.hydronia.com

At HCS, we’re always on the leading edge of debris capture solutions for water intake environments. That’s because we not only manufacture trash racks and rakers for our customers, we also use them at our own hydroelectric plants every day. Our systems take minimal time to install, are highly effective, as well as easy to use and maintain.

Hydronia with headquarters in Florida, USA provides specialized numerical models and consulting services to tackle the most demanding hydrologic and hydraulic problems in rivers, estuaries and coastal areas. Our expertise backed up by engineers with more than 30 years of professional experience, includes project applications of advanced 2D models to simulate dam-break flooding, river flows, sediment and pollutant transport. Hydronia develops the RiverFlow2D numerical model that is the most advanced flexible-mesh computational software to perform the most complex Dam-Break flood simulations. With the Mud and Debris Flow module, the model can simulate tailings dams flooding for hyperconcentrated fluids.

Hydrogeophysics Inc. - Booth #618 Shawn Calendine 2302 N. Forbes Boulevard Tucson, AZ 85745 520-647-3315 scalendine@HGIworld.com www.hgiworld.com hydroGEOPHYSICS, Inc. (HGI) has over 20 years of experience providing geophysical services to the environmental, engineering, groundwater, mining, oil & gas, and natural resource exploration industries. We represent value and reliability in a geophysical service provider – our geophysicists, geologists, hydrologists and engineers are dedicated to finding solutions using industrybest equipment and custom-tailored geophysical services with a focus on safety, quality, and innovation. We specialize in the application of 2D & 3D geophysical methods in complex environments, time lapse subsurface monitoring of fluid flow through geologic materials, leak detection & leak location, subsurface characterization, plume mapping, and buried infrastructure detection and mapping.

Hydroplus, Inc. - Booth #218 Hasan Kocahan, Manager 500 Harbour Place Drive, Suite 1211 Tampa, FL 33602 813-223-3081 hkocahan@hydroplususa.com www.hydroplus.com Hydroplus is the developer of the “Fusegate System”, an ideal application that offers highly flexible and versatile solutions for both existing and new dams. Implemented over 30 countries across five continents since 1991, the “Fusegate System” allows for cost-efficient and safe modifications to undersized spillways bringing them up to modern standards without any loss in storage capacity and with a reliability degree equivalent to that of an uncontrolled spillway. The system can also provide additional live storage to dams without any impact on the ability of their spillways to pass the inflow design flood.

International Erosion Control Systems Booth #718 David Fairley 3030 N. Rocky Point Drive, Suite 150 Tampa, FL 33607 855-768-1420 dfairley@iecsusa.com www.iecsusa.com IECS manufactures and sells nationwide a cable concrete articulated concrete blocks system used to protect and stabilize numerous soil erosion conditions. Our products have been tested by numerous testing facilities in the USA and Canada. Since 1984, cable concrete has been used extensively by most state and federal agencies, DOT’s as well as over 50 military bases. This hard armour revetment is an alternative to traditional rip rap and can be used for dam spillways, retention pond linings, access roads, channel and bank stabilization, bridge scour protection, low water crossings, boat ramps and landfill down chutes. Our ability to produce on site creates significant savings. J. F. Brennan Company, Inc. - Booth #706 Craig Bartheld 818 Bainbridge Street La Crosse, WI 54603 608-519-5289 cbartheld@jfbrennan.com www.jfbrennan.com J.F. Brennan Company, Inc. (Brennan) is a marine construction and environmental remediation firm that specializes in dam construction and repair projects located throughout the inland waters of the United States. We provide quality construction services on several types of dam structures for utility companies, paper mills, municipalities, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and more. Brennan’s Dam Services Include: Concrete Services, Gates and Actuators, Structural Steel, Underwater Construction, Cofferdams, Scour and Erosion Remediation, Specialty Construction, and Underwater Inspections.

JAFEC USA, Inc. - Booth #225 David S. Yang, Ph.D., P.E., G.E. 2025 Gateway Place, Suite 180 San Jose, CA 95110 408-467-2240 davidyang@jafecusa.com www.jafecusa.com JAFEC USA, Inc. is the U.S. subsidiary of Japan Foundation Engineering Company, Ltd. (JAFEC). It is the exclusive representative of the JAFEC Group outside of Japan. JAFEC was established in 1953. With more than 60 years of experience, JAFEC USA is qualified to deliver reliable and economical ground improvement services for liquefaction mitigation, dam and levee stabilization, excavation support and seepage control. Among the ground improvement technologies used by JAFEC USA are Deep Soil Mixing (DMM), Sand Compaction Piles (SCP), Stone Columns (SC), Direct Power Compaction (DPC), Jet Grouting (JG) and Tube Mixing (TM). Kiewit Foundations Group - Booth #319 Michel Gavillet 302 S. 36th Street, Suite 400 Omaha, NE 68131 402-346-8535 Michel.Gavillet@kiewit.com www.Kiewit.com Keeping safety at the forefront, the Kiewit Foundations Group builds complex foundation projects across North America. We deliver creative, cost-efficient solutions that are responsive to each project’s specific site conditions. We specialize in Drilled Shafts, Slurry / Cut-off Walls, and Ground Improvements. We perform these operations with our fleet of specialty equipment and the management resources of one of the top builders in the country.


Kleinfelder, Inc. - Booth #219 Stephen Brown 1801 California St., Suite 1100 Denver, CO 80202 303-237-6601 sbrown@kleinfelder.com www.kleinfelder.com

L.B. Foster Company - Booth #604 Phil Wright 130 Satellite Boulevard, NE Suite A Suwanee, GA 30024 678-926-5217 pwright@lbfoster.com www.lbfoster.com

Kleinfelder is an engineering, science, and architecture consulting firm providing solutions to meet our world’s complex infrastructure and natural resource challenges. Kleinfelder was founded in 1961 and has grown and developed steadily to become one of the largest employeeowned engineering companies with 2,000 professionals in 60 offices nationwide and internationally. We provide services for the entire life-cycle of diverse water storage and conveyance facilities, including planning, feasibility studies, dam and levee safety inspections, FERC Part 12 inspections, alternatives analyses, new and remedial design, construction management and quality control, risk assessment, operations, and FERC re-licensing support.

For more than a century, L.B. Foster Company has provided the materials necessary to construct and maintain major transportation, construction and utility projects. L.B. Foster Construction Products offers a comprehensive line of piling, steel bridge products and fabricated structural steel. These materials are specified for highway, bridge and heavy engineering/civil construction and rehabilitation projects. L.B. Foster products have recently contributed to the improvement of many landmark structures including the Panama Canal, Brooklyn Bridge and New Orleans Flood Walls.

Kleinschmidt Associates - Booth #507 Russ Sanford 141 Main Street Pittsfield, ME 04967 207-487-3328 Russ.Sanford@KleinschmidtGroup.com www.KleinschmidtGroup.com Kleinschmidt specializes in the highly regulated FERC Part 12 Inspections at federally licensed hydroelectric facilities that require an evaluation performed by Independent Consultants (IC) of all water-retaining project facilities that may impact public safety if they were to fail, including structures, spillways, gates and foundations.

Magnus Pacific Corporation - Booth #213 Mary Arzave 6558 Lonetree Blvd. Rocklin, CA 95678 916-462-6400 marzave@magnuspacific.com www.magnuspacific.com Magnus Pacific, LLC is a full-service geotechnical and environmental construction company with unique capabilities in slurry cutoff wall construction, ground improvement, and hazardous waste site remediation. The core management team has more than 200 years of combined field experience allowing Magnus Pacific to deliver a full palette of cost effective project delivery capabilities in both the civil and environmental sectors. Acquired by Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Corporation in 2014 and subsequently merged with sister company Terra Contracting Services, Magnus Pacific now has a national operations platform and annual revenues approaching $250M.

Michael Baker International - Booth #514 Chad Davis, PE 100 Airside Drive Moon Township, PA 15108 412-375-3077 cdavis@mbakerintl.com www.mbakerintl.com

improvement, slide and overturning stabilization, conduit filter and toe-drain installation, and sinkhole stabilization. From strategic regional offices around the country, our seasoned management and field personnel are ready to deliver the remediation and rehabilitation services you need for your next project.

Michael Baker International, Inc. (Michael Baker), is a leading global provider of engineering and consulting services in support of U.S. federal, state, municipal governments, and a wide range of commercial clients. Michael Baker’s services include dam inspections, hydrologic & hydraulic analysis, geotechnical investigation and analysis, structural analysis, rehabilitation design, emergency action plans, dam break modeling, inundation mapping, ecological/aquatic restoration, environmental permitting and construction services. Michael Baker is currently assisting both private and public dam owners in bringing their dams into compliance with current regulations across the United States. Michael Baker has more than 6,000 employees in over 90 offices located across the U.S. and internationally. To learn more about Michael Baker visit: www.mbakerintl.com

Morgan Corporation - Booth #704 Fares Y. Abdo, P.E. 704 Poly Place Vestavia, AL 35226 864-433-8800 fabdo@morgan-corp.com www.morgan-corp.com

Moretrench - Booth #220 Scott Dodds 144 Dexter Drive Monroeville, PA 15146 412-793-9303 sdodds@moretrench.com www.moretrench.com Moretrench is a nationally recognized leader in geotechnical construction, specializing in sitespecific design build solutions to meet project objectives and subsurface conditions. We have the experience, expertise and resources to resolve a wide range of dam-related challenges, and the emergency response capability for fast remediation of unanticipated conditions. Our technologies include construction dewatering, high capacity dam anchors, underdam seepage cut-off, grouting systems, foundation and embankment

Morgan Corp. has been a recognized leader in site development for over 60 years. Such longevity involves dedication to service, attention to quality, loyalty to customers, employing qualified personnel, and the ability to change. Based in Spartanburg, SC, the company has two additional offices in Charlotte, NC and Savannah, GA. Morgan Corp. area of operations covers southeastern US with a focus on site development, dams, pavements, heavy highways, underground utilities, and more. For additional information, please visit our website www.morgan-corp.com. MWH Global- Booth #207 Terrence Arnold 1560 Broadway, 18th Floor Denver, CO 80202 303-291-2230 Terrence.E.Arnold@mwhglobal.com www.mwhglobal.com MWH Global responsibly develops dam and hydropower projects around the globe. Our vast knowledge and proven expertise is trusted world-wide to provide cost-effective sustainable hydropower solutions. MWH Global engineers, consultants and constructors help solve complex infrastructure and environmental challenges in water and natural resources. Globally, MWH employs approximately 7,000 experts who are Building a Better World. 75

Nicholson Construction Company Booth #324 Gretchen Connelly 12 McClane Street Cuddy, PA 15057 412-221-4500 gretchen.connelly@nicholsonconstruction.com www.nicholsonconstruction.com

habitat assessments, habitat compensation, sedimentation, watershed restoration, construction management, international development, and physical and numerical modelling. In support of the firm’s consulting services, NHC also offers services in the fields of geographic information systems (GIS), digital terrain modelling (DTM), and field data acquisition.

Nicholson has been both a leader and an innovator in the geotechnical construction industry for more than 60 years. With regional offices across the country and headquarters located in Pittsburgh, Nicholson is a nationally renowned specialty contractor, offering proven expertise in the design and installation of deep foundation elements, earth retention systems and ground treatment solutions. We pride ourselves on our ability to consistently provide our clients with innovative, high-quality design-build options for projects of varying size and complexity. Nicholson is the North American subsidiary of Soletanche Bachy, one of the world’s leading geotechnical contractors, and is part of a global network of unparalleled geotechnical resources and expertise.

Obermeyer Hydro, Inc. - Booth #119 Robert Eckman PO Box 668 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970-568-9844 rob.eckman@obermeyerhydro.com www.obermeyerhydro.com

Northwest Hydraulic Consultants (NHC) Booth #721 Brian Hughes 30 Gostick Place North Vancouver, BC, Canada V7M 3G3 604.980.6011 BHughes@nhcweb.com www.nhcweb.com NHC is an internationally-recognized engineering consulting company that specializes in water resources engineering for the development, management and protection of water resources. NHC professionals are highly qualified in all areas of hydrotechnical engineering and geomorphology. The company’s areas of expertise include hydraulic design, river engineering, hydrology, dam safety, fisheries engineering, environmental assessments and monitoring, fish and aquatic

Obermeyer Hydro Inc. designs and fabricates the patented Obermeyer Gate System as well as inflatable rubber dams for hydroelectric projects, river diversions, and flood control projects. OBG - Booth #623 Robert Bowers 301 E. Germantown Pike Bentwood Campus E. Norriton, PA 19401 484-804-7209 Robert.Bowers@obg.com www.obg.com Advanced Manufacturing. Energy. Environment. Water. For more than 70 years, O’Brien & Gere (OBG) has specialized in engineering and problem solving, but our real strength is creating comprehensive, integrated solutions for our clients. OBG’s dam engineering services include inspection, investigation, design, and construction of earth fill, rock fill, concrete/masonry and RCC dams. Related services include development of EAP’s and O&M Plans, levee inspection/design, hydropower feasibility assessments, dam removals and stream channel restoration, and heavy civil/waterfront engineering. OBG – There’s a way.

Olson Engineering - Booth #717 Dennis Sack 12401 W. 49th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303-423-1212 dennis.sack@olsonengineering.com www.olsonengineering.com Olson Engineering, Inc. specializes in “Imaging the Infrastructure” for Assessment, Monitoring and Repair and has extensive experience in dam condition assessment. Consulting services include nondestructive evaluation (NDE), infrastructure condition assessment and repair, structural health monitoring, geophysical and vibration engineering. Our staff includes civil, mechanical, electrical and geophysical engineers who are involved in consulting, research and instruments development. Olson Instruments (www.olsoninstruments. com) manufactures ultrasonic, sonic and seismic instruments for pavements, foundations and structures as well as seismic surface wave, crosshole, downhole, reflection and refraction tests, and distributes IDS radar systems in the US. Offices in Colorado, New Jersey and Virginia. OneRain Incorporated - Booth #300 James Logan 1531 Skyway Drive, Unit D Longmont, CO 80504 303-774 2033 information@onerain.com www.onerain.com OneRain provides dam safety monitoring in real time—mitigating risk and optimizing operations. Our end-to-end systems integrate an array of real-time monitoring instrumentation and modern telemetry solutions with Contrail®, our enterprise data collection and visualization software for 24/7 web-enabled data management and analysis, and EAP-related alarm management and notifications to provide advanced warnings of potential problems. Since 1992, OneRain has been providing high quality data, visualization solutions and hydrometeorlogical information to customers who

make high-value decisions. Come by our booth (# 300) to chat and see a demo, or contact us to learn more about our dam safety early warning solutions PennWell’s Hydro Group - Booth #227 Marla Barnes 1421 S Sheridan Road Tulsa, OK 74112 918-832-9353 marlab@pennwell.com www.HydroWorld.com PennWell Corporation is the world’s leading provider of hydropower and dam-related information. PennWell publishes HRW-Hydro Review Worldwide and Hydro Review magazines. They cover all aspects of hydropower -- new development, pumped storage, dam construction, sustainability, marine hydrokinetics, and operations/ maintenance. PennWell provides a free weekly electronic newsletter highlighting news from the magazines’ HydroWorld.com website, and offers a “Premium Content” data and news subscription service. PennWell organizes four HydroVision events annually: International (held in the U.S.), Brazil, Russia and India. For more information about the leading circulation magazines or to participate at the world’s largest hydropower energy events please visit www.hydroworld.com Phillips & Jordan, Incorporated - Booth #327 Gerry Arvidson 10201 Parkside Drive, Suite 300 Knoxville, TN 37922 865-688-8342 garvidson@pandj.com www.pandj.com Phillips & Jordan is licensed in all 50 states and has performed heavy civil construction work in over 40 states during the past decade on projects related to industrial, commercial, and residential construction; transportation (highway, rail, air); dams, levees, and reservoirs; power generation and delivery; oil and gas; landfills; and disaster debris management. Since its inception Phillips & Jordan has completed numerous water resource projects


involving the construction of reservoirs, dams, impoundments, canals, and conveyance structures. In addition to new construction, Phillips & Jordan has rehabilitated aging water resource facilities, completed dam improvement projects, and completed major levee improvement projects.

Profiling, Bathymetric & LiDAR Survey, as well as Video and Audio and HD Still Photo Surveys. We are a small Service Provider, Insured to $2 million and travel globally. Stop by our booth 223 during the show and see some of our projects and to discuss upcoming projects you may have.

Plaxis Americas LLC - Booth #312 Jasper Van Der Bruggen 2500 Wilcrest Drive, Suite 300 Houston, TX 77042 650-804-4729 sales@plaxis.com www.plaxis.com

Propex – Booth #621 Andy Durham 1110 Market Street, Suite 300 Chattanooga, TN 37402 423-710-5110 andy.durham@propexglobal.com www.propexglobal.com

PLAXIS is the complete geotechnical software program for dam and levee engineering. PLAXIS is well-known for its user-friendliness, versatility, and sophistication. PLAXIS is based on finite element method, and is intended for 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional analysis of deformation and stability of structures. An extensive library of constitutive models is provided, and special modules are available for modeling dynamic stability (including liquefaction), complex groundwater flow (e.g rapid drawdown, seepage), and thermal analysis. PLAXIS offers a comprehensive program for many geoengineering applications including dams, levees, embankments, foundations, excavations, tunnels, and more. Frequent training courses are organized in the US and globally.

Propex Geosolutions is a global leader in geosynthetic solutions for earth stabilization. As one of the largest geotextile manufacturers in the world, our portfolio of solutions helps build and rebuild key infrastructure across the globe. Backed by a legacy of innovation, Propex Geosolutions transcends traditional methods with engineered solutions that stabilize earth and set the benchmark for long-term performance. Our commitment to quality, technical expertise, and constant pursuit of game changing innovations put Propex Geosolutions in the forefront of supporting a stable tomorrow.

Pro-ROV Services - Booth #223 Mark Stepanek 7514 Girard Ave., 1-740 La Jolla, CA 92037 858-412-6150 mark@pro-rov.com www.pro-rov.com Pro-ROV Services provides Underwater Imaging, Inspection and Hydrographic Survey to Industry, Government & Science. Services include Single Beam, Multi Beam and 3D Sonar Imaging, Long Distance Pipe Profiling, Ultra Sonic Thickness Testing, Laser Scaling, Side Scan Sonar, Sub Bottom

Python Corporation – Booth #523 Paul Wright P.O. Box 790, 29279 Hwy 190 Lacombe, LA 70445 985-882-6101 blbarron@bellsouth.net www.pythoncorp.com Python Corp has earned the reputation, and is recognized throughout the Gulf South, as the industry leader and specialist in the installation of scientifically advanced polymer materials. Python’s services focus on structural concrete repairs; new installation, rehabilitation and maintenance of secondary containment liners. As a specialty contractor, we lead the industry because we have, from inception, been committed

to uncompromised standards and unequaled performance. Following a detailed evaluation of your needs, our team of highly trained professionals will go to work to develop a customized action plan using only the highest quality products and state of the art procedures to get the job done right the first time.

Soldata - Booth #619 Joe Tavares 1448 Elliott Avenue W. Seattle, WA 98119 206-200-8935 joe.tavares@soldatagroup.com www.soldatagroup.com

Schnabel Engineering - Booth #700 Greg Paxson 1330 Wilmington Pike, Suite 200 West Chester, PA 19382 610-696-6000 gpaxson@schnabel-eng.com www.schnabel-eng.com

Soldata is a world renowned expert in real time automated geotechnical, structural and environmental monitoring services for projects such as dams, bridges, tunnels, ports, mines, heritage structures, deep excavations, etc. Technologies include the use of Soldata’s CYCLOPS AND CENTAUR AMTS SYSTEM, Soldata’s Fully Integrated Web Enabled GEOSCOPE SOFTWARE PLATFORM, and Soldata’s ATLAS SATELLITE INTERFEROMETRY SYSTEM. Soldata’s Geoscope Software Platform is capable of integrating all known geotechnical, structural, and environmental sensors, as well as Radar, Lidar, AMTS, and Satellite Interferometry Technologies from various manufacturers.

A nationally recognized firm with a tradition dating back nearly 60 years, Schnabel Engineering is a leading provider of dam, geotechnical, and tunnel engineering services. Dam engineering experience includes inspections, evaluation, design, and construction services for nearly 1,000 dams in the past 20 years. Specialized experience includes geotechnical explorations and analyses, hydrology and hydraulics, structural engineering, dam rehabilitation, and design of new dams. Schnabel also provides comprehensive services for levee evaluation and design. With 30% of Schnabel’s work related to dams, a staff of more than 70 professionals is dedicated full time to dam engineering. Snap-Tite Culvert Rehab - Booth #127 Scott Brignac 13070 Driftwood Avenue Gonzales, LA 70737 502-614-3646 scott.brignac@isco-pipe.com www.culvert-rehab.com Ease of mind and ease of installation. You get both with Snap-Tite. Ready to save time, trouble and money? Don’t dig and replace that failing culvert – rehab it with Snap-Tite – the smart, affordable solution! HDPE is durable, lightweight and flexible – with an indefinite service life

Sound Metrics Corp. - Booth #205 Jeanne Dorsey 11010 Northup Way Bellevue, WA 98004 757-382-7616 info@oceanmarineinc.com www.soundmetrics.com Based in Bellevue, Washington, Sound Metrics is a leading manufacturer of imaging sonars that capture the clearest and most detailed video images in their class. Sound Metrics Corp. is one of the first manufacturers of high resolution imaging sonars. In addition to being the technological leader in image quality, Sound Metrics has built a reputation for support and for innovating solutions around their customer’s applications. The next generation of DIDSON is called ARIS and offers lower power consumption, smaller size and unprecedented clarity and resolution among other benefits.


Specialty Diving of Louisiana - Booth #322 Deborah Wallace P.O. Box 2853 Hammond, LA 70404 985-542-8770 dwallace@sdive.com www.sdive.com

Sustainable Infrared - Booth #723 Eric Stockton 601 Elk Lane Siler City, NC 27344 336-689-4354 eric@sustainableinfrared.com www.sustainableinfrared.com

Commercial diving services throughout the United States, serving private and government sectors. Woman Owned Business since 1992. Over 250 jobs for the USACE. Proficient in underwater inspections, maintenance And construction. Recipient of a “Safety Award” by the USACE. Member of ASDSO, standards exceed ADCI, USACE, and US Coast Guard. Excellent safety record with experience personnel.

Sustainable Infrared is a full service Infrared Thermographic Company specializing in Aerial Infrared Surveys. These products include environmental surveys on bodies of water for seeps, leaks and flows of all types as well as University Heat Distribution Systems and Roof Moisture. Infrared Images are combined with Visual Images and GIS maps for comprehensive reports of possible leaks from the temperature differences in water flowing out of the ground and the ground surface itself. Aerial Dam Surveys can accurately identify any leaks or breaches in earthen structures, allowing the owner to address any high risk areas before failures may occur.

Stantec - Booth #214 Katie DuBois 601 Grassmere Park Drive, Suite 22 Nashville, TN 37211 615-829-5474 katie.dubois@stantec.com www.stantec.com/our-work/services/dams-leveesand-impoundments.html We’re active members of the communities we serve. That’s why at Stantec, we always design with community in mind. The Stantec community unites more than 15,000 employees working in over 250 locations. Our work—professional consulting in planning, engineering, architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, surveying, environmental sciences, project management, and project economics— begins at the intersection of community, creativity, and client relationships. With a longterm commitment to the people and places we serve, Stantec has the unique ability to connect to projects on a personal level and advance the quality of life in communities across the globe.

Teledyne BlueView - Booth #512 Jon Robertson 18702 North Creek Parkway, Suite 100 Bothell WA 98011 425-492-7400 swa_sales@teledyne.com www.blueview.com Teledyne BlueView has provided acoustic imaging solutions to image bridges and dams, construction and deconstruction efforts, damage assessments, scour monitoring, bottom contouring and other underwater imaging needs. These 2D and 3D easy to use solutions provide a new dimension to contract support, verification and reporting. Teledyne BlueView equipment can provide more accurate assessments, increase operational efficiency, increase safety and provide more detailed information taking out the unknown underwater.

Terra Sonic International - Booth #720 Mike Scaringella 2401 Clark Street, Unit 2 Apopka, FL 32703 352-801-9016 mjs@terrasonicinternational.com www.terrasonicinternational.com

TNO DIANA BV - Booth #331 Maziar Partovi Delftechpark 19a Delft, Netherlands +31883426200 seminar@tnodiana.com www.tnodiana.com

Terra Sonic International operates a full fleet of SONIC Drilling Rigs (both truck-mounted and track-mounted) from multiple locations. Many of our key employees helped bring Sonic technology to the U.S. market in the 1990s after using it in Canada beginning in 1978. TSi employs the most experienced team of SONIC design engineers, fabricators, and drillers in the world.

DIANA (DIsplacement ANAlyzer) is an extensive multi-purpose finite element software package that is dedicated, but not exclusive, to a wide range of problems arising in Civil engineering including dams, structural, geotechnical, tunnelling, and earthquake engineering.

Terra Sonic International operates as a small business subcontractgor proving sonic drilling services for: Environmental Engineers or Consultants; Industrial Manufacturing Companies; Geoconstruction Firms; Utilities; Energy Companies; Landfill Operators; Mineral Exploration Contractors; Governmental Entities. Tetra Tech - Booth #601 Pete Nix 3475 E. Foothill Boulevard Pasadena, CA 91107 626-351-4664 pete.nix@tetratech.com www.tetratech.com/dams-and-levees Tetra Tech’s innovative, sustainable solutions help our clients address their water, environment, infrastructure, resource management, and energy challenges. We are proud to be home to leading technical experts in every sector and to use that expertise throughout the project life cycle. Our commitment to safety is ingrained in our culture and at the forefront of every project. We combine the resources of a global, multibillion dollar company with local, client-focused delivery.

DIANA is a well proven and tested software package, the program’s robust functionality including extensive material and element libraries utilising analysis procedures based on advanced techniques, linear and non-linear capabilities, full 2D and 3D modelling features and tools for CAD interoperability. With the continuous demand for the more efficient utilisation of both resources and materials, together with the increasingly complex nature of engineering structures, DIANA is the all in one solution. TREVIICOS - Booth #314 Amr Ragy 38 Third Avenue, 3rd FL Boston National Historic Park Charlestown, MA 02129 617-241-4800 aragy@treviicos.com www.treviicos.com TREVIICOS, the North American subsidiary of the TREVI Group, is a full service geotechnical and foundation contractor specializing in Dam Rehabilitation, Slurry Walls, Cutoff Walls, Secant Piles, Caissons, Jet Grouting, Soil Improvement and Auger Cast Piles. Our vast experience in underground construction allows us to find imaginative and cost effective solutions to the most challenging projects. We serve our clients nationwide from the North American headquarters in Charlestown, Massachusetts. 81

Underwater Engineering Services, Inc. Booth #325 Tina Peterson 3306 Enterprise Road Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-337-3116 tpeterson@uesi.com www.uesi.com

US Department of Agriculture – ARS Booth #504 Sherry L. Hunt, PhD. 1301 N. Western Stillwater, OK 74074 405-624-4135 ext. 222 Sherry.Hunt@ars.usda.gov www.ars.usda.gov/pa/heru

UESI conducts commercial marine construction & general heavy commercial construction in many capacities. UESI provides major structure rehabilitation of nuclear, non-nuclear, hydro electric facility discharge outfalls, intake structures, storage tanks and many “balance of plant” specialty services.

US Department of Agriculture – NRCS Booth #504 501 W. Felix Street, Building23 Fort Worth, TX 76115 www.nrcs.usda.gov

Project owners have included Florida DOT, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Salt River Projects. As well as many Nuclear Power Plants both within the USA and Internationally. US Army Corp of Engineers - Booth #508 Rebecca Ragon 7701 Telegraph Road Alexandria, VA 22315-3864 703-428-6820 rebecca.ragon@usace.army.mil www.usace.army.mil U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Dam Safety Program The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Dam Safety Program’s objective is to minimize risk to the public by making sure the dams it owns and operates are as safe as possible and relies on continuous and periodic inspections and assessments to make risk-informed management decisions. USACE also maintains the National Inventory of Dams (NID), which includes information on approximately 87,000 dams built by federal, state, local and private agencies. Non-government users no longer need a user name and password to access the NID database. Government users, however, must still obtain a user name and password should they need access beyond the public site to accomplish their official duties.

The USDA is involved in dams and dam safety through the activities of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the Agricultural Research Service (ARS). As an action agency of the USDA, the NRCS has provided technical and financial assistance for construction of over 11,000 flood control reservoirs providing more than $2 billion in benefits annually. As the research arm of USDA, ARS provides the research support required for the development of criteria for design and analysis of these structures. This interagency partnership is continuing to provide the technology needed to safely and economically rehabilitate watershed flood control dams as they approach the end of their planned service life. USEngineering Solutions Corp. - Booth #617 Joseph Scannell 3 Lewis Street Hartford, CT 06103 860-524-9110 jscannell@usengineeringsolutions.com www.usengineeringsolutions.com USEngineering Solutions (“USES”) is a softwareas-a-service provider (“SaaS”) of solutions that enable transportation officials and emergency managers to monitor, in real-time, their bridge, dam, levee, and other hydrologic infrastructure. USES’ patented technology BridgeWatch® and DamWatch® currently enable bridge safety officials

in Connecticut, Tennessee, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, and Illinois as well as State dam safety officials in Connecticut, Ohio, and Virginia and USDA officials to proactively monitor over 29,500 bridges and dams, in real-time, to help protect the public. USES has positioned itself as the leader of a cost-effective real-time solution to the complex and costly challenge of critical infrastructure management. Vertical Access LLC - Booth #212 Kent Diebolt PO Box 4135 Ithaca, NY 14852 607-257-4049 kent@vertical-access.com www.vertical-access.com Vertical Access LLC is a specialized inspection firm offering a suite of nondestructive testing and inspection services performed using industrial rope access techniques. Recognized leaders in the United States, Vertical Access is contracted by engineers and architects nationwide for handson investigations, installation of monitoring instrumentation and conditions documentation where gaining access is a challenge. Experienced on dams, bridges, infrastructure, buildings, monuments, towers. Accurate data collection in the field is achieved using software developed for AutoCad called TPAS™ (Tablet PC Annotation System™) which allows technicians to input graphical and numerical conditions data and photos directly into CAD drawings while working at-height.

Vista Data Vision - Booth #719 Andres Andresson Lynghals 9 Reykjavik IS-110, Iceland +354 5878889 vdv@vistadatavision.com www.vistadatavision.com VDV is an all included software for monitoring instrumentation data and manage it. VDV stores and handle all instrumentation data from any data loggers and other field devices. VDV offers storage of data, visualization by graphs, real-time monitoring and data tables, multiple alarm triggers, creation of calculated sensors, fast processing, configurable security access levels, automatic reports and comprehensive web. VDV can be applied to any Geotechnical or environmental project. VDV is installed in-house, lowers operational cost and software maintenance. All data is accessible through the web in real time and there is no coding needed. Watershed Geosynthetics - Booth #224 Brad Cooley 11400 Atlantis Place, Suite 200 Alpharetta, GA 30022 423-605-7477 bcooley@watershedgeo.com www.watershedgeo.com/Watershed Geosynthetics specializes in engineered technologies that solve earth’s greatest infrastructure challenges. Our solutions reduce risks, require virtually no maintenance and stand the test of time. Through best-in-class materials and high-quality engineering, our goal is to innovate with more environmentally sound, aestheticallypleasing and effective solutions for armoring levees and dams, protecting shorelines, and reinforcing flood control structures.


WEST Consultants - Booth #226 Jeff Bradley 2601 25th Street SE, Suite 450 Salem, OR 97302 503-485-5490 jeffbradley@westconsultants.com www.westconsultants.com

Worthington Products Inc. - Booth #107 Paul Meeks 3405 Kuemerle Ct. NE Canton, OH 44705 330-452-7400 pmeeks@tuffboom.com www.tuffboom.com

WEST Consultants, Inc. specializes in advanced water resources investigations, working toward sustainable solutions that balance the needs of the users with those of the environment. The firm’s scientists and engineers are nationally recognized in hydrology, hydraulics, sediment transport, fluvial geomorphology and water quality for climates ranging from tropical to arid.

15 Years. 50 Countries. One Company. It’s not just about our experience. It’s how we use it to improve yours. For 15 years, in more than 50 Countries, Worthington’s waterway barriers have proven themselves in all conditions. Whether you are controlling debris, protecting the public from a dangerous spillway or guiding migrating salmon around a dam, you can count on Worthington offer better solutions, common sense designs, quality products and outstanding customer service.

WEST has offices in Salem and Portland, Oregon; Bellevue and Vancouver, Washington; San Diego and Sacramento, California; and Tempe, Arizona. Willowstick Technologies, LLC - Booth #505 Val Gardner 132 E. 13065 S., Suite 100 Draper, UT 84020 801-984-9865 vgardner@willowstick.com www.willowstick.com Willowstick Technologies maps subsurface water connection pathways. We introduce an electric current directly into the water of interest and then measure the pure magnetic field generated by the flow of the specific electric current in the ground. This non-intrusive method maps the location and depth of the full seepage pathways. This innovative method helps improve both your data density and your conceptual site model. We have been in business for over ten years and performed hundreds of successful projects from Wales to New South Wales and from Alaska to Burkina Faso. To learn more please visit www.willowstick.com.

Yooil Rubberdam Engineering - Booth #307 Sean Lee 4th Floor YOOIL Building, 72 Dongjak-daero Seocho, Seoul, 137-817, Korea +82-10-3019-7319 LSH@yooileng.co.kr www.yooileng.co.kr/eng YOOIL Engineering is established in 1989, in Seoul, Korea. It is specialized in Rubberdam design, fabrication and installation, with experience over 200 projects worldwide. Best quality in product, service and program support for most efficient water resource management. Simplest and reliable solution for various site applications most efficiently and economically for spillways, irrigation, diversion weir, dams, and most effectively, flash board replacement. The leading Rubberdam supplier in North America with successful project records. Quality assurance and control is managed in local factory in Korea with ISO 9001,14001 and OHSAS 18001.

Save the date and make plans to join us September 11-15, 2016 in Philadelphia, PA. Watch DamSafety.org for details. PRESENT



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Contact Ross Brown at rbrown@damsafety.org to learn more.

Worthington Waterway Barriers

It’s not just about our experience. It’s how we use it to improve yours. For 15 years, in more than 50 Countries, Worthington’s waterway barriers have proven themselves in all conditions. Whether you are controlling debris, protecting the public from a dangerous spillway or guiding migrating salmon around a dam, you can count on Worthington to offer better solutions, common sense designs, quality products and outstanding customer service.

www.tuffboom.com 15 Years. 50 Countries. One Company. 86

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