The Major News #5

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2014 – 2015 School Year, Issue # 5

Principal’s Corner February 16th Presidents Day (ASD Schools and offices closed) February 18th & 19th Parent Teacher Conferences (Students will be released at 12:30 pm) February 20th State released professional development day (No school for students) February 27th Ursa Major PTA Variety Show @6:30 pm at Ft. Richardson Theater

Anchorage School Board Eric Croft, president Tam Agosti-Gisler, president Bettye Davis Pat Higgins Kameron Perez-Verdia Kathleen Plunkett Natasha von Imhof ASD Superintendent Ed Graff

Dear Parents & Caring Adults: Winter has arrived… a little late, but the weather is here and students and families need to be prepared for the Cold Reality of going to school, recess and playing in weather that hovers around zero. For those cheechas (New Arrivals) to Alaska, frost bite and frost nip are real and happen more often than we would like. Parents have the opportunity to make a difference in the cold weather protection of their school age child. Make sure your child/ren wear their required winter gear to school every day. Even if you drive them to school they will get the message that you care and want them to be warm and safe every day. Ursa Major students must wear their required winter gear to recess every day. ALL students’ must also wear their required winter gear to and from school every day. These simple rules keep our students safe and free from cold weather injuries. Another cold weather injury that we have seen too often during the winter is the Frozen pole - Tongue touch. This is a very painful experience for everyone. Please make sure your children know how dangerous it is and make sure you give them the parent directions to Not Do It Ever! Several events coming up at Ursa Major Elementary that parents need to be aware of and participate in during the month of February: • February – All February is visit ASD schools month. Ursa Major is excited to show our school to anyone who would like to see a great school. We are very proud of our students, teachers and our wonderful programs. We hope you, as our wonderful, dedicated parents can recommend us to your friends and neighbors. Ask them to come visit our school. The principal will be giving tours to groups as they call to set up visits. Thank you in advance for your

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Principal’s Corner Continued… recommendations. • February 5th - All students received their mid-quarter progress reports. These represent the grade your students would receive in each of their subject areas if report cards were due on that date. It gives parents and guardians an opportunity to support their student’s good work or intervene where needed to ensure their student improves over the next four (4) weeks to get the grade you know they can achieve. • February 17th – 20th - Parent Teacher Conferences. Many parents already have the day of the week and the time they will be meeting their teachers from the first parent teacher conference that were held in October. If your family recently registered, you will receive an invitation to a meeting with your child’s teacher. This is an extremely important meeting and should be attended. The district has worked with JBER Command to allow most parents to leave work to attend parent teacher conferences. More to come on this subject! • February 27th 6:30 p.m. – PTA Variety Show, Silent & Open Auction at the JBER – Ft. Richardson Theater. Students, Teachers and Parents will be performing and the public is welcome to come bid on wonderful products and trips. Thank you for your continued support of your child’s education. We look forward to doing everything within our power to make your stay at our school an extraordinarily exciting and meaningful experience. Respectfully, Benjamin D. Hardwick, Principal

News from



How is our school doing? Please let us know how our schools are doing by completing a simple survey of our school’s climate and connectedness. The results of this survey help us gauge how we’re doing as a school and as a district. 5FamilyClimate

News from Mrs. Victory, Guidance Counselor Parents, Guardians and Grandparents, The primary classes have been focusing on “How full is your bucket?” We have been teaching students that everyone has an invisible bucket (self-­‐esteem). We talk about how to be bucket fillers to others and not become bucket dippers. When we fill other people’s buckets (compliments/put ups) w e are filling our own bucket. When we are bucket dippers (hurtful words/put downs) we are dipping in another person’s buck and our own bucket. W e have been practicing being bucket fillers. Some students have colored their buckets or w ritten o ut bucket fillers notes that are displayed on our bulletin board outside of my room (151). The Social and Emotional Learning Standards for this lesson are: I care about others and do my part to make my community better, I care about how I perceive others and am being perceived by them, and I will interact well with others.

Intermediate students have been introduced to The Character Chronicles DVD series on respect. Students have learned that respect is treating people the way you want to be treated, being civil, courtesy, have dignity, being sensitive to other people’s feelings, not ridiculing or embarrassing people and not insulted people. The Social and Emotional Learning Standards are: I care about and respect the individual differences of others, I will interact well w ith o thers and I can act in an honest manner. Next week they will be learning about responsibility.

On January 21st, we celebrated the hard w ork our peer mediators have been doing. They are a dedicated group o f students and we are very proud of them. Mediators were served pizza and several snacks. It was great having them all together again. These peer mediators deserve a huge “Thank You!” Wishing you well, Tina Victory Guidance Counselor

News from the Library

Book Fair dates: February 16th – 19th Shopping hours: 9:00am – 5:30pm Our online Fair is available from February 11th to March 3rd Dear Ursa Major Families, Our Scholastic Book Fair is a reading event that brings to school the books kids want to read. It’s a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level. We look forward to seeing you and your family at our Book Fair! Remember, all purchases benefit our school. Reading for pleasure inside and outside of school has real and long-lasting benefits. It unlocks the power of information and imagination and helps children discover who they are. Please make plans to visit our Book Fair and be involved in shaping your child’s reading habits Before you visit the Book Fair, you can download the Book Fairs app to help you find the right books for your child. For more information, visit: See you at the bookfair!

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In an effort to “Go Green” and save paper, our School Newsletter is sent via email. If you do not have access to a computer or would like to receive a hard copy of the newsletter please inform the office or your student’s teacher. (Fill out the slip below, and return to the office.) þ Yes, I would like to receive a paper copy of the newsletter Student’s Name: _______________________________________________ Student’s Teacher:_____________________________________________ Siblings: _____________________________________________________


News from ASD

Hello to all Ursa Major Families from your new Military Youth and Family Counselor. Hello to all of the families of Ursa Major Elementary School. My name is Lorrie Lundquist, and I am your MFLC for this semester. It has been such a pleasure to begin getting to know your children and to offer supports and engagement with them! I have lived here and supported military families for over 13 years, and in this role, am here to support not only our students but also their family members. You can reach me here directly at Ursa Major on Tuesday, Thursday, and alternate Fridays, or any day by phone at (907) 317-4448. Also, there will be a form coming home to Ursa Major families next week, inquiring about families who are or will be having a family member deployed. The goal is to identify the students who may benefit from additional support and also, consideration for participation in a special deployment support group designed especially for them. Please review and if you choose, fill out and return to the office in the next few weeks. Thank you! ~Lorrie Lundquist


Congratulations to Ursa Major School Spelling Bee Participants and the School Winner, Kristen Marsh!

Special Thanks to Mrs. Harmon, our Spelling Bee Coordinator, all the 3rd-6th grade participants, our wonderful Volunteers from 17th CSSB, Mrs. Kim Skipper, and Representative Dan Saddler for supporting Ursa Major’s Spelling Bee!!

Kristen Marsh, Ursa Major’s Spelling Bee Winner shakes hands with Alaska House of Representative, Dan Saddler.

A FOOTNOTE FROM THE GYM Native Games practice meets every Tuesday and Thursday @ 330 to 415 in the Gym. Coach Thomas will be taking a team to the regional meet @ the end of the month. See Coach Thomas if you are in 5th or 6th grade and would like to join the Native Games Club after school. ~The Mighty Mites ski club is meeting every Wednesday @ 330. Mighty Mites is a K through 2nd grade Ski Club that is learning the basics of Nordic skiing. ~ We will keep you posted when 3rd-6th grade ski club is able to meet. See Coach Drake if you have questions. ~Ropes Club is meeting Mondays @ 330. See Coach Bydlon if you have questions. Coach Bydlon and Thomas


Greetings from the music room! What a great start to the New Year with many wonderful sounds coming out of the music room. Just before break we had a school wide assembly with the Choir performing and the student body singing along on many songs; it was truly amazing to see and hear. Grades 4-5 are beginning their recorder units working towards their Recorder Karate Belts. We do have recorders for all students, however if your student wants their own so they can practice at home please let me know I will be making an order for recorders soon, these are great instruments to help prepare students for band and orchestra and can be passed down through the family. I still have my recorder from elementary school. Second grade students are working on the “Seussical” which we hope to perform the first week in March to celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday, more information to come. The students have been composing music by integrating our language arts skills of vocabulary, comprehension and fluency within our musical concepts creating rhythm, beat and form. Music is and can be such a powerful tool to help our students with their reading and fluency skills. Kindergarten and 1st grades are diving into exploration of melody with hi and low sounds, how we can manipulate and create melodies using a variety of mediums. The Ursa Major Choir had its community tour before winter break, which was a great success. We have started back up in full force with many new additions to the group; we now number close to 65 singers. Our first performance of the semester will be March 26 as part of the JBER Choir Festival. Please discuss with your singer that choir is a place to come sing and be part of a group not a social gathering. The Bear Cub Choir for younger students will start back up February 23 so be on the lookout for permission slips. Just a reminder that choir ends 4:45. Please have a plan in place with your student for when the activity ends. Many students walk and buddy groups are always a good idea and encouraged, reflective clothing and good winter gear is important as well. Thank you for all your support for the music program here at Ursa Major and in your child’s education. As always feel free to contact me here at school or shoot me an email with any musical questions! Mr. Drake

During Music Class with Mr. Drake, Mrs. Beck’s class participate in the King and Queen Line Dance 6

Please visit the following links online to read an in-depth parent bulletin about your child’s specific gradelevel Great Body Shop topics that are covered during February in Health classes at Ursa Major. February links to Monthly Parent Bulletins: click, then scroll to the unit(s) listed. Kindergarten: Unit 6 Going to the Doctor and Dentist st 1 Grade: Unit 6 Happy, Sad and Inbetween 2nd Grade: Unit 6 Babies….and How You Grew 3rd Grade: Unit 6 Your Family, My Family 4th Grade: Unit 6 Be Cool, Keep Clean 5th Grade: Unit 6 Growing UP 6th Grade: Unit 6 The Reproductive System Dear Families, I am pleased to announce our school will be participating in the Healthy Futures Spring 2015 Challenge this year. The contest will run for three months, February, March and April. In addition to students winning prizes, our school can win up to a $600 grant for equipment or educational materials that support the mission of developing the habit of daily physical activity. The top three schools with the highest percentage of participation will then be awarded grants. What is H ealthy Futures? Founded by concerned parents, Healthy Futures is a statewide, grassroots movement to help youth build positive, lifelong physical fitness habits through two core programs: the H ealthy Futures Activity Log Challenge and the promotion of youth attendance at local recreational events. Why Healthy Futures? Kids are not as active as they should be. They need daily vigorous physical activity to build strength, endurance, healthy muscles and bones or they may face tough problems like obesity, diabetes, and lower self-­‐esteem. At Ursa Major, we are committed to helping students develop the skills, knowledge and desire they need in order to be physically active now and for the rest of their lives. Parents and the community also play a critical role in the solution for healthier, active children by providing motivation, encouragement and daily opportunities for recreation beyond the classroom. How does your child participate in Healthy Futures? With your assistance, your child records physical activity on the H ealthy Futures Activity Log for a consecutive 4-­‐week period. The goal is a minimum of 30 minutes o f physical activity with increased heart rate three times a week for four consecutive weeks outside of the physical education classroom or recess time. This helps children get closer to the national recommendation of 60 minutes of physical activity every day for the best health. Students turn in completed logs to the blue H ealthy Futures box in the school’s front office in exchange for exciting prizes, including the chance to win a grand prize sports package of their choice, worth up to $300. Incentives. In addition to being happier and healthier, students are rewarded for participating in H ealthy Futures. The contest will run for the months of February, March and April. In exchange for turning in a completed log, students will receive the following prizes: Log 1: Click N Catch Log 2: Jumprope Log 3: Kickball This is a wonderful p rogram that is sure to benefit your child and our school. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Richelle Lay Health/Social Emotional Learning Specialist Ursa Major Elementary


How are those New Year's resolutions going?

Try this— The 7 x 6 Plan. The 7 energies of your life: Physical Social Financial Vocational Familial (family) Spiritual Wellness arises when the energy you put into these 7 facets of your life is positive and balanced. Is there an aspect of your life draining you or out of balance? Correct the imbalance by setting one goal in each area. Take the following 6 steps: The goal must be: Measurable (i.e. Lose 15 pounds, make 5 new friends...etc.). Specific: (i.e. I'll lose 15 pounds by decreasing my carbohydrate intake by ___%. You fill in the blank). Time Frame: (i.e. I'll lose 15 pounds in 8 weeks. That averages about 2 pounds per week) Attainable: Make the goal reasonable. The goal is your friend not your enemy! It is unreasonable and unhealthy to lose 15 pounds in two weeks. YOURS! These are YOUR goals, not your spouse's, not your Doctor's..etc. WRITE IT DOWN! If your goal is written it will more likely crystalize and come to fruition. Get a notebook or use your smartphone. Happy Healthy New Year! Any questions or need encouragement call Nurse Sheela 742-1601

Don’t Forget Tuesdays in February

~February 16, 2015 – No School February 17th-19th – Book Fair in Library ~February 18 and February 19th – School Dismissal is 12:30 PM ~February 19th – No School for Students

How is our school doing? Please let us know how our schools are doing by completing a simple survey of our school’s climate and connectedness. The results of this survey help us gauge how we’re doing as a school and as a district. 8

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