1 minute read
Interested in becoming a Foster Carer?
There will be days when you think “why am I doing this”. There will also be days when you’ll know why. You will just “get it” and the breakthrough you make with the child in your care and the feeling of satisfaction and achievement is immense.
‘’So, you’re thinking of becoming a foster carer’’. We’ve been foster carers for over twelve years. It has certainly affected our life in a positive and life affirming way. Becoming foster carers with New Chapters is one of the best decisions we have ever made.
There are highs and lows and everything in between.
Helping a child whose had a life full of pain is a job worth doing. We know some people don’t like the term job in relation to being a foster carer, but it is a job. You will receive training, support and you will be paid. But they’re not the important aspects. You will be able to make a difference in a child’s life; a child who finds themself in care through no fault of their own; a child whose experience of family could be very different to your own.
Children in care need all the same parenting, nurturing and love that birth children have, but often the first thing they need is a chance.
Start your fostering journey today visit: www.newchaptersfostercare.co.uk • T: 01952 463251 or e-mail: info@newchaptersfostercare.co.uk