3 minute read
Health To tell or not to tell: that is the question?
Harry’s Hamlet dilemma
Harry didn’t see much of his sister at school – it just wasn’t cool to be seen with your little brother – or your big sister for that matter. They often walked the last bit home together when their friends had all gone their own way and Harry, secretly of course, enjoyed talking to his big sister. But now he had a problem: a puff of smoke had emerged from around a corner and when he looked to see where it came from there was his sister and two of her friends looking like a trio of steam engines. They were vaping.
She hadn’t seen him so he could have ignored the scene – but that was difficult. “I saw you vaping yesterday,” he announced as they walked home. Her look was ambiguous: slightly worried at having been caught, slightly angry for being put on the spot. “What is it like?” he continued.
“They can have a nice taste and it’s not as bad as smoking, and it’s cheaper – the one I had was even free,” she said, “and a lot of my friends are doing it so I thought I’d give it a try,” she continued. “Are you going to tell Mum and Dad?” she came straight to the point.
“I don’t think so,” said Harry, “I’m not sure it’s a good thing to do though,” he added and they walked home. In silence.
Harry didn’t know a lot about vaping: apparently teenagers – and he was in that group now – were doing more of it despite the fact that it was technically illegal; breaking rules was sort of a teenage thing he’d been told. It was illegal to sell nicotine-based vapes but apparently not all vapes contained that and shops often gave away samples to kids. He was told this was a “loss leader”. That meant giving you something at a loss because the shop keeper thought you’d come back and buy more. “Crafty” he thought.
“Maybe it’s not too bad” he thought. Somehow breathing chemicals into your lungs did not seem like a great idea. He read it took about 400 years for them to work out smoking was bad for you so might vaping go the same way? He read that there were loads of chemicals in vapes and some of them were definitely harmful and others, even more scarily, were not really tested. A lot of the vapes sold varied widely in how much of all this they contained so, if he was a lung, he would definitely not vape!
He’d already decided smoking was not for him and it was interesting that smokers could use vapes to get off cigarettes. But then there was this stuff called nicotine in those vapes and it was addictive. It was even more interesting, and quite sinister really, that the people who made vapes were encouraging kids to start vaping in the hope they’d move onto nicotine vapes, become addicted, and make them lots of money. The grown-up world he was moving into was a bit scary at times.
The next time he was walking home with his sister he was surprised when she brought the subject up. “Thanks for not telling on me about vaping,” she started. “What you said made me look at it a bit more and I think I won’t do it any more now. Little brothers can be helpful at times – who’d have believed it,” she grinned. “Well, this must be a bit of a first,” replied Harry and his sister looked at him a bit puzzled. “We have both agreed on something,” he added with a chuckle. “It might be a while before that ever happens again,” she said. He let her have the last word - this time anyway.
Join in the fun this summer at Mini Pro Golf!
Eva the Wolverley Angel Saintly golfers who pray for a Miracle 'hole in none' on this short par 2... will only be rewarded by the golfing gods if their shot is pure good and true. Others will be cast asunder by Eva's powerful flowing robe and sent to the bunkers of hell.
Under new orders from Mini-Pro High Command the minefield has been strengthened and deepened for 2023.To protect the 11th green from further attack Tella land mines have been layed and extra grenade booby traps lie in wait for all our Mini-Pros.Try to get through without losing your ball or your life!!
Eagles Nest!
Play your first chip to avoid the large new fairway bunkers on this hole … ..the highest point on the golf course!!! Land the ball softly onto the receptive green below on this tough par 3 and your looking at a great chance for a Birdie..
Crocodile Alley!
Avoid the new 6 ft long steel Croc patroling the fairway. He’s Raring to Go to gobble up YOU and your ball.
The Birds…
The Birdies have gathered to ruin your round. Play your final shot if you dare to leave the protection of the Tee and complete your journey to the safety of the Clubhouse! And much more...