2 minute read
Puzzle page
7. Obese lot becoming outdated (8) 9. Hinder a picnic basket (6) 10. Untidy army canteen? (4) 11. Every other tartan Lee wove (9) 12. Narrow passage of water without any bends? (6) 14. Drink if pirate is mixed up (8) 15. Permitted when everyone got into debt (7) 17. Nine met and became distinguished (7) 20. Brewed tea began to renounce a right or privilege (8) 22. Rushes about for a monkey (6) 24. Ten across in new arrangement for those who came before (9) 25. Soft feathers below (4) 26. Angle where maize comes before the queen (6) 27. Rip off a rebellious youngster (8) Down
1. A book initially despatched is missing (6) 2. Sobs about the foreman (4) 3. Eccentric pear-tree talk (8) 4. Demand as a price to rush forward in attack (6) 5. I entice Pam into restlessness (10) 6. Note lied about a cut (8) 8. Beguile with moving pen art (6) 13. Anecdote is all about a juvenile (10) 16. Dog ordered larboard (8) 18. Apostle’s chap is someone skilled in shooting (8) 19. A story about alcohol (6) 21. Soak up in cabs or buses (6) 23. Run paw round to remove the covering (6) 25. Very expensive, darling! (4)
Review Of The Year
1. Who scored England’s winning goal when they won the UEFA Women’s Euro 2022 fi nal against Germany? 2. In May, what did a band called Kalush Orchestra sell for 900,000 dollars? 3. Who became Chancellor of the Exchequer in July after the resignation of Rishi Sunak, but was replaced by Kwasi
Kwarteng just nine weeks later? 4. Which month of 2022 saw the death of Queen Elizabeth II? 5. In February, who rowed, cycled, swam and ran his way from the Queen Elizabeth
Olympic Park in Stratford to his hometown of Plymouth to raise money for Comic Relief? 6. Name the two singers who, in the same weekend, became the youngest-ever and oldest-ever headliners of the Glastonbury Festival. 7. In January, the fi rst successful heart transplant from what type of animal to a human patient took place in Baltimore?
19 Report, 21 Absorb, 23 Unwrap, 25 Dear. 13 Adolescent, 16 Labrador, 18 Marksman, 5 Impatience, 6 Deletion, 8 Entrap,
Down: 1 Absent, 2 Boss, 3 Repartee, 4 Charge, 24 Ancestors, 25 Down, 26 Corner, 27 Tearaway. 17 Eminent, 20 Abnegate, 22 Rhesus, 11 Alternate, 12 Strait, 14 Aperitif, 15 Allowed, : 7 Obsolete, 9 Hamper, 10 Mess, Across CRYPTIC CROSSWORD Eilish and Paul McCartney, 7. A pig
Zahawi, 4. September, 5. Tom Daley, 6. Billie money for the war in Ukraine) 3. Nadhim trophy (the Ukrainian winners sold it raise 1. Chloe Kelly, 2. The Eurovision Song Contest QUIZ