1 minute read
Autumn Symphony
By Jan Hedger, WOW
What’s playing the tune? That the trees dance to
It is the flute, In the lilting breeze
It is the piano, Its keys the rising wind
It is the violins, In the screaming hurricane
It is the trumpet, Heralding the storm
The Guest (15)
Streaming now on itVX and aVailable to rent or buy.
Back to 2014 and ITVX for this month’s film, an overlooked gem that sees Downton Abbey’s Dan Stevens playing against type in a superb action thriller.
‘The Guest’ has built up a devoted following for its 80s soundtrack and enjoyable throwback feel, it’s a genre film that has had real care and attention lavished on it. Directed by Adam Wingard (‘You’re Next’), the film follows the Peterson family as they mourn their son Caleb, a casualty of the Afghan war. The parents are struggling to help their teenage children, Luke and Anna, cope with the loss when David Collins (Stevens) turns up at their house one day. David served with Caleb and tells the family how he promised him he’d visit them to help in any way he can. He’s friendly and helpful around the house and is invited to stay as long as he needs.

Quickly insinuating himself into Luke and Anna’s lives, he helps Luke deal with bullies and chaperones Anna to a party where he saves her friend from a violent scene. Anna senses something off about David and her enquiries set off alarm bells with the military. A team of mercenaries are despatched to capture David at which point he sets off on a trail of destruction to cover up his tracks. Cue several nicely put together set pieces that build to an enjoyable finale at the school Halloween dance.
‘The Guest’ easily exceeds the sum of its parts and Stevens is fantastically watchable. He carries the film, showing real leading man presence throughout, and is backed up by a fantastic script that gives his character plenty of opportunity for snappy one liners and reactions. A reminder that humble material can be spun into gold with the right treatment, it’s worth watching for Stevens alone, but film fans will find much much more to enjoy too.
By Michael Hudson
It is the guitar, Strumming the falling rain It is the drums, As thunder rolls, And the cymbals clash. As the lightning conducts The orchestra below We can only watch, And listen; transfixed And give rapturous applause eNCore! eNCore! eNCore! osrocks Choir
New Members Open Night
19th September 7.30-9pm
Christ Church, oswestry
All levels welcome, including beginners
Don’t leave it too late!