Accessible Campus Cultures
Campus Health • McCormick requirements revisited: We will investigate the McCormick class load and how it affects students’ mental health to see if and how credit reduction may improve the lives of students. • Zero-Waste at Ryan Field: We will work with Athletics and the Office of Sustainability to bring a zero-waste model to Ryan Field through testing composting, increasing recycling rates at the field with volunteers’ help, and performing waste audits.
• Paperless Pledge for student groups: We will launch a “Paperless Pledge” for student groups to sign where they commit to reducing their flyering. SusCom will also work with Campus Life to bolster non-flyering advertising options, like chalking or painting banners. • Sustainability Curriculum: We will work with academic environmental departments to enhance students’ sustainability knowledge through curriculum development and an environmental literacy assessment.
• Take Time: We will institutionalize Take Time, a self-care concept with associated programming into university departments. With the help of student affairs marketing and collaboration with organizations all over campus, we will begin implementation in Fall 2015.
• A&I Student Leader Trainings: We will work with Campus Inclusion and Community to create trainings for ASG Senate, and student leaders based on identity based social inequality. • Weinberg Diversity and Social Inequalities Requirement: We will continue to push for a U.S. Based Diversity and Social Inequalities Requirement within Weinberg to address a serious lack of social justice education within mandatory campus curriculum.
• Event Subsidy Fund: We will establish a voucher for low-income students to be able to go to more student events per quarter. • Greater Funding Transparency: We will create material to publicize the student group funding process. For example, we will publicize quarterly allocations, publicize student group contact info, and implement event planning calendar.
• Know Your Rights!: We will hopefully finalize our activism guideline by the fall. • Northwestern-Evanston Community Events: We will put on events all quarter that help students feel a part of the Northwestern and Evanston community, like Big Bite Night.
Student Resources • Campus Brainstorm: The Brainstorm will give students a chance to suggest any ideas they have, with an unlimited budget, for improving the school and will help shape the Annual Survey. • NU Help: We will help promote the new NUHelp Resource availability.
• Course information availability before registration period: The Academic Committee will keep on working with the registrar and various departments to get course information, like midterm dates and textbook costs, available to students prior to registration.
• Annual Survey: After compiling results from the Campus Brainstorm, we will put out an Annual Survey to gauge student opinion on a variety of issues on campus. The results will help shape proposals made to Northwestern’s budgetary group to get funding for different on-campus