Education and Teacher’s Training Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) Education Development International (EDI) The PTLLS qualification is a requirement for all those who are new to teaching, training or tutoring in publicly funded provision and is the first step towards gaining the Certificate and/ or Diploma in Teaching in Lifelong Learning. The course is delivered in 5 weeks and will cover teaching theory and practice. At the end of the course you must complete assignments and carry out a micro teaching session.
10 Oxford Road Wealdstone, Harrow Middlesex HA3 7RG
Academic Level: The course can be taken at Level 3 or Level 4.
Entry Requirements All s students must have: A good standard of Mathematics and English. Hold a relevant vocational or academic qualification in their specialist subject. No criminal convictions that would prevent them from working with young people or vulnerable adults as a teacher/tutor/trainer
All prospective students must attend an initial assessment, in order to assess levels of Mathematics, English and ICT.
t: +44 (0) 208 863 4624 f: +44 (0) 208 863 4130 e: w:
Course Summary Duration: 5 weeks
Course Commencement: Every month
Assessment: Assignments and micro teaching session
Course Contents
The role, responsibilities and boundaries of a
Please note the costs of registration and assessments are included in MABM tuition fees.
Teaching and learning approaches within your
Progression Route
teacher/ trainer in the lifelong learning sector.
specialist subject area. Session planning. Inclusive teaching. Assessment methods & assessment records Micro teaching session. Peer assessment of micro teaching session
Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (CTLLS) or Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS)
Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (CTLLS) Oxford Cambridge and RSA (OCR) The CTLLS qualification is aimed at teachers who work in an Associate Teacher role - i.e. has fewer responsibilities in design of curriculum and materials or working on a one-to-one basis. This qualification leads to and is one element of ATLS status.
Academic Level: The course can be taken at Level 3 or Level 4.
Entry Requirements All students must have: A minimum Level 2 English and Mathematics qualifications or equivalent.
The PTLLS qualification and Level 3 subject qualification.
Minimum of 30 hours teaching practice for duration of course.
No criminal convictions that would prevent them from working with young people or vulnerable adults as a teacher/tutor/trainer
All prospective students must attend an initial assessment, in order to assess levels of Mathematics, English and ICT.
Course Contents The following units are covered: Planning and enabling learning. Principles and practice of assessment. Equality and diversity.
Please note the costs of registration and assessments are included in MABM tuition fees.
Progression Route Diploma in Teaching in Lifelong Learning (DTLLS)
Course Summary Duration: 15 weeks
Course Commencement: February, May, August and November
Assessment: Assignments
Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS) Oxford Cambridge and RSA (OCR) The DTLLS qualification is aimed at teachers who take on the full responsibilities of a teacher in the sector and are performing the full teacher role. This would be someone who teaches: Using materials they have designed and evaluated Across a range of levels, subjects and learner types Across or contributes to a range of programmes of varying lengths
The role is not defined by the number of hours taught, but by the responsibilities undertaken in the teaching role. This is a programme of learning for new teachers, offered at minimum level five, which leads to and is one element of QTLS status.
Academic Level:
duration of course.
No criminal convictions that would prevent them from working with young people or vulnerable adults as a teacher/tutor/trainer
All prospective students must attend an initial assessment, in order to assess levels of Mathematics, English and ICT.
Course Contents The following units are covered: Planning and enabling learning. Enabling learning and assessment. Theories and principles for planning and enabling
Course Summary Duration: 36 weeks
Course Commencement: January and July
Assessment: Assignments
Managing and Responding to Behaviours in a Learning Environment
Continuing personal and professional development. Curriculum design for inclusive practice. Wider professional practice. Developing and Managing Resources within the Lifelong Learning Sector.
QCF Level 5
Entry Requirements All students must have: A minimum Level 2 English and Mathematics qualifications or equivalent.
The PTLLS/CTLLS qualification and Level 3 subject qualification.
Minimum of 150 hours teaching practice for
OCR Support Work in Schools (Teaching Assistant) Oxford Cambridge and RSA (OCR) This qualification is aimed at teaching assistant who work in an Associate Teaching Assistant role - i.e. has fewer responsibilities in design of curriculum and materials or working on a one-toone basis.
Academic Level: QCF Level 2, Award
Entry Requirements These qualifications are available to anyone who is capable of reaching the required standards. They have developed free from any barriers that restrict access or progression thereby promoting equal opportunities. There are no formal requirements for entry to these qualifications. All prospective students must attend an initial assessment, in order to assess levels of Mathematics, English and ICT.
Course Contents To achieve this qualification, candidates must achieve a total of 12 credits made up as follows: 4 units from mandatory, candidates must achieve all 9 credits. 1 unit from optional, candidates must achieve 3 credits.
Mandatory units: 1. Child and young person development (Credit 2) 2. Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people (Credit 3) 3. Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults (Credit 2) 4. Equality, diversity and inclusion in work with children and young people (Credit 2)
Optional units: 1. Schools as organisations (Credit 3)
Progression Route Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools Level 3 Awards The OCR website provides further details of progression opportunities, as does the TDA website.
Course Summary Duration: 12 weeks
Course Commencement: February, May, August and October
Assessment: Assignments
OCR Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools Oxford Cambridge and RSA (OCR) This qualification is aimed at teaching assistant who work in an Associate Teaching Assistant role - i.e. has fewer responsibilities in design of curriculum and materials or working on a one-toone basis.
Academic Level:
Mandatory units: 1. Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults (Credit 2) 2. Schools as organisations (Credit 3) 3. Understand child and young person development (Credit 4) 4. Understand how to safeguard the wellbeing of children and young people (Credit 3)
Optional units: 1. Schools as organisations (Credit 3)
Progression Route The OCR website provides further details of progression opportunities, as does the TDA website
QCF Level 3, Award
Entry Requirements These qualifications are available to anyone who is capable of reaching the required standards. They have developed free from any barriers that restrict access or progression thereby promoting equal opportunities. There are no formal requirements for entry to these qualifications. All prospective students must attend an initial assessment, in order to assess levels of Mathematics, English and ICT.
Course Contents To achieve this qualification, candidates must achieve a total of 12 credits made up as follows: 4 units from mandatory, candidates must achieve all 12 credits.
10 Oxford Road Wealdstone, Harrow Middlesex HA3 7RG
t: +44 (0) 208 863 4624 f: +44 (0) 208 863 4130 e: w:
Course Summary Duration: 16 weeks
Course Commencement: February, May, August and October
Assessment: Assignments