Zodiac Booklet

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Index 5-13................................History 15-25..............................Modern Day 27-41.............................Signs 43-51.............................Project 53-57.............................Final



History Astronomy is the scientific study of sun, moon and stars. Astrology is a pseudo-science interpreting the supposed effect of the heavenly bodies on human existence. In early history the two are closely linked. The sky is the home of many of the gods, who influence life on earth. And the patterns in the sky must surely reflect that influence. But the sky is beyond comprehension. Two great objects travel through it, one hot and constant, the other cold and changeable. In the daytime it is moody; there may be blazing sun, or racing clouds, or darkness followed by thunder and lightning. And yet on a clear night the sky is the very opposite - predictable, if you look hard enough, with recognizable groups of stars moving in a slow but reliable manner.


Babylonians From the Babylonian era the zodiac was reflected in the Hebrew bible. In the book of Ezekiel it was interpreted that the four quarters of the zodiac were correspondent to the animals in the book such as the lion representing Leo, the bull as Taurus, the man as Aquarius and the eagle as Scorpio. Some have even said the twelve tribes of Israel have corresponded with the twelve signs of the zodiac. The twelve tribes each held a son and they each represented one of the twelve signs, months and the twelves letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The Babylonians realize that the zodiac - the sequence of constellations along which the sun and the planets appear to move in their passage through the heavens - can serve as a yardstick of celestial time if divided into recognizable and equal segments. They select twelve constellations to represent these segments, many of them identified by the names of animals.







Hebrew From the Babylonian era the zodiac was reflected in the Hebrew bible. In the book of Ezekiel it was interpreted that the four quarters of the zodiac were correspondent to the animals in the book such as the lion representing Leo, the bull as Taurus, the man as Aquarius and the eagle as Scorpio. Some have even said the twelve tribes of Israel have corresponded with the twelve signs of the zodiac. The twelve tribes each held a son and they each represented one of the twelve signs, months and the twelves letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Under the influence of astrological theories of the time, many Jews held that human life and activity were strictly regulated by the movements of the heavenly bodies, which themselves were ruled by angels, as the book of Enoch insists.



Roman Era

Star categories entered Rome astronomy around the fourth century BC. Under the Greek astrologers the zodiac signs were divided into 30 equal degrees. Under the Greeks, and Ptolemy in particular, the planets, Houses, and signs of the zodiac were rationalized and their function set down in a way that has changed little to the present day. The important astronomer who discovered and places these categories was Ptolemy. Ptolemy clearly explained the theoretical basis of the western zodiac as being a tropical coordinate system, by which the zodiac is aligned to the equinoxes and solstices, rather than the visible constellations that bear the same names as the zodiac signs.



The astrologer Claudius Ptolemy was so obsessed with getting horoscopes accurate that he began the first attempt to make an accurate world map.





Claudius Ptolemy’s world map that was created from charting the stars





Modern Astronomically, the zodiac defines a belt of space extending 9° either side of the ecliptic, within which the orbits of the Moon and the principal planets remain. The Sun’s placement upon the vernal equinox, which occurs annually around 21 March, defines the starting point for measurement, the first degree of which is historically known as the “first point of Aries”. The first 30° along the ecliptic is nominally designated as the zodiac sign Aries. The subsequent 30° of the ecliptic is nominally designated for each sign and so on through the twelve signs of the zodiac so that each occupies 1/12th (30°) of the zodiac’s great circle. Although the zodiac remains the basis of the ecliptic coordinate system in astronomy the term and the names of the twelve signs are associated with horoscope astrology.




The English word zodiac derives from zōdiacus, the Latinized form of the Ancient Greek, meaning “cycle or circle of little animals”. Relating back to the signs being made of mostly animals. The zodiac is an area of the sky that extends approximately 8° north or south of the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun across the celestial sphere over the course of the year. The paths of the Moon and visible planets are also within the belt of the zodiac. Aries is the first sign on the vernal equinox on the 0 degree mark.

The Earth in its orbit around the sun causes the sun to appear on the celestial sphere moving along the ecliptic, which is tilted 23.44° with respect to the celestial equator




Each of the four elements is associated with 3 signs of the zodiac which are always located exactly 120 degrees away from each other along the ecliptic and said to be in tribe with one another. Most modern astrologers use the four classical elements, and it is still viewed as a critical part of Interpreting the signs. In ancient astrology a season was given the qualities of an element, which means the signs match with the season that would be allocated to that element. Beginning with the first sign Aries which is a fire sign, the next in line Taurus is earth, then to Gemini which is air, and finally to cancer which is water. This cycle continues on twice more and ends with the twelfth and final astrological sign, Pisces.

Spring (wet > hot)•Air • Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Summer (hot > dry)•Fire• Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Autumn (dry­> cold)•Earth• Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Winter (cold > wet)•Water• Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces



Fire Signs

As an actually fire, these signs are passionate, fierce, and feisty. Fire sign people tend to lead with their spirits and their strong wills, and they posses a loud sense of confidence that stands out among the other signs. They’re brave, energetic, and they interact with the world around them using their enthusiastic drive. Fire energy is known for being a little more impulsive than the other elements because they tend to let their passion dictate their actions and decisions. Fire signs might have quick tempers and big personalities, but you can count on them to boost your spirits and brighten your day.

Earth Signs

Earth is the element of the physical realm, so this energy puts an emphasis on sensory experiences and being present in the moment. Its energy is practical, grounded, and more oriented to the material world than the other signs’ — which is why earth signs are often known for being good with money. They interact with the world using pragmatism, usually making choices based on what makes sense and not getting swept up with passion, emotion, or overthinking, as the other elements do. While an earth sign’s rationality can make them a little more stuck in their ways than some, these signs are some of the most stable and reliable of the bunch.



Air Signs

Air is the element of the mind — that’s why these signs tend to spend more time in their heads, thinking about life in a more high-concept way than the rest of the zodiac. Air energy is highly social so these signs love to chat, gossip, and connect with others. They tend think through things from an intellectual perspective before making decisions and are more emotionally detached, since they relate to things through logic. Air signs can be a little flighty sometimes, but you can always count on them for interesting conversation.

Water Signs

Water is the element of the heart. Like the watery tears of joy or sadness, this element is all about our sensitive sides — which is why water signs tend to act from a spiritual place than the rest of the gang. Water signs feel on an extraordinarily deep level, and can naturally pick up on others’ sentiments, too. They’re also more in touch with their intuition, and may even be more likely to get into spiritual practices. While water signs have a tendency to get lost in their feelings, their naturally empathetic natures make them the ideal people to talk to when you’re feeling vulnerable.



Constellations With the 12 signs of the western zodiac corresponding to the 12 constellations seen along the ecliptic, the so-called cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) mark the beginning of the four seasons, i.e. The sun is said to enter these signs on the first days of spring, summer, autumn and winter respectively. The zodiacal signs are distinct from the constellations associated with them, not only because of their drifting apart due to the precession of equinoxes but also because the physical constellations take up varying widths of the ecliptic, so the Sun is not in each constellation for the same amount of time. The zodiacal signs are an abstraction from the physical constellations, and each represent exactly one 12th of the full circle, but the time spent by the Sun in each sign varies slightly due to the eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit.



The map depicts how the signs are represented in the sky as they divide the sky into north and south.




The astrology planets, or domicile, is the zodiac sign that sign over which it has ruler ship. Not to be confused with the houses of the signs, a planetary ruler is given to each sign when the planet is said to have a significant impact when positioned therein with the signs. The assignments of the ruling planets appear to be based upon the Northern Hemisphere seasons, as the sun and the moon. The principal bearers of light and heat, were awarded to Leo and Cancer, respectively, since the months the sun passed through these signs (in ancient times) were the warmest and had the longest days. Because some planets are rulers over more of the signs some modern authorities use the concept of “night ruler ships” to find room for the additional dignities. Uranus was designated the day ruler of Aquarius while Saturn was to be its night ruler. Similarly, Neptune was the day ruler of Pisces, leaving Jupiter as the night ruler, and Pluto was the day ruler of Scorpio with Mars as the night ruler. The use of dual ruler ships in a manner such as this was also be known as “co-rulership”. Some astrologers believed that the new co-rulers were primary rulers of the signs with which they were associated and might have been sole rulers of those signs, and if that was the case, two other planets, one linked to Libra or Taurus, and the other to Virgo or Gemini, may await discovery, thus eliminating the need for dual ruler ship of a sign.






Most horoscope traditions of astrology systems divide the horoscope into a number (usually twelve) of houses whose positions depend on time and location rather than on date. The houses of the horoscopes represent different fields of experience wherein the energies of the signs and planets operate—described in terms of physical surroundings as well as personal life experiences. Every house system is also affiliated with a zodiac sign can be dependent on the rotational movement of Earth on its axis, but there is a wide range of approaches to calculating house divisions. The houses are divisions of the ecliptic plane (a great circle containing the Sun’s orbit, as seen from the earth), at the time and place of the horoscope in question. The several methods of calculating house divisions stem from disagreement over what they mean mathematically (regarding space and time). All house systems in Western astrology use twelve houses projected on the ecliptic. If space is the basis for house division, the chosen plane is divided into equal arcs of 30° each. A difference will be made as to whether these divisions are made directly on the ecliptic, or on the celestial equator or some other great circle. However, if time is the basis for house division, a difference must be made for whether the houses are based on invariant equal hours or temporal hours. Regardless of these different methods, all house divisions in Western astrology share certain things in common: the twelve house cusps are always projected on the ecliptic; they will all place the cusp of the first house near the eastern horizon and every house cusp is 180° of longitude apart from the sixth following house







Signs As we know, the astrological signs originated during the Babylonian era and was later influenced by Hellenistic culture. According to astrology, celestial phenomena relate to human activity on the principle of “as above, so below�, so that the signs are held to represent characteristic modes of expression. Modern discoveries about the true nature of celestial objects have undermined the theoretical basis for assigning meaning to astrological signs, and empirical scientific investigation has shown that predictions and recommendations based on these systems are not accurate. However, astrology is generally regarded as pseudoscience. Even though the zodiac signs are basically categorized for research purposes and don’t have many facts to back them up, it can still be factual science when studying the constellations and their positions.






























Aries is the first astrological sign in the zodiac, spanning the first 30 degrees of celestial longitude. In astrology, Aries is the cardinal sign of the fire trigon. It is one of the six positive signs. In Greek Mythology, the symbol of the ram is based on the Chrysomallus, the flying ram that rescued Phrixus and Helle, the children of the Boeotian king Athamas and provided the Golden Fleece. Bold and ambitious, Aries dive headfirst into even the most challenging situations. Aries is a passionate, motivated, and confident leader who builds community with their cheerful disposition and relentless determination.


Sign: Flying Ram Dates: March 21-April 19 Ruler: Mars Compatability: Libra, Leo Color: Red Element: Fire House: First Strengths: Courageous,

determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, passionate

Weaknesses:Impatient, moody, short-tempered, impulsive, aggressive

Fact: Aries is the 39th largest

constellation in the sky, occupying 441 square degrees.



The sign of Taurus is associated with several myths and bull worship from several ancient cultures. It was the first sign of the zodiac established among the Mesopotamians, who called it “The Great Bull of Heaven,” as it was the constellation through which the Sun rose on the vernal equinox at that time,[3] that is the Early Bronze Age, from about 4000 BC to 1700 BC. It spans from 30° to 60° of the zodiac. Taurus also represents the beautiful mythological White Bull that Zeus changed into to woo princess Europa. Zeus/ The White Bull carried the princess across the Mediterranean Sea to the island of Crete.

Sign: Bull Dates: April 19-May 20 Ruler: Venus Compatability: Scorpio , Cancer

Color: Green, pink Element: Earth House:Second Strengths:Reliable,patient, practical, devoted, responsible, stable

Weaknesses:Stubborn, possessive, uncompromising

Fact: Venus is associated with

music, and Taurus rules over the throat in medical astrology, givingTaureans a sweet, calming voice.




Taking from the twins that represent it, Gemini is considered by astrologists as one of the most important of the zodiacs since it captures someone’s most basic “levels.” For instance, it articulates their dual nature, a species with the so-called lower self and higher self as well as the way they are bilaterally symmetrical. Gemini is also considered by astrology followers as the most adaptable sign of the zodiac owing to the so-called mutable energy that allows individuals within this sign the so-called capability to view life from different angles.


Sign: Twins Dates: May 20-June 20 Ruler: Mercury Compatability:Sagittarius, Aquarius

Color: Light Green Element: Air House: Third Strengths: Gentle, affectionate, curious, adaptable, ability to learn quickly and exchange ideas

Weaknesses:Nervous, inconsistent, indecisive

Fact: NASA named its two-person

space capsule Project Gemini after the zodiac sign because the spacecraft could carry two astronauts.



Deeply intuitive and sentimental, Cancer can be one of the most challenging zodiac signs to get to know. They are very emotional and sensitive, and care deeply about matters of the family and their home. Cancer is sympathetic and attached to people they keep close. Those born with their Sun in Cancer are very loyal and able to empathize with other people’s pain and suffering. Lack of patience or even love will manifest through mood swings later in life, and even selfishness, self-pity or manipulation.

Sign: Crab Dates: June 20-July 22 Ruler: Moon Compatability: Capricorn,Taurus

Color: Violet Element: Water House: Fourth Strengths: Tenacious, highly imaginative, loyal, emotional, sympathetic, persuasive

Weaknesses: Moody,

pessimistic, suspicious, insecure

Fact: the animal representative of

the sign was perceived as “pushing� the sun across the heavens, initiating the summer solstice.




People born under the sign of Leo are said to be natural born leaders. They are dramatic, creative, self-confident, dominant and extremely difficult to resist, able to achieve anything they want to in any area of life they commit to. There is a specific strength to a Leo and their “king of the jungle” status. Leo often has many friends for they are generous and loyal. Self-confident and attractive, this is a Sun sign capable of uniting different groups of people and leading them as one towards a shared cause, and their healthy sense of humor makes collaboration with other people even easier.


Sign: Lion Dates: July 23- August22 Ruler: Sun Compatability:Gemni, Aquarius

Color: Orange Element: Fire House: Fifth Strengths: Creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, cheerful

Weaknesses:Arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, lazy

Fact: The constellation of Leo

contains many bright stars, one of which is called Regulus, which means “the little king”



The constellation Virgo has different origins depending on which mythology is being studied. Most myths generally view Virgo as a maiden with heavy association with wheat. In Egyptian mythology, the time when the Sun was in the constellation Virgo marked the beginning of the wheat harvest, thus connecting Virgo back to the wheat grain. In Christianity, Jesus was born to a virgin in the town of Bethlehem “bread”; the ancient Zodiac ended in the constellation Leo and began with Virgo. Virgo has the equivalent sign in Indian astrology as the Kanya (which also means “maiden”), and has even been connected with the Virgin Mary.

Sign: Maiden Dates: August 23- September 22 Ruler: Mercury Compatability:Pisces, Cancer Color: Beige, Grey Element: Earth House: Sixth Strengths: Loyal, analytical, kind, hardworking, practical

Weaknesses: Shyness, worry, overly critical of self and others

Fact: Virgo is also the virgin

maiden known for modesty. Virgos do not care for being the center of attention and their practical aspects eschew showing out.




The sign of Libra is symbolized by the scales and is associated with the Roman deity Iustitia. According to the writer Manilius, Roman judges are born under the sign of Libra. Everything was balanced under this righteous sign. Manilius once said that Libra was the sign “in which the seasons are balanced”. Both the hours of the day and the hours of the night match each other. They called the area the Latin word “chelae”, which translated to “the claws” which can help identify the individual stars that make up the full constellation of Libra, since it was so closely identified with the Scorpion constellation in the sky.


Sign: Scales Dates: September 23- October 22 Ruler: Venus Compatability:Aries, Sagittarius

Color: Pink Element: Air House: Seventh Strengths: Cooperative,

diplomatic, fair-minded, social

Weaknesses:Indecisive, avoids confrontations, will carry a grudge,

Fact: The astrological symbol of the

Scales is associated with the goddess Themis, who ruled over justice and law.



The constellation known as Scorpio goes back to Babylonian times, where it was called “the creature with the burning sting.” Scorpio contains the red star Antares, which means “the rival of Mars,” and is also called “the heart of the Scorpion.” This potent fixed star is observed in various astrological and magical practices as having an intense Mars-like quality. In Greek mythology, the Scorpion is associated with the death of Orion. He bragged he could kill all animals in the wild kingdom. The earth goddess Gaia objected and sent a Scorpion to stop Orion. He confronted, and fought the Scorpion, but died when the great beast stung him in the head.

Sign: Scorpion Dates: October 23- November 21 Ruler: Pluto, Mars Compatability:Taurus, Cancer

Color: Red Element: Water House: Eighth Strengths: Resourceful, brave, passionate, stubborn, a true friend

Weaknesses: Distrusting, jealous, secretive, violent

Fact: Scorpio is associated

with three different animals: the scorpion, the snake, and the eagle




Sign: Archer Sagittarius, the half human and half Dates: November 22horse, is the centaur of mythology, December 21 the learned healer whose higher Ruler: Jupiter intelligence forms a bridge between Earth and Heaven. Also known as the Compatability:Gemini, Aries Archer, Sagittarius is represented by Color: Blue the symbol of a bow and arrow. As an archer, Sagittarius is said never to fail Element: Fire in hitting the mark and this depiction House: Ninth alludes to the power of prophecy, Strengths: Generous, idealistic, hence, the claim that seers and great sense of humor prophets are born in this sign. Weaknesses: Promises more than can deliver, very impatient, will say anything no matter how undiplomatic

Fact: Curious and energetic,

Sagittarius is one of the biggest travelers among all zodiac signs.




Sign: Sea Goat

There appears to be a connection Dates: December 21- january19 between traditional characterisations Ruler: Saturn of Capricorn as a sea goat and the Sumerian god of wisdom and waters, Compatability:Taurus, Cancer Enki, who also had the head and upper body of a goat and the lower Color: Brown body and tail of a fish. Later known as Element: Earth Ea in Akkadian and Babylonian mythology, Enki was the god of House: Tenth intelligence, creation, crafts; magic; Strengths: Responsible, water, seawater and lakewater. disciplined, self-control, Capricorn is a sign that represents Weaknesses: Know-it-all, time and responsibility, and its representatives are traditional and often unforgiving, condescending very serious by nature. Fact: It is the sign of decisions made to be protected from monsters in our minds, lives, and immediate physical surrounding.




Sign: Water Bearer Dates: January 20- Febuary 19 Ruler: Uranus Compatability:Leo,

Aquarius was recorded in the second century by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy. Its name means “cup bearer” or “water bearer” in Latin. Sagittarius Aquarius is the 10th largest Color: Light-Blue constellation in the sky; it is spread out over 980 square degrees. Element: Air However, there are no particularly bright stars in the constellation and it House: Eleventh can be difficult to view with the naked Strengths: Progressive, origieye. Aquarius is a winter nal, independent, humanitarian constellation in the northern Weaknesses: Runs from hemisphere, found near Pisces and emotional expression, aloof Cetus. Fact: Babylonian astronomers identified the constellation as representing the god Ea, or “The Great One,”.




According to one Greek myth, Pisces represents the fish, sometimes represented by koi fish, into which Aphrodite and her son Eros transformed in order to escape the monster Typhon. In Christian religion the story of the birth of Christ is said to be a result of the spring equinox entering into the Pisces, as the Savior of the World appeared as the Fisher of Men. This parallels the entering into the Age of Pisces.

Sign: Fish Dates: Febuary 19- March 20 Ruler: Neptune Compatability:Virgo, Taurus Color: Purple Element: Water House: Twelth Strengths: Compassionate, artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise, musical

Weaknesses: Fearful, overly

trusting, sad, desire to escape reality, can be a victim or a martyr

Fact: “Pisces” is the Latin word for “Fish.”






When Our teacher asked us to do a project surrounding a stamp design, created using one theme that was important to us. For me I wanted to do something different than just where I lived or what many of my projects are on, health. I wanted to be more creative and have a booklet that many others would like to read. So one of the concepts I came up with that so many people are inspired by now a days are horoscope signs.



Inspiration For this project I was Inspired by the phone app co-Star. My roommates made me download the app when we moved into a house this year. I have never been one for Horoscopes or believe g that the stars and planets control someones life. But upon looking how many people do believe in the signs and how fun it can be to see the differences in people I decided I wanted to delve into more research about this topic. This also inspired me to really look at my own zodiac sign, a Gemini, and see if there is any correlation with the sign and myself.



Idea Since we only had time to make five stamps I wanted to choose five different signs to design that were significant to me in some way. I chose to incorporate each of my roommates signs into this project due to their desire for me too download the app and for them to each have a stamp inspired by their sign.




While searching for inspiration and designs I found many of the stamps were traditional square stamps with the images of the signs Incorporated into them or the constellations stamped on. Through my research of the signs and what I found that stood out the most was how the signs were rotated through a circle and how many times the circle was Incorporated into the history of the zodiac sign. I really wanted to give as much information as I could into each of the stamps including the use of a circle stamp to encapsulate the whole zodiac history.






With my sketches they started out with line drawings. What I was also inspired by with the zodiac signs was how they were all connected in some way. Through the great circle in the sky, through different traits each share or how they were all next to one another in line with the next. I tried making a connecting line to each but then realized when i started this project I chose the zodiac signs because of their different traits and not their “connectiveness�. So I decided to change my thought process and stick with a more general design to incorporate my many elements into.






What has been included in each of the stamps have been different elements that have been discussed throughout the book.


Color Element


Symbol Constellation





The hue circling around the circle and the color of the zodiac’s sign represent the specific element that is paired with that sign. For example, Pisces is a water element so it is colored blue to represent this. Orange is fire, green is earth, and purple is air.

The constellation is represented with yellow lines and stars representing the signs as if they were seen in the night sky.

The circle is divided into 12 different quadrents representing the zodiac map. Each degree is filled in that coordinates with its given sign along with the color that reprsents that sign such as purple for pisces.

The zodiac sign is given as a representation of another symbol for the zodiac inseatd of the aniaml sign. It is a simple way to identify what sign is being depicted.









With the stamps being so intricate and colorful they add a certain whimsical element to the letters that are being sent out.











FO orn ric Cap














Last Words This project was more about delving into a topic that I found interesting and rally wanted to learn more about. Creating the stamps was a huge artistic portion of the projct but I thoroughly enjoyed the layout and creating the differnt formats for the book. Picking different typefaces, seeing how pictures and type can relate to one another was very interesting to think about while cretaing the final product. Overall I am happy with the final outcome of my stamps. Leanring more about astrology and how the zodiac signs became what they are was very intriguing to research.








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