M marble
· process book ·
Artisit Statement: Even before covid-19, many people have dealt with mental health issues such as anxiety and depression in their day-to-day lives. One of the best conquers of emotional stress is writing things down and trying to deconstruct triggers that make one stressed. Journaling has been a proven way to assist people who have severe mental health issues due to the fact it allows people to write what they feel and encourages them to change their perspective on life. Numerous studies have been conducted to discuss how journaling and mental health are related. According to Intermountain Healthcare, the benefits of journaling have been proven to boost mood, reduce stress, and strengthens emotional functions. Marble is a journal app that helps people find the good in life. With categories ranging from journaling every day, to filling out emotion pages, it allows the user to visually see the progress over a given period of time showing how even doing small things makes a difference. By visually seeing their progress this app allows users to see their experiences and progress as a whole and will encourage the user to continue better habits, therefore, leading to improved overall well-being.
Initial Idea To create an app surrounding mental illness for people to write their insecurities or personal thoughts down. Since I have dealt with mental illness with people close to me for a long time and myself having anxiety and moments of depression I wanted to create something that was personal and let me dive deeper into a solution to help people cope or lessen the effects of their mental illness. One of the things that has helped me is daily journaling and writing down parts of my life I try to focus more on. Answering personal prompts or directing my mind towards a different aspect of my life has really helped me focus on the less negative parts in my life.
Research https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/anxiety-disorders/ index.shtml -Occasional anxiety is an expected part of life. You might feel anxious when faced with a problem at work, before taking a test, or before making an important decision. But anxiety disorders involve more than temporary worry or fear. For a person with an anxiety disorder, the anxiety does not go away and can get worse over time. -Anxiety disorders are generally treated with psychotherapy, medication, or both. There are many ways to treat anxiety and people should work with their doctor to choose the treatment that is best for them.
Questions I asked Therapists:
-What do you recommened most frequently to anxiety and depressed paitents? -What is the most frequent disorder you are faced with among college students? -Has the pandemic brought more cielents with anxiety and stress related disorders to your services? -What is more common in college studnets yoiu see? Depression or anxiety? Neither? somethign elese? -Has there been an increased talk about how social media has shaped people’s way of thinking? -Have you done research on health apps? Is there one you can recommend to paients?
First Sketches and Ideas First logo design and mountain theme designs. Layout concepts and trying to decide where things are going and how everything is goign to fit together.
First Iterations When I first began the designs for my app I wanted there to be a reward system of some kind. Whether it was a blooming flower when the task was complete, or a blooming tree I wanted there to be a visual to help the user see how their tasks have helped them reach their goals and to have a positive reinforcement method so the user would be willing to come back. In the beginning I had the idea of using nature as an element and having a mountain be the positive reinforcement element for the user to see their progress. What made me rethink this concept was the fact I wanted this to be more than just a goal setting app. My idea was to create a well being journal app for people with anxiety and depression.
The color theme was blue and orange giving off contrasting colors for a calming feel. What they were supposed to be representing was the blue themed mountain and sky while the orange and yellows were the vibrant warm sun.
Wire Frames for New Design
Marble Designs The main purpose of marble colors in the app is to give the user a diverse color scheme to create their own marbles which can then help them better understand the meaning behind their moods. The marbles also are also the basis around which module a user interacts with. Marbles are used for various reasons in the app such as creating mood marbles, earning specific mood based marbles for journal entries and helping users review their progress of thoughtful journaling at the end of a give period of time.
Typeography Helvetica Neue Thin
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !#$%^&(*)_+{}:”<>?;’,./
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !#$%^&(*)_+{}:”<>?;’,./
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !#$%^&(*)_+{}:”<>?;’,./
Main Color Scheme I made many themes accessible in this app for users to cchoose from and customize their own journal theme. For this project I used this marble’s colors for all my apps frames
Logo Design Sketches Final Design
Icon meanings Arrow Go back a page.
Speaker To record or speak a journal entry
Check Mark Signifiying a complete journal entry or to continue an action being prefromed Journal To see journal entries from previous uses Jar Click to be taken to the marble jar for the user to see the different marbles collected Calendar To view a users progress in a year, month or day and check back on previous submissions Menu Takes user back to menu when they are engaging with a module Profile Takes user to profile page to see their progress
Five good things allows the user to reflect back on their day and think about five good things they have done for themselves. Could be a new habit, something they ate, an activity, a choice they made to benefit themselves or something to improve their mental health. This module allows the user to be quick and efficient while helping the user realize the things they have done for themselves that have improved their wellbeing or it helps them realize what they could be doing to help their wellbeing.
The journal module allows users to answer thoughtful prompts about themselves or simply make a journal entry about their day. Journaling has been proven as a useful stress reliving activity for people to help them feel less anxious about problems or worries they may be experiencing. The module has different categories that the user can answer allowing them to think about different points in their life.
The connect connect module moduleallows allowsusers userstotoconnect connectwith withother other journalers whowish wishtotoask askororanswer answerquestions questionsoror journal journalers who journal prompts of their theirown. own. Allowing Allowingusers userstotoconenct connect together prompts of together brings brings extra reassurance isn’t journaling alone. extra reassurance that the that userthe isn’tuser journaling alone. With the difWith different activitieswith associated withthe thisuser module the ferentthe activities associated this module can engage user can engage with other users, create prompts to beand with other users, create prompts to be answer by others answer by others collectprompts marblesand by answering prompts collect marbles by and answering questions others may and have.questions others may have.
The mood check module is one where the user makes a marble themselves and then answers specific questions relating to the colors they chose on why they feel a certain way. This module allows the user to be the most creative in earning marbles due to them getting to create marbles themselves.
Final Wireframes