Cover Story
Prof. Chris Webster 築城
小想像,小書櫃 曾經的亡魂之處 高街鬼屋
10 Cover Story
西環變幻時 天空之鏡何去何從 03
終極飛盤首奪冠 AS勇奪男羽季軍
就職典禮順利舉行 感謝各會員支持
Image courtesy of Alvin Cheng
專訪 / Interview
An interview with Prof. Chris Webster
小想像 小書櫃
曾經的亡魂之處 高街鬼屋
終極飛盤首奪冠 AS勇奪男羽季軍 First Champion in Ultimate
Third in Men’s Badminton
出版 Published by 二零一六至二零一七年度 香港大學學生會建築學會 Architectural Society, HKUSU, Session 2016–2017 香港大學鈕魯詩樓二樓二二二室 Rm 222, Knowles Bldg, HKU 負責代表 Persons-in-Charge 許栢菖 馬進翰 Hui Pak Cheong, Henry Ma Chun Hon, Desmond
The Architectural Society won the championship for the Joint Faculty Ultimate Frisbee Competition which was held on 9th of April. Ultimate frisbee perfectly combines soccer, basketball and American football. This sports emphasizes speed, endurance and sharp reflexes. More importantly, it stresses on sportsmanship. Although it was the first time for most of our players to get in touch with ultimate frisbee, we got good spirit and teamwork, and came first out of the 7 participated faculty societies. Every participant wins themselves a gold medal as well as, of course, A Frisbee! Also, Jacky Mak of our team was one of the MVP (Most Valuable Player) in this competition! A round of applause for all the players! Keep up the good work and stay tuned for more upcoming sports events!
編輯 Editors 林藹彤 張藝恩 黃麗欣 鄭麗樺 黎豪揚 許栢菖 黃如意 梁穎蕎 Lam Oi Tung, Iva Cheung Ngai Yan, Sherry Wong Lai Yan, Ida Cheng Lai Wa, Laiwa Lai Ho Yeung, Leo Hui Pak Cheong, Henry Wong Yue Yee, Gracia Leung Wing Kiu, Nicole 美術設計總監 Art Director 馬進翰 Ma Chun Hon, Desmond 澈 二零一六年五月號 總第三十三期 Transparence May 2016 Volume 33 封面照片 Photo by Jonathan Leung, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. 封底照片 Image courtesy of Alvin Cheng, 香港大學學生會建築學會 出版 Published by the Architectural Society, HKUSU. All rights reserved, except that photos, if stated, are copyrighted by their respective owners.
體育快訊 男子羽毛球比賽終於完滿結 束。我地係男子羽毛球比賽裏面 攞到季軍!恭喜哂! 係呢次男羽比賽初賽之中,我 地以3比0擊敗咗社會科學學會同 牙醫學會,以小組首名嘅姿態進 入複賽。 但係複賽對上醫學會嘅賽事, 我地以1比3輸咗場比賽。不之後 係季軍爭霸戰裏面,建築學會同 教育學會嘅選手,經過一番激烈 既切磋較技,建築學會最終以3 比2小勝教育學會,奪得季軍! 係度再一次感謝黎過落場打同 黎支持嘅members! The Interfaculty Men’s Badminton Competition has finally come to an end. The Architectural Society came third for the competition! The Architectural Society played against Education Society in third fight and won by 3:2! Congratulations to all players!
感謝各會員支持 06
Ohana 嘅 Inauguration Ceremony 已經係3月21號順利舉行,多 謝大家嘅支持! 今次嘅 Inauguration Ceremony 可以做得咁成功,我哋班咁抵得 諗嘅 Helpers 真係功不可沒!明 明上完一日堂已經夠哂累,仲肯 著住 Suit 同涯住肚餓嚟幫我哋 手,真係夠哂唔話得。唔知呢啲 係咪就係 AS 嘅溫暖呢?其實呢 個 Inauguration Ceremony 都 有唔少小意外,但係好彩我哋班 Helpers 夠醒目,識得執生,真 係唔該哂你哋啊!(心心眼) 除左 Helpers 之外,我哋亦都 要多謝嚟參加我哋 Inauguration Ceremony 嘅咁多位 members。 冇你哋嘅支持,又點會又咁美好 嘅一晚呢?其實我哋一開始都幾 驚冇 Members 會嚟我哋嘅 Inauguration Ceremony 嫁!不過當 我哋係果陣見到都有唔少 Members 嚟嘅時候,其實都真係幾開 07
活動回顧 心嫁! 其實要搞好個 Inauguration Ceremony 真係一啲都唔易。果時我 哋啱啱先上左莊冇幾耐,好多嘢 都唔識,要自己慢慢去摸索,而 且個 Inauguration Ceremony 都 有唔少嘢要準備,所以老實講, 其實都幾辛苦吓嫁!不過辛苦還 辛苦,今次對我哋嚟講的確係一 個寶貴嘅經驗。一齊 Cut Souvenirs、一齊練 Soc song、一齊去 搵 Sponsor …… 呢啲全部都係 淨係屬於我哋 Ohana 嘅回憶。 今次係我哋疇備嘅第一個活動, 雖然未必做得好完美,但係對我 哋真係學到唔少嘢。相信我哋將 來一定會做得更加好,為咁多位 帶嚟充實又開心嘅一年!
Cover Story/ 西環變幻時
每當變幻時 便知時光去
在香港這個人煙綢密、高樓處處的城市,往往有一些 地方能讓人們去放鬆自己,短暫地脫離繁囂。被香港 人命名的西區公眾貨物裝卸區 – Instagram Pier則是 其中一個地方。 西區公眾貨物裝卸區的面積 是3.27公頃,長880米,雖然區 中並沒有任何康樂的設施但其 優美的景色與不被管束的特點 吸引了不少附近居民在平日到此 休憩。然而近年有人發現當下雨 後,裝卸區部份凹凸不平的路面 會形成水窪,水窪就像鏡面般在 地面上形成天空的景色,因此吸 引不少香港人到此拍攝,在Instagram(攝影應用程式)中發佈 其拍下的照片,就是這樣,這個 本平平無奇的貨物裝卸區漸漸變 得火紅,得了Instagram Pier 的 名字,成為年青人的熱門照相地 點,更有人稱之為「香港天空之 鏡」,亦被團體獲選為優秀公共 空間。 這個西區公眾貨物裝卸區其實 是香港海事處其中一個為營運商 10
現在於Instagram搜索#Instagrampier (Instagram Pier)已經有超過4400張照片。
提供裝卸及運輸停泊位的碼頭, 但由於近年大型運輸業取代中小 型的公司,貨物裝卸區才開始冷 清。而旁邊由漁護署管理的西 區副食品批發市場因為現今海運
Photo by Man Ng, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.
議會進行「西區海濱概念性總體 規劃」,為西區海濱發展提出方 案,希望改善西區海濱的公共空 間令海濱一帶成為香港的新地標 – 「香港海港西大門」。
食物到批發市場的使用率一直下 降,因此臨海的四個碼頭亦長期 被閒置。裝卸區在「香港公共空 間大獎」中拿到「由市民開創的 空間」大獎後,香港政府開始諮 詢各界關於西環海旁發展與管理 的打算。政府與香港大學城市規 劃及設計系規劃小組為中西區區
西區海濱概念性總體規劃的 範圍包括西區副食品批發市場 與西環公眾貨物裝卸區,全長約 2,400米,面積大概為6公頃。 由於這個地段還未完成規劃及充 分利用,港大城市規劃及設計系 於規劃中建議以「地方營造」的 方法活化西區海濱,興建一個長 600米的公園,在內增加康樂設 施如長者健體園地、兒童遊樂 場及安全垂釣區、在海緣地方增 設欄杆,及增設廁所等的公共設 施,於落成後交由康文署管理, 工程費用預計一共為9980萬。 11
Cover Story/ 西環變幻時 這個規劃分為三個主要小區, 分別是碼頭區、碼頭內港區及新 海傍區。碼頭區將被規劃成西區 的地標,成為一個特色市集。當 中包括一個沿著海濱長廊的海上 噴泉公園和一個供遊客欣賞維港 景色的觀景台。碼頭內港區將成 為一個匯聚文化的活動與表演中 心,當中設有露天劇場給予市 民欣賞水上表演及夕陽的景色。 新海傍區將保留為海傍的用途, 不過區內會增設休閒設施如單車 徑、籃球場和攀石場,亦有建 議建設一些特色設施如生態花園 和都市沙灘廣場。除了三個區域 外,是次規劃亦希望可以改善西 區地區間的交通,令市民及遊客 更容易能夠到達這個西區海濱。 於上個月,民政事務局向立法 會民政事務委員會提交這個西區 海濱社區計劃建議項目討論,在 無反對的情況下項目獲得通過, 並決定將項目交給立法會財委會 商議。而考慮到貨物裝卸區的租 約安排,這個概念性總體規劃打 算分期實施,政府期望此項目第 一期的工程會於2014年通過一 億元的「社區重點項目」基金展 開。政府預計整個項目會於2020 年後完成,不過具體日期可能會 因應相關土地的租主合作而提早 完成。 然而這個計劃在社會中引起了 種種不同的聲音。一方面,不少 市民擔心這個難得街坊可與原有 使用者共同使用而又不被約束的 自由空間在政府實行規劃後會變 成另一個與香港現有的公園一模 12
攝於 2015.02.08 @ 西環泳棚、碼頭 Image courtesy of Dorason Photography
一樣的地方,Instagram Pier 不 但被圍欄包圍,海邊亦加上石壆 與一堆禁止牌,充滿規限的同時 失去其原有的吸引之處與色彩。 然而另一方面人們認為政府的規 劃如增設圍欄能夠確保市民更安 全地使用這個地方,而規劃與發 展則能提供更理想的休憩環境供 市民使用,所以認為其他市民不 應該因為政府合理的規限而不顧 全面地反對政府是次政策。
033 Jonathan Kwok BA(UrbanStud) III
I think Sai Wan Waterfront should not have any railings since if the people are sensible, then they will be able to continue to enjoy the public space whilst still maintaining the view which it is famous for. Safety is an important consideration but even if it is safe but not attractive, it will only become a sterile, empty and lifeless waterfront with no point of interest or focus to attract people to come.
Leo Lai BSc(Surv) I
或許政府一開始的出發點是好的,但卻沒 有考慮到市民對於公共空間的需求。其實 比起一個規劃好的海濱長廊,也許市民更 需要的是一個可以自行決定用途的地方。 安全問題的確是一個重要的考慮因素,但 我相信香港市民有足夠的能力去判斷活動 是否安全。況且,若是市民有心進行不安 全的活動的話,難道區區一些欄杆或是管 理員能有效地制止他們嗎?我相信大家心 裡有數。這些規限亦使該處的吸引性大大 減少——比起一個可以自由度較高的地 方,試問誰會喜歡在一個諸多限制的地方 待上一整個下午?
Henry Hui BSc(Surv) I
I am actually rather confused about my stance. We need development but we don’t want them around, thinking ‘it’s no longer the same as before’. All I can conclude in my mind is that regardless of any development over the pier, I don’t want any fences. Piers are the only places one can behold and connect with the sea and relieve in the urban area in HK. With any barriers, the feeling is wordless to describe, but just definitely not the same.
Iva Lam BA(ArchStud) I
Members’ Opinion Raymond Chan BA(Conservation) II
Not good, not effectively using the public space but over-planning. The area shouldn’t be planned for particular use. Right now it is famous and popular because no regulated use there and people can use the space whatever they want, so why would the government do that when they say they want to create the place better for citizens to use it.
Forcefully turning the Western Harbour into a furbished promenade means no renovation, but the demise of the interaction between the users and the harbour itself. The harbour currently is doing its functions well. Facilities such as benches and decorations may be absent on site. Yet, people adapt their own way to utilise this public space. It is always the basic and simple style of the harbour design people would miss and treasure. The proposed plan of installing bars for surrounding the harbour is also a disappointing act which destructs the authentic relationship between the harbour and the sea and distancing people from the latter by enclosing them in the structure.
Cover Story/ 西環變幻時
香港大學 城市規劃及設計系系主任
為什麼會提出「西區海濱概念性 總體規劃」的研究? 現時香港島中西區海濱長廊一直 延伸至中環,於西環而止。由於 政府現正已於原則上同意將西區 副食品批發市場外的四個碼頭, 交由中西區區議會管理,加上政 府亦正推行社區重點項目計劃, 活化碼頭部份區域。故此港大城 市規劃及設計系便與中西區區議 會合作制定是份西區海濱概念性 總體規劃,希望讓市民了解一個 全盤的發展方向。 值得一提的是,這份總體規劃並 非一份詳細計劃,而是指出西區 海濱未來發展藍圖及其對中西區 的重要性。隨著時代發展的步 伐,西區很多地方已漸失去昔日 繁華,於是是次計劃期望可留著 西區舊日的時光,並為其增添更 多休憩用地,發揮西區碼頭所擁 有的優勢與機遇。 那麽安裝圍欄是否規劃的必然一 部分? 要知道,在發展海傍的同時,加 設圍欄是無可避免的。現時香港 一直採用高密度及混合用途的模 式來規劃土地,在這種發展下, 14
安全便是首要考慮的問題。其實 在設計不同的設施時,政府首先 的考慮是安全問題,外觀、美 感及娛樂性只屬次要,安裝圍欄 是為了保障人群密集時市民的安 全。再者,現時圍欄的設計亮麗 嶄新,我相信能於安全與美學上 取得平衡,不然若發生意外,將 由誰人負責? 由於現時網上有不少反對的意 見,認為沒有需要兼且破壞景 觀,例如天空之鏡,對此你有甚 麽看法? 事實上這只是設計上的問題,在 發展的過程中,我們往往希望可 以重現昔日景象。至今西區碼頭 仍是一塊荒地,難道我們的腳步 要於此停滯不前?就以一個佈滿 樹的斜坡為例,在發展過後,縱 然會重新鋪上樹木,但往往予人 不一樣的感覺。但若然堅持,不 做出任何改變的話,那又有何發 展可言呢?其實在城市規劃及發 展的過程中,不同的持份者會有 不同的看法,意見的衝突與分歧 是必然的,而這亦是一個無法避 免的事實,當然區議會亦會討論 反對聲音,而計劃亦將隨著市民 的聲音而做出更改,不過大前提 是,我們需要在社會和經濟的需
033 變化,作為一個民主社會,爭論 亦自然比殖民時期較多。 但在發展過後又會否減少了現時 的公共空間? 實際上會提供更多的公共空間。
Image courtesy of Initium Media
事實上,現時西環卸貨碼頭屬海 事處私人管理的地方,並非開放 予公眾內進。 然而,於規劃後,該處則提供了 合法的公共空間,以達至更有效 的管理和空間使用。
Image courtesy of Alvin Cheng
求之間取得平衡。 其實,國外等地於60至80八十年 代時期,亦同樣面對香港現時所 遇到的發展挑戰。不過現今問題 都大致解決,外國如日本城市發 展的步伐已經逐漸放慢,但相比 香港,現時每十年則有一百萬人 口的增長,而於未來二、三十年 整體趨勢仍然持續,換言而之, 土地規劃及開發的工作刻不容 緩。一來巿民有多元的訴求,如 環境保護,生活質素,社會公義 等,二來社會的客觀條件亦不斷
當然,每一個人皆有其觀點與角 度,但往往在發展的過程中,不 可能滿足所有人,這正正亦是城 市發展中其中一個最棘手的問 題。不過,現時西環碼頭仍然尚 停留於概念性規劃的層面,而 第一步是將該區域土地先還予政 府,讓市民正當地使用。
參 三本城市規劃的重要書藉 Pahl, R. E. Whose city? : and further essays on urban society Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1975. 309.240942 P1 Citizens in Conflict: The Sociology of Town Planning Simmie J. M. London : Hutchinson, 1974 Harvey, David Social justice and the city / David Harvey ; [foreword by Ira Katznelson]. Oxford : Blackwell, 1988. 307.76 H34 s
An interview with
Prof. Chris Webster Dean of Faculty of Architecture
What is the general work of a Dean in HKU? The dean is basically the boss of the faculty who is at the second or third tier of a university management. A dean in HKU is relatively autonomous, so it is pretty much like running an SME business or a division in a medium size corporation. The basic job of a dean is to help to make sure that every learning experience is great 16
in terms of personal enrichment and future preparation through monitoring of course and teacher quality and through encouraging teachers to be active scholars, researchers and community and professional leaders. Take the Year 1 courses as an example, it is at an experimental stage as the 334 secondary system was introduced just for a few years with two main first year foundational
033 from our students and teachers contributes all in this. In this we have to balance preparation for a professional education, the acquisition of skills and the exposure to wider scholarly ideas to develop reflection and deep learning. Have you ever got in touch with students to be friendly with them? Of course! I have an open-door policy and am all ears for anyone who needs academic or personal support beyond what they can get from the many channels that the university, faculty and department has put in place. I appreciate it when students stop me at the corridor or email me for any advice. Study visits and going to mid-term and final reviews are also effective to understand students’ learning situations and engaging personally with our wonderful students. education components: common core and faculty foundation. Indeed we have some freedom and flexibility in modifying the courses such that the contents can be more cross-cutting with more choices by constant reviewing of the system and our teachers being self-critical. We are therefore now reviewing the year 1 faculty foundation courses and identifying additional choices. Feedback
How is the undergoing development of our faculty? There will be a large scale renovation in our faculty these years due to increasing demands for learning spaces, which is very constrained in HKU. With increasing number of both students and staff, we are striving for redevelopment in Knowles Building including the following: 17
8/F a completed urban studies undergraduate studio (already completed) 7/F a research floor. PHD offices, Architectural Conservation research lab, Urban informatics research ‘ilab’, learning space for undergraduates 4/F in the Shanghai Study Centre partnership with a BIM company to create a BIM-GIS-urban Big Data Lab 2/F Technical and Fabrication lab and teaching rooms G/F An architectural gallery showing works, additional heavy fabrication facilities and robotics lab
Potential spaces like LG2 are also in mind of further development and there will be improvements in the laboratory and training of the Shanghai Studies Centre. With approximately 1300 students, more staff members are being recruited. There are 8 new recruits in department of Architecture; 4 in planning and design department, 20 new researchers (post doc fellow, research assistants etc) are also in the process of being hired to strengthen our faculty research. There are even 2 robots signed up, who will live in the corner of the car park on GF – please make them welcome! We also looking into the establishment of 5 new master programmes with a wide variety of topics through Advanced Archi-
033 tectural Design to Urban Design with landscape and architecture. In regards to the undergraduate programmes, as 3 new courses were introduced these last few years, we are targeting for consolidation for the time being,. In addition, a lot of teachers are interested in internship programmes, so we will be looking into our regulations concerning the degree of flexibility which allow this incorporation. Internationalization is also important in both student and staff bodies of different programs over the years, allowing more exchange of students, staff and ideas. We hope that more students will have the chance to study or work overseas and have a full university experience. Can you comment on the career prospects of the graduates of the Faculty of Architecture? The prospects are good in the general field and exceptionally good from HKU. Despite the cyclic downturn in the construction industry currently in Hong Kong and China and the growth of the industry in UK and EU being slower than before, our students still get into the best firms. Best students are always aiming at employment in the best firms and there is always a steady demand
in the international company. Any message or words you would like to give to our faculty students? First of all, “Thank you for choosing the Faculty of Architecture in HKU”. Your time in university is the time when society is investing in your future using others’ money, so it is of importance that you have to act responsibly by increasing your degree of profundity. In this multi-disciplinary faculty, the relationships and bonding you formed here will be long, and it matters when you go out to society as leaders of the built environment and share common heritage with future colleagues. In short, “study hard and play hard, but don’t play too hard!”.
小想像 小書櫃 Image courtesy of WeMedia01 (HK) Limited
甚麼是公共空間?是那一處經 過規劃,美化設計的空地嗎?其 實並不然,我們身處的社區,走 過的大街小巷都是公共空間。它 們都有著無限發揮的可能性,大 至放置貨櫃的西環碼頭活用成IGers拍照的熱門地方,小至在街頭 出現流動圖書館。「素未謀面, 只有意念在公共空間碰見,激盪 出共享的各種可能。」這是一個 民間善用公共空間的故事—街坊 書櫃的故事。 一切源於一個社區實驗。當 時領展管理的天水圍天耀街市面 臨被關閉,幾名有心人成立了關 注組,抗爭多時雖無果,但他們 認為生活上各方面仍有很多可能 20
性。「其實城市仍有空間讓我們 創造想要的社區。」關注組成員 之一Onki。於是,當中4名關注 組的成員想到在巴士站放置櫃子 作椅子,讓人能坐下來等車。這 個實驗中,有人會坐下休息,椅 子亦會被人移動,或被人加上裝 飾。Onki認為,這些改變是一 種交流,「所有變化並非沒有價 值,都是反映居民的想法。」 然後,其中一名街坊Terence 改造了櫃子。當初他眼見櫃子空 無一物,便燃起了把它變成書櫃 的念頭。他把書本放進櫃內,結 果很快一本不剩。Terence後來 邀請朋友阿康加入,幫忙找物資 及動手改造櫃子;又找來朋友Iris
033 和Rebecca美化了書櫃,「街坊 書櫃」由此開始。
小櫃,也或能為社區增添獨特的 生命力。
「街坊書櫃」讓早出晚歸跨區 工作就學、無法到訪朝九晚八的 公共圖書館的居民有一個閱讀書 本的機會。「街坊書櫃」成員會 在書櫃附近徘徊,跟街坊傾談介 紹。他們常強調「分享」,希望 書櫃能令居民少一點冷漠,嘗試 多和他人建立關係。他們亦期望 日後有更多街坊參與書櫃加工、 添置書本等,甚至由街坊自發增 設書櫃,舉辦讀書會、進行閱讀 交流,增加街坊互動和聚集的機 會。 「街坊書櫃」是民間想像構建 的設施,它重新定義和善用了公 共空間。在這空間裡,巴士站的 椅子到流動書櫃,有著人與人之 間的交流。雖然只是微小如一個
「街坊書櫃」會放在設有座位的遮蓋處的 地方,這樣或可吸引居民停留。
Photo by Chung Ming, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.
曾經的亡魂之處 高街鬼屋
High Street Haunted House 位於高街2號的西營盤社區綜 合大樓-更廣為人知為高街鬼 屋,是其中一座被列為香港一級 歷史建築的建築文物。於2015年 10月23日被列為香港法定古蹟, 高街鬼屋是一座建於1892年的 精神病院。一九九八年大樓重建 為西營盤社區綜合大樓,保留了 極為罕有的花崗石立面。這類 早期巴洛克式地標建築,使用本 22
地物料,造工精準,在香港非常 罕見。寬闊的拱形遊廊加上下方 的粗琢花崗石塊突出了巴洛克式 的建築特色。外牆的磨光精巧雅 致,與厚重粗琢花崗石塊形成強 烈的對比。 高街鬼屋原為政府公立的西 營盤醫院之外籍護士宿舍,後 來因鄰近域多利精神病院不敷應
033 用,改作女子精神病院。二次大 戰香港淪陷,傳聞當時的日軍將 這地作為刑場,同時在醫院前面 的佐治五世公園亦都是亂葬崗, 因此這地就有不少靈異傳聞。而 戰後,這地重新成為女子精神病 院,當時醫術當然不如現代醫學 那麼先進,精神病患者入院後都 幾乎只是「等死」,直到青山醫 院落成後這地方再改作為日間精 神科門診部,最後在1971年關閉 之後,這地方就一直空置,為建 築物增添了陰森的感覺,靈異傳 聞繼續越傳越多,順理成章成為 香港最猛鬼之地。 高街原稱第四街,得名原因是 由於這條道路位於第三街之上。 可是由於華人忌諱「四」字,政 府便決定順應民意,將街名改為 高街,反映街道所處位置較高的 意思。 Situated at No. 2 High Street, Sai Ying Pun Community Complex, more commonly known as “High Street Haunted House”, is one of the Grade I Historic Buildings in Hong Kong. Enlisted as a Declared Monument in Hong Kong in 23rd October, 2015, the building was completed as a Mental Hospital back in 1892. It was renovated to become the Sai Ying Pun Community Complex, and the exceptional granite facade of the Old Mental Hospital has been preserved intact. Its style of monumental Early-Baroque architecture is rare in Hong Kong, particularly as it
is so accurately constructed, using local materials. It comprises with Early-Baroque architectural features such as a wide arched veranda (a roofed platform along the outside of a house, level with the ground floor) and lower level of rusticated granite blocks create an appearance of strength and impregnability. The fine dressed mouldings and cornices provide an elegant contrast to the heavy rusticated granite blocks. The High Street haunted house was originally the quarters for foreign nurses of Sai Ying Pun public hospital. Later, due to the insufficiency of wards in Victoria Lunatic Asylum nearby, it was converted into a women’s mental hospital. Rumour has it that the Japanese used it as an execution hall when Hong Kong fell during World War II. Also it is said that, King George V Park which is in front of the hospital served as mass graves at that time. That is why there are many supernatural rumors belonging to this heritage. This place has been vacant since then, thus adding an eerie feeling to it and making it one of the most ‘haunted’ place in Hong Kong.
跑道向海延伸、貨櫃鏽跡斑 駁⋯⋯淡去的工業活動成為公共 休閒空間底色。香港西環碼頭, 自由發揮的街坊和遊客在此營造 出一派城市詩意。
端傳媒攝影記者 林亦非