2014-15 Ashley Hall New Family Guidebook

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents........................................................................................................2 Welcome to Ashley Hall............................................................................................3 Academic Calendar....................................................................................................4 Parents Association Welcome...................................................................................5 Learning Commons (internal website)....................................................................6-7 Student/Parent Handbook........................................................................................7 Checklist: Things To Do Before The Start Of School.............................................8 Bridges.........................................................................................................................9 Whom do I Call?........................................................................................................10-11 Ashley Hall Security Procedures............................................................................12-13 Uniform Guidelines..................................................................................................14-16 Summer Programs.....................................................................................................17-18 Extended Day (Pre-Primary – 8th grade)................................................................19 Applied Lessons and String Academy...................................................................20-21 Athletics (6th – 12th grade).........................................................................................22-24 Language Policy (7th – 12th grade)..........................................................................25-28 Introduction to the Loyalty Fund............................................................................29


Welcome to Ashley Hall! You are joining a thriving community united by commonalities of purpose, program, and faith in the intrinsic value of learning and to the realization of our school’s mission to produce an educated woman who is independent, ethically responsible and prepared to meet the challenges of society with confidence. We invite you to immerse yourself fully in the life of our school: to participate in student clubs, to support parent volunteer opportunities, to enjoy family socials, learning forums and community events. I am confident that you will find our community to be a warm and welcoming group eager for the benefits of your individual talents and contributions. We join you in your excitement at the beginning of your Ashley Hall journey, and we look forward to a long and rewarding partnership with your family. Possunt quae volunt! (Girls with the will have the ability!)

Jill S. Muti Head of School


2014‐2015 Academic Calendar

August 21‐22

Registration/Parent Meetings

Aug. 25

Half‐Day of Classes

Aug. 26

Full Day of Classes – Extended Day begins

September 1

Labor Day – no classes

October 20‐21

Fall Holiday – no classes

November 26‐28

Thanksgiving Holiday – no classes

December 19

Early Dismissal – no Extended Day

December 22‐January 5

Holiday Break – no classes

January 6

Full Day of classes

January 19

MLK Day – no classes

February 16‐17

Winter Holiday – no classes

March 27

Fathers’ Morning – early dismissal, no Extended Day

March 30‐April 6

Spring Break – no classes

April 7

Full Day of classes

May 24


May 25

Memorial Day – no classes

May 27

Extended Day – Last Day

May 28

Lower School Closing Program

EEC Closing Program

May 29

Intermediate School Closing Program

8 Grade Closing Program


Dear Ashley Hall New Parents: Welcome to Ashley Hall! Parent involvement is just one of the many great aspects of our school. As a new parent of an Ashley Hall student, you are automatically a member of the Ashley Hall Parents’ Association and there are numerous ways to get involved. There are volunteer opportunities that can accommodate anyone’s schedule, from the working parent to the stay‐at‐home mom or dad. We will email a Parent Volunteer Form in the summer that contains all the opportunities and the dates available. Please visit the Ashley Hall Learning Commons Parents’ Association page to access a full calendar and listing of events. You may also contact me at leinheiserk@ashleyhall.org or 843.965.8482 for more details. I look forward to getting to know you this year! I hope you will become an active participant of the Parents’ Association. Sincerely, Kristen Leinheiser Director of Parent and Alumnae Relations


ASHLEY HALL LEARNING COMMONS (Access to our online community) The Ashley Hall Learning Commons is a password protected online community for parents, teachers and students. The Learning Commons provides parents easy access to all their students’ assignments, resources and teachers. It also opens all of Ashley Hall’s classrooms to the parent body for exploration to learn what is happening in all divisions of the school. As a new parent, you will receive your parent/student login closer to the start of the school year. Until you receive your login you can explore the Learning Commons by using the temporary New Parent account: Username: newparent Password: ashleyhall To log into the Learning Commons, go to www.ashleyhall.org. Select “Learning Commons Login” in the upper righthand corner under the website search bar:

In the “Return User Login,” enter the provided new parent username and password. The Learning Commons is divided by Division for easy reference for our parents. After logging into the Learning Commons and accessing the main “Around Campus” map page, select your child’s Division in the lefthand column to access important forms and information. Please refer to the list below based on which Division your child will join: Ross EEC – Early Education Center (Ages 2-5 girls and boys) Pardue Hall – Lower School (Kindergarten – 4th grade) Lane Hall – Intermediate School (5th – 6th grade) Jenkins Hall – Upper School (7th – 12th grade)

For more information on the Learning Commons please go to http://www.ashleyhall.org/parents.php. MOST REQUESTED RESOURCES

Forms, summer reading lists, and most of the requested information will be found under “Materials” within your child’s new Division.

You will need to download all required forms (a sample is shown at the end of this booklet) from the Learning Commons, complete and return to Ashley Hall during the summer.

All School information, such as the 2013-14 Calendar, can be found under McBee House.


Courses will be uploaded in late August. After the class uploads are complete, you may access your child’s courses and updates by selecting “HOME” in the top purple bar of the main Learning Commons page. STUDENT PARENT HANDBOOK

The Student/Parent Handbook will be uploaded online in August. We ask that every Ashley Hall family read the Student-Parent Handbook and complete the online acknowledgement. More information about the website directory and handbook will be available at registration in August.


THINGS TO DO PRIOR TO THE START OF SCHOOL: May:  New Family Welcome Party – May 6th (not required, but we’d love to see you there!) June:  Check summer reading list on the Learning Commons  Expect contact from Ashley Hall parents, welcoming you to community  Receive schedule of classes and information on placement tests as needed (Grades 7th – 11th) July:  Purchase uniforms  Sign-up for Bridges (1st – 11th grade)  Order books that match class schedule (Upper School students only)  Complete and return required forms (found in the Learning Commons)  Return SCISA Athletic form (Available on the website beginning July) (Only applicable to US students interested in participating in athletics) August:  Learning Commons login will be sent to all new families  Check Learning Commons for school supply list, as applicable  Gently Used Uniform Sale– for any family interested – check Learning Commons calendar for date and time  Get excited to see us August 25th!


BRIDGES Bridges takes place just before the start of school. During Bridges we invite your daughter to come to campus and acclimate herself to our campus, teachers, and some programs. She will make new friends and have a blast in the process! Bridges Kindergarten Friday July 25th 10 am – 1 pm Kindergarten students are invited to come for a “play date” with our teachers on Friday. They will meet teachers and take part in fun activities. Parents are invited to hear from our Division Director and ask questions and to join their daughters for lunch in our Dining Commons at noon. Bridges Grades 1st – 6th Tuesday July 22nd – Friday July 25th The first morning of Bridges, we invite parents and students to meet their Division Directors and Bridges staff for a light breakfast in Burges Auditorium. The students will head off for their program and parents are invited to hear from our Division Directors and ask questions. While every day is a little different, a sample schedule is below: Grades 1 - 4

Grades 5 and 6

8:45 Arrival 8:45 Arrival 9:00 – 11:45 Academics & Special Programs 9:00 – 12:15 Academics & 11:45 – 12:15 Lunch& Free Time Special Programs 12:30 – 1:15 Academics 12:15 – 1:00 Lunch & Free Time 1:15 – 2:00 Swimming 1:00 – 2:00 Swimming 2:00 (All) Departure – students are to be picked up in the Smith Street carpool line.

On Friday, parents are invited to join their daughters for lunch in our Dining Commons at noon. Students are dismissed after lunch on Friday.

Bridges Grades 7th – 11th Friday August 15th Our Upper School Students spend one day on campus with our Student Leadership doing different activities and becoming acquainted with the school. Parents and students are invited to meet the Division Directors and Student helpers for light breakfast and question and answer time. Students in Upper School Bridges are dismissed at 1 pm after lunch.


Jill Swisher Muti Head of School MutiJ@AshleyHall.org 843.720.2858

Dana Van Hook

Lois Ruggiero

Director of Ross Early Education Center

Director of Lower School





Cheryl Highfield

Betsey Howland

Diane Chancey

Ross Early Education Center

Lower School

Intermediate School

Administrative Assistant

Administrative Assistant

Administrative Assistant








Catherine Neel Director of Intermediate School NeelC@AshleyHall.org 843.720.2880

Mary Schweers

Debbie Vaughn

Kelly Wood

Director of Upper School

Upper School Administrative Assistant

Dean of Students







Sallie Vee Zervos

Franny Slay

Todd Christopher

School Nurse

Athletic Director

Performing Arts Director







Claire Monahan

Kristen Leinheiser

Sarah Evans

Web Manager

Director of Parent and Alumnae Relations

Director of Loyalty Fund








Important Security Procedures Carpool 1. During carpool the entry gates will be monitored by a member of the faculty or staff. These times are: (Students should not arrive before 7:15am. If there are scheduled practices or rehearsals, faculty members will make arrangements for drop-off accordingly.) a. Jenkins Hall, Rutledge Avenue: i. Morning carpool times 7:30am – 7:50am ii. Afternoon carpool times 3:15pm – 3:30pm b. Pardue Hall and Lane Hall, Smith Street: i. Morning carpool times: 7:15am – 8:05am ii. Afternoon carpool times 2:30pm – 3:30pm c. Ross Early Education Center: i. Morning carpool times: 7:30am – 8:15am ii. Half-day pickup 12:00pm -12: 15pm iii. Full day pick up 2:30pm - 3:00pm

During School Hours 2. ALL who arrive AFTER morning carpool will be required to enter campus through the Smith Street Pedestrian Gate (Gate 7*) or the Rutledge Avenue Pedestrian Gate. (gate 1*) 3. During school hours, ALL visitors to Ashley Hall’s campus push button at call box at either the Smith Street Pedestrian Gate or the Rutledge Avenue Pedestrian Gate 4. Both gates will be monitored during school hours from 7:30am- 4:00pm. 5. Once entering campus, ALL guests must sign in at either the McBee House reception desk or Pardue Hall Directors Office. 6. While on campus ALL visitors must wear the lanyard name tag issued to them upon sign-in and it must be returned upon sign-out.

After School 7. Visitors arriving after 3:30pm will still need to sign-in and sign-out and will receive a paw sticker. 8. After 3:30pm ALL visitors will enter and exit the Smith Street Pedestrian gate. 9. Visitors picking up students from Extended Day will sign-in at the Pardue Hall Director’s Office and sign-out with the extended day staff. ALL Extended Day students, grades EEC – 8 will need to be signed out.

10. The security code to ALL gates is changed periodically and only faculty and staff know this code. 11. After-hours, special events, public events and large parent meetings will be assessed for security and campus accessibility on an individual basis. *See map

1 2 3 6

Smith Street


4 5

Rutledge Avenue


ROSS EEC Pre-Primary: No uniform – Athletic Shoes daily Primary: No uniform – Athletic Shoes daily Pre-Kindergarten: Bottoms: Black Shorts or Trousers for boys or girls Ashley Hall Plaid Skirt, Skort or Jumper for girls Ashley Hall Sweatpants or purple Ashley Hall Short Tops:

Solid White “Peter Pan” Collar Shirt for girls White button-down shirt for boys Ashley Hall Polo (white, black, gray or purple) White Ashley Hall T-Shirt with paw print, long or short sleeve Gray Ashley Hall T-Shirt with paw print, long or short sleeve White Turtleneck Ashley Hall Sweatshirt


Athletic Shoes daily

PARDUE HALL Kindergarten through 4th Grade Bottoms: Ashley Hall Plaid Skirt, Skort or Jumper for girls Solid Black Ankle-length Leggings under Ashley Hall Plaid Skirt, Skort or Jumper (if desired) Ashley Hall Sweatpants under Ashley Hall Plaid Skirt or Jumper (if desired) Tops:

Combo: Socks: Shoes:

Ashley Hall Polo* (white, black, gray or purple), long or short sleeve Solid White “Peter Pan” Collar Shirt White Ashley Hall Turtleneck Black Ashley Hall Cardigan Ashley Hall Sweatshirt or Ashley Hall Fleece Ashley Hall Plaid Jumper w/ “Peter Pan” Collar Shirt Tights, Knee Socks or Ankle Socks in solid Black, White, Gray or Purple Athletic Shoes daily

*Each lower school student must own a white Ashley Hall Polo


5th Grade & 6th Grade Bottoms: Ashley Hall Plaid Skirt or Skort Solid Black Ankle-length Leggings under Ashley Hall Plaid Skirt, Skort or Jumper (if desired) Ashley Hall Sweatpants under Ashley Hall Plaid Skirt or Jumper (if desired) Tops:

Ashley Hall Polo (white, black, gray or purple), long or short sleeve White Ashley Hall Turtleneck Black Ashley Hall Cardigan Ashley Hall Sweatshirt or Ashley Hall Fleece

Combo: Ashley Hall Plaid Jumper w/ “Peter Pan” collar Shirt Socks: Tights, Knee Socks or Ankle Socks in solid Black, White, Gray or Purple Shoes: 5th Grade – Athletic shoes daily Shoes: 6th Grade - Closed toe, closed heel shoe (any color)

JENKINS HALL 7th Grade & 8th Grade Casual Days – Monday, Wednesday and Thursday Bottom: Solid Gray Ashley Hall Skirt (length is just above the knee) Solid Black Ankle-length Leggings under Skirt (if desired) Top:

Ashley Hall Polo (white, gray, black, purple), long or short sleeve Black Ashley Hall Cardigan Ashley Hall Sweatshirt Ashley Hall Fleece

Socks: Shoes:

Tights, Knee Socks or Ankle Socks in solid Black, White, Gray or Purple Closed toe, closed heel shoe (any color)

Dress Days –Tuesday and Friday Bottom: Ashley Hall Plaid Skirt (length is just above the knee) Top:

Oxford Style Button-Down Collar Shirt (white), long or short sleeve Black Ashley Hall Cardigan

Socks: Shoes:

Tights, Knee Socks or Ankle Socks in solid Black, White, Gray or Purple Closed toe, closed heel shoe (purple or black) – not athletic

*The Ashley Hall Crew Neck Sweater is an option every weekday. *The Purple Pin Cord Skirt is a SEASONAL option for every weekday.

9th – 12th Grade


Casual Days – Monday, Wednesday and Thursday Bottom: Solid Gray Ashley Hall Skirt (length is just above the knee) Solid Black Ankle-length Leggings under Skirt (if desired) Top:

Ashley Hall Polo (white, gray, black, purple), long or short sleeve Black Ashley Hall Cardigan Ashley Hall Sweatshirt Ashley Hall Fleece

Socks: Shoes:

Tights, Knee Socks or Ankle Socks in solid Black, White, Gray or Purple Closed toe, closed heel shoe (any color)

*Seniors may wear open toe sandals with a back strap 9th – 12th Grade Dress Days – Tuesday and Friday Bottom: McBee Plaid Skirt (length is just above the knee) Bottom: Purple Pin Cord Skirt (length is just above the knee) Top: Socks: Shoes:

Oxford Style Button-Down Collar Shirt (white), long or short sleeve Ashley Hall Blazer (seniors attach the school crest to the pocket) Tights, Knee Socks or Ankle Socks in solid Black, White, Gray or Purple Closed toe, closed heel shoe (purple or black) – not athletic

*The Ashley Hall Crew Neck Sweater is an option every weekday. *The Purple Pin Cord Skirt is a SEASONAL option for every weekday. Students enrolled in Physical Education must dress out. Physical Education uniform is any Ashley Hall T-shirt or AH sweatshirt and any Ashley Hall short or AH sweatpants, and athletic shoes.

Purchase Information All uniform items, except leggings, are available at Educational Outfitters, located in Mt. Pleasant at Wando Crossing Shopping Center – 1485 N. Highway 17 (849-2657 or www.educationaloutfitters.com). You may also purchase many uniform items Land’s End at www.landsend.com/school or 1-800-469-2222. Our preferred school number is 900126053. Solid black leggings and the Oxford Style button down collar shirt may be purchased from the retailer of your choice.

- 16 -

Summer Days are Fun Days at Ashley Hall!

Looking for a day camp for your child this summer or know a friend who is? Ashley Hall offers seven fun-filled weeks of day camp, with each week offering a wide variety of activities including access to our indoor pool. You can register your child for one, two, or more weeks at Ashley Hall!

For more than 37 years, Ashley Hall’s Day Camp has offered a wide variety of fun, interesting and challenging, age-appropriate activities in a safe and nurturing environment. We provide opportunities to explore, be creative and develop new skills all while interacting with peers. Our day camp is open to 3 year olds to rising 4th graders , both Ashley Hall students and those from other schools. While boys may attend the Early Education Center, all remaining programs are designed specially for and therefore limited to girls only. Your camper's day begins at 8:45am with our group morning circle. We balance structured, theme-related projects and classic camp activities and crafts with supervised free play time. Hot lunch in our Dining Commons and a morning snack are included. All weekly sessions are full days that end at 3:30pm. While afternoon pick-up is from 3:30 to 4:00, you are welcome to extend your camper’s day until 5:30pm for a small fee of $35 per week. We also offer early morning drop-off beginning at 7:45am at no extra charge. All campers receive one camp tee. Additional tees are available for purchase. We realize that choosing a summer program is an important family decision. Please feel free to contact us at any time with any questions. Once again, welcome to the Ashley Hall family!

Rebecca Stone-Danahy and Dee Dee Smith Ashley Hall Summer Program Coordinators

Go to www.ashleyhall.org/summer.php to register for any of our summer programs. -17-

2014 Day Camp Session Dates and Themes:   

   

June 16-20: Around the World June 23-27: Holidays are Fun Days June 30-July 3: America the Beautiful (Closed Friday, July 4) July 7-11: Water, Water, Everywhere July 14-18: Symphony of the Five Senses July 21-25: Artist & Artisans July 28-August 1: Charleston Kids

Athletic Summer Programs

Panther Volleyball Camp Learn from the Best!

Panther Shooting Camp Beginning of a Shooting Star!

Campers will learn fundamental skills such as proper serving, passing, setting and hitting techniques. Offensive and defensive strategies introduced.

Campers will learn the fundamentals of shooting. Instruction will begin with the proper form, then work toward shooting off the pass and off the dribble. Position shooting incorporated as well.

Two sessions: June 9th – 13th June 23rd – 27th

One session: June 16th – 19th (Monday – Thursday)

Rising 7th and 8th Grades: 10am - 12pm Rising 4th, 5th and 6th Grades: 2pm - 4pm

Rising 7th and 8th Grades: 10am - 12pm Rising 4th, 5th and 6th Grades: 2pm - 4pm

Fees: $150 per session Instructor: Franny Slay 29 years coaching at Ashley Hall

Fees: $150 per session Instructor: Jodie Runner 4 years at Ashley Hall; 20+ yrs of combined college playing and coaching experience.

Both Volleyball & Basketball sessions offered with age-appropriate instruction for all. Go to www.ashleyhall.org/summer.php to register for any of our summer programs. -18-

The Extended Day Program at Ashley Hall for our Elementary and Intermediate school girls is a vital part of our school community. We are student-oriented, available from the end of your daughter’s school day until 6:00 p.m. Your daughter will be provided with a relaxed, comfortable, and safe environment. Nutritious snacks, supervised homework, and recreational time are all part of each afternoon. A variety of games, arts and crafts, celebrations and an occasional field trip make Extended Day the perfect option. Whether your daughter attends on a regular basis or as a drop-in when the need arises, the time spent with her fellow classmates will be enjoyable. The program’s home base is Pierce Hall. With numerous tables and open areas, the space lends itself to both grade separation and individual attention. The closeness of the courtyard, the Bear Cave and the lawn makes this location a perfect fit for us!

FAQ’s Do I have to preregister? No. If your daughter will attend Extended Day regularly, please put it in writing to her homeroom teacher. If you need the service on a drop-in or in case of emergency, let us know as soon as possible. Same day drop-in is available. However, we cannot guarantee all parties can get messages after 2:00 p.m. You may call the Lower School office , at 720-2876, to leave a message. What are the hours and how much does it cost? Extended Day begins at the first dismissal bell and runs until 6:00 every scheduled school day. The business office will bill you $12 /day the following month for the days your daughter attends.

How do the girls get to Extended Day? Lower School girls gather in the breezeway in Pardue Hall and one of the Extended Day staff will escort them to Pierce Hall. The Intermediate School girls walk over themselves at dismissal. What is the pick-up procedure? After signing in at the Lower School office, you will need to come over to Pierce Hall and sign your daughter out. What happens if I’m late? Ashley Hall’s Extended Day program officially ends at 6:00 pm. Of course, we will stay with your daughter until you arrive. After 6:00 p.m., a $15 late fee will be added at 15 minute intervals.

Please always feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Dee Dee Smith - smithd@ashleyhall.org 965-8452 (office) 817-3270 (cell)


Carolina String Academy at Ashley Hall The string academy offers private instruction coupled with group instruction/experience, chamber music electives and performance opportunities for students of all levels. Beginning Curriculum The beginning curriculum is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of string playing and cultivate interest in the music learning process. Students in this program have performance opportunities through performance classes, group classes, recitals and concerts. The strings faculty recognizes the importance of parent involvement, especially during the first four years of study and offers parent education classes throughout the year to help parents become actively involved in their child’s music education. Through creative playing activities, music theory, and ear training, students sharpen their aural, visual, and tactile senses allowing them to assess their own playing and that of their peers. This modified Suzuki program allows students of all ages and abilities to progress at their own pace in a healthy competitive environment. The Ashley Hall strings program encourages character development, improves focus skills, and helps build self-esteem as students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to become proficient amateur musicians. Practice progress is documented on a weekly basis and instructors hold students to a high standard of excellence whether preparing for a solo or ensemble performance. Our instructors are highly qualified professionals with extensive pedagogical training and early childhood education experience. Beginning instruction is in a group setting where fundamental skills and techniques are developed. Intermediate instruction consists of both private lessons and continuing group instruction. At this level, students receive both a private lesson, scheduled on an individual basis, and a group class on a weekly basis. Parents of students under the age of 9 are required to attend a minimum of one private lesson a month. It is preferable and most beneficial for parents to attend more lessons if possible. The performance arena is a building block for a student’s music growth. Every student will have the opportunity to play on solo recitals as well as violin, viola and cello group concerts during the year. Beginning Violin and Cello Beginning Violin Class - Mondays, 3:30-4:30 Beginning Cello Class - Mondays, 3:30-4:30 These classes are open to beginning students and will emphasize fundamentals and beginning music theory. Students must also take a private lesson. Continuing Strings Instruction, Level 1 & 2 Continuing students must attend a weekly group instruction class, consisting of ensemble playing, ear training and music theory, in addition to taking a weekly private lesson. Violin Level 1A – Private Lessons (individually scheduled) Violin and Music Theory Group Class -Thursday 3:15-4:30pm This class is for students who are currently in the first half of Suzuki Book I. (Twinkle variations through May Song). -20-

Violin Level 1B – Private Lessons (individually scheduled) Violin and Music Theory Group Class -Thursday 3:15-4:45pm This violin class is for students who are currently in the second half of Suzuki Book I. (Long, Long Ago through Gossec Gavotte). Violin Level 2 – Private Lessons (individually scheduled) Lower School String Ensemble – Thursday 3:15-4:45 This violin class is for students currently in Suzuki Book II or above who are reading music. Violin Level 2 – Private Lessons (individually scheduled) Strings Instruction, Level 3 Students register for a curricular strings class elective in addition to a weekly private lesson. th th Elective: 5 /6 Grade String Class Elective: th th 7 /8 Grade Chamber Music Class Elective: th th 9 -12 Grade Chamber Music Class Faculty Student Chamber Orchestra (By audition, meets afterschool or evening once a week) Adult Beginning Violin and Cello Group Classes These classes are open to adults who wish to learn to play the violin or cello in a group setting. Adult Beginning Violin Group Class Adult Beginning Cello Group Class Academy Registration and Fees Fees are based on a 14 week semester. Grades 1-4: Required after-school group class & 40 min. private lesson: $798 per semester. Grades 5-12: Curricular strings or chamber music class plus weekly private lesson: 30 min. lesson - $510; 40 min. lesson- $673; 45 min. lesson - $755; 60 min. lesson - $1000 On-Line Registration for all Applied Lesson Programs (Violin, Viola, Cello, Piano) will begin at the end of May. For more information contact: Tiffany Rice – ricet@ashleyhall.org Todd Christopher – christophert@ashleyhall.org 843-720-2870 Faculty Violin: Tiffany Rice, Mary Taylor, Ben Weiss, Jenny Weiss, Frances Hsieh Viola: Ben Weiss Cello: Aubrey Gray, Damian Kremer Piano: Anna Brock, Elsa Dixon Chorus: Robin Garner


Ashley Hall Athletics FALL SPORTS: Please note that most fall sports begin the week of Aug 4. Participation in any sport at this level requires commitment in order to succeed. If your daughter cannot attend all practices and games please reconsider playing this year. All teams will practice daily until school begins, unless otherwise noted by the coach. JV and Varsity Swimming Coach: Jean Bartlett Coach: Maggie Laney

(Grades 6-12) bartlettj@ashleyhall.org laneym@ashleyhalll.org

JV and Varsity Sailing Coach: Tim Fitzgerald

(Grades 7-12)

JV and Varsity Tennis Head Coach: Mary Gastley

(Grades 6-12) gastleym@ashleyhall.org

Varsity Cross Country Head Coach: Gail Bailey

(Grades 6-12) baileyg@ashleyhall.org

JV and Varsity Volleyball Coach: Franny Slay

(Grades 9-12) slayf@ashleyhall.org


Bantam Volleyball (Grades 6-8) Contact: Franny Slay slayf@ashleyhall.org th **6 grade tryouts will begin August 11** Varsity Golf Contact: Teresa Dynjan Equestrian Team Contact: Heidi Ravenel

(Grades 6-12)


(Grades 7-12)


WINTER SPORTS: (Summer Camps and Workouts will take place) Bantam Basketball Contact: Jodie Runner

(Grades 5-8) runnerj@ashleyhall.org

JV and Varsity Basketball Contact: Jodie Runner

(Grades 8-12) runnerj@ashleyhall.org

SPRING SPORTS: Varsity Track Contact: Gail Bailey

(Grades 6-12) baileyg@ashleyhall.org

JV and Varsity Soccer Contact: Marc Simpson

(Grades 6-12) simpsonm@ashleyhall.org

Bantam Tennis Contact: Mary Gastley

(Grades 4-8) gastleym@ashleyhall.org

Lacrosse: Contact: Kristen Callahan

(Grades 7-12) Ashleyhalllacrosse@gmail.com

JV and Varsity Sailing Coach: same as above

(Grades 7-12)

Equestrian Contact: same as above

(Grades 7-12)

Special Note: South Carolina Independent School Medical and Release Forms must be turned in to the athletic department before the first day of practice. These can be found on our website at: www.ashleyhall.org

Athletic Dates for 2014-15

First Day of the Fall Season – August 4  Fall teams will be participating in tournaments every weekend, beginning August 16 and ending October 25.  All JV and Varsity teams practice 5 days a week unless otherwise noted.  Individual sports schedules will be posted online soon. State Championship dates for the year (Teams must make it through playoffs but we must save the dates) Fall Sports Championships  Sailing Sept. 6 or 13  Swimming Oct. 4 or 11  Tennis Oct. 17 and 18  Volleyball Oct. 21  Cross Country Oct. 25  Golf Oct. 27 Winter Sports  First basketball practice date: Nov. 3  Basketball Playoffs and Championship : Feb. 20-28

Spring Sports  First practice date  Track  Soccer  Lacrosse

Jan. 19 May 2 Playoffs and Championship: May 4-9 currently no playoffs available

Yearlong sports Meets and Shows throughout the Fall and Spring. Schedules are not available yet.  Equestrian  Sailing

Ashley Hall School Foreign Language Policy for New Incoming Students in the Upper School (7th – 12th Grade) Welcome to Ashley Hall! The language program at Ashley Hall is a unique and communicative experience. We offer French, Spanish, Classics (Latin/Greek), and Chinese. The French and Spanish classes are based on the ACTFL (The American Council of Teaching a Foreign Language) scale. We focus on speaking and what a student can “DO” with the language. Our goal is for the girls who graduate from Ashley Hall to be orally proficient in a second language. This means that if they were “dropped” in the middle of a Spanish or French speaking country, they would be able to function at a high speaking level and feel comfortable visiting or living in that country. Our French program begins in the EEC, whereas the Spanish program begins in the 5th grade. The Classics program has been part of Ashley Hall from the start. Students learn Latin and Greek grammar, English derivatives from these languages, and the history, literature, and mythology of the ancient world. The Chinese program is fairly new and is available for select upper school students as an elective. The students will get a good foundation of the language and learn about the history and culture of the language. This policy is a guide to help all new incoming students in the upper school find the correct language class for each individual, thus ensuring the student has a wonderful language experience at Ashley Hall. If you are a new incoming student in the 7th – 10th grade and you have never taken a language before: -



We highly recommend these students enroll in Classics or Spanish in order to start fulfilling their language requirement. We do not recommend taking French because most of the girls in the Upper School have been taking French for more than 8 years, and it would be virtually impossible to integrate into a French class and be successful and happy. We want you to be happy and love languages! If you choose to take Spanish, you will need to be enrolled in Rosetta Stone Support over the summer, and then take a Spanish Placement test in order to determine if you will be placed in a classroom, and/or continue with Rosetta Stone. (In order to best support our students, we offer Rosetta Stone Support for free at Ashley Hall to best serve our students on an as-needed basis. More about Rosetta Stone at the end of this document.) All new entering 7th grade students must enroll in Classics 1A



All new entering 8th grade students must enroll in Classics 1 If you are in 9th or 10th grade, you may simply enroll in Classics 1, and fulfill you language requirement by completing 3 years of study. If you so choose, you may take 2 language courses together (Spanish and Classics, or Spanish and Chinese, or Classics and Chinese).

If you are a new incoming student in the 11th or 12th grade and you have never taken a language before: -

If it applies to you, we assess each student on an individual basis and determine what the best course of action will be for her. Please contact the head of the language department at vandyckm@ashleyhall.org if this applies to you.

If you are a new incoming student in the 7th – 12th grade and you would like to continue studying the language you have been studying at your previous school (French or Spanish): -


You must take a Spanish or French placement test. All the directions and necessary information you will need are written on the placement test; you simply need to request one from the registrar at vaughnd@ashleyhall.org or the head of the language department at vandyckm@ashleyhall.org. Please make sure you specify if you need the French or Spanish placement test in the subject. All new entering 7th grade students must enroll in Classics 1A, even if you are taking French or Spanish. All new entering 8th grade students must enroll in Classics 1, even if you are taking French or Spanish. Students entering in the 9th – 12th grade may enroll in Classics, and select students may enroll in Chinese if you so choose. o Please be aware that you must complete at least 3 upper school levels of the same foreign language in order to graduate from Ashley Hall. If you are using French or Spanish as your language requirement, you must complete the language courses through Intermediate 3. If you are taking Classics as your language requirement you must complete the courses through Classics 3. Chinese is considered an elective and does not fulfill the language requirement. o If you are a rising 11th or 12th grader, this means you may not choose Classics 1 as your only language, because you will not finish the required 3 levels in order to graduate, but you may take Classics as an elective. You must take the French or Spanish Placement Test (whichever one applies to you) and be placed in one of those classes.


If you are a new incoming international student: -

All new incoming international students must enroll in ESL (English as a Second Language). ESL fulfills the language requirement at Ashley Hall. You may take another foreign language if you would like. This will be determined on an individual basis. In order to be eligible to take a foreign language (not ESL), you must contact the head of the language department at vandyckm@ashleyhall.org.


Rosetta Stone at Ashley Hall We are very fortunate to be able to offer Rosetta Stone Support to our students for free! Rosetta Stone is a step by step interactive software that helps you learn a language the same way you learned your native language. It is an immersion program that is completely in the target language and helps you learn the language from the beginning. Offered to approved students, with Rosetta Stone you will build a foundation of fundamental vocabulary and essential language structure to gain confidence and master basic skills and conversation. Rosetta Stone connects meaning and language through images, builds grammatically correct structures, and allows the learner to sort out meaning and grammar herself with sound and visual cues. There are 2 categories you may fall under if you are to be a candidate for our Rosetta Stone program. The first category is for students who are using Rosetta Stone for foreign language support, and the second is for students who are doing specific levels of Rosetta Stone for credit in order to be placed in a certain class. This is known as Distance Learning (DL) Rosetta Stone for foreign language support: Rosetta Stone can help you feel more confident and comfortable in the foreign language classroom. It is a wonderful online tool that you can take anywhere you go, and work whenever you find the time. It is an independent program, and it is up to you to do as much of the program as possible in order to get the language support you need. We offer Rosetta Stone for language support on an individual as-needed basis. Note: Although Rosetta Stone is one option for foreign language support, if needed, it is up to the individual student to seek out other options that are not provided at Ashley Hall, including personal tutors, local summer programs, etc. Rosetta Stone for Credit (Distance Learning): If you are eligible to be enrolled into Rosetta Stone for credit, you will be given a specific time frame in order to complete the required levels for the credit. It is important to understand that these levels must be completed independently, and by the dates required, in order to be eligible for credit. There is a specific contract that each student must review and sign in order to be enrolled in Rosetta Stone for credit. Eligibility for enrollment in Distance Learning is determined on an individual basis.


Dear Ashley Hall New Parents, We are so excited to have you and your family as part of the Ashley Hall community! This is one of the best decisions you can make for your child(ren). Independent schools depend upon four main sources of revenue: tuition, annual fund gifts, capital gifts and endowment gifts. Ashley Hall is no different, and because tuition covers only a percentage of the true cost of educating an Ashley Hall student, we ask that parents make an annual philanthropic contribution to the school’s annual fundraising campaign, the Loyalty Fund. Whether you want to become a member of The 1909 Society, Ashley Hall’s leadership giving group, or choose to make a gift of any size to the Loyalty Fund, Ashley Hall is truly appreciative of the support of its parent body. Each dollar given to the annual fund goes directly to enhance each and every child’s experience. Parent participation is equally important as the size of your gift which is a personal choice. High participation by parents in an independent school’s annual giving program is the school community’s indicator of the strength and belief in the importance of its mission. Every gift matters. Outside of their basic needs, the most important things we give our children are a good education and solid values. Your support of Ashley Hall only enhances this most vital asset. It is a gift that continues to give from generation to generation, for as our students and alumnae live their lives of worth and build upon this culture of philanthropy, they continue the legacy of your gift! We hope you will join other parents at Ashley Hall by making a charitable gift and enhancing this culture of philanthropy which is alive on the Ashley Hall campus, and thanks to you, manifests in your homes and community as well. Thank you in advance for your support of Ashley Hall! Sincerely, Sarah Evans Director of the Loyalty Fund and Donor Relations -29-

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