This paper focuses on a domestic ritual of
culture. So, I chose “Pulluvan pattu” and
Kerala (South India) known as “Pulluvan
the way it is been utilized in the
pattu”, not just as a temple art alone, but as
a medium through which people used to communicate to Gods for their well being
Know the ritual
and protection of their household. There
Pulluvan pattu is also known as ‘Sarppam
are so many elements embedded in this
pattu’, ‘Nagam pattu’ or ‘Sarpolsavam’.
system to make possible the desired
This ritual is performed by a low caste
communication. These elements of the
community (Hindu), the Pulluvar (‘Pullu’
ritual are used in an extremely different
means ‘bird of omen’), who is in charge of
the cult of snake deities, naga or sarppam.
‘communication’ - through advertising a
So they are known as ‘sarppampattikal’ or
product for its sales promotion. This
‘Nagampattikal’(people who sings snake-
analysis is done on the basis of a recently
songs). The majority of them are of this
released TV commercial of Asian Paints
group. Within this community there are
targeting their consumers in Kerala. Here,
many sub-divisions. There are Pulluvars
in this ritual, a culture communicates to
who do not belong to this division. They
itself through a collection of signs creating
are called ‘Prethampattikal’(people who
a system for its own. These signs and their
sings ghost-songs).
significance are being studied in this paper to understand the system in depth as well
In Kerala, it is believed that ‘Pullu’ is a
as to know the layers of meanings which
bird which signifies ‘good omen’. The
are being transformed from context to
community’s name itself is ‘Pulluvar’,
which connotes that they are a medium to bring good omen. Through the ritual
When I came across a new advertisement
performed by them- ‘Pulluvan pattu’-
campaign of Asian Paints released in
luck, blessings, and auspiciousness is
Kerala, which was on a ritual based theme.
invited to the house by taking away all the
So I was interested in analysing it and to
negative aspects existing there.
application on a commercial. Since I
Art of Pulluvar is expressed in the
belong to Kerala, I was interested in
background of ghost worship and snake
working with a subject from my own
worship. 1
community do this ritual as their hereditary
profession and the knowledge about this
complements each other to give the
ritual is transferred from one generation to
outcome. The ritual is a group of songs
the other.
sung by the Pulluvan (who is a male member of the community) and Pulluvathi
The presiding deity is the snake god.
(the female member). The songs sung by
Pulluvar perform certain ‘pooja’ adoration
the Pulluvar are concerned with worship,
and the pulluvar sings the ritualistic folk
custom, ritual, and exorcism. Even if the
music “Pulluvan pattu”. The snake deities
contents of the songs are the same, it
tune. But the rhythm remains constant for
every song.
‘erinagam’, ‘karinagam’, ‘kuzhinaagam’, ‘paranagam’,
language they use for delivering the song
is Pure Malayalam (Malayalam which
like ‘pulluvan veena’ (a one stringed
does not have any influence of the other
violin) and ‘pulluvan kudam’ (earthenware
languages such as Sanskrit and Tamil).
pot with on string attached to it),
Pulluvars use certain musical instruments
sometimes there will be someone to assist These musicians work for upper caste
them with another instrument that is
families and provide several kinds of
‘elathalam’ (bell-metal cymbals). These
rituals and musical services during special
instruments are made by the Pulluvar
occasions, in order to cure sins, get rid of
themselves. The Veena is made out of a
naga curses and to keep misfortune away.
hollow bamboo stick, wood shell and
The aim of Pulluvan’s activities is to
vegetal or brass wire. The Veena is played
maintain the fertility and the prosperity of
with a small arrow made out of a piece of
the landowners through the worship of
bamboo. The Kudam is made of a pot on
family snake deities. And they will be
whose bottom a hole is bored with calf
rewarded with some offerings by the
skin attached to the hole. Two small holes
family for conducting this ritual. Other
are made on the side where the skin is
than in houses, it is also performed in
attached, and a string is tied to it. The
snake grooves and snake temples.
other end of the string is tied to the end of a long stick. On the side where the string is
Pulluvan pattu is a combination of two
attached to the stick is placed a small splint 2
to elevate the stick. In order to restrict the
When the pulluvar sings the song a young
movement of the stick, the other end is
woman, the ‘kanyaka’ (virgin) of the
stamped down by the foot (big toe) of the
family should sit in the kalam holding a
player. The string is called ‘theru’.
‘poomkula’ (male flower of coconut tree)
Usually, the male member plays the
in her hand. It is believed that the girl goes
pulluvan veena and female member plays
into a trance and starts erasing the Kalam
the pulluvan kudam.
by dancing in the seated position itself, beating the flower on the floor.
called thullal’
(dancing of snake). The term ‘sarppam thullal’ literally
presence of the snake god during the ritual. By erasing of the ‘kalam’, it denotes the
The rituals are conducted by the pulluvar
progression of the ritual along with the
around a decorated kalam (which is known
music and it connotes the presence of the
as ‘paambum kalam’). So the ritual is also
snake gods. And it signifies that the
known as ‘kalamezhuthu pattu’, literally
negative aspects are wiped off from the
“song and writing of kalam”. The kalam
household by their presence.
“area” or “space” is a drawing on the floor made of colours and powders. It represents
the deities invoked in complex interlaces
as a privileged means to call the deities or
which are several metres large. Here the
kalam is said to be “written” not drawn
drawing is always accompanied with
because it is meant to be read, through the
music, both instrumental and vocal. The
song- Pulluvan pattu. Kalam is the sign,
songs, ‘pattu’, usually narrate the origins
which attains its meaning when it is being read.
Focus of the whole ritual action, it is used
of the deities and their acts. They comment
It connotes that the song is
also upon the ritual actions which are
interlinked with the kalam and vice versa
performed simultaneously, for instance the
to provide a single solution.
details of offerings, prayers and the attitude of the audience. 3
they choose different possibilities of 4
musical elements (tunes, lyrics). This
variation happens from performance to
Aripodi (Rice flour)
performance depending on the reason for
what they perform it. And this is decided
(made the
by the Pulluvar themselves by analysing
the problems or needs of the people to
whom it is performed for. Here it is
Nenmenivaka (a type of
evident that the ritual is a specific
tree) leaves dried and
communication medium.
grounded. Red
Pulluvan’s search for variation, both in
thing that is used while
music and kalam, refers to the ritual action
having betel. A sort of
as a whole. Since, variety leads to beauty.
lime.) and turmeric mix.
In this context, the variation of music and drawing guarantees the ritual symbolic
The content of the snake kalam is the
efficacy. If the kalam changes from a ritual
same, but the pulluvan is drawing it in
to another, the deities will be pleased and
different forms, ‘rupam’. This is the same
the ritual will be successful. The search for
in case of the song, the content is always
“beauty” is embedded in the ritual
the same, but the tune changes. The picture
necessarily to please the deities. Here,
of snakes in the kalam usually denotes the
aesthetics and ritual efficacy proceed from
category of kalam. The number of the
the same intention. The offerings given
snakes may vary according to the issues of
through the beauty of the kalam and the
the people to whom the ritual is done. It is
songs; the complexity of the picture made
problem specific. They use different visual
has a direct relationship. In the same
elements (colours, form of motives) just as
manner, the patrons of upper castes 4
families are really sensitive to the beauty
the supreme place of worship of the
of the music and images. They usually
Serpent Gods is associated with “Lord
select the “best” Pulluvan for his skills
Parasurama”, the creator of Kerala. The
both in song and drawing.
presiding deities of this temple are believed to be having miraculous powers.
[Sample Song: says about Lord Brahma and
The major deities are ‘Nagaraja’ and
the creation of the world.
‘Nagayakshi’. The deities are installed in
“Start the wonderful creation of the world,
‘Chithrakudas’, there are so many rituals
It is like a dream world,
concerning this. The serpent deities that
Bhrahma devan is completely engrossed in it.”
are brought over through invocation are
– These are the lines being repeated in this
installed in Chithrakudam and propitiated
part of the song.
with special poojas. Rows of Chithrakudas
(ref CD video: pulluvan pattu_01)]
installed in this way can be seen in the jungle to the northwest of the temple. And
The ritual: Association with the Temple
in the ‘Sanctum Sanctorum’ the images
Serpent is worshiped in many temples of
both deities exists. On certain days a
Kerala. They are Mannarasala, Vetticode,
special pattern of pooja is carried on,
Kannanoor Devi Temple, Paambu Mekkat,
inside the sanctum sanctorum.
Thrippara Temple and Ametamangalam. Perasseri Temple is the ancient temples in
The ‘Ayilyam’ day in ‘Tulam’(Oct-Nov),
Kannur district.
‘Kanni’(Sept-Oct) and ‘Kumbham’(JanFeb) months in the Malayalam calendar
Considering the case of Mannarasala Sree
and the Mahasivarathri are celebrated here
Nagaraja Temple (Aleppy):
with great pomp. The Ayilyam in Kanni is
One of the most famous serpent temple in
the birthday of Nagaraja and that in
Kerala. The evolution of Mannarasala as
Kumbham is the birthday of Anantha, the
Muthassan of Nilavara (cellar). The most
celebrated festival at Mannarassala is the
pray to the God for his blessings. Offering
Ayilyam of Thulam.
includes a bronze Uruli (a kind of vessel)
The couple should come to the temple and
that can be used to cook at least a score of There are so many Poojas carried on in the
rice, a Nilavilakku (bronze lamp), garland
etc. In the presence of the temple
Nilavara(Cellar), Deeparadhana, Sarppam
authorities, the couples should offer the
Uruli with its mouth upwards in front of
the Nagaraja shrine after three rounds to
Kavumattam and Sarpabali. The main
the temple with due prayers. An offering
Pooja is Pulluvan pattu which is done in
have to be given to Sarpayakshi as well.
front of the Chithrakudam. It is done
After Pooja, the Uruli will be taken to the
elaborately with kalam and pooja only
Nilavara and it will be kept there with its
during the special days of festivals.
mouth downward, which will be opened
Otherwise, it is done only once in a week,
only after the couples get a child. Expenses
on Thursdays. The ritual is done in a
for this offering are charted in a way to
simplified form – the pulluvar will sing the
offer at least two Kadali fruits every day to
song for the people who visits the temple
Nagaraja, for about one year.
and receives a ‘dakshina’(offering) usually money.
Once the couples are blessed with child, they should come to the temple with the
‘Uruli Kamazhthu’ in Nilavara is one of
child for prayers. They should submit
the most popular devotees offering in
either silver cradle or a miniature baby in
gold or a miniature divine serpent in gold
children to couples, thousands of people
to the Nagaraja, in accordance to their
come here to carry out this sacred and rare
financial abilities. Then after due prayers,
offering to Nagaraja.
Uruli kept in the Nilavara will be opened.
According to temple sources, there are
Other major offerings:
certain strict rituals to be followed for this
For wealth and prosperity: A pot
offering. It is advisable only for married
filled with gold or a gold pot filled
couples who have not been able to have
with other things.
children for years, since their marriage. 6
For education, prosperity and fame:
of any ‘food’ which is the basic factor of
Silk grains, divine ornaments.
health; for ‘protection from poison’ –
For recovering health: Salt
‘Turmeric’ symbolizes ‘a medicine against
poison’, since turmeric has a medicinal
value which acts against poison; for
Turmeric •
‘serpent cave’, like the serpent protects it’s
mustard, green peas etc. •
eggs in the serpent cave.
Serpent cave made of gold etc., images of serpents' eggs, tree, earth
The Conceptual Wires
Recently a TV Commercial was released
For long life: Melted butter (ghee)
in Kerala by ‘Asian Paints’ to promote
For getting whatever one wants:
their ‘Exterior Weather Coat Paints’. The
Milk, ripe kadali fruit, nilavara
advertisement targets a specific consumer
group. It has a regional based theme,
For having child: A vessel named
Pulluvan pattu – a ritualistic art form of
Uruli made of brass, bronze etc. for
performing 'Nurum Palum'. [ref (CD) video file name: Asian Paints Malayalam ad – Pulluvan pattu]
All these offerings are symbolical. In the offering of Uruli Kamazhthu, the vessel is held in a position with its mouth upwards
Kerala has emerged as a top market for
when the devotee prays and then hands it
exterior emulsion paints. As Kerala is a
over. It denotes that since the vessel is
region having heavy rainfall, emulsion
empty it should be filled. Here the prayer
paints acts as fungus resistant thus it leads
is for a child, so it connotes they should be
to the heavy demand for exterior emulsion
blessed by the Gods with a child, filling
paint in the state. The segment is very
the emptiness of their life.
competitive. So it is necessary to grab the market’s attention through presenting a commercial which is close to their life.
In case of the offering done for ‘wealth and prosperity’ – ‘Gold’ symbolizes wealth; for ‘recovering health’ – ‘Salt’
Asian paints constantly brings the regional
symbolizes health, salt is the core of taste
and cultural essence of Kerala through 7
their TVCs. The series had started with the
The major factors in these two
theme of ‘Kadha prasangam’. Then Asian
Paints aired their TVC featured the poem
“protection”, of their house and
household. The product (the paint)
Nambiar’ (Ottamthullal). Third series was
is meant to provide protection to
featuring Kerala boat race. And recently
the house from the vagaries of
the ritualistic art form, ‘Pulluvan pattu’.
weather (bad weather, heat, heavy
This new TVC also communicates about
rain, etc). On the other hand, the
'Saundarya samraksha' a free Information
ritual for the household from
catalogue with the purchase of the product.
curses, problems, sorrows, etc.
Lyrics of the commercial’s song:
First of all the consumers should have a “faith” in the product. In the
Pulluvar sings:
commercial the paint is used by a
The house is so colourful and bright; let it
household showing their faith in
be protected like this forever....
the product. Same way, the ritual also demands - faith for the accomplishment of the prayers.
Painter sings: •
Painter is singing...
The Pulluvar are said to be invited
There are big and small tricks to get rid of
to the house for performing the
the fungus and algae...
ritual, to solve the problems in the
To keep up the beauty, let’s avoid
spiritual level. Here the painters are
invited to the house to paint the house for its protection, to solve the problems in the physical level.
Pulluvar sings: •
Let the status and prosperity of the
The vocal and instrumental music
households exist for ever without fading
in the commercial suited the theme
completely providing the mood of the
Only the
The commercial acts as a metaphor to the
modified but without losing the
actual ritual. There are so many elements
Pulluvan song’s essence. •
of the ritual which are derived from that
They propose a free catalogue with
actual context to this extremely different
some tips to avoid algae and fungi.
context. The elements are:
Along with the song of the 8
commercial proposing the tips, the
visual also accompanied it by
prosperity, etc. In the commercial,
showing various things to be done.
the elderly lady is portrayed as
This is same as what happens in the
“healthy”. The entire family as well
ritual. The content of the music and
as the painters in the advertisement
the visual (kalam) always used to
are shown as very happy and
complement each other.
energetic. Here the element of
The appearance is always an
“health” and “happiness” (attained
important factor. Here the ritual
as a result of the ritual) are derived
demands “beauty”, for pleasing the
to the family in the commercial,
snake Gods. To evoke the element
which creates a happy mood
among the audience as well.
makes •
variations in their design of the
The final shot, the house is shown
kalam and song. The range of
with the rice field in the front and
with the coconut trees at the back.
difference in each song matters. In
Paddy cultivation
the commercial, the message is
agriculture of Kerala. As seen in
conveyed that ‘the house will look
beautiful forever’ (commercial’s
‘Keralam’ which means ‘Land of
song) which connotes ‘by the use
Coconuts’. It shows the identity of
of their paint – because of its
the place. Along with this, the
quality and the range of shades
they provide’.
“abundance” and “productivity”
Snake gods signify “fertility” – In
which is being invited to the house.
being major
snake temples there is a special The elements derived from the context of
offering called ‘uruli kamizthal’. In
the ritual to the new context that is the
the commercial, they have shown a
commercial where these conceptual wires
small kid along with the other
are being criss-crossed, provides layers of
family members which derives the
meanings which are being transformed to
element of fertility from the ritual
promote the product.
to this new context. •
Through the ritual, the household is meant to get peace, happiness, 9
shades they provide for the target market
Idea of a proposed design:
to attract the consumers. TV Commercials are one of the effective communication medium for a product’s
Another factor which I would like to
mention is about the way they prioritized
advertisement targets a specific regional
the elements. The commercial gives the
group, taking up a theme from their culture
message ‘long lasting protection’ offered
itself to successfully communicate to them.
by the product but when visually portrayed
it lacked its importance. It could have In my opinion, there are a few things
showed how the paint acts against heat and
heavy rain fall. Instead of highlighting the
differently in this Commercial of Asian
messages from the catalogue (free with the
Paints. In Paint’s advertisement, usually
paint), how to avoid moisture to get rid of
the first thing a consumer looks is the
algae and fungus. Since that wasn’t the
quality and the variant shades offered by
prior message to be conveyed. The
the company suiting his preference. Here,
in this commercial, the factor of beauty is
effective if they could have explained
highlighted in the song of the commercial.
about the quality of their paint which
But visually it wasn’t that effective. They
makes them stand out from the other
could have shown the different choices of
3 ulluvan-pattu-songs-by-pulluvan.html
4 0.html f 15/11/2011 Variation and Interaction between Musical and Visual Components in a Kerala Ritual for Snake Deities by CHRISTINE GUILLEBAUD
Image resources: pg
Reference /ayilyam2009_13.jpg
Video: Suresh Babu live on indiavision.wmv LQ2fOw0&feature=player_embedded#! 4vU_o17D8I/AAAAAAAABUQ/dD4sS0 S2OE0/s320/DSC08193.JPG lappuzha/destinations/temples/sreenagaraja templemannarsala.htm rala/pilgrimages/mannarasala_temple.html
Other sources: Information from friends and the elderly
people in their families. Mannarasala Sree Nagaraja Temple.
Citation 1 f Variation and Interaction between Musical and Visual Components in a Kerala Ritual for Snake Deities by CHRISTINE GUILLEBAUD 2 _celebrations.php 11