April newsletter 2014

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April 2014

The Official Newsletter of Division 7&3

Vol. 1, Issue 3


A letter from your Lt. Governor..2

Tascosa and Randall’s Service Project..6 Member of the Month..7

Past LTG..3 DCON.. 8

Canyon’s Past/ Present..4



T-O peeps..10



BEESknees April 2014


“The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don't have.” -Woody Allen Hey guys!

will be stronger than ever and

I cant believe this is my last

every school will be attending

newsletter before I start my

DCON. Please please please

second term. My heart breaks to

contact me for any questions

see on the seniors leave, but I

you have regarding anything!

know you all have such bright

Love you all!!

futures and I’m glad Key Club was apart of your high school journey. Time flies! I’d like to thank you all for being so

In Him,

awesome (as always) for letting

Ashlyn Salvato

me visit your club, answering my

Lieutenant Governor

emails, attending my PCM, etc.

Key Club International

Keep up the hard work. Hopefully

Texas-Oklahoma District

this time next year our division [2]

A dolphin and I struggling through life


The lasting impact of an Lieutenant Governor IAN’S IMPACT ON KEY CLUB

Name: Ian Avila Age: 18 Position: Club President School: Randall HS Lesser Known Fact: Future Plans: Go to West Texas in the fall and major in musical theatre. Eventually move to New York City. Favorite Key Club memory: Attending DCON for the first time. Pet Peeve: Bad breathe Favorite color: Blue

Throughout Ian’s high school career he was consistently involved with Key Club. In the middle of his freshman year at Randall High School he was appointed Lieutenant Governor of Division 7 and 33. With little experience in Key Club, Ian was equipped with more knowledge from trainings and other former LTGs. His Division Project was called Baby Keys and benefitted March of Dimes.He continued to make a difference in schools across our area for 2 more years. During his term he was given the Robert F. Lucas Award, which is an extremely prestigious award. While deeply involved with theatre and band his senior year he decided to switch positions to club president. Division 7 and 33 were so blessed to have Ian represent us and improve all the clubs in our area. Thanks Ian for your commitment to Service hours Ian has Key Club!

NUMBERS given to Key Club

l Ian’s Farewellife. I have been a

ajor part of my brought me come such a m be s ha t and each has t key club is ub en cl id es Key Pr d an , rnor gs abou officer, Lt. Gove y favorite thin same thing, member, Class wonderful friends. One of m g love doin the always d ho w an le ht op lig pe de of ch su sorts s. I will iends with all so builds leader of a Lifetime, and getting to be fr e club but it al ic nd rv ke se ee a W is , ub ON ce is that Dallas: DC service. Key Cl let me experien trips I took to ub y Cl an ey m K t me e at th r th remembe ey Club also le teresting . Something in I went to ICON in Orlando. K am gs I tin g. ee tin M ci d ex ar Bo , which was yself when ld m or by W e is er an tt th pl t Po a ou With I flew on and Harry an registration. incredible Disney World e e at my freshm bl th be able to go to ta ve ub ha Cl or y ey K d the er I am toda ad le e that I could be th e so glad I visite ad gl m co so y life. I am ould have be m w of r ve st re ne for letting I e th ub cl easure for and everyone tr ch ill ea w k I ng an at th th I s memorie nization. I will be steppi wonderful orga a heavy heart a with ith it ch w g su in nd of A av t le y. ar ap rtable with ey Club stor fo K m ur co yo e et of t pl ar m h. me be ap t I feel co ay in touc ing Key Club, bu club so wonderful. Please st down and leav is th g in ak for m you all. Thanks

ice, Yours in Serv athew Avila Ian Joseph M


232 Number of DCONs Ian has attended

4 Number of members on Ian’s board


Key Club Legacy


by Josh Collins Canyon High School President

Josh Collins is Canyon High School’s President. He’s a senior and is attending the University of Texas in the fall.

Like most great things, it all began with pen and paper. An exchange of conversation. It began with the eternal stereotype of an upperclassman telling a lower class man what to do. It began with an idea, bright and shining, placed in the nervous head of a wandering freshman. Three and a half years ago, I grabbed a pen and a membership form and signed up for a club I was assured didn’t make keys. For the last two years, I have been the Key Club president at Canyon High. Now, four years, 250 hours of community service, at least a hundred general meetings, more than seventy-five officers meetings, and two district conventions later, I am finally graduating. Through these years, I have become increasingly confident and outgoing, I have met some amazing people, many of which became great friends, and I have learned what leadership and community service truly entail and how just a small group of people can make an incredible impact. And it’s all about to come to an end. So, I’m not writing this article to encourage anyone to join the club. After all, you’re already in it if you’re reading this. I am writing this article to encourage you, yes, YOU, to use the time you have left to make an impact on the community. To do something about something so time you’ve had at school isn’t forgotten and you don’t leave the school disappointed. Even if it’s something which leaves you infamous, like playing the song “Friday” or “Baby” over the intercom to raise money

“I joined Key Club because I’m a helper! I love being a part of my community by volunteering with other people who share the same interest.”

Kassi Price is Canyon High School’s Historian. She is a Junior and will be the president for the 2014-2015 school year. She owns 3 fat cats, talks in her sleep and loves chocolate chip pancakes.

for a fundraiser. Even if it means you are publicly and virtually ostracized for caring about your environment or a foreign country. Even if it’s something small, like keeping your campus clean, or just making Key Club enjoyable for other members, do something. You may not receive recognition or scholarships or public approval, but you will have stepped up to change something, which is more than the majority of the student body can stay. After all, Key Club is just as much about helping the community, country, and the world as it is helping members become their best possible self. Someone once said, “If you

“I joined Key Club because it gave me more opportunities to serve others and help out” — Hung Tran, Palo Duro President

— Marianna Robles, Caprock Vice President


can change one person’s life for the better, your life will be fulfilled.” That may be true, but why stop at one? Why stop at a thousand? Why stop? So, even after you graduate and move far away, don’t stop caring. Don’t stop giving. And, most importantly, don’t stop being your best possible self.

Division 7&33 FRIDAY, APRIL 18TH

Jason’s Deli ON 34TH


Social [5]

Tascosa & Randall Join Forces by Grant Potter, Tascosa Secretary •••

This past weekend Tascosa high school and Randall high school key clubs teamed up and ushered the Amarillo venom arena football game. Both schools were able to help everyone who had shown up to the game to support their teams. The two schools were working with an organization calls Snack Pack 4 Kids. They were able to raise 400$ for the children who need Snack Pack 4 Kids to eat. The money that was raised will go straight to help child hunger. Both schools were extremely proud and thankful to be able to help those children and awesome fans at the game! The project brought the two schools closer together and hopefully will continue to work with each other in more projects.

April To-Do List • Turn in reports every 5th of the month! • Have club elections • Update me on any new service projects your club participates in.


Update Membership on tokeyclub.com


Stay in contact with!!!!


T r a i n n e w o f fi c e r s effectively! (I can help!)


Start a new service project!


During my PCM I prom ised members they w ould be entered in a drawling for a $1 0 gift card to Starbu cks and I completely forgot! Bu t I put everyone who attended into a hat and the winner is ....

Malea McWest [6]

Member of the Month though I had to grow up a bit fast than my peers because of my burn, I now look at it as a blessing, rather than a "curse." I was able to learn of compassion, help others, and not be so quick to judge. Helping me learn these things and finding my own path was when I began to truly grasp my

My Inspiration by Kelly Phommachah •••

No matter what, in this life there is only suffering. This is inevitable, and cannot be escaped, but what we can do is make the best of it. For myself personally, my life wasn't the smoothest of sailings. At the age of a year and a half, my life would be completely altered. It was due to my grandma's accident that lead me to have my arm burned by scolding hot soup. The doctors had to put skin from my upper thigh on top of this burn to make it look like my other hand. Since I practically grew up with this burn, I never thought much about it. But, the bullying never seemed to end. From being called "The girl with the tire streaks on her hand" to "ugly weirdo", I've heard them all. At first, I began to believe them and ask the heavens "Why, why me?" but now, I probably think they would be replying back "Why not?" Even

Age: 16 Position: Vice President

Buddhist culture. My own religion opened my eyes to the world around me, and how there's also others suffering. I realized my own purpose on this Earth, and that was to help others. My dream is to become a Pediatrician that specializes in burn care, to help children who are going through what I used to. From the pain and bullying, I want to be there for them. Without the Shriners Burn Hospital, I honestly don't know where I'd be. And, without this burn of mine, I probably wouldn't be the person I am today.

Kelly Phommachanh is a Junior at Palo Duro and serves as their Secretary

WHY ASHLYN LOVES KELLY Anyone that meets Ke lly for the first time fal ls in love with her passionate heart for her school, key club and others. These last few months I’ve had the opportunity to get to know Kelly on a more personal ba ses and can I just say, WOW. She’s the most humble and giving person you’ll ever me et. I’m so extremely ha ppy I get to work with her anoth er year.

Lesser Known Fact: She loves to sing.

School: Palo Duro HS

Future Plans: Hopefully work at the Shriners Burn Care Hospital.

Favorite Food: Lemon Pepper Chicken

Favorite Key Club memory: Attending DCON for the first time. [7]

Pet Peeve: Others assuming I’m wrong and not listening to my opinion. Favorite color: Green

DCON There’s still time to sign up!

Get Hooked On S&vi(

things @ DCON • Contest and Awards (trophies) • Costume Contest • Massive dance party • Amazing food • New ideas for the 2014-2015 school year • Attractive people

you are invited to the 65th

D)*ict Cоv,tiо

• Bonding time

of Texas-Oklahoma


APRIL 24-27, 2014 l DALLAS, TEXAS



March PCM This month I held a PCM in Randall High’s Library on Saturday, March 22nd. Canyon, Palo Duro, Randall, and Tascosa High School attended! We did icebreakers, learned ways to improve our Division and Skyped with Governor, Luke Broussard!

Poster Contest

Randall 1st place


Palo Duro

I asked that every school attending my PCM to bring a poster they had made regarding bullying. Each poster was judged by our Governor, Luke Broussard. After the meeting each school hung their poster somewhere in there school. All the posters looked great! Thanks for participating in the Governor's Project!


DISTRICT BOARD 2013-2014 Tashrima Hossain District Editor editor@tokeyclub.com

Luke Broussard District Governor governor@tokeyclub.com

Usman Hyder District Secretary secretary@tokeyclub.com

Grace Liu Convention Liaison cl@tokeyclub.com

Isaiah Vallequinones District Treasurer treasurer@tokeyclub.com

REGIONAL ADVISOR Olin Norrid norrido@amaonline.co m Cell: 806.679.7565

Thank you for all that you do!


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