P A RT NE RS FOR YOUT H E M POW ERMENT PY E empowering practice Charlie
inspiring experience
artistic talent
Youth workers Educators we Teachers a ve ar t s & em Help po we teens rm ent t e chniques creativity motivation emotional
transformative experiences
Proactive individuals
PROJECT Creative Community Model
purpose values Social Innovation
supportive environment
changemaking skills
contribute to healthy economic growth
IM P ACT Trained 13,700 practitioners
online learning network
500 organizations 12 countries
reached over 1,220,000 youth
By 2020 one million youths per year On-going access to teacher training in Greece, Cyprus, Spain and Turkey by 2018
SPAIN Sho wcasing
F i nd i ng Par t ners
S up por t ing Tran sf er With the support of the
S ocial L oc al I mp a ct
! !
Scaling model: Capacity building, piggybacking and affiliation Identify local partners that have wide reach and influence in education. Test the teacher training, evaluate impact and help adapt it to the teachers’ needs. Build capacity in institutions, teachers and schools to replicate teacher trainings and advocate for change. Connect educators to share experiences, learn from each other and access resources.
Barriers to scaling •! Political and economic instability and changing policies in Greece – difficulty to plan on longterm and focus on systemic changes in education. •! Lack of local financial resources locally to support local pilots. •! Rigid education assessment regimes that prevent opportunities for innovation and change in education. ! Policy recommendations •! Governments should commit to including soft skills such as creativity, teamwork, emotional intelligence, empathy into core curriculum and prepare teachers to be able to transmit and teach these skills. The European Commission should encourage and support Governments in this sense. •! The European Commission, national Governments and local authorities should make funding and support available for testing, exploring and evaluating independent and alternative innovations in education. •! The European Commission should promote interactive exchanges between policy makers, funders, education system providers and business to move the innovation in education agenda forward. •! The European Commission and Governments should develop and implement new ways of assessing and evaluating that include indicators of social and emotional learning among other “soft skills” for success in changing world
With the support of ! !