Waterwheel of the Soul & Other Poems by Francoise Roy are selected poems in English translated into Arabic by Ashraf Aboul-Yazid. Francoise Roy is a Poet, a translator and a photographer. She studied A certificate in translation from English to Spanish at Asociación Mexicana de Traductores - Capítulo de Occidente. She studied Certificate in Photography at Colegio Fotográfico de Occidente. She studied Urban geography at University of Maryland, College Park. She studied Geography at University of Florida. She Went to Collège Jésus-Marie de Sillery. She is from Sainte-Foy, Quebec. She is married and lives in Mexico. Ashraf Aboul-Yazid, a poet-writer in contemporary Egypt, born in March 13, 1963. Editor in Chief, THE SILK ROAD LITERATURE SERIES, Worked in Cultural Journalism for 30 years. Authored and translated 40 books. Man of Culture for the Year, 2012, Tatarstan, Russia. Manhae Prize in Literature, 2014, the Republic of Korea, Arab Journalism Award in Culture, in 2015, UAE, President, AJA