Soud the Akarn 1st Anniversary Booklet

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Grace and Peace from God our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. What an honor to be celebrating Sound the Alarm’s 1st Anniversary! This year has taught me many lessons. There were trials and heartache, resilience and conquering. First, I would like to thank my Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST for endowing me with strength and selecting me to fulfill not only this assignment, but the promise and plan he has for my life. I would like to thank Archbishop Michael E. Turpin for believing in and cultivating the ministry that God has birthed in me. Your love, guidance, coaching, mentoring, rewarding, rebuking and restoring has helped me to push this baby out. I will forever be grateful that God has tied my destiny to you and Harvest Church International! Thank you to my “Sound the Alarm”, “Women Empowering Women” and “Enough is Enough” family for trusting the GOD in me. I could never explain how much your love and support means to me. This year has proven that “we serve a God who’s LARGE and IN CHARGE” and as God continues to bless me, I look forward to always being a blessing!


Elder Nikea J. Hardison was born and raised in Brooklyn NY. She is a mother of two amazing young ladies and she’s a God-fearing, demon tearing, cross bearing, faith filled woman of God. At the age of 26, she gave God a COMPLETE YES, and has been running for Jesus ever since. Her journey in Christ began at the Institutional Church of God in Christ under the leadership of the late Bishop Carl Williams Jr. It was here that she served as a Missionary, Usher, Nurse, and Adjutant. Her service in these auxiliaries over the years prepared her for the greater call on her life. She is now humbly submitted under the leadership of Archbishop Michael E. Turpin and serves as an Elder and Prayer Intercessor at Harvest Church International. She encountered great trials, tribulations, let downs and heartaches. NEVERTHELESS, she persisted and was determined to fulfill the will, the promise and the purpose on her life. Elder Nikea’s resilience allowed her to turn pain into power, and brokenness into blessings. With the leading of the Lord, “Sound the Alarm Prayer line” was birthed. Through this prayer encounter, many lives have been saved, healed, delivered and set free. The evidence of these miracles, signs and wonders can be seen in the countless testimonies of men and women not only from “Sound the Alarm”, but subsequent ministries that have been birthed including “Women Empowering Women”, “Test 2 Testimony”, “The Power of Prayer” and “Enough is Enough”. Elder Nikea’s life is a living testament that no matter how hard the storm is, God will never leave you, nor forsake you. No matter how foolish you may feel for obeying God, he’ll use the foolish things to confound the wise. And no matter how small you think you are, “We Serve a God who’s LARGE and IN CHARGE”.

Praise Reports Enough is Enough Ministry, led by Evangelist Nikea Hardison, is a God ordained connection strategically placed in my life to revive the Spirit man inside of me. It has also helped catapult my ability to operate in the Spirit realm to a level of authority I never even imagined. This Ministry is strategically designed by God to act as a spiritual mid-wife for some of the world’s most powerful men and women of God. It is comprised of a spiritually ordained group of individuals, from throughout the nation, divinely connected to foster an atmosphere that unleashes some of God’s most impactful change agents. Intercessors, Pastors, Prophets, Preachers, Elders and Teachers alike, can all expect to receive an encounter with God, through this Ministry. It’s the type of encounter that will inevitably change the trajectory of one’s life’s course, undefinable by the world’s standards, due to the miraculous workings of God taking place through this Ministry. This Ministry has strengthened me, motivated me, encouraged me and pushed me deeper into my purpose with a clearer perspective of God’s vision for my life. This Ministry is the epitome of God’s sovereignty manifested. The thought that God would send a group of men and women, some I don’t even know personally, that care enough to want to sow time, prayer and tears into my purpose, as a disciple, is the essence of God’s grace. I will forever remain grateful for the Enough is Enough Ministry, its Founder Evangelist Nikea Hardison and its global partners for everything sown into my life as a Servant in my Father’s Kingdom. -Evangelist Tiffany Woodson The first time I joined “Enough is Enough” was in November 2020. I thought, “Okay let me see”! I went the first night and I heard the prayer. The next day I heard God talking to everyone and I thought that I was safe. I am just listening because really, I had enough of myself. I gave up on ministry and I did not tell anyone. First you have to understand, no one on Zoom knew me. So, I again thought, “I’m safe from everyone”. But on the fifth night, I heard the message of Peter falling asleep on the assignment. “Wake up and Stay woke Sherry”. I leaned toward the screen because I could not believe that I heard my name. “Pastor Sherry”. I thought “God oh no, I’m in trouble”. I had quit going to church and quit the ministry. I was done. But God was not done. I was told to also take it off the shelf. This group consisted of ladies and a man. The Prophetess talked and believe you me, I listened. No one knew me and I had not asked but a couple ladies to be my friend. I know it was God! This isn’t the only praise report I have about Enough is Enough. But I will end this one for now. I love this PLATFORM!!! -Pastor Sherry Lomack When I tell you, we serve a great God! For the past few years, I’ve endured a lot. Just last year I told God that I was over church and church people. I stopped going physically and virtually. However, a few weeks ago I saw the flyer and the live for Enough is Enough and I tried to ignore it (I promise you I tried hard lol) but it didn’t work. I checked it out and when I say God just is full of jokes! I joined the call and God spoke to many things that I never spoke about. This ministry has brought me back to God, back into even deeper prayer, and has confirmed that there is a call on my life that needs to be answered. This was just an overall blessing. To watch people come forth, to even have people push for you and connect to you outside of the calls. Everything It was just amazing. I thank God for y’all yes because it pushed me into my “YES”. -Jazmine Lusk

Praise Reports When I received the message that I am supposed to be a part of the enough is enough ministry, I didn’t know what to think. The flyer was sent to me by Aunt Carol and then I received a text message from Prophetess Carolyn. I looked at the time, and I was like oh, okay 12 midnight. Well, when I tell you that I will never be the same it’s the truth all day. I am being pushed, challenged, loved on, understood, convicted and poured into all at the same time. It amazes me that God answers your silent prayers. He heard me and sent Enough is Enough. Elder Nikea is a god sent and woman after God’s own heart. She loves him so much and she wants to share him with everyone she comes in contact with. You don’t have to be in the same room with her and the other women to feel their support and love. She has her own sound that rings the alarm for those who were in the pit, looking and trying to climb out. The fact that I am starting the first part of my day with God is a feeling I can’t explain. I will continue to go forth in God because I answered the call for ministry. I wish I could bottle up this feeling that I have and send it all to you. God is amazing and he hears you. He answers the secret and silent prayers. I mean when God does a thing, it blows your mind. Elder Nikea thank you for being in that space and place in God where you can hear him, and he doesn’t have to filter through stuff in order to talk to you. God bless you and may he continue to sustain and strengthen you. -Minister Arie Taylor I was in a stuck place both spiritually and naturally in my personal life. I saw Nikea’s post of her flyer and the words “Enough is Enough” jumped out at me and I was like “yup that’s it. Enough is Enough”. I expected prayer and encouragement, but I didn’t expect the life change that I received. By day 4 I felt different by day 7 I already had direct answers from God and plans in motions. Not only that but my spirit was ignited again. And when she asked me to speak, I was preaching my own deliverance. She set the tone for encouragement and just to be in the presence of a group of powerful WOG that I can call my sisters is encouragement enough. Enough is Enough changed my life and I thank God that Nikea sounded the alarm and that God allowed me to hear it. -Sharea Smith I was feeling alone, stuck, lost and confused. Battling depression and feeling like God had given up on me and that he was disappointed in me. I was battling with memories and everything bad in my head, wishing for peace so bad. I felt like I was stuck and went backwards in my life. I had enough of me and my mistakes and just wanted to seek God and do things his way. So, I joined Enough is Enough and I was able to hear a different word from God every day. I don’t feel alone or stuck anymore. I feel like for the first time in my life, I’m really not alone. I don’t have to have a game plan. I just have to trust and believe God. I Have a New Level Of “Godfidence”. Enough is Enough was the answer to all my prayers. I know now that God hasn’t forgotten me or given up on me. I feel like I have a new family. I feel loved and I have this new level of peace, hope, and faith that everything is working out for my good. My life has purpose and everything I’ve been through was my blessing in disguise. Seeing Elder Nikea and how dedicated she is and how nothing is stopping her from helping others. I know I can too! I’m gaining my strength back and no longer fighting my battles alone because I know to give them all to God. Thank you! This is only the beginning. -Nadaija Samuel

Guest Speaker

Prophetess Carolyn Burrell Prophetess Carolyn Burrell, a native of Long Island NY, is an affirmed, ordained and anointed prophet called to the 5-fold ministry to impact and advance the kingdom of GOD. She is a powerhouse Prophet who is not ashamed or afraid to operate in the power of the Holy Ghost. Affectionately known as “The Prophetic Stealth Bomber” and “The Silent Assassin”, Prophetess Carolyn travels extensively doing the work of Christ. As a result, many have been blessed by the miracles, signs and wonders that indeed follow her. She is grateful to God for the souls that have been saved, healed and delivered through her ministry. Prophetess Carolyn’s mission and passion are solely dedicated to the hurt, broken, bruised and forgotten generation. Her message of inspiration, healing and deliverance transcends the very essence of her ministry. She is a mentor, teacher and trailblazer that is dedicated to transforming and reviving those that have a passion and desire for change. Her life reflects the transparency, realness and freedom that she exemplifies.

It was in her brokenness and darkness that God began swiftly molding and shaping her to fulfill her destiny and purpose. Her life experiences began making sense to her as she encountered other broken women that were desperately seeking hope and deliverance from their own darkness and past hurts. Thus, founding HER-Story Ministries (Healing, Erasing and Re-Writing your Story) as a desire to touch and heal the brokenhearted, help women see and know their worth, walk in freedom and pursue their purpose. She currently holds a Juris Doctor (JD) in Family Law and is actively pursuing a doctoral degree in Psychology (PsyD), in an effort to bridge the gap and destigmatize therapy in the church community. She’s commissioned to lead others to Christ through her prophetic, real, relevant, humorous and transparent ministry. She embraces every opportunity to discuss the dark valleys she’s walked through and the lonely places she’s been that has brought her face to face with her savior. Prophetess Carolyn is a healing and deliverance prophet who is not afraid to get in the trenches to bring God’s children out of darkness, see the captives set free, cast out devils and love the hell out of people! She is passionate about seeing people set free from bondage and walking in the fullness of their God destined purpose. She teaches on the necessity of going through and trusting the process that birth’s purpose and propels you into the promises of God. While the road has not always been easy, Prophetess Carolyn finds eternal hope and happiness from her path because God’s grace has given her beauty for her ashes and purpose for her pain.

Order of Service Opening Prayer Praise Team Introduction of Mistress of Ceremony Praise Reports Liturgical Dance Ministry Presentations Musical Guest Offering Special Presentation and Introduction of Speaker Sermonic Selection Rhema Word Remarks and Benediction (Program is subject to change by the leading and guiding of THE HOLY GHOST)

Thank You! On behalf of Nikea J. Hardison Ministries, we would like to extend a sincere THANK YOU to the faithful Intercessors, Covenant Partners and Sponsors who have sown spiritually and naturally into this Kingdom Assignment! Archbishop Michael E. Turpin Bishop Kevin Bond and the Citadel Cathedral Family Alicia Graham Harvest Church International Prophetess Brenda Young Melissa Gordon Prophetess Carolyn Burrell Minister Tereen Figueroa Elder Cora Wharton, Pastor Sherry Lomack and the Mother’s Board of “Enough is Enough” Pastor Vincent Bohannon and SOV Evangelist Tiffany Woodson Elder Sabrina Denmark Nadaija Samuel All Kingdom Volunteers

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