Photo: Eoghan Rice
Elizabeth Lomoes in Kenya. Read about how donations to Tr贸caire's east Africa emergency appeal have made a difference.
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04/07/2012 15:35:53
THaNK YoU... During Lent the Trócaire box featured Daniel Okweng (aged 9) from northern Uganda. You took Daniel and his community into your homes and, during this special time, remembered the world’s poorest people. Throughout the year we have been humbled and inspired by the commitment of people countrywide to ending global poverty – from individuals, schools and parishes to monthly givers, and from campaigners to fundraising groups. Your compassion, generosity and calls for justice are appreciated by poor families all over the developing world. These families know people in Ireland are helping them build better lives. On these pages you can see some of the success stories that have been made possible thanks to your incredible support. For this we thank you. Justin Kilcullen Director
John Kirby Bishop of Clonfert Chairman
wHere YoUr MoNeY GoeS Direct charitable Fundraising Governance expenditure: and publicity: costs:
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2011 SoMe SUcceSSeS iN
Small cashew cooperative awarded ‘exporter of the year’ by Honduran govt
100 cases of human rights violations brought to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights by Trócaire partners Colombia: 132 human rights cases
pursued against armed forces and paramilitaries
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Ethiopia: 300,000 people
received emergency food
Pakistan: 5,600 families
Connect with us on trocaireireland &
received essential food and hygiene kits after more flooding
Somalia: 30,000 people
Sierra Leone: 3,140 women
became more independent through savings and skills self-help groups
Sierra Leone: 23,743 people
benefitted from an education programme to prevent violence against women
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received water during the drought
Kenya: 110,882
people received vital food and cooking oil
Kenya & Somalia: 50,000 people received drought resistant seeds
Cambodia: 2,407 counselling
and care visits to people living with HIV
Malawi: 4,436 households received goats or chickens as part of community development projects
Zimbabwe: 7,000 people learned about their
rights through six new legal aid centres
04/07/2012 15:36:07
HoPe iN THe MiDST of TraGeDY iN eaST africa
Elizabeth Lomoes pictured with her healthy crops in the village of Nakwalekwi, northern Kenya.
Photo: Eoghan Rice
The extraordinary response to Trócaire’s emergency appeal for drought-ravaged east Africa in 2011 saw parishioners and the general public raise €10.4 million (£8.4 million). This provided life-saving supplies to 400,000 people across the region. But it’s not just short-term help that your support is providing. A small patch of land in the village of Nakwalekwi, northern Kenya, offers hope to east Africa. The families who farm there harvest food all year. They remain untouched by the tragedy which unfolded around them. Irrigation has proved to be the answer to the drought problem. A windmill irrigation system reaches deep into the ground for water which is then spread over the land and shows that the land in east Africa is capable of growing enough food for people. The missing ingredient is the water that, in the absence of rain, irrigation provides. This system is funded by Trócaire through the Diocese of Lodwar. “We have harvests all year so there is always food being produced here,” explained Elizabeth Lomoes. “The windmill means that when it does not rain we have an alternative source of water.” Connect with us on &
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04/07/2012 15:36:15
BorN free froM HiV
Eda with Jessica and Lester Romero in Honduras.
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Catholic organisations provide 25% of the worldwide healthcare for people affected by HIV
Photo: Mauro Díaz
Eda Carranza from Honduras wants the world to know that with the right treatment, women living with HIV can have healthy babies. In 2000 Eda gave birth to a baby daughter Jessica. Soon afterwards both mother and baby fell ill. They attended a local health centre where tests revealed that both Eda and Jessica were HIV positive. Eda was completely shocked by the results. She had not been aware that Jessica's father had been HIV positive. When Eda became pregnant with her second child she immediately sought medical advice. Doctors prescribed antiretroviral drugs to combat mother-to-child transmission, as well as advising her on nutrition and the importance of good mental health. When baby Lester Romero was born, Eda was relieved when tests showed that he did not have HIV. Trócaire is supporting Eda and her family by offering psychotherapy, counselling and school supplies for the children. Today Eda is stronger and more confident than she thought possible. “You are able to recover from hardship, even when you think you can’t,” says Eda.
04/07/2012 15:36:18
Photo: Alan Whelan
reTail THeraPY iN Malawi
Mary Thole pictured outside her house at her second-hand clothes stall in Malawi.
Mary Thole (28) from Malawi has a shrewd eye for buying clothes. When she displays her second-hand clothes on a mat outside her home, she’s soon surrounded by an eager audience. For Mary, ‘retail therapy’ has a deeper meaning having helped her to begin again after her marriage unfortunately ended due to persistent abuse. “The ten years of my marriage were very violent and abusive,” she recalls. When her marriage broke up she had to leave home with her four children because she lived in her husband’s village and was no longer welcome. Mary couldn’t provide for her family until she joined a women's group funded by Trócaire through the Catholic Development Commission in Malawi. The women, many of whom had experienced the same problems as Mary, were trained in setting up a savings and loans scheme where they could borrow to start their own businesses. This was how Mary started her clothes business and, although life is still tough, her children are in school and she feels there is hope for the future.
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04/07/2012 15:36:35
Photo: Mark Condren
Miraym Al-Ghawi and her children in east Jerusalem.
THe coNTiNUiNG STrUGGle for HUMaN riGHTS iN THe MiDDle eaST At 4.30am Miraym Al-Ghawi and her family were in bed in east Jerusalem when Israeli soldiers used explosives to destroy their front door and storm the house. “It only took ten minutes to evict us from our home and leave us on the street. Within one hour the Israeli settlers had moved in,” said Miraym's husband, Nassir. Miraym’s family was one of hundreds to fall victim to house evictions in Palestinian east Jerusalem. Since August 2009, Miraym and her family have been holding a dignified protest outside their home. Last summer, Trócaire highlighted the family’s case. We encouraged people in Ireland to speak out against the injustice in Jerusalem and throughout the West Bank. This pressure helped to end house evictions by Israel in this section of east Jerusalem and an Israeli court has ruled that Miraym’s family’s eviction was not carried out with due process. Trócaire continues to support our partners who are working on behalf of Miraym, her family and many more in the region. Get involved in our campaign against house evictions in east Jerusalem at
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04/07/2012 15:36:48
Photo: David Stephenson
cliMaTe cHaNGe oNe of THe BiGGeST THreaTS To worlD’S Poor
Norberta Ira, from Bolivia, a country where farmers have been badly affected by climate change.
Families across Africa, Asia and Latin America are struggling to cope with climate change. Droughts and floods have increased and every day families battle to survive in the face of increasingly unpredictable conditions. Trócaire has been working with communities to see exactly how the climate is changing and how it is affecting families who depend on their farms to survive. We found that people could no longer predict weather patterns. Rains come early and wash away seeds or don’t come at all and crops wither and die. Parents can’t feed their children and hundreds of millions more people are being forced into poverty. Farmers are trying their best to adapt farming practices but are facing an uphill battle. We will continue to help the world’s poorest farmers cope with the difficult conditions as well as raising awareness with governments so real changes that will help combat climate change can be made.
Keep up to date with Trócaire's work on climate change at
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04/07/2012 15:36:55
THe GifT of life iN SoMalia “Thanks to God and Trócaire I had free access to health services and even to transport as no vehicle would have come for me at 3am.” Asha Barre, Somalia. When expectant mother Asha began contractions in the middle of the night in the summer of 2011 she was filled with worry. She was to give birth in Gedo, rural Somalia, where one in ten women die in pregnancy or childbirth. Asha had already lost a baby girl giving birth at home alone. But this time would be different. A trained birth attendant arranged a donkey cart to bring her to a hospital Trócaire supports, where she delivered a healthy baby boy. Afterwards she received a baby kit with a baby blanket, soap, powder and a cloth nappy. She was given iron supplements and learned about breastfeeding. Her baby was vaccinated against tuberculosis and polio.
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Photo: Kim Haughton
One in ten women in the Gedo region of Somalia die during pregnancy or childbirth. Trócaire is providing life-saving medical services to ensure women and babies have the best chance of survival.
Last year over 28,200 Global Gifts worth €1.88 million (£1.52 million) were sold in Ireland helping thousands of people like Asha begin to build a better life. Global Gifts are available all year round at
04/07/2012 15:37:01
THe Power of TraD iS eViDeNT oNce aGaiN...
Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabháin plays traditional Irish songs for the community of Teso in northern Uganda on a recent trip to raise awareness of Trócaire's work.
Photo: Jeannie O Brien
In September 2011 the second annual ‘Trad for Trócaire’ week took place and once again you raised the roof for some of the world’s poorest people. This campaign has really struck a chord right across Ireland with hundreds of seisiúin organised. So far ‘Trad for Trócaire’ has raised over €250,000 (£200,000) for Trócaire’s work all over the developing world. A host of trad stars supported the campaign including Steve Wickham, Moya Brennan, Sharon Shannon and Finbar Furey. From Dublin to Derry, Cavan to Cork, thousands of people got involved in organising and attending events. The success of ‘Trad for Trócaire’ is thanks in no small part to the fantastic support we receive from Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann and Comhaltas members all over the country. Not only were ‘ceol agus craic’ enjoyed in the company of talented local musicians but more importantly this support will help to change lives in the countries where Trócaire works. This year’s Trad for Trócaire takes place from 4th-10th October 2012. To get involved visit
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04/07/2012 15:37:13
Milton Okello with his granddaughter in Bar Kawach, Barlonyo, northern Uganda.
Photo: Alan Whelan TrocaireSupportersUpdate12.indd 11
HelPiNG faMilieS feeD THeMSelVeS aGaiN afTer DecaDeS of BrUTal war Milton and Milly had a steady way of life in northern Uganda but during the war rebels destroyed their home and their land, leaving them starving and traumatised. Eventually the conflict cost Milly her life and Milton was left to care for their children alone. The violence ended almost six years ago, leaving survivors in desperate poverty. Milton’s family and their community got training, seeds, tools and livestock from Trócaire to help them to rebuild their lives. “I have received a lot of practical help and training from Trócaire,” said Milton, “so even when we don’t have money to go to market we can get something small off the land to keep us going. This is helping us to move on with our lives and I am now confident for the future.” While Trócaire's partners support communities on the ground, including 16,500 people in this area of Uganda, we are also working at national and international level, fighting for more help for the world’s poorest farmers to bring about lasting solutions to poverty.
See more images from Uganda in our Lent 2012 gallery on
04/07/2012 15:37:27
People power for Trócaire Before Environment Minister Phil Hogan TD travelled to South Africa for a critical UN conference on climate change late last year, Trócaire and a coalition of NGOs wanted him to know that climate change matters to people in Ireland and across the developing world. Hundreds of campaigners gathered outside the Dáil to send a clear message to the government.
Photo: Alan Whelan
Students from St. Mac Dara's Community College in Tempelogue, Dublin took part in a sponsored cycle in Dublin city centre. The volunteers cycled the distance from Ireland to Uganda – over 8,000 miles! – to raise money for Trócaire.
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Photo: Alan Whelan
Thirty four transition year students and six teachers from Millstreet Community School in Cork took to the city’s streets for an overnight sleep-out to help raise awareness and funds for Trócaire’s Lenten campaign. The school raised €1,926 during Lent.
04/07/2012 15:37:50
Did you know that Trócaire can claim back tax on your donations at no extra cost to you? If you have filled out and returned your tax form or signed up for Gift Aid, thank you very much. If you would like to do so visit
Children from Drumragh Parish, Omagh helped promote the Lenten Trócaire Box competition. The competition was open to all primary schools in Ireland and classes were asked to design next year’s 40th anniversary Trócaire box. The winning entry will appear on one million Trócaire boxes next year.
Photo: David O'Hare
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Connec on faceb t with us o & twitter. eland com trocaire /
Pupils from St. Matthew's Primary School, Belfast helped launch the Lenten campaign with Trócaire’s Eithne McNulty. The school raised over £2,000 for the campaign this year. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters the Lenten campaign in Northern Ireland received an extra £900,000 from the British government through the UK Aid Match Initiative.
Five Nobel peace laureates and thousands of supporters signed up to Trócaire's campaign in 2007 asking the Irish government to adopt a UN action plan to help women living through war. Late last year Ireland launched a national action plan to adopt this UN resolution. Our supporters can be proud of the part they played to protect vulnerable women.
Photo: Justin Kernoghan, Photopress
04/07/2012 15:38:08
Unrestricted funds Incoming resources Incoming resources from generating funds: Lenten campaign Voluntary income, excluding Lenten campaign Investment income Incoming resources from charitable activities: Government and institutional funding Total incoming resources Resources expended Fundraising and publicity Direct charitable expenditure Governance costs Total resources expended
All income and expenditure arise from continuing operations. This information has been extracted from the consolidated financial statements of Trócaire, on which our auditors Horwath Bastow Charleton have reported without qualification. A copy of the consolidated financial statements is available at or by calling +353 (0)1 629 3333.
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Net incoming resources for year Transfer between funds during the year Movements on investments Net movement in funds Fund balances at beginning of year Currency translation (loss) gain Actuarial (loss) gain Fund balances at end of year
Restricted funds
Total 2012
Total 2011
11,916 982
14,410 246
26,326 1,228
28,486 1,147
-------------20,510 --------------
30,943 -------------46,455 --------------
30,943 -------------66,965 --------------
25,222 -------------63,061 --------------
(4,375) (12,646) (396) --------------(17,417) ---------------
(512) (43,442) (20) -------------(43,974) --------------
(4,887) (56,008) (416) -------------(61,391) --------------
(5,951) (45,549) (439) -------------(51,939) --------------
(444) -------------2,037
444 -------------3,537
16 ------------11,138
(138) -------------13,956 --------------
(4) ------------27,467 -------------
(4) (138) -------------41,423 --------------
488 1,778 -------------35,991 --------------
04/07/2012 15:38:12
A gift of any value will make a real and lasting difference. TrocaireSupportersUpdate12.indd 15
The hand of Uddom Duong (6) with his grandmother Nov Yeun (69) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Photo: Kim Haughton
LEAVE A GIFT OF HOPE for generations to come... Trócaire supports communities in the developing world as they work to improve their lives, meet their basic needs and maintain their human dignity in a way that is both long-term and sustainable. By leaving a legacy to Trócaire you can bring hope, help and dignity to families living in poverty in the developing world. Funds from legacies we receive also contribute to our work for a just world by allowing us to put pressure on Irish and other governments to act on global poverty.
To receive further information about leaving a gift to Trócaire in your will, please complete and return the enclosed coupon. ROI: Trócaire, Freepost NS244, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. NI: Trócaire, Freepost BEL 1230, Belfast, BT1 6BR.
Please send me further information about leaving a gift to Trócaire in my will. Name: Address:
Tel: E-mail:
04/07/2012 15:38:17
JOIN US ON: Facebook: – connect with us Twitter: – keep up with our latest tweets YouTube: – see the people you support Flickr: – see our growing photo gallery
Trócaire envisages a just and peaceful world where people's dignity is ensured and rights are respected; where basic needs are met and resources are shared equitably; where people have control over their own lives and those in power act for the common good. TRÓCAIRE IS THE OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN IRELAND
Head office: Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Tel: + 353 (0) 1 629 3333 dublin: 12 Cathedral Street, Dublin 1, Tel: + 353 (0) 1 874 3875 cork: 9 Cook Street, Cork, Tel: + 353 (0) 21 427 5622 northern Ireland: 50 King Street, Belfast, BT1 6AD, Tel: + 44 (0) 28 9080 8030
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04/07/2012 15:38:25