Understanding Refrigeration System for Industrial Usage By Ashwin Patel
When people think about refrigeration, refrigerator in the kitchen strikes their mind. But the refrigerator in the kitchen and the refrigeration system both are quite different with each other. Apart from ordinary kitchen, many warehouses, storage and transportation centers also need to store their goods along with preserving their qualities. Also perishable goods like wine, fish, meat, vegetables and others need appropriate temperature to store for maintaining their good qualities. Thus, there are two types of refrigeration systems available in the market. One is for common household use and another is for industrial and commercial storage use. Industrial refrigeration system is providing the same facilities and functions as of household refrigerator, but the commercial refrigeration equipment is completely different from the ordinary household one. In this article, you will a clear glimpse of refrigeration system that is used by different food processing, cold storage and chemical processing industries.Thus, there are many items that need to store in a particular temperature and this creates huge importance of refrigeration for industries.
There are many companies who are engaged in providing such systems for their industrial clients. Such refrigeration system is very large and is created by using high quality material. Stainless steel, metal, aluminum are some of the highly durable material that are widely used for manufacturing industrial refrigeration system. This refrigeration does not look like the ordinary fridge at any kitchen. They are having a compressor that works from 25KW to 40MW which makes them more powerful than any other commercial refrigeration. Along with the usage, this refrigeration must need to maintain a specific temperature all the time for maintaining the qualities of perishable items. Also items like blood, vaccines, computers, food items, and many other things must need to store at a steady temperature all the times. Industrial refrigeration uses ammonia refrigerator to maintain the temperature. Thus, with the