Top 3 reasons behind the improvement in vietnamese education

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Top 3 Reasons Behind the Improvement in Vietnamese Education The International PISA tests in 2015 revealed a marked improvement in the performance of Vietnamese students. They scored higher grades in Reading, Science, and Mathematics than the students of other developed countries like the UK and the USA. This amazing development in the performance of Vietnamese students was quite a surprise to many of the outside examiners. So, what do you think were the reasons behind this improvement?

Well, the most common assumptions pointed to the development of the entire education system in Vietnam including the contribution of the Ministry toward: ▪ An enhanced curriculum ▪ Proper leadership ▪ Increase in global education levels and ▪ Investment in certified teachers across the globe Let us discuss how these factors brought about the significant improvement in the education standards of the Vietnamese schoolsContribution of the Government: Every forward-thinking country wishes to be self-sufficient in terms of economy as well as education. However, it is not to be ignored that global influence plays a prominent role in the field of education. With more and more certified teachers taking the plunge into the education industry, chances are increasing for a large-scale development in education. The Ministry of Education and Training in Vietnam has been making the most of this opportunity to employ certified teachers across the globe and, train them according to their requirements. The pay packages offered were so high that the teachers found no difficulty moving to the country in search of a standard lifestyle. They picked from the prospective teacher training courses in Vietnam and landed lucrative jobs offering numerous facilities. An Enhanced Curriculum: Rote learning has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. They do make the students aware of their syllabi, but, fail to bring about the developmental change that is necessary. Modern education focuses on applying the classroom lessons in real life and enhancing practical experiences. The Vietnamese educational standards have improved as more and more people have become aware of these differences between theoretical knowledge and practical experiences. Nowadays, the teacher emphasizes learning through the mind than learning through the mouth. That is why the students are showing a striking improvement in intellectual development. Positive Learning Environment: According to researchers and surveyors across the globe, about 37% of Vietnamese students are not in school right now and, the challenge to drive them toward a better education is immense. That is why the Government is encouraging a positive learning environment in the classrooms so that the students feel that schools are delightful places to be. This positive learning should be boosted by employing more and more certified teachers across the globe. The Ministry is aiming to achieve this aim within a short span of time. When this is the current scenario in Vietnam, you can easily opt for a lucrative teaching job in the country. The teachers are held in high esteem and treated with even more respect than the business professionals. If you are intrigued, opt for a primary teacher training course in Vietnam and try your luck in global teaching. You will learn a lot in the process and experience something you have never

dreamed of. Give your life a new direction by becoming a global teacher. You will feel your life has got its meaning. Best of luck!

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