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Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections that can be transmitted through sexual activi ties. Sometimes they are referred to as sexually transmitted diseases (STD) or sexually transmitted and blood borne infections (STBBI).
It is important to learn about STIs so you know how to stay safe and healthy. If you have contracted an STI, it doesn’t make you a bad person or mean that your sex life is over. Some of them can be cured easily with antibiotics, while some are treated with daily medication. STIs are common and, unfortunately, deeply stigmatized. You’re not alone! Most people will have contracted an STI at least once in their lifetime if they are sexually active.
When should you go to a sexual health clinic?
You should go to a sexual health clinic if you have sex. Some people may visit as frequently as every 3 months or every couple of years. It is a good idea to get tested in between partners, especially if you are having unprotected sex. MEET LOCAL STIS NEAR YOU!
Chlamydia (klah-MID-ee-ya) & Gonorrhea (gone-oh-REE-ya)
> Chlamydia and gonorrhea are very similar in symptoms and treatment. The main difference is that chlamydia is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis
bacteria and gonorrhea is caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
Typically cured with a single dose or 7 days of antibiotics.
Can get treatment at sexual health clinics, walk-in clinics, and family doctors office. Free testing and treatment available.
Symptoms: hurts when you pee, extra fluids that isn’t pee or semen (we call discharge).
Syphilis (SI-fil-iss)
> Spread through unprotected sex with an infected person or intimate contact with chancres (KANG-ker or SHANG-ker) on
genitals, mouth, or throat. Can also look like a rash or flat warts. Bacterial infection that is cured with an injectable antibiotic.
Sometimes it is hard to detect if you have syphilis because you may not have symptoms, or you may confuse symptoms for something else. It is important to get regular testing to know your status.
Herpes (HER-peez)
> Spread through direct oral or genital skin contact with an infected partner.
Herpes sores are painful and generally show up on the lips or on the genitals. Not all infected people will develop symptoms.
Lifetime infection, you will not die from herpes, many people have babies and families and live long healthy lives with herpes infection.
Most people have some strain of herpes; it is extremely common globally.
HPV or Human Papillomavirus (HYOU-man PAP-il-OH-mah VAI-ris)
> Spread through direct genital and anal skin contact and oral sex, can spread through genital to genital rubbing.
Viral infection that often will cure itself.
There are over 100 types (or strains) and at least 40 that can cause genital warts and/ or cancer.
There is a vaccine called GARDASIL®9. Speak to your health care provider for more information. > Spread through an active fluid exchange between one poz person to a not poz person > No cure as of 2018, however there are many treatments available
Can I get STI and HIV testing if I don’t have OHIP?
Yes! At any public health sexual health clinic.
Can I get free STI treatments without OHIP?
Yes! Treatment for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis are free at any public health sexual health clinic. HPV wart removal is covered by OHIP.
Ok, what about the other ones?
Herpes usually does not need treatment, but if treatment is required, it is covered by government health plans and may or may not be covered by private insurance.
How often should I get tested for STIs?
It depends on how many sexual partners you have. You can go as often as every 3 months, to once a year. It is a good idea to get tested every year even if you have a monogamous and long term partner. You should get tested immediately if you are experiencing symptoms like it