Spring 2014 semester report

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Team HBV Semester Report

Spring 2014

Spring 2013 Team HBV Collegiate Chapters

Table of Contents Pages

I. Collegiate Chapter Semester Reports 3-22 Brown University 3-4 Cornell University 5 De Anza 6-7 Harvard University 8-10 MIT 11-12 Stanford University 13-14 UC Berkeley 15-16 UC Davis 17-18 University of California Los Angeles 19-20 University of Maryland College Park 21-22 II. Executive and Advisory Board Contact Lists 23-25 III. Special Thanks 26

Team HBV Collegiate Chapters, Asian Liver Center at Stanford University http://teamhbv.org | info@teamhbv.org

2 I Team Hbv Semester Report

Event Descriptions March 2014 Providence, RI

Hepatitis B Screening Event at Chinese Christian Church of Rhode Island

Brown Team HBV teamed up Brown Alpert Medical School Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association with to promote Hepatitis B awareness and screening services. We targeted local residents in the Providence, RI community where Hepatitis B is likely to be prevalent. Pamphlets, souvenirs (wristbands, stickers), and fact sheets were provided as outreach materials April 2014 Brown University

Almond Jelly Awareness Sale (Part of Hepatitis B Awareness Week)

We made 70 Almond Jelly for sale to attract Brown community members to learn more about Hepatitis B. We targeted undergraduates and graduate students who attend Brown; topics interested to them include Hepatitis B prevention methods and Team HBV activities. Buyers had an incentive to answer questions about Hepatitis B or sign up for our mailing list to receive a discount.

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April 2014 Brown University

Movie Screening of “Another Life (Part of Hepatitis B Awareness Week) We held a movie screening event on campus to expose Brown community members to topic of Hepatitis B. We targeted undergraduates and graduate students who attend Brown; we gave a brief introduction of Brown Team HBV and our work as well as some context to the documentary. Food and drinks were served to attract community members to attend the event.

Reflections The strength of Brown Team HBV stems from it being comprised of a tight-knit group of students who could engage on a personal level with local groups and focus on a few outreach events every semester. This past academic year, the chapter was successful in forming a strong collaboration with Albert Brown Medical School student group, Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association. However, there were some difficulties we encountered that we hope to find solutions to, including finding new recruits and generating attendance to our events on campus. In the coming year, we hope to tackle these problems by doing active recruitment early in the school year to get underclassmen involved in our initiatives, as well as improve our publicity efforts. The Executive Board is also eager to organize more fundraising events to expand the reach of the chapter and take on projects related to Hepatitis B research. Andrew Li, President of the Chapter for the upcoming year, has developed a relationship with Hepatitis Foundation International (Maryland) through his current summer internship. The organization has ample opportunities for the chapter to participate in research initiatives and aiding Hepatitis Foundation International in those initiatives can magnify the chapter’s influence on the Hepatitis B community.

6 I Team 4 TEAMHbv HBVSemester SEMESTER Report REPORT

Event Descriptions 3/01/2014 Duffield Hall

Asia Night

Tabled and hosted an educational booth to promote club awareness at an annual showcase for Asian and Asian American community on campus. Targeted towards students

4/28-5/3/14 Hepatitis B Awareness Week Campus-wide Hosted tie-dye event in conjunction with AAAF (Cornell Asian/AsianDuffield Hall, Cornell University American Forum); Distributed coffee sleeves with Hepatitis B facts throughout campus cafes and dining locations. Targeted audience: students and faculty Notable student group or community group partners: AAAF Ongoing Gannett


The Gannett Initiative

Working with Gannett Health Services on campus to endorse a HBV riskassessment survey and send out survey to student population. Target audience : students, incoming freshmen Notable student group or community group partners: Gannett Health Services

Overall, our chapter met our goals this semester. For next semester, we would like to possibly add another outreach event, perhaps a sporting event or host a guest speaker event. We plan to continue pursuing the Gannett Health Initiative and will be working with the health services on campus to implement the campus-wide HBV risk assessment survey. Additionally, for Hepatitis B Awareness Week next spring, we’d like to include more activities, possibly more fundraising or tabling.

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Event Descriptions May 12, 2014 Campus

Balloon Event

May 15, 2014 Conference Room A

HBV Screening


We put up balloons with HBV facts around campus. Target audience: everyone on campus Notable student group or community group partners

We asked phlebotomists from El Camino Hospital to help draw blood. We had around 50 people screened. Target audience: everyone Notable student group or community group partners

Our chapter met our goals in spreading awareness and holding a screening, but we could have more events, especially social events, in the future.

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Event Descriptions 4/7/14-4/11/14 Harvard campus, Cambridge, MA

Harvard Hepatitis B Awareness Week (HBAW)

We held a week full of fun, hands-on events aimed at educating the Harvard campus about Hepatitis B, ranging from having a widely popular HBV plushie making event and tabling outside of the science center complete with a game wheel with prizes to a dinner discussion on vaccination with an expert on public health, our organization advisor, Dr. Sean Palfrey.

Target audience: Mainly the campus demographic including undergraduates, graduate students, extension school, locals, and tourists We partnered with a variety of on campus student organizations in running our events including: the Asian American Student Organization, Harvard Chinese Students Association, Harvard Vietnamese Association, Harvard Hong Kong Society, and the Harvard Undergraduate Global Health Forum. Another notable partner was Harvard University Dining Services, which helped us provide cupcakes with green frosting in all dining halls.

8I Team Hbv Semester Report

4/12/14 Student Organizations Center at Hilles, Harvard University

First Annual Youth Leadership Conference 2014

The YLC was a one-day event for high school students interested in health, science, service, and/or leadership. Students received guidance on how to recognize areas of need in their community, realize how they can make a difference, and develop their capabilities as health advocacy leaders. Through an outreach simulation project, students had the chance to apply their leadership skills and connect with other students who are excited to effect change. Target Audience: High school students with an interest in public health in the local Boston area Community Partners: Beijing ALC, APAVH, MAP for Health

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Reflections We believe our chapter met our ambitious goals for the semester. We have multiple projects running for a small group of about ten active board members, and we led a busy semester and are proud of our accomplishments. We held our first annual Youth Leadership Conference in mid-April, with the goal of inspiring high school students interested in health to become leaders in their communities. For this, we prepared diligently and in multiple ways, planning schedules, creating timelines and sticking to them, creating a conference packet, making publicizing flyers, sending out a team of us to put up flyers around schools and YMCAs in Boston, emailing and calling career and health advisors at schools, and registering students. We met often to make sure we were on track and work together to ensure a smooth conference, and it turned out to be a smooth and fun conference. We are definite that we will hold YLC next year, and most likely for years to come. The other large project we had is our Hepatitis B Awareness Week, which we fondly call HBAW. We brainstormed and organized around one creative event per day along with our tabling efforts (in which a few of us set up our poster, our prize wheel, and some snacks in dining halls and outside our popular Science Center and educate about hepatitis B with our fun prize wheel, as well as publicize our events for the week). After each of these major events, we always got together as a group and reflected, building our board’s communication skills which we have found to be crucial to our success. Our other projects on the backburner included the Physician Outreach Project, in which we educate through disseminating our own aesthetically appealing brochures about hepatitis B prevention and treatment in waiting rooms of physicians’ offices and health centers. We have already created a brochure by the end of the fall semester and in the beginning of the spring semester, we contacted three hepatologists who have reviewed our brochures while we were busy working on the YLC and HBAW. We expect that next semester, we will officially launch the Physician Outreach Project by printing our edited and reviewed brochures and providing them to physicians in their offices and clinics all over the local Boston area. We have side projects going on also, of a Letter Writing Campaign to our senators about hepatitis B legislation, and plans for a Global Outreach Trip which has been thoroughly researched and planned, but lacks funding. We may alter this into a domestic trip. And of course, we have our educational presentations in the Boston community about prevention and treatment; we participated in some Chinatown health fairs this semester. We started out each semester with our goals, tried to make them reasonable, and followed through successfully with the help of each other. We hope to continue effective communication in the next year, and our biggest goal now is recruiting heavily to gain new members. We hope to continue and improve our successful activities based on our reflections and lead more volunteers into the community for educational presentations.

10I Team Hbv Semester Report

Event Descriptions 4/11/14 McCormick Undergraduate Dorm

Campus Preview Weekend Plushie Making

Team HBV organized a make-your-own plushie event for prospective MIT students. Students sewed their own HBV plushies from felt cutouts while we handed out Asian snacks and held conversations with students about Team HBV’s role on campus. Target Audience: Future and current MIT students attending the event Notable community group partners: MIT Association of Student Activities

4/22/14 Maseeh Undergraduate Dorm

Make-your-own Sushi

4/22/14 onward Online

Hepatitis B Health Risk Assessment Survey

Team HBV prepared ingredients for Korean sushi and offered students to create their own sushi on campus, while advertising our upcoming Hepatitis B Awareness Week. We visited each table and informed students about Hepatitis B and our mission. Target audience: MIT undergraduate community

Team HBV worked with MIT Medical to post a link to the CDC’s Hepatitis B Risk Assessment Survey on MIT Medical’s homepage. We set up a booth in the student center where students could take the survey in exchange for bubble tea. We encouraged students at all our HBAW events to take the survey. Target Audience: General MIT community Notable community group partners: MIT Medical

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4/25/14 MIT Student Center

Boba with Dr. Howard Heller

4/26/14 MIT Campus

Freshman Pre-med Panel

As part of HBAW, Team HBV invited Dr. Howard Heller from MIT Medical to lead a discussion about Hepatitis B and his experiences with Hepatitis at MIT. Dr. Heller is a physician at MIT Medical with a specialization in infectious disease. Students were also encouraged to take our Hep B risk assessment survey. Target Audience: General MIT community Partners: MIT Medical

Team HBV organized a panel of MIT upperclassmen who plan to pursue careers in health sciences, as an informative session for prospective pre-med freshmen. The panel provided advice about choosing a medical career and how to navigate MIT as a pre-med student. Target Audience: MIT freshman with an interest in health sciences Partners: MIT Medical

Reflections Our goals for this semester included expanding our campus and community presence, as well as increasing our collaborations with on-campus medical organizations. While we did not focus as much on community outreach this semester, we successfully organized various on-campus events and attracted a large number of prospective MIT students with our campus preview event. We also successfully strengthened our partnership with MIT Medical and Dr. Heller, and informed a larger audience about their Hepatitis B risk. Next semester, we would hope to renew our community outreach efforts, potentially through reinstating our Korean church outreach initiative. Our campus outreach could be expanded by building partnerships with other on-campus medical student groups. We would especially focus on passing leadership onto newer members, as many of the founding members of our chapter are graduating (or were accepted as the first MIT members to the National Board; yay Sophia!), and this step will be crucial to our chapter’s continuing growth. 12 I Team Hbv Semester Report

Event Descriptions 5/13/14 Sunnyvale Community Center

Clothing Drive

May 14-16 Café’s on campus


Year round Stanford Campus

We ran a clothing drive in partnership with the Asian Liver Center (ALC) at Stanford. We collected clothing from the dorms and gave out clothing as an incentive for people to attend a Hepatitis B screening event. The event was very successful; we were able to screen 80 -120 people and collected over 100 articles of clothing. Target audience : Low income Vietnamese and Cantonese population in the Sunny Side community Partners: Asian Liver Center at Stanford University (Braden Hirasawa) We gave out coffee sleeves designed by the national chapter to various cafés on campus to raise awareness for National Hepatitis B Testing Day. Target audience: General campus population; café goers in particular Partners: Cafés on campus (Coupa Café, Bytes Café, CoHo) and the Team HBV National Chapter

Screening Initiative Program

Get at-risk students in the Stanford community screened for Hepatitis B at the student health clinic on campus. Provide them with boba as an incentive to get screened. Target: Graduate students at Stanford

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April 14-18 Stanford Campus

April 12 Stanford Campus

Hepatitis B Awareness Week

Annual Team HBV awareness week. Events throughout the week to raise awareness for Hepatitis B prevalence. Balloon day, Tabling in dining halls with cookies, Tabling in central plaza with swag, Speaker event, Tabling in central plaza with green cotton candy Target Audience: Stanford undergraduate students Partners: Stanford Dining Halls was primary partner for dining hall tabling. No other partners for this event

TCS Night Market Booth

At the annual Stanford Taiwanese Cultural Society (TCS) night market, we set up a booth to give out free jade colored cotton candy on the condition that recipients hear an elevator pitch about Hepatitis B. The night market is a fair with Asian cultural performances and food stands, and people on Stanford campus as well as the greater SF Bay Area visit the Night Market, primarily of Asian descent. Target Audience: Asian community on Stanford Campus as well as from the greater SF Bay Area Partners: Stanford Taiwanese Cultural Society (TCS)

Reflections Our chapter met our goals this year with regard to improving the breadth of the projects we do. We were eager to renew yearly projects, such as the HBAW and SIP, as well as continue to develop newer projects such as TCS night market started in the 12-13 academic year. We also wanted to work more with the National Advisory Board, which we were able to do this year through hosting the National Collegiate Conference as well as through the IOP Project. Finally, we also wanted to continue working with the Asian Liver Center, which were able to do with the Clothing Drive. We also worked with the Asian Liver Center on the Hep B Moms project (educated pregnant mothers about Hep B, which can be transmitted during birth) and the Small Business Initiative project (to help small business provide resources to at risk employees on Hep B education). These last 2 projects are still in progress, and we will continue working on them in the coming year. While we had a successful year overall, we can definitely improve next year. We would like to expand the size of the Stanford Team HBV chapter. In addition, we are also looking cut down on the number of projects that we do throughout the year and focus only on the most important ones. This year in particular, we felt over committed, and we want to make sure that in the coming year, we can put more effort into fewer projects so that they are as successful as they can be. 14 I Team Hbv Semester Report

Event Descriptions 3/6 Embarcadero, SF

Krispy Kreme Fundraiser

Sold donuts in SF to fundraise for HBAW and other club expenses. Had the opportunity to outreach to customers who were interested in our cause. Raised about $300. Target Audience: Businessmen/women in the Embarcadero Financial District Community Partner:Krispy Kreme

Hepatitis B Awareness Week 4/7-4/11 Upper Sproul Plaza, UC Berke- Throughout the week, we outreached to the UC Berkeley community (tabling, flyering and gave away freebies) about the effects and statistics ley about hepatitis B. We used freebies and plushies as a means to attract students and played a modified trivia game to help them retain information. Freebies included balloons, totebags, pens, pinwheels, and flowers. Target Audience: UC Berkeley community March eTang Patient Portal

Hepatitis B Assessment Survey Project

Because the patient portal is managed by the Office of the President of UC, we are not able to make drastic changes to it. However, with the help of Tang Center officials, we managed to add a link to CDC’s online hepatitis risk assessment survey into their website under “Health Resources” and at the end of the “Hepatitis B Condition of Enrollment” page to make it more accessible to target at-risk patients. Target Audience: UC Berkeley community Community Partner: Tang Center Projects Manager

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4/19 Campanile Esplanade, UC Berkeley

3/8 San Pablo Park, Berkeley


Eggster Egghunt and Learning Festival

Outreached to parents at Eggster’s annual Easter egg hunt. Provided snacks for children after they play our “3 for Life” game and outreached to parents through elevator pitches and brochures. Target Audience: Parents


Outreached and handed freebies and brochures to visitors. Informed everyone that there will be a mini trivia at the end of our pitch to make sure they pay attention and retain the information. Berkeley community Target Audience: Parents

Our chapter definitely met our goals in terms of the number of community and campus outreaching events we’ve participated in. The officer board has also seen a tremendous growth in our members’ knowledge about hepatitis B. We’ve tried to pursue an event that is currently out of our reach (a hepatitis B benefit concert) but from this we’ll definitely learn from our mistakes and hopefully we will be able to keep pushing ourselves to host big events and further our outreaching efforts. Although the size of our club has not grown much since last year, I’m positive that with the new and upcoming board, Team HBV at UC Berkeley will not only be able to boost our member count but also increase our outreaching efforts.

16 I Team Hbv Semester Report

Event Descriptions May 18, 2014 UC Davis

Poster Making

Week of May 22, 2014 UC Davis

Tabling on Campus

Week of May 22, 2014 UC Davis

Coffee Sleeve Outreach

February 15, 2014 San Francisco

Chinese New Year Outreach

A club bonding event to make posters that were later used to raise awareness on campus.

Outreach about HepB in the Quad where we promoted the club and educated other students. Target Audience: Students and Faculty/Staff

Distributed coffee sleeves to local coffee stores to encourage awareness. Target Audience: Student, Faculty/Staff, Local Community Partnerships: Common Grounds Coffee Shop, ASUCD We passed out educational brochures to raise awareness at the Chinese New Year celebration. Target Audience: San Francisco residents, in particular the Chinese community

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Our chapter goals were to recruit more members, have more fundraisers, partner with other organizations on campus, outreach through ASUCD (Associated Students University of California Davis) because it is the most direct way to connect with the student body, and outreach to local shops in Davis. Our chapter’s first year was successful in terms of raising our club’s profile on campus. I think that on a large campus, such as UC Davis, it takes more time and effort to make a mark. We met our goals of partnering with ASUCD and local stores, as well as recruiting more members. However, in this coming semester I think that we need to plan some events/fundraisers besides handing out flyers in order to engage with our community more.

18 I Team Hbv Semester Report

Event Descriptions 4/25 Bruin Plaza (walkway)

5/2 De Neve Auditorium

Hepatitis B Awareness Week

With our annual HBAW event in Bruin Plaza, we hope to educate our fellow students, staff and faculty at UCLA on the main facts and statistics about HBV. To attract attention of passerbys, we organized various games, prize giveaways over the weeks leading up to this event. Furthermore, a fundraiser was set-up selling food concurrently.

Hep B Free Concert

To cap off HBAW, we threw a Hep B Free Concert featuring various UCLA performers. We also featured medical speakers, such as the head nurse at the clinic that we volunteer at health fairs with. This was mainly geared towards students, although we did have some faculty come watch. Partners: Magic and Illusion Student Team, Road to Damascus, Poongmul, Saint-Vincent’s Medical Center

Nov. 10, 2013 Artesia, CA

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4/25, 1/28, 2/10 (one more before then) Bruin plaza

Food Fundraisers

5/1, various other days San Gabriel, others in Irvine, Monterey Park

Health Fairs

Food fundraisers selling boba and dimsum to raise money for the club Target Audience: Students and faculty at UCLA

Team HBV volunteers at Health Fairs throughout the Los Angeles area. Working with nurses, we assist in Hepatitis screenings by labeling blood samples. Furthermore, we translate for Asian-Americans that cannot speak English, explaining why tests are important and how to follow-up on results. Target Audience:Asian-American immigrants Partner: Saint-Vincent Medical Center

Reflections We did meet out chapter goals, completing our usual event timeline throughout the year. However, our concert was relatively lacking in attendance, and we hope to garner more viewers next year. This will require better advertising and recruiting more notable performers. Regardless, our fundraisers were very successful throughout the year, as we made a surplus. Also, the club continued to provide clinical experiences, volunteering in health fairs and solidifying a shadowing program with a UCLA Hepatologist.

20 I Team Hbv Semester Report

Event Descriptions April 26th Fraternity Row

Kickout Hep-B Field Day

Had varying outdoor events such as kickball and balloon toss. Students and community members paid a small fee to enter, received a bag of snacks, and were entered into a raffle to win prizes. All funds were donated to HBI-DC of Washington, DC. Target Audience: UMD students and community members around College Park. Partners: Phi Delta Sigma Fraternity Inc.

April 22nd Pho Dlite

Team HBV Pho Dlite Fundraiser

July 15th ECAASU-DC

Team HBV Presentation

Had members promote a fundraiser at a local Pho restaurant to help buy materials for our Team HBV Field Day Event. •Audience: UMD students and community members around College Park. Partner: Pho Dlite President of Team HBV at UMCP spoke on behalf of the collegiate chapters of Team HBV to educate those on how to start their own chapters of Team HBV on their campus. Audience: College students on the east coast that were involved with AASU. Partners: Andrew Huang of the Team HBV Advisory Board as well as HBI-DC

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June 8 China Garden Restaurant

Benefit Gala & Award Dinner

VolunteeredattheannualgalaforHBI-DCofWashington,DC.Wehelpedsetup,serve,andcleanfortheevent. WealsoearnedaPartnershipAwardforourworkwithHBI-DCforthepast2year. Audience::MajorcompaniesandpoliticiansthatadvocateforHepBAwareness in the DMV area. Partner: HBI-DC

Reflections I believe we did a fine job considering our size and resources. We raised a lot of money at the Pho Dlite fundraiser and donated a lot of money after our Kickout Hep-B Field Day Event. We had a great turn out but a lot of students were busy so it was not the optimal day for us. We plan to have a screening event this upcoming semester with the help of HBI-DC of Washington, DC. We will also offer free follow up vaccinations for those students and faculty that need/want them. This semester we plan to be more active in the community when it comes to informational outreach. We will continue to file for grants that will allow us to hold our larger events such as our Kickout Hep-B Field Day Event. HBV has been at the University of Maryland – College Park since 2012 and was started by myself, Min Ahn. We have been working closely with HBI-DC in Washington, DC and have donated hundreds of dollars from our Coffee House Talent Show, Dodge-B Dodgeball Tournament, and most recently, our HepB Field Day. I also worked with the National Team HBV Advisory Board member, Andrew Huang, as a speaker for the collegiate chapters of Team HBV at this past semester’s ECAASU. We are mostly comprised of brothers of Phi Delta Sigma Fraternity Inc. because our national philanthropy is Hepatitis B Awareness but we are open to any/all students to join Team HBV at UMCP. 22 I Team Hbv Semester Report

Executive Boards


Brown President VP of Campus Outreach VP of Community Outreach VP of Recruitment & Training VP of Administration

Eric Chen Jenzel Espares Andrew Li Julia Bu Vananh Tran

Eric_Chen@Brown.edu Jenzel_Espares@Brown.edu Andrew_Li@Brown.edu Julia_Bu@Brown.edu Vananh_Tran@Brown.edu

co-Presidents VP of Campus Outreach VP of Community Outreach VP of Recruitment & Training VP of Administration VP of Finance

Helen Tian / Honora Ip Heming Zhao Wendy Wei Jennifer Chen Angela Cai Jen Zhu

hst25@cornell.edu / hi52@cornell.edu hz226@cornell.edu wendy.wei@gmail.com hc575@cornell.edu ac699@cornell.edu jz492@cornell.edu

Richard Le Vuthtyra Yong Diriye Ibrahim Shriya Sharma David Le Janice Ngo Marina Menendez-Pidal

ahhmle4@gmail.com vuthtyrayong@gmail.com diriyeibrahim@yahoo.com shriya.sharma325@gmail.com davidminhle620@gmail.com khailinh95@gmail.com teamhbv.outreach.mpt@gmail.com


De Anza

President VP of Campus Outreach VP of Community Outreach VP of Recruitment & Training VP of Administration VP of Finance ICC Officer


Co-President Rhed Shi Co-President Jennifer Chen VP of Campus Outreach/Recruitment Kwan-Keat Ang Co-VP of Community Outreach Eunah Lee Co-VP of Community Outreach Hursuong Vongsachang VP of Administration and Finance Shirley Mo

rhedshi@college.harvard.edu jenniferchen@college.harvard.edu kwankeatang@college.harvard.edu eunahlee@college.harvard.edu hursuongvongsachang@college.harvard.edu shirleymo@college.harvard.edu

President VP of Campus Outreach VP of Community Outreach VP of Recruitment & Training VP of Administration VP of Finance Freshman Representatives

Rlim432@gmail.com, sophiali@mit.edu lenayang@mit.edu, kimch@mit.edu swcho92@mit.edu, natalle@mit.edu beckyshi@mit.edu mkoh@mit.edu yuyupuu@mit.edu bberrios@mit.edu, djkim@mit.edu


Rachelle Lim and Sophia Li Lena Yang and Choah Kim Steve Cho, Natalle Yu Rebecca Shi Angela Koh Eunice Wu Brianna Berrios, David Kim

Spring 2014 I 23


President VP of Campus Outreach VP of Community Outreach VP of Recruitment & Training

UC Berkeley

President VP of Campus Outreach VP of Community Outreach VP of Recruitment & Training VP of Administration VP of Finance

UC Davis

President Web and Media Secretary Outreach and Communications Treasurer

Christina Wang Lina Vadlamani Jeffrey Kwong Maya Yamane Emily Truong

Ckw2011@stanford.edu Linav16@stanford.edu jwkwong@stanford.edu moana@stanford.edu etruong@stanford.edu

Tiffany Pham Dennis Khine Lillian Chu Henry Li Stephanie Cheng Calvin Chen

tiffany_pham@berkeley.edu dennis1299@berkeley.edu Lillian.chu@berkeley.edu henryli613@berkeley.edu Stephie.cheng@berkeley.edu chen.calvin101@gmail.com

Michael Nguyen Kevin Wang Annie Zhou Nanxi Huang Neil Lee

mnguyent@ucdavis.edu kfwwang@ucdavis.edu annzhou@ucdavis.edu nxhuang@ucdavis.edu neilee@ucdavis.edu

Emily Weng Claire Valburg Nakul Sagdeo Raymond Zhou Seethim Naicker Emily Cheng Siddharth Bhargava

emily.weng228@gmail.com cvalburg@sbcglobal.net Nakul2@gmail.com Raymondzhou1223@yahoo.com snaicker@ucla.edu emiriic@gmail.com Sbhargava09@ucla.edu

UC Los Angeles President VP of Campus Outreach VP of Community Outreach VP of Recruitment & Training VP of Administration VP of Finance VP of Media and Publicity

University of Maryland College Park President VP of Campus Outreach VP of Community Outreach VP of Recruitment & Training VP of Administration VP of Finance

24 I Team Hbv Semester Report

Min Ahn Johnny Lee Johnny Lee Matthew Liu Kevin Nguyen Jeff Xu

Minahn10@gmail.com jonathanwenlee@gmail.com jonathanwenlee@gmail.com maishooml@gmail.com knguye14@terpmail.umd.edu jeffxsen@gmail.com

Advisory Board Co-Chair

Samba Nijie samba@teamhbv.org


Chris Zheng


ALC Liaison

Gerry Zhang gerry@teamhbv.org Outreach Advisor Honora Ip honora@teamhbv.org Recruitment and Training Advisor Sophia Li sophia@teamhbv.org

External Relations Advisor

Sherry Chen sherry@teamhbv.org

ALC Staff

Mie-Na Srein mienas@stanford.edu ALC Collegiate Intern Stephanie Liu


Spring 2014I 25

Special Thanks To the Asian Liver Center at Stanford University

...And all its wonderful staff and interns for continuing to support our collegiate chapters throughout the years with educational materials and outreach kits, with invaluable advices and examples, and for being the linchpin that brings all of these students from across the nation together.

To the Advisory Board

...For doing such a fantastic job of mentoring and encouraging every chapter executive boards, for maintaining Team HBV website and internal site, and among countless other responsibilities.

26 I Team Hbv Semester Report

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