2013 fall semester report pdf

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Team HBV Semester Report

Fall 2013

Spring 2013 Team HBV Collegiate Chapters

Table of Contents Pages

I. Collegiate Chapter Semester Reports 3-25 Brown University 3-4 Cornell University 5-6 Harvard University 7-9 MIT 10-11 Stanford University 12-13 UC Berkeley 14-15 University of Chicago 16-17 University of California Los Angeles 18-20 UC Riverside 21-22 University of Washington 23-25 II. Executive and Advisory Board Contact Lists 26-28 III. Special Thanks 29

Team HBV Collegiate Chapters, Asian Liver Center at Stanford University http://teamhbv.org | info@teamhbv.org

2 I Team Hbv Semester Report

Event Descriptions 9/13/2013 Brown University

10/20/2013 Brown University

Booth at Community Fair

Brown’s Team HBV managed a booth at a community-wide fair to showcase Team HBV and to spread awareness of the prevalence and implications of Hepatitis B.

Almond Jelly Sale

Team HBV at Brown held an almond jelly sale to raise awareness about Hepatitis B, with a target audience of students, faculty and staff.

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Reflections Our chapter didn’t meet our goals this semester because we relied primarily on a contact from the med school to coordinate Hepatitis screenings, but this contact temporarily paused the program. However, this program will resume this semester, based on a recent e-mail from this contact.

6 I Team 4 TEAMHbv HBVSemester SEMESTER Report REPORT

Event Descriptions 09/20/13 Ho Plaza, Cornell University

Mid-Autumn Festival Booth Outreach

Before the event, we baked green cookies together with members as a bonding event. During the event, we asked students questions about HBV and liver cancer. Each student got a cookie for participation. Students also participated in a HBV plushie draw event by signing up for our chapter’s listserv. Community partner: Cornell Chinese Students Association

10/26/13 Mahjong Night at Casino Royale Duffield Hall, Cornell University We hosted 3 mahjong tables at Casino Royale, an event in which students engaged in various gambling games and enjoyed food and drinks. There were HBV and liver cancer facts and pamphlets about HBV on the mahjong tables. We taught students how to play mahjong and introduced our club. Participants were also qualified for a HBV plushie draw. Community Partner: Operation DEEP 10/18/13 Rockefeller Hall, Cornell University

Plushie Making Social

We invited members to come socialize with each other. At the social we taught the members how to make HBV plushies. We also served pizza at the event.

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Reflections I think we met our chapter’s basic goals this semester of outreaching to the student body by promoting the Jade Ribbon Campaign and educating them about basic HBV and liver cancer facts. However, we thought events should be a little more frequent so our goal next semester is to plan small, but frequent events. Moreover, we have decided a long-term cooperation with local health organizations would benefit our chapter. Therefore next semester we are planning to work with our school’s health clinic, Gannett, in a project that screens incoming students for hepatitis B.

8 I Team 6 TEAMHbv HBVSemester SEMESTER Report REPORT

Event Descriptions Classroom-Based Education and Tabling Ini-

9/21-10/19/2013: Three community presentations/ tiative tabling events in Boston China- Gave educational presentations about hepatitis B prevalence, risk, and prevention; assessed efficacy of presentation with pre- and post-surveys. town At tabling events, distributed ALC’s informational pamphlets and answered questions about hepatitis B. Reached out to more than 200 members of the Asian-American community.

Community Partners: Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, Inc. (for Oak Street Fair), Boston Chinese Evangelical Church, Castle Square Tenants Organization Ongoing at Harvard

Campus Screening Initative

Established a hepatitis B campus screening initiative with the university clinic. Risk assessment survey was released to entire undergraduate population in early November. Students determined to be at risk for chronic HBV were encouraged to receive testing. Community Partners: Harvard University Health Services (HUHS).

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Global Outreach Trip

Planning for a global outreach trip to China at the beginning of summer in 2014. Working with the Beijing ALC and APAVH to organize educational outreach events. Funding through corporate sponsors and other foundations. Target audience: Students, Chinese citizens, medical personnel Community Partners: Beijing ALC, APAVH Planned for 4/12/14: Harvard Northwest Building

Youth Leadership Conference

Planning for inaugural conference similar to the ALC Youth Leadership Conference that inspires youth to engage with public health issues, especially regarding HBV. Target audience: High school students Notable student group or community partner(s): Local public and private schools, community youth programs, BPHC programs

Website Design

Updating and creating a lasting website. Target audience: High school students

8 I Team Hbv Semester Report

Physician Outreach Project

Made a brochure for physicians and hospitals to spread awareness about HBV. Plan to distribute to hospitals and physicians in the Cambridge/ Boston area. Target audience: Physicians, doctors, hospitals Notable student group or community partner(s): Hospitals, medical centers

Screenings and Vaccinations Initiative

Planning for a screening and vaccinations program with community partners to provide more opportunities for community members to get tested and vaccinated. Target audience: Community members Notable student group or community partner(s): MAP for Health, Quest Diagnostics, possibly Wang YMCA of Chinatown

Reflections Team HBV at Harvard is beginning new projects and initiatives to expand the organization, providing members with ownership over their projects and more interesting questions to tackle. These projects are ambitious, but we are confident that our determination and passion for Team HBV will prevail. We are continuing these projects into next semester and look forward to bringing back more updates.

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Event Descriptions 9/21/2013 Josiah Quincy School Playground 885 Washington st Boston, MA

Oak Street Fair

During this family-oriented community fair organized by the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, MIT Team HBV together with Harvard Team HBV manned a booth, distributing brochures, educating families on Hepatitis B and screening/vaccination opportunities and procedures, and making balloon animals for children. Target audience: Members of the Boston Chinatown community Notable community group partners: Harvard Team HBV, Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC)

10/11/2013 Berklee Performance Center

Kollaboration Boston Annual Asian American Talent Show

10/21-10/23, 10/31 MIT

Halloween Care Package Sale

10 I Team Hbv Semester Report

The event was an annual concert organized by Kollaboration Boston at the Berklee Performance Centre; along with Kollaboration Boston, MIT Team HBV members tabled in the entrance hall, and gave out brochures and spoke to student attendees on Hepatitis B and health options. Target audience: Boston students Team HBV made care packages composed of chocolates and snacks from Asia to sell to students and fundraise for the group. 193 care packages were sold and each also had an information card with Hep B facts. Target audience: MIT students

11/25/13 Edgerton House, MIT

Graduate Student Dumpling Information Session

Team HBV prepared dumplings for an info sessionwith graduate students, distributing brochures and educating students on the risks of Hepatitis B and the options for screening and vaccination on campus. Target audience: MIT graduate community

Reflections Our goals for this semester were to increase our number of active members, enlarge our campus presence, and be more active in the greater Boston community. This semester, we were able to successfully expand our executive board, fundraise across campus, and hold events at graduate dorms, while also increasing our presence in Boston through tabling in Chinatown and the Berklee College of Music. In the future, we’d like to maintain our campus presence by holding virus plushie-making and fundraising events, and possibly holding another screening. We would also like to increase our collaboration with MAP for Health in Chinatown. Fall 2013 I 11

Event Descriptions Fall – current Santa Clara County

Winter Quarter Santa Clara County

Hep B Moms

Talked with Asian Liver Center, approaching reproductive services nonprofits in the area and establishing relationships with organizations. This is the early stage. Target: Expecting mothers, especially those at risk. Notable student group or community partner(s) Asian Liver Center

Clothes Drive Garage Sale

The plan is to collect clothes at Stanford and nearby high school chapters and sell the clothes as a mechanism to draw immigrants into a free screening event to generate traffic. Target: Vietnamese immigrants in San Jose Notable partners: Santa Clara Hep B Free

Small Business Initiative

Talking with small businesses, encouraging them to host hep B screenings for their employees. Target: Businesses in Silicon Valley Santa Clara Hep B Free

Screening Initiative Program

Get graduate students on campus to get screened for free at Vaden Target: Graduate students at Stanford Partners: Vaden Health Clinic.

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Reflections This year we are hoping to reach into the community more. Bay Area has a lot of hep B initiatives already, so we are just trying to do ground work. We are hoping to learn from existing organizations rather than start our own things, so we have mostly been communicating with folks in the area.

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Event Descriptions 9/18/13 Intercontinental Hotel, SF

SFHBF Gala: B a Hero

9/22/13 Music Concourse, SF Gorlden Gate Park

Liver Life Walk

11/3/13 Oakland Chinatown

Oakland Chinatown Flyering

14 I Team Hbv Semester Report

In collaboration with SFHBF, Team HBV and various other chapters volunteered at a gala to help raise money and awareness about hep B. Volunteers had jobs such as checking in attendees, help answer questions, help with auctions, setting up, and cleaning up. Community Partners: SF Golden State Warriors, SFHBF

A walk to raise money and awareness for Hep B. Members from Team HBV at Cal and and other various donors and organizations walked around Golden Gate Park. Along with the walk, there were various speakers and performers. Community Partners: Various hepatitis B organizations such as SFHBF

Team HBV at Cal officers and members split into groups to cover the entire Oakland Chinatown with flyers about hepatitis B and various Oakland clinics to get screened. Posted both Chinese and english flyers. Target Audience: Oakland Chinatown residents

11/14 - 11/15/13 Upper Sproul, UC Berkeley

November On-campus Event

Tabling, flyering, and giving away freebies (water bottle, pens, and tattoos) on the busiest strip on campus. Before freebies are given, students, professors, and campus visitors are asked a series of questions and given a mini pitch about hepatitis B. Target Audience: students, professors, campus visitors

Reflections Our chapter has definitely met our goals for this semester which was at least one campus and one community event. More importantly, our members are as dedicated as ever and this has contributed to the growth of our chapter. This greatly encourages the officers to find more opportunities for our members to grow and become more involved in the cause. For next semester, the officers hope to add more community events by partnering with outside organizations and be more efficient speakers by holding elevator pitch workshops for our members.

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Event Descriptions 11/14 UChicago Bartlett Lounge

Legal Liabilities Workshop

12/5 University Community Service Center

Cookie Decorating Study Break

12/7-12/8 UChicago Campus

Shine Happy

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We hosted Ted Stamatakos and Liz Shanin from UChicago Legal Counsel as they discussed some of the legal and ethical obstacles for volunteers doing direct service. Students are encouraged to discuss issues such as mandated reporting, background checks or waivers, who to report legal issues at our volunteer sites, etc. This is open for everyone involved in health volunteer services.

A holiday-themed event where Team HBV presents this year’s goals, what we’ve done so far, share upcoming opportunities, and celebrate together! Target audience: UChicago’s community service Registered Student Organization members. A “non-fundraiser” – giving out free baked goods to students and people on campus during finals week to bring awareness to Team HBV. Target audience: Everyone on campus, especially near libraries and study hubs are our targets. Lots of volunteer bakers and foodies got involved to make and serve treats.

Reflections This quarter, we wanted to be able to create more inviting environments to create a forum for students on our campus to talk more about HBV and the stigmas/misunderstandings about it. We definitely got more conversations focused on HBV by hosting community-oriented events. We were hoping to partner up more with Midwest Asian Health Association (MAHA) because we kept in contact and updated the Association with our plans, but due to weather, transportation, and busy schedules, UChicago Team HBV and MAHA representatives have not been able to follow-up with each other on a more regular basis to plan collaborative events. UChicago Team HBV does, however, hope work more actively with UIUC’s Team HBV to target more Chicago-wide people in health advocacy. Our next fundraising ideas also involve Crowdtilt, an online crowd-funding opportunity where we hope to incorporate community events. Stay tuned!

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Event Descriptions Nov. 9, 2013 Bruin Plaza near Bruin Bear (center of UCLA campus)

Nov. 2, 2013 Garden Grove, CA

Team HBV @ UCLA quarterly fundraiser

At our quarterly fundraiser, our team set up two tables in the center of UCLA campus and sold Dim Sum and Boba from 11 AM– 3 PM. In addition to raising money dedicated to our upcoming HBAW arrangements, we also had brochures and at least 4 -6 members at each 1 hour shift to spread the word about Hepatitis B. As the only group on campus selling dim sum, our student body has made an association with dim sum + boba with Team HBV, further spreading our name on UCLA campus. Because of the location, we were able to attract students, faculty, and even some visitors.

Nhan Hoa Clinic Community Health Fair

In collaboration with APLC, members volunteered to assist nurses to screen individuals at the health fair for Hepatitis B. Volunteers were able to communicate with patients, often times clearing myths surrounding the disease, and convincing them to get tested.

Nov. 10, 2013 Artesia, CA

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Sept 23, 2013 Royce Quad (UCLA)

Nov. 10, 2013 Artesia, CA

Enormous Activities Fair

Every year, UCLA allows its student organizations to advertise for their own group during week 0. During this time, hundreds of tables are lined up in the grassy area where each group is allowed to display their products or anything that may attract newcomers to their cause. During this time, we tried several strategies to attract attention, including putting up posters, unifying our clothing (to all green/jade), and carrying our large liver plushie (size of half of a twin bed) around and striking up conversation by asking to take photographs with them.

Cerritos Presbyterian Church Health Screening

In collaboration with APLC, Team HBV at UCLA were able to send several volunteers to the site to assist Hep B screening. At the event, APLC offered a presentation on Hep B, and free screening for participants.

Reflections This quarter, we were successful in implementing the family system and unifying it with subdivisions of Concert and Bruin Plaza committee (in preparation for HBAW). In terms of recruiting, we were successful in retaining members from last year, and welcomed enthusiastic newcomers (who, over the course of the quarter, have proved themselves very dedicated and passionate). We continued our tradition of quarterly fundraisers. Although we realized that some of our equipment for the event needed updating, we felt that we were able to learn from the experience, and have already made corresponding adjustments. Our next fundraisers are set in a week, and in mid-February. As we continue to build presence on campus, we feel more comfortable projecting our voices and cause across multiple locations on UCLA campus (our two fundraisers this quarter will be in two separate locations, with the intent of attracting a wider range of students, including more graduate students). Due to the short 10 week quarter system, we were unable to set up our shadowing program in a timely matter. However, within the first 2 weeks of our Winter quarter, we have already reviewed applications and are in the process of interviewing members for the program, due to start on Thursday Jan. 24th.

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Event Descriptions January 12, 2014 John Sutter Middle School, Thousands Oaks CA

January 15, 2014 Belltower, UCR Campus

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E-Board Clinic Volunteership

It was an opportunity for the Executive Board to get back into clinical hours and spend quality time together while providing care to the community. Target audience - Vietnamese community in Thousand Oaks Notable student group or community group partners – ALPC and UCR Team HBV

Tabling on Campus

First day of tabling for the new quarter Target audience – Students at UCR and prospective members interested in the awareness and the service of the organization

Reflections Fall quarter brought attention to regaining motivation in pushing forth with Team HBV. It was a struggle at first to communicate with one other on Executive Board and make meetings. However, all the members were aware of what we were lacking and motivated each other do better with the organization this year. Our goals this year will be stay consistent with meetings, membership and growth, and maintaining a strong foundation that will bring stronger future years. Next quarter we will improve this by adding more time as Executive Board together to build board first.

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Event Descriptions 07/28/2013 Hing Hay Park

10/5/2013 Twin Falls

World Hep B Day

Participated in the attempt to break the Guinness World Record, tabled Target Audience: General Public Partners: WithinReach, HEP: Hepatitis Education Project

Team HBV Bonding Hike

Hiked together to form stronger bonds between Team HBV Members Target Audience: Team HBV members

9/20/2013 UW Campus

Team HBV at the Dawg Daze Resource Fair

11/13/2013 UW Campus

Team HBV Plushie Workshop

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Besides putting up stakes and selling cookies to raise awareness about HBV, tabled at the fair to attract new members and increase awareness about Hepatitis B and Team HBV. Provided an auction basket for charity. Target Audience: Students, General Public

Instructed students on how to make Team HBV plushies and provided a brief presentation on Hepatitis B, Team HBV, and the membership process. Target Audience: Students

Reflections Personally, I feel that we have not quite met our chapter goals. We wanted to attract more members as we are a relatively new chapter, so we set up meetings and tabling focused around attracting members, especially freshmen. We hope to improve our member count and be more proactive this upcoming quarter by working with more clubs and utilizing the major listservs to increase publicity for our club. Currently, we are in contact with several biology and career based clubs and we plan to extend our reach to culture clubs, especially those representing populations most prevalently hit by Hepatitis B. We also have events such as a pharmacist guest speaker who will be giving a presentation and Q&A session on Hepatitis B through the perspective of a community pharmacist.

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Executive Boards


Brown President VP of Campus Outreach VP of Community Outreach VP of Recruitment & Training VP of Administration

Eric Chen Jenzel Espares Andrew Li Julia Bu Vananh Tran

Eric_Chen@Brown.edu Jenzel_Espares@Brown.edu Andrew_Li@Brown.edu Julia_Bu@Brown.edu Vananh_Tran@Brown.edu

Helen Tian / Honora Ip Heming Zhao Wendy Wei Jennifer Chen Angela Cai Jen Zhu

hst25@cornell.edu / hi52@cornell.edu hz226@cornell.edu wendy.wei@gmail.com hc575@cornell.edu ac699@cornell.edu jz492@cornell.edu

Cornell co-Presidents VP of Campus Outreach VP of Community Outreach VP of Recruitment & Training VP of Administration VP of Finance


Co-President Rhed Shi Co-President Jennifer Chen VP of Campus Outreach/Recruitment Kwan-Keat Ang Co-VP of Community Outreach Eunah Lee Co-VP of Community Outreach Hursuong Vongsachang VP of Administration and Finance Shirley Mo

rhedshi@college.harvard.edu jenniferchen@college.harvard.edu kwankeatang@college.harvard.edu eunahlee@college.harvard.edu hursuongvongsachang@college.harvard.edu shirleymo@college.harvard.edu

MIT President VP of Campus Outreach VP of Community Outreach VP of Recruitment & Training VP of Administration VP of Finance Freshman Representatives

Rachelle Lim and Sophia Li Lena Yang and Choah Kim Steve Cho, Natalle Yu Rebecca Shi Angela Koh Eunice Wu Brianna Berrios, David Kim

Rlim432@gmail.com, sophiali@mit.edu lenayang@mit.edu, kimch@mit.edu swcho92@mit.edu, natalle@mit.edu beckyshi@mit.edu mkoh@mit.edu yuyupuu@mit.edu bberrios@mit.edu, djkim@mit.edu

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President VP of Campus Outreach

Christina Wang Lina Vadlamani Jeffrey Kwong Maya Yamane Emily Truong

VP of Community Outreach VP of Recruitment & Training

UC Berkeley

President VP of Campus Outreach VP of Community Outreach VP of Recruitment & Training VP of Administration VP of Finance

U Chicago

President /VP Community Outreach VP of Campus Outreach VP of Recruitment & Training VP of Administration VP of Finance

UC Los Angeles

President VP of Campus Outreach VP of Community Outreach VP of Recruitment & Training VP of Administration VP of Finance VP of Media and Publicity

Ckw2011@stanford.edu Linav16@stanford.edu jwkwong@stanford.edu moana@stanford.edu etruong@stanford.edu

Tiffany Pham Dennis Khine Lillian Chu Henry Li Stephanie Cheng Calvin Chen

tiffany_pham@berkeley.edu dennis1299@berkeley.edu Lillian.chu@berkeley.edu henryli613@berkeley.edu Stephie.cheng@berkeley.edu chen.calvin101@gmail.com

Grace S. Park Ruiyang Yi Meng Wu Elliot Lu Amisha Gandhi

Parkgra3@uchicago.edu yisylvia@yahoo.com Meng_wu1@yahoo.com elilu@uchicago.edu amishagandhi@uchicago.edu

Emily Weng Claire Valburg Nakul Sagdeo Raymond Zhou Seethim Naicker Emily Cheng Siddharth Bhargava

emily.weng228@gmail.com cvalburg@sbcglobal.net Nakul2@gmail.com Raymondzhou1223@yahoo.com snaicker@ucla.edu emiriic@gmail.com Sbhargava09@ucla.edu

UC Riverside President VP of Campus Outreach VP of Community Outreach VP of Membership

Rosemariae Dang, Chris Nguyen Jason Lee Jasmine Kuo Carla Chen

Rdang003@ucr.edu, cnguy067@ucr.edu Jlee299@ucr.edu jasmineykuo@gmail.com carlamtchen@gmail.com

U Washington President VP of Campus Outreach VP of Community Outreach VP of Recruitment & Training VP of Administration VP of Finance

27 I Team Hbv Semester Report

Susan Pham Michelle Lee Chanelle Felix Paul Lau Jordan Schultz Chloe Choe

phams@uw.edu appk1992@uw.edu cfelix03@uw.edu paul.lau626@gmail.com orchid15@uw.edu chloec@uw.edu

Advisory Board Co-Chair

Chelsea Xu chelsea@teamhbv.org strschelsea


Andrew Huang ahuang@teamhbv.org ahuangx92

Co-Outreach Advisor

Gerry Zhang gerry@teamhbv.org gerry.z1

Co-Outreach Advisor

Julia Zang


Recruitment and Training Advisor Chris Zheng


julia.unicorn.zang chris.zheng2

External Relations Advisor

Sherry Chen sherry@teamhbv.org sschen14

ALC Staff

Diana Ngo diana.ngo@stanford.edu paxdia

28 I Team Hbv Semester Report

Special Thanks To the Asian Liver Center at Stanford University

...And all its wonderful staff and interns for continuing to support our collegiate chapters throughout the years with educational materials and outreach kits, with invaluable advices and examples, and for linchpin that brings all of these students from across the nation together.

To the Advisory Board

...For doing such a fantastic job of mentoring and encouraging every chapter executive boards, for maintaining Team HBV website and internal site, and among countless other responsibilities.

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