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Fantastic Boba Spots and Where to Find them Vivian Zhu
Fantastic Boba Spots &Where to Find Them
By Vivian Zhu
Tired of having no options for bubble tea in Binghamton? Going through boba withdrawal symptoms? As the semester comes to a close and a lot of us return home to the city, here are some NYC boba recommendations and some drinks that you should try!
Machi Machi
K-Town | 33 W 32nd St.
Although a bit on the pricey side, Machi Machi is a Taiwanesebobashopthatoffersawiderangeofvariety from fruit teas to milk teas to their signature Panna Cotta drinks. Machi Machi has locations all over the world, with a fairly recent location in the heart of K-town. MachiMachiisdefinitelyaplacethatdiffersfromyour average boba. Fun fact: This is Jay Chou’s favorite bubble tea store! You should try: Strawberry Latte with Panna Cotta, Shizuoka Matcha Milk Tea with Panna Cotta.
Xing Fu Tang
Xing Fu Tang is a famous bubble tea shop that is known for its brown sugar bubble tea. At their location in Flushing, Queens, the baristas make the boba by hand and showyou the entire process from start to finish! Thisisdefinitelyoneofthebestbrownsugarbubbletea placesyouwillfind,especiallyifyouhaveasweettooth. Besides their classic brown sugar drinks, they also make fruitteasandspecial/seasonaldrinksthataredefinitely worth a try. You should try: Brown Sugar Boba Milk, Matcha Boba Milk, Curacao Soda with Giant Handmade Jellies.
Moge Tee
Fresh Meadows | 61-12 182nd St. Flushing | 38-03 Main St.
Moge Tee is a bubble tea chain that has expanded all over NYC recently, and is known for their wide range of beverages. They have cheese teas, fruit teas and slushes, milk teas, and yogurt drinks. Moge Tee is perfect for both the summer weather when a fruit tea will help cool youoff andthewinterwhenyouneedawarmmilktea todrink.Thecheeseteasaredefinitelyanacquiredtaste, but you’ll never know unless you try it first! Plus, the Fresh Meadows location has an extra large size for all the bubble tea enthusiasts out there. You should try: Fresh Orange Tea, Fresh Red Dragon Fruit Tea, Rose Milk Tea.
Yi Fang
Flushing|135-1540thRd. Chinatown | 67 Bayard St.
Yi Fang is another Taiwanese bubble tea shop that offersalotof milkteasandfruitteas.Oneof thebest things about their drinks is that they can be served with pearls (tiny tapioca) instead of regular-sized boba. Their wide range of fruit teas are refreshing any day, especially ifyouareintotraditionalteaflavors.Theyalsooffertea lattes (similar to milk teas), such as black tea latte, taro (tea) latte and matcha tea latte. You should try: Yi Fang Signature Fruit Tea, Mango Sago Pomelo, Winter Melon Lemon Juice
Flushing | 38-04 Prince St.
TSAoCAA is a unique bubble tea store located in Flushing, Queens with beverages that you typically wouldnotfindinotherstores.TSAoCAAmixesalotof flavorsintheirfruitteasandalsohassomespecificmilk teas that are signature to their store. Some examples of their milk teas include Peach Milk Tea and Ruby Milk Tea. For their fruit teas, they usually add a lot of differentfruitinsideinsteadof justservingtheinfused tea like other stores do. Some of their green tea drinks also are served with a bit of slush at the top, making them extremely refreshing. You should try: Mango Green Tea, Lychee Green Tea, Peach Oolong Milk Tea.
Photos from Getty Images, Machi Machi US, Xing Fu Tang, Postmates, and Uber Eats