3 minute read
The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) is a government agency tasked with overseeing the tra c management and road maintenance in the National Capital Region. With their o cers working long hours on the streets, it can be challenging to prioritize their health and well-being. This is where the Batak Trapiko Weight Loss Program comes in, led by Chairperson Jazper Tiongson of JCI Manila.
The Batak Trapiko Weight Loss Program was o cially launched on March 20, 2023. The program aims to promote a healthy lifestyle among MMDA tra c enforcers who work long hours on the streets. The project is led by JCI Manila Chairperson Jazper Tiongson and is set to run for three months. Over 100 tra c enforcers from the MMDA are participating in the program. The goal is for them to trim down to their ideal weight, improve their overall physical and mental health, and be #RoadReady.

According to Atty. Victor Nuñez, the Director for Enforcement of the MMDA Tra c Discipline O ce, the agency wants the tra c enforcers to serve as role models. They are not only disciplined in controlling tra c but also snappy on the road. The Batak Trapiko program is a way to support their e orts to stay healthy and fit.

The participants underwent orientation on the launch day, and their body mass index (BMI) was measured. This will serve as the baseline for their progress as they work towards their fitness goals. It willl provide participants with personalized nutrition and fitness plans, as well as regular check-ins and monitoring. They will also receive support from JCI Manila members who will serve as men-
The Batak Trapiko Weight Loss Program is just one of JCI Manila's initiatives to promote health and wellness in the community. By partnering with organizations such as the MMDA, they are able to reach a wider audience and make a positive impact on the lives of those who serve the public.
Through programs like Batak Trapiko, JCI Manila is committed to improving the health and well-being of Filipinos, one step at a time. The program is not only an opportunity for MMDA tra c enforcers to improve their physical health but also a chance for them to inspire others to lead healthier lives.