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Issue 3 | 28 - 30 September 2016 Follow us on Facebook

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Are you audacious

enough to take a second wife?

Full story on pages 6 & 7



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Soap star Marc Anwar apologises for ‘moment of madness’

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by Mo Bhana ADVERTISING & SALES NEWS EDITOR PUBLISHER RF Publishing Ltd DEsIGn & aRtWoRK Karthik Ramamurthy Paul Parkes REPoRtERs Ayyaz Malik

Sacked Coronation Street star Marc Anwar has apologised for using “unacceptable” language about Indian people, saying that his “rant” was a “moment of madness”. The Pakistan-born actor, 45 - who plays Sharif Nazir in Corrie - was axed from the ITV soap after Coronation Street bosses were alerted to a number comments he made on Twitter. The alleged tweets from Anwar’s protected account were critical of India over the disputed Kashmir region and called on Pakistani actors to stop working in the country. His comments come amid heightened tensions between India and Pakistan over the divided Himalayan territory, following deadly attacks by militants and security forces. Anwar, who joined the soap in February 2014 as a member of the first Muslim family on the cobbles, issued a video apology, hoping that people “forgive me”.

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“This was never my intention and the language was unacceptable. I feel that I have let a lot of people down, my family, my friends and my former colleagues.” “This I... very sincerely apologise for.” He continued: “On Friday evening I saw, on the news, children being pulled out of rubble, people being pelted with pellets, women mourning their dead in Kashmir. “This upset me very deeply and in a moment of madness I ranted out. I vented my anger. “Again, the language that I used, I sincerely apologise for. But my feelings were very sincere for the people of Kashmir. And I hope that everyone that I have offended can find it in their hearts to forgive me.” The Sunday Mirror published screenshots of messages posted on Anwar’s private Twitter account which appeared to hit out at India over Kashmir and repeatedly referred to

Indian people in a derogatory manner. An ITV spokeswoman previously said: “We are deeply shocked by the entirely unacceptable, racially offensive comments made on Twitter by Marc Anwar. “We have talked to Marc and, as a consequence of his comments, he will not

be returning to Coronation Street with immediate effect.” Soap bosses are expected to do everything they can to minimise the actor’s presence in the show until his character can be written out. Anwar has appeared in Hollywood films such as Captain Phillips and 51st State.

Two acquitted in UK teen’s murder



“I would like to offer my sincerest apologies to anyone that I may have offended with my tweets on Friday evening and especially people from India,” he said.

Two Indian men have been cleared by an Indian judge of killing British schoolgirl Scarlett Keeling on a Goa beach in 2008. Samson D’Souza, 37, and Placido Carvalho, 48, were both cleared of culpable homicide and sexual assault of the 15-year year old from Devon, whose bruised body was found halfnaked on Anjuna beach in 2008. Scarlett was on a six-month trip to India with her extended family in 2008. She had sought permission from her mother to attend a Valentine’s Day party in Anjuna, and was found dead just days later.

Police initially dismissed her death as an accidental drowning but opened a murder investigation after Ms MacKeown pushed for a second autopsy which proved she had been drugged and raped. It showed that Keeling had suffered more than 50 injuries to her body. The trial began in 2010 but was dodged by numerous delays, including hearings of just one afternoon a month due to a backlog of cases and a public prosecutor withdrawing from proceedings. The prosecution argued that D’Souza had sexually assaulted her and left her to die on the beach after he and Carvalho had plied her with cocaine at a nearby bar. Multiple eyewitnesses described seeing

Scarlett consume cocaine on the night of her death with the accused. But there were no witnesses to the final hours of her life, after Michael Mannion - a British tourist in Anjuna also known as ‘Masala Mike’ – pulled out of giving evidence at the last minute. It is believed, Mannion was the last person to see Scarlett alive with D’Souza Scarlett’s mother Fiona MacKeown said she was “devastated” by the decision. After describing Mr Mannion as a ‘despicable coward’ for not returning to give evidence, she said: ‘He let Scarlett down for the first time when he drove off and left her there with this guy and he just let her down again

badly.’ She added: ‘He was treated as a witness and he promised he’d come back and he didn’t.’ “I’m just shocked. We’ve been waiting in agony all this time,” said Ms MacKeown, who was present at the brief hearing in a packed Goa courthouse. “I’ve lost faith in the whole system. The judge had all that evidence and witness statements. I can’t begin to imagine how she made those decisions. “I don’t dare to hold up hope that Scarlett will ever get justice now.” Ms MacKeown vowed to appeal the decision, although authority to do so rests with Indian federal prosecutors.

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Asian UKIP candidate guilty of abusing Leytonstone Tesco worker by Mo Bhana

A failed UKIP General Election candidate has been fined for racially abusing a fellow Muslim in a Tesco car park. Mother-of-two Sam Naz, 33, who unsuccessfully stood as a MP for Richmond Park and North Kensington, racially abused 48 year old Mohammed Wafta after he attempted to see if she needed any help after being attacked by another shopper outside a Tesco store in Leytonstone, East London, Snaresbrook Crown Court heard how Naz called trolley collector, Mr. Watfa a “f****** foreigner, during a row outside Tesco’s Leytonstone store in March 2015.

Naz, of Twickenham, south London, claimed she had been throttled by the male customer, who was never traced, and shoved into a parked car. She then lost her temper and turned on Mr Watfa after the man sped off, calling him a ‘f****** b******’, a ‘f****** foreigner’ and taunting: ‘What kind of f****** foreigner are you?’ Naz, who is of Pakistani descent, denied the charge of racially aggravated intentional harassment, claiming Mr Watfa had been the aggressor during the incident. She also denied suggestions she had used any racial slurs towards Mr Watfa. However, a jury of five men and seven women convicted her of

racially aggravated intentional harassment after deliberating for just an hour-and-a-half. Naz sighed and loudly tutted after the verdict was read out and told the judge he had been ‘very unfair’ to her.

Ms Kodikara said. “He only recently discovered that she worked in politics and it has made him feel worse because somebody in that position should know better than to say such things.”

Fining Naz £1,500 and ordering her to pay £3,500 in costs, Judge Oscar Del Fabbro told her: “If you retain any aspirations for a political career you may want to reflect on the fact that humility will stand you in good stead.

Mr Watfa told jurors the driver briefly stepped out to argue with Naz a second time before pulling away at speed and dragging her up to ten yards as she clung on.

“A person who stands in politics represents all members of society foreigners included.”

“When she turned around the first words she said was that I let him go and drive off,” Mr Watfa explained.

Rekha Kodikara, prosecuting, read a victim impact statement from Mr Watfa: “He said that he is still shocked at what she said to him,”

“I said I could not arrest him because I am not a policeman and I am not security.”

He told jurors he replied: ‘I am a foreigner just like you’. “I said “you are too pretty to say these words,” he added. “Maybe you deserve a punch because you have a very rude mouth”’. Mr Watfa claimed he heard the ‘same f-words’ volleyed at him ‘up to 50 times’ as he made his way back to the store. Naz claimed she is a ‘devout Muslim’ who was the victim of both a physical attack and Mr Watfa’s supposed remarks following it. Jurors heard she initially told officers the allegations were part of ‘a Muslim IS conspiracy’ from within Walthamstow’s Asian community - claims she now insists are ‘not true’.

Paul Gascoigne fined over racist ‘joke’ aimed at security guard by Mo Bhana

Former England footballer, Paul Gascoigne, has been fined £1,000 after admitting making a racist “joke” in front of hundreds of people at his ‘An Evening With Gazza’ show in Wolverhampton. Gascoigne humiliated Errol Rowe, his security guard, by asking him: “Can you smile please, because I can’t see you?” Gascoigne, who lives in Dorset, had been due to stand trial accused

of using racially aggravated “threatening, abusive or insulting” words or behaviour.

during an on-stage performance by Gascoigne on November 30 last year at Wolverhampton’s Civic Hall.

However, he changed his plea to guilty before the first witness was called to give evidence at Dudley Magistrates’ Court.

After Gascoigne’s change of plea, Judge Wilkinson said the ex-player had admitted using “the sort of insidious racism” that needed to be challenged.

The Court heard that Gascoigne told police the comment was “just good humour, nothing else”.

He told the former footballer: “You sought to get a laugh from an audience of over 1,000 people because of the colour of Mr Rowe’s skin.

He added: “I’m upset if I have upset him.” District Judge Graham Wilkinson was told the offence was committed

The judge told Gascoigne - who admitted a racially aggravated public order charge - that his previous convictions were not relevant to the


this off as some form of joke.”

Mr Wilkinson, who praised the Crown Prosecution Service for taking the case to court, told Gascoigne: “Mr Rowe was clearly humiliated on stage, as part of an act. As a society it is important that we challenge racially aggravated behaviour in all its forms.

The judge told Gascoigne: “We live in the 21st century, grow up with it or keep your mouth closed.”

“It is the creeping ‘low-level’ racism that society still needs to challenge. A message needs to be sent that in the 21st century society that we live in, such action; such words will not be tolerated. “It is not acceptable to laugh words like

The former footballer has battled alcoholism for many years. Yet despite spending several stints in rehabilitation facilities over the years, the former Tottenham, Lazio, Everton, Middlesbrough and Rangers midfielder’s only recently managed to avoid bankruptcy. The 49-year-old managed to avoid financial ruin by voluntarily paying off a £42,000 bill owed to HMRC.



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Do You Recognise This Couple? by Mo Bhana

When West Yorkshire Police tried to reunite the owners of a wedding album found in a bin, the last thing they expected was to be asked to hang on to it! The kind hearted social media team behind West Yorkshire Police’s Kirklees rural branch account launched an impassioned appeal to find a ‘happy couple’ who’s wedding photos were found in a rubbish in Holmfirth, near Huddersfield by a a member of the public who was concerned it may have been stolen.

Tweets sent out by @WYP_ KirkRural included: ‘Do you recognise this couple? A wedding album featuring them was found dumped in a bin in Holmfirth and we’d like to give it back!’

Writing on Facebook the West Yorkshire Police, Kirklees rural branch posted: "We like to try and reunite people with lost property .... but this has turned out to be totally awakward."

‘If this is your wedding album, it’s with us at Holmfirth nick. If you want it back, call us on 101. Ref 13/16/0409269 (we won’t ask why)

When contacted by by The Asian Standard, a police spokesperson said: “Local Officers attended and collected the box and the album.

Unsurprisingly, the Kirklees rural branch twitter feed was awash with replies.

“We try to reunite owners of found property as much as we can, and so photos of the album and the couple were put on our Facebook and Twitter pages in an attempt to try and locate the owners.

@bigjonhellings tweeted: is this Sam hunters? Owner doesn’t want it back @WYPDeeCollins tweeted: But well intentioned #wellmeantmistake After additional users replied suggesting there may have been a reason it had been dumped in a bin, police said it “looks like it will be staying with us”.

“Within a couple of hours it became clear from the comments on Facebook that the album had been dumped ... and perhaps the owners didn’t want it back.

“The appeal through our social media accounts was done with the best of intentions but unfortunately it appears our ‘help’ may not have been required on this occasion. In a follow-up post, Kirklees Rural added: “Wedding Album Mystery SOLVED! Looks like although it was handed in good faith, the owner




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It’s BBQ time... It’s BBQ time...

Paneer Afghani Paneer Afghani

Ingredients 500 gm paneer-cubed 1 Tbsp magaz (melon seed) Paneer cubes marinated 1 cup kaju (cashew nuts) 1 Tbsp khus khus (poppy in a creamy paste of Ingredients seed)-soaked for 1 hour By Niru Gupta 5001 gm cuppaneer-cubed cream melon seeds, cashews, 1 Tbsp magaz (melon seed) 2 Tbsp butter poppy seeds, cream and 2 tsp kaju (cashew nuts) powdered black Paneer cubes marinated 1 cup khus khus (poppy butter. Grilled golden 1 Tbsp pepper in a creamy paste of seed)-soaked for 1 hour 5-6 chhoti elaichi on a tandoor. 1 cup Saltcream to taste melon seeds, cashews, 2 Tbsp butter poppy seeds, cream and 2 tsp powdered black butter. Grilled golden pepper 5-6 chhoti elaichi on a tandoor. Salt to taste By Niru Gupta

Method 1. Grind together the magaz, kaju, khus khus, pepper and elaichi.

Method 2. Mix with the rest of the in1. Grind together the magaz, gredients and marinate for an kaju, khus hour or khus, so. pepper and elaichi. 3. Grill in a tandoor or electric 2. Mix the rest of serve the in-hot. grillwith till golden and gredients and marinate for an hour or so. 3. Grill in a tandoor or electric grill till golden and serve hot.

Reshmi Tikka Reshmi Tikka Recipe by Chef Aditya Bal

The creamy texture and the tenderness of the chicken, makes this one of the Recipe by Chef Aditya Bal most popular Indian kebab recipes.

The creamy texture and the tenderness Grindof them in a mortar of Ingredients the chicken, makes this2. one the 250 gm chicken, cut into and pestle and add mango most popular Indian kebabpowder. recipes. cubes Mix them well. 1 tsp refined oil 1 tsp turmeric powder For the tikka: Ingredients 1 Tbsp ginger-garlic paste 2. Grind them in a mortar 25050gm and3.pestle and add gmchicken, malai cut into In a bowl, add mango chicken cubes powder. themoil, well. 50 gm curd cubes,Mix refined tur1 tsp refined oil 1 lime meric powder, ginger garlic 1 tsp turmeric powder Forpaste, the tikka: 1 Tbsp garam masala malai, curd, juice 1 Tbsp paste Salt, ginger-garlic to taste of 1/2 lime, the prepared 50 gm malai 3. In a bowl, add chicken garam masala and salt. Mix 50 For gm curd cubes, oil, tur- Keep the garam masala: themrefined well together. 1 lime meric powder, garlic 1 tsp cumin them in the ginger fridge for 20 1 Tbsp masala paste, malai, curd, juice 1 tspgaram coriander powder minutes. Salt, to taste of 1/2 lime, the prepared 1 tsp black pepper garam masalathe andoven salt. for Mix20 1 tsp kebab chini 4. Preheat For5-6 thegreen garam masala: them well together. cardamom minutes at 180 C.Keep 1 tsp cumin them in the fridge for 20 1 stick cinnamon 1 tsp minutes. 5-6coriander cloves powder 5. Roast the marinated 1 tsp black pepper 1 tsp mango powder chicken pieces in the oven 1 tsp kebab chini 4. Preheat the oven for 20 for 20 minutes. 5-6Method green cardamom minutes at 180 C. 1 stick cinnamon For the garam masala: 6. Remove them from oven 5-6 cloves 5. Roast the marinated and squeeze half lime over 1 tsp mango 1. In a pan,powder dry roast cumin,chicken it. pieces in the oven for 20 minutes. coriander powder, black Method pepper, kebab chini, green 7. Serve hot with preferred Forcardamom, the garam cinnamon masala: and 6. Remove sauces them from oven and squeeze half lime over cloves. 1. In a pan, dry roast cumin, it. coriander powder, black pepper, kebab chini, green 7. Serve hot with preferred cardamom, cinnamon and sauces cloves.



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Are You Audacious Enough To Take A Second Wife? by Mo Bhana

A controversial entrepreneur has created a web site promising to help fill the holes in the lives of married men by helping then find a second wife. Azad Chaiwala, a 33-year-old British business man has created what he said was the world’s first matchmaking sites for aspiring polygamists. He founded, aimed specifically at Muslims, followed by, which is open to people of all faiths, this year. Mr. Chaiwala speaks of his sites with what can only be described as evangelist zeal, hoping to spread the idea that polygamy offers a pro-family antidote to promiscuity, prostitution, divorce and broken homes. He challenges those who criticise polygamy as outdated, insisting it is a credible alternative to adultery.

Piers Morgan: “You’re raking it in. What you wanna do is have a load of women on the side and charge people money for it.”

When asked if he was encouraging people to enter into illegal arrangements, because having more than one wife is not something that is sanctioned by British law, Chaiwala dismissed the question outright.

“What is stopping men from visiting prostitutes?” said Chaiwala.

He argued: “What is illegal is to take an additional wife legally.”

“It is irresponsible and unaccountable, people are out for self satisfaction and hedonism, whilst being in a polygamous relationship, you remain accountable and cannot simply walk away.

He explained his websites enable men to have an extra spouse though in legal terms they are not ‘wives’.

“There will be fathers, brothers and all sorts of family members involved, so you cannot simply walk away and leave.” While he has no way to clarify how many polygamous marriages his sites may have facilitated, Mr. Chaiwala said he had received more than 100 letters from users thanking him for guiding them toward multiple-marital bliss. “I am saying, ‘Marry two or three, and be loyal to them,” he said.

“Some people say what I am doing is an absolute abomination, but these people are saying these sorts of things because they are not comfortable with it and it is a defence mechanism. “No one is breaking the law here, what we have here is adults who have agreed to partake in a consensual relationship and both women and the man know where they stand. It is out in the open and we shouldn’t shy away from it. “What is illegal is to take an additional wife legally. It’s not a legal marriage. Does a girlfriend have legal protection? No they do not.”

Chaiwala also spoke about defending his his actions in a heated discussion with Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain. The entrepreneur who is thought to be making a large amount of money from the website, refused to reveal exactly how much he was raking in. “I can’t give you an exact figure. Over 100,000 subscribers.”

better of Morgan: “Piers Morgan lost his argument with me so he decided to attack Sharia Law instead. “Piers Morgan is not the only one who has attacked me. Some members of the Islamic community have also attacked me, but this is because they are not comfortable with their own colour, people seem to want to be like everyone else, they are no longer comfortable being themselves.

Moulana Thanavi: If the weight of one water melon is more and the weight of the other is less, then one wife will receive the one that is greater in weight and the other will receive the one that is lesser in weight. This will be contrary to fairness and justice, because there is no equality between the two. And the order (of the shariah) is that there should be equality.

British journalist and television personality Piers Morgan was far from impressed: “You’re raking it in. What you wanna do is have a load of women on the site and charge people money for it.” He told Chaiwala during an edition of Good Morning Britain.

Chaiwala however, believes he got the

“There’s an institution in this country called marriage. There are decent men in this country, and it’s hard for them: they don’t want to have affairs, yet affairs seem to be the norm nowadays.” Chaiwala believes the site is popular

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COVER STORY because some women do not want the commitment of a full-time husband. “Even though some family members may be against the idea, some women are comfortable with it because they may think, hang on a second, if he is taking care of his wife in a really nice way, maybe he can also take care of me and my kids?” “I know about 16 or 18 families who have indulged in polygamy from a very cultural perspective and there has been no justice because it has not been done in the correct Islamic manner.”

Creating a profile on either site is free, but to browse profile photos, you need to upgrade to a paid membership for three months. In response to a woman who was considering a polygamous marriage, West Midlands based Mufti Adam, who is a traditionallytrained Islamic scholar who has studied the Arabic language and various other traditional Islamic sciences including tafsir, Hadith and Fiqh in different parts of the world, raised a number of valid points.

Moulana Adam: “There is much wisdom behind this permissibility, the holy book allows it in clear and unambiguous terms, the Sunnah is evident on its permissibility and all the Muslims throughout history have never rejected its permissibility, then who are we to consider this ruling to be absurd, unjust or blameworthy?

“However, there is no sin in a sister refusing to enter a polygamous marriage, since that is her right. She may refuse without disrespecting the ruling of Shariah, for looking down on it is a serious crime.”

The sites now have tens of thousands of members, Mr. Chaiwala said. Most registered users are in Britain or the United States, even though bigamy is a crime in both countries. But some members log in from India, Pakistan, or other countries in Asia or Africa where it can be legal.

said Mufti Adam.

“Unfortunately, as is the case with a lot of things, like always, the best of ways is the middle way – the path of moderation,”

“It is not an unrestricted right of a man. There are strict conditions that must be adhered to.” The sheikh mentioned that polygamy should not be taken lightly. Some men

Mufti Yusuf Akudi: “To ensure fairness and transparency, safeguards need to be put in place for those who enter into such relationships, to ensure fairness for all parties involved.”

different. They start off treating them justly but eventually fall into the major sin of unjust and unfair treatment.” He did however also have a message for modernist Muslims and some others cannot tolerate the fact that Islam allows a man to marry a second wife after fulfilling the strict condition of fair treatment.

consider taking on a second wife to be a divine right assigned to them, and hence regardless of their circumstance and situation, they insist on marrying second or third time without giving due consideration to the extremely difficult condition prescribed by the Shariah.

“Some consider polygamy to be abrogated, outdated or not suited to our times. Some even go to the extent of considering a man who takes on a second wife to be guilty of a crime akin to adultery. Even ‘practising’ Muslims unfortunately become involved in such absurd judgments.

“Many contemporary scholars worldwide have advised against marrying a second time unless a man is genuinely in need of doing so.

“There is much wisdom behind this permissibility, the holy book allows it in clear and unambiguous terms, the Sunnah is evident on its permissibility and all the Muslims throughout history have never rejected its permissibility, then who are we to consider this ruling to be absurd, unjust or blameworthy?

He went on to explain that it is generally unwise for a man to take on more than one wife in “our times” without a genuine need, because it results in a) harm to the first wife, b) harm to the second wife when the first wife is upset, c) non-fulfilment of rights, and importantly d) harm to the children involved. “As such, it is a grave sin to treat women unequally and to fail giving them their rights. Any man who has taken a second wife has to meet the important condition of fair treatment of all his wives. “Many people think they are capable of treating their wives justly, but the reality on the ground is somewhat

entering into polygamous marriages. “To ensure fairness and transparency, safeguards need to be put in place for those who enter into such relationships, to ensure fairness for all parties involved.” The respected scholar also raised a very valid point, polygamy was prevalent in pre-Islamic Arabia, men had several wives. In fact, some people had hundreds of wives. Research conducted by Dr. Zakir Naik, who has a big following amongst young Muslims worldwide, boasting over 14 million Facebook followers specifically states the Islamic holy book happens to be the only Religious book on the face of the earth, which specifically asks men to marry the once. “There is no other religious book on the face of the earth, which says

Zakir Naik: “In the US, alone there are 7.8 million more women than men. New York alone has one million more females as compared to the number of males.”

“However, there is no sin in a sister refusing to enter a polygamous marriage, since that is her right. She may refuse without disrespecting the ruling of Shariah, for looking down on it is a serious crime.” Batley based Mufti Yusuf Akudi, himself an authority on number of Islamic sciences, believes safeguards need to be put in place, for those

marry just the once,” says Naik. He insists: “If you read the Geeta, you read the Veda, you read the Ramayana, you read the Mahabharata, you read the Bible – no where it is mentioned marry just the once. “In fact if you read the Hindu Scriptures, most of the kings had several wives. If you read the Jewish Scriptures, the Jewish law allowed polygamy.

Azad Chaiwalla: “No one is breaking the law here, what we have here is adults who have agreed to partake in a consensual relationship and both women and the man know where they stand. It is out in the open and we shouldn’t shy away from it. “What is illegal is to take an additional wife legally. It’s not a legal marriage. Does a girlfriend have legal protection? No they do not.”

“The Christian Bible has also allowed polygamy. Even if you analyse the legal aspect of India, the Indian law has allowed a Hindu man to have more than one wife.” When Naik states the ration of men and women, alarm bells should start to ring: “In the US, alone there are 7.8 million more women than men. New York alone has one million more females as compared to the number of males. “In Britain alone, there are more than 4 million more women, than men. In Germany alone there are 5 million more women than men, In Russia alone, there are 7 million more women.” We want to know your views on Polygamous marriages. Are you a woman who doesn’t want a full time husband? Are you someone who is in a polygamous marriage? Drop us a line with your comments on Twitter or Facebook, or e-mail us via: newsdesk@



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‘Fake Sheikh’ Plotted to Tamper with Evidence to secure drugs conviction for pop star by Mo Bhana

A controversial undercover reporter known as the “Fake Sheikh” tampered with evidence after trying to set up a drugs sting involving former X Factor judge Tulisa Contostavlos, a court heard. Mazher Mahmood, 53, known as the “Fake Sheikh”, is alleged to have plotted with his “right-hand man” Alan Smith, 67, to alter a statement made to police about the pop singer. Contostavlos, 28, was targeted in December 2012 by the self-proclaimed “king of the sting”, who masqueraded as an Indian film producer who wanted the aspiring actress to star as a “bad girl” in a Bollywood blockbuster alongside Leonardo DiCaprio. Mahmood took Contostavlos to numerous London restaurants and on a trip to Las Vegas, before asking her to supply him with cocaine.

The singer allegedly arranged for the journalist to be sold half an ounce of cocaine by one of her contacts for £800. Mahmood handed evidence to police which led to Miss Contostavlos being arrested and charged with being concerned in the supply of a class A drug, the court was told. The singer went on trial in July 2014 for allegedly being concerned in the supply of cocaine after the story was published in The Sun on Sunday newspaper. The reporter was called as a prosecution witness in the trial and also gave evidence at a pre-trial hearing in June 2014 about his methods during the sting. However, the trial collapsed in 2014, when Judge Alistair McCreath told Southwark Crown Court he thought prosecution witness Mazher Mahmood had lied in giving evidence. This resulted in the Sun newspaper sunspending Mahmood ‘pending an

internal investigation’. The reporter had a “vested interest” in the prosecution, which put his journalistic reputation on the line, prosecutor Sarah Forshaw QC said. She added: “Mr Mahmood may be the master of subterfuge and deception. But on this occasion it is he - together with his employee - who are exposed. “He knew that if it could be shown that he had acted improperly as an agent provocateur, inducing Miss Contostavlos to do something she would not otherwise do.

about the singer’s negative attitude to cocaine, the court was told. In the intervening 24 hours he had allegedly sent a copy of his interview to Mahmood and they had exchanged a number of texts and calls, the court heard. During a pre-trial hearing at Southwark Crown Court, Mahmood said on oath that he had not discussed the evidence with Smith. He later admitted before the jury that he had seen a copy of Smith’s statement and the trial subsequently collapsed.

“Miss Contostavlos had expressed her disapproval of hard drugs to his (Mahmood’s) own driver, that was the bit of the statement that was altered.”

Mahmood, of Purley, south London, and Smith, from Dereham, Norfolk, both deny conspiring to pervert the course of justice.

A day after making the statement Smith told police he wanted to retract the part

The trial continues




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It’s BBQ time... It’s BBQ time...

Paneer Afghani Paneer Afghani

Ingredients 500 gm paneer-cubed 1 Tbsp magaz (melon seed) Paneer cubes marinated 1 cup kaju (cashew nuts) 1 Tbsp khus khus (poppy in a creamy paste of Ingredients seed)-soaked for 1 hour By Niru Gupta 5001 gm cuppaneer-cubed cream melon seeds, cashews, 1 Tbsp magaz (melon seed) 2 Tbsp butter poppy seeds, cream and 2 tsp kaju (cashew nuts) powdered black Paneer cubes marinated 1 cup khus khus (poppy butter. Grilled golden 1 Tbsp pepper in a creamy paste of seed)-soaked for 1 hour 5-6 chhoti elaichi on a tandoor. 1 cup Saltcream to taste melon seeds, cashews, 2 Tbsp butter poppy seeds, cream and 2 tsp powdered black butter. Grilled golden pepper 5-6 chhoti elaichi on a tandoor. Salt to taste By Niru Gupta

Method 1. Grind together the magaz, kaju, khus khus, pepper and elaichi.

Method 2. Mix with the rest of the in1. Grind together the magaz, gredients and marinate for an kaju, khus hour or khus, so. pepper and elaichi. 3. Grill in a tandoor or electric 2. Mix the rest of serve the in-hot. grillwith till golden and gredients and marinate for an hour or so. 3. Grill in a tandoor or electric grill till golden and serve hot.

Reshmi Tikka Reshmi Tikka Recipe by Chef Aditya Bal

The creamy texture and the tenderness of the chicken, makes this one of the Recipe by Chef Aditya Bal most popular Indian kebab recipes.

The creamy texture and the tenderness Grindof them in a mortar of Ingredients the chicken, makes this2. one the 250 gm chicken, cut into and pestle and add mango most popular Indian kebabpowder. recipes. cubes Mix them well. 1 tsp refined oil 1 tsp turmeric powder For the tikka: Ingredients 1 Tbsp ginger-garlic paste 2. Grind them in a mortar 25050gm and3.pestle and add gmchicken, malai cut into In a bowl, add mango chicken cubes powder. themoil, well. 50 gm curd cubes,Mix refined tur1 tsp refined oil 1 lime meric powder, ginger garlic 1 tsp turmeric powder Forpaste, the tikka: 1 Tbsp garam masala malai, curd, juice 1 Tbsp paste Salt, ginger-garlic to taste of 1/2 lime, the prepared 50 gm malai 3. In a bowl, add chicken garam masala and salt. Mix 50 For gm curd cubes, oil, tur- Keep the garam masala: themrefined well together. 1 lime meric powder, garlic 1 tsp cumin them in the ginger fridge for 20 1 Tbsp masala paste, malai, curd, juice 1 tspgaram coriander powder minutes. Salt, to taste of 1/2 lime, the prepared 1 tsp black pepper garam masalathe andoven salt. for Mix20 1 tsp kebab chini 4. Preheat For5-6 thegreen garam masala: them well together. cardamom minutes at 180 C.Keep 1 tsp cumin them in the fridge for 20 1 stick cinnamon 1 tsp minutes. 5-6coriander cloves powder 5. Roast the marinated 1 tsp black pepper 1 tsp mango powder chicken pieces in the oven 1 tsp kebab chini 4. Preheat the oven for 20 for 20 minutes. 5-6Method green cardamom minutes at 180 C. 1 stick cinnamon For the garam masala: 6. Remove them from oven 5-6 cloves 5. Roast the marinated and squeeze half lime over 1 tsp mango 1. In a pan,powder dry roast cumin,chicken it. pieces in the oven for 20 minutes. coriander powder, black Method pepper, kebab chini, green 7. Serve hot with preferred Forcardamom, the garam cinnamon masala: and 6. Remove sauces them from oven and squeeze half lime over cloves. 1. In a pan, dry roast cumin, it. coriander powder, black pepper, kebab chini, green 7. Serve hot with preferred cardamom, cinnamon and sauces cloves.



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Tough Action for Motorists Using Mobile Phones Whilst Driving by Mo Bhana

Drivers making illegal calls or sending text messages whilst behind the wheel will face tough penalties after shock findings highlighted by a RAC survey showcasing a ‘deadly epidemic’ on Britain’s roads. The survey by the RAC found that the proportion of drivers who confessed to sending a message or posting on social media rose from 7 per cent to 19 per cent, whilst 14 per cent of motorists have taken photographs or videos with their phone whilst driving. The RAC believes a 27 per cent fall in the number of full-time dedicated trafiic officers in England and Wales (excluding London) between 2010 and 2015 has left drivers with no fear that they will be caught for offences which cannot be detected by automatic cameras. Transport Secretary Chris Grayling has promised “tough action” over the illegal use of mobile phones by drivers. He is planning to double penalty points for phone-related driving convictions.

amid rising concerns about low penalties and poor enforcement of the law because of cuts to traffic police. However, a CU80 conviction, which is what you will get if you are caught using a mobile phone when driving, will not only ensure you get a £150 fine and 3 points on your license, it is regarded as one of the most unpleasant convictions you can have from an insurance perspective. But that hasn’t stopped an estimated 11million motorists making or receiving a call while driving in the past 12 months, a report by the RAC found. Most insurers tend to rate quite heavily against CU80 convictions. This is because most will see using a phone behind the wheel as a conscious choice by the driver, rather than something that may have occurred by accident. “Texting or speaking to someone on your mobile phone whilst driving reveals a pattern of behaviour that Insurance Company’s really frown upon,”’s spokesman, Martyn John told The Asian Standard.

about the speed limit on that particular road or if someone went through a red light, they may have done it by accident.”

what the difference was between someone with a clean driving licence, and someone with a CU80 conviction was.

John believes the issue is prevalent amongst younger drivers as opposed to older drivers: “It seems drivers who tend to use mobile phones whilst driving tend to be younger as opposed to older drivers.

A 20 year-old based in London could well see their premiums rise by £1,855.86 a year; if they lived in Bradford their premiums would jump £999.60.

“It may seem harmless replying to a text, answering a call or using an app, but the truth is your actions could kill and cause untold misery,” he said.

“It is really a hefty price to pay. They will take the view that people who use their phone behind the wheel are likely to do so regularly; making them a greater risk of having an accident in the future.

“Our research suggests those, especially younger drivers who are found texting or calling whilst while behind the wheel, will come to realise it may well be the most expensive message they will ever send,” added John.

The government is also expected to raise the £100 fine to £150 in the near future

“If someone is caught speeding, it may be a one off as they may not have known

The Asian Standard compared quotes for drivers in London and Bradford to see

Things will improve as you get older, but even a 40-year-old will see a £200.00 a year increase to their premiums in London – on top of the £150 fine. “Our research suggests younger drivers found texting or calling whilst while behind the wheel, will come to realise it may be the most expensive message they will ever send,” added John.

What our readers think: Idris Nurgat: Self employed professional, Tutor

Phil Virco, 41, Sales Manager, Bradford

I think mobile phone use whilst driving is unacceptable. It is not the right thing to do and I think it is in the public interest to make an example out of such people. This kind of thing causes so many accidents and changes so many lives so the bigger the deterrent the better it is for all of us.

In principle, it is a good idea, but how do you put it into practice? It is like a lot of fantastic ideas, but how many of them actually work?

Dharmesh Patel, 37, Bradford, Sales Executive, Driver

My dad is a driving instructor and he hates seeing people driving around with mobile phones.

As a young father, I believe it is imperative to make an example out of those who think it is safe to text or call whilst out driving. Ian Fletcher, 43, Sales Manager, Leeds, Driver My wife and my kids could be in a car, having a nice day out when some idiot who is either uninsured or texting away on his or her phone may well be in the vicinity. Those who are stupid enough not to park in a safe place and use a mobile phone, should have the book thrown at them.

Personally, I think it should come with a minimum of a 12-month driving ban. Sabah Khan, 22, Designer, Bradford

If people get caught doing it, they will have no one else to blame but themselves. Sarah Yusuf, 47, London, Writer I cannot speak for the north, but here in London, it is a massive problem and I just cannot fathom why people would want to put their lives at risk. Not only are they putting their lives at risk, they are also endangering the lives of others. Therefore, I think it this is a welcome deterrent. How many more people have to die before people take heed?

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Driver Jailed After Leading Police On 125mph Pursuit by Mo Bhana

A man has been jailed after leading police on a dangerous high speed chase around motorways in the North West and along the streets of Bolton. A court heard how on August 19 police saw Mohammed Azad driving erratically in Merseyside and attempted to pull him over. 36-year-old Azad, pulled over in his Audi but as the officer attempted to get out of his vehicle, Azad sped off towards the M62 heading towards Manchester. Despite repeated warnings, Azad refused to stop. What transpired was a high-speed chase which saw the Bolton man leading officers on the lengthy pursuit reaching speeds of 125mph.

He apologised and admitted that he had taken his wife’s car without her consent. Azad pleaded guilty to aggravated vehicle taking, driving without insurance or a licence and failing to stop when require to by a police officer. The court heard that Azad had a lengthy criminal record for similar offences. David Toal, defending, said: “Following his release from prison he has been on track to take a different direction in life, taking an active part in the lives of his children living with his wife and contributing towards their life. “He was due to start in full time employment for the first time in a long time.”

At the hearing at Bolton Crown Court, the court heard how he drove erratically on the hard shoulder causing a number of near misses as the police were frantically trying to stop him for harming himself and fellow motorists.

Judge Timothy Stead said: “To calculate the number of ordinary people whose lives were put in danger by this is very large indeed. The skill the police officer showed in the pursuit was quite remarkable.

Azad drove down the M62, M602 towards Manchester before taking the exit at Eccles and proceeding to driving back in the opposite direction only to re-emerge on the M60 north towards the M61.

“The length of the pursuit was the greatest length that I have encountered. It’s a mercy that you didn’t hit any children as they are often walking on these streets.”

Azad of Whittle Grove, Bolton, finally gave up and abandoned his car in a quiet cul-de-sac where he was arrested by the police.

He was sentenced to 14 months in prison and will also be disqualified for three years and six months.

Bolton crown court

Azad driving erratically



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'Stay strong, be positive. We all struggle sometimes.' by FATIMA PATEL Many of you have written in to me telling me you missed my first column. So due to popular demand here it is again. After resigning as Editor of the Asian Sunday Newspaper last year (for health reasons) I promised myself I wouldn’t ever write again. But here I am with my new column YOU, ME & US! Sometimes when we hurt ourselves, we are too busy worrying about the physical injury to even think about how the injury has impacted on us mentally. For those of you who know me, will know that the past two and a half years have been a turbulent few years, but years that I wouldn’t exchange for anything in the world. Don’t worry there will be plenty of upcoming columns for me to share my turbulent experiences as well as the exciting, happy and more often than not stressful experiences. In this column though I want to express my support for those who are going through depression. If you are sat there reading this thinking, no one understands you, then please believe me when I say I UNDERSTAND YOU.

A freak accident just under three years ago, made me realise how many people cared about me and how much support I had out there. However, while I received bundles of support for my injury that could be seen (my ruptured quadriceps tendon), the support for the unseen injury was almost non-existent. Many people see me as a hugely successful woman who has her own media empire with incredible influence. However, behind this is an ordinary woman who just like everyone else bleeds, hurts and most importantly struggles like most ordinary people too. So for someone like me who has to live up to this image society has created for me, admitting I was suffering from depression an illness and not something that's my fault in some way or another was hard. After all who really wants to admit they're ill with something that's all in your head. With most illnesses, it’s a different matter, people can see it, they understand it - people are sympathetic. People don't understand

depression, they just think it's just something you need to get over and cheer up. Life can't be that bad, surely! I mean how can someone like me be weak, right? Well around two years ago this Hollywood A-lister Robin Williams committed suicide. A lot of people would not expect someone so adored and so successful to suffer like that and end his own life, but as we all know this was all down to severe depression. So anyone can suffer from depression, no matter how great your life has been. For me the first time I realised I was depressed was when I returned to work, following over a year out. I returned at the height of the last General Elections. Politics can at the best of times be an ugly industry to be in and to be involved with. Whilst I had recovered physically, I hadn’t given my body time to recovery mentally and so at the height of some really powerful articles and significant milestones in my field I felt the emotional political rollercoaster was much more than I could cope with. This wasn’t the same me who only a year earlier single handedly took on an influential council and local authority to task on

sexual harassment in the work place and pushed ahead for justice despite pressure from community leaders. This time round the politics was too much for me. Mentally I couldn’t deal with the pressures, even though it was a job I signed up for. I chose to step down as an Editor and stopped writing. That was perhaps the most difficult decision I made which at the time, was both the wrong and right decision. Wrong because I didn’t want to resign, but thought I was too weak to carry on so I did and right because I finally confronted and admitted my mental illness. Even now saying it ‘my mental illness’ is difficult. Anyway, it’s taken me over a year now to control the tormenting in my head. Most days I put on a brave smile and laugh with everyone, but inside my heart is in tears. Depression is not something that you can explain. There is no manual or guide. It's hard trying to explain what it feels like to other people, a dark cloud descends and it's like fighting a war within yourself. People say try to look at the positives in your life, they don't understand you really are trying your best and it's on those days you're fighting your hardest. Although, I have mild depression, for which I think I know

the cause, whilst many sufferers don’t. Depression can be a very severe condition for some and can take years to treat, with some cases ending in tragedy like Robin Williams. Even though I still have my moments and I still have a fair bit to go, the fact that I am here, writing this column for Asian Standard shows that depression can be beaten and together we can all make a more conscious effort of trying to spot the signs not just with our loved ones, but also within ourselves. It’s true what they say, storms don’t last forever and one of the hardest things you need to know is that you, me and us, are worth the recovery!

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Women unaware of menopause risk to the heart A new survey has revealed that women could be storing up health problems for the future because they are not aware that their heart disease risk increases after the menopause. The survey, conducted by national charity Heart Research UK and clothing brand Damart, as part of its #LovingHearts campaign, questioned over 4,000 women about their understanding of their heart health and found that: •

More than half of the women questioned (57 per cent) were unaware that their risk of coronary heart disease increases after the menopause

82 per cent of those surveyed are not doing the recommended 150 minutes of physical activity a week. Only 11 per cent were exceeding it.

A third of women have never had their cholesterol checked

Nearly half (48 per cent) have never had their blood pressure checked or not had it done in the last six months

The Heart Research UK and Damart survey set out to discover what women know about their heart health, in particular whether they are aware of key risk factors like blood pressure, cholesterol as well as lifestyle issues such as exercise and nutrition. Over 900,000 women in the UK have coronary heart disease and it is responsible for almost 28,000 deaths in women every year.

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Dr Catherine Dickinson, Consultant Cardiologist at Leeds General Infirmary and spokesperson for Heart Research UK, said the lack of understanding among women of the effects of the menopause on their heart was a real concern. “Women fear dying from breast cancer but the fact is that we are almost three times more likely to die from heart disease,” said Dr Dickinson. “This survey shows that most women do not appreciate that their risk increases after the menopause because falling hormone levels raise their risk of heart disease to the risk levels for men.” It is thought that hormones, such as oestrogen, give some protection against coronary heart disease. After the menopause, however, as levels of oestrogen decline, the risk of coronary heart disease increases significantly. The survey results suggest an improvement in the delivery of important health checks to women aged 45 to 54, which the charity welcomes. However, two in five respondents (40 per cent) under the age of 45 had either never had their blood pressure checked or hadn’t had it checked in the past 12 months. This could also mean that opportunities to spot pre-cursors for heart disease, and to give women appropriate lifestyle advice and possible treatment, are missed or delayed. Dr Dickinson also said it was worrying that few women exercise enough, have their blood pressure checked or know their cholesterol levels – all things that are important in the prevention of heart disease. “The good news is that by making a few simple and positive steps we can

prevent or reduce the likelihood of developing heart disease by following the guidance on exercise, knowing our blood pressure is controlled and lowering our cholesterol levels,” she added. Heart Research UK ambassador Sally Bee, who is a cook and healthy

lifestyle adviser on the Lorraine ITV programme, said the survey was a wake-up call to women to keep a check on their heart health. Sally, 48, who survived three heart attacks when she was in her 30s, said: “This survey has highlighted areas where women could be storing

Over 900,000 women in the UK have coronary heart disease and it is responsible for almost 28,000 deaths in women every year. up problems for themselves for the future by their apparent lack of understanding of the risks of heart disease. “Regularly checking things like your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and living a healthier lifestyle are all positive actions you can take as in many cases heart disease is preventable.” Heart Research UK Lifestyle Officer and Registered Associate Nutritionist, Lucy Chesson, said it was a shock to see that so few women are taking steps to reduce their heart disease risk. “So many of these risks can be controlled through lifestyle factors such as regular exercise and eating a heart-healthy diet. Our message to women is, whatever your age, it

is never too late to make changes to your lifestyle to protect your heart for the future.” Other findings from the survey found that almost half of all respondents (45 per cent) didn’t know that a healthy total cholesterol level is below 5 mmol/L. Two in three respondents (69 per cent) didn’t know what the recommended guidelines are for moderate physical activity. Four in five women (81 per cent) did not know that the maximum daily recommended intake of salt is 6g per day. 63 per cent of women don’t know what a woman’s healthy waist circumference is (31.5 inches/80cm) and 50 per cent of women think that tinned tuna counts as oily fish (it doesn’t)



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Let’s Talk with

Dr Faraaz 'The joys of fatherhood'

Another week’s gone – and so much has happened. Last week I had the opportunity to tell you about my journey into parenthood following the birth of our son, Rehan. He is now three weeks’ old. What a wonderful three weeks these have been. He has cried, slept, been fed, smiled – you name the facial expressions and Rehan has pulled them. Parenthood is a wonderful privilege and whilst I often dispense advice to my patients about for example good nutritional habits for their young children – it is all of course a learning curve for all new parents with the challenges that you only truly know when you are a parent. After all, changing nappies, when to feed, how much weight your baby should lose or gain safely in the first week is something that we learn as we go along (even for us doctors) Rehan lost 13 per cent of his birth-weight in the first week – which caused both my wife and I some alarm. The midwives were great, the health visitor supportive and the paediatricians reassuring. True to form – he bounced back with some encouragement and support with his last weighing being within normal limits. On becoming a new parent there are certain expectations and requirements: some cultural and others religious. Rehan was born with a beautiful head of hair and there was prolonged debate in my house as to who had the courage to do the cutting and who would hold him. With this being a precise surgical procedure in my wife’s eyes, I was tasked with the shaving whilst she held him – anxiously peeking through a single partially open eye to make sure I did it correctly. My steady hand and gentle demeanour did nothing to appease my wife, who only could see me removing her baby’s beautiful hair. In all the preparation, the suspense, the

anxiety – he slept through the entire experience blissfully unaware. Cutting a new-born’s first hair is something that we do as Muslims (Sunnah). People at work have asked me why we do this and although I am not a Muslim scholar – basic answers and understanding I have. The hair is weighed and that weight in silver is donated to charity (sadqa). So right from the very beginning there is a message of charity – in this case through the sacrifice of a new-born’s hair. Rehan, looked just as cute half an hour after the event without hair than he did with. Am not sure if the next step of our sons future is going to be as easy, but it's all part of the journey of a growing Muslim boy . Circumcision is a subject that many find daunting and fearful at the same time. My family and I are prepared and I will be sharing our experience and discussing this topic in future columns. Anyway, whilst I write this – I am pulled towards my other commitment, of a Specialty Registrar in Emergency Medicine. So until next time, see you then! Feel free to drop me a line by email, Twitter or pigeon, I will reply as soon as I can.

Cutting a newborn’s first hair is something that we do as Muslims (Sunnah).



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India, Pakistan Tensions Mount After Attack In Kashmir by Mo Bhana

However, residents and family members said the man, Waseem Ahmad, was working in his orchard along with other people when soldiers fired. A local doctor told the Greater Kashmir newspaper that a round went through Ahmad’s back and hit his heart.

Tensions between India and Pakistan have reached boiling point as the two nations continue to point fingers at each other over a number of deadly assaults in Kashmir. The violence began when a number of gunmen stormed the Indian army brigade headquarters in the Indian-administered town of Uri, killing 18 soldiers. Many called it the deadliest attack on security forces in nearly a decade. Nobody has claimed responsibility; however, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has accused Pakistan of involvement. However, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif denied his country’s involvement and labelled India’s handling of an uprising in Kashmir as “barbarism” at the UN General Assembly in New York last week. Sharif has called for called for an independent inquiry and a UN fact-finding mission into “rights violations” in Kashmir as well as for renewed talks with India. Sharif cited the killing of a 19-yearold man by Indian government forces after they fired shots at protesters demanding freedom from Indian rule in the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir.

“The bullet had damaged his heart and caused instant death,” said Dr Masood, of District Hospital Baramulla, in north Kashmir. Protesters took to the streets of the village after news of Ahmad’s death, chanting “We want freedom” and clashed with government forces. Government forces also blocked worshippers from Friday prayers at large mosques for the 11th consecutive week. Kashmir has been divided between India and Pakistan since the two countries gained independence from British rule in 1947. Both claim the territory in its entirety. Rebel groups have for decades fought Indian soldiers - currently numbering about 500,000 demanding independence for the region or its merger with Pakistan. Tens of thousands of people, mostly civilians, have died in the fighting. Also feeding into current antiIndia anger is the detainment of Kashmiri human rights activist Khurram Parvez. Indian police in Kashmir recently stopped Parvez from flying to Geneva, where he was due to address the UN Human Rights Council on the region’s explosive situation.

Parvez was subsequently arrested for “inciting violence”, a move that outraged human rights activists worldwide. At least 50 international scholars, including Noam Chomsky and Arundhati Roy, have signed a petition calling for his release. The mounting violence led Tariq Hamid Karra, an Indian politician from Srinagar, to resign from Parliament last week, citing New Delhi’s brutal policies in the Himalayan area. The controversy has not gone unnoticed in the UK, Coronation Street actor Marc Anwar has apologised for allegedly posting tweets about Indians which ITV said were racially offensive. Anwar was sacked after screenshots were published of the tweets, hitting out at Indians over Kashmir. ITV said the Pakistan-born actor, 45, who joined the soap as Sharif Nazir

in February 2014, would be leaving the show “with immediate effect”. “I’d like to offer my sincere apologies for my tweets on Friday,” Anwar said. His original tweets included offensive language used to refer to Indian people. “The language was unacceptable and I feel I’ve let a lot of people down,” he said. He added: “I hope everyone I have offended can find it in their hearts to forgive me.” In a statement, ITV said: “We are deeply shocked by the entirely unacceptable, racially offensive comments made on Twitter by Marc Anwar. “We have talked to Marc and, as a consequence of his comments, he will not be returning to Coronation Street with immediate effect.”

What our readers think: Maariyah Badat, 19, Dewsbury, Student

Tasneem Mulla, 25, Make Up Artist, Blackburn

“The situation is unfortunate and I hope that at some point down the line, there will be some sort of reconciliation process, in which all sides come together and some sort of solution which is agreeable to both sides comes into play.”

“The British did not want Pakistan and India to unite after partition, so what did they do?

Amarpreet, 37, Writer, London

However, after all these years, you would think that the politicians would have enough sense to make amends.”

“India and Pakistan are always at each other’s necks. Surely, both nations should come together and realise that they are better off singing from the same hymn sheet as it were as opposed to continuous fighting. “Surely, the economic rewards of such a move would be massive?”

“Create the Kashmir problem!

Zak Sheikh, Batley, 28, Office Worker “Stop fighting each other, everyone seems to get on here regardless of race and religion, time to be friends!”

WEEKENDER Free Issue Three, Wednesday 28 September 2016

Gluten FREE recipes

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Event highlights

Eid celebrations at Yorkshire Cancer charity. Cancer Support Yorkshire welcomed people of all ages and backgrounds to its first Eid party. The support centre, which is based on Smith Lane, Bradford, played host to around 40 guests from across Bradford with tea, coffee, cakes, henna painting, and a special sermon by a local imam. There were also raffle prizes and stall holders selling a variety of ethnic wear and fancy goods. Sarah Firth, one of the fundraisers said “At this time of celebration we thought it would be a wonderful experience to open our doors and give people the opportunity to have a look around the centre while helping to celebrate Eid in the local community. “I am really pleased with the turn out and it was nice to welcome so many people who have never heard of us”

Cancer Support Yorkshire supports thousands of people in Bradford every year but many people don’t know they exist. They want to be able to provide services for everyone who needs their support. The Eid event is one of many events the centre hosted to offer people the perfect opportunity to find out what they do to help local people affected by cancer. Sarah said “We support people from all ethnicities and hope the event will help to raise awareness of this. Guests who came to the Eid event, were treated to cakes and savouries which were donated by popular bakers Yaadgaar Bakery. Henna was supplied and applied by Twilight Henna Artists and a special sermon was performed by Imam Mohammed Bhana. Guests were also treated to a guided tour of the centre where they learnt more about how the centre offers practical help for both cancer patients and their loved

ones. Director of Yaadgaar Bakery, Zahid Kishver said “I am really pleased we are able to support such a worthy cause. Cancer can happen to anybody. Cancer doesn’t look at what background, colour, or age you belong to. Bradford has such an amazing diverse community and it’s wonderful of the team at Cancer Support Yorkshire to open up their centre and put on an event for all communities to come and celebrate the festive occasion of Eid together. We welcome such initiatives and associating our brand with Cancer Support Yorkshire” The Eid event became particularly eventful, with a formal invitation to the Managing Director, of Asian Standard to become a patron of the charity. MD, Fatima Patel humbly accepted the invitation, which was received with a warm reception by all.

“I am delighted to be invited to be a Patron of Cancer Support Yorkshire. I am very close to the charity, through my own experiences and I particularly accept this role, as I owe it to my good friend Sue Croston, (who was a cancer patient and is no longer with us today) to keep her legacy of bringing people together through adversity and to give strength and support to the wonderful work people at Cancer Support Yorkshire do” Cancer Support Yorkshire is an independent charity. It is the only service of its kind in Yorkshire, providing free personalised support to help local people with the practical, financial and emotional issues that a diagnosis can cause. Anyone affected by cancer requiring information about services should please call 01274 776688, email or visit

“I am delighted to be invited to be a Patron of Cancer Support Yorkshire. I am very close to the charity, through my own experiences and I particularly accept this role, as I owe it to my good friend Sue Croston, who was a cancer patient and is no longer with us today, to keep her legacy of bringing people together through adversity and to give strength and support to the wonderful work people at Cancer Support Yorkshire do” Fatima Patel, Managing Director Asian Standard

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Event highlights

Asian Standard, MD presented invitation to become Patron with centr staff and volunteers

Visitors enjoying Eid celebrations at Cancer Support Yorkshire

Local businesses supporting the CSY cause

Delicious spread of cakes by Yaadgaar

Tea and cakes courtesy Yaadgaar

Raffles, which raised over ÂŁ100 on the day


CSY Fundraiser Sarah greets guests

Imam performing a special sermon in English for guests

FREE henna by Twilighta Henna Artists

Guests having fun

Eid party, tea and cakes




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Tantilising Recipes from Recipes from Tantilising Recipes from

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It’s BBQ time... It’s BBQ time...

Paneer Afghani Paneer Afghani

Ingredients 500 gm paneer-cubed 1 Tbsp magaz (melon seed) Paneer cubes marinated 1 cup kaju (cashew nuts) 1 Tbsp khus khus (poppy in a creamy paste of Ingredients seed)-soaked for 1 hour By Niru Gupta 5001 gm cuppaneer-cubed cream melon seeds, cashews, 1 Tbsp magaz (melon seed) 2 Tbsp butter poppy seeds, cream and 2 tsp kaju (cashew nuts) powdered black Paneer cubes marinated 1 cup khus khus (poppy butter. Grilled golden 1 Tbsp pepper in a creamy paste of seed)-soaked for 1 hour 5-6 chhoti elaichi on a tandoor. 1 cup Saltcream to taste melon seeds, cashews, 2 Tbsp butter poppy seeds, cream and 2 tsp powdered black butter. Grilled golden pepper 5-6 chhoti elaichi on a tandoor. Salt to taste By Niru Gupta

Wheat Free chapattis

Method 1. Grind together the magaz, kaju, khus khus, pepper and elaichi.

Method 2. Mix with the rest of the in1. Grind together the magaz, gredients and marinate for an Ingredients kaju, khus hour or khus, so. pepper and elaichi. 1 cup White Millet Flour/Jowar 3. Grill in a tandoorFlour or electric 1/3 cup rice 2. Mix the rest offlour the in-hot. grillwith till golden and serve Water gredients and marinate for an hour or so. Method

3. Grill in aMeasure tandoor1 or electric small cup grill till golden and serve hot. of Jowar Flour and 1/3 cup of rice flour. Add lukewarm water to knead into a dough until smooth. Now make small to medium sized balls of the dough. sprinkle a good amount of jowar flour on the rolling board. flatten a ball and place it on the flour. Add some more flour on top. Then with your palms, lightly press as well as rotate the roti. Add more flour if required until you are happy with the shape and thickness of the chapati. (Experts are known to use the palm of their hands to flatten and roll a chapati) Now gently lift up the chapati then place jowar roti on a hot tava and bake on medium heat on both sides till golden brown.

Photo credit: Photo: Iain Bagwell; Styling: Heather Chadduck

Enjoy with curry or dish of your choice.

Reshmi Tikka Reshmi Sweet Tikka Potato Fettuccine Recipe by Chef Aditya Bal

The creamy texture and the tenderness of the chicken, makes this one of the Recipe by Chef Aditya Bal most popular Indian kebab recipes.

The creamy texture and the tenderness Grindof them in a mortar of Ingredients the chicken, makes this2. one the 250 gm chicken, cut into and pestle and add mango most popular Indian kebabpowder. recipes. cubes Mix them well. 1 tsp refined oil 1 tsp turmeric powder For the tikka: Ingredients 1 Tbsp ginger-garlic paste 2. Grind them in a mortar 25050gm and3.pestle and add gmchicken, malai cut into In a bowl, add mango chicken This clever transforming cubes powder. Mix themoil, well. 50 gm curd technique for cubes, refined tur1sweet tsp refined oil 1 lime meric powder,was ginger garlic potatoes into “fettuccine” 1 tsp turmeric powder Forpaste, the tikka: 1 Tbsp garam masala malai, curd, juice by a prize-winning recipe from the 1inspired Tbsp paste Salt, ginger-garlic to taste of 1/2 lime, the prepared 50 gm malai 3. In a bowl, add chicken garam masala and salt. Mix North Carolina Sweet Potato Commission. 50 For gm curd cubes, oil, tur- Keep the garam masala: themrefined well together. 1Ingredients lime meric powder, ginger garlic 1 tsp cumin them in thegarlic, fridge for 20 in lemon zest, and salt 1 Tbsp masala paste, malai, curd, juice 1 tspgaram coriander powder aminutes. small bowl. 1 large (about 1 Salt, tosweet taste of 1/2 lime, the prepared 1 tsp blackpotato pepper lb.) garam masala andoven salt. Mix20 1 tsp kebab chini 4. Preheat the for Method for Sweet Potato For thegreen garam masala: them well together. 3 tablespoons butter 5-6 cardamom minutes at 180 C.Keep Fettuccine 11/2 tsp cumin them in the fridge for 20 1cup stick cinnamon Pecan Gremolata 1. Peel sweet potato, and cut 1 tsp minutes. 5-6coriander cloves powder 5. Roast the marinated lengthwise into 1/8-inch-thick fresh parsley sprigs 1Garnish: tsp black pepper 1 tsp mango powder chicken pieces in the oven slices using a mandoline. 1Totsp kebab chini 4. Stack Preheat oven for 20 make Pecan Gremolata for 204 minutes. tothe 6 potato slices 5-6 green cardamom minutes at 180board; C. cut Method on a cutting Ingredients 1 stick cinnamon For the garam masala: 6. Removeinto them from oven lengthwise 1/4-inch-wide 1/2 cup finely chopped fresh 5-6 cloves 5. strips. Roast the marinated and squeeze half lime over Repeat procedure with 1flat-leaf tsp mango in the oven remaining slices. 1. In aparsley pan,powder dry roast cumin,chicken it. pieces for 20 minutes. 1/3coriander cup finely powder, chopped black butter a large toasted pecans Method pepper, kebab chini, green 2.7.Melt Serve hot in with preferred skillet over medium heat; For the garam masala: 6. Remove them from ovenadd cardamom, cinnamon and sauces 1 tablespoon lemon zest potato strips, and sauté 6 to and squeeze half lime over cloves. 2 garlic cloves, 1. In a pan, dryminced roast cumin, it.8 minutes or until al dente. (Don’t overcook strips or coriander powder, black 1/4 teaspoon salt they will fall apart.) Add 1/2 pepper, kebab chini, green 7. cup Serve hot Gremolata, with preferred Pecan and Method cardamom, cinnamon and sauces toss gently to coat. Serve cloves. Stir together parsley, pecans, immediately.

1st Floor, The Bazaar, Simes Street, Bradford, BD1 3SQ



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Tantilising Tawa pulao street style Recipes from Tantilising (best made with left over Recipes from Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp

Basmati rice - 4 cups of cooked rice

Red chili powder - 1/2 tsp, Kashmiri

Oil - 1 tbsp

Pav Bhaji Masala - 1 1/4 tbsps (or a heaped tbsp)





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Add red chili powder, white pepper powder, pav bhaji masala and half of the salt and mix well. Allow the flavors to meld for a minute or two.

It’s BBQ time... It’s BBQ time...

Butter - 3 tbsps

Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp

Ginger - 1/2 tsp, grated

Garlic - 2 cloves, finely minced Green chillies - 1-2, finely chopped

Add the blanched cauliflower, carrots, boiled potatoes and mix well. Add a few tbsps of water and cook on low-medium flame for 7-8 minutes till the flavors meld. Add the green peas and mix well.

White pepper powder - pinch Salt to taste

Lemon juice - 1 tbsp

Coriander leaves - 1/4 cup, chopped and packed

Paneer Afghani Paneer Afghani

Onions - 1, medium, finely sliced


Tomatoes - 2, medium, finely chopped

In a flat wide griddle or tawa, heat oil and butter. Once hot, add cumin seeds and allow to splutter.

Add the cooked rice and mix well. Adjust salt and mix the rice carefully such that rice grains do not break. Add the lemon juice and chopped coriander leaves and mix well. Turn off flame.

Add the chopped onions and Ingredients green chilies and saute for 2-3 500 gm paneer-cubed minutes. Add the minced ginger 1 Tbsp (melon seed) and garlic,magaz mix and saute for 3 minutes. 1 cup kaju (cashew nuts)

Remove to a serving bowl and Method serve warm together with any raita of 1. Grind the magaz, your choice yogurt. kaju, khusorkhus, pepper and

Carrots - 1/2 cup, blanched in hot water for 5-6 minutes (cut into round disks or 1” length strips) Capsicum - 1/3 cup (chopped By Niru Gupta into 1/2” length strips)

Cauliflower - 1/2 cup, cut into Paneer cubes marinated small florets and boiled in hot 1 Tbsp khus khus (poppy water for 5-6 minutes - optional in a creamy paste of Add the choppedfor capsicum Ingredients seed)-soaked 1 hour By Niru and saute for a minute. Add Potato - 1, Gupta small, peeled, cut into 500 paneer-cubed 1 gm cup cream melon seeds, cashews, tomatoes and half 1” length strips and boiled 1the Tbsp magaz (melon seed) 2 chopped Tbsp butter thekaju coriander leaves and poppy seeds, cream and 1ofcup (cashew nuts) 2 tsp powdered black Green peas - 1/4 cup, boiled Paneer cubes marinated saute for 6-8 minutes or till oil Tbsp khus khus (poppy butter. Grilled golden 1separates pepper and becomes mushy. in a creamy paste of

on a tandoor. melon seeds, cashews, poppy seeds, cream and butter. Grilled golden on a tandoor.

seed)-soaked for 1 hour 5-6 chhoti elaichi 1 cup Saltcream to taste 2 Tbsp butter 2 tsp powdered black pepper 5-6 chhoti elaichi Salt to taste



Reshmi Tikka Reshmi Tikka

Method 2.cooked Mix with the rest of Recipe by Chef Aditya Bal The rice should notthe be in1. Grind together the magaz, gredients and marinate mushy. Each grain should befor an garlic paste instead of minced/ increase the quantity of pav kaju, khus hour or khus, so. pepper and separate. grated ginger and garlic. bhaji masala by 1/2 tsp. elaichi. The creamy texture and the tenderness You tsp ginger 3.can Grilluse in 3/4 a tandoor or electric For a more, spicy tawa pulao, of the chicken, makesRecipe thisfrom: one Sailusfood of the 2. Mix the rest of serve the in-hot. grillwith till golden and Recipe by Chef Aditya Bal gredients and marinate for an most popular Indian kebab recipes. hour or so. The creamy texture and the tenderness 3. Grill in a tandoor or electric Grindof them in a mortar of Ingredients the chicken, makes this2. one the grill till golden and serve hot. 250 gm chicken, cut into and pestle and add mango most popular Indian kebabpowder. recipes. cubes Mix them well. 1 tsp refined oil 1 tsp turmeric powder For the tikka: Ingredients 1 Tbsp ginger-garlic paste 2. Grind them in a mortar 25050gm and3.pestle and add gmchicken, malai cut into In a bowl, add mango chicken cubes powder. well. 50 gm curd cubes,Mix refithem ned oil, turRemove to a bowl, bring 1 tsp refined oil 1 lime meric powder, ginger garlic to room temperature and 1 tsp turmeric powder Forpaste, the tikka: 1 Tbsp garam masala malai, curd, juice chill until serving time. 1 Tbsp ginger-garlic paste Salt, to taste of 1/2 lime, the prepared At the time of serving, 50 gm malai 3. In a bowl, add chicken garam masala and salt. Mix spoon the phirni into the 50 For gm curd cubes, nedtogether. oil, tur- Keep the garam masala: themrefi well serving bowl, garnish 1 lime meric powder, garlic 1 tsp cumin them in the ginger fridge for 20 with sliced pistachios. 1 Tbsp masala paste, malai, curd, juice 1 tspgaram coriander powder minutes. Salt, to taste of 1/2 lime, the prepared 1 tsp black pepper Tips garam masalathe andoven salt. for Mix20 1 tsp kebab chini 4. Preheat If the strawberry phirni For5-6 thegreen garam masala: them well together. cardamom minutes at 180 C.Keep has turned too thick, add 1 tsp cumin them in the fridge for 20 1 stick cinnamon a few tbsps of boiled milk 1 tsp coriander powder minutes. 5-6 cloves 5. Roast the marinated to loosen it. 1 tsp black pepper 1 tsp mango powder chicken pieces in the oven 1 tsp kebab chini 4. Preheat the oven for 20 for 20 minutes. If the strawberry phirni is 5-6Method green cardamom minutes at 180 C. too thin and runny, add 1-2 1 stick cinnamon For the garam masala: 6. Remove them from oven tbsps of rice flour mixed 5-6 cloves 5. Roast the marinated in 4 tbsps of water and and squeeze half lime over add it to the simmering 1 tsp mango 1. In a pan,powder dry roast cumin,chicken it. pieces in the oven phirni and stir constantly for 20 minutes. coriander powder, black till it turns thick. Method pepper, kebab chini, green 7. Serve hot with preferred Forcardamom, the garam cinnamon masala: and 6. Remove sauces them from oven At the time of serving, and squeeze half lime over cloves. you can drizzle strawberry 1. In a pan, dry roast cumin, it. coulis on top and give it a coriander powder, black swirl. pepper, kebab chini, green 7. Serve hot with preferred cardamom, cinnamon and sauces Recipe from: Sailusfood cloves.

Gluten Free strawberry phirni (indian dessert) Ingredients

5 tbsps Basmati rice soaked for 15-20 minutes in water, drained and ground to a fine paste with 1/2 cup milk 3 ½ cups full cream milk 1 cup sugar (you can use 3/4 cup if strawberries are not too sweet) 12 x Strawberries washed, sliced and blend to a puree ½ tsp Green cardamom powder OR few drops of strawberry extract Fistful pistachios blanched, peeled and sliced Method Heat milk in a heavy bottomed vessel and bring to a boil. Simmer till it reduces to 3/4th of its original quantity.

Drain the soaked basmati rice and grind to a fine paste with 1/2 cup of boiled milk. Remove to a vessel, mix well and set aside.

Once the milk is reduced to 3/4th of its original quantity, gradually add the ground rice mixture and keep on stirring till it blends well into the milk and it begins to thicken. Keep on stirring so that the bottom does not burn. The stirring could take anytime between 15-18 minutes. Add cardamom powder and sugar and continue to stir till the sugar dissolves and it forms a nice creamy mixture with no lumps. Add the strawberry puree and mix into the mixture till well combined. Allow to cook on very low flame for less than a minute and turn off flame.

1st Floor, The Bazaar, Simes Street, Bradford, BD1 3SQ



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Saturday 1 October 2016

03:00 The Kapil Sharma Show (Comedy) 04:30 CID (Drama) 05:31 Crime Patrol (Drama)


ARY TV 05:30 Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi (Drama) 06:30


Jeevan Prabhat (Religious) 07:00 Ek Duje Ke Vaaste (Drama) 07:30 Bhakti Sagar (Religious) 08:00 Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi (Drama) 08:30 Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi (Drama) 09:00 Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi (Drama) 09:30 Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi (Drama) 10:31 The Kapil Sharma Show (Comedy) 12:00 Super Dancer (Reality Show) 13:00 Asian Variety Show (Entertainment) 14:00 Aashiqui 2 (Film) 16:30 Super Dancer (Reality Show) 17:30 The Kapil Sharma Show (Comedy) 19:00 Super Dancer (Reality Show) 20:00 Super Dancer (Reality Show) 21:00

06:00 Jeeto Pakistan (Game Show) 08:00 Sahulat Bazaar (Consumer) 09:00 Khoat (Entertainment) 10:00 Dilli Walay Dulahray Babu (Drama) 10:30 Aashiq Colony (Drama) 12:00 Raja Inder (Drama) 12:30 Khushhaal Susral (Drama) 12:55 Azan-E-Zuhr (Religious) 13:02 Begunah (Drama) 13:30 Jeeto Pakistan (Game Show) 15:30 Dilli Walay Dulahray Babu (Drama) 15:56 Azan-E-Asr (Religious) 16:03 Mein Mehroo (Drama) 16:30 Rishta Anjana Sa (Drama) 17:00 Qaaf Say Qaida (Religious) 17:30 Tum Mile (Drama) 18:30 Raja Inder (Drama) 18:40 Azan-E-Maghrib (Religious) 18:47 Raja Inder (Drama) 19:00 Khushhaal Susral (Drama) 19:30 Begunah (Drama) 19:58 Azan-E-Isha (Religious) 20:05

The Kapil Sharma Show (Comedy) 22:30

Mere Humnawa (Drama) 21:00 Anabia (Drama) 22:00 Bewaqoofiyan (Comedy) 22:30

CID (Drama) 23:30 Crime Patrol (Drama) 00:30 The Kapil Sharma Show (Comedy) 02:00 Super Dancer (Reality Show)

02:00 Khushhaal Susral (Drama) 02:30 Begunah (Drama) 03:00 Raja Inder (Drama) 03:30 Bewaqoofiyan (Comedy) 04:00 Anabia (Drama) 05:00 Tadabbur-E-Qur'an (Religious) 05:32 Azan-E-Fajr (Religious) 05:41 Hamd O Naat (Music

Pfw 9 - Finale (Fashion) 00:00 Mere Humnawa (Drama) 01:00 Sahulat Bazaar (Consumer)

06:00 Swaragini (Drama) 06:30 Sasural Simar Ka (Drama) 07:00 Vatsalya Tech (Magazine Programme) 07:30 Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi (Drama) 10:00 Bigg Boss (Entertainment) 11:30 Comedy Nights Bachao (Comedy) 13:00 24 (Drama) 14:00 Luv U Soniyo (Drama) 17:00 Jhalak Dikhla Ja (Entertainment) 18:30 Krishndasi (Drama) 19:30 Desi Beat (Magazine Programme) 20:00 Comedy Nights Bachao (Comedy) 21:30 24 (Drama) 22:30 Kavach Kaali Shaktiyon Se (Drama) 23:30 Comedy Nights Live (Entertainment) 01:00 Code Red (Documentary) 02:00 Kavach Kaali Shaktiyon Se (Drama) 03:00 Udaan (Film) 04:30 Krishndasi (Drama)


04:45 Amar Prem (Film) 07:30 Dr. Madhumati on Duty (Drama) 08:00 Gupp Chupp (Drama) 08:30 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah (Reality Show) 09:00 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah (Reality Show) 09:30 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah (Reality Show) 10:00 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah (Reality Show) 10:30 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah (Reality Show) 11:00 Ishaqzaade (Film) 13:40 Bachna Aaye Haseeno (Film) 16:45 Yeh Jawaani Hai Diwani (Film) 19:55 Insaf Ka Tarazu (Film) 22:45 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 23:40 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 00:30 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 01:10 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 02:00 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 02:50 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 03:30 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 04:15 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 04:45 We are Family (Film)

The visionary director will be joined by leading stars of the film, Harshvardhan Kapoor and Saiyami Kher, at the gala

screening, ahead of the film’s worldwide release on 7th October. Also joining the Red Carpet for the European Premiere will be Bollywood’s superstar Anil Kapoor and India’s style icon and actress, Sonam Kapoor. In addition to the European Premiere screening on 6th October, there is an added matinee screening of the film on 7th October, which will be attended by


06:00 The Front Row with Anupama Chopra (Entertainment) 06:25 Chandni Chowk to China (Film) 09:25 Vachan (Film) 11:50 Ghar Anudha (Drama) 14:15 Ramaa: The Saviour (Film) 16:40 Dostana (Film) 20:00 Neerja (Film) 22:25 Gangaajal (Film) 01:25 Daag: The Fire (Film) 04:25 Little Krishna - The Darling of... (Film)



06:00 Yeh Raaste Hain Pyaar Ke (Film) 09:00 Daata (Film) 12:00 Heropanti (Film)

Anil Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor to join the stars of Mirzya at European Premiere at The 60th BFI London Film Festival Celebrated Indian filmmaker Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra’s latest cinematic masterpiece, Mirzya, is set to receive its European Premiere at the 60th BFI London Film Festival in partnership with American Express® on Thursday 6th October at 5.30pm.

15:00 Mujhse Shaadi Karogi (Film) 18:00 Talaash (Film) 21:00 We are Family (Film) 00:00 Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak (Film) 03:00 Hogi Pyar Ki Jeet (Film)

director Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra as well as Harshvardhan Kapoor and Saiyami Kher. For tickets to Mirzya’s European Premiere at the 60th BFI London Film Festival Festival in partnership with American Express® telephone Bookings: 020 7928 3232 or Online:

09:00 Jago Pakistan Jago 10:30 Joru Ka Ghulam(Rpt) 11:00 Deewana 12:00 Jhoot 13:00 Dil-e-Beqarar(Rpt) 14:00 Dharkan 15:00 UDAARI 16:00 Akbari Asghari 17:00 Laaj 18:00 Pakeeza 19:00 Namak Party 19:30 Mr Shamin 20:00 LAAAJ 21:00 Akbari Asghari 22:00 Saturday Night Special

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22:30 Dance+ 2 - Get Set Go (Game Show) 23:00 Yeh Hai Mohabbatein (Drama) 23:30 Dance+ 2 (Entertainment) 00:30 Dance+ 2 - Get Set Go (Game Show) 01:00 Diya Aur Bati Hum (Drama) 01:30 Ishqbaaaz (Drama) 02:00 Ishqbaaaz (Drama) 02:30 Ishqbaaaz (Drama) 03:00 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai (Drama) 03:30 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai (Drama) 04:00 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai (Drama) 04:30 Suhaani Si Ek Ladki (Drama) 05:00 Suhaani Si Ek Ladki (Drama) 05:30 Suhaani Si Ek Ladki (Drama)ilm) 17:30 J ana Na Dil Se Door 05:30 Suhaani Si Ek Ladki (Drama)


06:00 Jana Na Dil Se Door (Drama) 06:30 Mere Angne Mein (Drama) 07:00 Saathiya (Drama) 07:30 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai (Drama) 08:00 Hum Ko Tumse Ho Gaya Hai... (Drama) 08:30 Siya Ke Ram (Drama) 09:00 Ishqbaaaz (Drama) 09:30 Diya Aur Bati Hum (Drama) 10:00 Dance+ 2 (Entertainment) 11:00 Saathiya (Drama) 11:30 Jana Na Dil Se Door (Drama) 12:00 Mere Angne Mein (Drama) 12:30 Hum Ko Tumse Ho Gaya Hai... (Drama) 13:00 Ishqbaaaz (Drama) 13:30 Ishqbaaaz (Drama) 14:00 Ishqbaaaz (Drama) 14:30 Housefull 2 (Film) 17:30 Jana Na Dil Se Door (Drama) 18:00 Mere Angne Mein (Drama) 18:30 Suhaani Si Ek Ladki (Drama) 19:00 Saathiya (Drama) 19:30 Yeh Hai Mohabbatein (Drama) 20:00 Dance+ 2 (Entertainment) 21:00 Diya Aur Bati Hum (Drama) 21:30 Ishqbaaaz (Drama) 22:00 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai (Drama)




17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00

The Art Room (Entertainment) 3 Course with Pankaj (Cookery) Out and About (Entertainment) Zee News (News) Big Story, Big Debate (Chat Show)

20:00 The Golden Years with Javed Aktar 05:30 Yogic Healing by Swami Ramdev (Entertainment) 06:30 Shrimad Bhagwat Katha (Entertainment) 07:00 Zee News (News) 07:30 Yoga for You (Entertainment)


(Documentary) 21:00 Amma (Drama) 22:00 Brahmarakshas... Jaag Utha Shaitaan (Drama) 23:00 Neeli Chatri Waale (Documentary) 00:00 Brahmarakshas... Jaag Utha Shaitaan (Drama) 01:00 Dr. Subhash Chandra Show (Drama) 02:00 Bollywood Business (Magazine Programme) 02:30 Big Story, Big Debate (Chat Show) 03:30 The Art Room (Entertainment) 04:30 Fear Files (Documentary) 05:30 Yogic Healing by Swami Ramdev (Entertainment)


08:00 Nirankari Baba Mission (Entertainment) 08:30 Narayan Seva Sansthan (Documentary) 09:00 Money Guru (Business and Finance) 09:30 The Art Room (Entertainment) 10:00 Food Ka Mood (Cookery)


10:30 Bacha Party (Cookery) 11:00 Bollywood Cut (Entertainment) 12:00 Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani (Drama) 12:30 Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani (Drama)

04:10 Mere Jeevan Sathi (Film) 06:35 Chaalbaaz (Film) 09:15 Geet (Film) 12:20 Mard (Film) 15:30 Hum Aapke Hain Koun...! (Film) 19:15 Taare Zameen Par (Film) 22:15 Nh 10 (Film) 00:25 Pukar (Film) 03:25 Pure Bollywood (Music) 04:25

13:00 Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani (Drama) 13:30 Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani (Drama) 14:00 Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani (Drama) 14:30 Kumkum Bhagya (Drama) 15:00 Kumkum Bhagya (Drama) 15:30 Kumkum Bhagya (Drama) 16:00 Kumkum Bhagya (Drama)




Chillar Party




Bittoo Boss


Kapoor & Sons


Bajirao Mastani




Chanakya - The Warrior

16:30 Kumkum Bhagya (Drama)

Mard (Film)

Watch Darkhaast video song from Ajay Devgn’s Shivaay The makers of Shivaay have released the second song, titled Darkhaast, starring Ajay Devgn and Erika Kaar. A soulful track with stunning visuals, Darkhaast features Ajay romancing Polish actress Erika in the song video. Sung by Arijit Singh and Sunidhi Chauhan,

the music for the track has been composed by Mithoon, with lyrics written by Sayeed Quadri.

After the intense and hypnotic title track of Shivaay, sung by Mohit Chauhan, Sukhwinder Singh, Megha Sriram, Dalton

and India’s popular rap star Baadshah, fans have eagerly been waiting for the second song from the film.

Disclaimer: Please note listings correct at time of printing and can vary.



Sunday 2 October 2016


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Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanuman (Drama) 09:00 Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanuman (Drama) 09:30 Asian Variety Show (Entertainment) 10:30 The Kapil Sharma Show (Comedy) 12:00 Super Dancer (Reality Show) 13:00 Super Dancer (Reality Show) 14:00 Bewakoofiyaan (Film) 16:30 Super Dancer (Reality Show) 17:30 The Kapil Sharma Show (Comedy) 19:00 Asian Variety Show (Entertainment) 20:00 Super Dancer (Reality Show) 21:00 The Kapil Sharma Show (Comedy) 22:30 CID (Drama) 23:30 Crime Patrol (Drama) 00:30 The Kapil Sharma Show (Comedy) 02:00 Super Dancer (Reality Show) 03:00 The Kapil Sharma Show (Comedy) 04:31 CID (Drama) 05:31 Crime Patrol (Drama)


YOUR WEEKEND TV GUIDE FROM ALL YOUR FAVOURITE ASIAN TV CHANNELS 03:00 The Kapil Sharma Show (Comedy) 04:30 CID (Drama) 05:31 Crime Patrol (Drama)

ARY TV 05:31 Crime Patrol (Drama) 06:30 Jeevan Prabhat (Religious) 07:00 Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanuman (Drama) 07:30 Bhakti Sagar (Religious) 07:59 Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanuman (Drama) 08:29

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02:30 Begunah (Drama) 03:00 Khoat (Entertainment) 04:00 Ghayal (Drama) 05:00 Tadabbur-E-Qur'an (Religious) 05:30 Hamd O Naat (Music) 05:34 Azan-E-Fajr (Religious) 05:42 Hamd O Naat (Music)

COLORS TV 06:00 Khushhaal Susral (Drama) 06:30 Begunah (Drama) 07:00 Mere Humnawa (Drama) 08:00 Sahulat Bazaar (Consumer) 09:00 Good Morning Pakistan (Chat Show) 10:30 Meray Shohar Kye Dulhan (Drama) 12:00 Raja Inder (Drama) 12:30 Khushhaal Susral (Drama) 12:55 Azan-E-Zuhr (Religious) 13:02 Mere Humnawa (Drama) 14:00 Anabia (Drama) 15:00 Aap Kay Liye (Drama) 15:54 Azan-E-Asr (Religious) 16:01 Teri Chah Mein (Drama) 17:00 Aashiq Colony (Drama) 18:30 Bulbulay (Comedy) 18:38 Azan-E-Maghrib (Religious) 18:45 Bulbulay (Comedy) 19:00 Khushhaal Susral (Drama) 19:30 Begunah (Drama) 19:56 Azan-E-Isha (Religious) 20:03 Jeeto Pakistan (Game Show) 22:00 Khoat (Entertainment) 23:00 Doli From Mianwali (Drama) 00:30 Bulbulay (Comedy) 01:00 Sahulat Bazaar (Consumer) 02:00 Khushhaal Susral (Drama)


06:00 Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat (Documentary) 07:00 Vatsalya Tech (Magazine Programme) 07:30 Shakti Astitva Ke Ehsaas Ki (Drama) 10:00 Bigg Boss (Entertainment) 11:30 Jhalak Dikhla Ja (Entertainment) 13:00 24 (Drama) 14:00 Xcuse Me (Film) 17:00 Comedy Nights Bachao (Comedy) 18:30 Special Programme (Documentary) 19:30 Desi Beat (Magazine Programme) 20:00 Jhalak Dikhla Ja (Entertainment) 21:30 24 (Drama) 22:30 Kavach Kaali Shaktiyon Se (Drama) 23:30 Jhalak Dikhla Ja (Entertainment) 01:00 Code Red (Documentary) 02:00 Kavach Kaali Shaktiyon Se (Drama) 03:00 Shakti Astitva Ke Ehsaas Ki (Drama) 04:30 Sasural Simar Ka (Drama)

04:45 Amar Prem (Film) 07:30 Dr. Madhumati on Duty (Drama) 08:00 Gupp Chupp (Drama) 08:30 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah (Reality Show) 09:00 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah (Reality Show) 09:30 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah (Reality Show) 10:00 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah (Reality Show) 10:30 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah (Reality Show) 11:00 Ishaqzaade (Film) 13:40 Bachna Aaye Haseeno (Film) 16:45 Yeh Jawaani Hai Diwani (Film) 19:55 Insaf Ka Tarazu (Film) 22:45 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 23:40 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 00:30 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 01:10 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 02:00 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 02:50 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 03:30 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 04:15 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 04:45 We are Family (Film)

15:00 Mujhse Shaadi Karogi (Film) 18:00 Talaash (Film) 21:00 We are Family (Film) 00:00 Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak (Film) 03:00 Hogi Pyar Ki Jeet (Film)


06:00 The Front Row with Anupama Chopra (Entertainment) 06:25 Chandni Chowk to China (Film) 09:25 Vachan (Film) 11:50 Ghar Anudha (Drama) 14:15 Ramaa: The Saviour (Film) 16:40 Dostana (Film) 20:00 Neerja (Film) 22:25 Gangaajal (Film) 01:25 Daag: The Fire (Film) 04:25 Little Krishna - The Darling of... (Film)



06:00 Yeh Raaste Hain Pyaar Ke (Film) 09:00 Daata (Film) 12:00 Heropanti (Film)

09:00 Jago Pakistan Jago 10:30 Joru Ka Ghulam(Rpt) 11:00 Deewana 12:00 Jhoot 13:00 Dil-e-Beqarar(Rpt) 14:00 Dharkan 15:00 UDAARI 16:00 Akbari Asghari 17:00 Laaj 18:00 Pakeeza 19:00 Namak Party 19:30 Mr Shamin 20:00 LAAAJ 21:00 Akbari Asghari 22:00 Saturday Night Special

In Theatres:

“Dhoni’s life story is about believing in your Essaying the role of the Indian cricket captain in M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story, Sushant says the film is a tale of hard work and success. Actor Sushant Singh Rajput recently revealed that the upcoming biopic on Mahendra Singh Dhoni was not just a

depiction of the cricketer’s life story but also an inspiring tale of hard work and success. “We are punctuating the belief Dhoni had in himself. There was not even an iota of doubt that if this thing doesn’t happen, then there is a plan B. One should not dream or work to achieve

something to get a high status in society.

in the morning,” said Sushant said during a promotional appearance in India.

“You work for your dream because that’s the only thing that drives you. That’s the only thing that keeps you awake for that extra five minutes and wakes you up five minutes early in the

The actor also shared that through the film they were not glorifying the Indian cricketer and have shown all the important instances of his life exactly the way they happened.

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22:30 Dance+ 2 - Get Set Go (Game) 01:00


18:30 19:00

Siya Ke Ram (Drama) 02:00

Saathiya (Drama) 03:30 Hum Ko Tumse Ho Gaya Hai... (Drama) 04:00 Suhaani Si Ek Ladki (Drama) 04:30 Naamkarann (Drama) 05:00 Siya Ke Ram (Drama) 05:30 Yeh Hai Mohabbatein (Drama)

The Art Room (Entertainment) 3 Course with Pankaj (Cookery) Out and About (Entertainment) Zee News (News) Big Story, Big Debate (Chat Show)

Yeh Hai Mohabbatein (Drama) 02:30

06:00 Hum Ko Tumse Ho Gaya Hai... (Drama) 06:30 Hum Ko Tumse Ho Gaya Hai... (Drama) 07:00 Hum Ko Tumse Ho Gaya Hai... (Drama) 07:30 Mere Angne Mein (Drama) 08:00 Mere Angne Mein (Drama) 08:30 Mere Angne Mein (Drama) 09:00 Yeh Hai Mohabbatein (Drama) 09:30 Yeh Hai Mohabbatein (Drama) 10:00 Dance+ 2 (Entertainment) 11:00 Dance+ 2 - Get Set Go (Game Show) 11:30 Ishqbaaaz (Drama) 12:00 Ishqbaaaz (Drama) 12:30 Ishqbaaaz (Drama) 13:00 Jana Na Dil Se Door (Drama) 13:30 Jana Na Dil Se Door (Drama) 14:00 Jana Na Dil Se Door (Drama) 14:30 Golmaal 3 (Film) 17:30 Jana Na Dil Se Door (Drama) 18:00 Mere Angne Mein (Drama) 18:30 Suhaani Si Ek Ladki (Drama) 19:00 Saathiya (Drama) 19:30 Yeh Hai Mohabbatein (Drama) 20:00 Dance+ 2 (Entertainment) 21:00 Diya Aur Bati Hum (Drama) 21:30 Ishqbaaaz (Drama) 22:00 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai (Drama) 22:30 Jana Na Dil Se Door (Drama) 23:00 Yeh Hai Mohabbatein (Drama) 23:30 Dance+ 2 (Entertainment) 00:30 Hum Ko Tumse Ho Gaya Hai... (Drama)

17:30 18:00

Naamkarann (Drama) 01:30

Ishqbaaaz (Documentary) 03:00


20:00 The Golden Years with Javed Aktar 05:30 Yogic Healing by Swami Ramdev (Entertainment) 06:30 Shrimad Bhagwat Katha (Entertainment) 07:00 Zee News (News) 07:30 Yoga for You (Entertainment)


(Documentary) 21:00 Amma (Drama) 22:00 Brahmarakshas... Jaag Utha Shaitaan (Drama) 23:00 Neeli Chatri Waale (Documentary) 00:00 Brahmarakshas... Jaag Utha Shaitaan (Drama) 01:00 Dr. Subhash Chandra Show (Drama) 02:00 Bollywood Business (Magazine Programme) 02:30 Big Story, Big Debate (Chat Show) 03:30 The Art Room (Entertainment) 04:30 Fear Files (Documentary) 05:30 Yogic Healing by Swami Ramdev (Entertainment)


08:00 Nirankari Baba Mission (Entertainment) 08:30 Narayan Seva Sansthan (Documentary) 09:00 Money Guru (Business and Finance)


09:30 The Art Room (Entertainment) 10:00 Food Ka Mood (Cookery) 10:30 Bacha Party (Cookery) 11:00 Bollywood Cut (Entertainment) 12:00 Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani (Drama) 12:30 Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani (Drama)

04:25 Mard (Film) 07:35 Geet (Film) 10:35 Karz (Film) 13:15 Emi-Liya Hai to Chukana Padega (Film) 15:30 Aarzoo (Film) 18:15 Barfi (Film) 21:05 Agneepath (Film) 00:05 Darna Zaroori Hai (Film) 01:55 Pure Bollywood (Music) 02:45 Emi-Liya Hai to Chukana Padega (Film) 05:00 Karz (Film)

13:00 Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani (Drama) 13:30 Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani (Drama) 14:00 Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani (Drama) 14:30 Kumkum Bhagya (Drama) 15:00 Kumkum Bhagya (Drama) 15:30 Kumkum Bhagya (Drama) 16:00 Kumkum Bhagya (Drama)


Heer Ranjha


Dhan Dhana Dhan Goal




OMG – Oh My God!


Ki & Ka


Mary Kom


Aatank Ki Jung (Daggaraga Dooranga)


Naagin Bani Suhaagan

16:30 Kumkum Bhagya (Drama)

dream”: Sushant Singh Rajput on M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story “We are not trying to glorify Dhoni. We are not over-glamourising anything. Right from his birth to the 2011 World cup six that he hit, we are showing everything.” Sushant said the only similarity between him and Dhoni is that both of them don’t think too much about the future and keep working hard for their dreams. “I stay in the

present, I don’t really plan things. For me the journey is very important and not the achievement. “As an actor the most important thing I did to become Mahendra Singh Dhoni was to convince myself that I am the character. For past 12 years I have been a big fan of Dhoni and that was tricky, so the bottom

line was complete immersion. I used to watch his videos for hours and hours and subconsciously adapt few of his nuances M.S. Dhoni The Untold Story releases in cinemas on 30th September

Disclaimer: Please note listings correct at time of printing and can vary.



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In conversation with Raj Nayak and Anuj Ghandi on

‘A Bollywood channel with a difference’

by Fatima Patel

Leading global entertainment conglomerate, Viacom18, will be launching its premium Hindi movie channel, Rishtey CINEPLEX in the UK on 29 September A powerful mass entertainment offering, Rishtey CINEPLEX will showcase the best from Viacom18’s wide library of films as well as newly acquired movies from across genres including soulful dramas,

heart-warming romance, adrenalinpacked action, rib-tickling comedy and much more. The channel will air audience favourites like, Bajirao Mastani, Airlift, Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2, Kapoor and Sons, Ki & Ka and upcoming films like, Force 2, Ae Dil Hai Mushkil amongst others. The channel, an extension of the well-established Rishtey brand, will also launch in North America (US and Canada) in September and appeal to the sensibilities of global film enthusiasts with its blockbuster content.

Sudhanshu Vats, Group CEO, Viacom18 said, “The Indian film industry has been growing in size, both in terms of reach and revenue, to have become the largest producer of movies in the world today. Our cinema, led by Bollywood movies, continue to increase its pull with the Indian diaspora abroad. Rishtey CINEPLEX, Viacom18’s first premium Hindi movie channel, has curated an impressive repertoire of titles from across cinemas of India. It is our endeavour, as a future ready organization, to take Indian cinema, as a holistic entertainment

package, to our loyal viewers in Europe and North America; allowing us to further strengthen our presence in the regions.” Rishtey CINEPLEX, in many ways, promises to be a one-of-a-kind channel with a host of properties like the Morning, Matinee, Prime-time and Weekend lineup consisting of impressive Hindi films and hot-selling South Indian dubbed content. Along with films, the channel will showcase many interesting concepts including vignettes from various film festivals, behind-the-scenes trivia

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and coverage of exclusive Red Carpet extravaganzas amongst others. Rishtey CINEPLEX, distributed by IndiaCast, will boost Viacom18’s mass entertainment propositions for global audiences, providing them with unrestricted access to blockbuster movies. The channel will be available free-to-air in Europe on Sky channel number 797 from 29 September onwards. We caught up with Raj Nayak, CEO, Hindi Mass Entertainment, Viacom18 and Anuj Gandhi, Group CEO, Indiacast to talk more about their new channel and how Indian television is impacting on UK audiences. Let’s talk about ‘24’ It’s now launched on UK television. Do you think it will be more difficult for you to get UK audiences to accept the Indian version of ‘24’ considering they are more aware of the American version which has been very popular here, so comparisons will be more likely? Raj Nayak: If you look at the show, it’s not like we have taken the script and copied it. It’s a completely different show. It’s based on stories that are related to India. It’s about a future Prime Minister being assassinated. So even if you have watched the English version, which I have, you are still glued to the television with the Hindi version as I was with Jack Bauer. And Anil Kapoor playing Jai Singh




Rathore, which is the Indian version of Jack Bauer, I think he has done a phenomenal job. Raj you’re very active on social media. How important of a role do you think social media plays today, in terms of making an impact and connecting with what goes on in the Indian television world? Raj: Our experience has shown that it has no direct correlation with viewers watching the channel. Because the viewers who watch Colors (the masses) are not on social media, but it creates that buzz. It creates information flow for people like you. I don’t need to decimate 1000 press releases. I just need to put on a tweet and the whole world knows that Salman Khan is hosting the next episode of Big Boss. So social media has its place. It’s a very effective tool if it is used in the right way. Anuj Ghandi: Also, you have to remember it’s not only the viewers, you have to remember we are also targeting various trade communications. So it’s advertisers, it’s platforms, it’s press. It’s other associations of the business. Raj you joined Colors in 2011, so it’s been 5 years. How has your journey been so far, with the Channel? Raj: It’s been a great journey and I was lucky when I joined because it was already an established brand, a strong brand. My predecessor before me had already done a fantastic job. He had set

the foundation for me to build on and all I did was add bricks to it. It’s now become a building and hopefully we will grow taller and taller as the days go on. Anuj, tell us more about this new channel you are launching? It is a channel that is already there in India. It’s a Bollywood channel with a difference. Apart from the library that

we bring to the table we are also after a long time, bringing original programming to the channel. So like Raj says we are probably going on a path that no one has yet ventured. We are going to get movies rated on the channel. We will do a lot of Bollywood shows, what’s happening in Bollywood, gossip and there will be weekly shows around that. So it’s a channel that is different. Apart from just the kind of movies which we will show, you will see that it is a very very different channel. When you say original a lot of British Asians like me say that the South Asian channels are not catering to our needs. For example, we may not want to watch politics that is happening back in India, but more about politics that impacts on us here in the UK. Especially with so many other satellite channels to choose from why would we pick to watch something that doesn’t cater to our needs? Do you think you’re missing out on an opportunity here, to tap into the needs of the current generation of British Asians who don’t have a TV channel which is dedicated to their interests? Anuj: It’s an interesting question you ask at this time because we have a news channel called News 18, which we are actually changing the strategy of. So you will see part of what you exactly said, we will be doing, to begin with weekly shows, but soon we will be doing daily shows

from the UK for the channel. Which will only be focused on South Asians in the UK and it will cover all the local news from the local perspective and we are also looking at changing a little bit of the script on the channel, which gets you news from India but makes it more relevant to the local audience. So very good point and we are already working on it. In terms of production, you mention you are looking for lots of original content. There are many local production houses who are making short films, or shows here in the UK. So a lot of British Asian talent. Are there any platforms for them to come and pitch their content to you? Anuj: See we already have a programme called, Desi Beats. Can we see more of that perhaps? Raj: One of the things I believe is that there is a huge opportunity here with the South Asian diaspora because there is a huge dichotomy between the older generation and the younger generation here. Whilst you relate to the culture but are more in with what is happening here and if we can bridge that divide I believe some great stories can come out of a lot of people who are living here. At some point we would like to explore original content, but if we have some great ideas from independent production houses then we are very open to it.



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Google Allo, a Sonyengine introduces search packaged XAV-AX100 in-car messaging app audio system at $499 launched Rahul RAUT Raut by RAHUL

Sony the Electronics introduced With aim of keeping youra new car receiver that brings lotsany of flutter, conversation going without smartphone connectivity to your Google has launched its new smart car. XAV-AX100 supports both messaging app for Android andApple iOS. CarPlayAllo” and Android making it “Google helps youAuto, say more and Sony’s smart car chats audioand system do morefirst right in your alsoto come with both support. provides assistance whenThe youbiggest need it selling point ofengine this new in-dash with a search feature attached. receiver itsofprice tag of $499 (£380 It has its is list features that help you Britishplans, Pound) is much and cheaper make findwhich information, and comfortable for alleasily compared to its express yourself more in chat. big rivals. The most unique and engaging feature XAV-AX100 appears to be a With double in Allo is, Google Assistant. your DIN system with 6.4-inch Assistant in and Allo,comes you can getayour clear and responsive touchscreen queries answered directly in your with a resolution 800*480. the chats. All youofneed to do Though is type “@ screen resolution of the your screen panel google” before entering question is not up to par with the quality new Android smartphones and iPhones are providing, it’s still considered decent for an in-car display. It’s display is resistive and has physical buttons

which lets the will driver adjust theshow audio and Assistant immediately system takingthe hisconversation eyes off you the without results within the road.This It has fouryou straightforward window. saves time and you physical ons: is your the Home no longerbutt need to one leave chat buttto on,open a knob for volume control and box another app like Yelp and two other smaller buttonsapp, for skip return to your messaging just to forward and back.So the next time you find a restaurant. need to Google something, you can end up doing so via this app rather than typing in search box. Google Allo comes as a search engine packaged messaging application. You can make plans with friends by adding Assistant to your group chat and can research everything from movie times, local restaurants to travel destinations, flights and hotels together with friends. You can get the information on weather, traffic, your upcoming flights or you can ask to convert pounds to ounces or anything all in one place. It

Apple CarPlay functionally allows you to use your smartphone in a safe and smart way letting you access apps like Apple Music and Maps. You can also make phone calls, and send messages via touchscreen on the audio system or vocally using Siri. Android Auto, on

the other hand, lets you always stay in control of music, maps and more all through the touchscreen.

As far as sound is concerned, AX100 delivers powerful sound, thanks to its four 55-watt Dynamic Reality Amp 2, Extra BASS technology and a 10-band graphic equalizer which produce clear sound at any volume level overcoming Follow us on Facebook /AsianStandard or noise. Twitter @Asian_Standard engine The device also comes with Bluetooth technology and an can also show all your relevant details in a journey Google has been for input for a rearview camera.on It also like calendar, appointments, bill due many years to assist people in their has a 3 pre-out connectivity ports dates and pretty much everything that everyday Google’stoofficial blog that can lives”, be connected external Google Now already does. reads. “We’re starting with a preview amplifi ers and other accessories. edition to show you just one way that Google sees the Assistant, which is your Assistant will work fordoesn’t you in come For its downsiders, AX100 currently in “Preview Edition”, as chat. the coming your with Over AUX input, video months, output or NFC being the next major evolution in Assistant will beitsavailable in more pairing unlike competitors. Also it its search product and promises Google products, working seamlessly has only one USB located at the back more improvement over time. “The throughout at home on of the unit, your whichday could makeor charging Google Assistant is the next chapter the go.” your phone difficult if you don’t have

Sony introduces Nikon announces its series XAV-AX100 in-car of KeyMission action and Twittersystem rolls out at $499 audio wearable cameras other means.

XAV-AX100 will be available across North America from later part of November 2016.

Quality Filter to all users to reduce harassment Rahul RAUT Raut by RAHUL

Sony Electronics introduced a new Nikon Corporation has unveiled carseries receiver that bringsaction lots ofand its of KeyMission smartphone connectivity to your wearable cameras. The KeyMission car. the XAV-AX100 supports both 360, KeyMission 170 and theApple by RAHUL RAUT CarPlay and Auto, making KeyMission 80Android are designed to help it Sony’sshare first smart car audio system users their images, from the to come withtoboth support. and The biggest everyday the extreme, the selling behind point ofthem. this new in-dash stories The micro-blogging website, er receiver is its price tag of $499Twitt (£380 is taking another to The KeyMission 360step is is a forward consumerBritish Pound) which much cheaper make it3D more welcoming place forto its focused action camera capable and comfortable for all compared discussion of recording 360°interaction. video in 4K The UHD big rivals. and company (3840*2160). has announced resolution Theto roll out “Quality Filter” - which filter low XAV-AX100 appears to belets avideo double camera shoots 360-degree quality notifi cations from and DIN and comes withbots a 6.4-inch in 4Ksystem format, moving action spammers - to all users to reducewith clear and responsive touchscreen camera users a step closer harassment. This featurethe is a aonline resolution of reality 800*480. Though toward virtual content. new move to two reduce molestation and resolution of the screen panel Itscreen comes with 180-degree filters out “lower content” isitnot up tocombinedly par withquality thegives quality lenses that a new such as smartphones duplicate tweets Android andoriPhones are completely immersive view ofcontents that appear be considered automated.decent providing, it’sto the world and astill 20-megapixel for an in-car display. display is (1/2.3-inch) sensor on It’s each “Quality Filter” helpful for resistive hasisphysical buttblocking ons side, eachand capable of capturing targeted footage in harassment. 1080p and 4K.ItItautomatically also screens out button tweets and fromasuspicious has a record low accounts and minimize abuse battery indicator at the top of from taking place the platform. the device. Theon tough, wearableThis feature restricts what kinds of tweets action camera is waterproof a user’s notifi toappear nearlyin 100 feet (30 m), cation tab. “When turned on, the filter can improve the quality of Tweets you see by using a variety of signals, such as

which lets up thetodriver adjust audio shockproof 6.6 feet (2 m)the and system without taking eyes off freeze-proof as low as 14°his Fahrenheit the road. straightforward (-10°C) andItishas alsofour backed with the physical ons: one isThe thecamera Home Nikon sealbutt of approval. a knobnext for month volumeand control and isbutt set on, to arrive it will twoyou other smaller buttons for skip cost around $500. forward and back. The KeyMission 170 captures dynamic 170° wide-angle 4K UHD videos appears be automated, from and vivid to images. It features a your notifications and other parts your 12-megapixel, 1/2.3-inch sensorofand a Twitt er experience,” thethe company said lens quality same as of KeyMission announcing the feature in its blogand 360. It is waterproof, freeze-proof post. shockproof and provides variety of shooting modes like Add Slow Motion, Superlapse Movie and Time-lapse Movie to capture beautiful 4K video.

Apple CarPlay allows you With intuitive andfunctionally simple operation, to use your smartphone in a safe and even first-time camera users can smart way lett ing youand access apps like simply master the skill can record Apple Music and Maps. You can also adventures effortlessly. make phone calls, and send messages via touchscreen on the audio system There is also an entry-level KeyMission using Siri. Android Auto, on 80,ora vocally tough wearable camera designed for one-handed use. Featuring two cameras - a 12 megapixel on the back However, this feature does not for work and 4.9 megapixel on the front in the case people you follow. selfies - andofanthe exclusively designed “It does not filter content from people small NIKKOR lens, this camera you follow accountshigh-quality you’ve recently allows you or to capture interacted and depending on images, it iswith not –capable of 4K though. Waterproof to three feet, shockproof to five feet and freeze-proof to 14°F, this ultra-slim camera is especially

Twitter rolls out

the for other hand, activities lets you always useful outdoor such stay in control of climbing music, maps more all as mountain and and trekking, through touchscreen. fishing, and the camping.

as sound is concerned, AX100 All As thefar cameras support SnapBridge powerful sound, thanks to its appdelivers that makes it easy to share four 55-watt Dynamic Reality Amp 2, footage to your smartphones. Extra BASS technology and a 10-band graphic equalizer which produce clear at any volume yoursound preferences, you canlevel turnovercoming it on engine noise. The device also comes or off in your notifi cations sett ings.” with Bluetooth technology and an “Quality isn’t exactly a newIt also inputFilter” for a rearview camera. feature It was first rolledports out has though. a 3 pre-out connectivity last that yearcan but be was availabletotoexternal only connected verifi ed accounts. until now, only amplifi ers andUp other accessories. accounts with blue checkmark had For its of downsiders, AX100 doesn’t come the option filtering out tweets. with AUX input, video output or NFC Twittpairing er has also made notification Also it unlike its competitors. settings widely available and easier has only one USB located at the back to find across mobile thecharging of the unit,both which couldand make web.your Everyone the ability phonewill diffihave cult if you don’ttohave limitother notifimeans. cations to only people they follow. XAV-AX100 will be available across Filtering is Twitt another Northfeature America fromer’s later part of attempt to stem2016. the allegation of its November lack of concern toward harassment, which has grown into a major problem for the company. Last month Twitter made applications for verification open for all users and recently it announced that it has suspended 360,000 accounts for promoting terrorism. In all way,


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Sony introduces Oculus Rift virtual XAV-AX100 in-car reality system arrives in audio system atat $499 UK high street £549 Rahul RAUT Raut by RAHUL

Sonyworld’s Electronics a new The most introduced famous virtual reality car receiver that brings lotsarrived of system, the Oculus Rift, has in smartphone connectivity to your the UK high street for the first time. car. system XAV-AX100 supports both The which launched on Apple Tuesday, CarPlay and Android making will be available to buyAuto, in store fromit Sony’s first smart car audio retailers such as John Lewis,system Curry’sto come withand both support.UK The biggest PC World Harrods. gamers can selling of this in-dash also buypoint it online at new Amazon. receiver is its price tag of $499 (£380 The system owned by social media British Pound) which is much cheaper giant Facebook, costs £549 and and comfortable for all compared to its requires a super powerful computer big rivals. to actually be able to run it. Oculus XAV-AX100 appears to to be hundreds a double of Rift comes with access DIN system and comes a 6.4-inch gaming experience withwith an Xbox One clear andcontroller responsive touchscreen wireless included in the with box a resolution of 800*480. Though the that allows people to navigate through screen resolution of the screen panel them. is not up to par with the quality new The headset has been available in are Android smartphones and iPhones the US and it’s online earlierdecent this providing, stillsince considered year, some customers who bought for anbut in-car display. It’s display is it later, haven’t received it yet resistive and has physical buttas ons their shipments delayed due to the

which lets the driver adjust the audio system without taking his eyes off the road. It has four straightforward physical buttons: one is the Home button, a knob for volume control and two other smaller buttons for skip forward and back.

high demand and supply issues. In an appearance at the Mobile World Congress Technology show earlier this year, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg called Oculus Rift the “future of social networking” as

Apple CarPlay functionally allows you to use your smartphone in a safe and smart way letting you access apps like Apple Music and Maps. You can also make phone calls, and send messages via touchscreen on the audio system or vocally using Siri. Android Auto, on

the other hand, lets you always stay in control of music, maps and more all through the touchscreen. As far as sound is concerned, AX100 delivers powerful sound, thanks to its four 55-watt Dynamic Reality Amp 2, Extra BASS technology and a 10-band graphic equalizer which produce clear sound at any volume level overcoming engine noise. The device also comes with Bluetooth technology and an input for a rearview camera. It also has a 3 pre-out connectivity ports that can be connected to external amplifiers and other accessories.

For its downsiders, AX100 doesn’t come with AUX input, video output or NFC Follow us on Facebook /AsianStandard or unlike Twitter @Asian_Standard pairing its competitors. Also it has only one USB located at the back of the unit, which could make charging your than phone cult if you don’t have tech companies continue to invest more 30diffi new titles scheduled to PlayStation VR System. Sony’s VR other means. intemperately in virtual reality devices. launch this year, there has never been system which does not require a a more exciting time to jump into VR,” computer connection and instead plugs XAV-AX100 will be available “Virtual reality is being heralded as an Oculus statement reads. across directly into the PlayStation console, is North America from later part of the next computing platform and with owing to launch in October. November more than 100 full-featured VR games Oculus Rift’s2016. release date has come and experiences now on Rift and with just few weeks before the release of

Sony introduces Twitter out its first ever Oppo torolls launch XAV-AX100 in-car Quality Filter to all users Ultra HD 4K Blu-ray player in to harassment audio system at $499 UKreduce later this year by RAHUL RAUT Rahul RAUT Raut by RAHUL

The micro-blogging website, Twitter is taking step forward to it Sony Electronics a new Oppo hasanother set theintroduced standard when make itto more welcoming place for car receiver that brings lots of comes higher quality and superior discussion interaction. smartphone connectivity to The yournow performingand Blu-ray decks, and company has announced to roll outits car. XAV-AX100 supports both Apple the company has announced that “Quality Filter” -HD which lets making filterplayer lowit CarPlay and Android first ever Ultra 4KAuto, Blu-ray quality notifi cations from and to Sony’s rst smart car audio system will befilaunched in the UKbots later spammers - to new all users toThe reduce come with The both support. biggest this year. player is called online harassment. This feature is a selling point of this new in-dash the “UDP-203” and it will probably new to reduce molestation and receiver is its price tag of $499 (£380 cost move £599. “Our next generation it filters out quality content” British Pound) which is much cheaper Ultra HD 4K“lower Blu-ray player, the such as duplicate tweets or contents and comfortable for alldevelopment. compared to its UDP-203, is in active that appear to be automated. big rivals. We intend to have it ready for release by the end of this year, but “Quality Filter” helpful for blocking XAV-AX100 appears to a double we will take as is long asbe necessary to targeted harassment. automatically DIN system and comes with athere 6.4-inch perfect the player. As Itsuch, screens tweets from suspicious clear responsive touchscreen with is no and setout release date yet,” says the and abuse from aaccounts resolution ofminimize 800*480. Though the organisations official facebook taking place on the screen of platform. the screenThis panel page. resolution feature what kinds of tweets is not uprestricts to par with the quality new appear in a user’s notifi cation tab. are Android smartphones and iPhones “When turned on, the filter candecent providing, it’s still considered improve the quality Tweets you for an in-car display.ofIt’s display is see by using and a variety of signals, resistive has physical buttsuch ons as account origin and behavior. Turning it on filters lower-quality content,

Designed deliver the best possible appears totobe automated, from your which lets the driver adjust the audio audio and video experience from notifi cations and taking other parts of your system without his eyes off the 4KItdisc the UDP-said Twitt er experience,” company thenew road. has format, fourthe straightforward 203 is an attractive, well arranged announcing the feature itsHome blog physical butt ons: one isin the and constructed post. buttstrongly on, a knob for volumeUltra control and HD player with bunch of twoBlu-ray other smaller buttons for skip great features. It isn’t just a 4K UHD forward and back. player, it’s also HDR-ready and supports 2D and 3D Blu-ray, DVD Video/Audio, SACD and CD. It also

converts HDR to functionally SDR does (Standard However, this feature notallows work you Apple CarPlay Dynamic Range) for non-HDR in the case of the people youinfollow. to use your smartphone a safe and displays. ItsfiMediatek SoC (System “It does not lter content from people smart way letting you access appson like Chip) which been custom-built you follow orhas accounts you’ve Apple Music and Maps. You recently can also formake Ultraphone HD Blu-ray, supports both interacted with – andand depending on calls, send messages HDR and Dolby on Vision. Its basic via10 touchscreen the audio system design and layout is very similar to on or vocally using Siri. Android Auto, the BDP-103. The UDP-203 has dual HDMI ports

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CYPRUS: Sun, sea and history in Paphos 40 Kolones (Columns) ruins

by Fatima Patel

Whether you are a sun-seeker, explorer or someone looking for a relaxing holiday with great scenery, there are so many reasons to visit the beautiful South-West coast of Cyprus – Paphos (Pafos). Pafos is the perfect autumn beach destination, a Mediterranean island but with the climate of the Middle East. Pafos is a city with a rich history and eclectic culture, a blissful climate and fantastic beaches. With vineyards, hillside villages, religious sites and museums full of ancient stories. The story of Cyprus’ tumultuous past is told through its historic sites, with the particularly fascinating and extraordinary archaeological sites like the Tombs of the Kings, which sprawls like an ancient theme park next to a pack-in-the-punters tourist resort. Digging into the island’s past has unearthed fascinating relics, including Neolithic dwellings, Bronze Age and Phoenician tombs, and exquisite Roman mosaics, while, on the streets, keep your eyes peeled for Venetian walls, Byzantine castles and churches, Roman monasteries and Islamic mosques.

Tombs of the Kings Pafos

The story of Cyprus’ tumultuous past is told through its historic sites, Roman ruins, multifaceted museums and dusty urban streets. This sense of living history is highlighted most vividly in Pafos, with extraordinary archaeological sites like the Tombs of

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the Kings, a Unesco World Heritage Site, which sprawls like an ancient theme park next to a pack-in-thepunters tourist resort.

have niches built into the walls where bodies were stored. Most of the tombs’ treasures have long since been spirited away by grave robbers.

Imagine yourself surrounded by ancient tombs in a desert-like landscape where the only sounds are waves crashing on rocks. The Tombs of the Kings contains a set of well-preserved underground tombs and chambers used by residents of Nea Pafos during the Hellenistic and Roman periods, from the 3rd century BC to the 3rd century AD. Despite the name, the tombs were not actually used by royalty; they earned the title from their grand appearance.

Pafos unearths many more such riveting historic sites which include Neolithic dwellings, Bronze Age and Phoenician tombs, and exquisite Roman mosaics. You will see more of this rich history come alive whilst wandering the streets of Pafos. Keep your eyes peeled for Venetian walls, Byzantine castles and churches, Roman monasteries and Islamic mosques and not to mention 12 museums. Whether you are devotee of archaeology, folklore, ethnography or the Byzantine Empire, you will find something to interest you in one of Pafos’ twelve museums for sure. The historian in you will not only love hearing about the past, but be awed by the splendor of some of the religious sites and museums.

Located 2km north of Kato Pafos, the tombs are unique in Cyprus, being heavily influenced by ancient Egyptian tradition, when it was believed that tombs for the dead should resemble houses for the living. The seven excavated tombs are scattered over a wide area; the most impressive is No 3, which has an open atrium below ground level, surrounded by columns. Other tombs

If that isn’t enough Pafos also offers a variety of water sports and has three golf courses. What’s more, you can go horse riding, cycling or hiking in the nearby countryside. From the picturesque harbour with

its medieval castle, you can enjoy a trip on a catamaran or perhaps a speedboat.

water and pistachios and ranging from creamy rice puddings to gloriously sticky baklava, yum!

If you want to do some souvenir shopping before you go home, Pafos is most certainly the perfect place for it.

There are a wide range of hotels to suit all budgets and groups, from families, to couples. We stayed at the King Jason Hotel, a 4-star luxury hotel, situated around 1km from Geroskipou Municipal Beach and Pafos Harbor. Only a few minutes’ walk from King’s Avenue Mall, the

For those who love their food you are in for a treat as the south-west coast of Cyprus is heavily influenced by Turkish, Greek and Middle Eastern cuisine. Unique to the island is also some amazing Cypriot food which includes haloumi (helimi in Turkish), and the kebabs are also in a league of their own. Those of you with a sweet tooth will truly enjoy the desserts as they are irresistible, flavoured with almonds, rose

ancient Medieval Castle of Pafos and the archaeological site of UNESCO heritage. If you want five star, then Almyra is another great hotel. A 4-minute walk from a Mediterranean Sea beach boardwalk, this luxe hotel is 2 km from Pafos Castle. All in all, a superb holiday destination for people of all ages and groups.

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UK’s first Food waste ‘supermarket’ opens in Leeds by Mo Bhana

A food waste supermarket, which campaigners say is the first in the UK, has opened its doors for the first time in Leeds. Organisers from the Real Junk Food Project have just opened ‘the warehouse’ on Grangefield Industrial Estate in Pudsey, with surplus stock provided by supermarkets such as Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and Ocado and local businesses. The organisation receives on average between two and 10 tonnes of food at its warehouse every day. Operating on a ‘pay as you feel’ basis, customers can purchase goods with financial donations that they feel comfortable with, or by simply donating their time, energy or skills instead. It is hardly surprising that the project has taken off so well, a stack of food including fruit, bread even Ferrero Rocher Chocolates and Marks and Spencer cakes, makes the supermarket look more like a mainstream outlet. Although those affected by harsh austerity measures, zero hour contracts and the rise in unemployment, are deemed to be the principal beneficiaries of the project, campaigners have emphasised the fact that the project is for all. “We don’t just feed the homeless or the

needy, nor do we just feed asylum seekers, refugees, or whoever, we feed everyone,” says project founder Adam Smith.

In partnership with Richmond Hill primary school, the project uses food waste to end child hunger in school.

These range from as far as Melbourne in Australia to South Africa, Berlin and France.

“Usually we donate it (the food) to local schools but over the summer we ended up with all this surplus and we wondered how we would get rid of it,” Mr Smith said.

The school serves a deprived area in Leeds. Of its 600 pupils, 70% are said to be eligible for free school meals and many arrive at school hungry, without having had any breakfast.

“We just turn over wasted food, it is not necessarily out of date, it is perfectly edible and it is not for a certain demographic either, everyone is welcome to come to any of our cafes and outlets worldwide.”

As it stands, the warehouse is the only supermarket of its kind in the UK, however Smith hopes to continue to expand project, with the admirable aim of “feeding the world”.

Milligan insists many schools throughout UK and the world will follow Richmond Hill primary school in working with The Real Junk Food Project’s ‘Fuel For School’ campaign, enabling children from less privileged backgrounds to enjoy nutritious meals.

“We moved it to one part of the warehouse, put a notice up on social media asking people to come and get it, and it just went mad.” “In order for us to prove the value and safety of food waste, we couldn’t just feed specific demographics of people. We believe food waste is absolutely fit for human consumption and so that’s who we feed – human beings.” The new supermarket will also stock all the surplus food from The Real Junk Food Project’s ‘Fuel For School’ campaign, which Smith says is currently the priority for the charity.

Smith’s colleague, Teresa Milligan insists the project is already a worldwide phenomenon that is set to snowball into something very special. She told the Asian Standard: “The food is not for a certain demographic, it is for absolutely everyone. “It is already a worldwide project; we have 125 outlets throughout the world now.

“It is an absolute travesty that many school children do not have enough to eat before and whilst at school. Food is very important for children because if they do not eat properly it becomes a barrier and results in a lack of concentration, they get into trouble and it effects the performance of a child.”

Liam Peddle(Left - Assistant Manager), Marcus Taylor (Right - helper)



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Jeremy Corbyn regains Labour leadership by ITRAT BASHIR

Jeremy Corbyn has been re-elected as a Labour party leader after defeating his rival Owen Smith with a clear margin. He secured 61.8 percent of the total votes, which was announced on the eve of the party conference in Liverpool. Against 313,209 votes bagged by Corbyn, Smith only managed to secure 193,229 votes. After the end of a bitter party leadership campaign, Corbyn urged the members of the party to ‘wipe the slate clean’ and focus on defeating the Tory government, which is damaging the country with its hard policies. “I will do everything I can to repay the trust and the support to bring up our party together, to make it an engine of progress of our country. And the

people depend on the Labour Party, to protect their interest and win power to deliver real change in the country.” He thanked Owen Smith for health debates, sometime heated ones, during the contest, which he said would continue “because we are a part of same Labour family and that how it is going to be”. In his twitter message, Smith congratulated Corbyn “on being elected decisively as our leader”. “Now is time for all of us to work to take Labour back to power. I am proud and privileged to have stood to lead our party and to have won the support of 193,000 member and supporters.” Keith Vaz, an MP from Labour Party congratulated Corbyn on his reelection and said that “it is now time to unite behind Jeremy and begin the campaign to win the next general election”.

Rehman Chishti elected as chair of a cross-party group on community engagement by ITRAT BASHIR

Rehman Chishti, an MP from Gillingham and Rainham, is elected as Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Communities Engagement. Recently, the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Communities Engagement met for its inaugural meeting and election of officers. The meeting also elected Yasmin Qureshi MP, Jim Shannon MP and David Burrowes MP as Vice Chairs. Other members comprise David Mackintosh MP, Andrew Stephenson MP, Martin Vickers MP, Stephen Metcalfe MP and Kelly Tolhurst MP. The cross-party group was the idea of Rehman Chishti, and sprang from his work with the former Prime Minister on communities’ engagement. According to Rehman Chishti, seeking to truly take forward Theresa May’s vision of a government that works for everyone, the purpose of the new group is to help parliamentarians to be aware of, and respond to, the various issues and challenges facing members of the diverse communities in the UK.

All Party Parliamentary Group

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UKIP predict early general elections by ITRAT BASHIR

UKIP newly elected leader Diane James has predicted that the next general elections will be held in May 2017 and her party needs to be prepared for that. Talking to BBC, she said that the UKIP should be geared up to take part in ‘the earliest possible general elections”. On September 16, Diane James succeeded Nigel Farage after he resigned from the party

leadership just after the Brexit referendum. In the absence of an orderly Labour party, the new party leader believed that the UKIP is “the opposition party in waiting”. She assured the EU citizens living in the UK that there is no threat to their rights from her party. She admitted that “I’m not as wellknown as Nigel Farage, but Theresa May was not that well known across the country either”.

Shabana Mahmood appointed as chair of West Midlands Fiscal Commission by ITRAT BASHIR

Shabana Mahmood, an MP from Birmingham Ladywood, will chair a West Midlands Fiscal Commission, who will guide the commission

on redefining the West Midlands’ relationship with Whitehall. Siôn Simon, Labour’s candidate for West Midlands Mayor and MEP for the West Midlands, announced the establishment commission. It will examine how the region can secure a greater devolution of tax receipts and resources from central government to drive growth, jobs and prosperity. On the new role, Shahana said that over the next few weeks she will be putting together a team of experts from across the region to help her lead the West Midlands Fiscal Commission. “This will not just be a group of politicians in a room, it will be a group of experts with experience from across

the most important sectors in the West Midlands, from manufacturing to higher education. They will establish what the best West Midlands fiscal devolution pathway looks like.” According to her, it is not in the interests of the West Midlands for them to wait for May 2017 to do this work, or for it to be done in back rooms by unelected officials. Unfortunately, she has no confidence in Theresa May or the Conservatives to deliver them the best deal for the people of the West Midlands. They (the government) have no clue what they are doing with Brexit and are spending time, energy and money on widely discredited vanity projects such as new grammar schools.

Commenting on the Commission, Siôn Simon said, “Real devolution means getting the fiscal responsibility and the resources we need to deliver real change. We must demand devolution that gives us the real power and resources to make the best decisions for people and businesses here in the

West Midlands. ““This week I’ve established the commission and the job of experts over the next few months is to build a strong, factually driven case that can form the basis of the Mayor’s prospectus on taking office in May 2017.”






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Infrastructure and housing investment crucial to UK economy by ITRAT BASHIR

More than four in five London businesses say increased investment in infrastructure is important for the UK economy in the period between the referendum and the start of Brexit negotiations, according to a new survey by ComRes for London Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The poll of more than 500 business leaders found that those surveyed agreed that in the current political climate, with formal EU talks not expected to start before the end of the year, increased investment in housing and transport was important for the London economy (82 percent each). Increased devolution of tax and spending

powers to London had the support of 56 percent. Chief Executive of London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Colin Stanbridge said, “This survey confirms what we have been saying consistently, that we need to act now to safeguard the London, and the wider UK economy, by building now for a growing population.”

reviewing the status of poor quality land within the greenbelt to free it up for much needed development. The Brexit environment cannot be

a period of excuses and inaction. It is a time to drive forward and capitalise on what is already a thriving economy.”

According to him, major infrastructure projects, such as airport expansion in the SouthEast, Crossrail, the night tube and new fixed river crossings for East London, will bring employment and in turn more revenues. “As well as acting with pace to move major planning applications to the next stage, we urge government to take practical steps, such as

India holds interactive meet in UK to attract investors €




In London, the Indian government organized an interactive meet with British investors interested in Indian petroleum and natural gas sector.

€ $

In line with the Indian Prime Minister’s vision of reducing import dependency on oil and gas by 10 percent by 2022, the Government of India is offering 46 Contract Areas consisting of 67 small fields across nine sedimentary basins for exploration and production of oil and gas in India under a liberalized policy regime.


In this connection, a senior Indian government of India delegation,

led Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas, organized “Discovered Small Field Bid Round 2016”.

tax innovations and the specific attractiveness of the present bid. The Minister also inaugurated

the physical data room at London through remote access to facilitate investors to access technical data for offered fields.

Speaking on the occasion, the Minister informed the audience of the government’s overall policy framework with particular focus on the petroleum and natural gas sector. He stressed PM Modi’s intention to make India investor friendly and a destination for safe investment. He made a strong pitch to investors to partner in India’s growth story. Several presentations were made a part of the road-show to highlight details of policy reforms, the improvements on ease of doing business, the regulatory and

India and oil investors-Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas

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Help to Buy to be Obsolete’ in half of England next year by Mo Bhana

Help to Buy Isas will be obsolete for the standard property in 46 percent of local authorities in England by next March, new research by has found. At present, a Help to Buy Isa bonus can be used on a property worth up to £250,000 outside of London and £450,000 or less in London. Savers are allowed to contribute an initial deposit of £1,200 along with an additional monthly amount of £200 into the Isa. Subsequently, if they want to buy a house they must apply for a Government bonus, which is worth a quarter of what they have saved, up to £3,000.

However, the value restrictions mean the average house in around a third of areas was already too expensive for use with the Isa when the policy was initially introduced in December 2016. If factors such as inflation and rising house prices continue to grow at the same rate as they are, by March next year another 21 areas will be too expensive, 46 percent of all the local authority areas in England, to be precise. The research also found that average house prices in England will be close to the threshold by March next year, at £246,994. By next March just nine of London’s 32 boroughs will be viable options for the average buyer, according to the data. A spokeswoman for, said:

“Historically Help to Buy has been of little help to the nation’s aspiring homeowners and it is plain to see why when you look at the numbers.” This is a sentiment echoed by Sohaib Hameed of Reeds and Rains estate agents. He insists disappointed homeowners will find out the bonus is also only available on completion, not exchange, leaving many first-time buyers struggling to pay the initial deposit, which is usually around 10pc of the property’s value. He believes it would be better to arrange a straightforward agreement without the buyers and a bank He told The Asian Standard: “The banks were giving out 85% loans to prospective buyers and you only had to put down a 10 or 15 % deposit.

“It would be better for buyers if they had an agreement between them and the bank, as banks are now offering

95% mortgages, so you only have to put 5% down so the Help To Buy scheme is essentially redundant.”



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Bradford Business Conference marks new partnership by ITRAT BASHIR

Preparations are underway for this year’s Bradford Business Conference – which is back with an exciting new image. The 2016 conference has been rebranded as “YEN EXPO 2016”, reflecting the broader reach of the event and Bradford’s re-established standing in the regional business arena.

“But there will also be lots of new ideas – and we’ve changed the name to give a broader feel, reflecting the fact that exhibitors and delegates come from right across the county, and recognising the re-emergence of Bradford as a regional business centre.”

because the City of Bradford is currently undergoing an extensive change, with so many amazing new businesses and developments underway. It’s a wonderful opportunity for people from home and away to come under one roof and do business with a record breaking city.

Fatima Patel, Head of Business Development at Asian Standard said: “It’s a great time to be involved especially

“I am delighted that Asian Standard is a media partner of such a great and visionary organisation such as YEN and I

am particularly glad that we will be able to play a significant role in helping BAME businesses get more involved this year” For further info please visit www.yenexpo. uk To find out more about sponsoring or exhibiting at the event contact Sheraz Malik on 01274 303988 or email: smalik@

This year’s event, organised by Yorkshire Enterprise Network, will take place on Tuesday, October 25, returning to the 2015 venue – Bradford College’s multi-million pound David Hockney building. Asian Standard will be a Media Partner for the first time this year along with the Telegraph & Argus. Other partners are Bradford College, Malik House Business Centres, Business Enterprise Fund (BEF) and FSB. YEN EXPO 2016 promises to be even bigger and better than the previous year’s event, with its “Bradford Now” regeneration theme, which attracted more than 800 delegates and 50 exhibition stands, showcasing the best of Yorkshire businesses. Free registration is now open for delegates on a new website www.yenexpo. uk where full details of sponsorship and exhibitor packages can also be found. Once again, there will be a broad crosssection of seminars, business clinics and networking events, plus a line-up of inspirational speakers.

Exhibitors at last year’s Expo

There are plans to recreate the highly popular Bradford Regeneration section, showcasing the revitalised city centre leisure scene, and to introduce a new Creative Zone for artists, makers, designers and other creative businesses. Director of Yorkshire Enterprise Network Sheraz Malik said: “We’re delighted to welcome Asian Standard as a media partner for the 2016 conference which is back with a new contemporary branding.” “Now in its fifth year, the Bradford Business Conference is evolving. There will be some elements returning, to build on the successes of previous events, like the fantastic state-of-the-art venue, the well-attended seminars and clinics and the popular hospitality sector exhibition area.

Panelists at last year’s business conference

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Issue 3



Money Talks with our finance expert

Shabab Gulfraz

The Importance of a correctly constructed will. A will is something most of us think we do not need, we will do it later, or I do not need one comes to mind. This is the wrong attitude to have towards something which is fundamentally important and will distribute one’s estate how one wants it to be distributed. You might think I am married we do not require a will, or you already have a will in place, which is a mirror will. A mirror will is when the wills of both husband and wife are near identical, with the same beneficiaries or all assets are left to each other. The issue with mirror wills is that either person can revoke their will at anytime during their lifetime, without informing the other party that they have done so. Let’s take an example. A husband and wife make a mirror will leaving everything to their children after their death including the husbands first child from a previous marriage. The wife has an issue with this; therefore she changes her mirror will and effectively cuts this child out of the will. In the event the husband dies first, then this child has been cut out of the will.

I view mirror wills as a romantic gesture and not proper planning. I say this because in practice many people find these an easy option, without fully considering the future. Let me put it this way, a couple in their thirties make a mirror will and the wife dies leaving everything to the husband. They have one child, and the husband re marries in 5 years time, and has a further 2 kids. If he then dies, he leaves everything to his new wife. All of a sudden the first wife’s estate has shifted from her to another lady, so what happens to her child. Well we would all like to think the child does get something from the second wife, but there is no requirement to do so. So what should you do? Well if you are single, then it is easy you decide who should inherit your hard earned funds. If you are married, then have a conversation with each other, and your financial adviser. Perhaps you may need to do some planning before death i.e. trusts, giving away assets etc. If you do have children, consider the

The issue with mirror wills is that either person can revoke their will at anytime during their lifetime, without informing the other party that they have done so.

above two examples. . It may be the case that you split your assets. An example is you have two children and a wife, and want to leave everything to your family. You recognise your wife is young, and

may re marry; therefore, you might leave 66 per cent to your children split equally, and the remainder to your wife. You might even go as far as using trusts whilst alive.

Whatever your situation is, please think carefully, talk to your partner and plan whilst you are alive. If your solicitor pushes mirror wills ask why.


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Tahira Rahman is a practicing solicitor in the field of family law with a particular interest in the division of matrimonial assets and children matters. In her 11 years as a solicitor there is not much she hasn’t seen or steered her clients through

We are separating and I want to know what my rights are in relation to my children?

This is another of those very emotive questions that I have to deal with almost every day including this Sunday afternoon, when my phone rang unexpectedly. The answer and advice given very much depends on the circumstances of the case and hinges on the role of the parent seeking the advice has played in the children’s day to day care.

It is a common misconception that parents have rights – we don’t. We only have obligations. The rights of parents were replaced with rights of children under the Children Act 1989. The Act when it came into force in October 1991 was seen as revolutionary and it intended to provide a clear and consistent code for child law. The Act talked about the welfare of the children and there was a marked shift away from the Cramer and Cramer style custody battles that were often seen in courts. The focus of the Act was to preserve the welfare of the children in the event of a relationship breakdown. The Children Act 1989 has gone through a number of changes since but the underlying principle is contained in S.1. (1) which states that: when a court determines any question with respect to: a) the upbringing of a child; or b) the administration of a child’s property or the application of any income arising from it, the child’s welfare shall be the court’s paramount consideration.

The simple answer to the above question, whether coming from the mother or the father, is that you don’t have rights and unless you have genuine welfare concerns there is no reason to invite the court to make decisions about your children. There are other options, mediation being one such option.

The law does not automatically assume that the children should live with the mother. This is another common misconception. The question of who the children will live with is often settled on the determination of the question of who has been the primary carer. . In other words,

example: where the mother also works. In this situation the issues and court decision are not always predictable and are a balancing exercise. In other cases, where the mother either chooses not to return to work or reduces her hours after having had the children, the question of who is the primary carer is less difficult to determine. Once the question of who the primary carer is or was pre-separation is resolved, it is much easier to determine what the likely long term child arrangements should be. Since the Children and Families Act 2014 came into force we no longer

It is a common misconception that parents have rights – we don’t! ‘which parent has undertaken the lion’s share of the day to day, physical care of the children?’. In many cases these days both parents will share the responsibility of day to day care for

ave Residence or Contact Orders. We now have Child Arrangement Orders. This shift in the language was in recognition by the law makers and the courts that over time the parent with the Residence Order Order would often behave like the parent who previously had ‘custody’ of the children. The move is more

than a shift in language. There is also a shift in the court’s attitude to private law children cases. The courts have much less time and are less tolerant to the issue that they once indulged, in my view, the less

cooperative parent. Particularly, where there was no evidence of welfare concerns. The bottom line is that if you are not the primary carer of the children and are committed to maintaining a meaningful relationship with your children, it is much easier than it was. It can be costly but the courts are not biased against fathers. The decision of the courts, in the absence of agreements, will be determined on what is in the children’s best interest. The children’s welfare, in my view can only be best preserved by having as normal a relationship with both parents in the circumstances of a breakdown of the relationship. Assuming always that there are no welfare concerns. If there are welfare concerns, then there are many options in managing those concerns to reduce the risks. Talk to a good resolution accredited solicitor such as myself.

It’s the way forward Yaar

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Being a good neighbour doesn’t cost anything I spotted something on twitter which made me think about how we treat our neighbours. I’m talking about the people next door, who in some cases, are just a wall away, with just the width of a brick or two dividing our everyday lives.

the neighbours and friends or it would be wasted.

The tweet came from a man called Haroon who said how delighted he was that all of his British neighbours had been around to his house to wish him a ‘Happy Eid’. It gave a warm glow to know that on a residential street somewhere in the UK, that being a good neighbour still exists.

My daughters still love One Direction or 1D, as they are known. They have been quite devastated since Zayn Malik left, but are still delighted to hear or see him whenever he appears on television as he is their favourite.

I recall as a child in my Yorkshire hometown how Christmas time used to be more of a community event with social gatherings at neighbours’ houses and parties, with lots of tasty food and drink to consume. We knew all of our neighbours very well and enjoyed the plus points of this. It was the 1970’s though and not as many technology distractions were so readily available. In my experience the ‘friends with your neighbours’ idea is becoming less common, as children play outside less and some folk ‘keep themselves to themselves’. We may know them to nod and say ‘hello’ to but that familiarity does not seem as strong as it once was. Yes, times do change, but surely the basis for human kindness does not? I have one friend who is the regular and grateful receiver of platefuls of food from the British Asian family next door, especially around the time of Eid celebrations. There is usually plenty of dahl, rices, curry dishes and samosas as well as a variety of brightly coloured sweet treats, I’ve usually never heard of. The kids love trying the new foods, especially the sweet Asian cakes. It always causes excitement. I like how the Asian mum always modestly brushes off any form of thankyou and praise about the wonderful food. She says it is nice to give some of the food away and is happy that people like it. She said there was so much of it, that they preferred to share it around

I do like my own neighbour's by the way and we are more than just nodding acquaintances.

I was speaking to the mum of a teenage girl who runs a local shop. The Asian family is strict and their daughter studies hard and has a tutor. She asked after my girls and I asked after her 14-year-old. She told me she was studying hard with no distractions allowed. She would be going to university and simply had to get the grades. When I mentioned One Direction and made a joke about their music, she shook her head laughing and said that her daughter is not allowed to listen to them at all or watch their videos. . In fact she had never heard them. I thought this was a bit harsh, especially as she works so hard.

‘They are a bad influence, ‘ she said. I’m sure she wanted to say more but she could see that I thought they were being very strict. I admit, I don’t really agree with their decision, but they can bring their daughter up however they choose. I would just worry that it may cause more trouble in the long run with a rebellion on their hands. Maybe they have a point? Is being strict better for our children? Does it help them to concentrate better and get higher grades at school? If we stopped the fun things in our lives, then our experiences would be very different. The education of our own children is very important to us but we hope that by studying hard there is also time to enjoy a bit of down time, and have a giggle. I suppose this is what makes the world such an interesting place to be. Our ‘different lives’ all matter and create society as we know it.

If we stopped the fun things in our lives, then our experiences would be very different. The education of our own children is very important to us but we hope that by studying hard there is also time to enjoy a bit of down time, and have a giggle.



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GTC4Lusso T Technical summary

by Mo Bhana

The upcoming Paris Motor Show provides the venue for the unveiling of the GTC4Lusso T, the first four-seater in Prancing Horse history to sport a turbo-charged V8 engine, hailing a whole new Ferrari GT concept aimed at owners seeking a car that is sporty and versatile, as well as perfect for driving on a daily basis. The new GT effortlessly marries elegance, superb occupant comfort and sportiness with the thrilling driving dynamics delivered by a combination of rear-wheel-only drive, four-wheel steering, lighter overall weight and increased weight bias towards the rear (46:54). The car’s 3.9-litre V8 turbo is the latest evolution to emerge from the engine family that was nominated the 2016 International Engine of the Year. Its maximum power output is 610 cv at 7,500 rpm while maximum torque of 760 Nm is available at between 3,000 and 5,250 rpm.

from low revs courtesy of versatile, modular torque delivery and, last but not least, excellent range. The GTC4Lusso T’s dynamic control systems have been specifically calibrated to boost responsiveness to commands. In particular, the 4WS (rear-wheel steering), which is integrated with Side Slip Control (SSC3), makes for more rapid response to steering wheel inputs entering and exiting corners, thanks to the rear wheels steering in the same direction as the front ones. The feeling of longitudinal performance in this new model has been enhanced at low speeds by Variable Boost Management and underscored by throttle response with zero turbo lag. Thanks to variable torque curves (VBM) between 3rd and 7th gear, longitudinal acceleration is consistent through the ratios, increasing smoothly with engine speed, resulting in a feeling of

vivid but superbly progressive acceleration.


The GTC4Lusso T’s styling remains the same innovative take on the shooting brake coupé, reinterpreting the concept with an extremely streamlined, tapered shape that gives it an almost fastback-like silhouette. The cabin is an effortless melding of distinctive Ferrari styling and the luxurious elegance expected of a four-seater GT. The GTC4Lusso T features the unique Dual Cockpit architecture, designed to enhance the shared driving experience for both driver and passenger. It also incorporates the latest iteration of the infotainment system complete with an impressive 10.25” HD capacitive touchscreen.


V8 - 90° turbo

Overall displacement

3,855 cc

Bore and stroke

86.5 mm x 82 mm

Maximum power output*

449 kW (610 cv) at 7,500 rpm

Maximum torque

760 Nm at 3,000 – 5,250 rpm

Dimensions and weight Length

4,922 mm


1,980 mm


1,383 mm

Dry weight **

1,740 kg

Weight distribution

46% front - 54% rear

Performance Maximum speed

>320 km/h

0-100 km/h

3.5 sec

Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions Fuel consumption***

11.6 l/100 km


265g CO2/km

*Power expressed in kW and cv for reasons of homogeneity. With 98 octane fuel **Equipped with specific optional extras *** Under homologation

The V8 turbo’s characteristics suit day-to-day driving in urban contexts: a rich powerful soundtrack in acceleration that becomes more muted at lower speeds, rapid pick-up


SEAT is set to present the Ateca X-Perience, together with a unique stand concept, bringing innovation to this year’s Paris Motor Show. The Ateca X-Perience is a demonstration that SEAT can surpass any limit, with a different take on the conventional SUV. Normally, Ateca customers are urban, but this car has much more capacity to drive off-road than one might expect. With the Ateca X-Perience, emphasis is put on its most adventurous character, in order to create a type of all-terrain vehicle that is simply off-limits to other current SUVs. As soon as the driver pushes the start button, the Ateca X-Perience is ready for adventure, adapting itself to every driver situation, road condition and personal preference at any moment thanks to the Driving Experience drive selector located on the centre console. SEAT Drive Profile offers Normal, Sport, Eco and Individual modes, however, it’s also possible to go a step further, thanks to the 4Drive traction control settings, provided by the efficient

Haldex system, which includes two additional profiles for snow and offroad, as well as Hill Descent Control function. “The X-Perience is an exercise to show the Ateca family’s possibilities and potential in the future. We know that with the Ateca, we can go much further and it will be on display at the Paris Motor Show,” said the SEAT Vicepresident of R&D, Dr. Matthias Rabe. “With the Ateca X-Perience we can go beyond that which we already have in the series. It’s for the customer that wants to go further, taking it to the extreme, for weekend adventures, and of course, off-road.” The SEAT Ateca, which arrived in UK showrooms earlier this month, launches ahead of SEAT’s next three new models due in 2017 and is capable of satisfying the off-roading needs of most drivers. Undoubtedly, many Ateca customers are trendsetters, with a young and restless spirit, looking for a car which suits their lifestyle. For them, the X-Perience endeavours to show that it is possible to go beyond the limits, that it is possible to enjoy a more adventurous Ateca: Created in Barcelona.

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MOTORs HIGH-PERFORMANCE HYUNDAI N CONCEPT TO BE UNVEILED AT PARIS MOTOR SHOW Hyundai Motor gives a first glimpse at its latest highperformance N concept the RN30 that will celebrate its world premiere on 29 September at the 2016 Paris Motor Show. The motorsport-inspired racing concept is developed to deliver passion and pleasure on the track for everybody. Based on the New Generation Hyundai i30, the RN30 was born as a racing machine, developed in close collaboration with Hyundai Motorsport (HMSG), Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center (HMETC) and Hyundai Motor’s Performance Development & High Performance Vehicle Division. The striking concept is

distinguished by its purposeful aerodynamic design and specialised high-performance technologies that deliver thrilling high-speed driving. The silhouette of the RN30 is unmistakably inherited from the clean and cohesive lines of the New Generation Hyundai i30, but with a lower, wider stance to enable greater stability during high speed driving and cornering. The high-performance Hyundai N Concept RN30 will celebrate its world premiere at the 2016 Paris Motor Show on September 29 alongside the New Generation Hyundai i30 and the New i10.


At this year’s Paris Motor Show, Citroën will immerse visitors in a world which embodies the brand’s “Be Different, Feel Good” promise. Citroën provides a modern vision of automotive comfort, demonstrated by a range of cars with New C3 making its international debut, supported by two distinctive, cutting edge concept cars showcasing a new chapter for Citroën. Citroën will unveil the New Citroën C3 in a world premiere alongside two new concept cars at this year’s Paris Motor Show. The first, CXPERIENCE CONCEPT, overturns convention in high-end design and comfort, whilst the second, C3 WRC CONCEPT, marks the beginnings of a

new sporting adventure for Citroën. Symbolising Citroën’s ability to create cars with a singular design, where comfort and technology generates well-being, the New C3 is set to shake-up the market with its highly customisable character and the very latest automotive technologies, including a world premiere for ConnectedCAM Citroën™. Unveiled alongside the latest additions to the Citroën range: E-Mehari, SpaceTourer, and the New C4 Picasso, these models and New C3 give pride of place to comfort, the true hallmark of the Citroën brand, as demonstrated by Citroën’s Advanced Comfort® programme.

CXPERIENCE CONCEPT brings a fresh new approach to the hatchback segment. This innovative plug-in hybrid concept is immediately recognisable with its distinctive style, concave rear window, cleverly designed rear-hinged doors and is the latest demonstration of the Citroën Advanced Comfort® programme. Inspired by the high-tech world, the CXPERIENCE CONCEPT includes a 19-inch central console, smartphone and mobile tablet to activate a number of on-board functions, ConnectedCAM Citroën™ and features a plug-in hybrid drivetrain with efficient performance, power and versatility.

At Paris Motor Show, advanced technologies and services designed to enhance mobility and the driving experience will play a key role. Onboard systems include ConnectedCAM CitroënTM in New C3, Citroën Connect Nav (a new online 3D navigation system with voice recognition technology), and Citroën Connect Packs (monitoring, mapping, tracking) being added to the Citroën Connect Box range with the SOS & Assistance Pack. Also on display on the Citroën stand will be the Citroën C1 with the Airscape discoverable version and

new Jelly Red colour; the Citroën C4 CACTUS Rip Curl Special Edition and other vehicles such as Berlingo XTR and C3 Picasso. Visitors will be able to discover the CXPERIENCE CONCEPT, with a 360° virtual reality tour of the car’s interior, and an original animation called photocall ConnectedCAM Citroën™ which offers a unique experience for New C3. “La Maison Citroën” provides visitors with an opportunity to listen to music, recharge their smartphones, configure a vehicle and experiment with the latest Citroën technologies including the new “Share with U” app.



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Alvarez Ready to put his hart and Saul Into It by AYYAZ MALIK

him on points.

The 26-year-old’s potential opponent, also known as GGG, recently disposed of a British boxer, Kell Brook in brutal fashion.

After dismantling British fighter Liam Smith to become the WBO World SuperWelterweight champion, Mexican boxer Saul ‘Canelo’ Alvarez wasted little in time in ‘calling out’ the unbeaten Gennady Glolovkin. Canelo who before this fight stopped Amir Khan in the sixth round with a devastating knockout of the Bolton fighter, vacated the WBC title he successfully defended against Amir Khan. The WBC however, promptly awarded the title to Golovkin. Alvarez is seen as arguably one of the best ‘pound for pound’ fighters in boxing today, having a single defeat to his name in 50 professional fights. His sole defeat took place in September 2013 when to Floyd Mayweather beat

At 34 Golovkin is arguably coming towards the twilight of his career, but if the fight against Sheffield’s Brook is anything to go by, the California-based fighter is more than capable of ‘holding his own’ in the ring against Canelo. GGG who is unbeaten in his 36 fights as a professional, currently holds the WBA Super, WBC, IBF and IBO Middleweight titles. Golovkin is known for his powerful punches, balance and methodical movement. However, Canelo himself has also demonstrated his power throughout his career and should a fight be arranged, no doubt it will create a great deal of hype amongst boxing and sports fans in general.

Gennady Golovkin Vs Saul Canelo Alvarez Fight On Saul Alvarez just might have his work cut out against Glolovkin though as the 34- year old has never been on the canvas throughout his impressive career. The last time two ‘top’ boxers went head to head was when Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather fought, with the

match not living up to the hype. The boxing world will be hoping this potential match won’t end up the same as that one. One thing is for certain, a match between Alvarez and Golovkin has all the ‘ingredients’ to be a classic.

Middlesex Bring County Championship ‘Home’ by AYYAZ MALIK

the same here.

Middlesex though, however, aren’t a side to be underestimated, it was the London side who inflicted The Tykes’ sole defeat last season which stopped Gayle’s men from going the whole season unbeaten.

Yorkshire weren’t able to give their head coach Jason Gillespie the sendoff he would have wanted as The Tykes lost their title to Middlesex at the ‘home of cricket’, Lords. The former two-time defending champions came into this game knowing a win would see them win an unprecedented three County Championships in a row. Captain Andrew Gayle knew that this game wouldn’t be easy as his side had challenges to their County crown in the form of Somerset and last year’s runners-up Middlesex. What Yorkshire have had in their team over the past two years has been a real ‘togetherness’ and team spirit, which has helped them get out of difficult situations in the past, Yorkshire would have been hoping for

Despite that win last season, James Franklin’s side still finished second, this year they were determined to go one better. After Somerset, the third team who were involved in the title race won on Friday against relegated Nott’s, the match between Middlesex and Yorkshire had to end in a win for either side, for either to become County champions. Somerset did all they could in the title race and now all they could do was await the outcome at Lords. It was Yorkshire who won the toss in the match between the title rivals and they opted

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sports to bowl first. The decision by Gayle seemed like the correct one as the hosts were all out for 270, which was potentially under par. A century for Nick Gubbins (125) and 48 from captain James Franklin became even more valuable in the context of the match, as the scorecard could have been a lot worse for the hosts.

What seemed to ‘ruffle the feathers of observers’ was that maybe both sides could have shaken hands on a draw at the point, which would have helped leaders at the start of the day, Somerset to a maiden County Championship win.

At this point of the match, it looked like Yorkshire had the advantage in the match and of course the title race, a shaky start to the visitor’s innings, however, threatened to derail their title charge.

That as we now know didn’t materialise, as a brilliant bit of bowling from Middlesex pacer Toby Roland-Jones (6-54), which included a hat-trick helped skittle out visitors Yorkshire for 178, which meant that Middlesex emerged from this ‘clash of the titans’ victorious by 61 runs and it also meant that they became County champions for the first time since 1993.

Just like the majority of their season when The Tykes have been in trouble whilst batting, they have been able to call on former England all-rounder Tim Bresnan who is enjoying a stellar season with the bat.

In a year that has been full of sporting fairy tales, Middlesex’s title win is an example of yet another sporting ‘fairy tale’. As for Yorkshire, sadly for them and their spinner Azeem Rafiq there was to be no fairytale.

On this occasion, Bresnan made 142 but was also well supported by Andrew Hodd (64) and local Asian spinner Azeem Rafiq (65). Yorkshire were all out for 390 and the pendulum had swung in their favour after building a 120 run lead.

Karachi-born and Barnsley bred Rafiq rejoined the County for initially one season after spending some time out of the professional game. Although both Azeem and his County didn’t get the title win they would have wanted, there have been signs for optimism for Yorkshire who have shown signs of improvement in the shorter formats.

Middlesex just like in the first innings were batting with the pressure firmly on as Yorkshire looked to be in complete control of the match and of course the title race especially after the hosts lost two quick wickets. Any fears the London side might have had were dispelled in brilliant fashion as Nick Gubbins (93) and Dawid Malan (116) put 198 for the third wicket. Steve Eskinazi (78), John Simpson (31) and captain James Franklin (30) helped the home side declare with a score of 359-6. Home captain Franklin and visiting captain Andrew Gayle, in what turned out to be a ‘controversial’ moment in the game opted to try and chase a target of 240 in 40 overs.

As far as the cricket is concerned, one other fitting ‘fairy tale’ would be that of Azeem Rafiq becoming a permanent signing for Yorkshire considering the 25-year-old’s journey. The spinner initially burst through the ranks at the club as a youngster but ended up quitting the game only to be offered a chance to return this season. In the case of Azeem, here is a true example of never giving up on your dreams. In terms of cricket on the pitch, let’s hope next season’s County Championship would be good this as this season’s.

Pakistan Hoping for The Real- Deal as Madrid Set to Come to Pakistan by AYYAZ MALIK

After what has been a very tricky few months for Pakistani football, finally there is something to cheer about for the Pakistani game. Arguably one of the best sides in Europe, Real Madrid will be setting a training campus in Lahore later this year. With the hope that the project goes well, organisers will be looking to increase training center’s in Karachi and Islamabad early next year.

Joaquin referred to the importance of this event for young Pakistani players, who would not only get a chance to train with professional coaches from Spain but will also get a feel of the training ground facilities, which are the same standard of facilities that would be provided to the players at Real Madrid. Campus Experience Director Sagues said the following; “You get to see the likes of Cristiano Ronaldo, Gareth Bale and others play on the weekends, but to get to know what they do during the weekdays,

what their training regime is and how they prepare for the matches, you need to register for Real Madrid Campus Experience. “This will give them the same feeling as the players do before their competitive matches. It is also a great opportunity for aspiring players in Pakistan to train with professional coaches,” he said. They say every cloud has a silver lining. With the ‘cloud’ that has been lingering over Pakistani football, hopefully, this could be their silver lining.

What is being called The Real Madrid Campus Experience will offer five-day training to children between the age of seven and eleven. The organisers objective will be no doubt be to nurture the young talent and help them develop for the long term. The Campus Experience will start on 27 December 2016 and will end on 31 December 2016 at the Model Town Football Academy in Lahore. On the launch of the event, Real Madrid Campus Experience Director Joaquin Sagues addressed the media at an event organised at Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore.

Manchester United vs Leicester; United Out Fox Foxes by AYYAZ MALIK

Manchester United returned to winning ways with a surprisingly comfortable 4-1 win over champions Leicester at Old Trafford. The build up to this match seemed to

be centered around whether club captain Wayne Rooney should be in the starting line-up, especially after a very disappointing start to the campaign. The England captain and United club captain has had to bear the brunt of the majority of criticism during

the Reds’ recent three-game losing streak. When Rooney was dropped for Spaniard Juan Mata, arguably there weren’t many who were



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sports Other changes that the former Chelsea boss opted to make saw Daley Blind who struggled in the Manchester derby recalled for the injured Luke Shaw and Marouane Fellaini making way for Ander Herrera.

As far as Leicester were concerned, unfortunately, they were well beaten in this one too as goals from Chris Smalling, Juan Mata, Marcus Rashford and Paul Pogba before half-time ended this game as a contest.

As for visitors Leicester they had to make do without regular first choice goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel who was injured, summer signing Robert Zieler came into replace the Dane. The Foxes came into this one in need of a ‘good result’ after a difficult start to the season which has seen them lose two games before coming to into this one.

Leicester did pull a goal back through a brilliant Demari Gray goal, but by that time the ‘damage’ was well and truly done. For Mourinho’s United, it’s a welcome return to form but Leicester didn’t help themselves with poor defending for at least three of the four goals which were conceded from corners.

The Foxes who were famed for their ‘work ethic’ last season, look to be clearly lacking in that department this season. With the East Midlands side arguably strengthening their squad this season, ‘alarm bells’ might start to be ringing after suffering their third defeat of the season at Old Trafford, especially after The Foxes only lost three games in the whole of last season. As far as Manchester United are concerned the decision to drop Fellaini and Rooney appeared to be a master stroke by boss Jose Mourinho. What would be pleasing for the Portuguese

manager, was that his side played with the kind of swagger that they were playing with in the early parts of the season. Another positive that could be taken out of the game with Leicester was the performance of world record signing Paul Pogba. The Frenchman who since rejoining the club has struggled for form, put in his best performance which turned out to be a man of the match winning one. Pogba clearly benefitted from having Spaniard Ander Herrera along-side him.

The former Juventus man since rejoining The Reds has arguably found life ‘hard’ in that Manchester United midfield, but on Saturday the French midfielder reminded the world of the talent he obviously possesses. This win for The Red Devils ends a two-game losing streak in the Premier League and sees the 20-time Premier League winners move up to sixth in the Premier League table. As for champions Leicester, they remain in eleventh place despite this defeat.

Pakistan vs West Indies; The Time Is Now for Both Sides by AYYAZ MALIK

After suffering a humiliating one-day series defeat to England, Pakistan’s cricketers will have little time to ‘feel sorry for themselves’ as they prepare to face West Indies in all three formats of the game. Pakistan will go into the one-day se series as the ninth-ranked team in the world, only Afghanistan and Ireland are ranked lower. A morale boosting nine-wicket win in the T20 match between the two sides would have given the Asian side a psychological boost in the other formats that they will be playing in against the Caribbean side. T20 captain Sarfraz Ahmed will be looking for his side to finish the job off in the T20 series by winning the second and final game. It may be ‘early doors’ but wicket-keeper batsmen Ahmed looks to have found the right blend of youth and experience in this Pakistan T20 side.

Pakistan’s struggles in the shorter format of the game (one-day internationals) have been very evident for all to see over the past 12 months and in their current predicament the 1992 world champions are facing the realistic prospect of not qualifying for next year’s world cup. Should this happen it would be quite the fall from grace for a side that were world champions in 1992. For Pakistan fans, that almost seems like a distant memory. In their current predicament, however, the possibility of the ‘unthinkable’ is getting thought about in the Pakistani camp. Former two-time world champions West Indies will be in ‘town’ from 23rd September and will be playing two T20 matches, three one-day internationals and three test matches. This month of cricket could be ‘make or break’ for the men in green. Due to the Asian side and their current predicament in the one-day internationals, defeat in this series just ‘won’t do’.

Coming into the one-day series, Pakistan do currently have some form of momentum. The boys in green outplayed England in a oneoff T20 game and looked impressive in the first T20 game against ‘The Calypso Boys’. Any momentum that the 1992 champions can get would be definitely needed against a West Indies side that is very dangerous on its day. Just like their Asian counterparts, West Indies are more talented than their ranking (eighth) suggests. The Caribbean side do possess a lot of talent in their side but are arguably going through a transitional period, just like Pakistan are. Just like the former 1992 world champions Pakistan, the West Indies do have arguably an inexperienced captain in Jason Holder, hence why his side is ranked where they are in one-day internationals. Having said that, West Indies will be a stern test for the men in green. Pakistan in the rankings table are

eight ranking points behind their opponents, so they will have to win and win big. That is much easier said than done, especially with the talent that the Caribbean side have at their disposal. Sunil Narine, the Brathwaite brothers and Johnson Charles are just some of the names of talented players that the Windies can boast of. The dangerous element about the West Indies is their sheer unpredictability factor. Let’s not forget this West Indies team are the T20 world champions, many would be quick to say that they achieved the feat under Darren Sammy’s captaincy, but a ‘significant core’ of that team is still the same as their one-day side. Pakistan although they shouldn’t underestimate Jason Holder’s men, they shouldn’t fear them either, captain Azhar Ali has found life tough as captain of his country but the performance in the final one-day game against England

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will offer some encouragement. The Asian side do have a very talented one-day squad which includes the likes of Imad Wasim, Babar Azam and Sharjeel Khan. Just like West Indies, they too are in transition of course, but with the men in green languishing as low as they are in the rankings only a one-day series win will do. The series between the two sides who have plenty of ‘cricketing heritage’ between them no doubt promises to be a good evenly matched series, but it’s also a stark reminder how the ‘mighty have fallen’. As earlier discussed, both sides would be hoping that this series will be the catalyst to help them jump up the world rankings. Both sides on paper have the talent, but the best way to showcase that talent is on the field, it all depends on who will deal with the pressure better when it really matters.

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