Asian Standard Issue 5

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Bollywood in Austria AS Weekender

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AS WEEKENDER 16 Page Supplement inside Includes weekly TV guide.

By the publishers of Asian Sunday

Issue 5 | 26 - 30 October 2016

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France and Germany jealous of BREXIT? by MO BHANA

Theresa May promised that Britain was on course to become fully sovereign ‘global nation’that is outward-looking and internationally-minded, forging a new global role for the UK as a country with the self-confidence and the freedom to look beyond Europe.

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Muslim man raises £6,000 for funeral of homeless CONTACT US


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DIRECTOR Fatima Patel

REPORTERS Mo Bhana Ayyaz Malik

Mourners paid tribute to a homeless man after a Muslim man from Rochdale raised £6,000 to give the man an emotional funeral. Over 100 people from an array of backgrounds paid their respects too Neil Dearden who died in hospital on the 24th of September. After realising Dearden did not have a penny to his name after his death, Mohammed Yousaf, of the Milkstone Road-based Auto Shop in Rochdale, took matters into his own hands and set up a crowd funding page to help pay for the funeral costs Neil’s relatives and others who wanted to show support after hearing of the appeal. Mr Yousaf said told the Asian Standard: “He had no one to look after him even though his dad was a Muslim. He was very well known around here, he never harmed anyone and never offended anyone. He was just harming himself not the community.

from all backgrounds participated in this noble cause and it has bought people of all faiths together. Icould not believe the turn-out. It was absolutely wonderful.”

“He was a human being like the rest of us. God made him like he made the rest of us and we all deserve good treatment.

Despite the sombre event, he said it was one of the best days of my life because it just made him realise what a wonderful close knit community Rochdale is.

Yousaf said his gesture has united an entire community” The response has been absolutely fantastic. Everyone

“When I started the page I had no idea it would take off so quickly. It was the whole community spirit that sparked

everything off, I only played a very small part.” The campaign’s £4,000 target was smashed within days with £6,000 eventually being raised. Excess money was donated to Rochdale homeless charity Petrus, which helped Neil during his lifetime. People shared their support for the appeal on Auto Shop’s Facebook page.

Alison Bellamy Ayesha Babar Itrat Bashir Raheema Khan

CONTRIBUTORS Tahira Rehman Shabab Gulfraz


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Amanda Kelly posted: “You really should be proud of yourselves as a community. What you have done for Neil is amazing. May he rest in peace and look over all who helped make this difficult time for his family a little less of a worry.” Donald Caster said: “Good on you guys. It just shows the racial divide doesn’t need to happen in our community. “We can stand together to help people of all races and those less fortunate than ourselves.”

Gymnast apologises for racist Muslim video by MO BHANA

British Olympic silver medallist Louis Smith has issued an ‘unreserved’ apology for mocking Muslims in a shocking video. 27 year old Smith was filmed at a wedding in Kettering, Northampton drunkenly pretending to pray with fellow gymnast - 26 year old Luke Carson. The video has sparked controversy, and the gymnast has now issued an apology apologising for his ‘thoughtless’ actions. In a statement on Instagram Smith wrote: “I am deeply sorry for the

recent video you may have seen. I am not defending myself, what I did was wrong. I want to say sorry for the deep offense I have caused and to my family who have also been affected by my thoughtless actions. "I recognise the severity of my mistake and hope it can be used as an example of how important it is to respect others at all times. “I’ve worked my whole career to make people proud of me and I’m ashamed to have let everyone down. People who don’t know me will see this video and think I’m a racist. The truth is I’m not. He said: “I want to apologise to everyone in the Muslim community;

to people that were offended, even to those that weren’t. I have learnt a valuable life lesson and I wholeheartedly apologise." However, Mohammed Shafiq, chief executive of the Ramadan Foundation, believes someone of Smith’s standing should have known better and urged Smith to learn from his mistake: “We would have expected a lot better from an Olympian, who travels around the world and meets different cultures and communities and behaves in this abhorrent sort of way. “It’s outrageous somebody can mock any faith but particularly as Muslims when we are facing the problems that we face in this country that this sort of thing isn’t acceptable.

“I think he should apologise immediately and really reach out to the Muslim community and learn more about our faith. Our faith is not to be mocked, our faith is to be celebrated and I think people will be offended by this.” Reports have confirmed, the UK National Governing Body for Gymnastics are investigating Smith and Carson. The Asian Standard Newspaper has left a message for British Gymnastics Press Officer, Tim Peake for comment. Peake, along with Smith are pictured on the organisations press page.

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Asian Supermarkets Not Affected by Mainstream Supermarket Fallout by MO BHANA

A prominent Asian Supermarket believes it is in a prime position to take advantage of the fallout between Tesco and Unilever. Unilever confirmed it was due to raise prices in the UK to compensate for the sharp drop in the value of the pound, which has fallen 17 per cent since June's vote for Britain to leave the European Union. Tesco resisted the move and removed Unilever products such as Marmite, Domestos and PG Tips from its website. Despite a Tesco spokesman insisting the dispute has been resolved “to our satisfaction,” Mullaco, dubbed the

UK’s no.1 halal supermarket, with stores throughout Yorkshire believe customers who want their weekly fix of Marmite, PG Tips and Comfort to name just a few day to day products, will desert mainstream supermarkets in their droves and shop with Asian supermarkets instead.

“I received an e-mail today, conforming prices will rise in about two months’ time, but compared to the big supermarkets, we will be in a very good position, not only can we provide alternative products, but also better products at great prices, so people should not worry.”

Company spokesman Ahmed Mulla, told The Asian Standard: “It will not affect Asian supermarkets as much as Tesco and everybody else. People who want Marmite will just come to us instead.”

Unilever is one of the world's biggest manufacturers of consumer products, and makes household brands including Ben & Jerry's ice cream, Marmite, Dove soap, Hellmann's mayonnaise and Pot Noodle.

Even if prices go up at Asian supermarkets, they will be very ‘minimal’ insists Mulla. “We have a great deal of stock that is already available and we do not buy from the same places that Tesco will buy from, so we are much more secure.

When contacted by the Asian Standard, Morrison spokeswoman, Harriet Rodgers refused to comment. An Asda spokesperson said: “We pride ourselves on having famously low

prices for customers every day and work tirelessly with our suppliers to keep prices low. We’ll be rolling back the price of Marmite from £2.35 to £2.”

Many of these products were showing as being unavailable on Tesco's website, but the supermarket says it has resolved the dispute. A spokesperson for Tesco said: “We always put our customers first and we’re pleased it’s been resolved to our satisfaction.”

Asylum seeker sent a picture of him with Theresa May in an attempt to stay in Britain by MO BHANA

Twyford Restaurant in Reading, Berks, in 2010.

to support his application.

At the time she was Home Secretary and responsible for UK borders agency.

After the chef sent snaps to immigration officials at the Home Office, they replied: “The photographs do not prove your residence in the UK.

She was unaware that Mohammed was an illegal immigrant from Bangladesh when she posed with him and Tory donor Enam Ali, founder of the British Curry Awards.

“It is noted here that you had the audacity to be photographed receiving an award from the Home Secretary at a time when you were in the UK illegally.”

The 39-year-old from Bangladesh attempted to convince authorities that the image was sufficient proof that he was entitled to be in the country.

However, his plan did not initially go to plan, Immigration officials criticised the 'audacity' of Mr Uddin who attempted to use a photograph of himself with Theresa May to stay in the UK.

Despite annoying officials it is understood Uddin has since been granted the indefinite right to remain in the UK.

Mohammed cosied up to the Prime Minister, a well-known curry lover, when she was invited as guest of honour to an event at the Haweli

A very annoyed civil servant sent Mr Uddin a letter back lambasting him for having the cheek to send the photo

A chef tried to curry favour with immigration officials by sending a photo of him with Theresa May. Mohammed Uddin, 39, who was an illegal immigrant, sent the snap with the Prime Minister, Theresa May hoping it would help him stay in Britain on a permanent basis.

A friend of Mr Uddin’s said: “He was desperate to stay here and he thought the picture might boost his chances. “It was quite funny when it backfired

especially when he got a fairly snotty letter sent back to him in return, but it’s all worked out for him in the end. This is one he will definitely tell the grandkids, but good luck to him, he’s got a nerve but who would have

thought he would get away with something like this?” The Home Office refused to comment. A spokesman said: “We do not comment on individual cases.”



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When Harry met Prince Armaan of Dewsbury by MO BHANA

A gallant youngster who has worked tirelessly to help his disabled older brothers has been recognised with a national award. Nine-year-old Armaan Aslam was announced as a winner at the 2016 Wellchild Awards, which recognised the work he has done caring for older brothers with muscular dystrophy. Armaan was picked from hundreds of nominations from across the UK to win the category of Most Caring Child in these Awards. The awards celebrate the courage of children coping with serious illnesses or complex conditions. They also honour the dedication of professionals who go the extra mile to help sick children and their families. Armaan who lives in Ravensthorpe, Dewsbury laughed and joked with Prince Harry and a host of celebrities as he was honoured at London’s

Dorchester Hotel. The Ravensthorpe CE School pupil was nominated for the Award by Kirklees Council Social worker, Rebecca Crosland, who was touched by the way he helped care for his older brothers, Hassan and Arslan who passed away in 2015 aged just 16. The brothers were both born with Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy, a disease that leaves sufferers with severe disabilities. Armaan has learnt how to use relevant medical machinery to support Hassan and will sit with him for hours on end. He helps to care for 24 year old Hassan by helping to feed him, keeping him entertained and cheering him up when he is feeling unwell. Armaan also helps his mother look after the house and take care of his younger sister, Nadia. Armaan, also finds the time to visit his

brother’s grave every week, looking after it with as much care as he gave his brother when he was alive. He also finds the time to raise funds for local charities which support his brothers, Martin House Hospice and the Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice with bucket collections and sponsored walks. Armaan’s dad Azzie, who along with his family, travelled to London to watch Armaan receive his welldeserved award is understandably very proud of his son. He said: “Armaan is a really good kid. He always has a smile on his face. He loves going to school and he’s a happy soul to have around the house. We’re blessed with all our kids. They keep us parents going!” Well Child’s Director of Programmes, Linda Partridge, a member of the panel said: “It is a tremendous challenge to select winners from the many, many truly amazing

nominations we receive from all over the country. All the panel members are moved by the bravery of the children, the stories of selfless care and support and the dedication of the doctors, nurses, teachers, brothers and sisters who make a great difference to the lives of seriously ill children and young people. Armaan truly deserves to be the winner of this award.” When asked about the event, Prince Harry said: “This is my ninth WellChild awards and each year, I am profoundly moved by the people I have met and the stories they have shared with me. “It is one of those moments in life when you are left in awe at the strength of human character, particularly amongst those so young. “Watching these children and young people face challenges with such determination, positivity and good humour, never fails to take my breath away.”

Tauheedul Islamic Boys’ and Girls’ schools in Blackburn top charts for GCSE progress by MO BHANA

Two government funded Islamic faith schools leading the national tables for the most progress in GCSE exam performance this year. Tauheedul Islam girls’ high school in Blackburn have topped the table for all schools in England using the government’s new Progress 8 measure of attainment, which was published on Thursday for the first time. Tauheedul Islam boys’ school, also run by the Tauheedul Educational Trust followed in third place, leaving a string of grammar schools trailing behind a number of comprehensive and faith schools. Tauheedul Islam girls’ high school registered a Progress 8 score of 1.38 – ensuring its speed of improvement was more than one GCSE grade better than pupils with comparable backgrounds nationally. The chief executive of the Tauheedul Education Trust which runs the two schools, Hamid Patel said the results

showcase the impact the schools are having, nurturing some outstanding individuals: “It is especially rewarding to see that some of our most vulnerable learners – those who join us from primary school behind the expected level of attainment and those who come from disadvantaged backgrounds – have achieved such outstanding results,” Patel said. “We are focused on building on this success across our family of schools, and by working with others across the country to ensure every young person has the opportunity to fulfil their potential, whatever their background.” The trust now runs18 free schools and academies across England, including three non-faith schools. Nick Gibb, the school standards minister, said the provisional data would help parents choose secondary schools for their children. “I am pleased to see that there are more GCSE’s being taken in the core academic subjects, those that give students the widest range of opportunities,” Gibb said.

“Our focus is on removing unnecessary barriers to creating even more good school places, and the introduction of Progress 8 scores will ensure we measure schools on how they support every child to achieve their full potential.”

“There are also a surprising number of the government’s flagship free schools that, based on this provisional data, appear to be below the floor standard,” said Rebecca Allen, Datalab’s director, who estimated that eight mainstream free schools were affected.

Researchers at Education Datalab estimated that 296 schools appeared to fall below the government’s Progress 8 floor standard, which could see them subject to close inspection and undergo a change of management.

However, the national figures showed that the 163 grammar schools across England had better progress scores across all attainment levels than the other 2,800 state secondaries, achieving around a third of a GCSE grade higher than pupils with the same prior results at other schools. Experts said that was not surprising given the control that selective schools have over their admissions.

The figures showed a number of studio schools and university technical colleges with progress results below the 0.5 floor.




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France and Germany jealous of BREXIT? by MO BHANA

At the last Conservative party conference, Theresa May promised that Britain was on course to become a fully sovereign ‘global nation’ that is outward-looking and internationallyminded, forging a new global role for the UK as a country with the selfconfidence and the freedom to look beyond Europe. After promising to trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, starting the full process of leaving the EU, by the end of March, she set out her vision for having a thriving trade agreement with Europe and agreeing groundbreaking trade deals worldwide. Talks will then last up to two years, with the government saying that it was "very likely" Parliament would get a vote on the final deal reached. The 64-billion-euro question however, is how exactly will the government implement such a “bespoke” UK-EU worldwide option, whilst preserving enough British sovereignty to keep the purists happy? Mrs May intends to take examples of the best of British business to countries around the world, starting in November, she will arrive in

Theresa May meeting Dederica Mogherini

Politicians are trying to procrastinate the implementation of article 50 and they are adding to the uncertainty, we need certainty and leadership not politicians who use Brexit as a political football to promote their own agenda. Delhi on November 6 on a three day visit to boost Indo-UK bilateral relations. The Prime Minister will use the visit to deliver on the ambitious vision for Britain after Brexit. She insists she will use the visit to deliver on her pledge to create an economy that truly works for all, by introducing new and emerging enterprises, as well as more established players, to the key Indian market.

A number of commercial deals are expected to be signed during the visit, creating and securing jobs at home and demonstrating market confidence in the strength of the British economy following the EU referendum vote. India is said to be the UK’s second largest international job creator – last year, India created 7105 new jobs in Britain through 140 projects, and in total Indian companies currently employ over 100,000 people in the UK.

May is also clear that the UK will agree a unique deal with Europe, not mimicking either the “Norway model” or the “Switzerland model” but instead negotiate a new deal as an independent state that will allow British companies “the maximum freedom" to trade with and operate in the Single Market. However, Yorkshire based experienced financial adviser and a business development consultant Shabab

Gulfraz, who specialises in investment planning, economics, and inheritance tax planning strategies, believes politicians need to work with business leaders in order to get the best deal for Britain. He cautioned against scaremongering and panic that is constantly played out in the media by politicians. “If the government is seeking strategic advice from prominent business leaders and not from MP’s then we will get it right,” said Gulfraz. “MP’s are not entrepreneurs; business leaders have the experience when it comes to trade and negotiating with fellow business leaders, so there needs to be a clear synergy with business leaders. “Politicians are trying to procrastinate the implementation of article 50 and they are adding to the uncertainty, we need certainty and leadership not politicians who use Brexit as a political football to promote their own agenda.” Gulfraz lambasted recent comments from French president Francois Hollande, who was quoted as saying:

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‘The United Kingdom had to suffer the repercussions of its decision to leave the European Union. There must be a threat, there must be a risk, there must be a price.’

"I'm astonished what they (pro-Brexit ministers) think about the European Union, what they know about the European Union and which conditions have to be fulfilled to come to a deal.

He cites figures confirming France has a debt level of 93.9 per cent, Italy has 132.5 per cent whilst Germany has a debt level of 71.20 per cent.

Mr Brok said: "I have no clear idea of their plan because they have no idea of their plan. I have not the impression that they know where they want to go and I have also the feeling that they do not know certain conditions which you have to know in order to make a realistic plan."

“Because of his comments, the FTSE 100 crashed by 6. There is a political motivation here, France, Germany, Italy, overall, if you look at them they are all struggling and the uncertainty is killing everyone. “The next ‘two to three years will be volatile, businesses could cut down on surplus and expansion, but if the government has a clear plan, the end result could be very beneficial so people have to remain positive.” Professor Anton Muscatelli, chair of the council of experts on Brexit, does not agree with Gulfraz. He warned the UK is hampered by an "extraordinary weak hand" in its negotiations with the EU's 27 other member states. The principal of Glasgow University also hit out at "misplaced optimism" over the impact Brexit would have on the economy, at a conference. He said: "Article 50 was not drawn up for it ever to be used. Now it's being used, the UK Government has to play an extraordinary weak hand, which doesn't help. "My concern is that the whole process could be not only complex but could actually lead to a really sub-optimal outcome.” However, the chairman of the European Parliament's foreign affairs committee concurs with Gulfraz. German MEP Elmar Brok said that "reality" had "not arrived" in London and a "realistic plan" was needed. Speaking in London, Mr Brok added:



He added: "They believe, for example, that you can play a part in the single market without financing structure funds." That would mean "the minimum of conditions" for staying in the single market were "not fulfilled", Mr Brok added. Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, one of the leading voices of the Leave campaign, which won June's referendum on EU membership, predicted that the UK would arrange a trade deal "possibly of greater value" than it currently has as part of the single market. He recently visited Turkey, saying he hoped for a new “jumbo” free trade deal with Turkey after the United Kingdom leaves the European Union. Speaking during a visit to Ankara, Mr Johnson called for a "new partnership" between the two countries. However, during vote Leave, the Brexit campaign he backed, Johnson appeared on busses and spoke at rallies and repeatedly raised possibility of Turkey joining the EU membership to warn of 76 million people flooding into Britain. The foreign secretary also outed himself as the “proud possessor of a beautiful, very well-functioning

Elmar Brok

France has a debt level of 93.9%, Italy has 132.5% whilst Germany has a debt level of 71.20%. There is a political motivation here, France, Germany, Italy, overall, if you look at them they are all struggling and the uncertainty is killing everyone. Turkish washing machine” and said Brits were lucky to be the biggest recipient of exports from Turkey. In addition, leaving the EU offers an “unrivalled opportunity” to halt “staggering” food price rises, a detailed paper by the Institute of Economic Affairs has revealed. It said Brexit would make it easier for Britain to buy food from all around the world and bring down our prices more. The IEA study by former NFU chief economist and Government adviser Sean Rickard described the Common Agricultural policy as the EU’s most expensive at £360billion between 2015 and 2020. He cited the UK’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs as saying that 53 per cent of its regulations come from the EU or international bodies. He added: “Brexit holds many opportunities for reducing food prices in the UK. Not only will leaving the Common Agricultural Policy offer tremendous prospects to cut costs for hard-pressed Brits, our new trading options will be substantial.

François Hollande

Boris Johnson

“Rather than an arbitrary focus on trade with EU countries, we can look outwards as it becomes much easier to engage with new markets for food across the globe.”



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Supermarket employee on £16k a year jailed for cash machine scam after he splashed £100k on his wedding by MO BHANA

A former £16,000-a-year Tesco checkout worker raked up a £100,000 wedding bill just weeks before he was jailed for a cash machine scam. Sri Lankan-born Kisok Thavarajah, who also worked as a packer in a factory, treated over 400 friends and family to a lavish £150 a head party at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London’s posh Park Lane. The decision had surprised his coworkers and friends. Hiring the great hall alone cost £60,000. However, he was soon arrested and admitted a single offence of “skimming” an ATM, pocketing £4,400. He admitted conspiracy to

Perhaps the police need to look at his crime earnings a little more closely.” At the wedding Thavarajah and Kiruthiga sat on two thrones on a stage at the hotel’s Great Ballroom.

defraud after he and two accomplices rigged an ATM in Sutton, Surrey. Croydon crown court jailed him for eight months. However, with time off for good behaviour he is likely to walk free after just three or four. And despite his amazing spree, police have admitted they did not plan to probe his finances further.

The centrepiece was a 17-tier £3,500 cake, displayed in a spot lit flower-decked birdcage. Thavarajah also had a life-sized ornate bird cage to surround their 17-tier cake, gourmet three-course cuisine, alongside a free bar packed with champagne for guests.

A police spokesman said: “An assessment was carried out by the Met’s Criminal Finance Team, which did not detect that the defendant was in possession of any proceeds of crime or other criminal assets.”

Thavarajah’s bride, seemingly, will now have to wait for her husband’s release. A friend however told the Asian Standard, she was not convinced whether they will remain together: “Would you stay with someone who has benefitted from ill gotten gains?

A friend of the bride, 28-year-old Kiruthiga Skanthatheva said: “The wedding was amazing. They said Kisok paid for everything.

“If I were her, I would have scarpered and maybe taken some money with me and start afresh.”

“No one had a clue how he couldpossibly afford it, yet he’s managed to get married like George Clooney.

Murder inquiry launched after body of woman missing for a week found under a flyover The body of a woman believed to be Pardeep Kaur has been found by detectives on waste ground underneath the Harlington High Street flyover at around 430pm on Saturday 22 October The housekeeper who worked at a hotel at Heathrow was last seen at around 4pm on Sunday, October 16 in Harlington High Street, before she was reported missing when she did not turn up for work. The Sikh Welfare and Awareness Team, based in Hayes, posted on Facebook on Sunday: “We are deeply saddened to hear of the news emerging of Pardeep Kaur. The police are treating her death ias suspicious and a murder investigation has now been launched by Homicide and Major Crime Command led by DCI Mark Lawson. Ms Kaur's next-of kin have been informed and a post-mortem examination is due to be carried out in

due course. Many have taken to social media to pay tribute to the 30-year-old. The Sikh Welfare and Awareness Team, based in Hayes, posted on Facebook: “We are deeply saddened to hear of the news emerging of Pardeep Kaur. “God bless her soul.” 'Her life should not have ended so soon' Others have also posted on social media in the wake of the tragedy. Sarah Haley said: “So sad. My heart goes out to all those affected.” Commenting on a Sikh Awareness Society post, Babs Kaur said: “God bless her. RIP. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends.” Kuldip Matharoo said: “How sad and

tragic. Her life should not have ended so soon.” On Wednesday, 19 October, two men aged 30 and 31 were arrested in connection with Pardeep's disappearance. They have been bailed pending further enquiries to a date in early December. No new arrests have been made, but Met Police in relation to what is now a murder investigation. DCI Lawson said: "At this early stage of the investigation I am appealing to any witnesses in the Carlton Avenue and Bedwell Gardens area who may have been driving to work to come forward as they may have seen Pardeep walking to work at about 06:30hrs on Monday, 17 October." Anyone with information is urged to call the incident room on 0208 358 0200 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Sugar Free



Donald John Trump Sr

Donald Trump V

Trump Tower, 725 5th Avenue, New York, New York 10022 DOB: June 14, 1946 (age 70 years)

There’s nobody bigger or better at the military than I am

Famous for: WWE appearance at Wrestlemania, The Apprentice. Finishing move: The Straightalker, an inverted clothesline. WORK EXPERIENCE Chairman and president, The Trump Organization, 1971–present Host, The Apprentice, The Celebrity Apprentice, 2004–present Chapter 11 bankruptcy filer, 1991–?: Writer, 1987–present Owner, founder, Trump University, 2005–2010; Trump Entrepreneur Initiative founder, owner, 2010–present Founder, Trump Entertainment Resorts, 1995–2009 EDUCATION High school: New York Military Academy, class of 1964. Fordham University: 1964–1966. Left because it was not challenging enough: “I decided that as long as I had to be in college, I might as well test myself against the best”. Found the best at the University of Pennsylvania: The Wharton School. Secured a job straight out of college. At father’s company. Enjoyed a meteoric rise. Took control of the business in 1971. POLITICAL EXPERIENCE Thought about running for president in 1987, and in 2000, and in 2008, and in 2012 Thought about running for New York governor in 2013 FOREIGN POLICY China, Japan and other countries are “ripping us off ”. “We are being outfoxed by every country, every nation all over the world.” Would change this. “It’s about making America great again. I can do it, and nobody else can do it.” Proposed taking over Iraq’s oil fields following the Iraq War, and using them to repay US military costs: “In the old days, you know when you had a war, to the victor belong the spoils.” POTENTIAL OBSTACLES NBC executives are opposed: “They would love me not to run. Because I get a thing called ratings. And I have a very successful show.” And again: “All of the people at NBC are working very, very hard on me. ‘Donald, we’ll give you anything. We’ll do anything you want to do. One year, two years, three years. Please, whatever you want to do.’” AWARDS Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame, 2007 Inducted into World Wrestling Entertainment Hall of Fame, 2013


The 58th quadrennial United States presidential election of 2016 is scheduled for Tuesday, November 8, 2016. Voters will select presidential electors, who in turn will vote for a new president and vice president through the Electoral College. The term limit established in the Twenty-second Amendment to the United States

Constitution prevents the incumbent president, Barack Obama of the Democratic Party, from being elected to a third term. The 2016 election will determine the 45th President and 48th Vice President of the United States. During February and June this year America’s 50 states when through a nomination process of electing their party’s presidential nominee. Businessman and reality television personality Donald Trump became the Republican Party's presidential nominee, whilst former Secretary of State and U.S. Senator from New York Hillary Clinton became the Democratic Party's presidential nominee They also officially unveiled their vice-president picks - Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia for Mrs Clinton,

and Indiana Governor Mike Pence for the Republicans. Whoever is selected as the US president, will not only be selected as a head of state but a head of government and a commander-inchief of the largest military on the planet. Currently as we go to print,Clinton seems to be leading in the polls, but it is with a very small margin. Could Donald Trump, an antiestablishment populist with no political experience, beat Clinton, a seasoned politician with years in office as New York Senator and US Secretary of State? The answer is, it’s possible.


HOW THE ROAD TO THE WHITE HOUSE BEGAN AT 'WRESTLEMANIA' “Donald Trump, you son of a bxxxx!" bellowed WWE head honcho and

V Hillary Clinton


- Hillary Rodham


1 Pierrepont Plaza, Brooklyn, NY 11201, (202) 224-4343 (out of service) DOB: 26 October 1947 (age 67)

He didn’t get an Emmy for his TV program three years in a row, and he started tweeting that the Emmys were rigged.

Famous for: Former first lady, US Defence Secretary, defending Bill Clinton Finishing move: The Silent Assassin - will dropkick you out of nowhere WORK EXPERIENCE Secretary of state, 2009–13 US senator from New York, 2001–09 First lady of United States, 1993–2001 EDUCATION BA, Wellesley College, 1969 JD, Yale Law School, 1973. Postgraduate study at the Yale Child Study Center BACKGROUND AND FAMILY LIFE Born in Chicago, Illinois. With husband Bill has one daughter, Chelsea Victoria, 35, and a granddaughter PUBLICATIONS AND SKILLS Second place, Democratic presidential nominating competition, 2008 Most admired woman in America and third-most-admired woman in world Once clapped backup for Stevie Nicks and Michael Jackson POLITICAL EXPERIENCE When Hillary Clinton was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2001, she became the first American first lady to ever win a public office seat. She later became the 67th U.S. secretary of state in 2009, serving until 2013. In 2016, she became the first woman in U.S. history to become the presidential nominee of a major political party. FOREIGN POLICY As the Obama administration’s lead diplomat. Clinton, along with 76 other senators, voted in favor of the Iraq War in 2002. She admitted she was wrong however: “I thought I had acted in good faith and made the best decision I could with the information I had. And I wasn’t alone in getting it wrong. But I still got it wrong. Plain and simple.” She supported the surge in Afghanistan in 2009, and argued for intervention in Libya in concert with the French to oust Muammar Qaddafi. POTENTIAL OBSTACLES Her husband Bill’s well documented extra marital affair could come back to haunt her. The former first lady shocked the US political world after footage emerged of her being taken ill after a 9/11 memorial service. The feisty 68-year old told people she was suffering from pneumonia and cancelled a two day tour of California.

chairman Vince McMahon as he was interrupted during by the American presidential candidate during an episode of Monday Night Raw. McMahon proposed a hair vs. hair match at Wrestlemania. Trump would put his iconic locks on the line if McMahon would as well. The heelish McMahon picked the monstrous Umaga do to his dirty work, while Trump countered with Bobby Lashley, and all was going swimmingly until a promotional appearance by Donald on Breakfast TV in America, when he was asked about his supposedly hand-picked representative in the ‘Mania match. He stumbled over his words, and then managed to answer "Bobby Lindsay, a Black gentleman, and the strongest man I've ever seen."

WrestleMania 23 was a huge hit for WWE; Trump's involvement definitely gave the event a sizeable boost. He took on McMahon in a match that saw him tackle the WWE chairman and throw some of the worst punches in wrestling history. Oh, Lashley won, meaning Trump also got to give McMahon a haircut – before demonstrating he had no idea how to take a Stone Cold Stunner. Yet, it was at the Hall of Fame where Vince McMahon, in all seriousness, said the following: "When you think about it, second only to me, Donald might very well be a great president of the United States." The New York crowd booed. We'll see what Hillary has to say...

DON’T DEFEND YOURSELF AGAINST CLINTON Nigel Farage, the acting leader of UKIP had some advice for Donald Trump ahead of a U.S. presidential debate against Democrat Hillary Clinton. “Don’t let her get under your skin,” Farage said in an interview on CNN’s ‘Fareed Zakaria GPS’. “Whatever abuse she throws at you, ignore her. Don’t defend yourself. There’s no point. There isn’t time." No doubt Clinton is a tough cookie, Gary Byrne, a former member of the Secret Service who protected the Clintons during their eight years in the White House in the 1990s. Crises

of Character, which was published in June, Byrne says: “She once threw a Bible at an agent on her detail, hitting him in the back of the head.” “Most of us knew to brace for her inevitable eruptions. They didn’t happen every day, but behind closed doors we learned about them fast. In public, she was everyone’s best friend. Privately, she was her normal self.” Mrs Clinton also repeatedly swore at Secret Service agents: “She’d explode in my face without reservation or decorum,” said Byrne. She is reported to have told a Secret Service agent to “Go to hell”. In another instance, a uniformed officer said Mrs Clinton had told him to “Go f--- yourself” when he bid her good morning. OUCH!



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'Freedom to express.' by FATIMA PATEL It’s that time again where I get to pen my thoughts, but most importantly engage with you (even though I am the one doing all the talking in this column – do feel free to write back) Lots has happened this week in the world of news and once again the discussion of ‘FREE SPEECH’ raises its head. For me and am sure for many others IPSO’s rejection of Channel 4 journalist, Fatima Manji’s complaint against The Sun columnist criticising her for wearing a hijab to report on the news of a terror attack in France was hugely disappointing. The UK press regulator apparently rejected Manji’s complaint against the Sun and Kelvin MacKenzie for his column, ruling it was commentary and raising questions, not a specific criticism of Manji herself. In an interview with BBC Radio 4, Manji responded to IPSO’s decision. She said: “It was upsetting enough to find myself the latest victim to Kelvin Mackenzie’s tirade. But now to know that has been given the green light by the press regulator and that effectively it is open season on

minorities, and Muslims in particular, is frightening.” So I started pondering is it ‘open season on minorities, in particular Muslims’? What is ‘Free Speech’? Who can say what to whom in the UK? Who gets to exercise it and whether it is being curtailed in public debate? We are living in a complex world at the moment, where there are very many and some cases worryingly extreme viewpoints. But who decides on what is extreme and what is not? I recall reading an article where a university professor proclaiming that “free speech” is not ideal. The “free” part skews in favour of those who oppose regulation and the “speech” part puts the focus on the spoken word, even though the discussion embraces wider communication including art, writing, films, plays, flag burning and advertising.It might, therefore, be better to drop the term “free speech” to highlight that the debate is really about whether or not we

should regulate the communication of ideas, thoughts and beliefs. Then there is also the discussion of political correctness. The usual claim is that PC stifles free speech. This accusation is difficult to quantify. PC might, for example, limit the speech of white men but enhance that of minorities; I would need more data before reaching a conclusion. But the complaint itself tells us something about the complex nature of speech. Why complain at all? The usual answer is that communication is being muted by PC. This seems to be an argument that we should oppose PC in the name of free speech itself. To make this claim we need to show why speech is important (enter justification here). Once we offer a justification we again have an argument for why speech can be limited. I could fill this whole newspaper on the discussion about speech, but I think that might make boring reading for some. However, I do want to explore the current state of communication and the very important point that Manji makes of ‘open season on minorities, in particular Muslims’. I am going to let that sink in for awhile and will let you have part two of this column next week.




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Four myths about IVF in older women

women aged over 45 had no major medical problems during pregnancy and more than 80 per cent gave birth at full term. There are good reasons for women to be aware of those risks of complications, and to take them into account when making decisions about whether or not to become pregnant. But for women without major health problems already, the risks of pregnancy are not so high that they can’t go ahead. 3. IVF doesn’t work in older women National fertility treatment guidelines in the UK justify not providing NHS IVF treatment to women aged over 42 because of low success rates. For example, the live birth rate following IVF in women over the age of 44 is only 2 per cent. Yet these “success” rates are based on IVF treatment with the woman’s own eggs. For women who receive donor eggs or embryos, the chances of a live birth are based on the donor’s age, not on that of the

by DOMINIC WILKINSON Consultant Neonatologist and Professor of Medical Ethics, University of Oxford

Reports that a 62-year-old Spanish woman has given birth after IVF treatment have led many to question whether there should be age limits with such treatment. Lina Alvarez, a doctor in north-west Spain, isn’t the oldest person to have had success with IVF. Earlier this year, in India, Daljinder Kaur is said to have given birth at the age of 72, prompting calls from the Indian Medical Council for a ban on fertility treatment in women over the age of 50. In many countries where there is funding assistance for IVF there is a limit to obtaining treatment over a certain age. In Britain, for example, the bar is set at age 42. But Alvarez received private treatment. So why care about her age? And what business is it of the rest of us whether she has access to IVF? There are several arguments that typically surface in debates about age and fertility treatment – and they are all deeply flawed. 1. Having an older mother is harmful It is sometimes claimed that children will be harmed if older mothers are

allowed access to IVF. This might be because older mothers will not be able to meet the physical demands of lifting, playing with and caring for a small child. It might be because it would be a bad thing for a child if their mother were to die while they are still young. However, in some countries women of Alvarez’s age on average can expect to live to the age of 85. This means most older mothers around her age will live to see their child grow up and leave home. Many children already receive regular care from grandparents (44 per cent in the UK) and we do not usually think that this is bad for the child. While some older women may struggle with the physical demands of childcare, that will also be true of some younger women. Essentially, this argument only works if we think that the lives of children born to older mothers are going to be so bad that it would be better that they had never been born. However, this isn’t at all likely. 2. Being pregnant while older is harmful Doctors sometimes worry about high rates of complications with pregnancy in older women. Older mothers do have higher rates of a number of medical problems during pregnancy, including high blood pressure, diabetes, and premature labour. But most won’t. One study found that around 80 per cent of

Daljinder Kaur, gives birth at age 72 in India

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recipient. Where the egg donor is young, older women have the same sort of chances of “success” with IVF as younger women. Donor eggs also avoid the increased risks of major chromosomal problems in the baby (for example Down syndrome) that are seen in older mothers. 4. IVF shouldn’t be publicly funded People may feel that in a stretched public health system there are other important priorities to fund rather than paying for fertility treatment. For example, funds could be directed instead to improving staffing levels in birthing units, screening for infection, or cancer treatment. But this argument could apply to any fertility treatment, not just for older women. If we are going to provide at least some publicly funded IVF treatment, we should make sure that we provide it fairly, and consistently. But whether or not public IVF should be funded, these arguments shouldn’t stop someone paying for private fertility treatment, as Alvarez did. One important question is whether patients who have private fertility treatment should have to pay the public health system costs if they later develop medical complications, or their child is born prematurely. One London obstetrician reported large strains on maternity services from women who had received IVF treatment overseas. Usually, in a public health system, we don’t make patients pick up the bill for costs that result from their own free choices. But in cases like this, one possibility might be to require patients to take out medical insurance policies before they access private treatment.

None of these points mean that it is necessarily a good idea to have children at a later stage in life. There are good reasons to advise (if possible) having a child at an earlier age, when fertility rates are higher,

there are fewer health risks and IVF is less likely to be needed. There are also good reasons to make sure that women who seek out fertility treatment are fully aware of the risks involved and perhaps for

People may feel that in a stretched public health system there are other important priorities to fund rather than paying for fertility treatment. But this argument could apply to any fertility treatment, not just for older women. If we are going to provide at least some publicly funded IVF treatment, we should make sure that we provide it fairly, and consistently. doctors to decline treatment where risks are deemed to be very high. But ultimately, this could apply to younger as well as older women. As such, strict age limits on access to IVF are discriminatory and not

justified. Published in conjunction with Oxford University’s Practical Ethics blog This article originally appeared in The Conversation


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Mumtaz Khan:

Firm but fair. by MO BHANA

medals at major competitions throughout the UK and the world.

The moment an intruder tried to attack a certain martial arts expert outside her house, little did he know that he would be the recipient of a lesson that he will surely never forget: do not get on the wrong side of Sensei Mumtaz Khan!

With the support from the national governing body, the British Ju-Jitsu Association, Khan believes her club is the ideal stepping stone for youngsters who would like to not only increase their confidence but also take part in sports in a safe environment.

Upon damaging a conservatory and causing a vast amount of damage, the foolish intruder decided to brush Sensei Mumtaz Khan out of the way. It does not take a brain surgeon to work out what happened next.

She is of the opinion that Ju-Jitsu should be taught to all primary school pupils so that when they make the change to primary school, they can continue their journey and possibly even attain a black belt. She cites the tragic passing of youngster Asad Khan as a primary example of why youngsters should take part.

“It was the first and only time I have had to use Ju Jitsu on anyone outside of the dodjo,” says Sensei Mumtaz Khan.

“We won the Sport England satellite club of the year award; therefore, the way we deliver Ju-Jitsu is all about teaching participants respect, confidence and equality. We expect people to behave in a certain way, but I have never had to shout at a pupil before because I am firm but very fair”, says Sensei Mumtaz. “It should be taught in all schools to combat bullying and increase confidence. What happened to Asad Khan was tragic and kids need to be allowed to express themselves in order to talk about any problems they may have. We have a chit chat session before our classes so that kids can clearly express themselves.

“Sensei is adamant that a great deal more women are taking part in JuJitsu and would encourage anyone who is interested in martial arts to take the plunge and get involved. She says women who are involved in martial arts command a great deal of respect within their domestic and personal lives. “We encourage people to behave and enjoy taking part in martial arts. I also have a class at Bradford University and 46 women took part in my class, women from a range of backgrounds, for me that just says it all. “Women who take part have the respect of their peers, children and

“I grabbed him and could have caused him some serious damage, but I went easy on him as he could have had a very serious injury to his groin region.” With over twenty years of Martial arts experience, Sensei Khan is one of the leading instructors in the UK. Having successfully delivered sessions to people from all walks of life, she is regarded as a pioneer in Martial Arts and fitness She has accumulated numerous medals at Regional, National and International competitions - her strengths being primarily in Continuous Fighting and Empty Hands Kata categories. However, it was by chance that she entered into the world of martial arts: “I was playing badminton with a friend and I started mouthing off at someone who I felt should not have been on the court at the time,” says Khan. “They then turned up after we had finished in their martial arts gear and although I was scared, I knew I wanted to join them. It took Sensai Khan four weeks to pluck up the courage to begin her career as a martial arts expert: “As soon as they started throwing me around, I knew it was for me.” Her Onna Ju-Jitsu club is regarded as one of the best clubs in the country, with members continuously winning

Right: Sensei Mumtaz Khan with colleagues

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WOMEN OF INFLUENCE and their husbands because they are disciplined enough to stay calm and collected in the most trying of circumstances. “This is great for the family environment. My own step son Sam says I am firm but fair and my nephew Rehan who is working towards his Yellow belt has also reaped the benefits of sports and discipline.”

hang up her martial arts, in fact she teaches in schools throughout the region.

Sensei Khan believes mixed martial arts is not something which appeals to her, citing the fact that the ‘sport’ is not regulated by a governing body: “You have martial arts such as Taekwondo which is recognised as an Olympic sport, however mixed martial arts are for a different market. Martial arts are not to show that you are the toughest person around, it is about self defence.”

Tellingly, Khan also teaches students how to fight with weapons such as nunchakus, once they have gained black belt level status: “This sort of fighting is used by the police and the army, but we only teach to black belt level students, once they have achieved the relevant grade.

Sensei Khan who has been honoured with awards including an Inspirational women's award and Bradford Active’s sport coach of the year award has no plans to

“I teach at schools such as Staincliffe Primary in Batley at lunch times and the kids really enjoy the sessions. It’s a great sport to take part in and I’d encourage women, men and children to take part.”

“If we start teaching weapons trainers to all beginners, I think we would have all of Bradford at our doorstep.” To find out more about Onna Ju-Jitsu visit: http://

Women who take part have the respect of their peers, children and their husbands because they are disciplined enough to stay calm and collected in the most trying of circumstances.

Sensei Khan at Women in Sport conference


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South Asian Parents urged to vaccinate their children against flu this winter by MO BHANA

Public Health England (PHE) is encouraging parents and carers to help protect their children from flu this winter, as the largest ever programme vaccinating children against it gets underway. This year, the vaccine is being offered to 2 – 4 year-olds, those in school years 1 and 2, and is being extended to school year 3, helping protect more than 4 million children against flu – 600,000 more than last year. Although 55 per cent of parents understand the need for their children to be vaccinated every year, nearly 1 in 8 (13 per cent) have either never given vaccination any thought, or report that the main thing putting them off vaccination is that their children seldom get flu (12per cent). It is estimated that several million people get flu each winter, with it leading to more than 2,000 NHS

intensive care admissions across the UK last year. Dr Chintal Patel, has urged all South Asian parents with children aged 2-7 to get their children vaccinated, citing the fact that flu can be much more dangerous for children than parents realise.

“Data shows that children under the age of 5 are most likely to be admitted to hospital for flu compared to any other age group. “The single best way to protect your child is to get them vaccinated. The nasal spray is a quick and easy way to help prevent young children catching flu.”

they are on the mend. Some children develop a very high fever or complications from flu, such bronchitis or pneumonia.

Dr Saral Anand of the Wellington Health Centre, explained that the free flu vaccine is also available for pregnant women. She points to rresearch showing that around four in 10 (42 per cent ) of pregnant women got their jab last year. “Pregnancy naturally weakens the body’s immune system, and as a result it can cause serious complications for both mother and her unborn baby. Despite

this, a fifth of pregnant women (19 per cent) who didn’t get vaccinated said they didn’t get the free flu jab because they thought, mistakenly, it might harm their baby. “Let’s be clear on the facts, flu can cause serious complications for pregnant women and their babies. The safest way to help protect them both is the flu vaccine. “I fully support this campaign and would encourage all South Asian pregnant women and parents with children aged 2 – 7 to get the flu vaccine. This will help protect them and reduce the risk of spreading the flu to others.”

Nearly a third of parents (29 per cent) think flu is just a severe cold in children when it can be a more unpleasant and serious illness. Children have the same symptoms as adults including fever, chills, aching muscles, headaches and a sore throat. More than one in three parents (35 per cent) think children recover from flu in a couple of days. In fact, sometimes children need up to a week in bed before

India detains pigeon as authorities worry about risk of a coo by MO BHANA

An audacious winged ‘invader’ has been released after being held in custody in India on suspicion of espionage. At the centre of the latest flap along the tense border between nucleararmed rivals India and Pakistan is not a Marvel superhero in the form of Batman, Spiderman or Superman, we are talking about a…..pigeon! The pigeon was taken into custody, Indian police confirmed, after it was discovered in Indian territory in suspicious circumstances. Members of the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) came across the pigeon which was carrying a threatening note to Prime Minister, Narendra Modi in Pathankot in the northern state of Punjab, near the nation's heavily militarised border with Pakistan. “We took it into custody last evening,”

Pathankot police inspector Rakesh Kumar told AFP by telephone. “The BSF found it with a note in Urdu saying something like ‘Modi, we’re not the same people from 1971. Now each and every child is ready to fight against India’,” Kumar said.

The note was apparently signed by a Pakistan-based militant group “so we are investigating the matter very seriously”, Kumar said. It is not the first time birds have become embroiled in the long-running animosity between the two nuclear-armed nations. Televisions throughout India have gone on to broadcast footage showing the grey infiltrator peering from between the thick bars of a maximumsecurity cage surrounded by three uniformed officers. Having fought a third war in 1971, tensions have since escalated over a raid on an Indian army base in Kashmir and Kashmir and the killing of a youngster in the Indian administered

further scrutiny. “We have checked the bird properly and thoroughly and found nothing to cause alarm,” he said.

area of Kashmir. But suspicion about birds along the frontier isn’t new. Last year, a pigeon was discovered with a mysterious number imprinted on its feathers, raising fears of espionage—a top concern among authorities of both countries. “We thought maybe it is a spy pigeon,” said Rakesh Kaushal, a senior superintendent of police in Punjab. But scans revealed no cameras, transmitters or electronic devices, so the pigeon was released, he said. Mr. Kaushal said the case appeared “less serious" and didn't warrant

“It is the work of frustrated minds on the other side of the border who were venting out their frustrations” after India’s recent military action, Mr. Kaushal said. “We can’t establish if it is from Lashkar.” Police would “feed it and take care of it and then let it go,” he said. A border-security officer said there might be a simple explanation for the ink-stained birds. Residents on both sides of the border rear homing pigeons as a hobby and, sometimes, scribble their numbers or addresses on the birds in case they get lost. But given the threats India faces from its neighbour, the officer said, “it is better to double check, if a harmless local practice is being abused or misused in any way.” “We thought maybe it is a spy pigeon but scans revealed no cameras, transmitters or electronic devices, so the pigeon was released.” said Rakesh Kaushal, a senior superintendent of police in Punjab.


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Diwali: A promise of love, light and hope by AYESHA BABAR Diwali is just around the corner and this time too, like every year, it brings with it a promise of bringing hope and light into our lives. Diwali, the main festival of the Hindu calendar and in many ways the ‘Christmas Day’ for Hindus around the world is a festival that has its roots in goodness and the victory of light over darkness. It spans over five days, starting from Dhanteras, followed by ‘Choti Diwali’, and then the main day of festivities, Diwali itself. For many families, the festival is much longer, with card parties and pujas (special prayers) starting a week in advance. New clothes are bought for adults and children alike, for Diwali calls for a no holds barred celebration of all that is precious in life. Houses are cleaned the day before, with piles of homemade mithai (sweets) all set for guests in anticipation of Diwali. The day starts early as the morning is spent doing up the house with flowers and for the girls, especially, making rangoli designs – intricate, colourful patterns that are made at the entrance of the house to welcome guests and good vibes alike. Presents are exchanged and the younger ones also receive a token amount of cash as ‘kharchee’, much like the Muslims get ‘Eidi’ on the festival of Eid. Focus is then shifted to the puja, for which a special thaal (prayer tray) is decorated with flowers, fruits and sweets. One of my friends often recalls how her father looks forward to this part of the day the most as he likes to take the responsibility of decorating the thaal. For him, it is the one thing about Diwali that has remained consistent since he as a child used to help his mother with the thaal. The havan puja is one of the highlights of the day, as the Panditji leads the whole family to thank God for all that it has been blessed with and pray for continued blessings on the family and the household. The puja is followed by aarti to share the blessings with each individual in the family and spread the sweet smell in all corners of the house. Once the puja is complete, the main diya (oillamp) is lit up. One by one, all the diyas in the house are lit and placed around the house, in the gardens and on the balconies. Driving around on Diwali, the sight of thousands of little diyas lighting up the evening is one of the most beautiful sights you will see, almost

Rangoli patterns Image:

as if the city has been sprinkled with sparkling star dust. As the afternoon turns into evening, men and women dress up in all their finery and get ready to either visit their loved ones or receive them into their homes. Elaborate dinners are prepared and then possibly the crescendo of the evening arrives (for the younger ones at least!) as crackers are burst. There are phuljharis and anaars and little chakris – all signifying the celebratory mood of the festival. Sumptuous tables are laid out and once the feasting is over, the card games begin, mostly rounds of teen patti (an Indian version of poker) that continue into the night. Diwali falls on the night of the ‘amawasya’ or ‘no moon’ which is the darkest night of the lunar month. This year Diwali comes at a time of great political strain in the subcontinent. Tensions between India and Pakistan are at a high with rhetoric being exchanged. It is in times like this, more than ever, that we need to understand the universality of love and goodness. Festivals like Diwali, which in essence, are an opportunity for all of us to look inwards for our own inner light, are beautiful reminders that there is still hope beyond the despair. May the darkness of these times be lit up with thoughtfulness and restraint from both sides too. The image of Indian and Pakistani soldiers exchanging sweets on Diwali has been one of the most endearing moments for me and I hope that this year, it is no different. Festivals like Diwali, Eid and many

others are an opportunity for the whole family to be together, laugh, show each other that they are valued through prayers and presents and even be competitive with card games.

These are the moments that stay with us wherever we go to look back upon and cherish. Here’s wishing you and your loved one’s love, light and a celebration of a lifetime – Happy Diwali!

Puja thaal (prayer tray)

WEEKENDER FREE Issue Five, Wednesday 26 October 2016

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AFZAL KAHN: Number Plate Collector Extraordinaire

Karan Johar' film finally out of 'MUSHKIL'.



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Karan Johar' film out of 'MUSHKIL' With 'Ae Dil Hai Mushkil' finally being cleared for release after the movie underwent a massive onslaught for having Pakistani actor Fawad Khan in it, Islamabad envoy Abdul Basit on Monday said that he was glad the movie was out of hot waters. Speaking in India at the Institute of Peace and Conflict, the Pakistani envoy made a pun saying, "Glad to know Karan Johar's film is out of 'mushkil'," and wished the audience a happy Diwali. Asserting that Pakistan has never tried to snap cultural relations with India, Basit further said that artistes from his country have been facing a range of issues in India. He also said that for more than a decade, Pakistani has been enjoying Indian entertainment channels like Zee and Star.

Talking about the ban on Indian channels, he added, "I just think this is short lived." On October 1, two days after India's movie industry body banned Pakistani artists and technicians from working in India, Islamabad banned the broadcast of all Indian television channels in Pakistan.

producer Karan Johar with Maharashtra chief minister Devendra Fadnavis and MNS chief Raj Thackeray in Mumbai. "Every producer who has cast a Pakistani actor must contribute Rs 5 crore to the Army welfare fund," MNS chief Raj Thackeray said after the meeting.

Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) said strict action would be taken if TV channels and distribution networks failed to implement the ban after October 15. It said it has been receiving complaints that several local private channels were showing Indian talk shows, reality programmes and dramas without permission.

Thackeray further said that producers will have to give in writing that they will not take Pakistani actors in their films in future.

Earlier, decks were cleared for the release of 'Ae Dil Hai Mushkil' last Saturday after a meeting of film

"We discussed the unfortunate events related to the film's release. I shared the film industry's emotions regarding

Speaking to the reporters after the meeting, Mukesh Bhatt said that it was "positive and constructive and 'Ae Dil Hai Mushkil' will release as per the schedule."

the entire issue. We are Indians first and then comes our business," he said. Ranbir Kapoor, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Anushka Sharma who are starring in the film, will also contribute a portion of its revenue to the Army welfare fund, Bhatt said, adding "We owe this to the Army." Bhatt also said that they have assured Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis that neither the Producers' Guild nor any filmmaker will work with any Pakistani artiste or technician in the future. Also, the Producers' Guild will call a meeting to pass a resolution on not working with Pakistani artists and a copy of the same would be sent to the Information and Broadcasting Ministry as well as the chief minister, he said.

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However, taking on his cousin and Raj Thackeray for asking filmmakers to donate Rs 5 crore to the Army, Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray had said the Indian armed forces do not need ransom money. About the film Ae Dil Hai Mushkil is a romantic drama film written, directed and produced by Karan Johar. It features Ranbir Kapoor, Aishwarya Rai, Anushka Sharma and Fawad Khan in lead roles. It is being said that Lisa Haydon and Kajol also have a small role in the film. Kajol is believed to be Karan's lucky mascot and has featured in all of his directorial films till date, be they a cameo or a full length role. K Jo, (which is what Johar is fondly called) is returning to the director's chair



after a gap of three years. His last movie was Student of the Year in 2012, which starred SidharthMalhotra, VarunDhawan and Alia Bhatt. Ae Dil Hai Mushkil has a story line based on relationships and heartbreaks. It will be the first time that Aishwarya, 41, will share screen space with Ranbir, 32, and Anushka.. On 6 February at the India Conference at Harvard, Johar revealed that in the film Kapoor plays the character of a Hindu boy, Aayan, and Sharma plays a Muslim girl, Alizeh. The film is scheduled for release on 28 October 2016. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan will be finally seen in a Karan Johar film after many unsuccessful attempts of having her in Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1998),Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham... (2001), and Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna (2006). Whilst ADHM was going through rough

waters with the India/Pak conflict there were rumours that Fawad Khan's role has been chopped out of the movie. However, a source close to the team rubbished the rumours. They said, "It is not true at all that Fawad's scenes have been chopped off. Fawad has an important role in the movie, so much so that you can't call it a cameo. Whatever Fawad shot for in the movie, has been retained totally. So there is no question of chopping it off. " The songs of the film have so far been chart busters and have been loved by all. The title track Ae Dil Hai Mushkil sung by Arijit Singh has won hearts. The most recently released song 'Cutie pie' has also caught on and is being piped as the song of the year. The song presents Ranbir Kapoor-Anushka Sharma in their cutest avatars. An outright fun and exhilarating dance track, Cutie Pie is sure to be the first choice song for any celebration.

The song is sung by Pardeep Singh Sran and Nakash Aziz, Cutie Pie has been composed by Pritam and Amitabh Bhattacharya has penned the lyrics. A special screening was recently held where B-town celebs attended and showed their appreciation for the film. The special screening of ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’ was attended by Ranbir Kapoor’s parents Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor, cousin sister and soon-to-bemommy Kareena Kapoor Khan, Ranbir’s aunt Rima Jain, Karan Johar’s darling friend Gauri Khan, Twinkle Khanna and many more. The screening of ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’ was undoubtedly a star-studded affair. We're sure this Diwali there will be fireworks, especially as ADHM will be joined by another mega release - Ajay Devgn's Shivaay. The countdown has begun and the promotion of both ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’ and ‘Shivaay’ are going on strongly. But which one will win hearts and rule at the box office? We will soon find out!




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Tantilising Recipes from Recipes from Tantilising Recipes from

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It’s BBQ time... It’s BBQ time...

Paneer Afghani Paneer Afghani

Ingredients 500 gm paneer-cubed 1 Tbsp magaz (melon seed) Paneer cubes marinated 1 cup kaju (cashew nuts) 1 Tbsp khus khus (poppy in a creamy paste of Ingredients seed)-soaked for 1 hour By Niru Gupta 5001 gm cuppaneer-cubed cream melon seeds, cashews, 1 Tbsp magaz (melon seed) 2 Tbsp butter poppy seeds, cream and 2 tsp kaju (cashew nuts) powdered black Paneer cubes marinated 1 cup khus khus (poppy butter. Grilled golden 1 Tbsp pepper in a creamy paste of seed)-soaked for 1 hour 5-6 chhoti elaichi on a tandoor. 1 cup Saltcream to taste melon seeds, cashews, 2 Tbsp butter poppy seeds, cream and 2 tsp powdered black butter. Grilled golden pepper 5-6 chhoti elaichi on a tandoor. Salt to taste By Niru Gupta

Wheat Free chapattis

Method 1. Grind together the magaz, kaju, khus khus, pepper and elaichi.

Method 2. Mix with the rest of the in1. Grind together the magaz, gredients and marinate for an Ingredients kaju, khus hour or khus, so. pepper and elaichi. 1 cup White Millet Flour/Jowar 3. Grill in a tandoorFlour or electric 1/3 cup rice 2. Mix the rest offlour the in-hot. grillwith till golden and serve Water gredients and marinate for an hour or so. Method

3. Grill in aMeasure tandoor1 or electric small cup grill till golden and serve hot. of Jowar Flour and 1/3 cup of rice flour. Add lukewarm water to knead into a dough until smooth. Now make small to medium sized balls of the dough. sprinkle a good amount of jowar flour on the rolling board. flatten a ball and place it on the flour. Add some more flour on top. Then with your palms, lightly press as well as rotate the roti. Add more flour if required until you are happy with the shape and thickness of the chapati. (Experts are known to use the palm of their hands to flatten and roll a chapati) Now gently lift up the chapati then place jowar roti on a hot tava and bake on medium heat on both sides till golden brown.

Photo credit: Photo: Iain Bagwell; Styling: Heather Chadduck

Enjoy with curry or dish of your choice.

Reshmi Tikka Reshmi Sweet Tikka Potato Fettuccine Recipe by Chef Aditya Bal

The creamy texture and the tenderness of the chicken, makes this one of the Recipe by Chef Aditya Bal most popular Indian kebab recipes.

The creamy texture and the tenderness Grindof them in a mortar of Ingredients the chicken, makes this2. one the 250 gm chicken, cut into and pestle and add mango most popular Indian kebabpowder. recipes. cubes Mix them well. 1 tsp refined oil 1 tsp turmeric powder For the tikka: Ingredients 1 Tbsp ginger-garlic paste 2. Grind them in a mortar 25050gm and3.pestle and add gmchicken, malai cut into In a bowl, add mango chicken This clever transforming cubes powder. Mix themoil, well. 50 gm curd technique for cubes, refined tur1sweet tsp refined oil 1 lime meric powder,was ginger garlic potatoes into “fettuccine” 1 tsp turmeric powder Forpaste, the tikka: 1 Tbsp garam masala malai, curd, juice by a prize-winning recipe from the 1inspired Tbsp paste Salt, ginger-garlic to taste of 1/2 lime, the prepared 50 gm malai 3. In a bowl, add chicken garam masala and salt. Mix North Carolina Sweet Potato Commission. 50 For gm curd cubes, oil, tur- Keep the garam masala: themrefined well together. 1Ingredients lime meric powder, ginger garlic 1 tsp cumin them in thegarlic, fridge for 20 in lemon zest, and salt 1 Tbsp masala paste, malai, curd, juice 1 tspgaram coriander powder aminutes. small bowl. 1 large (about 1 Salt, tosweet taste of 1/2 lime, the prepared 1 tsp blackpotato pepper lb.) garam masala andoven salt. Mix20 1 tsp kebab chini 4. Preheat the for Method for Sweet Potato For thegreen garam masala: them well together. 3 tablespoons butter 5-6 cardamom minutes at 180 C.Keep Fettuccine 11/2 tsp cumin them in the fridge for 20 1cup stick cinnamon Pecan Gremolata 1. Peel sweet potato, and cut 1 tsp minutes. 5-6coriander cloves powder 5. Roast the marinated lengthwise into 1/8-inch-thick fresh parsley sprigs 1Garnish: tsp black pepper 1 tsp mango powder chicken pieces in the oven slices using a mandoline. 1Totsp kebab chini 4. Stack Preheat oven for 20 make Pecan Gremolata for 204 minutes. tothe 6 potato slices 5-6 green cardamom minutes at 180board; C. cut Method on a cutting Ingredients 1 stick cinnamon For the garam masala: 6. Removeinto them from oven lengthwise 1/4-inch-wide 1/2 cup finely chopped fresh 5-6 cloves 5. strips. Roast the marinated and squeeze half lime over Repeat procedure with 1flat-leaf tsp mango in the oven remaining slices. 1. In aparsley pan,powder dry roast cumin,chicken it. pieces for 20 minutes. 1/3coriander cup finely powder, chopped black butter a large toasted pecans Method pepper, kebab chini, green 2.7.Melt Serve hot in with preferred skillet over medium heat; For the garam masala: 6. Remove them from ovenadd cardamom, cinnamon and sauces 1 tablespoon lemon zest potato strips, and sauté 6 to and squeeze half lime over cloves. 2 garlic cloves, 1. In a pan, dryminced roast cumin, it.8 minutes or until al dente. (Don’t overcook strips or coriander powder, black 1/4 teaspoon salt they will fall apart.) Add 1/2 pepper, kebab chini, green 7. cup Serve hot Gremolata, with preferred Pecan and Method cardamom, cinnamon and sauces toss gently to coat. Serve cloves. Stir together parsley, pecans, immediately.

1st Floor, The Bazaar, Simes Street, Bradford, BD1 3SQ



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Tantilising Tawa pulao street style Recipes from Tantilising (best made with left over Recipes from Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp

Basmati rice - 4 cups of cooked rice

Red chili powder - 1/2 tsp, Kashmiri

Oil - 1 tbsp

Pav Bhaji Masala - 1 1/4 tbsps (or a heaped tbsp)





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Add red chili powder, white pepper powder, pav bhaji masala and half of the salt and mix well. Allow the flavors to meld for a minute or two.

It’s BBQ time... It’s BBQ time...

Butter - 3 tbsps

Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp

Ginger - 1/2 tsp, grated

Garlic - 2 cloves, finely minced Green chillies - 1-2, finely chopped

Add the blanched cauliflower, carrots, boiled potatoes and mix well. Add a few tbsps of water and cook on low-medium flame for 7-8 minutes till the flavors meld. Add the green peas and mix well.

White pepper powder - pinch Salt to taste

Lemon juice - 1 tbsp

Coriander leaves - 1/4 cup, chopped and packed

Paneer Afghani Paneer Afghani

Onions - 1, medium, finely sliced


Tomatoes - 2, medium, finely chopped

In a flat wide griddle or tawa, heat oil and butter. Once hot, add cumin seeds and allow to splutter.

Add the cooked rice and mix well. Adjust salt and mix the rice carefully such that rice grains do not break. Add the lemon juice and chopped coriander leaves and mix well. Turn off flame.

Add the chopped onions and Ingredients green chilies and saute for 2-3 500 gm paneer-cubed minutes. Add the minced ginger 1 Tbsp (melon seed) and garlic,magaz mix and saute for 3 minutes. 1 cup kaju (cashew nuts)

Remove to a serving bowl and Method serve warm together with any raita of 1. Grind the magaz, your choice yogurt. kaju, khusorkhus, pepper and

Carrots - 1/2 cup, blanched in hot water for 5-6 minutes (cut into round disks or 1” length strips) Capsicum - 1/3 cup (chopped By Niru Gupta into 1/2” length strips)

Cauliflower - 1/2 cup, cut into Paneer cubes marinated small florets and boiled in hot 1 Tbsp khus khus (poppy water for 5-6 minutes - optional in a creamy paste of Add the choppedfor capsicum Ingredients seed)-soaked 1 hour By Niru and saute for a minute. Add Potato - 1, Gupta small, peeled, cut into 500 paneer-cubed 1 gm cup cream melon seeds, cashews, tomatoes and half 1” length strips and boiled 1the Tbsp magaz (melon seed) 2 chopped Tbsp butter thekaju coriander leaves and poppy seeds, cream and 1ofcup (cashew nuts) 2 tsp powdered black Green peas - 1/4 cup, boiled Paneer cubes marinated saute for 6-8 minutes or till oil Tbsp khus khus (poppy butter. Grilled golden 1separates pepper and becomes mushy. in a creamy paste of

on a tandoor. melon seeds, cashews, poppy seeds, cream and butter. Grilled golden on a tandoor.

seed)-soaked for 1 hour 5-6 chhoti elaichi 1 cup Saltcream to taste 2 Tbsp butter 2 tsp powdered black pepper 5-6 chhoti elaichi Salt to taste



Reshmi Tikka Reshmi Tikka

Method 2.cooked Mix with the rest of Recipe by Chef Aditya Bal The rice should notthe be in1. Grind together the magaz, gredients and marinate mushy. Each grain should befor an garlic paste instead of minced/ increase the quantity of pav kaju, khus hour or khus, so. pepper and separate. grated ginger and garlic. bhaji masala by 1/2 tsp. elaichi. The creamy texture and the tenderness You tsp ginger 3.can Grilluse in 3/4 a tandoor or electric For a more, spicy tawa pulao, of the chicken, makesRecipe thisfrom: one Sailusfood of the 2. Mix the rest of serve the in-hot. grillwith till golden and Recipe by Chef Aditya Bal gredients and marinate for an most popular Indian kebab recipes. hour or so. The creamy texture and the tenderness 3. Grill in a tandoor or electric Grindof them in a mortar of Ingredients the chicken, makes this2. one the grill till golden and serve hot. 250 gm chicken, cut into and pestle and add mango most popular Indian kebabpowder. recipes. cubes Mix them well. 1 tsp refined oil 1 tsp turmeric powder For the tikka: Ingredients 1 Tbsp ginger-garlic paste 2. Grind them in a mortar 25050gm and3.pestle and add gmchicken, malai cut into In a bowl, add mango chicken cubes powder. well. 50 gm curd cubes,Mix refithem ned oil, turRemove to a bowl, bring 1 tsp refined oil 1 lime meric powder, ginger garlic to room temperature and 1 tsp turmeric powder Forpaste, the tikka: 1 Tbsp garam masala malai, curd, juice chill until serving time. 1 Tbsp ginger-garlic paste Salt, to taste of 1/2 lime, the prepared At the time of serving, 50 gm malai 3. In a bowl, add chicken garam masala and salt. Mix spoon the phirni into the 50 For gm curd cubes, nedtogether. oil, tur- Keep the garam masala: themrefi well serving bowl, garnish 1 lime meric powder, garlic 1 tsp cumin them in the ginger fridge for 20 with sliced pistachios. 1 Tbsp masala paste, malai, curd, juice 1 tspgaram coriander powder minutes. Salt, to taste of 1/2 lime, the prepared 1 tsp black pepper Tips garam masalathe andoven salt. for Mix20 1 tsp kebab chini 4. Preheat If the strawberry phirni For5-6 thegreen garam masala: them well together. cardamom minutes at 180 C.Keep has turned too thick, add 1 tsp cumin them in the fridge for 20 1 stick cinnamon a few tbsps of boiled milk 1 tsp coriander powder minutes. 5-6 cloves 5. Roast the marinated to loosen it. 1 tsp black pepper 1 tsp mango powder chicken pieces in the oven 1 tsp kebab chini 4. Preheat the oven for 20 for 20 minutes. If the strawberry phirni is 5-6Method green cardamom minutes at 180 C. too thin and runny, add 1-2 1 stick cinnamon For the garam masala: 6. Remove them from oven tbsps of rice flour mixed 5-6 cloves 5. Roast the marinated in 4 tbsps of water and and squeeze half lime over add it to the simmering 1 tsp mango 1. In a pan,powder dry roast cumin,chicken it. pieces in the oven phirni and stir constantly for 20 minutes. coriander powder, black till it turns thick. Method pepper, kebab chini, green 7. Serve hot with preferred Forcardamom, the garam cinnamon masala: and 6. Remove sauces them from oven At the time of serving, and squeeze half lime over cloves. you can drizzle strawberry 1. In a pan, dry roast cumin, it. coulis on top and give it a coriander powder, black swirl. pepper, kebab chini, green 7. Serve hot with preferred cardamom, cinnamon and sauces Recipe from: Sailusfood cloves.

Gluten Free strawberry phirni (indian dessert) Ingredients

5 tbsps Basmati rice soaked for 15-20 minutes in water, drained and ground to a fine paste with 1/2 cup milk 3 ½ cups full cream milk 1 cup sugar (you can use 3/4 cup if strawberries are not too sweet) 12 x Strawberries washed, sliced and blend to a puree ½ tsp Green cardamom powder OR few drops of strawberry extract Fistful pistachios blanched, peeled and sliced Method Heat milk in a heavy bottomed vessel and bring to a boil. Simmer till it reduces to 3/4th of its original quantity.

Drain the soaked basmati rice and grind to a fine paste with 1/2 cup of boiled milk. Remove to a vessel, mix well and set aside.

Once the milk is reduced to 3/4th of its original quantity, gradually add the ground rice mixture and keep on stirring till it blends well into the milk and it begins to thicken. Keep on stirring so that the bottom does not burn. The stirring could take anytime between 15-18 minutes. Add cardamom powder and sugar and continue to stir till the sugar dissolves and it forms a nice creamy mixture with no lumps. Add the strawberry puree and mix into the mixture till well combined. Allow to cook on very low flame for less than a minute and turn off flame.

1st Floor, The Bazaar, Simes Street, Bradford, BD1 3SQ



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04:30 CID (Drama)

22:00 Bewakoofiyan

05:31 Crime Patrol

22:30 Aray Meri Shaadi (Religious) 00:00 Dillagi (Documentary) 01:00 Sahulat Bazaar

ARY TV 05:59 Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi (Drama) 06:30 Jeevan Prabhat (Religious) 07:00 Ek Duje ke vaaste (Drama) 07:30 Bhakti Sagar (Religious) 08:00 Saadguru Enlightens 08:30 Kuch rang Pyar ke Aise bhi (drama) 09:00 Kuch rang Pyar ke Aise bhi (drama) 09:30 Kuch rang Pyar ke Aise bhi (drama) 10:00 Kuch rang Pyar ke Aise bhi (drama)

02:00 Game (Film) 03:30 Bewaqoofiyan (Comedy)

20:00 Comedy Nights Bachao (Comedy)

03:40 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary)

21:30 24 (Drama)

06:00 Jeeto Pakistan (Game Show)

22:30 Kavach Kaali Shaktiyon Se (Drama)


10:00Dilli Walay Dulahray Babu

23:30 Comedy Nights Bachao (Comedy) 01:00 Code Red (Documentary)


02:00 Kavach Kaali Shaktiyon Se (Drama)

10:30 Talak House(Religious)

03:00 Udaan (Film)


13:02 Azan-E-Zuhr (Religious)


13:09 Begunah (Drama)

13:00 Shakthi: The Power (Film)

15:30 Dilli Walay Dulahray Babu


16:30 Titoo MBA (Film)


06:00 Zor (Film) 09:00 Mere Apne (Film) 12:00 Saala Khadoos (Film)

20:00 Lingaa (Film)

14:30 PK (Film)

23:30 Sooper Se Oooper (Film)

17:30 Dil to Pagal Hai (Film)

03:00 Mangal Pandey (The Rising) (Film)


04:30 Dil to Pagal Hai (Film)

04:30 Krishndasi (Drama)

12:00 Raja Inder (Drama)

13:30 Jeeto Pakistan (Game Show)

00:45 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary)

02:40 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary)

09:30 Company (Film)

13:00 Asian Variety Show (Entertainment)

15:30 Jhalak Dikhla Ja (Entertainment)

19:30 Desi Beat (Magazine Programme)

13:00 Begunah (Drama)

The Kapil Sharma Show (Comedy)

23:55 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary)

04:55 Azan-E-Fajr (Religious)

10:30 Kuch rang Pyar ke Aise bhi


20:45 Salaam Namaste (Film)

14:00 Comedy Nights Bachao (Comedy)

01:40 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary)

06:00 Sultaan (Film)


13:00 24 (Drama)

18:30 Krishndasi (Drama)

05:30 Raja Inder (Drama)

09:00 Khoat (Entertainment)

18:00 Always Kabhi Kabhi (Film)

17:00 Jhalak Dikhla Ja (Entertainment)

05:04 Tadabbur-E-Qur’an (Religious)

08:00 Sahulat Bazaar (Consumer)

11:30 Comedy Nights Live (Entertainment)

04:00 Anabia (Drama)

12:30 Khushhaal Susral (Drama)

Kuch rang Pyar ke Aise bhi



Saturday 29 October 2016


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21:00 Fan (Film)

14:00 Fan (Film)

16:00 Mein Mehroo (Drama)

00:00 Kill Dil (Film)

17:00 Bade Bhaiya ki Dulhaniya(Drama)

16:30 Azan-E-Asr (Religious)

03:00 Swarag Se Sunder (Film)

17:30 Ek Duje Ke Vaste

17:00 Game (Film)

(Drama) !8:00 The Kapil Sharma Show 19:30 Keys to Kismat (Series)

16.37 Rishta Anjana Sa (Drama)


19:00 Khushhaal Susral (Drama)

08:30 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah (Reality Show)

19:29 Azan-E-Maghrib (Religious)

09:00 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah (Reality Show)

19:36 Begunah (Drama)

22:30 CID (Drama)

20:00 Dillagi (Drama)

23:30 Crime Patrol (Drama)

20:42 Azan-E-Esha

00:30 The Kapil Sharma Show The Kapil Sharma Show

05:00 1942: A Love Story (Film) 08:00 Gupp Chupp (Drama)

Raja Inder (Drama)

21:00 The Kapil Sharma Show (Comedy)




06:00 Swaragini (Drama) 06:30 Sasural Simar Ka (Drama) 07:00 Vatsalya Tech (Magazine Programme)

20.49 Dillagi (Drama)

07:30 Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi (Drama)

21:00 Anabia (Drama)

10:00 Bigg Boss (Entertainment)

09:30 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah (Reality Show) 10:00 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah (Reality Show) 10:30 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah (Reality Show) 11:00 Chachi 420 (Film) 14:15 Ram Aur Shyam (Film)

Shah Rukh Khan and his date's pic will make you go awww! It's old news that Shah Rukh Khan is currently shooting in Budapest for his upcoming film, 'The Ring,' starring Anushka Sharma alongside. What we do not know is, that he is spending his after pack-up time with his little sweetheart AbRam, who follows papa like a shadow. Recently, King Khan shared a picture on

his Twitter handle that showed a tired AbRam taking a nap on his daddy's shoulder. He captioned the adorable picture as "Outside a cold Budapest nightclub, my date went to sleep in my arms. Sigh." Even at his tender age, SRK's little


munchkin never fails to grab a thousand eyeballs! On a related note, Imtiaz Ali's 'The Ring' is a romantic drama that is slated to release in August 2017.

06:00 Silsiilay (Film) 08:15 Mann (Film) 11:50 Jodi Breakers (Film) 14:25 Partner (Film)

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17:10 Dil Tera Deewana (Film)

18:00 Mere Angne Mein (Drama)

20:00 Golmaal 3 (Film)

18:30 Suhaani Si Ek Ladki (Drama)

22:40 Shaadi Ke Side Effects (Film) 01:20 Baazi (Film) 04:30 Grahan (Film)

19:00 Saathiya (Drama) 19:30 Yeh Hai Mohabbatein (Drama) 20:00 Dance+ 2 (Game Show)




21:00 Diya Aur Bati Hum (Drama)

08:50 Kuch Tum Kaho Kuch Hum Kahein (Film) 11:45 Chitchor (Film) 13:35 Aaj Ka Arjun (Film) 16:35 Trimurti (Film) 19:40 Jungle (Film)

22:30 Dance+ 2 - Get Set Go (Game Show)

14:00 Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani (Drama) 14:30 Kumkum Bhagya (Drama) 15:00 Kumkum Bhagya (Drama) 15:30 Kumkum Bhagya (Drama)

00:45 Judaai (Film)

16:00 Kumkum Bhagya (Drama)

03:35 Aaj Ka Arjun (Film)

16:30 Kumkum Bhagya (Drama) 17:00 The Art Room (Entertainment)


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23:00 Yeh Hai Mohabbatein (Drama)

18:30 Zee News (News) 19:00 Big Story, Big Debate (Chat Show)

23:30 Dance+ 2 (Game Show) 06:00 Jana Na Dil Se Door (Drama)


22:00 Badlapur (Film)

21:30 Ishqbaaaz (Documentary) 22:00 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai (Drama)


00:30 Dance+ 2 - Get Set Go (Game Show)

20:00 The Golden Years with Javed Aktar


Mere Angne Mein (Drama)

01:00 Diya Aur Bati Hum (Drama)


Saathiya (Drama)

01:30 Ishqbaaaz (Documentary)


Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai (Drama)

02:00 Ishqbaaaz (Documentary)

06:30 Shrimad Bhagwat Katha (Entertainment)

02:30 Ishqbaaaz (Documentary)

07:00 Zee News (News)

03:00 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai (Drama)

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03:30 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai (Drama)

08:00 Nirankari Baba Mission (Entertainment)

04:00 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai (Drama)

08:30 Narayan Seva Sansthan (Documentary)

04:30 Suhaani Si Ek Ladki (Drama)

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13:00 Dil-e-Beqarar(Rpt)

09:30 The Art Room (Entertainment)

15:00 UDAARI

08:00 Hum Ko Tumse Ho Gaya Hai... (Drama) 08:30

Siya Ke Ram (Drama)

09:00 Ishqbaaaz (Documentary) 09:30

Diya Aur Bati Hum (Drama)


Dance+ 2 (Game Show)


Saathiya (Drama)


Jana Na Dil Se Door (Drama)

12:00 Mere Angne Mein (Drama) 12:30 Hum Ko Tumse Ho Gaya Hai... (Drama)

05:00 Suhaani Si Ek Ladki (Drama) 05:30 Suhaani Si Ek Ladki (Drama)


13:30 Ishqbaaaz (Documentary) 14:00 Ishqbaaaz (Documentary) 14:30 Singham Returns (Film) 17:30 Jana Na Dil Se Door

05:30 Pure Bollywood (Music) 06:30 Black and White (Film)

22:00 Brahmarakshas... Jaag Utha Shaitaan (Drama) 23:00 Neeli Chatri Waale (Documentary) 00:00 Brahmarakshas... Jaag Utha Shaitaan (Drama) 01:00 Dr. Subhash Chandra Show (Drama) 02:00 Bollywood Business (Magazine Programme) 02:30 Big Story, Big Debate (Chat Show) 03:30 The Art Room (Entertainment) 04:30 Fear Files (Documentary) 05:30 Yogic Healing by Swami Ramdev (Entertainment)

05:30 Yogic Healing by Swami Ramdev (Entertainment)

HUM TV EUROPE 09:00 Jago Pakistan Jago 10:30 Joru Ka Ghulam(Rpt) 11:00 Deewana 12:00 Jhoot

14:00 Dharkan

10:00 Food Ka Mood (Cookery)

16:00 Akbari Asghari

10:30 Bacha Party (Cookery)

17:00 Laaj

11:00 Bollywood Cut (Entertainment)

13:00 Ishqbaaaz (Documentary)

21:00 Amma (Drama)

18:00 Pakeeza 19:00 Namak Party

12:00 Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani (Drama)

19:30 Mr Shamin

12:30 Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani (Drama)

21:00 Akbari Asghari

13:00 Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani (Drama)

20:00 LAAAJ

22:00 Saturday Night Special

13:30 Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani

Every film is like debut: Shraddha Kapoor Shraddha has acted in "Aashiqui 2", "Ek Villain", "Haider", "ABCD 2" and "Baaghi". "Every film is like a debut film for me. Though I have worked in six films so far, every film is different. And when it comes to my upcoming film 'Rock On 2', I am excited and a little nervous for various reason," the actress told the media here at the trailer launch of the much awaited "Rock On 2", a sequel of National Award winning film

"Rock On!!" (released in 2008). "Though I sung before for my earlier films, this is the first time I am singing rock songs. I took vocal training to adapt the style correctly. Thankfully, people like our songs and I am happy for it. On the other hand, the film is an emotional journey. My character is very interesting," she added.

special reason to celebrate the film. "I was very young when Rock On !! released, it is one of the favourite films of my growing age that I watched repeatedly. I did not even think of being The film starring Farhan Akhtar, Shraddha Kapoor, Purab Kohli, Arjun Rampal, Sahana Goswani, Prachi Desai is all set to release on November 11.

However, she also has another very Disclaimer: Please note listings correct at time of printing and can vary.



Sunday 30 October 2016


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05:31 Crime Patrol (Drama)

07:00 Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanuman (Drama) 07:30 Bhakti Sagar (Religious) 08:00 Sadguru Enlightens (Religious) 08:30 Ek Rishta Sajhedari Ka (Drama) 09:00 Ek Rishta Sajhedari Ka (Drama) 09:30 Ek Rishta Sajhedari Ka (Drama)

06:00 Khushhaal Susral (Drama) 06:30 Begunah (Drama)

00:30 Bulbulay (Comedy) 01:00 Sahulat Bazaar (Consumer)

10:00 Comedy Nights Bachao (Comedy)

04:56 Azan-E-Fajr (Religious)


11:30 Jhalak Dikhla Ja (Entertainment) 13:00 24 (Drama) 14:00 Dil se (Film) 17:30 Comedy Nights Bachao (Comedy) 19:00 Ishq Ka Rang Safed (Drama) 19:30 Desi Beat (Magazine Programme) 20:00 Jhalak Dikhla Ja (Entertainment)

12:00 Raja Inder (Drama)

21:30 24 (Drama)

12:30 Khushhaal Susral (Drama)

22:30 Kavach Kaali Shaktiyon Se (Drama)

10:30 Ek Rishta Sajhedari Ka (Drama)

13:09 Dillagi (Documentary)

11:00 Ek Rishta Sajhedari Ka (Drama)

14:00 Anabia (Drama)

23:30 Jhalak Dikhla Ja (Entertainment) 06:00 Isi Life Mein...! (Film) 09:30 Khushi (Film)

15:00 Aap Kay Liye (Drama)

13:00 Run (Film)

16:00 Teri Chah Mein (Drama)

16:30 Love Breakups Zindagi (Entertainment)

12:30 The Kapil Sharma Show (Comedy)

16:28 Azan-E-Asr (Religious)

14:00 Dhoom 3 (Film)

16:35 Teri Chah Mein (Drama)

17:30 The Kapil Sharma Show (Comedy)

17:00 Rana Saheb Kay Life Kay Funday (Drama)

19:00 Asian Variety Show (Entertainment)

18:30 Bulbulay (Comedy)

21:00 The Kapil Sharma Show (Comedy)

19:00 Khushhaal Susral (Drama)

22:30 CID (Film)

19:26 Azan-E-Maghrib (Religious)

23:30 Crime Patrol (Drama)

19:30 Begunah (Drama)

00:30 The Kapil Sharma Show (Comedy)

20:00 Jeeto Pakistan (Game Show)

02:00 Adalat (Drama)

20:40 Azan-E-Isha (Religious)

03:00 The Kapil Sharma Show (Comedy)

20:47 Jeeto Pakistan (Game Show)

05:31 Crime Patrol (Drama)

05:00 Tadabbur-E-Qur’an

08:10 Sahulat Bazaar (Consumer)

13:02 Azan-E-Zuhr (Religious)

04:31 CID (Film)


03:00 Khoat (Entertainment)

05:30 Hamd O N aat (Music)

10:30 Game (Film)

08:00 Desi Beat (Magazine

08:30 Bigg Boss (Entertainment)

05:05 Tadabbur-E-Qur'an (Religious)

09:00 Good Morning Pakistan (Chat Show)


02:00 Dillagi (Documentary)

07:00 Aray Meri Shaadi (Religious)

10:00 Ek Rishta Sajhedari Ka (Drama)

11:30 Asian Variety Show (Entertainment)



04:00 Ghayal (Drama)

06:30 Jeevan Prabhat (Religious)

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20:00 Nh10 (Film) 23:30 Lingaa (Film) 03:00 Corporate (Film)


01:00 Code Red (Documentary)

09:00 Khidki (Reality Show) 09:30 Khidki (Reality Show) 10:00 Khidki (Reality Show) 10:30 Khidki (Reality Show) 11:00 Love Aaj Kal (Film) 13:30 Salaam Namaste (Film) 16:30 Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year (Film) 19:35 Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi Hai (Film) 23:00 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 23:50 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 00:40 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 01:35 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 02:25 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 03:05 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 03:50 Crime Patrol 4 (Documentary) 04:40 Neal and Nikki (Film)

02:00 Kavach Kaali Shaktiyon Se (Drama) 03:00 Shakti Astitva Ke Ehsaas Ki (Drama) 04:30 Ishq Ka Rang Safed (Drama)


SAB TV 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00

Suhaag (Film) Milap (Film) All is Well (Film) Dilwale (Film)

18:00 Azhar (Film) 21:00 Bahubali: The Beginning (Film) 06:00 Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat (Documentary)

04:30 Dil to Pagal Hai (Film) 07:30 Khidki (Reality Show)

00:00 Chak De! India (Film)

22:00 Khoat (Entertainment)

07:00 Vatsalya Tech (Magazine Programme)

08:00 Gupp Chupp (Drama)

03:00 Tahalka (Film)

23:00 Rana Saheb Kay Life Kay Funday (Drama)

07:30 Ishq Ka Rang Safed

08:30 Khidki (Reality Show)

Kangana changed clothes behind rocks for 'Rangoon' National Award-winning actress Kangana Ranaut, who will be seen in filmmaker Vishal Bhardwajs "Rangoon", says she used to change her costumes behind rocks due to lack of facilities while shooting for the periodic drama film. During her appearance on actress Neha Dhupia's show "#NoFilterNeha", Kangana talked about some of the weird situation that she had to go through while shooting for her films. She said that while shooting for "Queen", she used to change

costumes at cafes in Europe. Something similar happened while she was shooting for "Rangoon" in Arunachal Pradesh. "That happens all the time. When you're thrown out of your comfort zone, initially its intimidating. It doesn't really matter if you're a star or not a star," Kangana said. "It just depends on the kind of project that you choose. For example, for 'Rangoon', we were taken to these

remote valleys of Arunachal Pradesh. There were literally no villages, nothing, not even rest rooms."

"I was p**ing behind rocks, changing behind rocks. My own people would just cover me. Everyone was, so was Shahid (Kapoor). There was nothing, so what do you do?" she added.

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11:00 22nd Annual Star Screen Awards... (Entertainment)


13:00 The Big Idea (Entertainment)

14:30 Housefull (Film)

13:30 The Great Chefs of India (Cookery)

17:30 Jana Na Dil Se Door (Drama)

14:00 Jamai Raja (Drama)

18:00 Mere Angne Mein (Drama)

06:00 Dil Diya Hai (Film)

18:30 Suhaani Si Ek Ladki (Drama)

08:10 Bobby Jasoos (Film)

19:00 Saathiya (Drama)

10:35 Prem Ratan Dhan Payo (Film)

12:00 Neeli Chatri Waale (Documentary)

14:30 Jamai Raja (Drama) 03:35Aaj Ka Arjun (Film) 06:25 Trimurti (Film)

15:00 Jamai Raja (Drama) 15:30 Jamai Raja (Drama)

09:20 Awaara (Film)

16:00 Jamai Raja (Drama)

12:40 Awara Paagal Deewana (Film)

16:30 Bollywood Cut (Entertainment) 17:30 3 Course with Pankaj (Cookery)

21:00 Amma (Drama) 22:00 Brahmarakshas... Jaag Utha Shaitaan (Drama) 23:00 The Golden Years with Javed Aktar (Documentary) 00:00 Brahmarakshas... Jaag Utha Shaitaan (Drama) 01:00 Bollywood Cut (Entertainment) 02:00 Kaala Teeka (Drama) 02:30 Tashn-E-Ishq (Drama)

13:35 Hum (Film)

19:30 Yeh Hai Mohabbatein (Drama)

17:00 Seeta Aur Geeta (Film)

20:00 Dance+ 2 (Game Show)

15:10 Maine Pyar Kiya (Film)

20:00 Housefull (Film)

18:30 Don 2 (Film)

23:00 Housefull 2 (Film)

21:00 Diya Aur Bati Hum (Drama)

21:05 Ishqedarriyaan (Film)

18:00 The Big Idea (Entertainment)

04:00 Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani (Drama)

02:05 Gumrah (Film)

21:30 Ishqbaaaz (Documentary)

23:35 Vaastu Shastra (Film)

18:30 Zee News (News)

04:30 Jamai Raja (Drama)

04:35 Bal Hanuman 2 (Film)

22:00 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai (Drama)

01:45 Awara Paagal Deewana (Film)

19:00 Dr. Subhash Chandra Show (Drama)

05:00 Kaala Teeka (Drama)

22:30 Jana Na Dil Se Door (Drama)


23:00 Yeh Hai Mohabbatein (Drama)

04:10 Barsaat (Film)

20:00 Neeli Chatri Waale (Documentary)

03:00 Meri Sasu Maa (Drama) 03:30 Kumkum Bhagya (Drama)

05:30 Yogic Healing by Swami Ramdev (Entertainment)


23:30 Dance+ 2 (Game Show) 00:30 Saathiya (Drama) 01:00 Diya Aur Bati Hum (Drama) 01:30 Siya Ke Ram (Drama)

06:00 Hum Ko Tumse Ho Gaya Hai... (Drama) 06:30 Hum Ko Tumse Ho Gaya Hai... (Drama) 07:00 Hum Ko Tumse Ho Gaya Hai... (Drama) 07:30 Mere Angne Mein (Drama) 08:00 Mere Angne Mein (Drama) 08:30 Yeh Hai Mohabbatein (Drama) 09:00 Yeh Hai Mohabbatein (Drama)

02:00 Yeh Hai Mohabbatein (Drama) 02:30 Ishqbaaaz (Documentary) 03:00 Saathiya (Drama) 03:30 Hum Ko Tumse Ho Gaya Hai... (Drama)

05:30 Yogic Healing by Swami Ramdev (Entertainment)

12:00 - 13:00


07:00 Zee News (News)

13:00 - 14:00


07:30 Yoga for You (Entertainment)

14:00 - 15:00


15:00 - 16:00


16:00 - 17:00

Akbari Asghari

17:00 - 19:00


19:00 - 19:30

Mr Shamin

19:30 - 20:00

Joru Ka Ghulam

20:00 - 21:00


21:00 - 22:00

Akbari Asghari

22:00 - 23:00


08:00 Bhakti Bhav (Entertainment)

09:00 Money Guru (Business and Finance)

05:00 Siya Ke Ram (Drama)

09:30 The Art Room (Entertainment)

10:30 Dance+ 2 - Get Set Go (Game Show)

Namak Party (Rpt) Dil-e-Beqarar(Rpt)

04:30 Diya Aur Bati Hum (Drama)

09:30 Dance+ 2 (Game Show)

10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:00

08:30 Narayan Seva Sansthan (Documentary)


Jago Pakistan Jago

06:30 Shrimad Bhagwat Katha (Entertainment)

04:00 Suhaani Si Ek Ladki (Drama)

05:30 Yeh Hai Mohabbatein

09:00 - 10:30

10:00 Out and About (Entertainment) 10:30 Bollywood Business (Magazine Programme) 11:00 Big Story, Big Debate (Chat Show)

'Bhavesh Joshi' team impressed by Harshvardhan Kapoor Actor Harshvardhan Kapoor, son of veteran actor Anil Kapoor, has impressed the team of upcoming film "Bhavesh Joshi" with his professionalism, dedication and attention to detailing. According to sources, Harshvardhan, who plays a regular middle class

person in the movie, suggested using the same make-up and hair person that worked on the character-actors looks in the film. Harshvardhan wanted to look every bit like the character the director envisioned. He suggested getting his

hair and make up done with the rest of the team. "Harshvardhan has impressed Vikramaditya Motwane (director of the film) and the team working on 'Bhavesh Joshi'. Despite being a star kid and hailing from cinema lineage, he is very down to earth and keen to learn," said a source. Please note listings correct at time of printing and can vary.



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Afzal Kahn: Number Plate Collector Extraordinaire


When it comes to private number plates, an acclaimed automotive designer and businessman from Bradford knows his stuff. Afzal Kahn, creative director of the Kahn group of companies which includes The Chelsea Truck Company, Project Kahn and Kahn Design has spent many years building up what is the UK’s most valuable number plate collection. His first number plate - 'KHA 17' - was purchased for £700. Four years later he sold the plate for £6,000. It was at that moment Kahn's passion for number plates turned from a hobby into a business. Kahn has amassed over 68 private

registrations in his ever-growing collection, with the value of each plate varying considerably. Some of Kahn’s most popular number plates are his Asian range of number registrations. One of the cheapest is AFO2 ALS whilst the K11 ANS range of registrations include AK11 ANS, BK11 ANS, CK11 ANS and OK11 ANS. If you are in the market for a wedding related number plate, how about WED 11N OR WED 111N? If you would like to indulge in the world of espionage and see yourself as a suitable candidate for a role with MI5 how about 00 77? or J007 NAZ? You would have to cough up a significant figure if you wanted to get your hands on a certain number plate however, one of

the most prestigious number plates in the world: F1. Having paid around £460,000 for the plate in 2008, the registration is now worth millions. In fact, it is affixed to his Bugatti, which you will be able to see on the streets of London on most weekends.

It was reported Afzal has turned down several multi million pound bids thus far. Not a bad investment at all. Having worked as Afzal’s PR Manager for many years, I know just how much the F1 number plate is worth, I have first turned down several multi million pound bids

His first number plate 'KHA 17' - was purchased for £700. Four years later he sold the plate for £6,000. It was at that moment Kahn's passion for number plates turned from a hobby into a business.

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bids on behalf of the principal British designer. When asked about how much F1 is worth, Afzal Kahn told the Asian Standard: “How can you place a value on something so rare?” he reveals. “The number plate was first registered in 1904 by Essex County Council and obviously bears the acronym of Formula One.” Afzal believes number plates are a better investment than property: “From a business perspective the only way is up. Number plates will always be a fantastic investment; they are a better investment than gold and property these days. “I have been at the forefront of two recessions and everything tends to drop apart from number plates, they are only ever issued by the DVLA once and you only get one of a kind.” Mr. Kahn not only designs and coach builds some of the world’s most desirable vehicles in the form of the Flying Huntsman, Huntsman 6X6 and the Vengeance, a re-bodied Aston Martin DB9, he is one of Britain’s most successful businessmen and his number plate collection is without a doubt the most exclusive in the UK!

Kahn's prized possession F1 plate

" Number plates will always be a fantastic investment; they are a better investment than gold and property these days." Afzal Kahn



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Smartphone from Sony introduces Kodak aimed at XAV-AX100 in-car photographers audio system at $499 Kodak's camera set to rival Google Pixel XL and the iPhone 7 goes on sale in December and will cost £449 by RAHUL RAUT Yesteryears popular camera brand Kodak is set to step foot into the smartphone market with thealaunch Sony Electronics introduced new of it's Android Kodak carnew receiver thatoperated brings lots of Ektra.

smartphone connectivity to your The re-using car. American XAV-AX100company supportsisboth Applethe design of itsAuto, 1941 making Kodak it CarPlayand andname Android Ektra in itscar first mobile device. Sony’scamera first smart audio system to

come with both support. The biggest selling point of this new in-dash With the is handset, release receiver its priceslated tag offor $499 (£380in December, the firm is is stepping into British Pound) which much cheaper one the latest, yet and of comfortable for fiercest, all compared to its battlegrounds for smartphones – the big rivals. race for the best camera. Recent flagship phones fromtoGoogle (Pixel XL), XAV-AX100 appears be a double Apple (iPhone 7 Plus) and Huawei's P9 DIN system and comes with a 6.4-inch for their cameras'with were clear also and touted responsive touchscreen abilities. a resolution of 800*480. Though the Unlike andof Apple, though, the screen Google resolution the screen panel camera says its device is not upmanufacturer to par with the quality new Android smartphones and iPhones are providing, it’s still considered decent for an in-car display. It’s display is resistive and has physical buttons

isn't intended to rival these giants.

The makers phone is aimed which letssay thethe driver adjust the audio primarily at photographers. The Ektra system without taking his eyes off is athe photography-led road. It has foursmartphone straightforward designed for those with for physical buttons: one a is passion the Home photography, from to and button, a knob forenthusiasts volume control experts. two other smaller buttons for skip forward and back. Jeff Clarke, Kodak Chief Executive, said: “Kodak has a rich history in imaging technology and the launch of the KODAK Smartphone demonstrates our ongoing commitment to bringing the latest advances in photography to consumers. The original KODAK EKTRA Camera was launched in 1941 and in its latest reincarnation, opens up a world of creative opportunities to all who care about photography.”

Super 8 app, providing professional megapixel front-facing camera with Phase Detection Auto Focus PDAF and effects reminiscent of Kodak’s iconic 8 film stocks. A lightning-fast f2.2 Apple aperture. The custom built allows youSuper the CarPlay functionally other hand, lets you always stay in app is controlled by an camera X20 Decacore processor powers to use your smartphone in a safe andHELIOcontrol of music, maps and more all intuitive touch, you SLR-style smarthaptic way letting accessScene apps likethe ANDROID throughMarshmallow the touchscreen. Selection where adjustments AppleDial, Music and Maps. You canare also smartphone. made in real timecalls, via aand range ofmessages As far as sound is concerned, AX100 make phone send settings including HDR, Landscape, delivers powerful sound, thanks to its via touchscreen on the audio system The KODAK EKTRA Smartphone Portrait, Macro, Sport, four 55-watt Dynamic Reality Amp 2, or vocally using Siri.Night-time, Android Auto, onincludes editing software from Panorama and Bokeh, alongside a Extraproviding BASS technology SNAPSEED, tools to and edit a 10-band Smart Auto mode which auto-selects equalizer which produce clear on-the-go, without having to imagesgraphic the best conditions for your sound at any volume level overcoming download any additional apps. This Follow us In onManual Facebook /AsianStandard or noise. Twitter @Asian_Standard photographs. mode, more engine The device also comes enables users to transform images with advanced users can adjust exposure, with Bluetooth technology and an professional results similarcamera. to manyIt also ISO, focus, white balance and shutter input for a rearview popular desktop image editors. Sharing speed, with the results being visible has a 3 pre-out connectivity ports real is alsoto easy with the results on the screen as changes are made. that in can be time connected external integrated social and media apps and the amplifiers other accessories. Prints app is a simple way to select your The KODAK EKTRA Smartphone has an ergonomically weighted and high For its downsiders, AX100 doesn’t come to be professionally printed. best shots quality industrial design, underlining with AUX input, video output or NFC its camera styling and featuring a pairing unlikeSmartphone its competitors. Also it The KODAK EKTRA will be dedicated dual press shutter button in priced has onlyand one available USB located at the back at £449 across the horizontal style of traditional the unit, which could make charging Europeoflater this year. cameras. The device also features a your phone difficult if you don’t have other means.

Sony introduces XAV-AX100 REVIEW: Now TVin-car Smart Box Twittersystem rolls out at $499 audio a cost effective At the heart of the KODAK EKTRA Smartphone is a 21-megapixel fast focus camera sensor with f2.0 aperture, and an industry leading 13-

XAV-AX100 will be available across North America from later part of November 2016.

Quality Filter to all users to reduce harassment alternative to Sky Q? by RAHUL RAUT

which lets the driver adjust the audio system without taking his eyes off the road. It has four straightforward physical buttons: one is the Home button, a knob for volume control and two other smaller buttons for skip forward and back.

Sony Electronics introduced a new car receiver that brings lots of smartphone connectivity to your car. XAV-AX100 supports both Apple byAndroid RAHULAuto, RAUT CarPlay and making it to beKids automated, from your Cinema Pass, Pass, and Sky Sports Freeview, andaudio Sky TVsystem with noto Skyappears Sony’s firstcatch-up, smart car notifications and other parts Pass. But unlike Sky, these passes areof your subscription, the support. Now TV Smart Box come with both The biggest Twitter experience,” subscription free, meaningthe youcompany can cancelsaid gets a lot of things right, it’s not selling point of this newbut in-dash announcing the feature in its blog point. perfect. The micro-blogging website, receiver is its price tag of $499Twitter (£380 at any post.plenty of excellent content to keep There’s is taking another stepisforward to British Pound) which much cheaper If you own an original Now TV Box for youto its you entertained. Channels from Now TV make it more welcoming place and comfortable for all compared arerivals. going to and love the Now TV smart discussion interaction. The box. Passes, such as Comedy Central or Sky big The biggesthas addition is the HD company announced toFreeview roll out Cinema Premiere can be streamed live or tuner, meaning you can over 60 “Quality Filter” - which filter low viewed from catch up. Channels can be XAV-AX100 appears to watch belets a double paused and rewound, but there is no live system television channels with no quality notifications bots and DIN and comesfrom with a 6.4-inch subscription spammers -needed. to all users to reducewith recording function available. clear and responsive touchscreen harassment. ThisThough featurethe is a aonline resolution of 800*480. The box alsotofeatures all ofscreen the UK’s new move reduce molestation and If you regularly watch Comedy Central or screen resolution of the panel catch-up services, BBCquality iPlayer, ITV new Hub, MTV you're in luck as you won't ever need filters “lower content” isit not up out to par with the quality All 4 and Demand 5. tweets Again, free. are to record again, as the shows are available such as smartphones duplicate oriPhones contents Android andalso that appear be considered automated.decent to catch up with, so you don't miss the providing, it’stostill ability to record shows, but if your favourite There options for you top up your for an are in-car display. It’stodisplay is TV experience by is paying Skyfor to get “Quality Filter” helpful blocking shows are missing, like the popular Asian resistive and has physical buttons channels like Sony TV, then you may need to more channels, and based our targeted harassment. It on automatically grow your package. review weout 're tweets loving the waysuspicious Now TV is screens from set up . and minimize abuse from accounts Two notable absences are Netflix and taking place on the platform. This You can choose to subscribe to Now feature restricts what kinds of tweets Amazon Video. It’s understandable that Sky doesn’t want these competing services on TV’s packages, the Entertainment appear in a user’s notification Pass, tab. “When turned on, the filter can improve the quality of Tweets you see by using a variety of signals, such as

Apple CarPlay functionally allows you to use your smartphone in a safe and smart way letting you access apps like Apple Music and Maps. You can also make phone calls, and send messages via touchscreen on the audio system or vocally using Siri. Android Auto, on

the other hand, lets you always stay in control of music, maps and more all through the touchscreen.

As far as sound is concerned, AX100 delivers powerful sound, thanks to its four 55-watt Dynamic Reality Amp 2, Extra BASS technology and a 10-band graphic equalizer which produce clear sound at any volume overcoming However, not have work your preferences, youway canlevel turn it on the box, but this it’s afeature shame does yas ou’ll Your money goes along as the engine noise. The device also comes the caseaofseparate the people you follow. or off in your notifications settings.” toin purchase streamer for passes are fairly reasonably priced, with and an “It does notand filter content from people charged your regular much loved onBluetooth a monthlytechnology basis, it’s £6.99 for “Quality isn’t aand new£3 inputFilter” for a£10 rearview camera. It also you follow or accounts you’ve recently Entertainment, programmes. forexactly Movies, feature though. It was first rolled out has a 3 pre-out connectivity ports interacted with – and depending on for Kids. The box itself is £39.99. last that yearcan but be was availabletotoexternal only connected verified accounts. until now, only amplifiers andUp other accessories. accounts with blue checkmark had For its of downsiders, AX100 doesn’t come the option filtering out tweets. with AUX input, video output or NFC Twitter has also made notification Also it pairing unlike its competitors. settings widely available and easier has only one USB located at the back to find across mobile thecharging of the unit,both which couldand make web.your Everyone have if the ability phonewill difficult you don’ttohave limitother notifications means. to only people they follow. XAV-AX100 will be available across Filtering is Twitter’s another Northfeature America from later part of attempt to stem2016. the allegation of its November lack of concern toward harassment, which has grown into a major problem for the company. Last month Twitter made applications for verification open for all users and recently it announced that it has suspended 360,000 accounts for promoting terrorism. In all way,

Twitter rolls out


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Sonytointroduces Want opt out of Google's XAV-AX100 in-car intrusive ad-tracking? Here's audio system at $499 some tips on how you can. by RAHUL RAUT

Google's privacy policy now lets it combine personally identifiable Sony Electronics introduced a new information frombrings Gmail,lots YouTube, Search car receiver that of and more, with DoubleClick data from the smartphone connectivity to your web. car. XAV-AX100 supports both Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, making it Google now has the combine Sony’s first smart caroption audioto system to everything it knows about from its come with both support. Theyou biggest Gmail,point YouTube and other applications selling of this new in-dash including personally receiver is its price tagidentifiable of $499 (£380 information your cheaper web British Pound)- with whichallisofmuch browsing habitsfor collected using to its and comfortable all compared DoubleClick. Google changed its privacy big rivals. policy in June and hats when DoubleClick became theappears new norm foracollecting XAV-AX100 to be double data about you. and comes with a 6.4-inch DIN system clear and responsive touchscreen with move shows that socialthe network aGoogles resolution of 800*480. Though tracking behaviour is advancing to a screen resolution of the screen panel where thewith information gathering on isstate not up to par the quality new our personal lives is growing rapidly. Android smartphones and iPhones are providing, it’s still considered decent This Google have for anmove in-carfrom display. It’s could display is gone unnoticed it wasn't for buttons ProPublica. The resistive andif has physical investigative journalism site contacted the search giant for an

which lets the driver adjust the audio Apple CarPlay functionally allows you the other hand, lets you always stay in system without taking his eyes off to use your smartphone in a safe and control of music, maps and more all the road. It has four straightforward smart way letting you access apps like through the touchscreen. physical buttons: one is the Home Apple Music and Maps. You can also explanation. existing account, but is set as default for any logged into the social network, along with As far as sound is concerned, AX100 button, a knob for volume control and make phone calls, and send messages new account created from June. ProPublica anyone using the "Like" and "Share" buttons delivers powerful sound, thanks to its two otherGoogle smaller buttons skip is a resultvia on the audio system claims thefor change of touchscreen its does point out in its assessment that Dynamic when via2,social plugins - all without permission and four 55-watt Reality Amp forward and back. using its services differently, or vocally Android Auto, on customers in theusing Siri.Google alerted customersExtra to the changes, it did and a 10-band potentially for advertising purposes. BASS technology advent of smartphones. It is, Google says, a so by calling them “somegraphic new features for which produce clear equalizer direct response to the fact we use its services your Google account”, insound the kinds of prompts In 2015, Belgium took the social network to at any volume level overcoming on multiple devices. people tend not to read too closely. court over this. The case was eventually engine noise. The device also comes dismissed in June of this year - but only with Bluetooth technology and an However, it could be argued this already led to The web browsing data Google is now because the courts found it did not have input for a rearview camera. It also a change in the ways Google's services could combining with its own trove has ais3 gathered pre-out connectivity portsjurisdiction over the company’s actions, as it is be used back in 2012. Back then, an update to using DoubleClick - the advertising data to externalheadquartered in Dublin. that can beand connected its privacy policy allowed the search giant to tracking company Google bought inand 2007. The accessories. amplifiers other share data on customers across all its search giant reassured the public it would not So here's the best bit - how to opt out of different services. This meant that whatever combine the two pools ofFor data data it holdsAX100 doesn’tGoogle's its- downsiders, come new tracking system. service you used, on whichever device, you on customers from its services, andinput, data video output or NFC with AUX could have a streamlined experience. The Double Click/AsianStandard gathers - after concerns were To it ensure you are opted out of Google’s Follow us on Facebook or unlike Twitter @Asian_Standard pairing its competitors. Also latest change, however, means that Google raised by privacy advocates at theone time. tracking system, go to Activity controls in your has only USB located at the back now has the ability to generate profiles on any Privacy is Google’s “number one priority when account page and untick “Include Chrome of the unit, which could make charging customer opted-in, based on browsing habits we contemplate new kinds of advertising browsing history and activity from websites your phone difficult if you don’t have across any device used to access its services products” founder Sergeyother Brin means. said. and apps that use Google services". and made up of personally identifiable information extracted from those services. And these could be categorised by your real name.

The ways in which internet giants gather and XAV-AX100 will be available across share data on customersNorth outside of its services America from later part of has been under increasing scrutiny 2016. in recent November years. Facebook, in particular, was in the firing line in Europe for tracking users not

Sony Twitterintroduces rolls out XAV-AX100 in-car Quality Filter to all users to reduce harassment audio system at $499 by RAHUL RAUT by RAHUL RAUT

The micro-blogging website, Twitter is taking anotherintroduced step forward to Sony Electronics a new make it morethat welcoming place car receiver brings lots of for discussion and interaction. smartphone connectivity to The your company has announced to roll out car. XAV-AX100 supports both Apple “Quality and Filter” - which lets making filter lowit CarPlay Android Auto, qualityfirst notifications bots and to Sony’s smart carfrom audio system spammers - to all users toThe reduce come with both support. biggest online harassment. This in-dash feature is a selling point of this new new move to reduce molestation and receiver is its price tag of $499 (£380 it filtersPound) out “lower quality content” British which is much cheaper suchcomfortable as duplicatefor tweets or contents and all compared to its thatrivals. appear to be automated. big “Quality Filter” is helpful blocking XAV-AX100 appears to be for a double targeted harassment. automatically DIN system and comesItwith a 6.4-inch screens out tweets from suspiciouswith clear and responsive touchscreen and from aaccounts resolution ofminimize 800*480. abuse Though the taking resolution place on the screen of platform. the screenThis panel feature restricts what kinds of tweets is not up to par with the quality new appear in a user’s notification tab. are Android smartphones and iPhones “When turned on, the filter candecent providing, it’s still considered improve the quality Tweets you for an in-car display.ofIt’s display is see by using and a variety of signals, such as resistive has physical buttons account origin and behavior. Turning it on filters lower-quality content,

The change was optional for anyone with an

appears to be from which lets theautomated, driver adjust theyour audio notifications and taking other parts of your system without his eyes off Twitter experience,” company said the road. It has fourthe straightforward announcing the feature itsHome blog physical buttons: one isin the post. button, a knob for volume control and two other smaller buttons for skip forward and back.

However, this feature does notallows work you Apple CarPlay functionally in the case of the people youinfollow. to use your smartphone a safe and “It smart does not filter content from people way letting you access apps like youApple follow or accounts you’ve Music and Maps. You recently can also interacted withcalls, – andand depending on make phone send messages via touchscreen on the audio system or vocally using Siri. Android Auto, on

yourthe preferences, you can turn it onstay in other hand, lets you always or off in your control ofnotifications music, mapssettings.” and more all through the touchscreen. “Quality Filter” isn’t exactly a new feature though. It was first rolled AX100 out As far as sound is concerned, last delivers year butpowerful was available only to its sound,tothanks verified Up untilReality now, only fouraccounts. 55-watt Dynamic Amp 2, accounts blue checkmark Extrawith BASS technology andhad a 10-band the option of equalizer filtering out tweets. graphic which produce clear sound at any volume level overcoming Twitter has also made notification engine noise. The device also comes settings available and easier withwidely Bluetooth technology and an to find across both mobilecamera. and theIt also input for a rearview web.has Everyone will have the ability to a 3 pre-out connectivity ports limitthat notifications to only people they can be connected to external follow. amplifiers and other accessories. Filtering feature is Twitter’s another For its downsiders, AX100 doesn’t come attempt stem the allegation of its withtoAUX input, video output or NFC lack pairing of concern toward harassment,Also it unlike its competitors. which has grown into a major at the back has only one USB located problem forunit, the which company. Last of the could make charging month Twitter made applications your phone difficult if you don’t have for verification open for all users other means. and recently it announced that it has suspended accounts across XAV-AX100360,000 will be available for promoting terrorism. all part way, of North America from In later Twitter is ensuring that its service is a November 2016. safe place to be.



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Ae Dil Hai Mushkil in


Bollywood films are well known for their picturesque locations and stunning visuals. With the hotly anticipated film Ae Dil Hai Mushkil about to release we took a trip to Austria, Innsbruck for our travel feature this week, where ace Director Karan Johar’s team extensively shot in this beautiful capital of Tyrol Innsbruck is certainly a sight to behold. The jagged rock spires of the Nordkette range are so close that within minutes it’s possible to travel from the city’s heart to over 2000m above sea level and alpine pastures where cowbells chime. Summer and winter activities abound, and it’s understandable why some visitors only take a peek at Innsbruck proper before heading for the hills. But to do so is a shame, for Innsbruck is in many ways Austria in microcosm: its late-medieval Altstadt is picturebook stuff, presided over by a grand Habsburg palace and baroque cathedral, while its Olympic ski jump with big mountain views make a spectacular leap between the urban and the outdoors.

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There are many amazing places to stay in Innsbruck, but if you want to follow where our B-Town star cast of Ae Dil Hai Mushkil stayed, then head down to the Adlers Design Hotel. Adlers Design Hotel, is one of the tallest hotels of Innsbruck, offering stunning panoramic views from all of their rooms, a rooftop spa, bar and restaurant. So if you want to sleep in the same bed as Ranbir Kapoor or want to feel like A-list star Aishwarya Rai Bachchan then a stay at this hotel will most certainly fulfill that. Prices

range from £120 to £199 per night. Innsbruck has so much to offer for Ski lovers, as well as history lovers. Innsbruck’s golden wonder and most distinctive landmark is the Goldenes Dachl Museum built for Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I (1459–1519), lavishly festooned with murals and glittering with 2657 fire-gilt copper tiles. It is most impressive from the exterior, but the museum is worth a look – especially if you have the Innsbruck Card – with an audio guide whisking you through the history. Keep an eye out for the grotesque tournament helmets designed to resemble the Turks of the rival Ottoman Empire. The Nordkette cable cars really

impressed Karan Johar, that the Kabhi Kushi Khabi Gham Director even tweeted about his extraodinary experience. The cable cars take you directly from the Old Town city centre to 2000m in just 20 min. On this mountain you will find the nature park Karwendel, Austrias biggest nature park and maybe you can recall some of the mountain scenes you will see in the movie. You will see lots of the surrounding holiday villages, in Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. Many of the holiday villages are

naturally grown farmer villages on the sunny plateaus around Innsbruck and were used as locations for all of the nature and mountain scenes you will see in the movie. You should definitely visit the villages of Axams and Obsteig, or maybe even book your stay directly there to immerse yourself in the tranquill beauty of the Alps, the fresh air and pure water. So if you want to get a glimpse into the film location and make the same experiences as Karan, Anushka and Ranbir then do it as them and use every minute to explore more of Innsbruck, the Capital of the Alps and its surrounding holiday villages and its marvellous alpine, urban and imperial sights. Picture credits: Innsbruck Tourismus Rainer Fehringer Innsbruck Special

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Friendship Walk celebrates diversity and unity in Batley

by Mo Bhana

Community and faith groups from across Batley organised a unique event to celebrate the diversity and unity that flows though the town. The Walk With Us Friendship Walk took place on Saturday the 15th of October. Local people including children and families met up at 2pm and set off from the market place in Batley town centre, walking at a leisurely pace to the Bulldogs ground on Mount Pleasant. Planning the walk brought together local organisations including Kirklees Council, Batley Bulldogs, Indian Muslim Welfare Society, Pakistani Kashmiri Welfare Association, local churches and local mosques. The organisations represent all parts of the local community who already have working partnerships across a number of projects. The Friendship Walk, however, has united all under one objective.

Umar Faruk Dhorat of the Al Mubarak foundation, took part in the walk and commended the organisers and everyone who took part. He believes the event is the ideal example of how people from an array of backgrounds are coming together and helping fellow citizens: “This has been a wonderful walk,” said Dhorat.

come together - where the whole communities in Batley can grow in our friendships and understanding of one another - to see how much we do have in common but also to celebrate our differences.”

Humpelby insisted the Bulldogs were more than happy to take part and promote cohesion within the town.

“Everyone has come together and this sort of thing needs to happen more often. This is the sort of event where everyone comes together; these sort of positive activities are great for the people of Batley.” Rev Mark Umpleby, Associate Priest at United Benefice of Batley said: “The Walk With Us project began many months ago when I suggested to a few faith leaders that we do lots of visits & events where people from different faiths meet together - but these are not seen by many people apart from those who attend. “We as faith leaders in Batley will hope to continue to have events, visits, and times to

Jon Humpleby from the Batley bulldogs community team explained gave all the walkers a very warm welcome on their arrival at the Fox's biscuits stadium. Tea, biscuits and an array of culinary refreshments were made available for all, along with a range of activities.

Mohamed Mulla, Chair of the Indian Muslim Welfare Society, said “"Following on from the horrific murder of Jo Cox we decided that we, as an established community organisation, need to do much more to cement the community cohesion as Indian Muslim Welfare Society has been at the forefront of this kind of activities. Together with the local faith leaders we came up with an idea of a friendship walk."

“Batley bulldogs are delighted to be involved with other community groups in organising such a positive event for everyone in the local community.” Furthermore, anyone who found the walk somewhat difficult, was given a ‘free pass’ and encouraged to meet up at both or either location to show their support for the bonds of friendship. With the term ‘more in common’, coined by former Batley and Spen MP, Jo Cox, remembered fondly by all in attendance.



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Tracy Brabin: We stand together with one voice choosing unity and hope. by MO BHANA

Former Coronation Street actress Tracy Brabin has been elected MP for Batley and Spen, winning the seat for Labour in the by-election triggered by the murder of Jo Cox . The 55-year-old said her victory was "bittersweet'', saying that she hoped Jo would be proud that the people of Batley and Spen had spoken with one voice. Labour secured the West Yorkshire constituency with a majority of 16,537 after the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, Ukip and Greens chose not to field candidates out of respect for Mrs Cox. Speaking over heckles of “She’s a racist” from independent candidate, Waqas Ali Khan, Ms Brabin said: "This has been a difficult experience for all of us and tonight is a bittersweet occasion for me. That this by-election has had to take place at all is a tragedy," she said.

"I hope Jo will be proud tonight of our community. We have shown that we stand together with one voice choosing unity and hope."

Brabin beat English Democrat Therese Hirst - one of nine independent and fringe party candidates to contest the seat in a list which included representatives of the far-right National Front and BNP, who all lost their deposits. Turnout was just 25% - one of the lowest by-election turnouts since the Second World War. When asked about her plans for her constituency, she said she wanted to hit the ground running in memory of the late Jo Cox: “It is a privilege and an honour; I would never have thought I would be here. “However, when I was campaigning with Jo in 2015 against Library closures she was the one that said ‘Tracy you should think about being an MP,’ and the irony is not lost on me and I am here because of the circumstances and I am

going to give it my all.” Brabin also paid tribute to the family of Jo Cox: “All the way, Brendan, kim, the family have been incredibly supportive, this cannot be easy for them. What they are going through this evening obviously our

heart goes out to them and a little flintMs Brabin, who was heckled loudly by supporters of some of the rival candidates, said many of the people who voted for her told her they did not normally support Labour.

Tracy with supporters

Sturgeon warns Prime Minster referendum 'not a bluff' by ITRAT BASHIR

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has warned Theresa May she is "not bluffing" over her promise to hold an independence referendum if Scotland's vote against Brexit is "not respected". After talks in Downing Street, she said she was not prepared to see "Scotland driven off a hard Brexit cliffedge". Downing Street said Theresa May would set out her vision for a new way of working between the UK government and the devolved administrations. The prime minister will propose that the JMC - a body made up of representatives from the UK government and the devolved administrations of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland - meets at least yearly and is hosted by each government on a rotating basis. Speaking ahead of the JMC, Michael Russell, the Minister for UK Negotiations on Scotland's Place in Europe, said the Scottish government had a "triple mandate" to maintain Scotland's relationship with Europe.

Nicola Sturgeon

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Issue 5



Hilary Benn And Yvette Cooper To Chair Commons Brexit And Home Affairs Committees

Hilary Benn and Yvette Cooper have been elected to chair two of the most powerful select committees in the House of Commons.

Benn won convincingly, beating Hoey on the first ballot of all MPs, by 330 votes to 209, to head up the new 21-strong cross-party committee.

Benn will head the new Brexit Select Committee, scrutinising the Government’s plans to take the UK out of the EU, after seeing off a challenge from Eurosceptic Labour MP Kate Hoey.

Key allies of Jeremy Corbyn had nominated Hoey for the post, including Shadow Business Secretary Clive Lewis, Shadow Northern Ireland Secretary David Anderson and Shadow Cabinet Office Minister Ian Lavery.

Cooper will chair the Home Affairs Committee, having defeated Caroline Flint, Chuka Umunna and Paul Flynn in the election for the coveted post.

But many Labour MPs felt that the Vauxhall MP, who had campaigned in the EU referendum alongside Nigel Farage, was no match for Benn.

Her victory was greeted with delight by husband Ed Balls, the former Shadow Chancellor and now Strictly Come Dancing contestant.

Hoey herself tweeted that she was surprised she had gain even her 209 votes, many of which came from Tory MPs and a hard core of Labour Eurosceptics.

The two former Shadow Cabinet ministers, who have opted not so serve under Jeremy Corbyn, will now carve out potentially formidable new roles in Parliament.

Benn, whose sacking by Corbyn sparked mass resignations during the Labour ‘coup’ this summer, said he was “honoured” to have been elected as chair of the new Exiting the European Union select committee, as it is formally known. “How we negotiate our withdrawal from the EU and build a new relationship with Europe is the biggest challenge we will face in this Parliament. “I am looking forward to working with colleagues from all sides of the House and our constructive scrutiny of the Department for Exiting the EU will be vital to ensure that we get an agreement that works for the whole country. “In order to do this, we will need transparency from ministers and clarity about the Government’s negotiating objectives on which Parliament will want to take a view.” Benn added that issues he will want to address will include how to minimise business uncertainty, balance control of free movement with continued access to European markets for UK goods and services, and co-operation on security, defence and foreign affairs. Cooper beat second placed Caroline Flint after three rounds of voting in the Commons by MPs from all parties.

Umunna, a member of the Home Affairs Committee, managed just 111 votes, only 50 more than veteran maverick Paul Flynn. Cooper, Flint and Umunna all claimed to have substantial Labour backing, but in the end Tory votes swung it for the former Shadow Home Secretary. There had been reports of Tory whips advising MPs that the Prime Minister did not want her former shadow to get the chairmanship, a move that appeared to backfire. Cooper said: “I am delighted to have been elected by MPs from right across the House as Chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee. “I look forward to working with everyone on the Committee and across Parliament. “At a time when patterns of crime are changing, community cohesion is under pressure, the security threat is ongoing and the Brexit deal will have implications for policing and immigration, there is important work for the Home Affairs Select Committee to do.”


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Retail Business of the Year Award for Bradford baker





Voted for by the public, the English Asian Business Awards last month announced Nafees Bakeries as their Retail Business of the year 2016. The glamorous black tie celebration was held for its fifth consecutive year at the Manchester Piccadilly Hotel on September 16. The popular bakers established in the UK in 1979 and offer a range of sweets, savouries and celebration cakes. With several established retail outlets across the UK, Nafees Bakers also have busy and well known bakeries in Pakistan. Notably in Mirpur, Dadyal or Islamghar areas of Pakistan.

Nafees have a clear vision and plan for the future. The company mission statement reads that it was formed with a mission to provide bakery products, South Asian Sweets (Methai) and Cakes to the market with high quality, locally produced, freshly made from finest Ingredients and with a vision to expand the sales to international markets.

our customers with the best in South Asian bakery products and to ensure 100 per cent satisfaction at all times." Everything is a blessing from the

Almighty and we hope we can continue serving our customers with the best in Asian bakery products for many more years to come" He concluded.

At the start of the new millennium, Nafees Bakeries has a vision to create for itself a leadership position in growth of markets in Europe. Asian Standard spoke to the General Manager at the Bradford site about the award and what this means for the business. "It's a great acheivement to be recognised as the Retail Business of the Year" Said Hur Ahmed. "The award is a symbol of our hard work and commitment to serving

Blacks Solicitors Win Best Law Firm Award at Yorkshire Legal Awards £

Blacks Solicitors LLP triumphed at the Yorkshire Legal Awards last night when the firm took home the award for Best Law Firm (11 – 30 partners), beating an impressive competitive line-up of Yorkshirebased firms.


The judging panel, which included Sue Harris, Deputy President of the Leeds Law Society and Judge Geoffrey Kamil, presented the award to Blacks in recognition of the firm’s continued growth, enviable reputation, its wide range of experience across a variety of sectors, and its commitment to training initiatives and CSR. This is the second time in four years that Blacks have won the coveted accolade of Best Law firm, and have previously also received Awards for Residential Property and Managing Partner of the Year.


Blacks’ emphasis on its strategy has meant that it has prospered at a time when competitors fell by the wayside, or merged with others to

survive. No other firm of its size has raised its profile more during the recession, with the business turning over almost £12 million 2015/16

Chris Allen, managing partner at Blacks Solicitors LLP, was there on the night to collect the award. He said: “It’s truly an honour to even be shortlisted for Best Law Firm and to win it just shows that the hard work and commitment from the whole team is paying off. “We wouldn’t be where we are without our loyal clients and dedicated, hard-working team, so this is for all of them!” The firm’s high staff retention rate is yet another prime example of its achievement with the headcount rising from 79 in April 2009 to 175 by the end of 2015. Plans are afoot to move into larger premises to cope with the demand. This will see all of its commercial and corporate services brought together under

one roof, to offer a powerful level of support for small and medium enterprises across the region. The Yorkshire Legal Awards

bring together the region’s legal community to celebrate its achievements and recognise the outstanding talent across Yorkshire.

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Tata boss 'sacking' leaves India puzzled Tata Sons, the holding company of Tata Group, in a sudden move on Monday, unexpectedly replaced chairman Cyrus Mistry with his predecessor Ratan Tata,

a successor to Ratan Tata in 2012, as the second chairman from outside the Tata family and with high hopes that he would be the right man to steer the company.

The paper also notes that there was a "fundamental disconnect between [Mr] Mistry and Tata, particularly with regard to ethos, values, vision and the direction" the group was taking.

The change is made even more puzzling by the company giving no explanation or details about its decision.

He was the sixth chairman in Tata's 148-year history and the first chairman in nearly 80 years to come from outside the Tata family.

The Times of India however, describes the "replacement" bluntly as a "sacking", suggesting in fact that Mr Mistry is "likely to move to the Bombay high court" to challenge the board's "decision to dismiss him".

The country's media, though, is filled with speculation about the decision and what the future might hold for Tata.

The Economic Times writes the move was over "performance issues," citing allegations that Tata was not happy with Mr Mistry's "approach of shedding non-profit businesses, including the conglomerate's steel business in Europe, and concentrating only on cash cows".

The first question on everyone's mind was "Why?" Cyrus Misty had been hand-picked as

Ratan Tata is Mr Mistry's predecessor and had been leading the group for 21 years. However, he is also 78 years old, which hardly makes him a long-term prospect for the company. There is now a selection committee charged with finding the permanent replacement within four months.



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Harris and Green: Keeping it simple

Harris & Green Solicitors is a celebrated and forward thinking law firm which was established by solicitor Javaid Bostan, seven years ago. The niche boutique law firm has experienced significant growth from its head office in the heart of Leeds. The firm has seen many successful outcomes, with cases varying from

immigration deportation, to family matters, such as finance settlements from marriage breakdowns. Mr Bostan told Asian Standard that with the constant changes in law, there is a real need for expert legal advice. “One of the reasons why we are in high demand and successful is because we make the legal process easy to access and simplify the

process for our clients. “We make applications such as spouse visa easy by helping with the entire process from completing the application, to making payments and for the documents to come to us direct, rather than our clients having to travel to collect their spouse’ passport.” The law firm also deals with family law

Javaid Bostan Solicitor at Harris & Green

cases and personal injury claims, that is handled by an efficient team with a combined experience of over 29 years. Clients can expect value service, with an initial consultation and a female solicitor upon request. Clients can book an appointment or walk in to their modern offices based on Dewsbury Road, in Leeds for a confidential and one to one consultation. Harris & Green Solicitors have a wealth of experienced solicitors ensuring a high level of partner engagement in all client transactions. They see themselves as local solicitors supporting their local communities and therefore you can expect a personal and responsive service. They are friendly and approachable and try hard to simplify things and talk to you in plain English, which is rather refreshing. They will also keep you informed regularly as to how things are progressing with your case. In many legal situations, time is often of the essence, and you need a solicitor to move quickly on your behalf. Harris & Green has this ability and will act swiftly where required. Like many well-oiled machines, with all the cogs in the right place, Harris & Green thrive on core values and beliefs that remain the fabric of their working practice, which are value for money, quality of service and a simple and efficient experience. So if you require legal advice from those in the know, then visit www.

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Money Talks



with our finance expert

Shabab Gulfraz

Inflation and why savers should be worried I guess in the last few weeks our readers must be thinking I am the grim reaper, when it comes to writing my articles, as most of my articles have been giving bad news to our readers. It will come at no surprise that this week, yet again I have some bad news. This is for our customers that have savings, and yet again it's news that savers will not be concerned with. I have always found that people with cash savings are usually people that are either very low risk, or have some savings and these savings are used to give an income in future years. I used to have some clients in the past who had saved all their lives, the plan being that their savings would generate circa 4% interest and this would give an income of around ÂŁ4,000, which will be

used to top pension income. The same customers I recently spoke to, and they were getting an interest rate of 1.3% which generated around ÂŁ1500; therefore, the husband and wife were dipping into their savings to ensure they have enough money to sustain their living standards. I spoke to the same clients recently and they are shocked that their bank has reduced rates to around 0.5% and their income has dramatically dropped to around ÂŁ600. I can understand why banks have reduced rates, but what I do not understand is that the base rate drop was 0.25% and rates have been slashed beyond this. This surely does not make sense, or some cynics would say the

banks have used the rate drop as an excuse to dramatically reduce the rate the pay on their savings. In some cases their is clear evidence of this. I would say that my own personal bank account has slashed their rates significantly, and it's rather annoying because it's clearly a far higher fall than the drop in the base rate, and the bank in question used the rate fall as a reason for reducing rates. I have just moved by banking elsewhere using the simple current account switch service because my view is simple, my ex bank was not very loyal to loyal customers. I would encourage our readers to shop around and find better rates, and not remain loyal to a financial institution, but rather do what is best in your circumstances.

The second reason to shop around is that inflation rose to 1% in September, this is a dramatic rise, and whilst Mr Carney feels a short term increase in inflation will not affect the economy I beg to differ. Inflation, when it is beyond the rate of return on short to medium rate money i.e. savings, is clearly bad news. This is because the intrinsic value of money is falling by more than the return, and if this continues, then hard earned funds are significantly losing their purchasing power. Inflation is of concern, as due to the recent fall in the value of the pound goods will get more expensive. This means that if goods are getting more expensive, then inflation will increase further, which in essence will reduce the purchasing power of savings

further. Overall, the concern is that if inflation does hit beyond 2% to 3%, then would then Bank of England raise interest rates, or would they try to manipulate rates by other means such as raising the rate of vat. I think the bank would find it difficult to manage fiscal policy because raising rates may not curb inflation. As a financial adviser, I would say that in the next six months to one year their is a fair amount of uncertainty, which makes markets nervous and in return this is never good news for a countries economy.


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Luke Patel is a Partner at Leeds law firm Blacks Solicitors LLP specialising in commercial dispute resolution and heads up that team. Luke was the winner of the Best Professional in Business award at the Asian English Business Awards 2013. Described in the Legal 500 as “exceptional” he primarily acts for individuals, owner managed businesses and SME’s in a wide range of sectors including financial, insurance, property and construction.


The US presidential election is dominating the news and the Republican Party Nominee, Donald Trump, has been causing a stir with some of the comments that he has made. During the course of his campaign to be selected as the Republican Nominee, Mr Trump made a number of statements concerning people of the Muslim faith which were widely reported by the UK media. During a television interview Mr Trump claimed that “We have places in London and other places that are so radicalised the police are afraid for their own lives”.

Mr Malik, a British Muslim and leader of the Communities United Party claimed that these statements had caused severe loss and distress to the Muslim community in East London’s Green Street and were defamatory and he brought a claim against Mr Trump. However, the High Court ruled that the pleadings drafted by Mr Malik, who was a litigant in person, did not satisfy the requirements of the Civil Procedure Rules where it was necessary to plead the defamatory

meaning of the words complained of. The Judge found that the words complained of did not refer to or identify the Claimant. There was reference to “parts of London” but a reasonable reader would not conclude that Green Street was the intended reference or that Mr Malik could be understood as particularly referred to within that geographical location. Further, the words complained of were not defamatory even if they referred to the Claimant. Accordingly, Mr Malik’s claim was dismissed.

Mr Mailk, Communities United Party

The Judge held that even if the claim had not been struck out for the above reason, as Mr Trump was not a resident of this country the Claimant would have required leave to serve out of jurisdiction but such leave would have been refused by the Court on the basis that the claim did not stand a reasonable prospect of success.

Donald Trump

Defamation claims are usually complicated and difficult to bring and without legal assistance a Claimant can easily come unstuck. Blacks Solicitors LLP has a specialist Defamation Team who can advise and assist on any issues concerning defamation, privacy or media law. Follow me on Twitter for more @ LukeLawBlacks

It’s the way forward Yaar

Fever FM @ The Resource Centre 233-237 Roundhay Road - Leeds LS8 4HS Tel: 0113 380 5680 - Direct: 0788 170 1133 Email: -



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Tasty food certainly is the spice of life In the small northern town where I live, there is a Chinese family running a traditional fish and chip shop; there is a Pakistani family running a Chinese takeaway and now there is an English family, selling home-cooked Indian food. Food is big business in the UK, and whatever suits the local demand is fine by me. Most of the eateries provide decent, affordable food and surely that is all anyone wants? This quirky observation about who runs what, recently led to an over-heated discussion on the town’s local Facebook page, with the general outcome that people don’t really care who makes the food, as long as it is of a good quality and tasty. This would never have happened years ago. But, as we all know, times are changing. It used to be strictly Chinese people running a Chinese take-away and where I live, Pakistani people running the Indian takeaways. Today though, one of the most popular eateries in the district is a fish and chip shop run by a Greek man, who has a secret ingredient in the batter, so secret even his staff are not told what it is. There is also a West Indian take-away opening soon, so I imagine goat curry will be pride of place on the menu. That will certainly give the opinionated amateur food critics something to rant about. I’ve never tried it, and probably won’t as I am a vegetarian, but it is supposed to be amazing. I have noticed in most Indian restaurants in the UK, that the chefs and waiters are usually male. The restaurants have been hit hard in recent years too, with red-tape bureaucracy. It means that head chefs have to be paid a large salary, which often proves impossible for a struggling business. There has also been a clamp down on employing workers from abroad, which can restrict the style of food being cooked.

There is a popular vegetarian Indian restaurant in Leeds called Hansa’s and the chefs are all female. You can overhear them laughing and talking as they make the food, when you pass by the kitchen. I stopped to say ‘hello’ when I was last there and loved the fact they were having such a fun time while cooking. I felt like I had popped into a pal’s kitchen. Amid much laughter they joked about how women make better food. And from the offerings on their vast menu, I could see their home-cooking was creative and as healthy as possible. It is also good to see in some modern Indian eateries, including the Yorkshirebased Jinnah Restaurant chain, that there is a noticeable increase in female staff, serving food and front of house, as well as making the food and drinks. I feel this is quite a change from traditional structures and applaud any forwardthinking business for its stance. Visiting a modern city centre Indian is now an outing in itself, with many offerings an ‘experience’, not just a meal. Be if fancy cocktails, dramatic surroundings or delicious desserts, but the quality of the food is still the major attraction for most customers.

Years ago while travelling in India, I really appreciated the signs hanging outside stating ‘veg’ or ‘non-veg’. How clear and simple is that? I also remember the glass screened and air-conditioned ‘smoking rooms’ in most restaurants, giving customers a choice of where they wanted to sit and enjoy their meal. This was long before the UK smoking ban was introduced, but it was very forward thinking for the time, and despite the notion that India and many parts of Asian are behind the times, I found it to be advanced when it comes to providing food. It was a surprise to discover that the food in Asia was quite different from the ‘tikka masala’ or ‘madras’ type offerings in UK restaurants. I suppose they cater to the local demand and certain foods come and go in trends. Sometimes here in the UK, Mexican is the popular choice and seems to be the ‘in-thing’, then suddenly meaty ‘steak houses’ are opening up everywhere. So this weekend, I shall look forward to a meal at our favourite local Indian restaurant. I have just discovered that the chef moved from the Netherlands to work here, so I suppose it will be a Dutch-Indian meal with a twist of Yorkshire in it.

It used to be strictly Chinese people running a Chinese take-away and where I live, Pakistani people running the Indian take-aways. Today though, one of the most popular eateries in the district is a fish and chip shop run by a Greek man


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All new Audi A5 Coupe and sportback models in shape for UK debut Sharpened Coupé and Sportback models deploy an all-new platform and cutting edge infotainment to mix business with pleasure perfectly

Audi A5 Coupé and Sportback advance into production Less than a month after its European debut at Paris, the successor to the five-door Audi acclaimed for wrapping high functionality in a captivating coupé-like silhouette is ready to order in the UK. Sporting a host of technological advancements that encapsulate Vorsprung durch Technik under its sharpened and toned skin, the A5 Sportback joins the equally attractive new Coupé which has been available since late September. It will touch down here a couple of months after its twodoor relative in February 2017.

with quattro drive and S tronic transmission in the Coupé, and appears in 286PS* form exclusively linked to an eight-speed tiptronic in the Sportback. The former boasts a 6.2-second 62mph sprint time and 155mph top speed despite CO2 of as little as 119g/km and up to 58.9mpg combined.

Heading up the highly intelligent new range, and available to order at the same time in both Coupé and Sportback form is an even faster, more powerful and more efficient S5 quattro, now featuring a turbocharged V6 TFSI. Power has ramped up to 354PS, propelling both three-door and five-door versions to 62mph in just 4.7 seconds.

Drawing on a turbocharged V6 TFSI powerplant that delivers 354PS and 500Nm between 1,370 and 4,500rpm, the S5 Coupé and Sportback share 4.7-second zero to 62mph capability, and both can reach a limited top speed of 155mph. An integrated exhaust manifold, new combustion technology and a freewheeling function embedded in the standard eight-speed tiptronic transmission all contribute to lower consumption than that of the predecessor, resulting in 38.2mpg combined for the Coupé (37.7mpg for the Sportback) and a shared CO2value of 170g/km.



A choice of three TDI and two TFSI power units are available in the new A5 Coupé and Sportback. The fourcylinder 2.0 TFSI and 2.0 TDI both produce 190PS and can be configured with either a six-speed manual or 7-speed S tronic transmission. An ultra version of the TDI in the Coupé offers the same power, torque (400Nm between 1,750 and 3,000rpm) and 0-62mph performance (7.7 seconds), but combines this with the potential for even greater economy returns of up to 70.6mpg combined and 105g/km compared to the already impressive peak of 67.3mpg combined and 111g/km for the 'standard' 2.0 TDI.

In keeping with the rest of the Audi range, the hierarchy for A5 Coupé and Sportback consists of SE, Sport and S line specification levels. The lead-in SE option now features more equipment than ever, including a host of infotainment and driver assistance systems.

A 2.0 TFSI producing 252PS and 370Nm of torque is mated exclusively to quattro all-wheel drive. In the Coupé, 0-62mph takes a mere 5.8 seconds (6.0 for the Sportback) and both top out at 155mph. The combined 47.9mpg potential and 136g/km is unchanged regardless of the silhoutte. At the top end of the scale, a V6 TDI with 218PS is offered in conjunction

These range from the Audi Smartphone Interface connection hosting Apple Carplay and Android Auto, and the front and rear Audi Parking System

Plus to the Audi pre-sense City which warns the driver of a imminent collision and can initiate emergency braking and the multi-collision brake assist, capable of reducing further impacts through full braking. Also new to the A5 range is the Audi connect Safety and Service package. Fitted as standard, an embedded SIM card enables occupants to dial an emergency or assistance call service with a one-touch button function inside the car. All SE models are fitted with 17-inch alloy wheels, and come equipped with xenon headlights aided by LED daytime running lights. Further highlights include Audi Drive Select, a deluxe three-zone electronic climate control system and a power-operated tailgate for Sportback models (coupé models come fitted with an electric boot lid release mechanism). Sport models build on this further by incorporating an LED interior lighting pack, electrically adjustable sports seats with 4-way lumbar support upholstered in Twin leather, SD cardbased MMI navigation and a threemonth free trial of Audi connect. Standout features on the sharper S line in addition to the customary visual enhancements are 18-inch alloy wheels, sport suspension, LED front and rear lights with dynamic rear indicators and front sports seats upholstered in leather/Alcantara.

S5 COUPÉ AND SPORTBACK SET THE PACE On the top rung, the S5 quattro models are of course marked out by S specific upgrades that subtly convey their performance potential. In addition to the customary quad oval tailpipes and aluminium-effect door mirror housings, S5 logos adorn the grille, front wings and rear. Partly polished 19-inch alloy wheels conceal S sport suspension and specially tuned brakes, while a matt aluminium finish extends to the rear diffuser, inlays surrounding the air inlets and radiator grille. The vibrant Misano red and Navarra blue paintwork are also exclusively available for this model. Inside, Fine Nappa leather extends to the front S super sports seats, combining lumbar support, pneumatic adjustment and a massage function. MMI navigation plus and a three-year subscription to the Audi connect suite round out the interior upgrades. Separately on S5 models, a sport differential can complement the quattro drivetrain for more targeted torque distribution to the rear wheels, improving stability and agility in fast corners. PROGRESSIVE TECHNOLOGY Naturally, the most forward-thinking technological advancements can now supplement the already extensive standard equipment list, from the Audi virtual cockpit and Matrix LED lights to a head-up display and Bang & Olufsen 3D sound system. In terms of driver assistance, adaptive cruise control with Stop&Go incorporates a traffic jam assist function capable of taking over braking, acceleration and steering inputs at speeds of up to 37mph to take the strain off stop-start traffic. A similarly innovative feature is the predictive efficiency assistant, which uses route data to calculate when free-wheeling or engine braking can be automatically applied to boost overall mpg.

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Greater design, technology and functionality. SEAT is continuing its relentless product offensive with the unveiling of the New Leon, ahead of its launch in early 2017. The latest incarnation of the Barcelonabased brand’s best-selling model already has a multi-award-winning recipe, blending key ingredients of comfort, technology and quality, with emotional design and driving pleasure. The successful “Leon formula” Is now having a drop of extra technology and design added to the mix. “With the New SEAT Leon, we want to continue the success story of one of SEAT’s most emblematic models, including further technologies in terms of driving assistance systems, safety systems and, of course, connectivity” added the Vice-President for R&D, Dr. Matthias Rabe. Without a doubt, one of the main reasons for the current Leon’s success has been its striking and high quality design, so, for 2017, some subtle

changes have been added. SEAT Design Director, Alejandro Mesonero Romanos, affirmed, “The Leon is a very attractive model and it isn’t necessary to change its image, only reinforce it, refresh it. The objective is to harmonise all parts of it, in particular the front and the rear, with the sides of the car.” For that reason, the front and rear have sharper, more assertive lines than the current model, with incisive lateral lines that are less distinct at the front and rear. The intention has been to emphasise this sharp image, achieving it with a more coherent look. The new, improved exterior lights are particularly noteworthy thanks to new rear lights and headlights complete with Full-LED technology. LED technology has also been used in the indicators and fog lights. Following the launch of the Ateca with such a vast range of driver assistance systems, it’s now the Leon’s turn to

take on-board the latest technological developments. For example, Traffic Jam Assist, a function that offers great comfort in traffic with frequent and intermittent stops. Thanks to the combination of Lane Assist and ACC, in traffic jams the car manoeuvres, accelerates and brakes automatically within the limits of the system. Up to 37 mph, the system provides assistance with speed while keeping the car in the correct lane. Another added feature is the Pedestrian Protection System which recognises vehicles, as well as pedestrians, ensuring that safety is paramount both in the city and on the motorway. Further new systems include Traffic Sign Recognition, Blind Spot Detection, and the most advanced parking assist technology with both bay and parallel parking, Emergency Assist and High Beam Assist. The camera and navigation systems have been improved too, to now recognise a higher number

of traffic signs. The New SEAT Leon also includes a new centre console with an Electric Parking Brake. The new SEAT Leon will be offered with five trim levels at UK launch: S, SE Dynamic, SE Technology, FR and the new XCELLENCE. The new highlight is the latter with its distinctive upmarket feel, including luxurious upholstery (Alcantara and leather as an optional), extensive trim elements and multicolour ambient interior lighting. On the outside, it gleams with a chrome design front grille, new front and rear bumpers, and also comes with rear LED indicators. On the inside, it benefits from an aluminium XCELLENCE kickplate, LED interior illumination pack and KESSY (Keyless Enter and Go). The New SEAT Leon’s range of Euro 6 compliant engines satisfies a wide range of needs. The TDI engine range begins with a 1.6 90 PS and goes up to the 2.0 184 PS, plus, it includes a new

1.6 115 PS powertrain. In terms of petrol power, the New Leon’s options range from 110 to 180 PS, with a new 1.0 litre TSI three-cylinder 115 PS for the UK being the latest addition. When it comes to gearboxes, the range includes five- or six-speed manual units, all well as double-clutch DSG with six- or seven-speeds. The New SEAT Leon will be available in the three existing body types; five-door, SC (Sports Coupé) and ST (Sports Tourer). In summary, the New Leon boasts an updated design, an even broader range of efficient engines, plus, a raft of advanced technology, to keep it at the top of the class. A new Leon CUPRA will be available in the near future, complete with its own surprises. But that’s a story for another day.

Dozens of lots up for grabs in Britain’s most bizarre car auction Britain’s most bizarre car auction will take place in Hampshire this week with lots including a dilapidated Batmobile, a giant bowl of Spaghetti Bolognese and a Nissan dressed as a dog.

The unusual sale is made up of a wacky assortment of vehicles that successfully completed the Bangers4BEN 2016 rally – an annual drive across the Continent in aid of BEN, Britain’s automotive industry charity. This year’s epic trek saw 38 teams and 41 cars drive the 850 miles between the UK to Maranello – the home of Ferrari – and back, in just four days. Among the competing vehicles – all of which will be included in the charity auction – was a Zombie-fighting Ford Fiesta, a Ford Ka covered in fur, the Bolognese-covered Beetle and a 1999 Daihatsu HiJet dressed up as Scooby Do’s Mystery Machine.

Previous auctions have seen the Bangers4Ben cars go on to have second lives on TV, as promotional vehicles or even be used in other banger rallies. This year among the ragbag assortment of the weird, wonderful and woeful were a handful of rare and collectible gems, which will also go under the hammer. These include a very early example of the BMW-built MINI, registered in August 2001 which is already seen as something of a classic, with or without its current Jurassic Park themed wrap. Another future classic is the early Mercedes-Benz SLK. Once someone’s pride and joy, the drop-top Merc is wrapped in white with the Italian flag and will be sold with no reserve. Organisers hope the sale will push the total amount raised by this year’s rally

past the £50,000 mark. The auction takes place at BCA in Blackbushe at 1pm on Friday, 28 October. BCA will also donate its commission from the sales to BEN. Andy Entwistle, Managing Director of Blackball Media, the company which organizes the rally, said: “Bangers4BEN has grown to become a real highlight of the UK automotive calendar. But all the silliness is for a serious cause, with all the proceeds from the event going to help fund BEN’s fabulous work to support thousands of individuals and families connected with the UK automotive industry. “Hopefully, those attending the auction will bid generously and help us raise as much money as possible for this brilliant charity.” Trade buyers wishing to bid for lots in the auction can do so online by using their BCA account. Private buyers can register and bid in person at the auction. Full details of the cars on offer can be found at www.

Bizarre cars up for auction



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BRAIN TEASER Peter picked one pepper more than Paul. Pat picked one pepper more than Pam. Peter and Paul picked 10 more peppers than Pat and Pam. Peter, Paul, Pat and Pam picked 60 peppers. How many peppers did Peter pick? Answer: 18 peppers

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Pakistani Football in Mourning After Shahlyla Ahmadzai Baloch Passing by AYYAZ MALIK

Pakistani football is in mourning after news emerged that the women’s team striker Shahlyla Ahmadzai Baloch had died in a car accident on Thursday 13 October. According to police officials, the 21-year old Shahlyla was returning from a restaurant with Fadeayan Baloch (her fiancé). The Toyota Cruiser that she was travelling in at the time, went out of control and crashed into a sidewalk and iron pool. Police officials confirmed that Baloch was sitting in the passenger seat when the incident took place.

Shahlyla Ahmadzai Baloch, 21, was arguably one of the finest strikers in Pakistan women’s football team. Players such as men’s national captain Kaleemullah took to social media to express his shock at the sad passing. Baloch represented her country at the South Asian Football Federation Women Football Championship 2014 in Islamabad, which was the last international event that Pakistan women’s team competed in. The Pakistani youngster’s tragic passing has upset many in the Asian football world.

Pakistan vs West Indies; Pakistan Want Their Number One World Ranking Back by AYYAZ MALIK

After being in the ‘shadows’ of the likes Australia and South Africa for so long, Pakistan’s cricketers over the last two years are now earning their right to be amongst the ‘elite’ in terms of world supremacy in the test cricket arena. Having gone through the ‘turmoil’ of having to play their ‘home’ games in a neutral venue, the boys in green have adjusted to life in their ‘new home’ brilliantly. Wins against England, South Africa, Australia and a draw against New Zealand in the UAE; as well as being unbeaten in the past two years means that the Asian side are where they are ‘on merit’. A summer return series against England was naturally going to be a stiff examination for a Pakistani batting line-up which arguably is reliant on veterans Misbah Ul-Haq and Younus Khan. To their credit, the boys in green, however, showed great character to come out of that series 2-2. Sides such as India and Australia have struggled

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SPORTS to come out of a series with England on English soil without their ‘pride’ taking a battering. Pitches in England are naturally fast and favour seamers, some of the world’s best batsmen have struggled in such conditions, but to be fair to Pakistan’s batsmen they did admirably well. After that battling draw in England and India’s failure to beat West Indies 3-0 in the series between the two sides meant that Misbah’s side became world number one for the first time since the world ranking system was introduced. India would go on to recover from that disappointment of not securing the world number one spot by clinically sweeping aside New Zealand on home soil. That win for Virat Kohli’s men now means that Pakistan have been knocked off the top of the world rankings and are now ranked number two in the world. For Misbah Ul-Haq’s men going into this test series against West Indies, they will know that they will come into this series between the two sides as the overwhelming favourites, however ‘favourites’ can count for very little sometimes.

Before the two “Sub Continental Heavyweights” were vying for world supremacy in the test arena like they are now, Australia were the world number one team. When the Aussies, who are captained by Steven Smith, went to Sri Lanka for a test series, many thought it would be an easy series win for Smith’s men, especially since a month or two before Sri Lanka were thoroughly outplayed by England, in England. Much to the surprise of all, what transpired was something completely different. Australia were well and truly humbled as Angelo Matthews’ men upset the odds and won the test series. Can upsets happen? Yes, of course, anything can happen in a game of cricket, cricket is played over a maximum of five days and it’s 11 players against 11, so never say never. With the greatest respect to West Indies though however, it seems near to impossible for the Caribbean side to achieve the series win. With the one-day captain, Azhar Ali smashing a triple century in the first test, becoming only the fourth player to do so, West Indies’ task has been made all the harder to avoid defeat in

the first test and in the series overall. Pakistan seem in ominous form if the current test is anything to by as the ‘hosts’ racked up 579-3 declared. West Indies will be hoping that this three-match series has many ‘twists and turns’ still to come, but with spinners Yasir Shah and Mohammed Nawaz in Pakistan’s ranks, things won’t be easy for Jason Holder’s men. ‘The Calypso Boys’ are a side arguably in transition whereas Misbah Ul-Haq’s side, on the whole, is a team that is a ‘settled one’. West Indies will be hoping that Pakistan gets ‘distracted’ by the fact they lost their world number one ranking, but if Pakistan’s recent history is anything to go by, this team is one that knows how to deal with any kind of ‘adversity’. After all, they haven’t played an actual home test series for some seven years. With Misbah Ul-Haq as captain, this Pakistan team seems to be able to deal with whatever comes in their path. That fact makes the Asian side so dangerous, West Indies and the rest of the world cricket, in particular, India, Pakistan have lost their world number one ranking and they want it back!

Fury Has Boxing Licence Suspended by AYYAZ MALIK

Manchester’s Boxing world champion Tyson Fury after giving up his world titles that he won by beating Wladimir Klitschko after reportedly stating that he is bi-polar, a manic depressive and suicidal, has had his boxing license suspended by the British Boxing Board of Control.

Clash of The Thiran by AYYAZ MALIK

Sri Lankan Mixed Martial Arts Fighter (MMA) and instructor Tiran Thakshala who has been a MMA champion and boasts of being a 2014 United Arab Emirates Maktoum Champion in the 70kg weight division, is set to return to action on 21 October in the MMA Amateur Championships which will be the at the Dubai International Marine Club Thakshala has beaten fighters in the past that many would have expected him to have lost against, but such is the battling qualities of the Sri Lankan he has proved people wrong. The now American based fighter who moved to America to further his career professionally.

The 28-year old British fighter who ever since winning that fight against Klitschko to become the WBA, WBO and IBO Heavy Weight Champion in July 2015, has since failed to turn up twice for his world heavyweight title rematch with Wladimir Klitschko, so the authorities arguably had no option but to suspend his licence after Fury himself opted to give up his belts.

After the MMA Amateur Championships which will be the at the Dubai International Marine Club, Thiran Thakshala will be again participating in the Super Fight League in January, a promotion where Bolton boxer Amir Khan is its CEO.

‘Outspoken’ and maybe ‘flamboyant’ are words that could be used to describe Tyson Fury, but in terms of in the ring, 28-year old Fury showed the world he can beat Wladimir Klitschko, arguably one of the best World Heavyweights in the last decade when no one thought he would be able to.

Thiran, has developed into one of the ‘pioneers’ of MMA combat where Sri Lankan participation is concerned, Thakshala has now become the Sri Lankan kickboxing and MMA official ambassador.

“I feel that it is only fair and right and for the good of boxing to keep the titles active and allow the other contenders to fight for the vacant belts that I proudly won and held as the undefeated heavyweight champion of the world when I defeated the long-standing champion Wladimir Klitschko.”

Nothing is impossible in life with-out hardwork and dedication, Thiran Thakshala is a prime example of this very fact.

Upon taking the decision to vacate his belts, Tyson Fury had this to say;

The boxing world will no doubt be hoping that British fighter Fury returns to the ring as soon as possible. Like it or not, the world of boxing is a more interesting place with Tyson Fury around.

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