E magazine fire & safety supplement june 2018

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The forest and fire services departments of Himachal Pradesh have overhauled their infrastructure for control and prevention of forest fires during summers. The forest and fire services departments of Himachal Pradesh have overhauled their infrastructure for control

Fire accidents in Hyderabad are on a steep rise, with the first week of May alone recording as many as 52 incidents, show official records. This is excluding the fires reported from the peripheral areas of Hyderabad, statistics indicate. Hinting at a rise in both indoor and outdoor fires, officials said that the cause of indoor fire accidents is primarily rooted in the heavy usage of electricity resulting in overload and short circuits while the trigger for outdoor mishaps range from open burning of garbage to improper discarding of cigarette butts — all aggravated by the shooting mercury levels. “During summer, the usage of electricity is much higher in comparison to other seasons. The added load often leads to short circuits that then result in fire accidents.” V. Papaiah, Regional Fire Officer (Central Region)

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news feature

52 fires in May first week, Hyderabad sits on a tinderbox in summer

System in place for controlling and preventing forest fires

and prevention of forest fires during summers. The two departments have set up a quick response task force in at least 27 forest divisions to specifically control forest fires during the next three months. On the lines of Chhattisgarh, Himachal is also planning to put in place a fire alert messaging system, which works in signals through the satellite network. The system is likely to be set up by the forest department. B. Kamal Kumar, Additional Director General of Police, Fire Services and Home Guards said, “After the fire services department took up the matter with principal secretary (Home),10 Home Guards were deputed in each forest division. They will get one van each and will exclusively cater to prevention of forest fire incidents with locals.”

After the fire services department took up the matter with principal secretary (Home),10 Home Guards were deputed in each forest division. They will get one van each and will exclusively cater to prevention of forest fire incidents with locals. B. Kamal Kumar, Additional Director General of Police, Fire Services and Home Guards

Source: Indian Express


V. Papaiah, Regional Fire Officer (Central Region) said, “The increasing temperature makes dry grass or garbage, exposed to sun, flammable after it reaches a certain degree, and eventually results in fire accidents. This ignition temperature is different for different material such as wood, oil, grass.” But often, outdoor fires are caused owing to human negligence, firemen said stressing how people have the habit of callously burning garbage and throwing burning cigarettes — both of which can result in fatal mishaps. Source: TOI


Business Talk

The Dynamic Chief Fire Officer of Mumbai talks about the firefighting volunteer training For a city as complex as Mumbai, it is a real challenge for any responder to crack the response time to save the people. It is the responsibility of the fire officers to save life and property, so the response time plays a very critical role and as it is said, a stitch in time saves the lives of nine. Interview of Shri. P. S. Rahangdale, Director, Maharashtra Fire Services and CFO, Mumbai Fire Brigade By: Swati Dhake, Editor, a&sINDIA

Q. What are the achievements and plans of Mumbai Fire Brigade? A. In Mumbai city we have 34 fire stations; it is always a question mark as to how the whole city is catered? In the new Development Plan of Mumbai we proposed more than 37 fire stations at different locations and also planned how many fire stations are going to be required in the next five years to ten years.

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The new fire station at Kandarpada is already in completion stage, while the early plans for a fire station in Thakur village is on the cards, where we do not have a good response system currently. Our concentration is not only on creating new fire stations but also to enhance the old infrastructure of existing stations like in Kurla, Mulund, where we are restructuring existing fire station and it is proposed as a multiple fire station. For planning more new fire stations required time bound program, with gap analysis we created mini fire stations. We are establishing 17 mini fire stations now. Already almost 6-7 fire stations are established where the mini trucks which are required to manoeuvre into very small lanes are stationed. Then we concentrated on communication systems, converting to digital systems so that our communication for good coordination improved. We are commissioning command centre with GPS, GPRS integration for better communication and coordination.


As a City Fire Service, safety is our responsibility and to cater to that we have put up proactive programs. Three years since I have become the CFO, we have generated a program about emergency response, where we concentrate on proper training and more than 789 firemen got recruited and trained.


P. S. Rahangdale Director, Maharashtra Fire Services CFO, Mumbai Fire Brigade

We have included ultra-modern facilities like breathing apparatus training which is required for firemen to enter into places of smoke and tremendous heat. Also all the Fire Stations and Command Centres are equipped with Gymnasium for recreations and fitness activities of the fireman. We are putting forth latest mechanisms, which are required for the building as far as fire fighting and rescue operations are concerned. As far as prevention is concerned, we have a dedicated fire prevention wing where we do inspection, corrective measures, giving notice and also the NOCs that are required from the fire brigade, to establish anything in Mumbai city. For enhancement of emergency response we planned and concentrated all activities into Manpower (Capacity buildings), Enhancement of Infrastructure, and enhancement of Communication and Mitigation policy. Q. What exactly is the role of a firefighter volunteer? A. Apart from what we achieved we realised that we must have good volunteer programme as it is a necessity because they are the first responders to an emergency. The people in the vicinity of any eventuality are the first responders and we give them the basic knowledge of emergency response. We conduct one day programmes where we teach ‘The Dos and Donts’, like in case of fire how to operate the extinguishers, the Dos and Donts to take care of your own premises in case of fire. As first responders they also can help and sensitize people to clear off the large parking areas so that the entry of our response team and fire truck will not be curtailed. We emphasize on volunteer limitation during our training program and safety of volunteers. Q. How many firefighting volunteers are there in Mumbai? A. There are around 6000 volunteers in Mumbai, they are all connected and we also have a Whatsapp group. Whenever there is any emergency the volunteers take photographs and then we decide the severity of the

fire or disaster. Recently there was a fire in Malad, one of the volunteers posted the photograph of the smoke which helped our control room decide to send more vehicles instead of two, thus helping curtail our response time. Q. What are the measures taken for creating fire safety awareness? A. As a professional, I can suggest various things that the citizens can do as it’s my job; but if a celebrity sensitizes the issue, it actually goes into the people’s mind. Taking due cognizance of the same we roped in Film Star Amitabh Bachchan and Actor Randeep Hooda for sensitisation program due to the mitigation and sensitisation earlier we used to get 18000 calls, it has reduced to 15000 calls and even fire calls are not more than 5000. The calculations include all other calls also like accidents, tree collapse, and oil spillage; out of all calls 40% are electrical. Our infrastructure is growing in terms of public utilities and building development, there is increase in congestion and population as well, still amount of the fire calls have statistically decreased. Q. What skills are taught in the training of volunteers? A. We get a large number of enquiries to register as volunteers. We are planning a Virtual training program, where anyone from anywhere in the city or state can log in and participate in the virtual training, solve the questions and get self- certification for themselves. Once the training is complete they can contact us if they are interested and we will guide them to the location centres where they can get further training. As of today this program is in its final stage. We also have Whatsapp and Facebook groups dedicated for this purpose. Q. How many woman firefighters are there in Mumbai? A. We have 120 women fire fighters in Mumbai, largest in the country. Q. What training programs do you conduct in schools? A. As per the Government notification we conduct and practice mass evacuation procedure in Municipal and Private schools. Also teachers and non-teaching staff are also trained in first aid, firefighting by conducting mock fire drills. Some schools visit fire stations to know the fire station and its working. We on requests regularly go to schools and conduct lectures, trainings and drills.


Business Talk

Bluescope’s Versatile Self-Activated Fire Extinguisher Two years ago Bluescope saw the need for advanced Fire & Safety measures in the industry and have been successful in launching world class products in the Indian market. Interview of Ramesh Dhiwar, Managing Director, Bluescope By: Swati Dhake, Editor, a&sINDIA


What are the key milestones of Bluescope? A. From a company dealing in small time projects five years ago we have come a long way in handling major turnkey projects in fire and safety for a number of big clients and companies. Two years ago we saw the need for advanced Fire & Safety measures in the industry and have been successful in launching world class products in the Indian market. We have the versatile Automatic Fire Fighting Extinguisher and a number of other advanced fire fighting devices that can be used by any individual with the ease of operation and without the hassle of regular training or maintenance.

Q. How has the fire safety industry been for the last five years? A. There has been a good amount of awareness and implementation of Fire & Safety in the overall market and this has resulted in good business for the Fire Safety Industry. Although a lot more is yet to be done and desired but we are definitely slowly inching towards a safer India. Keeping the same in mind we too are keen in ensuring that each and every person in the country is well aware of fire hazards and knows how to save himself and others. Q. What differentiates you from the ever growing competition? A. Our focus on new and innovative products rather than the conventional methods is what sets us apart from competition. Our product acts like a First Aid against fire and is the first in the line of action against fire. If used well in time it has the strength to prevent major catastrophe from happening. Our key focus is to ensure that every household, business and person is coved by our automated fire extinguisher and it helps in saving property and more importantly lives.

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Q. Which are the key industries that you are catering to? A. Currently we are very active in the hospitality and hospital industry and gaining inroads into corporate and industries sector. We have spread out to all sectors due to the versatility of the product we have to offer. We have a special focus on residential and housing projects and are working with top builders and corporate houses in the Industry on the same.


Our key focus is to ensure that every household, business and person is coved by our automated fire extinguisher and it helps in saving property and more importantly lives. Ramesh Dhiwar Managing Director, Bluescope


Q. How is Bluescope poised to handle the growing need? A. Bluescope has made strategic tie ups with likeminded companies and people who are ready to invest in the future of Fire & Safety by ensuring technology advancement and technology transfer to grow the business in India.Now we are slowly expanding our dealer network across the country to ensure reach to every part of the country and people with a focus on safety of life and property.


Vertical Market


The fire safety industry in association with local fire services are willing to help educational trusts and management to provide basic training of fire safety and how to plan and implement evacuation drill in educational buildings.

Table-7 of Part-4 of “National Building Code of India2016� provides minimum fire protection requirement for educational buildings, it also provides the height limit of 30m. In present globalisation era there are number of fire prevention and protection products available in the market for protecting special risks such as gas flooding or hypoxic system for server rooms, hub rooms, chemical wet flooding system for kitchen fire protection and there are tubing fire extinguishing system for local application for electrical hazard which can be provided to control the outbreak of fire in educational building. KEY CHALLENGES FOR INSTALLING FIRE SYSTEMS IN CAMPUSES AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTES

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he educational sector in India has got very wide spread right from kindergarten or play groups to master degree courses in various disciplines. The potential fire risks in the educational buildings as well as hostels are electrical circuits, chemical labs, and the kitchen area. The fire risk of such institutes can be segregated with proper fire rating so that the heat and smoke can be contained in that area only and shall not spread horizontally and vertically in other areas. The basic awareness about fire safety and evacuation training in case of any emergency will help to minimise the outbreaks of fire and to save precious human life.


The majority of Development Control Rules of various cities and as per the provisions of State Fire Act elaborate the minimum fire protection equipment

It is high time to bring fire safety in educational curriculum of various state and other boards, this will help to impart fire safety training and awareness in all students and it will build the confidence level of all students to deal with any fire situation. Santosh Warick CFO & Fire Advisor, MIDC

safety is very important. The frequent training and sensitisation about fire safety and how to respond to fire and any other emergencies should be carried out periodically. A mock drill on evacuation should be carried out once in six months. This will ensure effective implementation of the evacuation plan. The fire safety industry in association with local fire services are willing to help educational trusts and management to provide basic training of fire safety and how to plan and implement evacuation drill in educational buildings. If the management of educational institutes approach them, they share their knowledge and expertise to train students, teachers and staff members. Some schools and colleges have formed students’ chapter with fire safety industry associations and they are doing wonderful job of training and creating awareness of fire safety aspects. If we find success in creating awareness even in a single student, definitely he or she is going to influence their parents and relatives; hence it is a very important to train the students on fire safety. Now-adays there are various fire safety apps available which can also help to create awareness on fire safety. STRATEGIES, GUIDELINES AND POLICY FRAMEWORK THAT HELP ENHANCE FIRE SAFETY

required to be provided for educational buildings as per the Part-4 of National Building Code of India are fire extinguisher, hose reel, wet riser, down comer, yard hydrant, sprinklers, manual call point, automatic detection system, underground and terrace level water tank with fire pumping arrangement. The major challenge is to provide minimum fire protection requirement for existing educational buildings which have occupancy certificate as per earlier rules. They do not have minimum fire protection requirement and it is a mammoth task for the regulators to convince the management to provide minimum fire protection requirements to safeguard the educational building. Due to high capital and maintenance cost of fire protection equipment, the management of educational institutes hesitate to provide fire protection system in the old education buildings. It is also very difficult to modify aspects of passive fire protection in old buildings such as width of passages and staircase, requirement of alternate exit doors if student count is more than 45 in the class room.

In case of upcoming educational campuses the minimum fire protection requirements as specified in Part-4 of National Building Code are mandatory. The active and passive fire protection requirements are specified by local fire services while approving the building plans. The development control rules, Fire Act and the Central and State Governments have already issued guidelines for carrying out evacuation drill or mock drill in the schools every year. The training and awareness about fire safety and how to use the fire protection system in case of any fire emergency will definitely build confidence among students, teachers and staff members. It is high time to bring fire safety in educational curriculum of various state and other boards, this will help to impart fire safety training and awareness in all students and it will build the confidence level of all students to deal with any fire situation. This in turn will help to save precious human life and losses to the national property as ‘Prevention is better than cure’.

WAYS TO HELP PREPARE STUDENTS, TEACHERS, STAFF AND PARENTS FOR BETTER SAFETY DURING FIRES The continuous training and awareness among teachers, staff members and students about fire


Special Feature

Effective Role of High Volume Long Range Monitors in Oil & Gas Installations The Jaipur depot fire raged for 11 days, killed 12 people in all, injured over 300 people and resulted in losses worth Rs 2.80 billion. By: Chitrabhanu Bose Retd. Executive Director (Projects) Oil India Limited (OIL)


he first explosion was reported to be equivalent to approximately 20 tons of TNT, nine of the eleven tanks caught fire immediately after the first explosion, remaining two tanks which were also involved in the fire after some time. Due to the said explosion and fire, all fixed firefighting facilities at the location were either damaged or demolished, and the only available option was to let the fuel (approximately 60,000 KL) to burn. The simultaneous fire of all the storage tanks, damage to the control room, firefighting facilities, etc. made the situation worse, as none of the facilities could be accessed by any operating staff to bring the situation under control operationally. The Jaipur Fire Incident is considered as one of the worst disasters in the history of Indian Petroleum Industry

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Soon after the incident, Government of India instituted a high level enquiry committee headed by M. B. Lal (Ex-CMD HPCL) to investigate the cause of the incident and recommend remedial measures both from operational point of view and also from the angle of fire prevention and protection measures which are required to be in place for all oil terminals and tank farms across the country, in upstream and downstream oil installations where the storage inventories exceeded more than 30,000 cubic meters.


Approximately 160 recommendations were made which included up gradations of operating philosophy, through latest control and instrumentation system, adequacy in passive and active fire protection measures, remote surveillance and operation of firefighting system and overall improvement in safety management systems through awareness training on a regular basis to all


Procuring such vital High-Volume fire protection equipment will not serve any purpose unless the entire design of the existing fire protection system is thoroughly looked into. Chitrabhanu Bose

Retd. Executive Director (Projects) Oil India Limited (OIL)

the operating staff in these vulnerable installations. These recommendations have been made mandatory through OISD standards (Standard 116, 117) and in PESO guidelines. One of the major recommendations was to provide Remote Operated High Volume Long Range Monitors (HVLRM) which could be operated from local control panel as well as from control rooms. Implementation of this particular recommendation needed a complete change of existing water headers (closed loop water network for fire fighting) and enhancement of water storage capacity to fight fire for 4 hours without any augmentation from other sources of supply. Having implemented M. B. Lal committees recommendations in four tank farms in one of the upstream organisations in India, I feel following key areas are to be addressed first before HVLRM are procured and fixed with the existing fire water network in any installation, otherwise inadequate size of water network will not be able to deliver the desired stream of water flow to the seat of fire in case of emergency. In other words, the system will starve due to inadequate input supply to the monitors in case of fire, thus making the whole system null and void. The points which are needed to be addressed before procurement of HVLRM are as under: 1. Water requirement for two major fire loads is to be calculated for four hours duration keeping in mind use of HVLRM, foam system, Sprinkler system and supplementary hose stream. 2. Firewater header size to be calculated based on the above requirement, keeping in mind the total volume of flow and pressure requirement at the remotest corner of the fire water network.

All the above activities have to be completed and should be in place along with procurement of HVLRM and its installation on the Fire Water Network. On an average, the cost involved for implementation of providing HVLRM, along with other associated firefighting systems for a tank farm having the capacity of 40,000 to 50,000 cubic meters of Class-A petroleum products, would be around Rs.20 crores (2012-2013 cost estimation). Therefore, the Fire Protection Engineers in Oil & Gas Industry should bear in mind the total cost involvement for procuring fixed as well as portable HVLRMs and should not consider in isolation only about the bare cost of HVLRMs. Procuring HVLRM in isolation without upgrading the other related equipment like the proper sizing of water header, fire water storage, and pumps etc. will be a futile exercise and may give a false sense of protection, which in case of an emergency will not perform to the desired results. “Procuring such vital High-Volume fire protection equipment will not serve any purpose unless the entire design of the existing fire protection system is thoroughly looked into.�

3. The entire pumping arrangement needs to be redesigned to feed the monitors and other firefighting equipment, which will be operational during an emergency. Accordingly capacity of pumps, total numbers (100% standby), are to be designed and calculated to cater for the additional water load for firefighting. 4. Above ground fire water storage tanks are to be built for four hours continuous firefighting under two major fire emergency scenarios.


Special Feature

Today’s Emergency Response & Evacuation Systems are Poised to Revolutionise Emergency Handling A prompt warning to occupants to evacuate and shelter can save lives. Provision of a safe and secure environment for all buildings is a mandatory requirement as per National Building Code (NBC). However, emergencies that are significant or dangerous and involve an immediate threat to the health or safety of occupants require an emergency response and evacuation systems. By: Selvaraj Arumugam Dy.General Manager-ARFF Bangalore International Airport Limited


he Emergency Management Plan should be the framework for emergency response and preparedness. The plan should support a comprehensive all hazards approach compliant with NBC guidelines. The plan should describe how the occupants will respond to a wide spectrum of emergencies at the building and interact with external emergency response organisations, if warranted. The plan has to be designed to protect life, minimise damage, and ensure continuity of designated functions/operations.

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The first step of developing an emergency response plan is to conduct a risk assessment to identify potential emergency scenarios that can occur at that particular building. An understanding of probable risk will enable you to determine resource requirements and to develop plans and procedures to prepare your plan. In case of an emergency at building, the first priority is to save life. The second priority is the stabilisation of the incident. There are many actions that can be taken to stabilise an incident and minimise potential damage. First aid and CPR by trained employees can save lives. Use of fire extinguishers by trained employees can extinguish a small fire. Innovations And Products In The Emergency Response & Evacuation Systems Many of the latest innovations in emergency response are poised to revolutionise the way response teams analyse events and coordinate their activities, while


others are dramatically changing the way everyday citizens handle emergencies. The technology has helped in developing advanced Emergency Response and intelligent evacuation system with integrated hardware and software solution to facilitate the safety protocol of individuals in case of emergencies. These systems are capable of giving notification and alerting medium that supports smooth and hassle-free evacuation procedure during variety of changing event circumstances such as fire situation, toxic incident, extreme weather condition, violence, and others. Technologically advanced products are in much demand for quick response management for emergency incidences, and supportive regulatory structure. Intelligent evacuation system is classified into voice evacuation, mass notification system and emergency lighting based on its type. Based on end user, it can further be further classified into commercial, industrial and residential.

Technologically advanced products are in much demand for quick response management for emergency incidences, and supportive regulatory structure. Selvaraj Arumugam Dy.General Manager-ARFF Bangalore International Airport Limited

Few examples of innovations in emergency responses are:Smartphone Access to Emergency number Smartphones and technology have improved and simplified many types of emergency response. Even advanced security features are available in smart phones. We need to make sure that everyone who uses smartphones knows how to access the emergency keypad. If your smartphone is password protected, you can use the emergency setting to bypass it and make critical calls, including those to fire and emergency. Geographic Information Systems Geographic information systems (GIS) have extreme value for emergency responders. This analytical mapping technology helps to understand where hazards are located, how many people are affected, and what response is needed. Features of GIS models enable decision-makers to both exercise response and recovery plans during non-disaster times and also understand near real-time possibilities during an event.

functionality. These street lamps are equipped with environmental sensors that detect hazards like rising water levels, strong winds, high temperatures, and lethal gas. They are also equipped with 180-degree cameras that offer a real-time look at pedestrian traffic and developing situations. Interoperable Communications Technology During an emergency, emergency response teams from many different sources respond immediately. Since they will be communicating on different communication systems, it has become difficult to coordinate all their efforts effectively. Interoperable communications technology helps keep these teams in communication to streamline their activities and provide the best response possible in a hazardous situation. Emergency Communication Apps Seeing the potential of smartphone users, an app has been developed that helps to communicate critical information to affected populations. With the help of this app, users can receive weather reports, locate emergency shelters, and even upload their own photos of a disaster to help

responders better understand the threat. The app offers tips for handling over 20 types of emergency situations and disasters. Effective use of Social Media The use of social media has become widespread and can serve a variety of purposes to the society. Within the last five years social media have played an increasing role in emergencies and disasters. Emergency Evacuation Solutions There needs to be tried and tested emergency evacuation system in place to strengthen the evacuation procedure during an emergency. Primary attention has to be always given for minimising damages to personnel and property. The digital technology can come into help here and can deliver brilliant audible alarms to speaker bells and effective gadgets to send and receive rapid messages. Availability of wired or wireless technology, emergency notifications through wired or wireless communication, remote activation of sirens or other alarms through remote server and provision for pre-recorded voice or sirens are parts of a good emergency evacuation system.

Automated Wildfire Protection Systems Wildfires can be devastating and are damaging millions of acres every year. Researchers have proposed solutions that would give landowners an innovative way to respond to wildfires by automatically identifying the fires with the help of an infrared tower that detects wildfires up to 50 miles away and alerts both property owners and emergency responders. It contains piping filled with water or fire retardant that can be sprayed over an area of 30 feet around the structure. Intelligent Street Lamps Though street lamps may seem like an unlikely tool for emergency management and response, but the innovative design of Intellistreets lamps gives seemingly ordinary lighting a powerful new layer of



Unique Observance of 74th National Fire Service week at Adani Ports SEZ, Mundra, Kutch, Gujarat. APSEZ Fire Services observed the National Fire Services Week from 14th to 20th April 2018. Closing ceremony of National Fire Service week observance took place at Main Port fire station. The Chief Guest of the function Avinash Rai was given the Guard of Honour by Fire Fighters followed by innovative flag hosting. 430+ employees and associates witnessed the function. By: Rakesh Chaturvedi, Deputy General Manager, APSEZ Fire Services, Mundra, Kutch, Gujarat


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he function was also graced by Ilesh Kher Regional Fire Officer (Kutch, Gujarat). The highlights of National Fire Service week were the various interesting events to create awareness at ports for residents of the townships like Online Fire Safety Quiz, LPG Fire Safety awareness campaign for Home Makers in both townships, Safety poster competition for students of Adani Public School, Table Top Exercise competition for scenario based emergencies, Hazardous chemical fire safety awareness campaign, Firefighter Combat Drill competition for Employees and Associates, Ultimate fire fighter challenge competition for Employees, Associates & Mutual aid response Group industries fire responders, Evacuation Drills for high rise buildings & Enthralling live rescue & firefighting demonstration and vertical rescue operation. Adani Port Special Economic Zone Fire services created history by organising International Standard Simulation based event ‘Ultimate Firefighter challenge for non-


professional firefighters group’ for Adani employees & associate staff. This has never ever been organised at any port or other industries across the world. To create Home Fire Prevention and emergency response awareness, they elucidated home makes regarding LPG fire safety through ‘Knowledge at your doorstep campaign’ which also encompassed fixing of LPG fire safety tips in 1051 houses of both townships. The chemical safety awareness drive was executed in a unique style where fire fighters dressed as dangerous goods classes labels and explained coding and decoding of that labels following class wise precautionary and emergency preparedness measures (Total 200 participants benefited from this campaign). A Fire Fighter Combat Challenge comprised of 100x4 relay race carrying with fire hose, dummy, fire extinguisher and put off the fire and hook ladder organised wherein 13 teams from operations, maintenance

and security department participated. During the concluding ceremony of NFSW live rescue and firefighting demonstration with Liquefied Petroleum gas, on board ship firefighting, rescue operation with battery operated descender and ascender, sewer rescue, conveyor belt firefighting and various types of vertical rescue methods were demonstrated at West Basin. Chief Guest delivered an inspiring speech that enhanced zeal and will of fire services. He also praised fire services efforts for fire hazards elimination. He urged operations and fire safety team to enhance the fire preventive culture and be proactive.

Fire Loss is National Loss – Let us Adopt Fire Safety Measures” Rakesh Chaturvedi

Deputy General Manager, APSEZ Fire Services Mundra, Kutch, Gujarat


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