Unveiling Consumer Perceptions of Generative AI: Insights from the Suzy Market Research Cloud

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Unveiling Consumer Perceptions of Generative AI: Insights from the Suzy Market Research Cloud

Jan 2023
A Suzy Report

Generative AI tools have been gaining popularity for powerful, natural language/image processing and generation. However, as with any new technology, it's important to understand how consumers feel about generative AI tools and their capabilities.

We recently used the Suzy platform to learn about consumer familiarity, usage, and willingness to pay for generative AI and other AI tools. We surveyed 1000 consumers to understand how they feel about AI tools. Then we analyzed their responses with ChatGPT to find themes and key takeaways.

Here are our findings.

How familiar are consumers with AI?

56% of consumers indicated they were familiar with AI.


How comfortable are consumers with AI?

53% of consumers said they were comfortable with AI in the products and services they already use. 53%

What do consumers like about AI tools?

Consumers believe the major benefits of AI tools are efficiency, user-friendliness, accessibility to information, improved performance, and effectiveness. Respondents find AI tools appealing because they save time and effort, are easy to understand and use, provide easy access to vast amounts of information, and boost performance.

What concerns do consumers have about AI tools?

Respondents have mixed concerns about AI tools, with some expressing uneasiness about usability, privacy, connectivity, control, security, and the possibility of AI tools taking over the world. Others said they don’t have any concerns about AI tools.

How aware are consumers of AI tools?

Over a third (35%) of consumers said they were aware of AI tools when asked about specific platforms.

Consumers are most familiar with: Grammarly (26%)

ChatGPT (12%) DALL-E (9%)

Most consumers think they learn about the possibilities of AI on social media, with Instagram (37%) and Facebook (36%) coming in at the top. Next, consumers learn about AI tools from online articles or blogs (33%).

What do consumers familiar with AI tools use them for?

Those that do use AI tools have integrated them into their lives. 63% said they frequently use AI tools, with most using the tools “a few times a day”. 90% said they would be interested in using generative AI that integrates into tools like Microsoft Word or the Bing search engine.

The technology sector is the primary group using AI tools (29%).

School (10%)

Work (22%)

Personal Use (37%)

Don't currently use AI tools (30%)

What do consumers use AI tools for?

Our survey responses show that individuals use AI tools for a wide range of tasks. Many respondents use generative AI tools to improve their work efficiency, organization, and time management. This includes tasks such as scheduling, creating documents, generating reminder messages, and summarizing documents.

Respondents also use AI tools for language learning, grammar correction, and writing assistance, both for personal and professional purposes. Some also mention using generative AI tools for fun and entertainment, like creating images and making memes.

78% indicated that they would be somewhat upset if they were no longer able to use an AI tool.


How much are consumers willing to pay for generative AI tools?

65% of consumers familiar with AI tools would be willing to purchase them, even if they were more expensive than traditional tools. 41% said they would buy an AI tool like this as a minor improvement to what they currently use.

Consumers familiar with AI tools are willing to pay for a monthly subscription. Respondents expressed comfort in paying between $1-$50 for a monthly subscription fee for AI tools, depending on function.

The bulk of respondents preferred the lower end of the spectrum for monthly pricing, ranging from $1 to $10.

Consumers primarily see the future of AI positively.

Respondents expect the future of AI to bring advancements in functionality, such as fully functioning Metaverse and AIassisted tasks like housework and driving. They also expect personal online assistants to work as well as human assistants and for AI to bring full automation and improved efficiency in various tasks. They believe AI will bring a great evolution and new technological advances in quality and realism.

What do consumers see for the future of AI?

Key Takeaways:

Consumers believe the major benefits of AI tools are efficiency, user-friendliness, accessibility to information, improved performance, and effectiveness.

Respondents have mixed concerns about AI tools, including usability, privacy, connectivity, control, and security.

63% of consumers familiar with AI tools use them a few times a day.

Consumers use AI tools for a wide range of tasks such as improving work efficiency, language learning, and writing assistance. 78% would be upset if they were no longer able to use an AI tool.

56% of consumers are familiar with AI. Some AI tools consumers are most familiar with are Grammarly, ChatGPT, and DALL-E.

37% of consumers would be willing to purchase a generative AI tool. Consumers are willing to pay a monthly subscription fee with prices ranging from $1 to

Bottom Line

Brands have a great opportunity on their hands. Consumers that use generative AI tools have already integrated them into their lives, and the bulk would be upset if they could no longer use them. They’re also willing to pay for them. With general optimism and a bright outlook, it may be time for brands to lean into generative AI tools to offer consumers more convenience, efficiency, and performance.

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