A&S SMAHOME #15 Jul./Aug. 2016

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Editor’s NotE

Shifting from a ProductfocuSed BuSineSS to Solution ProviderS Moving into the second half of 2016, the international B2B smart home market has remained strikingly quiet over the past few months in the aftermath of uncertain economic factors such as the terrorist attacks in Europe and Brexit – the UK voted to leave the EU. But despite these elements, the smart home innovation continued. And it evolved to become an integral part of the smart lifestyle amid the IoT era. For this issue, SMAhome has compiled a special report to examine what smart home technologies enable a smarter lifestyle. In Report, Page 34, new solutions from Taiwan and several leading vendors are catering to the fast-to-market trends for B2B customers like telcos and retailers. One more evolution among these original smart home manufacturers on the go is the shift from a product-focused business to solution providers, because the overall market is struggling to surpass the early-adopter phase. It is getting more and more obvious that end users do not buy technology, they do not buy products and they do not buy features. They only want to pay money to make problems go away. Users need smart home solutions to solve their daily concerns and cater to the three basic home needs of security, comfort and energy management. Being a solution provider is what Leedarson positions itself in the smart home market. Coming from a background of the lighting industry with 11 years of ODM experience in LEDs, the company has integrated its smart lighting systems with smart home sensors, multi-protocol gateways and into other automation devices. In addition to hardware, the maker provides complete systems including software, firmware and app. Read how Leedarson works in smart home in this issue’s cover story on Page 10. Meanwhile, the annual WWDC conference in June has sparked the attention of the connected home world with Apple’s announcement of “Home” after “HomeKit.” The announcement has been widely perceived as Apple’s seriousness about the smart home. Our editors have compiled the latest scoop on what some industry insiders have to say about this movement on Page 14. For connected home players in/or are interested in the ASEAN markets, do not miss out on our event on Sept. 1 to 3, 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand. The advanced real estate business and construction companies in the region are seeing smart home as the high value-added services to future homes. They are aggressively looking for partners and feasible solutions. We are also calling for speakers to share your perspectives and solutions on the upcoming event. For more information, please turn to the inside back cover.

Until our next issue,

SMAHOMe 100 Premium Smart Home Manufacturers

Check out our dedicated site for sourcing professionals searching the premium original manufacturers of smart home. Find out their specialization field, background, protocols applied, strength, products and so on.



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Veronica Chen Editor in chief veronica.chen@newera.messefrankfurt.com 2 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016



Security, Monitoring, and Automation Solutions for Homes

issue 15 JuLY 2016

Messe FrankFurt new era Business Media

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4 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016

CONTENTS Issue: 15


July/August 2016

Editor's NotE Welcome to a&s SMAhome




FEaturE ApplE HoME & Siri: proMiSing or JuSt HypE?



lEEdArSon tAKES SMArt ligHting bEyond illuMinAtion Leedarson Lighting is a leading green and energy-saving lighting solution provider in China with 11 years of LED ODM experiences.

talk yi tEcHnology prESEntS itS futurE product dEvElopMEnt StrAtEgiES



ColumN control4: SEtting tHE ScEnE in tHE SMArt HoME


Z-WAvE EuropE: tHE bAttlE of tHE Z-tWinS—Z-WAvE And ZigbEE


iHS: Multi SyStEM opErAtorS HAvE A long WAy to go, bEforE bEcoMing A forcE in tHE rESidEntiAl AlArM induStry


connEctEd dEvicES for iMproving tHE 'Air' At HoME



Evolving SMArt HoME tEcHnology EnAblES SMArtEr lifEStylE


‘SMArt’ tEcHnology trEndS givE SMArt HoME A nEW lEASE of lifE


iNdEx KorEA SMArt HoME induStry

6 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016


For this issue’s Exploration segment, we are exploring connected devices that are related to improving the “air” at home. Keeping the air cool and fresh would certainly help maintain the well-being of the occupants.

5 SElEct connEctEd A/c controllErS for tHE SMArt HoME


4 SElEct SMArt Air QuAlity SEnSorS for tHE SMArt HoME



ViEwpoiNt ASSA Abloy: A SMArt HoME bEginS WitH A SMArt locK?


WuliAn: ‘onE fit for All’ Will nEvEr bE truE for tHE SMArt HoME


boScH StrEngtHEnS itS poSition At SMArt HoME WitH intEgrAtEd SolutionS of HoME SEcurity, EnErgy MAnAgEMEnt And iot cloud SuitE


buScH-JAEgEr: MAJor drivErS of HoME And building AutoMAtion MArKEtS in EuropE


tEcHMAtion to introducE SMArt HoME SyStEM utiliZing SolAr EnErgy And fEAturing intElligEnt MAnAgEMEnt of MixEd poWEr SourcES


pHilipS ligHting: StAndArdiZAtion And intEropErAbility ArE KEyS to SuccESS


AxAlEnt iot plAtforM: A Solution tHAt dEfinES full SErvicE intEgrAtion And AddEd vAluE


September/October (#16)


door rElAtEd


EnErgy MAnAgEMEnt


gAtEWAy & Hub


intEgrAtEd SyStEM & Kit






NEws WHAt HAppEnEd

unitEd intEgrAtEd SErvicES lEvErAgES ZigbEE for HoME SEcurity And gEtS rEAdy to lAuncH innovAtivE Multi-functionAl dEvicES 54



show CalENdar 2016 WorldWidE ExHibitionS And EvEntS rElAtEd to SMArt HoME


stats & FiGurE coMprEHEnSivE rESEArcH And StAtiStic cHArtS on tHE SMArt HoME MArKEtS, ApplicAtionS And induStriAl outlooK


• Cloud platform: openness/interoperability possible in smart home? • Ensuring privacy and security in smart home

November/December (#17) • 2017 Smart home tech preview • Lighting control and smart home


SMAhome Editorial Team welcomes smart home professionals’ submission of technology papers or market perspectives related to the 2017 editorial features. Please contact us at smahomepr@newera.messefrankfurt.com or visit www.mysmahome.com .

8 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016



cover story

Leedarson Takes Smart Lighting Beyond Illumination

Leedarson Lighting is a leading green and energy-saving lighting solution provider in China with 11 years of LED ODM experiences. The company is the top one exporter of LED lighting products in China in terms of export value. Established in 2000, Leedarson Lighting now provides complete lighting solutions, including CFL and LED light bulbs, light fixtures, and smart lighting systems applied for homes, hotels, office parks, stadiums, outdoor lighting systems, and other commercial and public locations. As an exportoriented company, around 95 percent of its products are shipped to its private-label customers in the U.S., Europe and Southeast Asia. At present, it has ODM customers in 81 countries worldwide. Leedarson Lighting is also influential in promoting wireless network technology for the smart home. In 2017, the company will host the annual member meeting of ZigBee Alliance in China. By Weili Lin

10 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016

Kellen Yang, Sales and Marketing Director of IoT Business Unit, Leedarson Lighting

As a pioneer of IoT solutions in the Chinese smart lighting market, Leedarson Lighting Co Ltd. started to provide smart lighting systems in 2010. Within five years, the company is now the major manufacturing partner of global leading brands, include GE Lighting, OSRAM, Belkin, IKEA, LG and leading utility companies in Europe. Besides, the company is the strategic partner of Huawei's IoT business in China. To cater to increasing overseas demands and further strengthen its foothold in the international market, the company has set up branch offices in Germany and the United States, and plans to build production bases in the United States in 2017 and Europe in 2016. Luminaires and smart home products are expected to help drive Leedarson’s revenue growth in 2017, as it views the smart home as a promising segment to the company, especially smart lighting.

We believe a successful smart home solution in the future could solve customers’ problems and address their needs based on applications.

Sales and Marketing Director Kellen Yang of IoT Business Unit at Leedarson Lighting said, “Smart lighting plays an important role in the IoT market space because lights are necessary and important elements for every household." According to Yang, sales from smart home products is expected to grow exponentially in 2017. Last year, the company turned over US$600 million in revenue, Yang said, citing that its annual sales within the smart home segment basically doubled in 2015, and the figure is projected to double in 2016 as well. Yang indicated that persistent commitment to high quality products and optimal production capability has helped them expedite their sound reputation amongst the world’s leading brands. With an aim to be become an admirable world-leading green lighting company, Leedarson Lighting is firmly committed to its vision statement — innovation, quality,

economies of scale and speed delivery. The company is not only notable for its strong exporting capability but also for its high quality products. Its energy-saving lights are trustworthy, being used in palaces in Switzerland. How to become a successful smart lighting solution provider? Yang believes that there are three key capabilities that a winner should have—strong R&D and system integration capabilities, and being a one-stop shop provider.

TrusTworThy ParTner for InTernaTIonal oDMs Headquartered in Xiamen, Fujian, the company owns factories to manufacture CFL, LED, luminaire and IoT products in Fujian and Sichuan, China, with manufacturing areas totaling around 170,000 square meters. Its factories house 13 automatic assembling lines and 65 manual production lines. It plans to expand the number of the automatic production lines up to 19. The company has full in-house manufacturing capability, being able to conduct SMT, assembly, plastic injection, tooling, painting, auto punching and bending processes. The highly-automated production process helps achieve high yield rates with a monthly production capacity exceeding 40 million units of LED products. With regard to IoT products, the company can manufacture 500,000 connected bulbs, 100,000 connected panels and 310,000 connected accessories per month. Backed by strong vertical integration capability, Leedarson can produce key LED materials in-house, including glass cover, optics, heat sink, plastic cap, and driver. It ensures fast product development and delivery time as well as low cost. On a side note, the company also places great emphasis on product research and development by spending more than 4 percent of its sales revenue as R&D budget. Presently, around 1/10 of the company’s employees are R&D engineers. With a R&D office for IoT products in Shenzhen, the company has a total of 150 R&D staff dedicated to product research and development on smart home products. Another credit worth mentioning is that Leedarson Lighting boasts 28 international product-related certifications, including ISO 14001, CE, UL, FCC, ETL, RoHS, WEEE, and ENERGY STAR to ensure quality and safety of its exported

July/August 2016 mySMAhome.com 11

cover story


The HomeKit Lamp Supporting Apple’s HomeKit, the BLE smart light bulb supports voice control. Users can control brightness from 5% to 100%. It also features tunable white LED light engine that ranges from 2700K to 6500K. It provides customizable color temperature and intensity setting to provide comfort to users. The smart lamp could be used indoors, such as corridors, bedroom, living room, etc.

The company has high-automated production lines with monthly production capacity of 40 million units of LED products, and established its own independant test laboratory.

Leedarson provides total solutions and expands its product portfolios from smart lighting systems to sensors, gateways and IoT accessories.

products. In addition, the company has established its own independent testing laboratory following standards of ISO/IEC17025 management systems. The facility also passed the CNAS attestation and achieved TMP certification from TUV-SUD, ITS, and DEKRA. Besides, the company conducts inhouse product validation and certification that consists of safety, EMC, performance, photobiological safety, RoHS and reliability tests.

Custom Mobile App Features • Control smart home systems from anywhere at any time • Let users to set up their systems with ease • Receive push notifications in case of emergency • OTA updates • Monitor doors, windows and movements / activities in the home • Create custom modes, scenes and rules

12 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016

exPanDIng ProDucT PorTfolIo anD suPPorTIng MulTIPle ProTocols Leedarson Lighting entered the smart home by providing smart lighting systems in 2010. Regarding the company’s product development strategy, it is expanding its product portfolio from smart lighting systems to sensors, gateways and IoT accessories. The company began to design and manufacture multi-protocol gateways, controllers and smart plugs in 2013, and following the expansion of its portfolio in 2015, sensors including door/window, temperature and humidity, PIR motion and light sensors were added to the inventory. It aims to become a leading home security and automation solution and cloud service provider.

Supporting multiple communication protocols is one of its strengths to differentiate from our competitors.

John Liu, IoT R&D Director, Leedarson Lighting


“In addition to hardware, we provide complete systems including software, firmware and app. We can offer white-label apps including customized apps to customers,” said John Liu, IoT R&D Director, Leedarson Lighting. Its cloud platform Leedarson Cloud is built on the Amazon Web Service (AWS), supporting its products marketed worldwide. The Leedarson Cloud is operable globally, providing user management and big data collection. “In H2 2016, we plan to launch new sensors that support Z-Wave and BLE. There will also be new product categories like smoke, glass break, water leak and arrival sensors, sirens, smart plugs and in-wall switch. In the second half of 2016, we will release a multi-protocol gateway that supports Z-Wave, ZigBee, BLE and Wi-Fi . We also plan to introduce photon sensors, IP camera, thermostat, control panel and curtain control devices subsequently,” indicated Liu. The research executive believes that supporting multiple communication protocols is one of its key strengths to differentiate them from their competitors. Liu said: “Most Chinese sensor suppliers provide products supporting wired or wireless RF 433MHz communication standard. The sensors supporting mesh network technologies like ZigBee are more competitive in the


• Launched connected light bulbs based on JenNet-IP


• Launched ZigBee connected bulbs and system-level solutions • First company in China to get ZigBee Certification by ZigBee Alliance


• Launched smart lighting system including software and hardware • Mass production of wireless controllers, gateways and fixtures


• Launched BLE smart solutions for the residential, commercial and industrial applications


• Launched Z-Wave and HomeKit compatible solutions for connected lighting, IoT products and accessories


• Started to provide cloud services and customizable app • Launched new product lines of smart home – security sensors, gateways, controllers and music light bulbs • Launched ULE certified products

smart home industry.” In addition to finished products, the company also provides ZigBee modules to other companies. According to Liu, low-power mesh network protocols will dominate the smart home market, with ZigBee and BLE being the two popular communication protocols set to gain more and more traction in the foreseeable future. However, BLE technology has its challenges. “The major problem of BLE is the lack of interoperability among connected devices from different suppliers. The products cannot talk to one another. But on the other hand, one of the biggest advantages of BLE technology is that users don’t need to use a home gateway or hub to connect to smart home devices,” he explained, adding that Leedarson is always willing to accept new technology.

InTeroPerabIlITy Is Key To success Yang stated that the lack of interoperability and mishmash of protocols are two major industry challenges to date. The company develops multi-protocol gateways to address the issue and enhance the interoperability via the cloud platform. Leedarson Lighting is aggressively looking to partner with global leading smart home players and alliances, and has in recent years succeeded in joining ZigBee, Z-Wave, Bluetooth, ULE alliances, Thread Group and Allseen Alliance. The company’s smart home products are interoperable with global leading brands like Wink and Icontrol Networks through direct support. Besides, supporting cloud to cloud connectivity, its products are compatible with Nest, Amazon Echo, Samsung SmartThings and Belkin WeMo. In addition, Leedarson Lighting is one of the few Apple MFi manufacturers in the industrial lighting industry, and the only supplier for HomeKit-enabled BLE mesh IoT products. The company has transformed itself from a simple device provider to a full-blown system and solution provider. “We believe a successful smart home solution in the future could solve customers’ problems and address their needs based on applications. It should be a complete system but not a single product. Also, we believe multiple product categories can enhance our competitiveness,” concluded Yang. Contact information Leedarson Lighting Co Ltd. http://www.leedarson.com

Tel: 86-592-3699963 IoT@leedarson.com

July/August 2016 mySMAhome.com 13

Feature Feature

14 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016

Apple Home Siri: Promising or Just Hype? &

By Linko Lin

Apple unveiled in June an all-new HomeKit-centric app called "Home," which will make its debut in iOS10 this fall. The app will act as a hub for HomeKit-enabled devices, regardless of their manufacturer.

The annual WWDC conference in June was nothing short of flair and flamboyance, as Apple made a big splash with the introduction of iOS 10, a new operating system due for release by fall this year. But for anyone in the connected home business, the head-turner must have been with the announcement of “Home,” an aptly-named app that Apple chose to rekindle its romance with HomeKit – a moniker close to be forgotten with the likes of Amazon Home, Google Now, and many more. “After the long-awaited anticipation Apple at least mentions HomeKit again and did something about it,” Z-Wave Europe CEO Christian Paetz said. Many believe that the announcement of Home is a positive step for Apple, to an extent where there is finally a centralized app to manage the IoT devices comprising of the HomeKit ecosystem. Prior to Home, users would need to download thirdparty apps in order to control their devices. In short, what has been a very long awaited release may finally gain traction in the smart home market.

July/August 2016 mySMAhome.com 15

Feature Feature

WHAT TO EXPECT As mentioned, Apple is finally getting serious about the smart home and the Internet-ofThings, a dedicated app that D-Link Senior Manager of Software R&D Hans Liu believes is long overdue. “Shrouded by the myriad of protocols and alliances, we expect Apple Home to generate a larger following and help stir a bigger turnout for the HomeKit ecosystem. Moreover, integration under Apple’s e x c l u s i v e u m b re l l a ca n a l s o b e a positive step for device manufacturers in Taiwan,” Liu said. A c c o rd i n g t o t h e H o m e demonstration during WWDC 2016, the app will house HomeKit-compatible accessories from different manufacturers, and users can simply control them all under one platform. Another interesting feature worth mentioning is the customizable service called “Scene,” which allows you to activate a group of HomeKit-

compatible accessories via Siri, or voice command. Available in the app's main view, a Scene like "I'm home" could be configured to unlock the front door and turn on the house lights. And as exemplified during the conference, a “Goodnight” Scene could in turn adjust the room temperature, shut the curtain, and so forth. In short, there is nothing merrier than having one centralized app to control everything. One thing for certain is that users don’t have to juggle between different apps to toggle the lights, the garage door, or thermostat – even though they are made from multiple manufacturers. The other advantage is that security and communication are handled using one fixed standard, which should make for safer and more reliable operation. Last but not least, for the first time, Siri will be made available to third-party developers. This means that the choice of voice-activated app contents will be more widely available for consumers, and looking from the aspect of smart home, the opening of Siri is a welcoming feat.

JUST ‘MEH’ However, besides the opening to third-party programs, some have expressed that the Siri enhancement is only “meh,” to say the least. According to Paetz, although the integration with Siri was innovative when it was first introduced, speech recognition devices such as Amazon Echo or the recently announced Google Home box fit way better in the usage scenarios of a smart home – you can control the home but you don’t have to hold a device in hand. “Most of the exciting news are standard in our world…things like ‘remote access’ and control for thermostats. There is still not one single thing I can do

What Some Say:

Jerry Chen, CEO, Dexatek Technology

“My perspective towards Apple Home is entirely positive. I believe it will help drive Apple’s ecosystem to new heights. And in the long term, I believe Apple will make Home a centerpiece for the healthcare sector, which is a thriving yet promising segment of the smart home industry.” “The company made it clear they have four platforms for developers to think about, each one with a different focal point. The iOS, WatchOS, tvOS and macOS will make up the pillars for developers. Apple has begun opening up more of each platform and allowing developers added ways to take advantage of each.”

16 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016

Hans Liu, Senior Manager of Software R&D, D-Link Corporation

“I believe HomeKit was a way for Apple to test the water, and its method to educate the public about HomeKit. After two years in the making, the recent announcement of Home during WWDC is a telling sign that the timing is right.” “Home will be good for the HomeKit ecosystem because there are too many protocols and standards currently out there. The Integration under the Apple umbrella will be a good thing for device makers in Taiwan.” “As a developer, the only skeptic I have is that the centralized app from Apple may impact device makers in Taiwan from a software standpoint as it will be hard for them to differentiate from others, as everyone would need to be confined to one single app dictated by Apple. The possibility of a price war is not something I’d like to see stir up because of that. In other words, differentiation will be key for local device makers to those jumping on the HomeKit bandwagon.”

with HomeKit that I can’t do with other solution PROMISING OR HYPE? Despite the advances Apple said they could bring for the smart home, not already on the market. Moreover, the Home app everyone will necessarily want to sign up to its HomeKit ecosystem and way is ‘OK’ at best,” he explained. of certification. And although still at this early stage of the game, adopters Again, as opposed to Amazon Echo, Siri isn’t would need to start mulling over what smart home operating system and “always on,” and the need to use an app interface smartphone OS they will opt for. A big gamble for most, to say the least. for voice control might appear a bit outdated. “The Home app will create better user experience for the end user, but Finally, as mentioned during Apple’s keynote clearly there are other home center apps out there. Also, speech, the company plans to use it may only bring more value to Apple TV owners who Apple TV as part of its integrated There is nothing will be able to remotely control their home,” WonderVoice solution to enhance the HomeKit CEO and founder Gal Melamed said. experience. The real question is how merrier than having Commenting on the opening of the speech-to-text SDK, the Cupertino-based tech giant plans one centralized app Melamed believes that the excitement and hype will not be to entice new consumers into using to control everything. a long-term affair. Apple TV as their primary source for “This is actually aligning with Google’s approach from smart home experience – who are also Users will no longer day one on Android in which android developers always the very same group of people that need to juggle between had access to Google’s speech engines for free. But, have we were reluctant to buy Apple TV in the seen smart voice activated solutions on android regarding first place, or those that went for a different apps from the home? I believe not. The reason is that in order to cheaper alternative, the Amazon Echo. multiple manufaccreate a voice activated solution, there is a need for suite Speaking in retrospect, while the of complementary technologies and since the nature of latest announcements from Apple are turers. the speech engine is too generic, the capability to enable far from groundbreaking, loyal Apple adequate solution for the home is low,” he explained. fans are nevertheless happy to see advances made Hence, the success of Apple Home and HomeKit will depend largely on to its ecosystem. But looking from the side of early third-party manufacturers, as they are the ones to decide if they want to join smart home adopters, it’s fair to say that there is in on Apple’s closed “bandwagon.” And while the latter continues to dictate actually nothing special about Home (or Siri for terms and requirements based on its MFi program, this exclusive ecosystem that matter) when considering that the number of will remain a hard sell, especially for new entrants – developers and device compatible devices is far less than other existing manufacturers. But regardless of the hype, only time will tell. ecosystems today.

Christian Paetz, CEO, Z-Wave Europe

Kelvin Wu, Sales Director, Phytrex Technology Corp.

“After the long-awaited anticipation Apple at least mentions HomeKit again and did something about it. Most of the exciting news are standard in our world…things like ‘remote access’ and control for thermostats. There is still not one single thing I can do with HomeKit that I can’t do with other solution already on the market. Moreover, the Home app is ‘OK’ at best.

Gal Melamed, CEO and founder, WonderVoice Technologies Ltd.

“I believe Apple Home is important for the industry. Despite two years in the waiting, Apple finally came up with a native HomeKit app that will resolve the current fragmented, messy nature of the smart home. Put simply, the cohesiveness of the iOS ecosystem means it’s still one of the most important mobile OS in the world, given that an OS upgrade can put a native smart

“Overall I believe that Apple’s announcement is good for the smart home ecosystem. The company is stating that the smart home is important for its business and enables an ecosystem solution with Home, HomeKit, and Apple TV.” “The negative side is that no attractive new solutions will rise from the new Siri announcement. It might even cause developers to waste time on building unusable solutions. One exception is that I do expect solutions that already had plans to integrate speech that might leverage the new tools.”

home app into millions of Apple devices in a single day.” “The question is not about who will be the dominant player in the smart home, but one thing for sure is that Apple HomeKit and its ecosystem will be the most secure platform in the world in a sense that if you are willing to play along, rest assured that there will be a unified security standard for all."

July/August 2016 mySMAhome.com 17

Feature Feature

CviLux Corporation Opro9 Smart Diaper Sensor

The Opro9 Smart Diaper sensor, manufactured using SGS certified-safe materials, can be placed on any disposable diaper using a Velcro strap to avoid physical contact and discomfort for the baby. A downloadable smart diaper app provides an easy-to-use interface to help new parents review and track their baby's conditions. This single app can also monitor five diaper sensors simultaneously. The Smart Diaper App provides statistics, including records of daily and weekly urination times, average number of times urinated, urination frequency, and so on, to allow parents to use its records to make appropriate health-related decisions. Using CviLux's secure cloud, the cloudbased data analysis programs combined with clinical research from medical professionals can help provide parents with even more accurate healthcare data on their baby.


Lyric Round Wi-Fi Thermostat Honeywell introduced its second-generation Lyric Round Wi-Fi thermostat compatible with Apple HomeKit for control using Siri, and features easy integration into other current smart home ecosystems like Samsung SmartThings. The second generation Lyric thermostat features the same sleek aesthetic and intuitive features of the original, such as location-based, customized temperature control. It also can be easily integrated into other current ecosystems, such as Samsung SmartThings, and can link many home products and services that customers choose, including those from Honeywell, such as the Lyric security system.

iLuv Creative Technology Rainbow8

Rainbow8, iLuv’s first Apple HomeKit-certified smart LED light bulb, is capable of dimming to almost any setting and features 16 million possible color choses. Wi-Fi enabled Rainbow8 can be easily controlled from anywhere inside or out of the home using an Apple or Android smartphone or tablet thanks to iLuv’s intuitive app; and all without the need for a costly central hub. With the Rainbow8 app, users can turn on and off their lights, adjust color settings and brightness, and set customizable schedules to best suit their needs. Lights can be controlled individually, or grouped together giving users the ability to control multiple lights in their home at once. Additionally, Rainbow8 is Apple HomeKit-certified and offers HomeKit users a “plug-and-play” connected lighting option. The lightbulbs can be easily integrated with other HomeKitcertified products, making them a seamless part of the smart home experience and allowing the lights to be controlled by Siri.

18 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016


Philips Lighting

Philips Hue White Ambiance This starter kit comes with two Philips Hue white ambiance bulbs (800 lumens at 4000k), a bridge that supports Apple HomeKit and also a Philips Hue dimmer switch. Users can control Philips Hue lights via the Philips Hue mobile app, Siri voice control and Apple Watch. The kit can create ambience with light recipes via app or the Philips Hue dimmer switches to set a crisp white light effect for cool energizing daylight or a relaxing warm white light. Besides support for HomeKit, the Philips Hue White Ambiance also works with Nest Learning thermostat, Nest Cam, Nest Protect, and Amazon Alexa.

iSP8W SmartPlug with Remote The Wi-Fi enabled smart plug allows users to control small appliances using 1,800W or under, including lights, window air conditioners, fans, portable heaters, coffee makers, and home audio systems. The featured remote control allows the control of individual iHome SmartPlugs or trigger multiple plugs at once. It’s a quick and easy way to manage devices throughout the home up to 35 feet, and no line of sight needed.

iDevices, LLC iDevices Socket

The Socket by iDevices is the latest innovation that allows you to turn any ordinary light bulb into a connected bulb quickly and easily. Simply screw Socket into your favorite lighting fixture and insert any standard bulb to enjoy the peace of mind that comes from the ability to control your lighting from anywhere. Socket is the latest evolution in iDevices’ line of connected home products, designed to give users a simple way to customize their home and enhance everyday life. The iDevices Connected app makes it easy for users to add products to their home Wi-Fi network and securely pair them to their iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Not only can the app control just iDevices products, but also all HomeKit-enabled products available on the market.



Connected Devices for Improving the

at Home

For this issue’s Exploration segment, we are exploring connected devices that are related to improving the “air� at home. Keeping the air cool and fresh would certainly help maintain the well-being of the occupants. The first device is connected A/C controller, which easily adds connectivity to existing A/C units at home to enable remote control using a mobile app. Some connected A/C controllers can also automate their operation based on user habits learned or environmental parameters. The second one is smart air quality sensor, which monitors the air quality and alerts the user when the air quality becomes a concern.

July/August 2016 mySMAhome.com 19


5 Select Connected A/C Controllers for the Smart Home By Cindy Lin

Smart thermostats have been a hot topic in the smart home, for they bring practical benefits like energy saving while increasing home comfort. While thermostats are popular in regions like North America and Europe, in some other regions where home cooling is the primary concern for households, air conditioners (A/C) may be all that is needed. So why not make A/C smart as well?

Companies have come up with add-ons featuring easy installation to connect existing air conditioners to mobile apps for remote control. These add-ons will be referred to as connected A/C controller hereafter. Early pioneers include IntesisHome, tado°, Sensibo, and Ambi Labs: IntesisHome launched a remote A/C control solution that works with Panasonic Aquarea and Etherea air conditioning products in February 2012; tado° launched its Smart AC Control on Kickstarter in May 2014; Sensibo launched its smart A/C control kits on Indiegogo also in May 2014; and Ambi Labs launched Ambi Climate on Kickstarter in 2014 October. Many of the connected A/C controllers today are standalone devices, with some exceptions like Sensibo’s kits, which are hub-based systems. These controllers are placed near the A/C— they can be attached to either the exterior or interior of the A/ C unit, on any surface in the room, or plugged into the wall. Besides IR control, many devices support Wi-Fi for wireless installation. Similar to the Nest Thermostat, some connected A/C controllers feature intelligence through learning to bring tailored user experience. They can learn user preferences based on user settings over time, so that they can operate based on the preferences automatically. With embedded sensors for temperature, humidity, light, motion and so on, they can also learn about the home environment to provide increased comfort. For example, the controllers can turn on/off the A/C or adjust its settings when the temperature or humidity is too high or too low. While the

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indoor environment is affected by outdoor weather, some controllers even incorporate weather data for more efficient operation. Geolocation is one trending feature for connected A/C controllers. With geolocation, the controllers can turn the A/ C off as the user leaves home, and turn it back on as the user approaches for pre-cooling the house. While connected A/C controllers can certainly fit in the smart home, so far their connection with other devices or services in it has been almost non-existent, with exceptions like Intraix and tado°. Intraix provides a hub—KLUG Home—to connect to other smart devices and services including Amazon Echo, Philips Hue, Apple Watch, Apple HomeKit, Google Now and more. tado° has just announced integration with Amazon Echo. Such integrations are perhaps something companies can work on for the future. In this feature, we have picked 5 connected A/C controllers for the smart home.


Ambi Climate

Wireless: IR, ZigBee, Bluetooth 4.0 (for iBeacon/micro-location)

Wireless: IR, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0 (for iBeacon/micro-location)

KLUG Air was launched by the Singapore-based startup Intraix for remote control of split-unit A/C systems. The device is embedded with temperature, relatively humidity, iBeacon presence, and light sensors as well as six IR receivers. With the KLUG Air, users can turn their A/C on/off or adjust temperature, mode, or fan speed remotely via the KLUG app. User habit learning and geolocation are also supported. The device is battery-operated, making placement simple. According to Bryan Lee, co-founder of Intraix, the battery life is about 6 months. Lee shared what is special about the device is that it can receive signals from traditional remotes so that all changes can be synced. In other words, users can use their traditional remote for control, and the KULG Air would know of any changes made. The KLUG Air has to be used in conjunction with KLUG Home, a ZigBee and Wi-Fi supporting hub that can also connect to other smart devices in the home, such as smart plugs and smart meters.

Funded through Kickstarter, Ambi Climate features compatibility with close to 350 air conditioners, whether they are wall-mounted or portable air conditioners. The device has embedded temperature, humidity, sunlight and motion sensors. By taking into consideration the A/C’s efficiency and how the home heats, cools and responds to weather, the device offers intelligent and automatic control. Unnecessary heating and cooling is also reduced to save energy. There are modes for users to choose from, including the Comfort Mode and Away Mode. For the Comfort Mode, the device operates based on user preferences learned by the device. According to Ambi Labs, “It basically takes over your AC controls and works to maintain what it knows you feel comfortable with, based on sensor readings and external weather changes.” For the Away Mode, when sensor readings meet user defined thresholds, the device will turn on the A/ C for bringing the conditions back to “acceptable” levels.




Ambi Labs

myOndo Wireless: IR, Wi-Fi myOndo supports both machine learning and geolocation. For geolocation, myOndo can analyze Wi-Fi and GPS data to find the precise location of the user, and turn on the A/C as the user approaches home. myOndo has temperature and humidity sensors. To maximize comfort, myOndo takes into account the room temperature, user patterns, outside weather and any fluctuation in its operation. Reducing fluctuation of room temperature can help reduce energy consumption, as shown in the following graph. The device also allows users to get a good night’s sleep—just enter the sleeping time, and the device will also take into account the fall in body temperature during sleep to keep users comfortable. AskStory Co., Ltd.

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IntesisHome WiFi Air Conditioner Controller

JiiOrbit LeOne

Wireless: IR, Wi-Fi

LeOne features 100% M-I-T (made in Taiwan) and is compatible with over 95% of the split-unit and window A/C models available in Taiwan. Similarly, it is embedded with temperature and humidity sensors for environment monitoring. The device also supports scheduling and multiple users managing multiple devices. The maximum distance the device can be placed from the A/C is 8 meters.

IntesisHome has multi-language support and allows users to remotely manage settings like on/off, operating modes (cool, heat, auto, fan, dry), fan speed, vane, timer, timer & scenes and more. Certain features like multiple areas and multiple users are available only on the web. Two models are available—Universal and Brand specific. Whereas the former can be placed anywhere in the room, the latter is to be placed inside the air conditioner and connects to it via a specific AC connection wire. One of the announcements IntesisHome made at this year’s MWC is VoiceOver support for the blind or the visually impaired. “With VoiceOver you can control your device with simple gestures. For instance, simply touch your screen or drag your finger on it and VoiceOver will tell you everything in it. Touch one button once to listen (to) its description and twice to activate it.” Through third party services, extra features including geolocation, weather, voice commands and interaction with devices such as Nest, Belkin WeMo and Philips Hue are also available. IFTTT integration is also supported. Intesis Software

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Wireless: IR, Wi-Fi

Unity Digi Inc.


By Cindy Lin

According to the EPA, most people spend as much as 90 percent of their time indoors, and that indoor air levels of many pollutants may be 2-5 times, and in some cases, more than 100 times higher than outdoor levels.

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4 Select Smart Air Quality Sensors for the Smart Home Indoor air quality may be affected by a number of factors. For example, lack of ventilation, gas leakage, airborne particulate matter from outside or within the home, and VOCs from furniture, home dĂŠcor or household products. Poor air quality can have adverse health effects on people in the short run as well as in the long run. For those who suffer from respiratory problems, poor air quality can seriously affect their living quality. To maintain good indoor air quality, knowing what is in the air is important because one can get a rough idea about the possible sources of pollution and try to remove or eliminate them accordingly. For example, if one finds the level of carbon dioxide being too high, they can open the window to ventilate. Knowing when the air quality becomes a concern is equally important, as some air pollutants like carbon monoxide can pose immediate danger and even take away lives if not taken care of quickly. Smart air quality sensors provide users with the knowledge and the immediacy needed for maintaining healthy air around them. Common parameters monitored include temperature, humidity, levels of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, particulate matter (including PM2.5 and PM10) and VOCs. Companies are leveraging

advanced technologies like cloud computing, big data analysis and artificial intelligence to provide meaningful information for realizing advanced applications as well as to empower the users to make better informed decisions to improve the air they breathe in. For example, AirVisual uses machine learning for forecasting air pollution movements, validating data points and sensor calibration. With the forecast, users can plan ahead their activities based on this information. With advanced analytics, the company also provides world air quality map based on data from 8,000 locations worldwide. The map is open to public access. Portability is a popular feature for smart air quality sensors. Some devices can even be carried outdoors for continued monitoring of the air quality wherever the users go. Developed by Drayson Technologies, CleanSpace Tag is a portable smart air quality sensor that weighs just 51 grams. What is unique about the device is that it uses the company’s patented Freevolt technology to stay powered without having to be plugged in for charging. With this technology, wasted energy in wireless networks, such as cellular and Wi-Fi, can be harvested to power devices. In this feature, we have picked 4 smart air quality sensors for the smart home.

AirVisual Node

CleanSpace Tag

• Wireless: Wi-Fi • Sensors: PM2.5, CO2, temperature, humidity

• Wireless: BLE, GSM1800, Wi-Fi • Sensors: CO, temperature

AirVisual Node is a smart air quality monitor with sensors for PM2.5, CO2, temperature and humidity. Through a successful Indiegogo campaign, the device raised a total of US$59,882 in April. According to the company, the AirVisual Node was designed to medical-grade standards to be of special benefit to people who have asthma, COPD, lung cancer and high blood pressure. The monitor uses auto-calibration components to take factors like temperature, humidity and outlying data points into consideration for provide more accurate numbers. It can also control mart home devices using action-based rules.

Launched in September 2015, CleanSpace Tag has CO and temperature sensors and connects to the smartphone using Bluetooth. Being lightweight, portable and capable of outdoor measurement, the device can easily be part of users’ everyday lives for users to track personal pollution exposure in real-time. Data collected from the device would be anonymized and sent to the cloud for building an air pollution map for CleanSpace users. “As people begin using the CleanSpace Tag on a mass scale, it will build a more granular, crowd-sourced live map of air pollution, firstly across the UK and then around the world,” said the company.


Drayson Technologies

AirQ Check GS-01

PM2.5 sensor

Sensors: temperature, humidity, CO, CO2, tVOCs

• Wireless: EnOcean • Sensors: PM2.5, VOCs

AirQ Check GS-01 is a portable air quality monitoring device that can be plugged into Android smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices via Micro USB. It measures temperature, humidity, total level of VOCs (including formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, alcohol, and amine) and levels of CO and CO2. With the LED indicator, users can know just by glancing at the device if the air is fresh (green light/0~100 ppb), moderate (orange light/101~400 ppb) or poor (red light/>400 ppb). The device can be set to detect at intervals of 1s, 10s or 60s. With the mobile app, users can not just monitor the air quality in real-time, they can also view up to 1 month of air quality history.

Archgon’s PM2.5 sensor detects levels of PM2.5 and VOCs. The sensor takes measurements every 20 seconds at a PM2.5 range of up to 300 μg/m3. According to Bryan Wang at Archgon, the PM2.5 sensor uses the same IC as that used in the new Panasonic ECONAVI air conditioners, which has high accuracy. The company’s self-developed gateway is required for the operation of the sensor, and the two communicate with each other via EnOcean. Wang said that EnOcean was chosen to offer energy-efficient operation. The gateway can also connect to Archgon’s other sensors via EnOcean, such as the solar-powered CO2 sensor. He added that the PM2.5 sensor will be launching in Taiwan first before other countries, and more sensors will come out in the future.

Kingmax Semiconductor Inc. (KINGMAX)

Archgon International Ltd.

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YI Technology

Presents Its Future Product Development Strategies

By Weili Lin

YI Technology, a Shanghai-based home security and action camera provider, belongs to Xiaomi Ecosystem. Its YI Home Camera made a hit in China. Currently, the company has 3.5 million active users in ten international markets.

The company primarily sells its cameras to consumers via the retail channels. The company is in discussions with a variety of potential partners and service providers, including telcos, solution providers, ISPs and more. Sean Da, co-founder and CEO of YI Technology told SMAhome about its product development plans and viewpoints on the smart home market.

We believe that video analytics technology is the way forward for the home security camera industry.

How many home cameras have you shipped since they were launched in 2015? Could you offer the forecast number this year and next year?

market segments, or do you see an increasing demand on the value-added products?

Since launching the YI Home Camera in 2015, we’ve shipped more than three million units. This year, we expect to ship more than five million units, and we’re forecasting that number to double in 2017.

The YI Home Camera 2 has many smart video analytics capabilities and is perfect for small businesses and the higher end security market, even though our price is still very affordable. We believe that video analytics technology is the way forward for the home security camera industry, and I’m very pleased that we are offering such a great product.

What are your channel management strategies? Are there different market demands in different geographic regions?

How do you see the home security camera market? What are driving forces and challenges over the next few years?

YI works with online e-commerce partners in China such as Xiaomi, JD and Tmall. For the U.S. and global markets, we work with distributors and leading retailers, including Amazon, eBay and Newegg as well as many others around the world. The YI Home Camera is more popular in China, while the YI Action Camera is more popular outside China.

YI Home Camera 2 provides special features like gesture recognition, baby crying detection and so on. Do you target different 26 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016

Right now, a clear trend in the home security market is home automation, driven by higher resolution, more connected devices and smarter features. Making automation easy and accessible for all users continues to be a challenge for the entire industry. We feel that our offerings, with the YI Home app, product specs, ease of use and affordable pricing, are a big step in the right direction.

Will YI Technology introduce other smart home devices like doorbell camera and sensors, or just focus on video surveillance products? We plan to expand our smart home devices beyond cameras, because we see a wide range of products on the market, like doorbell cams and sensors, that are still too hard to use and too expensive to be appealing to everyone. We see it as our mission to remedy this issue.


Column by Control4: Setting the Scene in the Smart home By Brad Hintze, Director of Product Marketing, Control4

When you buy a new cell phone, laptop, or even car, one of the first things you do is customize your settings. Everything from the sounds, touch, layout and colors can be altered to suit your lifestyle or planned use for the device. In a car, you can set the touchscreen to dim at night, or choose different sounds to play when you start the engine. A phone offers additional customizable parameters, allowing you to customize icons, screen configurations and animations among other things depending on the type of operating system you have. Offering countless areas for customization can be viewed as a plus or a minus for these types of technology, where even the amount of customization available could be viewed as a disadvantage or a benefit depending on the user. But when it comes to smart home system, whether do-it-yourself or installed, all homeowners can benefit from seeking out the highest amount of customization. Customization in a smart home provides homeowners with the ability to create scenes in their home, which can save them time, and even money in some cases. While these customizable scenes offer virtually unlimited options − created by coordinating the action of several smart home devices such as lighting, sensors, HVAC systems, security devices and etc. − they typically fall into categories of entertainment, house occupant habits, security, or cost-efficiency. Generally, scenes act as a convenience for homeowners, enabling them to activate or deactivate an entire room’s devices from the touch of one button,

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Setting the scene in a home is still intertwined with home décor

instead of having to manually activate each light, TV, HVAC and sound system. As an example of an entertainment coordination, a “movie night scene” can be set so that when the homeowner activates a certain switch in the home or a button from their smartphone or security panel, the TV room’s lights will automatically dim along with the heat going up, the TV activating and the speakers playing. Other recreation scenes like this can also be automated to start at a certain time of day to for example, turn on the lights and play music at a scheduled dinner time or when the sun sets each day. Scenes that correspond to household habits have a large margin of use cases for different types of homeowners. For seniors, the smart home can be set to activate lights if a door is opened at night, and to light the way for a clear path. For parents with young children, a bedtime scene can be set in the child’s room to deactivate the lights at their bedtime. And for homeowners living alone, lights can be set to activate just prior to their usual return home so that they arrive to a welcoming, bright home. This type of scene acts as a shortcut for a way of life, and can help manage routines and contribute to the occupant’s lifestyle. Security, of course, ties into the habits of the homeowners. If they have a regular work schedule, the system can be coordinated to automatically activate or deactivate based on their general departure

and arrival times. But it can also be set up based on other occupants in the home, to have the doors open to let kids in when they return home from school and keep doors locked until the parents return. Additionally, scenes can also serve to reduce energy costs; by setting the heat to be automatically lowered at times when the house is unoccupied, there is a lesser chance of it being needlessly activated. Smart home settings can also function to reduce the amount of time that lights are needlessly left on, such as to power off after a certain amount of time. While the cost-efficient scenes are applicable to almost any household, this category of scene could be particularly useful for those who have second homes. A smart home system in a second or vacation home could allow a homeowner to ensure that the home has a proper temperature and

is appropriately secured during their absence, or even manage remote entry and exit of guests through smart locks. The interoperability of smart home sensors, security devices and entertainment systems provides homeowners with a virtually unlimited number of customizable scenes for their home. While setting the scene in a home is still intertwined with home dĂŠcor, the application of automated entertainment and habitual scenes is the gateway for making truly smart home.

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Z-Wave europe: The Battle of The Z-twins—Z-wave and ZigBee By Dr. Christian Paetz, CEO, Z-Wave Europe

Z-Wave and ZigBee are two major wireless networking technologies at smart homes. Z-Wave Europe CEO, Dr. Christian Paetz explains why and how Z-Wave and ZigBee compete against each other. Whenever there are comparisons and overviews about smart home wireless standards, the two Z’s – ZigBee and Z-Wave – are mentioned first. For more than one decade, the two wireless protocols have strived for becoming the primary choice of technology for the smart home yet none of them was able to beat the other out of the game so far. Let’s have a closer look at the “Z“-twins. Like human twins, the two standards were developed almost at the same time. The IEEE 802.15.4-2003 ZigBee specification was ratified on December 14, 2004. The ZigBee Alliance announced availability of specification 1.0 on June 13, 2005, known as the ZigBee 2004 Specification. Z-Wave was invented by a Danish startup Zensys around the year of 2001/2002 as foundation of their own smart home system. Later on, the company stopped their own product business but focused on licensing the wireless technology to others. First Z-Wave devices were showed up on the market around 2003.

layer, and provide their own addressing and routing scheme on the networking layer. Z-Wave uses Sub-G frequencies at 865 to 920 MHz, and ZigBee picked the 2.4 GHz frequency range. Besides, both technologies handle all application specific issues in the application layer, and adopt the mesh networking technology to provide reliable intercommunication. The technology uses connected devices as routers for connecting other devices in case there is no direct communication available. Furthermore, both technologies tried to manage their energy consumption well to meet the requirement of battery-powered devices. Last but not least, both technologies are promoted by an industry alliance named by the standard. Both the ZigBee and the Z-Wave alliance have a few hundred members while the Z-Wave alliance seems to grow a bit faster. Quite a few large companies in the world have joined both camps.

Looking back to the history of Information technology, the open DifferenceS Initially, ZigBee focused a lot on the networking layer–networking, interoperable meshing and addressing. The technology gets a jumpstart by using a systems almost well-defined physical layer of IEEE 802.15.4, supported by various always win. vendors. The ZigBee ICs are supplied by large chip vendors lowering the price of the silicon chips. As of today, the lower cost of ZigBee chip is still a clear advantage in comparison with Z-Wave. The major concern of ZigBee is the application layer. In the beginning, there was much freedom for developers to implement whatever they intended to do. Later on, the ZigBee Alliance tried to standardize various application layer profiles. But the box of Pandora was already opened. Even adding numerous different profiles sometimes only adopted by one or only a few vendors - did not result

SimilaritieS Both technologies have a lot in common, specifically designed for the smart home, both of them provide twoway communication which confirms every communication message back to the transmitter. Also, their generic communication architectures are similar. They both rely on a physical

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The ZigBee Application Layer profiles.

in mutually compatible designs of products under the ZigBee flag. As of today, the application level profile layout provided by the ZigBee Alliance shows the dilemma. None of the different profiles, not even different versions of the same profile share commonality and interoperability. For new vendors, it is almost impossible to find the right profile even if the very vendor decides to use its own profile—nobody will really object. The toolset of the ZigBee Alliance to push towards convergence are not very sharp anyway. Large members of the club defend their own proprietary implementation of ZigBee for good business reason and the convenient supply of chips plus the lack of any sanctions or benefits by following the centralized profiles. It results in too many ‘vendor-specific’ implementations. The situation in Z-Wave is just the other way around. The core mission of Z-Waves is to provide interoperability and unification of the application layer that is the central piece of work for the Z-Wave Alliance. There is only one standard application profile and its use is strictly enforced. The biggest disadvantage of Z-Wave – no enough hardware suppliers –

becomes an advantage here because it gives Z-Wave promoters the weapon to defend its interoperability claim against misbehaving vendors who want to benefit from the interoperability ecosystem but still want to lock in their customers into their own solutions. The various attempts of the ZigBee Camp to unify its application-level protocol proves that Z-Wave is likely right by ruthlessly enforcing the interoperability even on the cost of losing some interesting and large OEMs.

market toDay Looking into the market place today, we can see that both sides play their cards well. When there is a strong need for locking in customers into a company-specific solution, ZigBee is the way to go. The most prominent example is the Philips Hue. Since LED lights face a severe price pressure from low-end suppliers, an international brand like Philips can only defend its position by locking in the customers to their own solution, the Philips Hue platform. Integrators on the other side may prefer to have the freedom to choose vendors. They don’t want to buy chipsets from a limited number of suppliers because it would be hard for them to negotiate prices and conditions. However, the world is not that easy. It is interesting to see that how the large-sized system integrators such as service providers made their choices. They prefer to adopt ZigBee because the technology gives them freedom to implement their own ideas and dreams. Some business people may opt for a closed system based on ZigBee technology because they think they can penetrate and dominate their markets with their proprietary systems. While, those who are more realistic prefer the open system for the above-mentioned reasons. Looking back to the history of Information technology, the open interoperable systems almost always win. The ‘right to choose’ is a very strong argument for consumers. Besides, only competition could create innovation and progress that leads to domination of the market. On the other hand, these processes may take longer than we have expected unavoidably. Besides, lack of interoperability makes an impact to the large-sized players when their products are placed side by side on the same shelf with those uncertified or non-interoperable devices. While the OEM brands may still prefer their own technology wrapped into their own marketing envelopes. From the sales’ perspective, there is certainly a different objective. They want to simplify the sales process and upsell. By saying “no” to the simple question “Can I use this with that” from consumers, they will not achieve this goal.

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Multi SySteM OperatOrS Have a lOng Way tO gO, BefOre BecOMing a fOrce in tHe Residential alaRm industRy By Jim Dearing, Market Analyst II, IHS Technology

Although multi-system operators (MSOs) have made significant inroads into the residential alarm market; they still have a long way to go before they can claim to have truly conquered the traditional security provider’s stranglehold on demand. In fact, just 0.4 percent of fixed-broadband subscribers in the United States purchased a residential alarm system from an MSO in 2015, and IHS intruder alarm equipment shipment forecasts indicate that this figure will not exceed 1 percent before 2020. According to the latest information from the IHS Intruder Alarm and Monitoring Services Intelligence Service, just over 343,000 residential alarm control panels were sold to MSOs across the entirety of the Americas region in 2015. Shipments of residential panels to the professional security sector in this region exceeded 2 million units in 2015. Comcast, Time Warner Cable, AT&T first began offering residential alarm systems in 2010, 2011 and 2012 respectively. These companies touted multiple advantages over existing competitors,, such as the opportunity to market the new products and services to enormous existing customer bases, advertising budget war chests that ADT and other home security companies could only dream of, and the ability to leverage pre-existing supplier agreements to acquire and provide

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Note: Equipment included in market size estimates: control panels, sensors, keypads, key fobs and alarm communication modules. Source: IHS

MSOs still have a long way to go before they can claim to have truly conquered the traditional security provider’s stranglehold on demand.

affordable hardware. However, it's possible that some of these advantages could end up limiting growth, or worse, end the MSO's venture altogether. For example, there are only so many times an MSO can call an existing customer and offer them additional products or services, without aggravating them to the point of cancelling their contracts. IHS also found that there is a slight trend towards MSOs shifting their preference for equipment suppliers to professional security manufacturers, rather than their usual suppliers, due to the affordable -- but often lower-quality -equipment's higher false-alarm rate causing subscriber issues. Huge budgets afforded to the new MSO divisions also come with strings attached by their parent companies. If they don't acquire a certain number of subscribers or acceptable levels of profitability by a certain date, companies might close down the home security division, in order to free up budget to pursue other revenue-generating opportunities. MSOs have been aggressive in their pursuit of market share in the alarm market over the past five years, potentially because they are running up against tight revenue goals from their head offices -- with little room for sympathy or excuses.


Evolving Smart HomE tEcHnology EnablES

Smarter LifeStyLe

The IoT technology may revolutionize our lives with improved IC designs, evolving AI technology and smarter cloud platforms. The Internet of Things (IoT) is believed to drive the growth momentum in the next decade. By Weili Lin

Thanks to smarter algorithm and evolving cloud computing technology, the manufacturers put smarts into the smart home products by utilizing robotic technology and cloud platforms. The rapid improvement of machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies make it possible for human-machine interaction.

IntuItIve Control The evolving voice control technology creates space of possibility for intuitive home control. Amazon Echo and Apple’s Siri empowers users to control connected home devices via their voices. Featuring a native app for home automation and control over 100 HomeKitcompatible devices, iOS 10 is projected to boost the ecosystem of smart home. An Israeli company WonderVoice developed a contextual speech O/S for the wearables and the connected home applications. The company claimed that the patent-pending intelligent voice platform can offer a personalized and contextual solution that responds to any user voice request to enhance user experience. The company said the solution leverages big data and context to overcome voice engines' incompetence when handling unpredictable and unstructured social and real-life content. The O/ S is designed for hardware manufacturers, OEMs and ODMs, who want to develop connected devices enabled by advanced contextual speech solution with fast time to market.

Smarter Cloud data analytICS The cloud platform is no longer just a place to connect things via P2P technology or to provide video storage. The award-winning MoBagel provides predictive analytics for connected devices, aiming to enhance time to market and reduce the barriers for hardware manufacturers who would like to develop IoT solutions timely. Currently, the company’s cloud platforms are located in 51 locations globally. The Kalay platform from ThroughTek (TUTK) provides real-time data analytics for managing connected devices with visualization and recognizes patterns to help customers improve business operations.

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Zyxel smart home gateway adopts Intel AnyWAN GRX750 SoC family.

For device management, the platform can locate and manage devices by group or individually, and collect those data for further analysis.

the eSSenCe of Smart teChnology Robots are considered to be the essence of smart technology. We saw introduction of the robotic technology into smart home products like ASUS Zenbot, Vstone Sota and Amaryllo ATOM AR2 autotracking security robot. Vstone uses the Intel Edison compute module, w h i c h s u p p o r t s Wi - F i a n d B l u e t o o t h 4 . 0 connectivity, to develop a robot called Sota. With Sota, users can control smart home devices with their voices to turn on lights, lock doors or raise the blinds.

ASUSTeK presented Zenbo to revolutionize the homecare industry. The full-functional home robot, designed as a little companion at home, can understand voice commands and help senior family members to safeguard their health and wellbeing. The little machine is also a hands-free household helper that can connect to and control

smart home appliances like lights, TVs and air conditioners. Besides, homeowners can even use Zenbo's built-in screen to view visitors at the door and then unlock it with a simple voice command. With the built-in camera, the robot can work as a remotely-controlled home security device. Amaryllo launched its award-winning ATOM AR2 that can detect human faces and 360-degree automated people tracking, and introduced an outdoor robotic camera AR3 in mid-June. Those cameras are embedded with multi-core CPUs and artificial intelligence, being able to talk, see, hear, sense, and auto-track people even in complete darkness. When detecting human faces, AR2 will dispatch face alerts or 10-second video pushnotifications to users’ mobile devices. The robots can talk to intruders when they detect people’s presence. The company’s dynamic P2P server can provide smooth video streaming with automatic adjustments of streaming video format based on available bandwidth.

InnovatIonS from IC vendorS Leading IC vendors like Intel, Qualcomm, Silicon Labs, Marvell, ASE and Realtek introduced new SoCs for smart home applications at COMPUTEX 2016. It’s been a primary design trend to reduce power consumption and increase functionalities within low profile and energy efficient SoCs. After acquiring Lantiq, Intel has expanded its presence in the smart home

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space. Intel introduced AnyWAN GRX750 SoC family based on the Intel Atom microarchitecture and reference designs for smart home gateways. The solution is designed to enable service providers and retail OEMs to develop connected home products in a fast and cost-saving way. With the Intel AnyWAN GRX750 SoC and XWAY WAV500 Wi-Fi chipset, it provides OEMs the flexibility to connect wired or wireless technology, including optical fiber, DSL, G.fast, 4G/5G and Wi-Fi. ASE Group announced new additions to its sensor lineup, including UV/ALS Sensors, Motion Sensors, Gesture Sensors, Environment Sensors, Gas Sensors, and so forth. Its SiP solution can reduce the module size from 20 percent to 30 percent, and be applied for low-powered controllers and sensors with small footprints but large memory having very tight space constraints. Realtek introduced Ameba Wi-Fi module and low-power BLE SoCs for smart home appliances, healthcare, wearables and other connected home devices like Wi-Fi light bulb, IP camera, gateway, interactive toys, smart blender and cleaning robots. The company works with ASUSTek to develop a Linux-based Weave-capable Gateway, which supports ZigBee, Z-Wave and BLE protocols. Its SoCs can also support Apple HomeKit. For home and industrial automation, the company provides wireless IoT solutions, including WiFi MPU, MCU and adapter. Later on, the company plans to release solutions based on uWeave technology—an implementation of the Weave protocol for use on RTOS microcontroller based devices. The company’s ecosystem partners include Apple, Acer, Google, Alibaba, JD, Haier, Tencent, Ayla, Huawei, and IBM. Qualcomm Technologies introduced the new QCA4012 chip that features low-power dual band Wi-Fi, enhanced security, low power, and a small size for energy-efficient connected devices. Qualcomm Technologies also announced the expansion of the QCA401x software ecosystem that supports the HomeKit, Google Weave and AllJoyn software framework. The improved Bluetooth mesh technology is gaining attention. CSRmesh technology is incorporated into smart lighting solutions from GE, LIFX, Feit Electric, Megaman, and more. Currently, around 20 million units adopting CSRmesh technology are shipped. Through the BLE connectivity, no additional hubs are needed for connecting smart home devices. Silicon Labs, the founding members of the ZigBee Alliance and

Vstone Sota supports voice control for users to turn on lights, lock doors or raise blinds.

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Thread Group, displayed energy-friendly wireless Gecko SoCs supporting Thread, ZigBee, BLE or proprietary protocols. The company provides wireless modules, kits and reference designs to accelerate time to market. The company indicated that home automation and smart energy applications like smart meters are two largest applications for ZigBee. Smart lighting and security sensors like PIR and door/ window sensors are major applications in terms of home automation. Meanwhile, Thread technology is fast-growing, and currently adopted by up to 250 connected devices. Marvell introduced IoT Application Processor IAP220 which is an integrated multimedia and senor fusion. The low-power SoC features ARM Cortex-A7 dual core processor, GPU, sensor hub, display, touch and video codec that can be applied for home automation products with a touchscreen and highlevel O/S, such as smart appliances and security systems like IP cameras. The SoC features low-power architecture by supporting multiple power domains, low voltage operation, and dedicated engine to read from sensors. The company demoed a 360-degree IP camera to provide that utilizes IAP140 process coupled with Avastar Wi-Fi / Bluetooth combo IC, panomorph camera module, and 360-degree viewing software. In the home automation space, the IAP platform can provides remote diagnostics and predictive maintenance as well as remote monitoring of home activities. Through analytics, the developers could improve customer experiences. In addition, the IAP platform features integrated sensor hub that enables rapid and low-power sensor input processing, ideal for context-aware IoT devices for smart energy management or industrial automation. Users or developers can set rules for automation and process efficiency. The IoT provides unlimited possibilities, enabling developers to add smarts into their smart home solutions with artificial intelligence, cloud platform and more. With a smarter cloud platform, users can have personalized and intelligent user experiences; vendors can have new revenue streams by charging monthly fees. From the hardware perspective, smart home devices will become more compact, energy efficient and interoperable between one another. The IC vendors make the connected devices smarter and more secure. The artificial intelligence and smarter cloud platforms enable more possibility and opportunities for a new profitable business model, as well as improve human lives.

innovative Smart HomE gadgEtS from taiwan CompanieS Apacer


apacerCloud device is a combo of a personal cloud storage and smart gateway, providing personal cloud storage space and monitoring smart home devices. Launched in January 2016, the company’s product is shopped to telcos and retailers in the U.S., europe or asia pacific regions. its personal cloud storage provides optional Dropbox storage. plugging a ZigBee wireless dongle, users can remotely control their smart home devices like ZigBee door/ window sensors, smart plugs and Wi-fi cameras, and create rules.

robotic technology has gained momentum in recent years. aSUSteK introduced a home robot called Zenbo, providing assistance, entertainment, and companionship to families. the smart companion can move independently and understand spoken commands. Zenbo can be used as a homecare assistant like helping senior family members safeguard their health and wellbeing. Zenbo provides spoken reminders of important information, such as doctor's appointments, medication and exercise schedules, and also monitors the home for emergency situations — such as falls. the robot will notify specified family members on their smartphones if any emergency. When they receive an emergency notification, family members can remotely control Zenbo to move nearby and use Zenbo's built-in camera to visually check on their loved one. Zenbo is also a fun and educational playmate for kids. With a high-quality, built-in stereo sound system, Zenbo can play children's favorite songs and even dance along to the music, or tell stories from a built-in library of stories. Zenbo is also a hands-free household helper that can connect to and control many smart home and traditional devices, including lights, tvs, air conditioners, and more, or help out in the kitchen. When homeowners are away, Zenbo provides peace of mind by acting as a remote-controlled home security camera that is accessible via an intuitive smartphone app. Homeowners can even use Zenbo's built-in screen to view visitors at the door and then unlock it with a simple voice command. He can also help out in the kitchen, reading recipes out loud and functioning as a voice-controlled timer, so home chefs can stay focused on cooking.

BriLong Brainchild electronic provides a BLe smart lock that enables users to unlock their doors via smartphones. its unique LockSens technology could automatically unlock the door based on physical proximity. the system allows users to create a virtual e-keys and authorized access for visitors. the smart lock can work with Brainchild Wi-fi video Doorbell. the cloud-based video doorbell allows the homeowners to communicate with visitors via a smartphone. Besides, the doorbell will trigger an automatic video recording when detecting the presence of any person at the door. the Wi-fi doorbell features ip65 waterproof, fHD 1080p video resolution, peer-to-peer surveillance video live streams, and can upload the footages to the Google Drive.

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eCS introduced a series of iot gateways, including a smart home gateway GWS-QX2 for the Diy and retail market, and GWS-Bti for energy management. GWS-QX2 is a compact gateway that supports ethernet, Wi-fi, 3G, ZigBee, rS-232 and rS-485. its smart home system supports remote monitoring, scheduling and customized rule setting. in addition, the company showcased an in-home display and door phones for system integrators. its mother company tatung displayed energy monitoring panel solution that is a plug-and-play solution which collects the power usages and status of heavy load equipment or mission critical devices. it provides auto-provisioning and gathers data efficiency. the panel can connect with local servers or clouds for energy management and predictive maintenance. the panel can work with ip cameras and multisensors to detect voC, temperature and humidity for environmental monitoring. the sensors operate on Sub-GHz frequency (433/868/915 mHZ) with operating range up to 300 meters.

edimax introduced a comprehensive home security and monitoring devices—gateway, ip camera, smart plug switch, indoor portable camera, door cam, door/ window sensor, temperature/humidity sensor and pir sensor. the company provides easy-to-install door cameras—Garage Cam iC-5160GC, peephole Cam iC6220DC and Door Hook Cam iC-6230DC. Garage Cam iC5160GC features easy Diy installation and 180-degree panoramic view. iC-6220DC can fit any door thickness. Users just take out the existing peephole view, install the outdoor unit through the peephole, and attach the indoor unit on the other side. Users can just hook the screwless Diy iC-6230DC over the door for installation. edimax also provides portable pet cam and cube pet cam. the Cube pet Cam iC-8220pC features 180-degree wide-angle view and full HD 1080p video, and twoway audio for users to communicate with their pets. the portable pet Cam iC-8210pC is wearable on the pet’s collar, supporting time-lapse video, full HD 1080p video@30fps or 720p@60fps, and optional GpS and GprS. the company also works with the chip vendor realtek to develop airBox—a pm2.5 and temperature / humidity sensors for the smart city project. the airBox can detect air quality, and provides real-time report and big data & analysis. the users will get push notifications when the air quality reaches dangerous level.

MiTAC mitaC international Corp. plans to launch ip cameras, personal cloud gateway, door/window sensor and wireless hub in H2 2016. the company conducts oem/oDm business, and ships products under its own brand, available with standalone model or starter kit. the company targets telcos, retailers and distributors in the U.S. and europe. its ip Camera and pt Camera feature Wi-fi 802.11b/g/n connectivity, 720p resolution, H.264 compression, two-way audio, and supports 32GB microSD card. the ip Camera features 10 ir LeDs for night vision; the pt Camera features 11 ir LeDs for night vision, and 330-degree horizontal viewing angle, and 90-degree vertical viewing angle. the cameras can be installed on the wall or placed on the tabletop. its motion sensor and door/window sensor work on rf2.4GHz frequency, powered by aaa batteries. as for the personal cloud gateway, the device supports rJ45 ethernet connectivity, built-in hard drive and USB 2.0 port. the gateway can connect to its ip cameras for video storage.

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nettec international Corp. provides an air purifier and baby temperature smart tracker for healthcare and baby monitoring. the Babybear Body temperature Smart tracker monitors temperature of babies and send alerts to parents via a mobile app when babies have a fever. the wearable device supports BLe wireless protocol, and is easy to wear with buckle-up design. in addition, the gadget features european and american medicalgrade environmental materials which are hypoallergenic, non-toxic and soft, including silicon, pC and stainless steel. the air one anti-allergen air purifier can destroy allergens, and features energy saving and silent design. the recent studies have suggested that noise levels over 45dB can cause sleep disturbance. the air one air purifier has a sleep mode with noise level at 20dB only. the energy-saving device consumes power of only 24W. Unlike traditional air purifiers which only use blast motors to filter made of photocatalytic for anti-bacteria; the second layer is made of silver ion for sterilization and purification; the third layer is made of activated carbon as deodorant.

nextDrive's award-winning nextDrive iot suite includes gateway, wireless sensors and ip camera, to be available on the market by the end of June. nextDrive Cube is a compact tiny home gateway, being able to connect to smart meters, sensors and i/o devices. the gateway supports Wi-fi 802.11 b/g/n and BLe connectivity, and can connect up to 7 devices. the company partnered with roHm to implement Wi-Sun protocol in the nextDrive Cube. Hence, the hub can connect with smart meters and sensors to create energy management solutions. the wide-angle webcam features night vision and HD 720p video recording for 24-hour security monitoring. the system supports video timeline and bookmarking, making it easy to browse a series of events. When the camera detects an event, it will stream the real-time video feeds. With built-in accelerator, the low-profile motion pixi can be attached to any object or surface, connecting to the gateway via BLe protocol. thermo pixi can sense temperature and humidity changes and send notifications to the user’s smartphone.

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‘Smart’ tech Trends Give smarT Home This year, the smart home becomes an important theme in Taiwan. Hundreds of makers and startups provide smart home solutions of a complete system that facilitates home security and safety, or provide a home kit to cater to the fast-to-market trend for customers like telcos and retailers. Some companies expand product portfolios to family care, air quality monitoring and energy management solutions. By Weili Lin

The smart home players providing smart home products primarily came from three industries—networking, computers and peripherals, and home security (video camera and alarm system). Companies like Apacer, Edimax, MiTAC and ASUSTeK provide smart home kits that consist of a gateway, camera and security sensors. Home security and home kit are two main smart home categories exhibited at COMPUTEX 2016. ASUSTeK launched its SmartHome kit last year, and introduced a smart appliance dongle this year which can also be used as a signal repeater. When plugging the ZigBee-enabled dongle into the appliances that are compliant with the Taiwan Smart Energy Industry Association (TaiSEIA) 101 standard, users can control or interact with home appliances like air conditioners, fans, humidifiers, refrigerators and washing machines via the ASUS SmartHome app. These compatible appliances can be interoperable with SmartHome sensors. Apacer and MiTAC introduced new home kits along with their home gateways

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(personal cloud gateway) which can be used as private cloud center to address data privacy issue. NextDrive displayed its award-winning low-profile Cube, Pixi sensors and tiny IP camera. Its BLEenabled Pixi sensors can detect indoor temperature and humidity, and the nextgeneration will support PM 2.5 and smoke detection as well as Infrared remote control. The Cube is a small IoT gateway that supports BLE and Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n connectivity. Edimax also launched a comprehensive indoor home security cameras and sensors, and new door entry system—easy-toinstall door hook, award-winning WiFi peephole and mini outdoor cameras as well as a new garage cameras that supports 180-degree panoramic views. The company also works with Realtek to launch air quality monitoring devices for smart city projects. Besides, the company also offers wearable and desktop pet cams, and an indoor portable camera for baby monitoring. Chuango Security Technology

nology a new Lease of Life

on recurring revenue models and other service-based operators. Well Shin Technology Co., Ltd., a leading AC/DC power cord and charger manufacturer, debuted its new Wi-Fi home security cameras and LAN-based smart home solutions. The IP camera can features 1080P FHD video recording, temperature and humidity detection, and 3G/4G connectivity by inserting SIM card. The company can supply smart switches and plugs, lights, alarm detectors and access control products, including door magnetic sensor, PIR sensor, smart doorbell and a security key fob for wireless remote control. The company engages in energy management solutions, and expands its product portfolios to intelligent lighting, access control, video surveillance and environmental control applications.

New aNd emergiNg applicatioNs

ITRI EOSL presents modules for fall detection, heart rate detection and GPS/BLE-based tracking.

Corporation, which specializes in wireless alarm technology, introduced smart home security products, including alarm systems, home security cameras, and the award-winning Wi-Fi video doorbell under its own brand smanos. The Wi-Fi smart video doorbell can support up to 180-degree viewing angle and features IR LEDs for clear night vision. The company also provides a series of wireless home security and safety accessories like gas leak, water, smoke, motion detectors and waterproof keypad for DIY users. The company’s smart home products can be compatible with Z-Wave enabled devices, and works with the Google Nest thermostat and Amazon Echo. Smart wearable technology creates a convenient lifestyle for home monitoring. The company expands app availability to Apple Watch on its L020, W100 and W020 smart home security systems. Early this year, the company acquired an IoT solution turnkey provider Above Link Co., Ltd. to foster a complete platform-as-a-service (PaaS) business model and accelerate its transformation to cater to and capitalize

The connected health has been an emerging application in the last two years. Energy management represents a burgeoning market. In Europe and Japan, energy costs tend to fluctuate. Consumers care about effective control of energy usage for reduced energy bill; utility companies see providing additional energysaving solutions as a means of creating new revenue stream. The air quality monitoring is a fast-growing sector for connected health or home care. New air quality monitoring devices or purifiers were launched to cater to the market needs, including Kingmax AirQ Check (GS-01), Nettec Air One, Airvisual and Coasia. The air monitoring devices like Air Mentor can detect CO, CO2, VOCs, PM 2.5 along with temperature and humidity. The new Kingmax AirQ GS-01 Check, a microUSB Type B stick, can be used as a mobile CO2 and TVOC gas detector to detect indoor air quality automatically with real-time tracking and audible alerts. AirVisual, which specializes in the control of air quality data and analysis, monitors air quality in more than 6000 cities worldwide, and provide a global air pollution forecast based on the big data and artificial intelligence technologies.

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Plugging the Q Module from Full Enterprise into the power strip, users can control smart home devices via their voice.

smanos smart home alarm systems are controllable via Apple Watch.

Family care Besides baby monitoring cameras, there are new baby care devices for parents to care for their infants. For the loved elderly relatives, the panic button is used to protect the elderly previously in case they fall or of any emergency. Thanks to the improved wearable technology, the elderly can wear a watch-like security device for lost prevention and absence precaution. Parents can have peace of mind by monitoring their babies through smart wearables as well as smart analytics of babies’ conditions. CviLux Corporation launched BLEenabled Opro9 Smart Diaper (FHH201) made of SGS certified-safe and non-toxic materials such as ABS and silicone. The device provides instant notifications to the parents’ mobile phones when their baby wet the diaper, enabling them to respond accordingly to prevent skin rash. The device can connect to the cloud platform and provide information and heath care data for parents to track and review their babies’ urination frequencies to make appropriate health-related decisions. The company plans to work in cooperation with diaper manufacturers and baby supplies to provide in-app advertising and e-commerce options for baby-care products. The Babybear

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Gunitech provides smart plugs and sensors supporting Bluetooth mesh technology.

Body Temperature Smart Tracker by Nettec monitors temperature of babies and send alerts to parents via a mobile app when babies have a fever. The wearable device supports BLE wireless protocol, and is easy to wear with buckle-up design. ASUS VivoBaby is a wearable sensor that monitors a baby’s body temperature and heart rate. VivoBaby can trigger an alert and send a message to parents’ mobile phones if it senses a sudden rise in temperature or a drop in heart rate.

eNergy maNagemeNt The electricity liberalization in Japan in April 2016 is expected to stimulate the smart meter installation. Wi-SUN is an interoperable wireless mesh solution featuring IEEE 802.15.4g and IPv6 technologies. It is one of the major protocols for energy management and smart meter systems, supporting secure IPv6 communications over an IEEE 802.15.4g-based wireless mesh network, and selected by TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company Inc. (Wireless B route). TEPCO is reported to deploy 27 million smart meters over the next 10 years. Through the Wi-SUN communication protocol, users can connect to the smart

ASUS VivoBaby is a BLE wearable sensor that monitors a baby’s temperature and heart rate.

MiTAC’s IP cameras, personal cloud gateway, door/window sensor and wireless hub are available in H2 2016. Edimax provides wearable pet cam and a cube model featuring 180-degree wide-angle view and Full HD 1080p video.

Smartbears smart home system support RF433 MHz proprietary system for more stable data transmission and longer operation range.

The Babybear Body Temperature Smart Tracker monitors temperature of babies and send alerts to parents when babies have a fever.

meter with their mobile devices and the cloud platform for enhanced energy management. According to ROHM Semiconductor, the promoter member and IC vendor, Wi-SUN consumes much less power than Wi-Fi, around 1/4. It provides Wi-SUN products—SMD-type BP35C0 and USB dongle BP35C2—supporting both Wi-SUN B Route (handset) and Wi-SUN HAN (Base Station). The tiny NextDrive Cube, a smart plug which can also be acted as a gateway, supports WiSUN B Route, Wi-SUN HAN and Wi-Fi communication protocols can access to cloud services, connect to smart meters and let users control devices wirelessly with mobile devices.

Full Enterprise, a Taiwan-based smart power strip and switch supplier, introduced a voice-activated smart power module—a new offering of its Q Module series. When the module is plugged into the power strip, users can turn on or off the smart home devices via their voices. A Dutch company CareToSave BV tries to make energy management fun for both kids and the family members. The company invented Hyko that features kid-friendly gamification and connects to smart meters. The Hyko Bear displays energy usage data and supports light-up reminder if there is a spike of electricity consumption. The system teaches children to save energy via an interesting mobile app and helps the family members save the household energy bills in an interesting way. At present, CareToSave cooperates with grid operators, energy utilities and energy management providers in Europe, such as N.V. Nuon Energy and envia Mitteldeutsche Energie AG (enviaM). The IoT drives lots of innovations. In the smart home, we see an increasing number of connected devices interoperated with one another like smart home devices connecting to smart wearables or connected cars. When we think of smart home, we no longer think of the hardware itself. We need to think of profitable business models and a total solution that can address consumers’ needs in a smarter way.

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StatS & Figure

VOICE RECOGNITION, SMART LIGHTING TO REMAIN KEY DRIVERS IN THE SMART HOME For this issue, we highlight findings and statistics related to the smart home from reports by leading research firms. According to a recent study by Berg Insight, the number smart homes in North America and Europe reached a total of 17.9 million in 2015, citing that the former will remain the largest driving force behind the burgeoning industry by 2020 with 46.2 million households, or 35 percent of the total market share. Interestingly, another report by ABI Research predicts that consumers who engage with voice functionality on a monthly basis will grow to more than one billion by 2021. Lastly, a recent survey conducted by Marketsandmarkets also suggested that the smart lighting business will pose as one of the top segments for growth through 2022.



North America will continue to remain the largest market for smart homes in the foreseeable future, according to a recent study by Berg Insight. The research firm revealed that the number smart homes in North America and Europe reached a total of 17.9 million in 2015, citing that the former will remain the largest driving force behind the burgeoning industry by 2020 with 46.2 million households, or 35 percent of the total market share. On a separate report, the research firm also noted that Europe currently lags behind North America in terms of smart home penetration and market maturity, with the market forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 54 percent in the next five years to reach 44.9 million smart homes by 2020. For both markets, the most successful smart home devices include thermostats, security systems, light bulbs, network cameras, and multiroom audio systems. Companies including Philips Lighting, Sonos, Honeywell, Belkin, Nest, Ecobee, Netatmo, and D-Link are among the key vendors of such products, it said.

Smart Lighting Segment to Pose Significant Growth by 2022

While North America will continue to dominate the smart home market through 2022, smart lighting systems will pose as one of the top segments for growth, according to research firm Marketsandmarkets. Furthermore, a recent survey also suggested that the smart lighting business has changed recently. In the past, smart lighting systems were sold as a step up from traditional lighting management systems, but now they have been considered as trendy electronic products. Besides smart lighting, HVAC control, and security and access control will also witness exponential growth during the same period. As sub-categories of the security segment, geofencing, IP cameras and voice activation controls are currently driving growth in the home automation market, it said, citing that the latter two are increasingly gaining popularity in the North American and European markets, reports said. Source: Marketsandmarkets

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North America to Remain the World’s Largest Smart Home Market Through 2020

Source: Berg Insight


Conversing with Computing Devices: The Race to Humanize Voice Recognition Speeds Up

North America will continue to remain the largest market for smart homes in the foreseeable future, according to a recent study by Berg Insight. The research firm revealed that the number smart homes in North America and Europe reached a total of 17.9 million in 2015, citing that the former will remain the largest driving force behind the burgeoning industry by 2020 with 46.2 million households, or 35 percent of the total market share. On a separate report, the research firm also noted that Europe currently lags behind North America in terms of smart home penetration and market maturity, with the market forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 54 percent in the next five years to reach 44.9 million smart homes by 2020. For both markets, the most successful smart home devices include thermostats, security systems, light bulbs, network cameras, and multi-room audio systems. Companies including Philips Lighting, Sonos, Honeywell, Belkin, Nest, Ecobee, Netatmo, and D-Link are among the key vendors of such products, it said.


Source: ABI Research

Apple, Microsoft Join Amazon and Google in Voice-activated Assistant Frenzy

The trance surrounding Mac OS and Windows may sound really blasÊ, but speculations involving old-school rivalries Apple and Microsoft again hit the spotlight after the former recently brought a limited extension of Siri to the Apple TV. Meanwhile, Microsoft also announced in March that it plans to integrate its intelligent personal assistant, Cortana, into the popular gaming console Xbox One, where it described the AI system as a "personal gaming assistant" able to help you find new games, tips and tricks. Contrary to what Google and Amazon are doing for smart speakers (Google Home and Amazon Echo), both Apple and Microsoft will be using smart TVs to carry AI-based assistants for their operating systems. While voice activation will undoubtedly remain the backbone of home automation control, two emerging patterns can be seen – one that adopts a small, portable speaker device while the other requires a smart TV. Put simply, the solutions by Apple and Microsoft are not portable— unlike Amazon's Echo or Goggle's Home. So, when you're in the kitchen making dinner and want to ask Siri about something, chances are your Apple TV won't be in the same room as you, but instead next to your television set. Although it is still too early to tell who will prevail in the intelligent personal assistant arena, only time will tell when Apple, Google and Microsoft officially enter the fray with their solutions on the market.

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We see the smart door lock as the entrance point to the smart home. Thomas-Schulz, EMEA Marketing and Communications Director, ASSA ABLOY By Veronica Chen / Linko Lin

A Smart Home Begins with a Smart Lock? When it comes to home security, thoughts of a digital solution increasingly cross our minds. In the recent past, we’ve had generations of door locks that don’t require a key. But using a PIN code or key fob to gain entry isn’t the same as the lock being genuinely connected to a home automation ecosystem. This is where the smart digital lock comes in. “We see the smart door lock as the entrance point to the smart home,” says Thomas Schulz. “Smart technology adds a layer of convenience and security from the moment you hit the doorstep. It’s only natural that all your new smart home gadgetry should be protected with a connected, intelligent lock, too.” Door lock market leaders like ASSA ABLOY, along with a growing number of startups, are working hard to bring smart technology to your front door – quite literally. While each smart lock has its own quirks and perks, they are all at heart a clever, niche re-invention of a millennia-old technology.

SMAhome caught up with Thomas Schulz, Director of Marketing and Communications, Digital and Access Solutions, at ASSA ABLOY EMEA, to talk smart locks and smarter homes.

According to research conducted by ASSA ABLOY, a majority of homeowners who endorse the major access mediums – smart cards, key fobs and PIN codes – agree that smartphone-powered access is safer and more secure than a traditional mechanical key. It’s fair to say that the future of digital wireless access control in the residential sector looks promising. If industry forecasts are accurate, this market is in a hurry to grow much larger.

Global Integration Partnerships

Increasing demand for electromechanical products is a general consumer trend, as more and more people look to digital and mobile technology for a total security solution. But a door is not the same in every market; standards and profiles vary widely between and within European countries, and with other continents. “We approach this by using our vast experience with mechanical and electronic locking solutions that meet different door standards all over the world,” explains Schulz. “We understand doors, and we use our knowledge to build smart door locks that will meet the needs of both customers and our many partner intermediaries.” “ASSA ABLOY owns leading and trusted lock brands, all over the globe, including Yale, Mul-T-Lock, Vachette, KESO, NEMEF, FAB and TESA. We intend to use our local brand strength to build our global footprint in smart lock technology.” Smart door locks from ASSA ABLOY are being connected, sold and supported by partners including smart home providers, utility operators and telcos, as well as various retailers around Europe, North America and the Asia-Pacific region. Customer demands often vary by channel. Smart door locks bring something different to each channel partner. They can broaden the offering from smart home providers, and take their business reach far beyond the tech-savvy, early adopters they are accustomed to supplying. They introduce new, ongoing service models for utility companies and telcos. In contrast, “plug & play” retrofit solutions attract the DIY market. But for all of them, the advantage is

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clear: smart door locks bring new business opportunities for anyone looking to enter or consolidate their position in the rapidly developing home automation industry. Faced with a range of incompatible wireless communication standards in the smart home market – Z-Wave, ZigBee and others – ASSA ABLOY’S smart locks adopt the flexible solution of replacing a compatible module inside the locks. This means that whatever protocol a project or partner requires, an ASSA ABLOY smart lock can deliver.

A Growing Success Story PRONET, a leading smart home provider in Turkey, is one major customer already integrated with a Yale smart lock solution. “Our integrations with Samsung SmartThings, major domestic utility RWE from Germany, and Verisure of Securitas Direct from Scandinavia are all successful cases of smart door lock integration, where our products work seamlessly with local door standards. There will be more and more partnerships with international leading brands coming soon,” he reveals. “The smart home market is in an early stage now. Current customers are mainly early adopters. So, market education and easy installation are two key tactics ASSA ABLOY focuses on. A wireless smart lock makes installation as easy as possible. The fact that no complicated wiring or major site modification is required suits the needs of all our channel customers and end users.” “We saw a similar trajectory in the commercial sector, where traditional wired access control is increasingly complemented with wireless, battery-powered locks replacing mechanical locks,” Schulz concludes. “Today, however, we see fast-growing demand. This is why we believe there is much more market potential in both residential and commercial buildings for intelligent, wireless access control.”

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We believe ‘one fit for all’ will never be true for the smart home because each customer or household is unique. Juston Zhu, Vice President, Wulian Co., Ltd. By Cindy Lin

Wulian: ‘One Fit for All’ Will Never be True for the Smart Home Wulian boasts a ZigBee-based smart home ecosystem of close to 200 devices—from gateways, home cameras, sensors, lights, switches to door locks and more—making it hard-to-beat in terms of the range and the number of products it can deliver. The company also provides back-end systems and web interfaces for its business customers. Vice President Juston Zhu gave one example—with the backend system and the web interfaces, security companies can access their customers’ alarms and know when any alarm goes off. When asked about new developments for this year, Zhu said that the company has continued to push for new product releases as well as improve and optimize existing products and services to achieve greater stability and reliability. Featured new products from Wulian in 2016 include the Retina Smart

As one of the 12 promotors of the ZigBee Alliance (and one of the two from Asia, alongside Samsung SmartThings), Wulian Co., Ltd. is an authoritative figure in the development of ZigBee standards with entitlements to a seat on the Board of Directors of the ZigBee Alliance, automatic voting rights in all work groups, and final approval rights on all standards.

48 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016

Doorlock, Mini Gateway, and Cylincam, all of which show the company’s ambition to bring multi-functional products that break free from conventional product categories while providing real benefits—the Retina Smart Doorlock is a combined smart door lock and video doorbell for access control and surveillance, supporting both Wi-Fi and ZigBee; the Mini Gateway is a portable gateway that also functions as a night lamp and a Wi-Fi signal repeater; and the Cylincam is an HD camera that can detect environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, and levels of PM2.5, VOC, CO2 and noise. Besides these products, a smart video doorbell called “Door Guardian” is also being presented for the first time this year. “Each year we expand our ecosystem to make it increasingly more comprehensive because we want to offer our customers choices. We believe ‘one fit for all’ will never be true for the smart home because each customer or household is unique. Moreover, as the smart home market develops, customers will begin to develop preferences for what devices they want, just like how people today have preferences for smartphones.” Zhu noted that, however, since smart home devices are meant to last for at least 10, 15 or even 20 years in the home, they are renewed less frequently compared with traditional consumer electronics like smartphones. But speaking of volume, he expects smart home devices to take the lead as each user or home will likely have dozens or hundreds of devices but only a few smartphones. In terms of product and service improvement and optimization, the company has been working on making product installation easier for installers and system integrators, providing better user experience for the mobile app, enhancing ZigBee (mesh) network

stability for its products, and setting up new servers in countries where network instability may be experienced. Zhu expressed that Wulian's deep knowledge in ZigBee technology and its offer of an end-to-end platform are what distinguish the company from other smart home manufacturers because stability at both the device level and the system level can be assured. “We have our own servers and proprietary stacks, and with strong capabilities in optimization, we can provide stable ZigBee network connection for our devices. Users may not notice the difference between our devices and others under normal circumstances, but in certain environments, such as in a humid environment or in a house with thick walls, Wulian's devices will show better network stability for better user experience. Moreover, since our end-to-end platform offers all elements of an entire system—device, gateway, cloud and app, system-level stability can also be guaranteed,” explained Zhu. A front-runner in China’s smart home market, Zhu also shared his observation of the market. “China’s smart home market is leading globally, and we have companies that can provide complete solutions, which are much fewer in number in North America or Europe. The market dynamics started to shift last year, and we have seen rapid growth since 2015 H2.”

He explained that a prominent driving force comes from competition between home builders and refurbishing companies. “While massive, real estate market in China has been in decline due to the oversupply of new homes, particularly in second- and third-tier cities. As home builders and refurbishing companies try to find ways to differentiate, smart home has become a good differentiator. However, awareness of the smart home among these home builders and refurbishing companies was still lacking in 2015 H1, but the situation changed quickly,” said Zhu.

July/August 2016 mySMAhome.com 49


Simple-to-use is a big success factor for driving smart homes. Open standards and platforms make the technology as user-friendly as possible. Andrea Fluhr, Senior Brand and Communications Manager, Bosch Smart Home GmbH By Weili Lin

Bosch Strengthens Its Position at Smart Home with Integrated Solutions of Home Security, Energy Management and IoT Cloud Suite

expandable to make it easy to connect and compatible with smart devices from other selected manufacturers. It is easy to connect compatible devices built by other manufacturers. Andrea Fluhr, Senior Brand and Communications Manager at Bosch Smart Home GmbH said, “Simple-touse is a big success factor for driving smart homes. Users worry about the compatibility and interoperability when it comes to connectivity of their smart home systems.” She indicated that open standards and platforms make the technology as user-friendly as possible. With regard to its new solution, Bosch Smart Home System for the retrofit market comprises a smart home controller, smart radiator-thermostat, a door and window contact, and supports Philips Hue lights. The new solution provides end users with both security and energy management benefits. The system helps control the heating to save energy. When the door and window opens or closes, the radiator-thermostat would automatically control the heaters and adjust the indoor temperature for efficient energy management. Currently, its products are distributed through system integrator and official website. Concerning communication standards, its products are compliant with proprietary RF 868MHz, ZigBee, Wi-Fi and EEBus standards. In autumn this year, the company plans to debut new motion and smoke detectors to expand its security lineup. The company discloses the future versions of the door and window contact solution in the press conference. The smoke detector will sound the alarm if a window or door is broken open when the occupant is absent. Users will no longer need a separate alarm system for home security. Bosch’s smart home is not all about hardware. More than five million devices and machines are connected via components of the Bosch IoT Suite. The company introduces the Bosch IoT Cloud for various applications in the area of connected mobility, connected industries, and connected buildings. The IoT cloud is one of the core components of Bosch’s services—for scaling connected solutions and adding intelligence into the hardware. The users can create rules for automatic decisions. Also, users could have flexible payment and usage-based pricing model for software services, based on the number of devices connected, active users, or transactions, or on data volume. According to company, some 50 Bosch applications will be running in its IoT cloud, which will also be extended to third-party customers as a service starting in 2017.

Bosch expects the global market scale of smart homes to reach 10 billion euros as early as 2017. By 2020, the company further predicts that 15 percent of all households worldwide, around 230 million homes, will be equipped with smart home solutions. Eying on this uprising market, Robert Bosch GmbH set up a new subsidiary, Bosch Smart Home GmbH in January 2016. The company offers a single platform, providing comfort, safety and convenience to the end users. Users can control their smart home system like heating, lighting, smoke alarms, and appliances in a home via one single app and save energy cost. Also, Bosch smart home system is designed to be modular and

Bosch’s smart home is not all about hardware. More than five million devices and machines are connected via components of the Bosch IoT Suite. According to company, some 50 Bosch applications will be running in its IoT cloud, which will also be extended to thirdparty customers as a service starting in 2017.

Bosch Smart Home System comprises a gateway, door/window sensor and radiator thermostats.

50 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016

Viewpoint The balance consideration of all aspects such as innovation, future safety, product quality, availability guarantees and service is the core competence of the electrical installation industry. Alexander Grams, Head of Global MarCom Building Products, Busch-Jaeger Elektro GmbH By Weili Lin

Busch-Jaeger: Major Drivers of Home and Building Automation Markets in Europe

drivers in this area,” said Gram. He explained the different drivers between the smart home market and commercial building automation sectors. “Total operating costs including energy costs are key drivers in the commercial sectors. New regulations about energy efficiency in buildings are driving the market. In home automation, the desire for simplicity is driving the market.“ The intuitive operation is key to success. Consumers expect to be able to easily connect multiple solutions by just touching of a button,” added Grams. To Busch-Jaeger, the desire for simplicity also reflected with the popularity of wireless installation in smart home ABB and Busch-Jaeger are leading solution providers in the home and technology nowadays. “Generally speaking, it’s easier for building automation markets. Alexander Grams, Head of Global MarCom the changeover from a conventional electrical installation Building Products at Busch-Jaeger Elektro GmbH, a subsidiary of ABB to a wireless bus system without wiring. New buildings Group explained the different drivers between the smart home market and will, however, continue to be dominated by wired commercial building automation sectors to SMAhome. systems,” said Grams. Energy efficiency has grown significantly in the residential buildings While wireless solutions in particular offer certain sector due to the increasing concerns on climate protection and adoption of advantages for the modernization and retrofit market, renewable energy. Based on Busch-Jaeger’s observation, improved security Busch-Jaeger notes new buildings will, continue to be and comfort are in high demand for residential home owners, followed dominated by wired systems. To DIY smart home market, by energy efficiency. “Requesting more comfort and safety are perceptible Grams commented, “at present, there is a fair amount of uncertainty among end users in this interesting market, since numerous providers from different fields and industries are trying to gain a foothold in the smart At 2016 Light + home segment and occupy niches in this growing market.” And the company believes the balance Building event in consideration of all aspects such as innovation, future safety, product quality, availability guarantees, Frankfurt, Germany, service, etc. is the core competence of the electrical installation industry, and that is able to deliver the ABB showcased true home and building automation. the capabilities in Busch-Jaeger further indicated that the future lies in professional all-in-one systems that leave increase energy options open to future enhancements and alterations like for example AAL solutions (Ambient Assisted efficiency, reliability Living). “The intelligent home automation will allow them to save energy without sacrificing comfort or and productivity for impacting their quality of life,” stressed Grams.

buildings with its ABB, Busch-Jaeger and Striebel & John branded solutions.

The Busch-ControlTouch KNX IP gateway combines the KNX installation with the IP network (LAN), and supports remote controls via Apple Watch.

July/August 2016 mySMAhome.com 51


If you have good energy management, then you can do many things like the smart home because it is just one application of energy management. Ethan Chan, Vice General Manager of NBC-iGD, Techmation Co., Ltd. By Cindy Lin

Techmation to Introduce Smart Home System Utilizing Solar Energy and Featuring Intelligent Management of Mixed Power Sources

in the sense that it can figure out how the electricity flows depending on the circumstance and by prioritizing different power sources. For example, users can set the system to use solar power first before tapping into the battery, the grid or the power generator. When there is a surplus of power generated, homes can even sell it back to the grid. Another important feature is that it tracks energy consumption and presents data in graphs and charts for easy visualization. Real-time monitoring is also available so users know right away how much energy each device is drawing or if certain devices are drawing too much energy. When there is an anomaly in energy For Techmation Co., Ltd., energy management takes center stage above usage, the system alerts the user to avoid possible hassles all else, including the smart home, which revolves around it. The company or dangers. Chen said that anomalies could be due to provides Energy Management System that includes solar panel, power blackouts, electrical fire, or someone stealing electricity, meter, smart power meter and smart plug, among other devices. for example. “If you have good energy management, then you can do many things like Adding to the Energy Management System, the the smart home because it is just one application of energy management” company also offers Security and Surveillance System said Ethan Chan, vice general manager at NBC-iGD of the company. and Environment Monitoring System to make up its The Energy Management System features intelligent management of smart home system. The Security and Surveillance mixed power sources—solar panel, battery and grid/power generator— System includes IP camera, outdoor and indoor intercom to lower grid dependence and thus electricity costs. The system is "smart" units and window latch, whereas the Environment Monitoring System includes PM2.5 sensor, CO2 sensor, temperature and humidity sensor, air conditioner control panel, smart light switch and smart Among the most talked curtain switch. about benefits of adopting All three systems can connect to the Central Controller, which connects to the cloud for the smart home, energy remote access, for centralized data management. Sub-1GHz and ZigBee are used for wireless saving is certainly on communication. top of the list, as it has a Chen expressed that the company sells direct impact on people’s its systems through system integrators and energy bills. But with all is already selling them in Japan. He is also the talk about energy optimistic about markets like Germany and efficient devices and those countries in Southeast Asia such as Vietnam, that can reduce energy the Philippines and Myanmar. For the future, consumption, like smart it will push for microgrids and expects to see thermostats, how about communities generating and selling electricity.

taking a step further to have homes generate and intelligently manage electricity?

Real-time energy flow and consumption

52 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016

Viewpoint Besides leveraging an internationally recognized wireless protocol, the company offers modularized software for fast time to market, which will give its customers a competitive edge over others. Tahsiung Wang, Vice President of Electronic R&D Division, UIS By Cindy Lin

United Integrated Services Leverages ZigBee for Home Security and Gets Ready to Launch Innovative Multifunctional Devices

ZigBee technology. According to Wang, the company is developing new smart plugs and light switches, also based on ZigBee. The new smart plugs will serve dual purposes and can act as gateways. One application for these smart plugs is to connect them to IP cameras for adding ZigBee connectivity to expand the system. The new light switches will also be multi-functional. For example, PM2.5 sensors or omni-directional motion sensors may be inconspicuously embedded in these switches. Wang said that the omni-directional sensor emits a 10 GHz microwave and detects motion based on Doppler’s effect—the sensor can tell the difference between the reflected waves of still and moving objects. The 10 GHz microwave can also penetrate materials such as plastic, so it can be placed inside a plastic casing, for example. Furthermore, unlike PIR sensors that are sensitive to heat, this sensor is not normally affected by heat according to Wang.

Tahsiung Wang, vice president of Electronic R&D Division at UIS, explained that the move to ZigBee allows UIS to better connect with global partners since it is an internationally recognized wireless protocol. When asked about the company’s strength, Wang expressed that besides leveraging an internationally recognized wireless protocol, the company offers modularized software for fast time to market, which will give its customers a competitive edge over others. The company’s smart home portfolio currently includes gateway, contact sensor, motion sensor, smoke sensor, siren, key fob, power switch, DI and AI transducers, power relay module, and relay switch, all of which are wireless based on

United Integrated Services Co., Ltd. (UIS) first started developing wireless smart home security systems based on 2.4 GHz about a decade ago. The company offers OEM/ODM services for system integrators and service providers. About 3 years ago, the company moved from using proprietary 2.4 GHz to ZigBee for wireless communication. Smart light switch with embedded PM2.5 sensor

54 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016


Standardization and seamless interoperability are keys to facilitate wide adoption of smart lights. George Yianni, Head of Technology, Philips Lighting Home Systems By Weili Lin

Philips Lighting: Standardization and Interoperability are Keys to Success Philips Lighting is dedicated to designing and manufacturing highquality lights, aiming to be the lighting company for the Internet of Things. The company has an ecosystem that continues to evolve and grow through products that stretch across bulbs, luminaires, strips and controls, more than 600 third party apps, and partnerships with other smart devices and platforms. The company partnered with Apple and Nest at the end of 2015. Through the Friends of Hue partnership program, the company teams up with Bosch, Logitech and Samsung SmartThings. George Yianni, Head of Technology at Philips Lighting Home Systems talked about the lighting industry in the smart home in terms of challenges

Philips Lighting Holding B.V. is one of the world’s largest smart lighting solution providers, and plays a key role in The Connected Lighting Alliance which aims to improve interoperability and simplify consumer choice across the industry.

and development plans to further expand business. Lighting is considered to be one of the main interests in the connected home alongside energy and security. Consumers consider these aspect the most important benefit of a smart home. “We found that ambience creation is a major driver for smart lighting in the home,” said Yianni. Connected lighting in the smart home is not just providing ambience, comfort and smart energy management. When connected to other smart home devices, the smart lights can provide home owners peace of mind. “We deliver energy savings and peace of mind through Philips Hue—our connected LED lights—which can be controlled to simulate the homeowners’ presence when they are away from home. Interoperated with other apps, smart devices and platforms such as with Nest Cam, the Philips Hue lights will be triggered when an unwelcome visitor is detected,” added Yianni. Though the smart home has instigated a trend, there are a number of consumers unware of the products and benefits. “The biggest challenge we have remains awareness of the value of the new propositions of connected lighting—transforming the perception of a light bulb as being on/off to something which offers value

beyond illumination,” said Yianni. In addition, he believes that standardization and seamless interoperability are keys to facilitate wide adoption of smart lights. Philips Lighting allows other brands to work with Philips Hue system via ZigBee Light Link interoperability. Also, the company opened the Friends of Hue partnership program to ensure seamless interaction with other brands. “We aim to provide seamless experiences of Internet of Things for homes by partnering with others. We provide the full API, so that our partners can integrate Philips Hue in their innovations. Through the Friends of Hue partnership program, we test and certify products and the integrations with Philips Hue to ensure full integration and seamless interoperability of these new lighting experiences,” explained Yianni. Partnering with other brands is one of its major business strategies. “We see the partnership with other brands is the key to unlocking the value of connected light – both for us and for consumers. Standardization through alliances like ZigBee and programs like Friends of Hue helps to deliver seamless integrations and driving the adoption of the Internet of Things for homes.” When it comes to product development plans, Philips launched a new bridge integrated with Apple HomeKit. Our customers can control Philips Hue lights via Siri voice control through an iPhone or iPad, or with Amazon via Alexa. Philips Hue also integrates with a great deal of wearables, such as Apple Watch, Jawbone and Fitbit. In addition, the company designed specific product lines to cater to specific regions. For instance, the company collaborated with Xiaomi to launch a connected desk lamp called Philips EyeCare, designed for the Chinese market. The lamp can be controlled through the Xiaomi smart home mobile app. “With Philips Hue, we aim to deliver an amazing lighting experience for homes and truly unlock the value of light for consumers,” concluded Yianni.

July/August 2016 mySMAhome.com 55


Our App solution can help meet all levels – cloud, app and device – to integrate third-party devices. John Yu, CEO, Axalent Solutions, Inc. By Linko Lin

Axalent IoT Platform: A Solution that Defines Full Service Integration and Added Value Incepted since 2014, Axalent Solutions offers a comprehensive, endto-end integrated and customizable IoT product and system solution to support global manufacturers develop and deliver connected products, systems, and services quickly, cost-effectively, and reliably. The company is also the exclusive Arrayent Connect IoT Platform partner in the Greater China region. “While we hold the exclusive right to host Arrayent cloud services, Axalent is also the system integration partner for the entire region,” Axalent CEO John Yu said. “For device manufacturers, we offer a multi-protocol gateway platform

Integrating a diverse range of connected devices and services into a software platform has never been an easy feat – in particularly with regard to compatibility and interoperability issues that often hinder the rapid deployment of connected devices in the smart home.

that supports Wi-Fi, Bluetooth Smart, CSRmesh, Z-Wave and ZigBee, including the ability to accommodate proprietary protocols according to customers’ demands.” What’s more enticing is that its IoT platform allows adopters to seamlessly integrate applications and systems from end customers or third-party vendors. These integrated solutions can be managed all together in the Axalent software. The open architecture together with the Axalent SDK allow for endless possibilities to add features and functionality for creating powerful, new smart home solutions. “Our App solution can help meet all levels – cloud, app and device – to integrate third-party devices,” Yu explained, adding that its solution provides a fully integrated smart home APP where users (device adopters) can simply change the skin or graphics for them to quickly develop smart products but also launch their intelligent IoT systems and services."

Seamless Control via CSRmesh

CSR, the company that was an initial champion of the now-popular Bluetooth technology found inside headsets, speakers and phones, unveiled the CSRmesh technology early last year – a protocol running over Bluetooth Smart that enables messages to be relayed over multiple Bluetooth Smart devices. Having perceived the advantages CSRmesh can bring for comprehensive home automation connectivity solutions, Axalent announced in May its IoT platform and product development solutions supporting CSRmesh connectivity. “We hope our platform can help those in Asia wishing to enter the DIY smart home segment see the opportunities CSRmesh can bring for them,” Yu commented during an exclusive interview with SMAhome in Taipei. According to the Axalent executive, CSRmesh is very approachable to adopters because of its simplicity and ease of use for both the DIY and SI segments in home automation. “Our platform is unique in that it can adopt Bluetooth mesh connectivity.” When asked about his decision to partner with Arrayent, he said the latter company is one of the earliest providers of IoT clouds, and it also boasts many globally-renowned tier-1 customers that help make up for Axalent’s solution deployment. Commenting on the future market, Yu said he is seeing more and more connected solutions being deployed in home automation’s healthcare segment, notably in the elderly care/long-term care centers. “Although home appliances and smart lighting are currently our biggest customers, we are now seeing those in the healthcare sector wishing to adopt our platform solution into their people trackers and sensors,” he explained. In North America, the so-called ‘ageing in place’ makes up for a market segment that is growing, where senior citizens who prefer to retire in their own domicile can still be looked after without having to go through senior homes, he said. “With the introduction of our extended system and sensor solutions, we have developed a CSRmesh platform that is a compelling vehicle for delivering IoT applications, enabling not only remote monitor and control, but also data services and eco-system integration,” Yu concluded in an earlier report.

56 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016


Smart Home, Made COMMAX CMV-70S

Hanwha Techwin SNH-V6410PN

• Hybrid home security system combining smartphone, CCTV, door entry, and access control • Provides the best security and access control by integrating with CCTV surveillance system including intrusion detection sensors and various security functions

• Pan: 350° (-175°~175°)/Tilt: 155° (-80°~75°) • 1080p Full HD streaming • Object tracking • Motion zone select • Night vision with IR LEDs



AMADAS Smart Door Lock www.amadas.kr

• Robust, secure IoT electronic door lock made of stainless steel • Easy DIY installation • Emergency battery recharge with smartphone LED flashlight through solar harvesting • Supports remote lock access using the smartphone app via BLE • Applicable to any door with a width between 30-80 mm • Jewelry lock with the option to customize the design

58 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016

Daiwon Optical 17620-2M www.dwopt.com

• 1920x1080p clear resolution with 5.6 phi image circle • Supports both 1/2.8" CMOS 960H at 160 deg. and 1/3" 1080p at 190 deg. • Comprised of 5C6E including 2 aspherical lens plus dual bandpass filter • Features least image deformation at the periphery

in Korea JCSquare nexHOME www.jc-square.com • • • •

Efficient per-room temperature control with smartphone Interlocked with a variety of domestic appliances Watches the house by utilizing security sensor, doorlock and skybell Every family member can control diverse products with their smartphone • Inquiry for maintenance cost, and notification for resident

JoongAng Control Home Network Switch www.joas.co.kr

• Displays beautiful light suitable for the moment - lights can be turned on/off or dimmed • Provides a pleasant space with ventilation control • Displays light based on different mental states and residential activities by adjusting brightness and illumination color • Easy operation with just one remote control that secures Scene store function to enable effective light Scene

KORECEN Automatic Meter Reading System KLP-1000

TRUEN EveryXcam www.truen.co.kr


• Transfers the reliable data of gas, LPG gas barrel, water supply and electricity to the main server(central server) in real time or at the set time • KORECEN's Wireless Automatic Meter Reader can transfer the data from anywhere as it uses 424 MHz and LTE wireless

• 1/2.8" CMOS sensor with 2 megapixel resolution • Wireless: dual band Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz/5.0 GHz), Bluetooth • Quick QR code installation • Two-way audio • Motion/sound detection • 130° wide angle view • Night vision • Local (microSD card) and cloud recording • Remote viewing of live footage or recorded clips from Android or iOS devices

TRUSTONE TSG 150 Doorbell www.trustone.co.kr

• Doorbell with fingerprint recognition • IP65-rated for outdoor installation • Video and voice communication through mobile phone

July/August 2016 mySMAhome.com 59


11 Special Korean Smart Home Makers AMADAS CO., LTD.




www.amadas.kr marketing@amadas.kr +82-2-875-8320

www.commax.com/eng pcy@commax.com +82-31-731-8791

Corporate Info

Corporate Info






Since: 2014 Main Category: Home Security Years in smart home:1~3 years Corporate Background: Only dedicated in smart home Factory location: Korea Protocols Adopted Zigbee, Z-wave, Bluetooth



Since: 1968 Main Category: Home Security Years in smart home: Over 7 years Corporate Background: Building/Home Automation Main business type: Own-brand Factory location: Korea Protocols Adopted Zigbee, Z-wave, Wi-Fi

Specialized Product Door-related/Locks/Bell/Intercom

Specialized Product Sensor, Door-related/Locks/Bell/Intercom, Home Security Kit

Customers International Brands, Importer/Wholesaler/Distributor, Telco/ISP

Customers International Brands, Importer/Wholesaler/Distributor, System Integrator

Best advantage

Best advantage

Unique technology

Unique technology





www.batio.co.kr sales@batio.co.kr +82-70-46997292

www.dwopt.com sales@dwopt.com +82-32-343-0111

Corporate Info

Corporate Info







Since: 2013 Main Category: Home Security Years in smart home: 1~3 years Corporate Background: Networking/Communication Main business type: Own-brand Factory location: Korea

Since: 1988 Main Category: Components & Modules Years in smart home: 4-6 years Corporate Background: Professional Security Main business type: OEM/ODM Factory location: Korea

Protocols Adopted

Protocols Adopted

Z-wave, Wi-Fi


Specialized Product

Specialized Product

Camera, Home Security Kit, Software/Platform Design

Camera, Door-related/Locks/Bell/Intercom, Parts&Components



Importer/Wholesaler/Distributor, Dealer


Best advantage

Best advantage

Customization ability

Customization ability

60 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016






www.joas.co.kr info@joas.co.kr +82-31-960-6800

Corporate Info


Corporate Info


Main Category: Home Security Main business type: OWN-BRAND Factory location: Korea Protocols Adopted Wi-Fi Specialized Product Camera




Since: 1987 Main Category: Home Automation & Controls Years in smart home: Over 7 years Corporate Background: Networking/Communication Main business type: Own-brand Factory location: Korea Protocols Adopted

Best advantage

Zigbee, Z-wave, KNX

Innovation technology

Specialized Product Lighting, Integrated Energy Management Kit, Other Customers International Brands, Importer/Wholesaler/Distributor, System Best advantage Long & stable customer relationship





www.jc-square.com jc@jc-square.com +82-02-567-0821

www.korecen.com sales@korecen.com +82-2-867-0860

Corporate Info

Corporate Info







Since: 2005 Main Category: Components & Modules Years in smart home: 1-3 years Corporate Background: Building/Home Automation Main business type: Own-brand Factory location: Korea

Since: 2002 Main Category: Home Energy & Lighting Years in smart home: Over 7 years Corporate Background: Building/Home Automation Main business type: Own-brand Factory location: Korea

Protocols Adopted

Protocols Adopted

Zigbee, Z-wave, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LoRa


Specialized Product

Specialized Product

Gateway/Hub, Software/Platform Design

Software/Platform Design



System Integrator

International Brands, Physical Retailer

Best advantage

Best advantage

Unique technology

Unique technology

July/August 2016 mySMAhome.com 61



LINNO Profile


www.linno.com werner@linno.com + 82-2-546-9820

www.truen.co.kr sales@truen.co.kr +82-70-8677-6000

Corporate Info

Corporate Info







Since: 2012 Main Category: Home Energy & Lighting Years in smart home: 1-3 years Corporate Background: Other Main business type: Own-brand Factory location: Korea

Since: 2005 Main Category: Home Security Years in smart home: 1~3 years Corporate Background: Professional Security Main business type: OEM/ODM Factory location: Korea

Protocols Adopted

Protocols Adopted

Zigbee, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi

Bluetooth, Wi-Fi

Specialized Product

Specialized Product


Camera, Intrusion Alarm, Software/Platform Design



International Brands

Importer/Wholesaler/Distributor, Telco/ISP, MSO/Cable & Satellite

Best advantage

Best advantage

Unique technology

Customization ability

TRUSTONE GLOBAL Profile www.trustone.co.kr daniel@trustone.co.kr +82-70-8630-3015 Corporate Info




Since: 2009 Main Category: Home Security Years in smart home: 1~3 years Corporate Background: Professional Security Main business type: OEM/ODM Factory location: Korea

SMART HOME MARKET IN SOUTH KOREA • Revenue in the "Smart Home" market amounts to USD 332.5 million in 2016. • Revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2016-2020) of 41.17% resulting in a market volume of USD 1,320.5 million in 2020. The "Smart Home" market is expected to show a revenue growth of 63.99% in 2017.

• Household penetration is at 0.91% in 2016 and is expected to hit 4.68% in 2020. • The average revenue per Smart Home currently amounts to USD 1,777.73.

Protocols Adopted Wi-Fi, TCP/IP Specialized Product Sensor, Door-related/Locks/Bell/Intercom, Home Security Kit Customers Importer/Wholesaler/Distributor, Dealer, System Integrator Best advantage Unique technology

62 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016

Note: Connected appliances, smart TVs, smart gardening devices and B2B sales of any kind are out-of-scope in the report. Source: Statista 2015

by Category Company

Specialized Item

Business Type

Protocol Adopted




Pre-revenue stage

Zigbee, Z-Wave, Bluetooth



Camera, Home Security Kit, Software/ Platform Design


Z-Wave, Wi-Fi



Sensor, Door-related/Locks/Bell/Intercom, Home Security Kit


Zigbee, Z-Wave, Wi-Fi



Camera, Intrusion Alarm, Software/Platform Design


Bluetooth, Wi-Fi



Sensor, Door-related/Locks/Bell/Intercom, Home Security Kit









Camera, Door-related/Locks/Bell/ Intercom, Parts&Components




Gateway/Hub, Software/Platform Design


Zigbee, Z-Wave, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LoRa


Lighting, Integrated Energy Management Kit, OWN-BRAND Other

Zigbee, Z-Wave, KNX



Software/Platform Design







Zigbee, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi


Home Security

Components & Modules DAIWON OPTICAL Software/Platform Design JCSQUARE

Home Automation & Controls JOONGANG CONTROL

Home Energy & Lighting

by Protocol Company

Specialized Item

Protocol Adopted



Camera, Home Security Kit, Software/Platform Design

Z-Wave, Wi-Fi



Sensor, Door-related/Locks/Bell/Intercom, Home Security Kit Zigbee, Z-Wave, Wi-Fi







Gateway/Hub, Software/Platform Design

Zigbee, Z-Wave, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LoRa




Zigbee, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi



Camera, Intrusion Alarm, Software/Platform Design

Bluetooth, Wi-Fi



Sensor, Door-related/Locks/Bell/Intercom, Home Security Kit Wi-Fi, TCP/IP



Specialized Item

Protocol Adopted




Zigbee, Z-Wave, Bluetooth




Zigbee, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi



Gateway/Hub, Software/Platform Design

Zigbee, Z-Wave, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LoRa



Camera, Intrusion Alarm, Software/Platform Design

Bluetooth, Wi-Fi




July/August 2016 mySMAhome.com 63


by Protocol Company

Specialized Item

Protocol Adopted




Zigbee, Z-Wave, Bluetooth



Sensor, Door-related/Locks/Bell/Intercom, Home Security Kit Zigbee, Z-Wave, Wi-Fi


Gateway/Hub, Software/Platform Design

Zigbee, Z-Wave, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LoRa



Lighting, Integrated Energy Management Kit, Other

Zigbee, Z-Wave, KNX




Zigbee, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi


Zigbee www.commax.com/eng



Zigbee, Z-Wave, Bluetooth



Camera, Home Security Kit, Software/Platform Design

Z-Wave, Wi-Fi



Sensor, Door-related/Locks/Bell/Intercom, Home Security Kit Zigbee, Z-Wave, Wi-Fi


Gateway/Hub, Software/Platform Design

Zigbee, Z-Wave, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LoRa



Lighting, Integrated Energy Management Kit, Other

Zigbee, Z-Wave, KNX



Camera, Door-related/Locks/Bell/Intercom, Parts&Components




Gateway/Hub, Software/Platform Design

Zigbee, Z-Wave, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LoRa



Sensor, Door-related/Locks/Bell/Intercom, Home Security Kit Wi-Fi, TCP/IP



Software/Platform Design





by Business Nature Specialized Item

Protocol Adopted

Experience in Best Advantage Smart home



Camera, Door-related/Locks/Bell/ Intercom, Parts&Components


4~6 years

Customization Ability



Camera, Intrusion Alarm, Software/ Platform Design

Bluetooth, Wi-Fi

1~3 years

Customization Ability



Sensor, Door-related/Locks/Bell/ Intercom, Home Security Kit

i-Fi, TCP/IP

1~3 years

Unique technology


Company OEM/ODM Oriented


Camera, Home Security Kit, Software/ Z-Wave, Wi-F Platform Design


Customization Ability



Sensor, Door-related/Locks/Bell/ Intercom, Home Security Kit

Zigbee, Z-Wave, Wi-Fi

Over 7 years

Unique technology






Innovation Technology

http://security. hanwhatechwin.com


Gateway/Hub, Software/Platform Design

Zigbee, Z-Wave, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LoRa

1~3 years

Unique technology



Lighting, Integrated Energy Management Kit, Other

Zigbee, Z-Wave, KNX

Over 7 years

Long & stable customer www.joas.co.kr relationship


Software/Platform Design


Over 7 years

Unique technology




Zigbee, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 1~3 years

Unique technology


64 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016

by Customer Experience Company

Specialized Item

Protocol Adopted

Experience in Smart home

Best Advantage


Experiences with Telco/ISP AMADAS


Zigbee, Z-Wave, Bluetooth

1~3 Years

Unique technology



Camera, Intrusion Alarm, Software/Platform Design

Bluetooth, Wi-Fi

1~3 years

Customization Ability


Bluetooth, Wi-Fi

1~3 years

Customization Ability



Over 7 years

Unique technology


Experiences with MSO/Cable & Satellite TV TRUEN

Camera, Intrusion Alarm, Software/Platform Design

Experiences with Retailer KORECEN

Software/Platform Design

Experiences with System Integrator COMMAX

Sensor, Door-related/Locks/Bell/Intercom, Home Security Kit

Zigbee, Z-Wave, Wi-Fi

Over 7 years

Unique technology

www.commax.com/ eng


Gateway/Hub, Software/Platform Design

Zigbee, Z-Wave, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LoRa

1~3 years

Unique technology



Lighting, Integrated Energy Management Kit, Other

Zigbee, Z-Wave, KNX

Over 7 years

Long & stable customer relationship



Sensor, Door-related/Locks/Bell/Intercom, Home Security Kit


1~3 years

Unique technology



DP-303 4.3-inch intelligent BuilDing iP intercom


P-303 4.3-inch Intelligent Building IP Intercom is suitable for access control at commercial, residential or public facilities. Access can be granted by calls or the use of a RFID card. With the 4.3-inch color TFT LCD screen, the DP-303 allows users to talk to their visitor at the door by using their smartphone. The intercom has a built-in IP camera that supports a video resolution of up to 1280x720 (HD), providing much better video quality than VGA/D1 (640x480) door phones. The difference between the two becomes more pronounced when displaying video on middle- to large-sized screens. In this case, the DP-303 provides much clearer videos and has no lagging. The DP-303 also adopts the new H.264 technology that is more advanced than H.263/ MPEG-4 and offers local storage. Supporting VoIP and SIP protocol, the intercom is compatible with third-party products. The use of VoIP technology and SIP protocol allows users to connect the intercom to a telephone system in various ways. Founded in 2008, AvaDesign Technologies is the leading system supplier of IP Video surveillance and Home Automation solutions for business and consumer market worldwide. Our innovative product portfolio ranges from SIP based IP telephony and IP Surveillance, Home Automation and Cloud Server integration to an affordable smart home gateway for Z-Wave wireless devices.

DP-303 • 4.3-inch color TFT LCD screen • 1280x720 (HD) CMOS sensor • Supports TCP/IP, SIP, RTSP • H.264 video codec • Built-in RFID MiFare card reader

Avadesign Technology Co., Ltd. E-mail: john@avadesign.com.tw / +886-2-2222-1266 / www.avadesign.com.tw July/August 2016 mySMAhome.com 65 advertorial_悅明達.indd 1

2016/7/21 上午1:03


What happened News – Smart Home News Highlight from June to July Corporate

Comcast and alarm. com acquires Icontrol Networks Icontrol's Austin business unit, which developed the platform behind Xfinity Home, will become part of Comcast's technology portfolio. Meanwhile, Alarm. com will acquire Icontrol's Silicon Valley and Ottawa (Piper) business units. The acquisition is expected to put Comcast on the map as a major provider for security infrastructure serving the growing network of connected consumer devices.

On yOur smart phOne. Scan the QR code or see mySMAhome.com/news for more info.


iDevices Smart Home product Line Supports amazon alexa iDevices announced the compatibility of its connected home products and app with Amazon Alexa and Alexa-enabled accessories such as the Amazon Echo, Dot and Tap. Additionally, all products connected to the iDevices Connected app use the company’s IoT Cloud Infrastructure at no extra cost, allowing control of these products through a secure platform when users are away from home. Users can now use voice-commands with Alexa-enabled devices to control their connected home.


D-Link announces Support for apple HomeKit D-Link announced a new Wi-Fi camera that will support Apple HomeKit later this year and the new Home app in iOS 10. The addition of Siri support with HomeKit allows cameras to be voice-enabled, giving families even more options to control and monitor their homes with faster results. Furthermore, the D-Link Wi-Fi camera and integration with HomeKit is a powerful demonstration of how D-Link is enhancing the user experience and increasing the performance of its Connected Home portfolio.

66 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016


Icontrol Networks expands into australia with telstra partnership Icontrol Networks announced a partnership with Telstra, Australia's leading telecommunications and information services company, to power Telstra Smart Home. This continues Icontrol's global expansion, and marks the fourth continent to offer Icontrol-powered smart home solutions. Two Telstra Smart Home packages will be available at launch: The 'Watch and Monitor' option, and The 'Automation and Energy' option. The 'Watch and Monitor' option will give customers peace of mind by allowing them to keep an eye on things when they're away from home with motion sensors and a camera that can be set up to send instant alerts to their device. The 'Automation and Energy' option comes with smart power plugs and motion sensors, helping customers set up tailored energy solutions for their home. Telstra Smart Home will work with a range of vendors, including Zen Thermostat, an inaugural member of the Icontrol Labs program.


eVrytHNg Becomes First B2B Iot platform for product Manufacturers to offer Nest Certified SDK EVRYTHNG worked with Nest to build a certified SDK for manufacturers who want their devices to interconnect with Nest. That can be used to rapidly set up and configure integrations for products operated using the EVRYTHNG platform so that they can connect with Nest. As the first B2B IoT platform solution with an approved reference design for Nest integration, EVRYTHNG accelerates the development and testing process for developers and manufacturers, allowing them to quickly submit devices for Nest approval with confidence.


New Wireless technology Wi-Fi HaLow to play a Big role in the Smart Home The Wi-Fi Alliance unveiled Wi-Fi HaLow earlier this year, which features lower energy consumption and allows the creation of large groups of stations or sensors that cooperate to share the signal. The protocol is intended to be competitive with Bluetooth with its low power consumption, but with a wider coverage range. A benefit of 802.11ah is extended range, making it useful for rural communications and offloading cell phone tower traffic. The other purpose of the protocol is to allow low rate 802.11 wireless stations to be used in the sub-gigahertz spectrum, it said in its earlier press release.


New Bluetooth 5 Supports Location-Based Capabilities and Contextual awareness The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) announced that its next release, coming late 2016 to early 2017, will be called Bluetooth 5. Bluetooth 5 will quadruple range and double speed of low energy connections while increasing the capacity of connectionless data broadcasts by 800 percent. With eight times the broadcast messaging capacity, Bluetooth 5 will further propel the adoption and deployment of beacons and location-based services in the home automation, enterprise, and industrial markets.


ULe alliance announces Ipv6 support and the availability of 6LoWpaN on top of ULe The ULE Alliance announced IPv6 support and the availability of 6LoWPAN on top of ULE. The ULE/ IP stack nteroperates with traditional computing infrastructure, by leveraging existing internet standards, rather than reinventing the wheel. To facilitate IPv6 integration with the Internet of Things (IoT) nodes, the IETF 6lo working group was established. The IETF 6lo working group generates specifications to allow IP protocols to be transported over limited bandwidth bearers in an optimized way towards connected IoT nodes (e.g. sensors/ actors). Within the IETF 6lo working group, there are a couple of wireless technologies working on 6LoWPAN integration, to offer a common interoperability interface between different bearer technologies (e.g. BTLE, NFC).


CWS Honeybee platform Combines Zonoff’s Consumer Iot technology to Deliver Smart endto-end System in europe Connected World Services (CWS) and Zonoff announced a partnership to offer an innovative IoT-enabled home management and services platform to companies throughout Europe. Zonoff's leading Consumer IoT technology combined with Connected World Services’ (CWS) honeyBee platform creates a smart end-to-end platform. The technology has been engineered to operate as a single, white label B2B platform which can be applied across a range of sectors including utilities, insurance, retail, healthcare and financial services.

July/August 2016 mySMAhome.com 67


Include us in your media list. We want to know what you launch or are involved in smart home. email your press releases to a&s SMahome editor: SMahome-pr@newera.messefrankfurt.com

68 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016

Show Calendar

2016 WorldWide exhibitions and events related to smart home a&s SmAhome magazine will be distributing magazines at the checkmarked shows. sydney, aUstralia INTEGRATE EXpO

shanGhai, China ShANGhAI SmART hOmE TEChNOlOGy

Integrate is one of Australia’s largest industry events for leaders and professionals in AV and Systems Integration. to 25 Partnering with InfoComm International and CEDIA, it is the leading industry forum in the region, bringing together over 5,300 visitors to meet with like-minded professionals, suppliers, brands, manufacturers and distributors from across the globe.

Shanghai Smart Home Technology is a specialized trade fair tailored for the booming smart home market in to 2 China. Concurrently held with the Shanghai Intelligent Building Technology, the show emphasizes on the support to the highly demanded and fast growing smart home technology in China.

• +61 2 9275 9200 • www.integrate-expo.com

• +852 2802 7728 • shanghai-smart-home-technology.hk.messefrankfurt.com





berlin, Germany IFA

amsterdam, the netherlands IBC

IFA is a global trade show for consumer electronics and home appliances, presenting the latest products to 7 and innovations. IFA offers a comprehensive overview of the international market and attracting trade visitors from more than 100 countries each year. IFA is the main meeting place for key retailers, buyers, and experts from the industry and the media.

IBC is the premier annual event for professionals engaged in the creation, management and delivery of entertainment to 13 and news content worldwide. In 2015, the event attracted more than 55,000 attendees from 170 countries around the world, exhibiting more than 1,600 of the world's key technology suppliers and showcasing a debate-leading conference. The IBC Conference is held from Sep 8-12, 2016, whereas the IBC Exhibition is held from Sep 9-13, 2016. SEp




• +49 (0) 30 3038 2220 • b2b.ifa-berlin.com

• +44 (0) 20 7832 4100 • www.ibc.org

dallas, Usa CEDIA 2016

london, enGland SmART SummIT

CEDIA 2016 is the connecting point for manufacturers, home technology to 17 professionals, media, industry partners, and more. The event offers participants the opportunity to network with industry leaders and changemakers, expand their competitive edge with new training and certifications, and grow business with the most visionary ideas and products imaginable.

Smart Summit is a 2 day conference and exhibition covering the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem and its impact on the digital to 22 society. With 3 in-depth event tracks and over 160 leading speakers, the event covers the Smart Home, Smart Cities and Industrial Internet of Things in detail. Co-located with a joint networking exhibition, each track (summit) features over 20 unique and topical sessions – gain a unique insight from industry heavyweights and hear case study examples from major contributors.

• +1 877 765 5559 • expo.cedia.net

• +44 (0) 330 335 3900 • www.iotsmartsummitlondon.com





List your exhibitions here if they are related to smart home. Email your show profile, website and a 60-word introduction to a&s SMAhome Editor: SMAhome-pr@newera.messefrankfurt.com

70 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016

dUbai, Uae GITEX OCT

boston, Usa IOT SECuRITy SummIT

GITEX is one of the largest tech events on the planet. Participation

16 in this event gives access to 146,000 professionals with real buying to 20

power and in 2016, GITEX is growing. This year, GITEX is bringing together the most innovative, exciting and ambitious tech startups to showcase their world changing ideas to an audience of hand-picked international investors. It is also reimagining realities with new sectors: Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Wearables, Smart Living and Digital Marketing. • +971 4 3086901 • www.gitex.com


The IoT Security Summit is an event

17 dedicated to the key security and privacy to 19

issues surrounding IoT and will address the most crucial challenges that inevitably arise from managing the data associated with an ever increasing amount of connected devices and appliances. The event brings together 500+ senior decision makers, influencers, buyers, stakeholders and security experts under one roof. • Iotsecurityevent.com

aside from the above,

SmAhome magazine will also attend the following security shows. Security exhibition & conference


Melbourne, AuStrAliA

ifSec SoutheASt ASiA


KuAlA luMpur, MAlAySiA

interSec buenoS AireS


buenoS AireS, ArgentinA



orlAndo, uSA

Secutech VietnAM


hAnoi, VietnAM

Security eSSen


eSSen, gerMAny

SAfe & Security ASiA



smahome thailand 2016 Coming this september Messe Frankfurt New Era Business Media Ltd and Worldex GEC Co Ltd are to jointly host two international security and smart home technology events, Global Digital Security & Solutions Forum (GDSF) Thailand 2016, and SMAhome Thailand 2016, on September 1-3, 2016 at BITEC, in Bangkok. Mr. Sirapat Kettarn, director of the business development department at Worldex GEC Co Ltd said: "Thailand is one of the major markets that is putting large amounts of investment into security and smart home solutions. Thailand's smart home solutions market value is forecast to reach 645 million baht in 2016 and 2,500 million baht in 2020, a compound annual growth rate of 40 percent.” According to him, “Lighting Design and Smart Home Solutions for the Real Estate Business” is the topic for SMAhome Thailand seminar. Target audiences are security and smart home entrepreneurs, developers, manufacturers, installers, business owners, engineers, architects, and designers. End users are government ministries and departments, investors, state-owned enterprises, transportation organizations, industrial factories, property developers, retail outlets, hotels and banks.

July/August 2016 mySMAhome.com 71

Product Product

Home Camera Climax TeChnology Co., lTd.

VDP-A1 Video Door Phone sales@climax.com.tw

• Designed to allow users to monitor home entrances and answer the door using a smartphone app from anywhere • Built-in white LEDs give a clear view of the visitor, day and night • HD camera lens covers a wide angle of up to 154° degrees • Built-in speaker and microphone provide twoway voice • Users can stay connected to the video door phone via Wi-Fi • Easy installation without requiring special tools • Connects to existing doorbell wiring for power

STarVedia TeChnology

StarVedia 2MP FHD Day & Night IP Camera IC722w/z sales@starvedia.com

• 2 megapixel 1080p resolution (up to 30fps at 1920x1080) • Wide viewing angle, 140° horizontal • Day & night vision • Multi-storage option – microSD card/NAS/Dropbox cloud storage • Integrated Z-Wave controller/gateway • Monitored and controlled by the smartphone/tablet via apps (iOS & Android)

dahua TeChnology Co., lTd.

Door reLaTeD

3MP HD A series Wi-Fi PT Camera DH-IPC-A35 overseas@dahuatech.com

• 1/3" 3MP CMOS • H.264 & MJPEG dual-stream encoding • Max 20fps@3MP (2304×1296) • 0~355° pan range, 90° tilt range, 25 presets • IR distance: 10m • Easy4ip cloud support • Wi-Fi support • microSD card (up to 128GB) • Built-in microphone & speaker • DC5V2A


Smartall smartall.co

• Personalized AI butler • 1080p@30fps/720p@60fps • Supports Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, Z-Wave, IR • Face recognition • Quad core CPU • Cloud video recording • Can connect to coffee machines, vacuum cleaners, lights and thermostats 72 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016

edimax TeChnology Co., lTd.

Peephole Network Camera IC-6220DC www.edimax.com

• See the door’s peephole on a smartphone • Passive infrared (PIR) sensor for motion detection • Battery Powered • Easy DIY installation with Plug-n-View for configuration-free setup • Audio: built-in microphone & speaker, two-way audio • Viewing angle: digital 90° / peephole 150° • Night view: IR LED x 2, up to 3 meters (1.5M for clear image) • Motion/sound detection trigger recording and alerts to MicroSD/SDHC card, email and FTP • Flexible storage options: recording can be saved to microSD, SDHC, NAS, Google Drive or Dropbox

eNerGY maNaGemeNT momiT

HeaLTHCare VirgilanT

momit Cool



• Compatible with 100% of traditional air conditioners that are controlled via remote control that work with infrared • Just place momit Cool near the air conditioner infrared sensor and follow the simple instructions on the App to turn any mobile device into a remote control • Smart - learns from user habits to ensure real savings and a maximum level of comfort • My budget - users can set a monthly budget ot optimize energy savings • Heat and cold control - allows users to have complete control over home temperature • Internet connection - connects to the Internet through the momit Gateway • Schedule - users can program the device according to their schedule • Geolocation - turns the A/ C on or off based on user's location

GaTeWaY & HUB uniTed inTegraTed SerViCeS Co., lTd.

Wireless Smart Home System sales@uisco.com.tw

• ZigBee Home Automation • ZigBee USB connection • Camera Link/Switch link • Auto join/RSSI • WIFI IP Cam (WPS Key) • Push notifications • SDK support • Built-in siren


• Smart inhaler for COPD sufferers • Connects with smartphone for tracking medication intake, sending alerts when dosages are due, and allowing users to get immediate medical assistance in case of emergencies • Wireless: BLE

INTeGraTeD SYSTem & KIT miVaTek

Home8 Ultra-secure Starter Kit apacsales@mivatek.com

• 1 x Mini Cube HD camera, 1 x Security shuttle, 2 x Door + Window sensors, 1 x Infrared motion sensor, 1 x Keychain remotes • Captures 5 seconds before a triggered event and 25 seconds after • Can create a police video report in real time for sending to the authorities • Instant smartphone alerts help protect home against intrusions • Can be armed/disarmed from the app or the included Keychain remote • Night vision • Local siren • Local storage

July/August 2016 mySMAhome.com 73


maxkin mobile TeChnology Co., lTd.

Hybrid GSM & Wi-Fi Smart Cam Alarm System i2



• 1080p HD video at frame rates up to 30fps • 120-degree field of view • Users can remotely arm/disarm/turn on siren, monitor or record live videos • Expandable - supports up to 50 sensors & 10 remote controllers • Immediate SMS alerts for low battery, power lost, power recovery and events • All programming can be easily done using the Android & iOS apps

aryballe TeChnologieS



• Universal portable odor detection device that is connected to a database which self-expands over time • Uses surface plasmon resonance imaging • Strong IP with 3 patents already filed (in co-ownership or exclusive license with CEA) • Sizeable IP potential through odor database • Addressed markets & first field tests: safety & environment monitoring; security, medical diagnostic, guidance; food, flavor & fragrance; anosmia

SkywaTCh innoVaTionS

Skywatch for Smart Places sales@skywatch24.com

• Seamlessly integrates network camera, environmental sensor, and switches with cloud recording and smart notification services • Anytime, anywhere – users can easily monitor and control their places • Across locations – users can know that their families are comfortable and their co-workers are safe with a glance • Meaningful communication – users can design their own rules and be notified of meaningful events that happen at home

74 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016

deVelCo ProduCTS

Flood Alarm


• Designed for early leakage detection in private homes, camping trailers, caravans, garages, and in humid environments such as kitchens and bathrooms • Built-in 85 dB siren that will sound an alarm when water is detected • Flood sensor • Temperature sensor • ZigBee HA 1.2 compliant

July/August 2016 mySMAhome.com 75


good way TeChnology Co., lTd.

Active Motion Sensor



• Adopts dual sensor technology – passive IR and ultrasonic sensor – to precisely detect occupancy in a space and eliminate the possible PIR false-on/false-off problems • More sensitive to minor motions like hand washing or reading a book than pure PIR sensors • Can measure the distance between the sensing device and the occupant to offer more detailed metadata for further data utilization • Power-saving mode for both sensors

orienTal SySTem TeChnology inC.

16x16 Thermopile Array Module www.orisystech.com

• Adopts dual sensor technology – passive IR and ultrasonic sensor – to precisely detect occupancy in a space and eliminate the possible PIR false-on/false-off problems • More sensitive to minor motions like hand washing or reading a book than pure PIR sensors • Can measure the distance between the sensing device and the occupant to offer more detailed metadata for further data utilization • Power-saving mode for both sensors

Joyray TeChnology Co., lTd.

JUMPY Plus www.jumpy.cc

• Specially designed for kids 4 to 12 • Supports voice calls, voice messages and emojis • Tracks in real time using GPS/GSM/Wi-Fi/G-sensor technology • SOS button for sending messages to emergency contacts • Smart toy control - connects with Utico cars and Sphero Robotic balls • Remote listening without triggering the smartwatch • Battery can be magnetically recharged and can last up to 2 days on one charge • Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.0


Knocki knocki.com

• Small wireless device that transforms ordinary surfaces (walls, tables, doors, furniture, countertops, & more) into easy to access remotes for devices and software • Reliably identifies simple gestures defined by taps or knocks on a surface • Includes a special mount featuring patent-pending SurfaceLink technology to ensure a solid connection to a surface

Qihan TeChnology Co., lTd.

Donkey Vacuum Cleaner www.qihan.cn/donkey

• Wi-Fi/3G/4G connectivity • APP remote control • Features 720p camera for realtime recording • Strong cleaning ability with anti-collision feature • Auto recharge and multicleaning mode

76 mySMAhome.com July/August 2016

Call for International Speakers Now!




SMAhome Thailand Conference & Display 1-3 Sept 2016 BITEC, Bangkok

Smart home is new for ASEAN. But the advanced real estate business and construction companies in the region are seeing it as the high value-added services to the future homes. They are aggressively looking for partners and feasible solutions.

That’s where SMAhome Thailand Conference & Display 2016 comes in. l Join us this Sept 1-3, 2016 in Bangkok for presentations and demos of “Smart Home, Lighting Design and Solar Energy Solutions for Real Estate Business,” to meet more than 10,000 trade visitors at the event. l Target audiences include: − Distributors, dealers of home automation and security – System Integrators of building automation, home automation and security – Architects, Interior Designers and Project Designers – Real Estate Developers, Builders and Contractors Call for International Speakers


www.thailandsmartech.com Concurrent Events

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