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napac roller, then a rubber tire CW-34. A double drum steel roller performed finish. “Typically for joint density we set it in place with knockdown and then pinch with rubber tire roller. These roller operators are all veterans and exceptional in their skills.”
The results were bonus worthy.
Christianson shared the stats: “There were approximately 82 lane miles of paving on the project. The 20-foot-wide paving average IRI was a 32.2. The 18-foot-wide paving was a 34.5. There was not a single corrective grind on the entire project required by the owner. The average mat density on the project was 93.4% and average joint density on the project was 90.9%.”
It’s not just the IRI that brought the accolades for Mayo Construction.
“The final bonus produced on the project from ride, joint density and mat density incentive was approximately $350,000,” Wuori said. “The project also beat its bid estimates for production and profits as well.” the project. Belly dumps delivered mix in windrows ahead of Cat and Weiler pickup machines. Those transferred material to Cat pavers paving in echelon on six passing lanes to eliminate the longitudinal joint.
Christianson said the paving team used a Cat screed extensions kit to stretch the paver out past 20 feet wide on parts of the project. “We used best paving practices for the joint, including Willow Notched Wedge.” He proudly shared the DOT required not a single corrective International Roughness Index (IRI) grind on the lane miles of paving on entire project.
Wuori explained, “We had the Willow device running on the longitudinal joint and a custom-built sluff roller on the outside edge. It works very well and mounts to the outside of the screed gate in about two minutes with two workers installing it. It does have to be managed with a release agent and adjusted every once in a while.”
To achieve compaction, the team used one consistent rolling pattern for most of the mainline paving and Wuori double-checked that with the Pavescan GPS device, sharing the data between management and the paving team. They started with a double drum steel CB16 in the breakdown position, followed by two intermediate rollers. The first was a double steel drum Dy-
That kind of success doesn’t sneak up on a crew. Wuori was the consultant running the Pavescan and seeing the numbers coming up day in and day out. He could tell something special was happening.
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Mayo Construction Inc., Cavalier, North Dakota, celebrates its centennial this year. Joe Mayo founded the company in 1923, purchasing a steam engine and planning to start a custom harvesting business. Luckily for the state, he recognized his talent for road construction— and that’s what the family business has focused on for three generations.
Mayo Construction competes mostly on the open market through competitive bidding, supporting about 150 employees during the summer construction season. The company is 100% employee owned. Visit the website for more of the Mayo Construction history. https:// www.mayoconst.com/
The Tank Management System is comprised of three levels of functionality and is customizable for your plant.
This component makes it possible for you to never have to second - guess how much material is in your A.C. tanks or hotmix silos. The Accu-Level continuously monitors tank levels aler ting the operator when an over ll is approaching.
The app allows you to monitor speci c operations of your plant. While using it, you can: observe tank and silo levels in real-time, keep track of temperatures, monitor hot oil heater vitals, receive error alerts, allow team access, and more. Completely mobile-friendly, the app can be operated on a computer, tablet or any smart phone.
This system allows you to monitor and regulate all of your A.C. tanks. Users can set individual tank high/low parameters for level and temperature to initiate a pump shutdown and prevent tank over ows. In addition, you can operate A.C. tank supply, return, and ll valves with the push of a button from the control room, tank farm or any smart phone.