INSIDE 5 Bulletin Bytes
Positive and interesting news from around the world!
8 Riding The Hallyu Wave Dive into the international phenomenon, Hallyu wave, to know its impact on businesses and the economy
12 Business Automation Tools
Take a look at some automation tools that can give your startup business or SME an edge
16 The Hippocratic Paradox
Examine the issues that plague healthcare, where money, not a doctor, saves the patient
38 Building the Innovation Skyscraper David Tee looks at the need for government agencies to set up Innovation Ecosystems to help entrepreneurs to flourish
40 Marketing NFT The Top 3 Steps
Learn the top 3 steps to ensure that marketing your NFT is a resounding success
42 Cloud Computing will reach $600 billion
Important events in the region
Bitcoin will be valued at $6 million per coin
Carl Runefelt shares his expert advice and knowledge on Bitcoins and crypto currencies
36 Maverick of Acquisitions and Agglomerations
Meet Jeremy Harbour, the founder of The Harbour Club training entrepreneurs in the art of buying, fixing, and selling businesses
ASPIRE — J U LY — 2 0 2 2
A closer look at cloud computing and why cloud hosting is better than traditional hosting
46 Yoga Styles— A Beginners Guide
Here is a brief guide to the different styles of yoga and how to choose the right one for you