Aspiring to Be Magazine Fall 2018

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ISSUE NO. 11 // FALL 2018


ESTABLISHED IN TRUTH Rachel Storms pg. 08

Editor's Notes


Meet the Writers


Established In Truth


But Then, God!


Quitting Is Not An Option!


Holding Others


Letting Go of the Toxic


Thank You


Show Your Support




NEW SEASON & NEW OPPORTUNITIES I can't believe its already fall once again and that this will be the final issue for 2018. In fact starting in January 2019 we will be going to a bi-monthly release date. That is more encouragment for you more often. The girls and I are looking for new ways to minister to, encourage, uplift and teach you how to succeed in your walk with the Lord.

We are so excited about the amazing things God is not only doing in this ministry but also in our personal ministries as well. We are about to step through into a whole new season of life and ministry, and whatever is on the other side of this new door that God is opening for us we are ready to embrace it and walk this road side by side. Because with God, ALL things are possible. (Phil 4:13)


Meet Our Writers: Ashley Chambers is a wife and mother to 5. She is founder of Count it All Joy Ministry on Facebook. She is also a blogger for FOCUS Ministries and social media coordinator for the Girls Life group at Redemption Church in Knoxville, TN.

Kristi Willingham lives in Strawberry Plains, Tennessee. She works in Social Services for the Salvation Army.

Jennifer Hill is the founder of Broken to Blessed Ministry. You can find more information about Jennifer and her ministry on their website: . Watch on YouTube and follow on Facebook.

Dianna Auton holds a Bachelor of Science in Christian Education. Her personal ministry is to encourage women of all walks of life to serve God in every area of life. She lives with her husband of 19+ years, Andy, and daughters in East Tennessee, where she serves in her local church. You can connect with her on her personal blog, "A Little Bit of Everything" at:

Rachel Storms A happily married mother of three girls. As the youngest daughter of a minister she has been brought up under the instruction of the Bible. Having traveled with her family often, she has been exposed to various denominations and concluded that the basis of faith is and always will be founded upon the truth of God's Word. Rachel is passionate about teaching others. Her greatest desire is to reach out to the lost and the broken with the compassion of Jesus Christ.

Christy Henderson An empty nester that has been married for more than 27 years. She loves to minister to the hurting. She loves her adult daughters and is looking forward to the day she has grandbabies. She is thankful for two special friends that remind her that she has a solid rock in Jesus Christ when life gets crazy.


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overwhelming. We find ourselves asking, "Why?" "God, why did you allow this to happen?"

immovable, and eternally unchanging. And His

"Let no man say when he is tempted, 'I am tempted by God'; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone." The word "tempted"

faithfulness to fulfill His Word is to all generations.

here means tried or tested. James continues in

In other words, His promise endure from the first

verse 14,

James 1:13 says, The word translated "settled" in this verse literally means stand firm. God's Word is established,

generation to the last. What God promised to Abraham extends to us today. The same working

"But each one is tempted (tried, tested) when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed."

of miracles that was available to the first century church is still available to this generation now.

Let's look at the word "enticed". It comes from the Greek word "deleazo" and means to bait or

When the trials of life come, it is not uncommon for

deceive. Well, we know that Satan is the master

us to begin questioning the truths we've been

of deception. This same devil that tempted Jesus

taught. Sometimes the stress and pressure that

in the wilderness uses the same methods against

often accompany such trials can be

the church today. He is diligently looking for a


Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven. Your faithfulness endures to all generations... (Psalm 119:89-90)

door of opportunity into our lives. He will even go

cast a shadow when they pass between the sun

as far as to manipulate the scriptures in order to

and the earth's surface. A more obvious

bring confusion and division. After all, a double-

hindrance to the light would be the moon during

minded man (someone whose thoughts are

an eclipse.

So, by this example we can see that the source


of light does not change, but sometimes As if that wasn't enough Satan won't stop there. If

hindrances will come to cast a shadow. In the

allowed he will even deceive God's people into

same way, God does not change. His position is

believing that God is the one responsible for tests

established and His light is eternal. However,

and trials that are wreaking havoc in their lives.

Satan will attempt to hinder the flow of light by

But, ,we know the Word says that it is Satan who

casting a shadow on the minds of people.

comes to kill, steal, and destroy (see John 10:10). This is why it is important to know the WHOLE truth

How do we resist Satan and his methods of

and not just part.

deception? The same way Jesus did. Go back to

Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard lest we drift away. (Hebrews 2:1) We can be ready the Word.

Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. Every good and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. (James 1:16-17)

and remain steady through any attack of the enemy by knowing the Word and by continuing in it. The same truth that brought us forth (see James 1:18) is the same truth that causes us to

NIV ... who does not change like shifting shadows.

remain established, immovable, and unshaken. And if we remain steady God is faithful to fulfill all that He has promised in His Word.

After explaining how temptation, trials, and testing come, James begins verse 16 by saying,

"Do not be

deceived..." Then, he proceeds by saying that everything good and perfect comes from the Father of lights above. So, how do we know if something is from God? We simply ask, "Is this good? Is it perfect?" If the answer isn't yes then it isn't from God. It is that simple.

James continues in saying that these good and

"...the Father of lights, with whom there is now variation or shadow of turning." By referring to God as the "Father of

perfect things come from

lights" he is saying that God is the creator and source of light. We understand this better by looking at the sun, earth's main source for light. Wherever the light goes it illuminates and causes things to become visible. The only way a shadow can be cast is if something comes between the source of light and its destination. Clouds often


divided) is unstable in all his ways. (see James 1:7-


BUT THEN, GOD! CHRISTY HENDERSON A few weeks ago I took on the challenge of a new job. I was so excited and in shock that I was even considered due to the fact that I had no prior training or experience in chemistry, plus at my age this is almost unheard of. As I was going through the process of making up my mind to take the job or not God reminded me of his words he spoke to me years ago "I will bless the work of your hands". That was the deciding factor. So I said yes and the new adventure began. But there was more to be accomplished than meets the eye so to speak when God is in the mix.Â

As a general rule by this stage of a person's life people are looking forward to retirement, taking care of the grandbabies or just plain being bored while sitting in a rocking chair on the front porch petting Fido. You know, the good life. But no, not me!!!

The job I was on at the time enabled me to check out this job twice a week. The person doing the jobÂ

assured me that I could handle it and do quite

God used a coworker in the lab adjacent to mine

well, that all I needed was basic computer skills

to fill in the gaps. When we are at our desk we

and the physical tests that needed to be run was

can see each other and chat. Honestly I know he

quite simple. It sounded like a dream come true.

got tired of hearing me repeatedly say "I'm not qualified to do this, there is no way I could have

But then this slow motioned, visually minded

known that in advance" or "I'm not good enough

person found out very quickly she was in way over

to do this." Out of the blue it seemed like he

her head. It was painfully more detailed than I was

looked up and said "Ya know, as a man sees

led to believe. I was flooded with so much

himself so is he." (Proverbs 23:7) That was my "But

information in such a short period of time I thought

then God" moment. I had never considered that

my brain was going to explode. I had to memorize

scripture before. I had heard it many times but it

everything. I would go over the procedures again

never occurred to me to apply it to any situation

and again in my mind after work. I would wake up

in my life. It was a major "lights on" moment.

in the middle of the night and my brain would still be processing the producers and terms. It's mind

From that point on I changed the way I saw

boggling how many different forms and spread

myself. I changed the negative words to positive

sheets there is to fill out before sending out a

ones. I perceived myself in a positive way now

simple report. The physical part of the job was a

and it makes my job so much easier. I am able to

breeze. I loved watching my boss run some tests

accomplish things outside my job that I didn't

and seeing how some chemicals react with others.

think I could due to the I thought I wasn't good

The the fear factor kicked in when I realized the

enough. It is interesting how we can minister to

repercussions if the lab results was sent to the

ourselves like that and reap the good fruits of

wrong plant and how one number or decimal point

those new found words. I am thankful that God

out of place could make or break the outcome of

gave him this scripture to open my eyes.

the results. When you find yourself in the middle of I was set up for failure, I was doomed. The first six

overwhelming pressure and stress while learning

weeks was a nightmare. I can't count how many

something new just remember what you think of

times I would escape to the lady's room or another

yourself will make a difference in the outcome.

part of the building to cry and talk myself out of

Proverbs 23:7,

leaving and not look back.

For as he thinketh within himself, so is he.

With very little sleep and worrying about making a

Forever Looking Up,

mistake the Lord impressed me to seek Him and let


the Holy Spirit tell me what to do. I was a bit irritated with God for saying that because I thought I was already doing that. I thought I needed a miracle to hit my brain so I could magically know what to do. I had everybody and their brother and sister plus their in-laws praying for me. Nothing got easier, if anything it got harder, the pressure and stress was unbearable.

I have heard more people I can shake a stick at say "But then God". I never quite understood what all that entailed until now.


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( N A S )


JUST START! Those were the words that came out

When we decide to override our emotions and

of the mouth of a guest speaker during a

feelings and start to show up AMAZING things

Wednesday evening service. It was personally one

begin to happen. Whatever area of life whether it

of the greatest sermons I have ever heard to date.

be business, personal or professional we have to

It provoked, encouraged and ignited my heart and

do our part in showing up and trusting God to do

soul. I had prayed, sowed seeds and believed God

the rest.

in many areas of my life to deliver me from procrastination and lack of motivation. I also asked

Apply these scripture to memory and confess

for tangible wisdom and knowledge to come so

them over your life.

that I knew how to apply the needed steps to be successful. It was a harvest received after much time passed. I knew according to Galatians 6:9

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." He is FAITHFUL.

Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."

that it says

2 Chronicles 15:7 "But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded."

I walked out that evening changed and READY. I was determined to move forward in my life trusting

Stay encouraged and steadfast, you were made

God with every single step. One foot in front of the

to do hard things and through Him you are able!

other, one step at a time and committed to never give up no matter how hard it was through the stretching and lengthening.

If we want to grow and receive the harvest we must be committed to do the work and keep moving forward regardless of the time and effort it takes. Any and all things that cause us to do hard things that birth growth in us is worth anything we have to sacrifice to get it. We put off things, run, hide, fight and neglect things that are hard. We should instead say the hard yes, be willing to do whatever it takes to run the race all the way to the finish line. It does not matter how fast we reach it. It only matters that we FINISH.

I applied this to my relationship with God, in my marriage, parenting, business, relationships, and in my serving. My life radically changed and I became more successful all because I chose to SHOW UP, APPLY the wisdom and knowledge imparted to me that evening.


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Recently I was instructed by our Program Director

genuine, authentic trust in communities and

to attend a community building workshop. I was

rediscover what it means to extend extraordinary

anything but thrilled by this directive. I had just

respect in a world which has "almost forgotten

returned from a vacation -- from which I felt I

the glory of what it means to be human" was not

needed a vacation; and I had only been back in

high on my to-do list.

the office for two days. Both of which were rifle with drama-filled meetings and interrupted

I mean, I'm a Christian. I understand God's love

attempts aimed at tackling the three weeks of

and give it away often. So I always extend

paperwork accumulated on my desk; to say

extraordinary respect to everyone. Don't I?

nothing of the three months of files needing closure I didn't finish before I left.

Nevertheless at the instruction of the Director, I trudged into the conference room (ten minutes

Any other time I would have jumped at the

late) and was greeted happily by a facilitator

opportunity; but no, right now the idea of taking

who asked me to put on a name tag and take the

three days out of my office to sit in a room with

only empty seat.

twenty strangers and talk about how to build

The chairs were arranged in a large circle, and I

successful as they felt they were; all while the

sat clutching the itinerary folder to my chest in a

facilitators kept watchful eyes on the body

gut reaction to defend myself from the very open

language of both speakers and listeners alike. By

vulnerability the circle seemed to forcefully

the end of the first day, I was emotionally

present to this group of strangers.

exhausted and ready to quit, thus breaking one of the guidelines simply stating, "Don't quit. Hang

The group was given a few guidelines to follow

in there".

(always say your name before you speak, speak only in "I" statements, speak only when moved to

The next morning, I awoke very repentant of my

speak, etc.), a quote statement about community,

previous day's attitude and determined to go in

and no further instruction. The facilitators went on

read up, prayed up, and praised up, and change

to read a story, followed by three minutes of

the atmosphere of the room with the Presence of

silence and then we began.

the Holy Spirit.

At first, everyone was giving their opinions of what

The circle began with three minutes of silence.

the story meant and how it pertained to

In the uncomfortable period of silence which

community building; followed closely by several

followed those three minutes I listened for what,

voicing their own agendas, a few "name-

if anything the Holy Spirit would have me say.

droppings", and statements given by those

Then I knew; "tell them about your morning".

needing confirmation that they were indeed as

Breaking the almost heavy silence I spoke up, "My name's Kristi, and I just feel moved to say, that it's been the best morning. I woke up happy and smiling and full of the joy of the Lord". Not knowing

for his good, to build him up. For Christ did not please Himself, but as it is written, "The reproaches of those who reproached you fell on me."

what else to say, I smiled timidly and sat back in my seat. It was as if a heavy weight was lifted off

The Message Translation says it like this:

set before us.

"Those who are strong and able in the faith need to step in and lend a hand to those who falter, and not just do what is most convenient for us. Strength is for service, not status. Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, "How can I help?" That's exactly what Jesus did. He didn't make it easy for himself by avoiding people's troubles, but waded right in and helped out. "I took the troubles of the troubled", is the way that scripture puts it.

After a tense period of silence, someone in the

Had I not repented and changed my attitude

group began to share something of a personal

towards them, I would not have gotten to

struggle they were going through. The instinct of

experience true community with this group of

everyone in the room was to reach out, comfort,

strangers and would not have gotten the unique

and fix the problem, and a few tried. I listened

opportunity to speak into their lives.

the circle and people began to speak. Some thanked me, others shared their faith statements with the group, and by lunchtime there was avery different element in the room than when we first began.

After lunch, the facilitators told us we were not succeeding. We were talking about building community, but not doing it. And so we were quiet again; each of us not wanting to fail at the task

closely to the words a few were saying. I waited, and then Holy Spirit seemed to be directing me to

There's not always a need to "fix" or even to

share somewhat about the loss of my husband and

console everyone. But there is always a need to

how very much I had come to hate the word

keep our attitudes of love and service right so that

"widow" because it made me feel weak. This

we can "hold" or uphold those we meet. Through

led to another speaking up about her personal

prayer, through encouragement, through simple

struggle with loss. And suddenly it happened.

acts of really seeing and hearing those humans God places in our path with extraordinary respect

For thirty minutes, we sat in silence. But there was

that expects nothing, is thankful for everything,

something different in this quiet. Each of us, some

and even in the silences says, "How can I help?"

perhaps without even knowing it, was holding the others. Not touching, not fixing, just holding. Each person in the circle desperately longed to comfort and help the others. There was a gentle spirit of kinship and love in the silence.

It was in this silence that I began to understand what the Lord was teaching me there.


15:1-2 ESV We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor

Broken to Blessed Ministry "Live" Event!

October 18th, 2018 10a.m. - 12p.m. Lighthouse Knoxville 6800 Baum Dr. Knoxville, TN 37919

Jennifer Hill 865-249-9211 www.


We have all had that toxic thing or person in our

to be Spirit led and not flesh led, and I know

life at one time or another. It could have been a

that's not always easy, but it is possible. Then

number of things, drugs, alcohol, stealing, lying,...

there are times that we get involved in toxic

many things. I have learned more times than not

relationships with people that do not even have

though, it's people. We have to be so cautious, I'm

the love of God in them, and that can really

not saying to be fearful, just cautious. I know we

open the door to a lot of stress and pain. Don't

need one another, but we also need to pray for

get me wrong, we are to show love to all people,

the Lord to put the right people in our lives. You

but not be in relationships with all people. The

have heard it said that hurting people, hurt

Bible tells us in

people, I believe this to a point. I don't like to be

unequally yoked with unbelievers. I know many

the messenger of bad news, but people are also

people see and take this verse as couples, but I

just mean. There are many reasons why of course.

think it can be any type of relationship. We must

Jealousy, envy, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness.

keep ourselves and our hearts guarded. The Bible

Christians should be full of peace, joy, and love for

also tells us in

one another, that's not always so. We must choose

2 Corinthians 6:14 to not be

Proverbs 4:23 NIV "to guard our hearts, for everything we do flows from it."

You may be asking how you can recognize if you're

doing so. Pray for the Lord to bring the right

in a toxic relationship? I'm going to give you tips on

people into your life and to take the wrong ones

how to do just that. How do you feel when you are

out. He always wants what is best for you. God

around this person? You should feel full of joy and

Bless you Always!

peace.You should be able to be yourself completely, never hide who you really are and never change who you are. You should always leave this person feeling good about yourself. There has to be realness, truth, loyalty, and love. In a toxic relationship there is usually no love or a selfish love. They are the most important, their feelings and needs always come first. You will see a lot of red flags,... Control, manipulation, guilt, lies, even verbal/emotional abuse. Of course, if you're truly in a very toxic relationship it can even lead to physical abuse. I encourage you that if you see any of these flags to at least take a step back and reassess the relationship. If there's any type of abuse going on, I implore you to get out immediately. There is absolutely nothing wrong with ending toxic relationships and ridding your life of toxic people. Your life and well being depend on

Thank You!

We just wanted to take a moment to say a big thank you to some very special people.

First, our readers. If it wasn't for you we would not continue to do what we do. I always said from the beginning that if we only help one person then putting this magazine out was worth it.

Second to the special people that helped us add a little bit of ourselves to this issue: Gage at Salon Visage in Knoxville, TN. Shelby Pelsor who introduced us to Savvy Minerals and did all of our makeup so beautifully for the photo shoot. Stephanie Brown from Stephanie Brown Photography who captured our personalities amazingly well in our photos. Thank you all so much for helping us to be our best for our readers.

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