The Human Element In Organisations

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The Human Element in Organisations Nations, Organisations, Groups, Teams and Individuals

2015 online multi-play game

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Who is in Control? Man/Woman or Machine/Organisation Somehow he/she is overriding the System’s/ Organisation's Priorities! The Human Element will always be present!

Compassion, Fear, Instinct!

They will always interfere with or maybe enhance the System/Organisation!

The Human Element Setting the Context Organisations, Groups and Teams need to adjust and/or respond to the needs demanded by both Tasks and Relationships. By doing so, you enable an efficient and effective Organisation, Group or Team in terms of co-creating results.

UK Business Degrading ? Statistics released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in 2014 show that output per hour worked in the UK is 21% lower than the average for the other six members of the G7 – the US, Germany, France, Italy, Japan and Canada.

Meanwhile, the UK also lags behind its international competitors in terms of its management practices. A 2012 report by the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) found that its average management score is some way below that of the US, Japan, Germany and Canada.

UK’s current leadership and management performance Research shows that: •  Ineffective management is estimated to be costing UK businesses over £ xxxx per year in lost working hours. •  Incompetence or bad management of company directors causes xx % of corporate failures

UK’s current leadership and management performance Research shows that: •  Ineffective management is estimated to be costing UK businesses over £19billion per year in lost working hours. •  43% of UK managers rate their own line manager as ineffective – and only one in five are qualified •  Nearly three quarters of organisations in England reported a deficit of management and leadership skills in 2012. This deficit is contributing to our productivity gap with countries like the US, Germany and Japan. •  Incompetence or bad management of company directors causes 56 % of corporate failures Source: Department for Business, Innovation & Skills Leadership (2012)

UK Business Landscape Changing ? Commission Chairs Peter Ayliffe, President of CMI and Barry Sheerman MP, Chair of the APPGM

Matthew Hancock MP: Minister of State for Skills and Enterprise

Seema Malhotra MP Chair, PLP Departmental Group for Business, Innovation and Skills Member of APPGM Commission

THE FATAL BIAS The prevailing Management Bias towards cost efficiency is seriously harmful to corporate performance Key feature of CMI Open Letter: For a Better Managed Britain, organisations need to focus on three critical areas:

Purpose, People and Potential

Source: The Chartered Management Institute (CMI)

Global Business Landscape Changing ?

The NEED, to enhance change, training and development initiatives across organisations, with a focus on People Management and Interpersonal Skills. Analysing the input from over 1,000 participants, two Independent reports in 2014 identified:

The need to provide more training for People Management and Interpersonal skills, with a particular concern for first time and middle managers.

For a Better Managed Britain, organisations need to focus on three critical areas:

Purpose, People and Potential

Rhetorical Question •  Do we REALLY know what we don’t know? •  There are known, knowns; •  There are things that we know that we know. •  We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. •  But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know.

Maybe there is more we don’t know afterall!

United States Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (Feb 2002)

Organisational Dynamics (OD) Up to 70% of change initiatives fail to meet stakeholders expectations This failure rate has not changed in over 50 years!

Typical change initiatives focus above the line, neglecting or marginalising the human element

PURPOSE Leadership Leadership

Culture Culture

We need to pay special attention below the line, dramatically increasing change success rates

Motivation Motivation

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Grow Through Change, an Organizational Dynamics (OD) framework

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Just more training then?

There is a SYSTEMIC weakness in our education delivery systems as we continue to create ever focussed SILOS of Knowledge. We teach Humans about Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, WHY don’t we Teach People about People! What to do: Tap into what you already know, just from many different perspectives

Some scaffolding to help while we build our understanding

Context - What to Focus on?

Creating an org where people want to belong Environment: Constraints & Opportunities

My External Context

Behaviours: Action & Reaction

What I Actually Do

Capabilities: Perception & Direction

My Capabilities

Values and Beliefs: Motivation and Permission

My Belief & Values System

Self-identity: Role & Mission

Who I Am

Beyond self-identity: Vision & Purpose

Purpose beyond oneself

Derived from the work of the anthropologist, Gregory Bateson. He identified several fundamental levels of learning and change




Known by many names: Psychological, Neurological and Logical Levels

Context - Where to Focus? Organisational Performance PURPOSE Leadership

Where are you focussing your attention?

Culture Culture


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TASK Typical Business & Business School focus of attention? RELATIONSHIP Do you want to avoid being one of those failed organisations! Then you need to look below the line!

Context – From What Perspective? Direction, Drive and Efficiency Typically Short-term focus

Psychological Preference: Adjusting to the needs of Relationships and Tasks

Capability and Capacity

Team Alignment: ‘Speed-read’ others and yourself to manage more effectively Taking the ‘pulse’ of the Leadership of the Organisation

Good Governance and Wisdom Typically Long-term focus

Where we stand, directly impacts our own unique perspective of things & others

But how do we explore what we develop… don’t know? All you do is develop… 1: Awareness of self and others

2:Management skills and practice

3: Motivational skills and practice First, look at the Team or Workgroup Space (Group Dynamics) Second, look at the Individual Relationship Space (Personal Dynamics)

Exploring Group Dynamics

Team or Group Climate Analysis Becoming Aware

How do individuals within a group or team perceive that space? Performers

Innovators that Perform

High performing teams able to work, listen and learn from each other. However they are unlikely to come up with highly Innovative ideas outside the scope of their responsibilities

High performing teams able to Innovate. Ideally positioned to take Action and Learn together to address new challenges. They are likely to continue to pay attention to what is needed now



Fragmented team members tending to work individually promoting their own ideas and not listening. Often considering how to survive within the organisation

Ideally positioned to learn and act to address new challenges and win new opportunities, but more as individuals than a team. Possible fragmented activity from the team perspective

A simple display Only 35 questions and takes 15 min per participant

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Where to focus your attention? Developing the skills to manage

Informed by: Teaching Smart People how to Learn (Single and Double-­‐loop learning)

Informed by: Understand how MoIvaIon really works (DRIVE = SDT) Drive by Pink and SDT by Deci & Ryan

By: Chris Argyris

RelaIonship and Team Performance

MoIvaIon and InnovaIon PotenIal

Exploring Personal Dynamics The Mountain we all will climb

Time for your story Bring to mind a story where you are climbing a mountain. As you approach the top, you become aware of a large group of people coming over the mountain from the other side. Engage with the story as it unfolds

Become aware, what do you do ? This is more effective if you close your eyes Please do so if you are comfortable Let’s stay still and silent for just 1 minute I will let you know when the 60 seconds is over

Now consider what came to mind! •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

How does it feel to be in that position? Do you contact them? Do they contact you? Do they come towards you, avoid you, walk away from you, ignore you? Do they all act the same ? What do they look like ? Is there any contact verbally or physically? How does your body feel? Are they friendly or hostile ?

•  Let that story fade

The Mountain

Inclusion Amount of Interaction

Refers to associations between and among people: the desire to be given attention, to interact, to belong, to be unique. Schutz, 1994

The Human Element 3: Openness

1: Inclusion

What I want to Do

What I actually Do

What I want Others to Do

What Others actually Do

2: Control Control

Fundamental Inter and Intra-Personal Orientation

There are different Stories for Control and Openness!

The Human Element Where does this idea ‘The Human Element’ come from? •  Research Psychologist Will Schutz, in 1952 was recalled by the US Navy to help predict and build effective teams.

His findings, •  Compatibility Leads to Productivity

–  Navy went from 50% good teams, to 75% post FIRO use

The latest version (1980) explores twice as many areas than before, providing greater awareness and compatibility matching potential (so we use FIRO element-B™).

However, most people use the 1957 version FIRO-B due to lack of motivation to up their game or in many cases lack of knowledge.

Look at the Individual Relationship Space (Personal Dynamics)

To Summarise

What Next - Grow Through Change Psychological Levels meets FIRO element B Environment: Constraints & Opportunities

Inclusion > Control > Openness Openness

Behaviours: Action & Reaction

Inclusion > Control > Openness Openness

Capabilities: Perception & Direction

Inclusion > Control > Openness Openness

Values and Beliefs: Motivation & Permission

Inclusion > Control > Openness Openness

Self-identity: Role & Mission

Inclusion > Control > Openness Openness

Beyond self-identity: Vision & Purpose

Inclusion > Control > Openness Openness

The Context Past



The Human Element

What we now Know We can guide smart people so they KNOW: •  Context impacts what Actions to take

PURPOSE Leadership

•  Management Mode impacts Perception •  Relationships impact Team Performance


•  Motivations impact Innovation Potential •  Psychological Mindedness is ESSENTIAL


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Purpose, People and PotenIal Do you want to know more…

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Monitoring the behaviours across the organisation…

Through the eyes and ears of those within the organisation… In a safe and systematic way… Using data mining with Analytics to create meaningful information…


Presenting your information to enable early-warning signals of behavioural drift

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