Georgia 2013

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PROJECT: “EXPLORE YOURSELF - BE PREPARED! BE ACTIVE!” A M u l t i l a t e r a l Yo u t h E xc h a n g e o n Spor t and Outdoor Education The program of the youth exchange is based on the development of youth in sport and environmental friendly life skill programs. The main objectives are: •

To get to know and explore different sport and outdoor physical activities as a tool for non-formal education;

To develop knowledge, tools, attitudes and skills for the use of sport in working with young people;

To share and exchange existing good practices; experience camping and living outdoors;

To create an International Toolbox with educational activities/games through sport to be used by youth leaders and other interested people in their local/national/ international context.

This project reaches all the general objectives of Y o u t h i n A c t i o n P r o g r a m m e of the European Commission.

Associazione Sud - Italy Applicant - Action 3.1

people that choose to meet each other

The main focus will be put on developing the quality of support systems for youth with fewer opportunities, promote creativity by stimulating young people's spirit of initiative, their ability to think imaginatively and originally in the frames of active and environment friendly lifestyle and out-door education, European cooperation in the youth field to encourage marginalization and encouraging young people's awareness and commitment to tackling these issues for a more inclusive society. In this context, special emphasis will be placed in particular on the inclusion of rural youth and youth with social, language and economical problems. Par t n e r o r gan i z at i o n s met each other dur in g t h e S t u dy V i s i t " Yo u t h Wo r k Realit y in G e o r gi a" T bi l i si , G e o r gi a N ove m be r 2 012


* Georgian Youth for Europe Georgia * Associazione Sud


* Brontosaurus Movement Czech Rep * Yaddash EYS Union


General Objectives of the Project • To promote young people’s active citizenship in general and their European citizenship in particular • To develop solidarity and promote tolerance among young people, in particular in order to foster social cohesion in the European Union • To foster mutual understanding between young people in different countries • To contribute to developing the quality of support systems for youth activities and the capabilities of civil society and Organizations in the youth field • To promote European cooperation in the youth field

Activity during the exchange

Traditional/national Sport games Discovering traditional/ national sport games share our culture and identity and keep cultural heritage. Olympic Games Hiking - it includes lot of health benefits.

Showcasing outdoor methods and tools: this is key element of the program, where participants will be able to experience outdoor education tools; stars and weather - to learn how to "read" stars in night, navigation, nature prognoses of next day weather etc.

Methodology and expectations Sport and out-door activities in people’s life Four cultures differ a lot, but we believe that this exchange will increase the participant’s positive awareness and understanding of other cultures. To experience new cultures in a safe and friendly environment is a good way to learn about each other. Sport is very universal topic, but the way people think about them in different countries and cultures can be very differentiated. We think that this will lead to an interesting dialogue between the four country's participants. We are going to create an International Toolbox with educational healthy activities/ games through sport to be used by participants and other interested people in their local/national/international context. Through that other people can see our results and take our example to work with youth about healthy and sport promotion.

Youthpass and life skills In the first days of the exchange there will be organized Youthpass presentation and the young people will be assisted and guided in learning how to learn, in making their learning plans and in reflecting on and assessing their learning. We will explain them the e i g h t Key competences in the framework of the Lifelong Learning initiative of the European Union. Participants will write down what they learn during the day and discuss the challenges by organizing own learning, managing time, identifying opportunities, being able to deal with obstacles, looking for and using others for support.

European dimension We will talk about the role of young people in both present and future society and we will also discuss their role as citizens of Europe. How to influence own societies. Are the youngsters of today “only” the decision makers of tomorrow? Racism, xenophobia and other types of discriminating mentality will be thoroughly debated during our exchange. The participating countries, as well as the rest of the world, are all facing growing problems in this area. Why and how sport and out-door education can be a tool for growing up peace between diversity and learning tolerance toward each other.

Practical arrangements Li v i n g The participants will be accommodate in the International Scout Centre in Rustavi. Living will be in cottage houses. This place will be close to the nature and have swimming opportunities. It will be a perfect place both for inside and outside activities. Girls and boys will be divided in girls and boys rooms.

Fo o d We will have cook in hostel, but also there will be days when we can cook together in national or international groups. We will have four national evenings when all the countries can cook some traditional food, show some games, dances or present other traditions from their country or region. In last evening we will have last dinner in Georgian traditional restaurant.

Participants will be divided into nationally mixed working groups. It will promote intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding and experience exchange. Working side by side to reach common goals get to know other culture traditions, habits and customs as well as learn new skills and abilities.

Notes for the Italian group * * * *

6 participants 1 group leader Age: 16-25 years Passport

Costs The organizers will cover 100% of the food, accommodation, activities, local travel and insurance during the exchange, while the participants will cover the Italian participation fee and 30% of their travel costs to and from Georgia. This multilateral exchange is funded by Youth in Action Programme of European Commission.

How to apply

Visit our websites, download and fill in the application form. Send it by e-mail to: Sud website. Sud blog: Sud Facebook fanpage

deadline 18 . 0 9 . 2 013


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