Heffelfinger Magazine (july 2012)

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Heffelfinger Insurance










who needs cloud computing ?



From the EDITOR


Ted Baker


I was thinking the other day about how, in many ways, life was better in the 60’s. It was simpler, we didn’t have to worry about technology and people seemed friendlier. I think a lot of people would agree with me. The problem is that whether we like it or not the world has evolved and it’s not the same world it was 40+years ago (wow that sounds like a long time). So if so much has changed why do so many people try to keep doing business the way they did it 40 years ago? I believe that it’s because we like to hang on to things that we are comfortable with. Things we know and understand. This makes sense unless we try to run our life or businesses based on this principle. Institutional memory is a collective set of facts, concepts, experiences and knowhow held by a group of people. As it transcends the individual, it requires the ongoing transmission of these memories between members of this group. Let me give an example that Boomers will understand. When I was young my father would call my grandmother person-to-person collect before we left on the trip to drive to her place. Why? Because she would say that he wasn’t there and she would know that we were on our way and it didn’t incur a long-distance charge because long distance was to be used on in emergencies. A Boomer understands this but someone from Gen-Y has no clue. To Gen-Y it makes no sense. What is my point? My point is that today we can’t stay in a bubble with just our Institution Memory. There is Gen-X, Gen-Y and not Hen-Z each with their own. Then there are businesses which must content with rising costs of doing business and their need to meet people on their level Sounds complicated huh? Really, it isn’t but it does require a level of understanding from the consumer. When we introduce new ways of doing things that may seem strange just remember that a lot has changed since the 60’s and if we try to hang on to what is comfortable life will leave us behind, although personal I believe that really sucks because I really like to 60’s. Oh well, I don’t live there anymore and neither do any of the people that put their trust in us. So have patience as we all take this journey of life together and form new memories and learn from each other.

Ted Baker Executive Editor



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10 TIPS TO A HEALTHIER HEART If you’d like to do more to take care of your heart, here are 10 ways technology can make that easier.









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WHY ADOPT FROM A SHELTER? You will make a pet happy. By adopting from a private humane society or animal shelter, breed rescue group, or the local animal control agency, you’ll help a homeless pet find a new home. You will receive a healthy pet. Most shelters follow strict medical protocols including examinations when pets come in and vaccinations before they leave. In addition to medical care, shelters also screen animals for specific temperaments and behaviors to match each pet with the perfect family. Animal shelters have happy, healthy pets just waiting for someone to take them home. You will support your community and save money at the same time. Adopting from an animal shelter is usually less expensive, as your local shelter will just ask for a moderate adoption fee that will mainly cover basic routine medical care costs. Shelter pets are also usually already spayed or neutered and vaccinated. Finally, you help promote responsible pet ownership through your community.

cLICK TO VIEW pet health insurance VIDEO

ADOPTING A SHELTER PET QUESTIONS TO ASK When you visit an animal shelter, ask the staff some key questions. Ask about: The pet’s history - Find out as much as you can about the pet’s background. Was it a stray or given up by its owner? Did it come from a loving home? Did it live with other pets or with children? Medical and behavioral assessments - Find out what evaluations have been done and what lifestyle would suit it best. Ask about the pet’s interaction with the staff, and what their impressions are. The adoption timeline and process - Some shelters will let you take an animal home right away, while others take a slower approach. Find out what to expect up front. Spaying/neutering - Most shelters have policies to make sure that animals leave spayed or neutered. Some take care of this before the animals are available for adoption. Others schedule the procedure when the animal goes home and either finalize the adoption once it is performed, or refund the spay/neuter deposit once proof is provided.

To help raise awareness of shelter pets, Hill’s® Science Diet® has launched the Hill’s Food Shelter & Lovetm program on YouTube and Facebook, and Hill’s partner shelters website at www.HillsFoodShelterLove.com. The site allows pet owners to: Discover the wonderful stories of Ninja and Pewter, two pets who found a new home. Upload photos, videos and comments to share their own adoption stories. Identify a local shelter where you may be able to Volunteer, Donate and Adopt. See how Science Diet helps shelter pets to be happy and ready for adoption. Learn how to keep your pet healthy after they come home. Since 2002, the Hill’s Food Shelter & Love program has donated over $180 million worth of Science Diet pet food to nearly 1,000 animal shelters, 365 days a year. It has also helped more than 6 million pets find new homes. Every dog and cat deserves a home. When you adopt from a shelter, you provide a pet with another chance at finding love and a forever home.


HOW SAFE IS YOUR MATTRESS? REPLACING YOUR MATTRESS COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE AND YOUR BANK ACCOUNT Fire safety is probably the furthest thing from your mind as you drift off to sleep each night. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, approximately 360 people die each year from mattress fires. Considering that statistic, you might want to re-think your current sleeping arrangements and re-visit your insurance policies. Beginning July 1, mattress manufacturers must meet a federal fire resistant standard that could save your life and/or the lives of your loved ones. The new mattresses will meet a strict performance regulation that will make them more resistant to fires started by open flames from matches, lighters, candles, etc. While the mattress regulations will not eliminate fires, the new performance standards will buy consumers valuable time in the event of a fire. It only takes a few minutes for flames to engulf a mattress, then destroy a room. Mattresses manufactured under this regulation will burn much more slowly, adding to the time victims can escape injuries or death.


Don’t smoke in bed. This habit is a major source of accidental fire deaths in homes. If your mattress was manufactured after 1973, it was required to resist cigarette ignition. The standard set on July 1, 2007 will resist open flame ignition.


Be watchful of decorative candles.


Don’t fall asleep while candles are burning.


Don’t allow children to play with candles, matches or lighters. Warn them of the dangers of fire.


Install a functioning fire alarm in every bedroom.


Test smoke alarm batteries every month and change them at least once a year.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that 270 deaths and 1,330 injuries will be prevented every year once this mattress flammability standard is in place. While you can’t predict when or if a fire will occur in your home, you can prepare for it. In addition to taking safety precautions, it’s also important to be sure you have insurance that will cover damages and/or injuries caused by smoke or fire. Following safety guidelines can reduce your risk factor, but they will not eliminate the possibility of the unexpected. Insurance is for the unexpected. Take time now to prepare for these unpredictable events. Damages or injuries from fire or smoke can drain your bank account if you are not prepared. Thoroughly review your insurance policies to be sure you are covered for these perils. If you haven’t done so, talk with your local insurance agent to consider your risk factor and discuss your insurance policy. If you need to check insurance rates for your area, take a few minutes to complete an application with HometownQuotes. They will distribute your inquiry to multiple insurance agents in your area for free so you can shop for affordable insurance rates. HometownQuotes provides a quick and easy way for consumers to compare multiple insurance quotes. Publishing Guidelines: This article may be published with permission by sending a request to krista@ hometownquotes.com. *Please note that this article is not a professional consultation. This article is for general information only. Always seek specific information from a licensed insurance professional.*



cLICK TO VIEW How To Get Kids To Do What You Want VIDEO

Do your kids keep asking what they can do to earn more allowance? Do they know how to save up for something they want? You might have a budding entrepreneur on your hands.

From setting up a lemonade stand on the corner to creating smartphone apps, kids are learning the ropes of running a business early. The 2011 Free Enterprise National Survey found that 64 percent of high school juniors were interested in starting or owning their own businesses. And, in fact, 15 percent of respondents had already started their own business. The 2010 Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation’s Youth Entrepreneurship Survey found that 40 percent of students between the ages of 8 and 24 would like to start a business in the future, or already have done so. Yet with all this interest in entrepreneurship, few students are getting this information from school. According to the Council for Economic Education, only 15 states require public high schools to offer a personal finance course, and there are no national standards for an entrepreneurial education.



If you have a budding entrepreneur in the family, what can you do to encourage and equip them to take on the challenges of starting and running a business? Kim Danger, personal finance expert and founder of MommySavers.com, says that even if you’re not a business-minded person, you can help your child or teen grow in this area. “It’s never too early to start learning about financial matters, whether it’s managing their allowances or starting their own dog-sitting service,” Danger says. “In addition to talking with them about money matters and being a good role model when it comes to finances, there are some things you can do to help them get some real-world business experiences.” Take them seriously. If they have an idea for a product improvement or a service they can provide to neighbors, don’t dismiss it. Listen to the idea and ask them questions to help them figure out how to make that idea a reality. Even if they don’t make a dime, they’ll get a boost in confidence and some lessons in planning and critical thinking that will pay off later. Don’t do too much. It can be very tempting for adults to take over a project and “do it right,” but kids need to learn from mistakes, and to take responsibility for decisions and their consequences. Entrepreneurship means facing a lot of challenges that require persistence, patience, determination and creative problem solving. They’ll miss out on all those lessons if you do the legwork for them. Make sure it’s a labor of love. It’s one thing to come up with an idea to make some short-term pocket money. But starting a business takes a lot of time and effort, so it needs to be something that they can be passionate about. Starting a pet-care business when they don’t really love dogs will not end well.



A game such as Nintendo’s Fortune Street for the Wii console lets kids of all ages have fun while making a variety of business and economic decisions. As players make investments and face a dynamic stock market, they can experience the thrill of seeing rewards for their smart financial choices. By investing in property to influence real estate value, players can enjoy the fun of watching their in-game communities grow and thrive. The ability to play using a mix of well-known Nintendo characters - including favorites from the Mario franchise and the DRAGON QUEST universe - adds an element of familiarity and imagination. The interactive board game can be played online against friends, and has different skill settings, so even business beginners can have a blast while they learn. Find out more at fortunestreet.nintendo.com.


There are a variety of online resources that students and parents can use to learn more about finances, business and entrepreneurship. The Council for Economic Education (www. econedlink.org) has lesson plans, work sheets and activities for kids in grades K-12. Examples include “Twenty Money-Making Ideas for Young Persons,” and “Earning a Profit” Activities. Junior Achievement (studentcenter.ja.org) has articles, games and videos geared to help young people start their own businesses.

The U.S. Small Business Administration created Mind Your Own Biz (www.mindyourownbiz.org) to walk students through five easy steps to business ownership. Yes Kidz Can! (www.yeskidzcan.com) has articles and ideas about Social Entrepreneurism, as well as small grants for kids starting socially minded enterprises.

EXPERIMENT Wrestling with ideas and putting them into practice is great experience for any budding entrepreneur. Many kid inventors got their ideas by playing with things like clay, art materials, building-block toys and even computer software. Give them materials to work (and play) with and let their imaginations go. The Small Business Administration has a number of resources for teens and students interested in starting their own businesses. Visit www.SBA.org, and go to the Services page for more information. There are a growing number of competitions geared for student inventors. Look into the Student Ideas for a Better America contest by the National Museum of Education for students K-12 (nmoe.org/gallery); The FIRST Robotics Competition for grades 9 to 12 (www. usfirst.org); or any of the Rube Goldberg Machine Contests (www.rubegoldberg.com). “Kids have energy, imagination and creativity that could very well lead to the next big idea or make a big difference in their world,” says Danger. “All they need is some encouragement from you and they can start creating their own future today.”


START EARLY TO GET AHEAD Balance is key for school readiness

What does being ready for elementary school really mean? It used to mean starting the first day of school with all the supplies on the list, but now we know so much more about how young children’s brains develop. More and more parents are aware of the positive effects of a high quality early childhood education for their child’s success. This knowledge has also led to extra emphasis on acquiring academic skills. Experts suggest parents take a step back and look for programs with a balanced approach to school readiness. “With young children, everything is connected: their minds, bodies and emotions; creativity, happiness, security and intellectual progress,” says Dr. Robert Needlman, author and nationally acclaimed pediatrician. “A balanced approach to readiness celebrates this reality about children. It’s our best hope for turning out students who can think, feel and act independently and effectively.”



child’s teacher can give you insight into how your child is advancing and help you reinforce balanced learning at home.

CHOOSING A PRESCHOOL Dr. Joanne Nurss, professor emeritus of educational psychology at Georgia State University in Atlanta and former director of the Center for the Study of Adult Literacy, has conducted extensive research and published numerous articles in the field of children’s literacy development. Dr. Nurss encourages parents to look for high-quality early childhood education programs with the following criteria:

Physical Development: Is indoor and outdoor physical activity part of the daily schedule? With childhood obesity on the rise and research that shows that movement plays a role in early brain development, daily exercise such as running, stretching or even dance should be a part of the curriculum.

From birth through age five, development in all areas of the brain is rapid. Research suggests that the quality of interactions children experience during this essential time can have a far reaching affect on future learning and the formation of satisfactory relationships. It is true that early childhood education programs have become more learning-focused in light of the research on childhood brain development, but high quality programs take a broader perspective. The focus of a balanced early childhood education program should be on helping children develop physical, social-emotional, creative and academic skills.

on mastering concepts, not just 01 Focus memorization: Look for a preschool that teaches

Nurturing guidance and attention to every part of a child’s development during this crucial stage helps children not only learn reading and math skills, but how to show compassion, independence, resilience and curiosity - all qualities that could be taken for granted, but that are taught and encouraged in a quality preschool setting.

Did you know that early exposure to music 03 Music: not only enhances a child’s ability to create and

“Children who are confident, self-regulating and able to relate to others will have a better experience transitioning to elementary school, regardless of their exact reading or math skill level,” said Dr. Mary Zurn, vice president of education for Primrose Schools, a family of 220 private preschools across the country. “On the academic side, it is as important for children to be eager to learn, to ask questions and to be able to think as it is for them to know letter names and sounds and be able to solve mathematical problems.” When looking for an early childhood education program, research is the first step to selecting one that will provide your child with these lasting benefits. Dr. Zurn recommends looking for these five key factors in a preschool:

children to love learning. They develop an understanding of concepts through hands-on activities, play and by expressing what they have learned to others..

Activity: P.E. or even recess can often get 02 Physical cut from public programs, but being physically active is key to curbing childhood obesity and to forming positive life skills. Purposeful instruction in motor skills and outdoor play are both part of a well-rounded preschool education.

enjoy music, but also fosters other aspects of brain development? Early exposure to music can improve IQ scores, motor coordination and social skills. Research shows that music potential needs to be nurtured with song, dance and play before age five or it is not likely to develop. An early childhood education music program supports the development of your child’s sense of rhythm, pitch, melody and motor coordination, all while having fun.

Development: Look for programs that 04 Character intentionally and consistently teach your child to

be honest, kind, compassionate and respectful. Social-emotional development during preschool is key to a successful transition to elementary school and lifelong healthy relationships.

Resources: Finally, it’s important to 05 Parent remember that learning does not stop outside

the classroom - your interactions with your child at home are equally important. Consider the resources, tips and tools that a school can offer parents. Frequent communication with your

Social-Emotional Development: Does the curriculum include programs specifically designed to nurture your child’s social and emotional development? Look for programs that promote an understanding of concepts like friendship, generosity and honesty. Creative Development: Are enrichment programs such as art and music woven into the day’s activities? Young children naturally engage in creative activity in their day-to-day thinking, but ongoing enrichment activities lay the foundation for later creative skills. Academic Development: Does the classroom teaching method go beyond basic memorization to encourage concept mastery? Academic success is not just about fact memorization. Learning how to think critically, use mathematical concepts and expand listening, speaking, reading and writing skills will help your child develop a love of learning.

cLICK TO VIEW Introducing The Concept Of Money To Your Childen VIDEO




The message that a healthy lifestyle helps protect your heart isn’t new. If you’d like to do more to take care of your heart, here are 10 ways technology can make that easier. 01 / Stop Smoking Apps such as Smoke Reducer for Android, and iQuit for iPhone can help you wean off tobacco. You can also use the Firefox add-on Quitomzilla, which shows you how much money you save by not smoking, the number of cigarettes not smoked, and the overall time since your last smoke.

02 / Stay Within a Healthy Weigth Range Make it easier to monitor your weight-loss progress with the iHealth Wireless Scale. You can track your weight over time, and see results in relation to daily activity, time of day, diet, exercise, and more. The scale lets you set a milestone and share your results with doctors, fitness buddies and family. The free companion iHealth Scale app works with iPod touch, iPhone and iPad. Learn more at www.ihealth99.com.

03 / Limit Alcohol and Caffeine Keep track of how much you’re drinking with the DrinkControl or Alcohol Monitor apps for iPhone, or the SoberApp for Android. They estimate your blood alcohol content and let you know whether or not you should drive. To monitor your caffeine intake, try the Caffeine Zone 2 for iPhone and iPad, or the Caffeine Monitor app for Android.

05 / Keep Tabs on Your Blood Pressure The Mayo Clinic recommends you monitor your blood pressure at home and visit your doctor regularly. With the iHealth Blood Pressure Dock, (www.ihealth99. com), you can accurately measure your blood pressure, track your readings over time, and share that information with healthcare providers, friends and family members. The Dock comes with a blood pressure arm cuff and doubles as a charging station for your iPod touch, iPhone and iPad. The companion iHealth app is available for free.

Tracking the foods you consume helps you better understand your caloric and nutritional intake. The Lose It! app for the iPhone allows you to enter and track your meals and snacks, and keep track of your weight loss progress and goals via the app, as well as access your account online. Visit www.loseit.com for more information. Offering many of the same capabilities, Android phone users can use the Diet Assistant app at www.dietassistantapp.com.

09 / Make Sleep a Priority

06 / Reduce Stress Try a portable biofeedback device, like the StressEraser, to help you relax by synchronizing your breathing and your heart rate. If having too much on your plate and too many interruptions causes you stress, try Quiet Hours. It lets you shut down your computer’s communication apps, like instant messaging, for a specified period of time.

07 / Exercise Regularly Not getting enough sleep can raise your blood pressure and make it more likely you’ll have a stroke or heart attack. Learn more about your sleep patterns with a sleep monitor. You can try a headband monitor, such as the Zeo, (www.myzeo.com), or an armband monitor such as the SleepTracker, (www.sleeptracker. com). Each keeps track of your sleep cycle and helps you wake up at the optimal time.

04 / Take Care of Your Teeth Research suggests that there may be a link between periodontal disease and heart disease. Go online and check the American Dental Association’s database at www.ADA.org to find oral health care products that have the ADA seal of approval. At the ADA website, you can also watch videos on a variety of oral health care topics.

08 / Eat Right

10 / Know Your Family History The Online Activity Tracker from the American Heart Health Association lets you create a personalized walking plan, log time or distance traveled, plot and save walking routes, and more. Check it out at www. startwalkingnow.org. You can also use the AHA Walking Paths app for Android and iPhone.

Knowing your family’s medical history can help you identify patterns that might be relevant to your own heart health. There are a number of online tools such as My Family Health Portrait at https://FamilyHistory. hhs.gov to help you gather and store that information.





When Megan Webber downloaded family photos off her digital camera, she found the usual problems that need touching up - some were too dark, some were a little grainy, and some needed a little red-eye removal. Some of the pictures of her 5-year-old son, Benjamin, had a golden glow in his left eye. “Benjamin has always had a freckle in his left eye,” said Megan, “so I thought the flash was just a difference due to the coloring of his eye and ignored it - I even did red-eye correction to remove it from photos.” But when her sister noticed that same glow in some family vacation pictures she had taken, she gave Megan a concerned call. “She said it was probably nothing. But she had seen on a television show that this could be a sign of a tumor in the eye and recommended I have him seen,” said Megan. Benjamin’s pediatrician didn’t find anything, but he sent them to a specialist who urged them to come in right away. They were stunned to learn he was legally blind in his left eye. “He’d never bumped into walls or rubbed his eyes - he’d even just passed the paddle eye test in the doctor’s office,” said Megan. “His left eye could not see a letter E the size of a full computer screen eight feet away.”

Benjamin with his father Brian Webber in The Vision Center at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Scans of his eye showed a white mass, which had been causing the reflection in the photograph. After testing and a tense few days, they discovered that Benjamin had Coats’ Disease, a life-long disease that can damage the eye to the point where eye removal is necessary. Fortunately, Benjamin’s problem was caught early enough for treatment. “While Benjamin has had three eye surgeries, we were very lucky to have caught his disease in time,” said Megan. “Had it been more advanced Ben could have immediately lost his eye. We are so grateful to Dr. Tom Lee and the doctors at The Vision Center at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Without the work that they do so many families would not have access to the quality and caliber of care that is provided there.”

Benjamin wears a patch one hour a day to help strengthen his eye. Benjamin is doing well, and is a happy, thriving first-grader. “He wears protective Nike shatterproof glasses which the other kids think are pretty cool,” said Megan. “The glasses are primarily to keep his unaffected eye safe, for without that eye he would be blind.”



Megan said that she doesn’t want any more parents to miss the signs of potentially life-threatening eye diseases. “We are amazed that something so simple, just the glow in a photo, was all that was needed to spot this disease,” she said. “If there is a way through our family’s experience we are able to get the message out about the glow, we are anxious to do so. We’ve created a campaign to raise awareness.”The Know the Glow campaign is combining the efforts of concerned individuals, corporations and physicians who are pioneers in the field of pediatric diseases of the eye. “I can’t tell you how many kids come in with advanced eye diseases; it’s a tragedy,” said Dr. Tom Lee, director of the Retina Institute in The Vision Center at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. “Parents don’t realize they are an important part of the diagnosis. They will see this sign before doctors will. Every child has had this screening process - all it takes is for parents to open up the photo album.” The website, www.KnowTheGlow.org, has information on the diseases that can be indicated by the glow. “Had I known about the glow earlier, Dr. Lee could have saved more of Ben’s vision,” said Megan. “Knowing what it felt like to possibly face a fatal outcome and knowing that I ignored such a huge red flag that was right there in front of me, I don’t want another parent to have to suffer through that or another child to needlessly lose their sight or their eyes due to a lack of awareness of the glow!”

Know the Facts 1 in 80 children are at risk of getting The Glow. 80 percent of childhood blindness is preventable. 80 percent of Retinoblastoma and Coats’ Disease cases are diagnosed initially by a parent through a photograph. The Glow is an indicator of 15 eye diseases and cancers. In some cases, The Glow can lead to the removal of the eye, blindness, and, in extreme cases, death.

Disorders Related to the Glow Amblyopia Cataract Choroidal Coats’ Disease Congenital Cataract Coloboma Norrie’s Disease PHPV

Refractive Error Retinal Detachment Retinal Dysplasia Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) Retinoblastoma Strabismus Toxocariasis Trauma


Retinoblastoma (reh-tin-oh-blast-oma) is a malignant cancer of early childhood that arises from immature retinal cells in one or both eyes. Retinoblastoma can start growing at any time before birth up until about 3 years of age. Occasionally, it is not detected until ages 7 or 8.

Coats’ Disease

Coats’ disease is a rare eye disorder involving abnormal development of the blood vessels of the retina, which line the interior chamber of the eye. As various components of blood leak into the retina, fluid accumulates under the retina. The result may be loss of vision, particularly central vision, and detachment of the retina from other layers of the eye. Text GLOW to 90999 to donate $10. To watch a video with more of Benjamin’s story visit http://bit.ly/EyeGlow.


cLICK TO VIEW Preventing Type 2 DiabetesVIDEO


Diabetes affects millions of Americans, and for many, it can cause devastating effects. One of the biggest risks of diabetes is a sudden and unexpected drop in blood sugar (glucose), called hypoglycemia. It is responsible for a spate of unnecessary hospital visits, auto accidents and deaths nationwide. “Every day, people are dying unnecessarily, simply because they could not predict or detect a hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) event,” said Steve Edelman, M.D., founder and director of Taking Control of Your Diabetes, a not-forprofit educational organization. “That’s a tragic outcome, especially because there is modern technology available right now that can prevent it.”

A New Way to Monitor Glucose Levels Traditionally, the standard-of-care for diabetes is to measure blood sugar with regular finger sticks. There are some limitations to that method, however: Finger sticks capture only a static snapshot of blood sugar. There is no way to know if blood sugar levels are heading up or down, or how fast. There are no real-time alarms that alert when blood sugar is headed to the danger zone. New technology from Dexcom called Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM), identifies potentially lifethreatening drops in blood sugar while driving, sleeping and other critical times. It shows not only total blood sugar, but also the speed and direction in which it is moving, and immediately alerts the user to dangerous changes so action can be taken. CGM is considered one of the most-significant breakthroughs in diabetes management in the last 40 years. People with diabetes are not always aware that their glucose levels are dropping. Studies show that one in four people with Type I diabetes experience hypoglycemic unawareness, a complication of diabetes in which the patient is unaware of a deep drop in blood sugar because it fails to trigger the characteristic symptoms. Drops in blood sugar cause a progressive loss of mental function and cognitive motor skills, which can make operating a motor vehicle dangerous, or result in ‘dead in bed’ syndrome, a tragic outcome of hypoglycemia occurring during sleep. “People with Type I diabetes who solely depend on finger sticks or home glucose monitoring do not know what direction their blood sugar is going and could be at risk for a serious hypoglycemic event,” said Dr. Edelman. “For many individuals with diabetes who take insulin, glucose levels can crash quickly and unpredictably, putting them at risk of passing out or having a seizure while driving or caring for a child, for example. Low blood sugar can and does lead to death, especially in people who do not feel the symptoms of low glucose.” The Dexcom CGM device consists of three parts: a sensor, transmitter and monitor. The sensor-about the width of two human hairsis applied by the user to the abdomen, and is attached to a tiny transmitter. The tiny transmitter sends data wirelessly to a mini display monitor, about the size of a small cell phone, which fits easily in a purse or pocket. Dexcom’s CGM is equipped with special alerts and alarms, letting users know when their blood sugars spike or drop, so that they can intervene to prevent potential problems. Dexcom has the only CGM sensor that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved for up to seven days of continuous wear.

“For too many people with type I diabetes, life and death is what happens between finger sticks,” said Terry Gregg, CEO of Dexcom. “From diabetics living alone, to business travelers on the road, to moms too busy to take breaks - CGM gives them peace of mind to live life uninterrupted.” Proper diabetes management is a vital part of improving health and quality of life. Continuous glucose monitoring has been recognized in the diabetes community as an effective tool for helping patients achieve their diabetes goals, and it can help save lives. Learn more at www.dexcom.com.



1,000,000 In any given year, burglary losses in the United States run in the billions of dollars. The average residential loss often exceeds $1,000.00” (Insurance Industry News) Many renters do not realize they have so much to lose, whether it is personal belongings or financial loss due to legal liability. If you do not already have renters insurance, you may question its importance and the coverage it provides. Check out some common questions and answers below. You might be surprised to learn just how much you risk losing without proper insurance for both your personal liability and your personal belongings

RESIDENTIAL LOSS Why would I need a renters insurance policy if my landlord carries insurance? The insurance your landlord carries covers the building structure, but does not cover your personal belongings—your furniture, wardrobe, appliances, television—anything that you’ve moved into the building. You need a renters policy to cover your personal possessions.

Just what is covered by renters insurance? (Also known as “insured Peril”) A covered peril is a cause of loss for which a renters insurance policy will provide protection. Insured losses include theft, fire, smoke, lightning, explosion, riot, vandalism, hail, and water damage from plumbing.

What are the odds of my home/ apartment/condo being burglarized?

What if my child accidentally breaks a neighbor’s window?

Chances of a burglary in your home are greater than you think. In fact, a burglary occurs about every ten seconds. According to recent FBI statistics, two of every three burglaries occur in homes, condos, or apartments with an average loss of $1,004 per residence!

A renters policy covers property damage caused by you or your family members (up to the policy limits.) This family coverage is automatic in most renters policies.

Renters insurance covers theft in the home. What if I’m held-up while away from my home, or if I’m a pickpocket victim? Renters Insurance can provide coverage form theft whether it occurs at home or away from home. This coverage includes protection against loss from robbery, pickpocket theft..Even credit card loss, forged checks or counterfeit money.

If my video cassette recorder of stereo were stolen, would my renters insurance provide coverage to buy a new one? The Personal Property Replacement Cost Option in a Renters Policy assures you that most of your covered property will be repaired or replaced without deduction for depreciation. For example: if stolen they above mentioned items will be replace with Brand new items.

What is the difference between an ACV (actual cash value) and Replacement cost policies?


ACV policies are cheaper because they take into account the age of the item that is lost or destroyed. For Example: a 5 year old Stereo is stolen. An ACV policy will only reimburse you the value of a 5 year old stereo! (Maybe $100 if you’re lucky!) A replacement policy says go buy a NEW Stereo of like Brand, quality, features as the one that was stolen and we’ll give you the money to buy it brand new!

How can I determine how much insurance I need? Add up the dollar value of everything you own in your home. Clothing, furniture, television, stereo equipment, computers, kitchen utensils, etc. What would it cost Brand New if you had to replace everything? Most companies have a calculator to help you get in the ball park, but ultimately, it is your responsibility to determine how much you need. Finally: As a Renter, you face many of the same risks as a homeowner. Some renter’s think they can never be sued as they don’t Own the property. What if you are out playing golf or softball with friends and someone gets hit with a ball? (either bodily injury and/or property damage) The liability of a renters policy will defend you and pay any damages up to the limit that you choose. Shopping around for the right renters insurance policy is a smart investment of your time and purchasing a good policy is a smart use of your money. Online services (yes, like ours at HometownQuotes.Com) have made the process easier than ever, so rather you use our service or someone else, start shopping today...you made need it sooner than we hope you do.



Homeowner’s insurance is an invaluable investment for every homeowner. If your house went up in flames and you lost everything, would you be able to recall everything you owned, including the items’ values? If you came home from work to find someone burglarized your home, would you be able to account for everything that had been taken or destroyed? While some items are priceless and/or likely have sentimental value, memories unfortunately are not sufficient for filing a homeowner’s insurance claim in the wake of a disaster. In times of distress, you shouldn’t have to worry about whether your possessions are covered or not. If you purchase homeowner’s insurance, it is important to know what your policy covers. Not sure what’s in your homeowner’s policy? That topic will be covered in a future article. Your homeowner’s insurance, ideally, will replace the cost of what you lose in a disaster. More importantly, however, is the fact that you will only be compensated for what you can account for. In other words, fond memories are heartwarming, but they will not reimburse your losses in a catastrophe.

“I’ll never complete this process!” Keep in mind that while this documentation process may be time-consuming, it is certainly easier than remembering everything you own. Don’t let this task discourage you. Take photos. Even better, make a night out of it. Grab your video camera and go from room to room to create a visual and verbal description of your items. It might take you an hour to document your entire house. Regardless of how you complete your inventory, remember that your compensation rests on the quality of your documentation.

“I’ve made the inventory, now what?” “But how will I account for everything I lose in such an event?” Well, the most accurate way to keep track of your items would be to take an inventory of everything you own. While this is a process that could take months to complete, it is your most worthwhile strategy should you experience misfortune.

“What do I need to put in this inventory?” Put simply. EVERYTHING. The more you can account for in your homeowner’s insurance claim, the more likely you will be reimbursed. The list should be as detailed as possible and should include appliances, carpets, jewelry, furniture, linens, antiques, furniture, and the list goes on. To get your money’s worth, go from room to room and be sure you are as descriptive and detailed as possible. Include: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

a description of the item (including the quantity) the manufacturer or brand any model or serial numbers a description of where or how the item was attained the date of purchase or age of the item receipt or other proof of purchase that shows the cost the current value the replacement cost photocopies of appraisals

It is likely you invested a good amount of time to document your items. Whatever you do, keep that homeowner’s insurance inventory safe! If an unfortunate event comes your way, you certainly do not want your hard work to go to waste. Store it in a relative’s home, in a lockbox, a safety deposit box or keep it tucked away in your office desk. While memories and keepsakes can rarely be replaced, it’s comforting to know your homeowner’s insurance will keep you financially secure should you properly document your items. To receive up to five free insurance quotes, click here. *Please note that this article is not a professional consultation. This article is for general information only. Always seek specific information from a licensed insurance professional.*


HOW DO I INSURE MY HOME BUSINESS? If you’re running a business from your home, you may not have enough insurance to protect your business equipment. A typical homeowners policy provides only $2,500 coverage for business equipment, which is usually not enough to cover all of your business property. You may also need coverage for liability and lost income. Insurance companies differ considerably in the types of business operations they will cover under the various options they offer. So it’s wise to shop around for coverage options as well as price. Regardless of the type of policy you choose, if you’re a professional working out of your home, you probably need professional liability insurance. Some types of inhome businesses, such as those that make or sell food products or sell home-made personal care products, may have to buy special policies.

In-Home Business Policy/Program An in-home business policy provides more comprehensive coverage for business equipment and liability than a homeowners policy endorsement. These policies, which may also be called in-home business endorsements,

Created specifically for small-to-mid-size businesses, this policy is an excellent solution if your home-based business operates in more than one location. A BOP, like the in-home business policy, covers business property and equipment, loss of income, extra expense and liability. However, these coverages are on a much broader scale than the in-home business policy.

Homeowners Policy Endorsement

You can also buy a homeowners liability endorsement. You need liability coverage in case clients or delivery people get hurt on your premises. They may trip and fall down your front steps, for example, and sue you for failure to keep the steps in a safe condition. The homeowners liability endorsement is typically available only to businesses that have few businessrelated visitors, such as writers. But some insurers will provide this kind of endorsement to piano teachers, for example, depending on the number of students. These endorsements are available in most states.

In-home business policies are available from homeowners insurance companies and specialty insurers that sell stand-alone in-home business policies. This means that you don’t have to purchase your homeowners insurance from them.

Businessowners Policy (BOP)

To insure your business, you have three basic choices, depending on the nature of your business and the insurance company you buy it from. They are:

You may be able to add a simple endorsement to your existing homeowners policy to double your standard coverage for business equipment such as computers. For as little as $25 you can raise the policy limits from $2,500 to $5,000. Some insurance companies will allow you to increase your coverage up to $10,000 in increments of $2,500.

In-home business policies generally include broader liability insurance for higher amounts of coverage. They may offer protection against lawsuits for injuries caused by the products or services you offer, for example.

vary significantly depending on the insurer. In addition to protection for your business property, most policies reimburse you for the loss of important papers and records, accounts receivable and off-site business property. Some will pay for the income you lose (business interruption) in the event your home is so badly damaged by a fire or other disaster that it can’t be used for a while. They’ll also pay for the extra expense of operating out of a temporary location. Some in-home business policies allow a certain number of full-time employees, generally up to three.

A BOP doesn’t include workers compensation, health or disability insurance. If you have employees, you’ll need separate policies for these coverages. Automobile Coverage. If you are using your car for business activities -- transporting supplies or products or visiting customers -- you need to make certain that your automobile insurance will protect you from accidents that may occur while you’re on business. Contact your home or auto insurer.



Condominium coverages, both for the association and for the individual unit owner, can be problematic when trying to determine who is responsible for insuring what items and how the coverage applies to the association and the unit owner. Please note that the following is not meant to be a definitive response to the new condo law mentioned below but will offer some general information that should hopefully clarify some of the issues. On July 01, 2010, the Community Interest Ownership Act enacted a change in coverage that required the condo association to provide coverage for all Improvements/ Betterments and Additions/Alterations. Some examples of these would be a finished basement or upgrades to flooring, kitchens or fixtures. Prior to this change in law, coverage was determined by the association’s Bylaws which may or may not have included improvements made at the expense of a unit owner. Each association has the right to opt out of the new law; however, the vast majority of Associations have adopted this change. If the association has decided not to adopt the changes, the association must advise all unit owners of a schedule of items the association is not going to cover such as fixtures, improvements/betterments, wall/ceiling/ floor coverings. Each year a letter must be sent to each unit owner advising them of any items the association is not going to cover. The fall/winter of 2011, with the tremendous losses the insurance industry sustained, has caused companies to not only increase rates but to also adjust the way in which a deductible is applied. Many association policies will not only have a basic deductible but may also have ice dam or water deductibles that apply on a per unit basis. The Condominium Homeowners Policy, commonly known as the HO-6, is much less in premium than a Homeowners Policy, known as the HO-3. The reason is that the HO-6 does not insure the building structure; the condominium association does (see notes above). In order to determine what coverage option your association has chosen, call your property manager for your complex as they will know. Once you have this information, review your HO-6 Condo Homeowner’s Policy (specifically the Coverage A Building limit or the condo building additions and alterations coverage) to see if an adjustment is needed. Most clients will probably see a decrease due to the fact that most associations did adopt the new law and are now insuring the condo building additions and alterations within the total building limits. Unit owners should remember NOT to delete this coverage in total. They should retain at least enough coverage to handle the association’s deductible. Another coverage for unit owners to take into consideration is Loss Assessment. This provides coverage to the unit owner if the association assesses all unit owners their equal ownership share for an insurance related claim. Please note that the Loss Assessment coverage does not cover assessments for capital improvements such as roof replacements or parking lot resurfacing. These assessments are the responsibility of the unit owners. Loss assessment coverage is provided under all homeowners forms for sections I (Property) and II (Liability) additional coverages. It provides for loss assessments charged by the association against the insured in connection with a direct loss to the residence premises or liability relating to the residence premises. The amount of coverage is limited to $1,000 per property or liability loss which can be increased. The endorsement does not cover loss assessments arising from earthquakes however it is available by endorsement. The Condo HO-6 Homeowner’s Policy might have a premium significantly lower than most other Homeowner’s forms but don’t overlook the important coverages. You may have too much coverage or not enough. Contact your Personal Insurance Advisor or call our office for a quick, no cost review.

CONDOMINIUM UNIT OWNERS Who covers the claim when a loss occurs inside my unit?

The building structure is covered by the association’s master policy. Personal property of the unit owner is covered by the personal HO6 Homeowners policy.

What property am I responsible for inside my unit?

The unit owner is primarily responsible for their own personal property. An easy way to remember what is personal property is to make believe you can shake your unit upside down. Whatever falls out is personal property. Additions/Alterations, Improvements/ Betterments are the responsibility of the association. This is described in more detail below.

If I make improvements to my unit, am I responsible for ins.?

Effective 7/01/10, per state law, master association policies will provide primary coverage for IB/AA unless the association Bd of Directors decides to opt out of this coverage.

Am I an insured under the association’s master policy?

Yes. Unit owners are part owners of the entire complex and therefore are protected under the master policy should the association be sued. However, should a liability claim arise inside a unit, the liability section of the HO6 policy would respond to protect the unit owner should the claim be covered under the policy.

What is Loss Assessment and what limit should I purchase?

This coverage protects the unit owner for monies assessed them by the assoc. for specific perils outside of your unit. Loss assessment is only for insurance related covered claims. If the association assesses a unit owner for the master policy deductible, payment generally comes from the Cov A Building section of the HO6 policy. It is recommended that you consult with your personal insurance advisor for amount of coverage.

If the roof leaks and damages my property, does the association’s master policy pay for damages?

Generally not. Damage to the building structure is covered by the condo assoc. master policy and damage to personal property is covered by the unit owner’s homeowner’s policy.

What is Personal Umbrella Liability policy and do I need one?

This is excess liability coverage over and above the personal liability on other personal policies such as auto, home or boat. Over the past several years, the number of law suits has increased as well as the monetary awards. It is recommended that individuals seriously consider purchasing this type of coverage.

Do I need to carry my own condo homeowners insurance?

It is recommended. An individual homeowners policy will provide coverage for personal property and liability. It is advisable that unit owners contact their personal insurance advisor.

This information is intended as a guide. Actual coverage is determined by association and unit owner’s specific policies.

cLICK TO VIEW Protecting Your Home Business VIDEO

CONDOMINIUM BOARD MEMBERS The following questions and answers are intended to help Board members more clearly understand the master policy. The information contained is to be used as a reference only. Actual coverage is determined by the terms and conditions of the policy. How is the amount of coverage on buildings determined?

Prior to insuring an association, pictures and measurements are taken of the complex. Using building costs provided by the insurance company, a total replacement cost is calculated.

How would the master policy react to damages in excess of the building limit in case of a catastrophe?

It depends on the insuring company. Some offer a Guaranteed Replacement Cost endorsement or Extended Replacement Cost endorsement which provides an additional limit of 25% of the building limit.

What is Personal Injury coverage?

This coverage can be important to an assoc. Refer to the policy for actual explanation; however, coverage for libel, slander, violation of an individual’s right of privacy, and wrongful entry or eviction is included.

What is nonowned or hired auto liability?

A non owned auto is an auto that is not owned by the association. An employee using their own vehicle for assoc. business is an example. A hired auto is an auto where a fee is paid for its use, such as a rental vehicle.

What is a waiver of subrogation?

The insuring company is prohibited from recouping monetary damage via subrogation against a unit owner unless damage is based on fraud or criminal act.

Would the master policy pay for additions/alterations or improvements/betterments to an individual unit?

As of July 1, 2010, the association is responsible for insuring improvements/betterments/additions/alterations to individual units unless the Board elects to opt out of this coverage. If so, specific criteria must be met according to the law. Pls. contact your Property Mgr. or agt. for more details.

Does the deductible apply to all losses?

No. Generally, the deductible only applies to property claims.

Will D&O coverage protect Board members if the Board fails to provide proper insurance coverage?

Many D&O policies contain an exclusion for “failure to provide proper insurance coverage”. A few do not have this exclusion and will at least provide defense costs. However, the premium is generally higher. It is strongly recommended that the Association D&O policy not contain this exclusion.

Does the Umbrella policy provide coverage in excess of the D&O Liability? It depends on the carrier. Many will.

What deductible should the Board choose?

Many factors go into this decision. The financial condition of the assoc. should be considered. Can it afford large deductibles? What is the credit given by the carrier for accepting a larger deductible? What is the carrier’s position on small claims? Will they raise premiums or nonrenew if several small claims are submitted? Is the association able to assess unit owners for claims within individual units for the association’s deductible?

What is the most common type of claim?

Water losses, most commonly pipe breaks, ice backup, and hot water heater breaks. Other common claims are slip and falls and fire.

Why are carriers requiring Hold Harmless Agreements?

HHA’s are more commonly being required as part of the Snow Removal Contract. This provides protection for the association in case the snow removal contractor has not fulfilled the requirements of the contract. The insuring carrier can now possibly subrogate against the contractor’s General Liability policy for any claims that may occur due to the contractor’s negligence. If successful, subrogation reduces the amount of claim payments by the association’s carrier which is beneficial to the association.

This information is intended as a guide. Actual coverage is determined by association and unit owner’s specific policies.



TECHNOLOGY Cloud Computing is more than a technology. Cloud Computing is more than a platform and it is more than just an application hosted as a service. It is a combination of all the above plus provides immense data storage on the Internet. In today’s competitive economic environment, as businesses are trying their best to balance and optimize their information technology or IT budgets, Cloud computing can be an effective strategy to reduce the information technology operations and management costs, and to free up critical resources and budget for discretionary innovative projects. Typically, a business organization has a eighty by twenty split between regular ongoing information technology or IT operations cost which includes hardware, software licensing costs, development, data center maintenance, etc. versus new investment for solving needs which are critical for a business to survive in these challenging times. Cloud computing technology can have a significant impact on this by reducing the footprint of information technology operations by taking out the upfront capital investments needed for hardware and software. It enables a new model viz. - use what is needed and pay for what is used model. This entails businesses to invest on innovative solutions that will help them address key customer challenges instead of worrying about cumbersome operational details. Cloud Computing is a paradigm that is composed of several strata of services. These include services like Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Storage as a Service, Platform as a Service, and Software as a service (SaaS). Different Cloud computing services providers have developed various access models to these services. The access to these services is based on standard Internet Protocols like Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Representational State Transfer (REST), Extensible Markup Language (XML), and the infrastructure is based on widely used technologies including virtualization. Cloud computing is the maturation and coming together of several prior computing concepts like Grid Computing, application service provider (ASP), Server Hosting, Utility Computing, and Virtualization.


Cloud Computing Technology provides plenty of benefits. Some of the main benefits are given below –

Reliability plus Scalability

Rolling Backup

You get extremely high uptime, that is, almost up to hundred percent. You are free to scale up or down resources.

Cloud computing service provider uses rolling backup technology to backup data.

Security and Support

Cost Savings

SAS 70 Type II compliant data centers are used. Experts provide free 24/7 support service via chat, phone, email, etc.

End users save much money on Information Technology or IT operations.

Any Application

Anywhere and Anytime

Cloud Computing Technology allows hosting of Windows Server software, Peachtree accounting software, MS SQL Server, QuickBooks accounting software, MS Office Server, ACT! CRM(Customer relationship management), Lacerte Tax software, etc. Almost any application can be easily hosted in the cloud.

Cloud hosting service provider allows end users to access cloud hosted software from where ever they are located. Multiple end users can instantly share same data file at the same time.



It seems like everyone has been talking about Google+ lately, a new social networking conglomerate developed by the giant Internet search engine Google. Although the platform is still in its field trial stage and is available by invitation only, there is already a large buzz about the product. So, what makes Google+ different from Facebook, the current most popular social networking site? Through its three main features – Circles, Hangouts, and Sparks, Google+ differentiates itself because it



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For the Facebook crowd at large who is unfamiliar with Google+, here is a quick glimpse into the nuts and bolts of the new site.


Once you get the invite, (the word is that there are currently tens of millions of users, so ask around – chances are you probably know someone who is using it) just sign in with your Gmail, Picassa, or Youtube account. You are then prompted to create your personal profile, which consists of a profile picture, introduction, education, employment, places lived, etc. On the home screen, there is a GChat bar on the left side and a black bar at the top of the page that connects with Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Photo, Reader, and Web. Below this, there are four tabs that are quite similar to Facebook: Home, Photos, Profile, and Circles. The vast majority of the screen is taken up by a live news feed with comment and +1, or the “like”, capability of your Circles’s activities. But wait – what exactly is this “Circles” mechanism that keeps being referred to?


One of the three main features of Google+ is Circles. Circles allow you to sort your contacts into groups, including but not limited to friends, family, acquaintances, and following (like Twitter). Ever go through your 1000+ Facebook friends and not know who certain people are and how you met them? Have no fear – Google+ will keep your contacts organized. Additionally, Circles allows you to easily share posts and pictures with only a specific group of people. There is also the option of adding friends without a Google+ account to a circle, in which they will receive your posts via email. By giving the user control of essentially every post shared, Google+ can be as private or public as you want it to be.


The Hangout tool is a video chat function. After downloading Google’s Voice and Video Installer, you have the capability to create a Hangout and invite up to ten people in your network to chat. Rather than planning Skype sessions in advance, Google+ posts that you are “hanging out” in the live stream and gives others the chance to jump in. Another appealing feature of Hangouts is the ability for Groups to watch Youtube videos or movies together. An analogous application to Hangouts, the Huddle feature allows users to group chat through text. This can be useful for creating plans for the night or making decisions on a work related project.


Sparks allows you to not only share content, but also to discover it. By typing your interests into the Sparks page that appears in your sidebar, you can stumble external sites that are of importance to you. Generally, these include current articles, videos, and other relevant content. Specifically, when I clicked on Recipes, which is one of the current featured interests, I was directed to “Foodmakers May Change Recipes to Cut Fat for Fare Advertised to Children,” “New Restaurant Shares a New Blueberry Pie Recipe,” and more. You can also share your favorite links from Sparks–and from anywhere on the web for that matter – onto your Wall.

More on Google+

Similar to other social media sites, Google+ is available for those on the go. The native mobile app currently is available for the Android, but the web app is accessible for all smartphones, and SMS is coming soon. It is still undecided when Google+ will be fully available to the public, for Google+ representatives have stated, “How long the testing phase lasts, and how the product evolves, will really depend on how it goes. We don’t have a set amount of time” (Google+ Press Site). But, for those who have already snagged the invite, this ultimate question remains: Will you switch to Google+ or stay with Facebook?


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Check out cloud computing Australia where software and hardware specialists make certain your IT investment is suitable for your business needs. Put yourself in the cloud today and appreciate the advantages of a hosted solution. The ability to use computing resources and platforms only when you need them, coupled with an IT infrastructure that’s dynamic, scalable and cost effective can only be a winner.

The term ‘cloud computing’ is being discussed a lot recently and not only by those involved in IT, but as it’s still a relatively new concept there are plenty of us who don’t really have any idea what it’s all about. Put very simply it claims to benefit, and even revolutionise, the way businesses are run by offering a range of applications and services over the internet. Every business can profit from cloud computing as it helps to eliminate business barriers which in turn leads to increased efficiency in running your business. The other advantage is that you have access to the latest cloud technology. SaaS (Software as a Service), IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), Desktop as a Service (DaaS), back up, disaster recovery, data storage and much more are just some of the services it’s able to offer businesses no matter how big or small. Ideal for those intending to start a new business it can be facilitated to set up an IT network that involves only those services and programmes necessary, as there’s no need to buy expensive IT hardware and you only have to pay for what you use this makes serious business sense. Paying only for what you use on a monthy basis means you keep your expenses low, then once business starts to pick up you can simply add additional features as they’re required - keeping set-up costs to a minimum at a time when you don’t have much profit coming in means your new business is off to a healthy start. People can be empployed on a freelance basis which saves you money in employee wages and office costs as they can work from home just as easily. Employees have the option of working anywhere as long as it has internet connection which gives a higher level of flexibility, scalability and consistency. This also eases the workload on support staff.

Is your business growing rapidly? If you intend to expand in the near future then consider a cloud infrastructure as it allows for on demand scalability, in other words you can make decisions and carry them out very quickly. This could include opening another branch of your company or even an international office, or business might be so good you need to quickly employ more people to join the team or double the number of projects you can complete each month. The ability to access software via the internet means you always have the most up-to-date version, having the latest software is a huge benefit for a company as it puts you well ahead of competition and will attract those big name clients. One of the main benefits of cloud computing is the provision of a back-up service. Everyone dreads systems failing and to prevent losing important files and data it’s vital they’re constantly being backed up. The Back up as a Service (online data backup) eliminates the need to back up data manually and is crucial for a business environment as files can be quickly recovered reducing downtime and increasing productivity. You can also minimise financial risk by subscribing to a service as they’ll take care of all the IT services, from updating the software and infrastructure to maintaining security, as you pay for the service on a monthly basis it means you can keep an eye on, and control, business expenditure. Top of the line physical and virtual security ensures that business never has to stop during a busy period as they’ll maintain your service and provide accessibility and recoverability with an online disaster recovery solution. Want to find out more? Just look online, cloud computing explained in very simple terms is available.





Social media has established a prominent presence as form of marketing utilized by companies in countless industries worldwide. There are a variety of inherent factors that can prove to substantially increase a company’s brand equity and visibility, or possibly victimize a company’s reputation. The way in which a social media strategy is implemented and monitored can go a long way in determining its overall effectiveness. Today’s market features a wide array of consumers who have certain expectations of brands, products, and services. Discontented and social media savvy consumers are simply awaiting any opportunity to voice their opinions via Twitter, Facebook, and associated social channels. This makes it even more vital for a company to thoroughly research and consider what methods of social media are most appropriate and beneficial to their needs. There are a number of steps that can be taken in order to avoid the aforementioned social media disasters that occur frequently in today’s online marketplace. The first involves being realistic and properly understanding the relationship between conversations on social networks and other types of customer interactions. The next step includes utilizing a multi-channel strategy for customer sales and service. While social media is quite effective, interactions taking place

at brick and mortar locations, on toll-free lines, and during online customer service chats are also very important in providing a comprehensive view of consumers’ opinions. The following step focuses upon viewing your data and evaluating the technology that is currently in place in order to understand consumer behavior and the voice of the customer. The final measure that can be taken to avoid social media disaster is to have a designated employee that specializes in the customer experience delivery chain. A company that does not currently possess a strong presence in social media does not have to fear making a huge investment in social media. There are a number of low cost options that can be practiced to make that initial leap into the realm of social media marketing. Starting a blog about relevant industry news, trends, or intriguing applications of your product line is an excellent way to embark into the world of social media. Creating a LinkedIn group, Facebook page, Twitter account, a customers-only discussion forum, or a YouTube channel can provide unique opportunities to present and inform users and fans alike of current company highlights and information.


use of social media is all about the results and the ability to properly measure them. Industry analysts are publicizing self-service business intelligence as the so-called “golden child� of 2011. In terms of marketing, one area that could widely benefit from self-service BI is social marketing. There are a number of best-practices that can be employed in order to measure social media effectiveness using BI solutions. Mapping out the ideal marketing process flow that will best transform prospects into quality sales leads is an exceptional starting point. Another practice involves determining the online marketing initiatives and campaigns that will be implemented to attract and engage prospects. Selection of the appropriate outlets to use is quite important in safeguarding the effectiveness of these initiatives.

Each initiative that comprises the marketing plan must then have a pre-established audience profile, outreach, value proposition, and budget that you are willing to spend. The most appropriate set of keywords must then be identified to ensure optimal website content that is designed for those specific keywords. Identifying and adjusting paths on social networks, aligning the website experience with specific landing pages, and setting goals for desired actions are all bestpractice techniques in order to ensure continuity. It is also vital to measure all of the initiatives that are being used at a given time to display your activity, outreach, engagement, and outcomes. An even more thorough approach includes tracking all the way through to incremental sales, revenue and gross profit that is derived directly from online marketing. Business intelligence allows insight at the appropriate times during your social media campaigns. It offers the ability to instantly alter campaign focus and direction. Social media marketing can greatly benefit from the use of business intelligence as marketers can produce and exhibit greater value in their social media outreach campaigns.


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