Description: Hamelia patens is an evergreen shrub, usually growing 1.8 - 3 m tall, though sometimes becoming a tree up to 5 m tall with a short bole around 8 cm in diameter. It has whorled leaves, usually with three but occasionally as many as seven at each node. The leaves are elliptic to oval, about 6 in (15 cm) long, and gray-pubescent underneath with reddish veins and petioles. The plant has orangish-red tubular flowers, which recruit hummingbirds and butterflies for pollination. The juicy, elliptic berries are 6 - 9mm long, containing many, minute seeds. Use: The fruits and leaves have served for home remedies in some countries. The leaves and young shoots are taken in order to procure an abortion up to the third or fourth month of pregnancy. It is reported that the sour fruits are edible as well as medicinal. The pulp is eaten. An extract of the leaves and stems is used to treat all kinds of skin diseases including rashes, skin fungus, sores and insect stings. 47. Scientific name: Tabernaemontana alba MILL. Common names: white milkwood Family: Apocynaceae Origin: Central America
Description: Tabernaemontana alba is a large shrub or a tree with a dense, spreading crown; it can grow up to 15 metres tall. The bole is round or somewhat fluted, up to 45cm in diameter but usually smaller. The leaves are evergreen versus 3-25 cm long. The flowers are fragrant, white, 1-5 cm in diameter. Use: The fruit yields a large amount of white latex that coagulates readily when rubbed between the hands. It is reported to be used sometime for adulterating chicle and is chewed locally like that substance.