Five Magazine

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MAY_2012_ISSUE_#01 20€ 17£ 27$



CONTENTS ######################################################


Hands up, hands down, hands forward, Lomograph from up to down and down to up, from the front to you and from you to nowhere, shoes, socks, toes, hips, buttons, belts, butts aloha!


Most people will engage in a form of wayfinding known as questing, which means seeking out particular new destinations based on symbols on a map or verbal.

Five magazine is about the examination of the normally way of life with or whithout off-limits activities in the city.












Great cities attract ambitious people. You can sense it when you walk around one. In a hundred subtle ways, the city sends you a message: you could do more you should try harder. You need is a handful of talented. The surprising thing is how different these messages can be. New York tells you, above all: you should make more money. There are other messages too, of course. You should be hipper. You should be better looking. But the clearest message is that you should be richer, discovering new problems to solve.

When you talk about cities in the sense we are, what you're really talking about is collections of people. For a long time cities were the only large collections of people, so you could use the two ideas interchangeably.

How much does it matter what message a city sends? Empirically, the answer seems to be: a lot. You might think that if you had enough strength of mind to do great things, you'd be able to transcend your environment.

Maybe the Internet will change things further. Maybe one day the most important community you belong to will be a virtual one, and it won't matter where you live physically. The physical world is very high bandwidth, and some of the ways cities send you messages are quite subtle.

FIve magazine it’s all about the urban exploration among with what people can do one day in the city. Its talking about facts and advices for various of activities or anything that someone can do in the city.



LIFE ON THE EDGE A new contemporary urban architecture

‘‘Urban architecture provides the space and design principles to allow a lot of people to live and work in close proximity.’’

author_ray hamman

New form. Urban architecture comprises buildings made for # Combining these types of buildings with an urban setting, specifically for large or growing ground-level commercial enterprises, such cities. With nearly half of the world’s population as boutiques, restaurants, and grocery stores, currently living in urban cities, urban architecture allows residents to live, work, and shop all has become a vital and thriving field of design. in the same building. Special considerations of this area of design are concerned with the practicalities of city life, including high-capacity housing and workplaces, harmony of form and function, and more recently, energy efficient design.

Multi-use buildings epitomize the efficiency of space, and the proximity of necessities can allow residents more down time from the fast-paced city life.


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author_massimo conte

WE LOVE LOMOGRAPHY ‘‘Shot from the hip, and sometimes looking through the viewfinder

Lomography is a Magazine, a Shop, and a Community dedicated to analogue photography. >

It began with a fateful encounter in the early > Mindlessly taking shots from the hip, and 1990s, when two students in Vienna, Austria, sometimes looking through the viewfinder, stumbled upon the Lomo Kompakt Automat they were astounded with the mindblowing – a small, enigmatic Russian camera. photos that it produced – the colours were Today we are a globally active organisation vibrant, with deep saturation and vignettes dedicated to experimental and creative that framed the shot – it was nothing like visual expression and playful combination. they had seen before!

> Upon returning home, friends wanted their own Lomo LC-A, igniting a new style of artistic experimental photography that we now know as Lomography! All this and the year has only just begun! Expect a whole lot more exciting Lomographic goings-on in the forthcoming months.


#1 Take your camera everywhere you go. Like any passion, you can never plan or predict Lomography. It’s like your inne voice and your deepest desire working at the same time. Lomography is waiting around the corner to say “Hey good looking, wanna go for a ride?” You might be at a garage, in the woods, on an Airbus, in the Hammam, at work, on the Fujiyama, or in bed with breakfast when it hits you. Your trigger finger start trembling, your eyes become hungry, your soul is burning for images. You grab your LOMO LC-A, click, ahhhh, click, now it’s better, click. Then it happens the unstoppable Lomographic desire to document your surroundings overwhelms you and won’t let go. And nor will you: you’re feeling Lomography and life starts pulsating. It’s the best addiction in the world.





These rules define Lomography's philosophy and approach towards photography. Recite them, or break all the rules whichever way, be ready to throw all your inhibitions about photography to the wind!

#2 Use it any time day and night.


Lomography is not an interference in your life, but part of it.


Following the mania that ensued upon the introduction of Lomography, they flew to St. Petersburg to work out a contract for the worldwide distribution of this fantastic little camera.

Every second is special for you and your LOMO LC-A; every moment is monumental! When you are Lomographing, you’re not only living your life at the present with more intensity and excitement, but you’re also conserving the present for your future.

There’s no chance of relationship phobia: the LOMO LC-A is what you’ve always wanted in life; your new best friend, drinking buddy, spiritual leader and lover all at the same time. You work with the camera, you drink with the camera, you sleep with the camera.


Soon, the 10 Golden Rules was set up as a guide to this analogue movement, followed by exhibitions, world congresses, parties, installations, collaborations, and events.

All with the help of your bright, dark, moody, blurred, sharp, colourful, grey, indefinable, straightforward, romantic and fully packed Lomographs!

Lomography becomes a natural and communicative habit of your life, just like talking, walking, eating, thinking, laughing and loving.


New products, films, and accessories were developed, and served as the communication hub for Lomographers.


At the same time, Lomography Gallery Stores were put up worldwide.

Your feelings, your memory and your Lomographs; they all mix up to a new, complete, more authentic view and perception of yourself and your life.

As a Lomographer, you are not only photographing a situation, you are an essential part of the situation itself. Life inhales Lomography and Lomography inhales life. You laugh and you Lomograph, you cry and you Lomograph, you walk and you Lomograph, you talk and you Lomograph, you think and you Lomograph, you love and you Lomograph.


Did you know that the best photos come out of spontaneous, impulsive situations and that many are therefore never taken, simply due to the lack of a camera?



Try the shot from the hip.

Approach the Don’t think. objects of your Lomographic desire as close as possible.

A normal photographer’s point of view looking through the viewfinder - is somehow always physically finite; it’s limited to somewhere between 1.1 metres and 2.2 metres above ground. But what happens down below and up above, from a dog, cat, baby, bug, slug, bird and insect perspective?

An essential part of your Lomographic existence is to get right to the bottom of things and investigate the world from the inside. Just as with people, you have to be sweet, nice, comprehensive and interested to get to know the very inside of your subject.

Your brightest and clearest insights are always your very first impressions. They happen in-between moments of sensual, visual perception where information is delivered from your senses to your brain and remains unfiltered.

As soon as you feel the right moment- take a picture! Try it and you’ll see that the deep affection for your Lomographed subject is strongly reflected in your image. Get in contact with your subject and build up a relationship.

Milliseconds later it’s already too late: your big, clumsy and party-pooping melancholic reasoning has put an end to the fun and divided your former beautifully pure perception into boring concepts, abstractions, ideas and problems. That’s life, sorry... Not!

Click click, that’s gonna be a nice picture, click, can I send it to you by email?, click, wonderful, click, I love you, click, communicate, talk! More communication equals better Lomography. Get close, even closer, don’t be afraid: laugh and everyone will not only love you.

We found a wonderful and easy way to get rid of this convention: Don’t think! Throw your intellectual socialisation over board, let the unfiltered flow of information circulate freely, untreated and unrated in your mind. Shoot, feel, perceive and shoot, have fun, shoot whatever catches your eye, whatever attracts you, astounds you, excites you, seduces you.

Don’t hide behind your camera; break free from nonsensical conventions. Don’t look through the viewfinder; forget about safety margins and unnecessary shyness! Hands up, hands down, hands forward, Lomograph from up to down and down to up, from the front to you and from you to nowhere, shoes, socks, toes, hips, buttons, belts, butts aloha!







shutter x




Be fast.

You don’t have to know beforehand what you captured on film.

Our world moves like a high-speed train without brakes and is entangled in ultra-complex systems that most people in fact all of us, just don’t understand anymore – how exciting for the Lomographic eye!

You can never foresee the results of what you’re getting with the LOMO LC-A, as you find yourself in constant interaction between Russo-Chinese mechanics, raw film, chemical emulsion baths, the goodwill of your lab technician, natural and artificial light, your artistic guidance and many other factors that can’t be relied on.

Movements, actions and Lomographic moments are not reading the paper and waiting for you to take pictures of them... the pool attendant with the big belly, the dance champion with the tight dress, the dog with the pink tie, the bus driver with the fat glasses, your dad in the shower. Believe us; they are not crazy about you taking pictures of them – but you certainly are! So, cowgirls and cowboys: calmly hold your finger towards your LOMO LC-A’s zone focusing meter, trust in yourself and in the automatic exposure, grab your guts and be quick to catch the wink of time and accidental destiny.

Moreover, Lomography is often an unconscious act that can’t be controlled at all. Lomographs always emerge from a plethora of different and unexpected situations, ideas, views and intentions. It’s always up to you. Your subtle play with the outside world and its related coincidences make the choice- to Lomograph or not to Lomograph? You do it because it’s great fun, because it makes you curious, because it’s very exciting to know that you never know what you’ll get and because it allows your creativity, intuition and inspiration to soar heights you never imagined!






Your trigger finger start trembling, your eyes become hungry, your soul is burning for images.



Afterwards either.

Don’t worry about any rules.

A few days later you get your Lomographs from the lab and can’t believe your eyes: who’s that? What’s that colour? When did I shoot that? Whose hair is this? Is that you? No it’s Sabrina… interesting, and Hansi’s feet too… bewildering, your butterfly collection, what a shame, a bottle of schnapps, a huge head, blurs, surprises, smiles, teeth, accidental double-exposures...

Don’t listen to others; remain true to yourself, follow your inner Lomographic voice and never forget that not all that glitters is a golden rule.

You’ll never completely understand the world. But you’ll understand your Lomographs even less! Don’t try to analyse them: look at them in a different way and let them tell you their story, which is also automatically your story.

Set free your innermost desires, never stop moving, never stop Lomographing; believe in yourself, focus on the important and not so important things, enjoy life in all its variations, forget about the camera in your hand and shoot ‘til your eyes are glowing!

Discover your own Lomography, forget about your education, socialisation, indoctrination, knowledge and everything you’ve learned and not learned about photography.

Your Lomographic actions are a constant record of your existence that illustrates the adventures of your life in all its anomalies, moods, shapes, colours, faces and blurs.


author_david meyer



Caffeine increases intellectual activity when fatigued or bored but also decreases quality of sleep.

With instant coffee, the flavor will never be as strong or intense as that of real coffee.

‘‘The altitude, climate and soil give each bean its own particular flavor.’’ Single origins are best brewed using slow methods such as filters or cafetieres. The strength of your drink depends on how much coffee you use when making it. A teaspoon in a pint of water will make it weak; eight ounces will make it strong. Dark roasts increase the bitter, burnt flavors, but they do not necessarily increase the strength.

There have long been discussions as to whether single origin coffees are better than blends. Alpha beans that have complex characteristics are best brewed alone, but inferior beans can achieve a more rounded flavor through blending.

This new found ‘coffee culture’ has started to spread to the rest of the world. To those countries with great coffee traditions of their own, such as Italy, Germany,and Scandinavia added new converts to the pleasures of good coffee.

Blends taste better when brewed through an espresso machine. This distorts the flavor and heightens the acidity.

Today it is possible to find good coffee in every major city of the world, from London to Sydney to Tokyo tomorrow the world will drink more and more importantly, better coffee.


‘‘The most expensive bean in the world is produced in Indonesia. Called Kopi Lua’’




Caffeine per cup: 100-150mg

Caffeine per cup: Approx 100mg

A fine-paper filter is highly effective at absorbing fatty components, and studies involving high consumption of filter coffee show no negative effects on blood cholesterol.

The unhealthy fatty factors aren’t removed by the plunger mechanism, which makes cafetiere coffee one of the riskiest type for raising cholesterol levels.

But this type of coffee is generally the highest in caffeine so if you are particularly sensitive to it, you would probably be better off drinking another type. HEALTH RATING:

The latest research shows that drinking 1L of cafetiere coffee daily also increases the blood concentration of a heart attack risk factor known as homocysteine. In healthy individuals, levels rise by about 10 pc within two weeks. HEALTH RATING:

ESPRESSO Caffeine per cup: Approx 80mg This is made by forcing hot water at high pressure through the beans. It contains only relatively small concentrations of cafestol and kahweol and is unlikely to have a significant effect on the heart. The amount of caffeine in a single shot of espresso is less than in cup of standard filter coffee, but if you are regularly drinking double or triple espressos it is easy to overdo it. HEALTH RATING:






























DARK ROASTED COFFEE BEANS WITH RICH AROMA Caffeine increases intellectual activity when fatigued or bored.

FLAVOR THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO IMITATE Coffee is a central nervous system stimulator that gives the adrenals a kick and causes production of the stress handling hormone adrenalin and the production of more cortisol resulting in short term benefits of heightened awareness and more energy.

HEAVY FLAVOR AND A TOTAL ABSENCE OF ACIDITY Coffee has four times the anti-oxidants of Green Tea, makes an excellent antidepressant and enhances performance and memory.

INSTANT COFFEES ARE MADE WITH A LOW-GRADE ROBUSTA Caffeine interferes with adenosine a brain chemical that normally has a calming effect..








Without question, coffee is best when used within days of being roasted. Buying from a local roaster is the surest way to get the absolute freshest beans.Be wary of buying coffee from market display bins. Oxygen and bright light are the worst flavor busters for roasted beans, so unless the store is conscientious about selling fresh coffee, the storage tubes get coated with coffee oils, which turn rancid. Beans packaged by quality conscious roasters and sold in sturdy, sealed bags are often a better bet.

Coffee starts losing quality almost immediately upon grinding. The best-tasting brews are made from beans ground just before brewing. Coffee connoisseurs prefer to grind in expensive burr mills, but affordable electric “whirly blade� grinders (e.g.Bodum) will do a serviceable job, especially if the mill is rocked during grinding to get a fine, even particle size.



Snobbism among coffee drinkers can rival that of wine drinkers, but the fact is that an astonishing world of coffee tastes awaits anyone willing to venture beyond mass-marketed commercial brands. Specialty coffees that clearly state the country, region or estate of origin can provide a lifetime of tasting experiences. By all means look for 100% pure Arabica beans.

Nothing can ruin a pot of coffee more surely than tap water with chlorine or off flavors. Serious coffee lovers use bottled spring water or activated-charcoal/carbon filters on their taps. Note: Softened or distilled water makes terrible coffee the minerals in good water are essential.

Buy fresh beans.

Choose good coffees.

Grind your own.

Use good water.


author_ jessie price



Bargain-priced paper coffee filters yield inferior coffee, according to the experts. Look for “oxygen-bleached” or “dioxinfree” paper filters. Alternatively, you may wish to invest in a long-lived gold-plated filter (e.g. SwissGold). These are reputed to deliver maximum flavor, but may let sediment through if the coffee is ground too finely.

Water that’s hot will extract compounds in the coffee that are bitter rather than pleasant. The proper brewing temperature is 200°F, or about 45 seconds off a full boil. Once brewed, don’t expect coffee to hold its best flavors for long. Boiling or prolonged holding on a warming platform will turn even the best coffee bitter and foul-tasting.



The standard measure for brewing coffee of proper strength is 2 level tablespoons per 6-ounce cup or about 2 3/4 tspoons per 8-ounce cup. Tricks like using less coffee and hotter water to extract more cups per pound tend to make for bitter brews.

Clean storage containers every few weeks to remove any oily buildup. At least monthly, run a strong solution of vinegar or specialty coffee-equipment cleaner through your coffeemaker to dissolve away any mineral deposits.

Avoid cheap filters.

Don’t skimp on the coffee.

Beware the heat.

I often go to sleep thinking about the cup of coffee I’m going to have the next morning. I adore it!

Keep your equipment clean.


Of course food needs to look good, otherwise the saying would not be:

“You eat with your eyes (first)!”

It makes sense to use food as a topic and medium for design. The world has never seen more schizophrenia on the food side of life than today. author_marije vogelzang

In my opinion design makes things better, easier, more efficient. So in terms of food it should help preparing food, or to arrange food more nicely. And when it somes to the food itself, I love to take a look at Dieter Rams’ ten principles of design. I will concentrate on those that actually make sense.


“For the organic food, the less it’s designed, the better it is” A while ago I came home at night, after some drinks with some friends. At home I was feeling some kind of hungry. Not so hungry so that the rumbling stomach hinders you from falling asleep but that hungry that you are willing to stand in kitchen for an hour just to conjure something delicious.

Dezeen teamed up with the kitchen appliances brand Scholtès to create a very detailed report about the current relation between food and design. It was a night time, sitting infront of your computer, eating something you just prepared and reading an article about that thing what you have infront of yourself.

Mostly these are times, when you empty out your fridge and cupboards and try to prepare something new or improvised.

The article is full of great great projects, trends, and attitudes towards food I am honestly loving to read. But there are some things I am not really agreeing on.

It is about the food and nothing else.

Good design is as little design as possible.

Use local, sustainable and organic producers, as much as you can.

Good design is environmentally-friendly.

In a perfect meal every single part has to fit to each other.

Good design is thorough, down to the last detail.

Good, honest ingredients make the best food.

Yes, food doesn’t need to be decorated with an ice swan.

Good design is unobtrusive.

You eat with your eyes (first)!

Good design is aesthetic.

Design needs to fulfill a purpose and should be used too fulfill a purpose, but art is not allowed to or should not fulfill a purpose. I know it is very reduced but the point of this blog post isn’t the exact differentiation.

Design is honest.

Good design is honest.

That brings us to the differentiation between design and art. I want to make it easy instad of giving a great analysis about art and design. In my way of thinking the differentiation can be made by the single word purpose.

Good design is honest. Good, honest ingredients make the best food.


author_rkurt alves

‘‘The art of gaining access to parts of the city that are off-limits.’’ Urbex Urban Exploration

Although virtually anything can be explored such as abandonments, drains, active buildings, utility tunnels, mines, and sewers, I have only personally explored abandonments and drains so I will only discuss those. I would have to say my favorite places are drains, but abandonments can be just as cool and exciting.

Before exploring something, you should try to find as much information as possible about it such as the history, who owns it, if it is still owned plans for demolition.



There are still things that might not be found

Finding locations and researching them is almost as fun as exploring them. The best way to find locations is to simply look around your neighborhood, checking out the areas that no one else really goes to. You're bound to find something.


The risk of exploring abandonments depends

Anything that was once active but now is not is a perfect place to explore. Abandoned houses, schools, factories, etc all are great. When dealing with houses though, please make sure you know for a fact that is is abandoned. Just because it looks like it is doesn't mean it is. Also note that many abandonments are still owned, so it can be considered trespassing.

The risk of exploring abandonments depends largely on where it is, if it is still owned, and many other things. Generally if the site is out of the way such as in the woods, chances of getting caught are slim to none. Also be careful of alarms. Only once have I ran into an alarm, and I got out immediately.


Drains have an almost maze-like quality to them with many secrets

Storm drains exist to collect storm water off the streets so flooding does not occur. Because drains have an almost maze-like quality to them with many secrets, they are awesome to explore. Be prepared to get wet, and I hope you aren't claustrophobic. Depending on the size of the drain you will have to do a lot of crawling and squatting. I've only been in small drains, and I've had to crawl long distances in tunnels that I couldn't turn around in. It all pays off once you get to an open chamber and can finally stand, and you marvel at the architecture.

Hopefully the intro got you hooked on the idea of exploring drains. Drains come in many different shapes and sizes, and you never know what you'll see next. You'll see things such as ladders, waterfalls, slides, walls, and drops. The risk factor of exploring drains is almost non-existent as long as you don't pop unknown man-hole covers .Drains are usually pretty safe as well when it is not raining. Just be careful not to slip. Know that storm drains and sewers ARE NOT the same.


industrial facilities




‘‘It is the cognitive element of navigation...the tactical and strategic parts that guide movement.’’

author_ruth wake


Navigating in such circumstances can be tricky.

. Laying out a fixed route between origin and destination becomes more complicated when it is based almost purely on secondary points of reference.

Cities are a complex entity covering large areas. As they are built based on demands for space and accessibility, even areas deemed suburban will have a noticeable vertical dimension which must also be considered. The immediate result of this is of course that pedestrian views are restricted - in fact in many cases a view does not extend far beyond an individual entity’s personal space at all.

Most distant features are obscured when looking at ground level, and the upper levels of buildings can only be seen if they happen to arise beyond the more immediate skyline. This means that information on the environment is very restricted when travelling, reducing visibility to the road directly ahead, views down intersecting routes and views of distant tall features which may be natural or man made.



In a varying, three-dimensional city environment, navigation is utilised by public mass transport and selected business traffic. When using public transport, however, travellers tend to leave most of the navigation to the provider of the transit system, meaning that between the pickup and dropoff points the city effectively becomes a “black hole�.

However a sensible and coherent system of urban signage, which makes points of reference clear and provides necessary information on both mass and individual transport networks available, can in theory remove the need to see what is normally obscured in an urban landscape setting.

It is not merely a planning stage that precedes motion. Wayfinding and motion are intimately tied together...


Wayfinding does not require fixed routes or specific choice points but can be influenced by a variety of strategies including well-designed urban signage solutions.

In practice, however, urban visitors often do not have a well-planned route which they can follow. Verbal descriptions or rough sketches of directions are not adequate for travel planning, and thus the more dynamic art of wayfinding comes into play.

high buildings restrict the availability of viewing points




Urban wayfinding, then, occurs as individuals attempt to make their way through city structure, usually on foot. This can be a challenging activity both mentally and physically, as the destination is rarely visible from the point of origin, high buildings restrict the availability of viewing points and many idiosyncratic factors such as roadworks, security measures and one-way streets add to the challenge of getting anywhere.

Most people will engage in a form of wayfinding known as questing, which means seeking out particular new destinations based on symbols on a map or verbal directions. The problem with this is that it relies on an unbroken series of easy-to-find landmarks which are simple to identify correctly, as many buildings and areas are very similar in appearance and the proper names of streets are rarely very memorable.




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