Comprehensive Numerology Vol 1

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Chapter - 1




The ‘Universal consciousness’ known as Chaitanya in Hindi means tremendous Energy which pervades the Universe. No one can see this force but can feel its existence. If we manage to tune up our mind force with this Cosmic Energy anyhow, we can absorb some of this Cosmic Energy and enjoy its existence around us. There are numerous people who have developed spiritual powers such as telepathy, clairvoyance etc. because they could be able to absorb this Cosmic Energy to some extent. There are some spiritual healers who can cure even incurable diseases. They actually have mastered the technique of absorbing this universal consciousness. This Universe exists in the Cosmic Energy which has powerful radiations. In addition to this Cosmic Energy there are innumerable energies which have their own radiations and waves. Similarly every individual emits rays and waves and we can know his/her radiations through the study of Numerology. His/her birth date is the clue to •nd out what type of rays are emitted through him. There are nine planets which have greater in•uence on the human life and each of them has been allotted a particular number. The moment a person is born, he/she is governed by a certain principal planet and a secondary planet and is governed by the numbers allotted to these planets. He/She thus starts radiating the vibrations of that number. His/her psychology, thinking, reason, emotions, ambitions, likes, dislikes, health, career etc. are all dominated by the number he/she represents. If this number is in harmony with the number

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of any other person, he/she will experience harmonious relationship with the other person. If on the contrary, his/ her number is in opposition to that of his/her friend, the two can never live in harmony with each other.




Philosophy behind Numberology The fundamental premise of Numerology is that, life and the Universe as a whole, is an orderly system and that numbers ect that orderliness. Numbers are by de"nition orderly. When we confront the question of Numerology, we are facing the same dilemma that we all face with the larger questions of life: Is there meaning and order to life, or is it purely a random and chaotic Universe? There are three possible answers to this question: the Universe is ruled by randomness and Chaos; the Universe is in"nitely orderly; or both randomness and orderliness exist. Randomness is a state in which there is no order or larger meaning. Such a state of affairs would mean that the Universe is ruled by chance events and that there are no orderly laws governing the Universe. In fact, we know this premise to be untrue since the natural sciences such as Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Astronomy are all based on the orderliness even predictability of natural law. Moreover, if the Universe were ruled by unpredictable events, there would be no sustainable structure to it. On the contrary, the Universe not only maintains form and structure, it also changes in precise and orderly ways. We are continuously witnessing to this process of change: Day turns into Night and night turns into day; winter is followed by spring and summer is followed by fall; and apples grow on apple trees and "gs grow on "g trees and they never get confused. Orderliness can be seen in every aspect of existence, from the sub atomic world to the world of stars and galaxies. The gestation and birth of a child are also examples of remarkable orderliness: It still takes egg and sperm to produce an ovum, and nine months for a child to fully develop and to be born. The growth pattern of human has

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remained essentially the same, too: we are born nascent and grow young and through adolescence, puberty, adulthood, maturity and old age at which point we die. The arc of life is consistent and stable. This has been happening for about 2 million years, the length of time humans have inhabited the planet. If we look up at the stars and see the planets, we see a further example of great orderliness. In creation, there is no randomness a fact that is the basics for all physical sciences. Numerology is based upon this underlying unity, a unity that manifests itself in a very intimate way in all of our lives. Our names and dates of birth, for example, are connected with our deepest inner being in a way that the rational mind cannot immediately understand. The intuitive mind however, is capable of perceiving these relationships and of interpreting them to help us better understand our lives. The act of giving something a name is not a super•cial or intellectual effort, but a re•ection of our deep experience of the essence of the thing we are naming. It comes out of our connection or our intuitive feeling of that thing. For example the word love with its special combination of vowels and consonants gives us a feeling of soothing and benign touch. Say it and you will feel that it embraces you gently and gives you the experience of its benevolent meaning. Every word, in every language perfectly re•ects the feeling and spirit of the thing that is named by the people who use that language. Some will argue that the words used to name things were originally chosen arbitrarily and then were integrated into our inner feelings. However, our understanding of sound comes from an archetypal and unconscious part of our being. It is intimately connected with our appreciation of music; no matter whether you are tone deaf or have perfect pitch, all of us have an inborn capacity to discern music from chaotic noise. Music is harmony and music is inside us. Nature, too, is •lled with events that have trained us to associate certain qualities with sounds: the clap of thunder, the woosh of a river or the whir of a bird in •ight. From our innate understanding of music and

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harmony comes the act of naming things according to our perception of their innate natures. This intuitive act is the source of language. All language emerge from and represent the natures of the people who use them. This is the source of Numerology. The Numerologists maintain that each of us carries the perfect name that re•ects our inner nature or being. That name is a collection of sounds, a melody, that in a very deep and perfect way is you or self.



Characteristics of Numbers Numbers can be seen as archetypes. They represent qualities that all of us possess in greater or lesser quantities. Each number has the archetypal quality. The Number 1 possesses aggressiveness or dynamism, for example versus the passiveness and cooperation of Number 2. In this sense Numerology has much in common with mythology just as each of the Greek Gods possessed an absolute set of values, each number has a oneness of being. To further illustrate, the Number 1 embodies masculinity, a strong drive, individuality and determination. The Number 1 could never be confused with the Number 2, which has the qualities of sensitivity, feminity, cooperation and gentleness. Each Number is the counterpart or the opposite of the number next to it. The personality of the Number 1 is the opposite of the 2. In a different but no less profound way the 2 is the opposite of the 3, the 3 is the opposite of the 4, the 4 is the opposite of the 5 and so on. The personality of each number is so clear and de!ned that once you get to know the numbers, you will be able to predict each number’s response to any given situation. At the same time each number possesses nuances within its !eld of characteristics that are enhanced or diminished due to its place in the chart. Also, certain numbers complement other numbers; the right combinations will enhance and support each other. In this way, they may also limit one another’s effects. If placed in very prominent positions within the chart such opposites can be very dynamic but can

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also represent internal con•ict. Numbers are so much like people that getting to know them is a continuing process. It would be impossible to put down all the characteristics, qualities and idiosyncracies that each number possesses. For example 1’s like to take adventurous pursuits—they swing their arms, appear very macho and seem ready to take control of any situation and 3’s are jovial and have a bounce to their walk. Also, 7’s are big readers; 4’s know the value of money but 8’s know how to earn large sums and spend them, too. These are some of the less obvious characteristics with which you will become familiar by studying this book and you can relate the information to your own life and to that of others. Every human characteristics, quality or idiosyncracy is represented in one of the nine cardinal numbers just as the human DNA molecule is made up of four basic nucleic acids that are arranged in a complex and unique spiralling ladder, so too, do the nine cardinal numbers represent nine archetypal human qualities that are also present in each of us. These nine archetypes are arranged uniquely in us all to form a speci•c personality with unique strengths and weaknesses. These nine numbers not only symbolize nine speci•c archetypes but also nine stages of development that all of us pass through in order to complete our growth and maturity. As you go on reading this book, you will see how these numbers describe human characteristics as well as the various cycles through which we all evolve during life’s journey. In one of the nicer examples of symbolic psychology, the shape of the number 9 itself contains a circle on a lead representing the completion of a cycle, a turning back to the beginning which is also manifested in the fact that whenever any number is added to the number 9, it comes back to itself. For example, if you add 9 plus 6, you get 15 which if added together (1 + 5 = 6), makes 6 again. Similarly, 9 plus 8 makes 17 which if added (1+7 = 8), gives 8 again. Besides this, an important aspect in the nature of the 9 is the fact that it represents completion and detachment, the

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•nal point from which we return to a new beginning. Three different ways of looking at the 9 — the shape of the symbol, the mathematical strangeness and what it represents in Numerology—reveal closely related characteristics. It is interesting to note that the symbols of all numbers re•ect their natures. The pillar shape of the Number 1 re•ects the independence, leadership and strength of that number. The humble, sensitive and diplomatic 2 symbolizes its resilient strength: it is easy to depress and to squash, yet it is •exible and like a spring the 2 rises again much easier and quicker than does the 1. The 3 represents selfexpression, verbal art, enthusiasm and inspiration. It is the most imaginative of all numbers and this is re•ected in its open and inviting shape which is ready to embrace anything in this world and the world above. The square shaped 4 is down to earth. It sits on the ground and it is a foundation and a rock of support for other numbers. It represents limitations (often self imposed) and discipline; it is never a dreamer. The 5 is the most dynamic of all numbers and the symbol seems to turn around its central point. The 5 will try anything at least once and true to its nature is open front and back. The number 6 is the most loving and sacri•cing of all numbers. It is the mother/ fatherhood number endowed with domesticity and seems pregnant with love. The 7 is the thinker and the hermit. It is the seeker of truth and it reminds of a wise old man with an outstretched arm. In his hand he holds a lamp, shining its light in search of answers. The 8 represents the balance between the spiritual and the material world and the symbol re•ects heaven and earth in the two circles stacked on top of each other. The 9 completes the circle. Like the 6, it is a very loving number but where the 6 sends its love to family, friends and the community, the 9 gives its love to the world. It is the humanitarian and philanthropic.

Numerology—Origin & History The occult signi•cance of numbers has fascinated man-kind ever since the secrets of fortune telling became

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evident.Only few however, have been able to understand its true signi•cance. The Hindus have known the signi•cance of Zero. They call it Shunya or bindu. They link it with the immense void of the universe. This in•nity is the area in which they search God, the omnipresent, who is represented as one. This forms the basis of the entire science of Numerology. It deals with numbers from 0 to 9. The ancient civilisation of Greece and Latin America had also carried enormous research in Numerology. It is vital to understand that heavenly bodies and life on earth are intimately interlinked. This forms the basis of this very productive and precise science. Those who dismiss it as superstition must only see how the oceans swell and subside with the size of the moon. This happens because the earth is twothird water and one-third mass; so is the human body. If the moon can cause chaos in something as big as the earth what it does to the human body becomes easily understandable. From the time immemorial all ancient civilizations—the Babylonians, the Hebrews, the Greeks, the Egyptians and the Indians—used Numerology somehow or the other. The Babylonians were pro•cient in Numerology and Assyrians also made major contributions. The Phoenicians learnt the basic concepts of the alphabet from the Hebrews and Egyptians and developed it to a degree of sophistication and added vowel sounds. The well known Palmist and Numerologist Cheiro has stated in his biography that during his earlier years, when travelling in the East and especially in India, it was his good fortune to come in contact with a certain sect of Brahmins who had kept in their hands from almost prehistoric times, studies and practices of an occult nature which they regarded as sacredly as they did their own religious teachings. Among other things, these Brahmins permitted Cheiro to learn certain theories on the occult signi•cance of Numbers and their in•uence and relation to human life, which in subsequent years and manifold experiences not only con•rmed but justi•ed him in endeavouring to apply them in a practical sense so that others might also

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use this knowledge with advantage to themselves and to those around them. The Ancient Hindu searchers after Nature’s Laws were the masters of all such studies but in transmitting their knowledge to their descendants, they so endeavoured to hide their secrets from the common people that in most cases the key to the problem became lost and the truth that had been discovered became buried in the dust of superstition and charlatanism. These ancient people together with the Chaldeans and Egyptians, were the absolute masters of the occult or hidden meaning of numbers, in their application to time and in their relation to human life. When examining such questions, we must not forget that it was the Hindus who discovered what is known as the precession of the Equinoxes and in their calculation such an occurrence takes place every 25827 years, our modern science after labours of hundreds of years has simply proved them to be correct. The judgment of the Hindus together with that of the Chaldeans, as to the length of what is now known as the cycle of years of the planets, has been handed down to us from the most remote ages. Modern science has proved it to be correct. So when one comes to a study such as his, as to the value of the numbers 1 to 9 which, like the seven harmonies of music are the basis of all music that has ever been conceived, these above stated numbers are the basis of all our numbers and calculations, it is then only logical to accept the decisions of those great students of past ages and at least examine their deductions with a mind free from bias and prejudice. Apart from the question of mystical associations, the numbers themselves have a very ancient origin. We shall, however, never know the genius who actually invented the numbers. According to Prof. Max Muller, numbers were •rst invented by the Arabs. But it seems that the Arabs borrowed the knowledge from the Hindus who in their own turn acquired it from God (according to belief). The subject of Numerology, had absorbed the interest of the most profound thinkers of by gone days. We come

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across references to •gures and numbers in the Vedas and in the Upanishads. The Chinese considered odd numbers as denoting white, day, the Sun, heat and •re. They believed that even numbers indicated dark, night, the moon, cold, water and earth. They incorporated into their culture the Phoenecian alphabets and its sounds and letters as well. Gematrica was the earliest from which revealed the hidden powers of numbers. It ascribed two values to every letter, one of sound and the other of number. The same system is followed even in the modern form of Numerology. However, the evolution of number is less clear. Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher is regarded as the father of Numerology. We remember him as a great Mathematician but very few know that he was a great Numerologist as well. About 580BC, he laid the foundation of a university at Crotona for the sutdy of Numbers. Pythagoras travelled widely and studied the teachings of the Egyptians, Assyrians and Indians. He conceived that Mathematics, Music and Astronomy formed the triangle of all arts and sciences and were the basis of all knowledge. For Practical calculations he used Arithmetic and for spiritual he used Numerology. Pythagoras believed that there was nothing that could not be explained by Numbers. He, like the ancient Greek Philosophers believed that numbers possessed mysterious powers independent of their arithmetic signi•cance. Pythagorean Numerology formed the spiritual basis for many secret societies like Rosicrusians, the Masons and the Anthrosophists. During the Rennaissance period, Numerology was taught in the Universities and served as sciences.

Pythagorean, Chaldean & Sepharial Value Table Different renowned Numerologists like Pythagoras, Cheiro and Sepharial etc. have allotted different values to the letters of alphabets but the meanings and features of the numbers are almost the same though some of these scholars have modi•ed it time to time based on their research. At present Pythagorean system and Chaldean System are

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prevalent in most parts of the world. In this book we are taking into account the Pythagorean system as it is supposed to be the most accurate and result oriented system. Here, I am presenting the numerical value of the alphabets based on different systems for the bene•t of readers, though we have to concentrate on Pythagorean system. PYTHAGOREAN SYSTEM 1










































R –






























Note: In Chaldean system no alphabet is allotted to number 9. It may be because they believed that this number can only represent the name of God. Famous Numerologist Cheiro has followed this value of alphabets. But readers are advised to follow only Pythagorean value table. SEPHARIAL SYSTEM 1






































F, P

Ts, Tz





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