Chapter - 1
Lo-Shu Grid
China has always been facing distressful problems due to the recurring devastating floods caused by the river Hwang Ho also called the yellow River. It became the biggest challenge for the emperors of China to solve the crisis and find a way to prevent the flooding and save thousands of lives which the flood took every year. It is believed that one of the five mythical emperors of China named Wu of Hsia was also working on it to find a permanent solution to this crisis. While working on it about 4000 years ago, Wu succeeded to find a tortoise shell from the river which had some peculiar and extra ordinary markings on its back. It was a popular belief during those days in China that God lived inside tortoise and turtle shells. So, the people regarded the finding of this tortoise shell by Wu as highly auspicious and was considered a good omen. Wu and his fellowmen discovered that the tortoise shell contained a perfect, square divided into a three by three grid. It was termed as Lo Shu Magic square or Grid. They observed a remarkable point in the square that every horizontal, vertical and diagonal row added upto the same number fifteen. Another remarkable point in the square was the placement of number 5 in the central position as number 5 was highly regarded in China those days. So, Wu and his followers were astonished and exerted after this discovery. After this discovery, Wu could be able to unsolve the mystery of the flood and the people could take a sigh of relief as the problem of the flood was successfully solved. As his reward Wu was made the emperor of China. It is said that the discovery of Lo Shu Grid paved the way for the evolution of other forms of Chinese Numerology, Iching, Fengshui, the Nine star ki, Trigram Therapy etc. We will
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discuss some of these phenomena in this book. Apart from the Pythagorean Numerology which has been discussed in the Vol. 1 of the Comprehensive Numerology the important concepts taken out from the different forms of Numerology prevalent in different parts of the world will prove quite beneficial to the readers and will make them the master in the subject.
Composition of Lo Shu Grid
Lo Shu grid was a perfect square on the tortoise’s back configured as three by three magic square. Every row, horizontally, vertically and diagonally this square adds up to fifteen. Each small square contains a fixed number in the following ways :•
Left hand square at the top contains number 4.
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Left hand square in the middle contains number 3.
Left hand square at the bottom contains number 8.
Middle square at the top contains number 9.
The central square considered as the most auspicious and important square contains number 5.
Middle square at the bottom contains number 1.
Right hand square at the top contains numbered 2.
Right hand square in the middle contains number 7.
Right hand square at the bottom contains number 6.
Note : There is no place for Zeros in the Grid Numbers found in the date of birth is placed in the respective square of the grid. Absence of any number in the grid signifies certain inherent weakness in the character and attitude while the repetition of any number indicates excess of energy exhibited by that particular number. One thing is worth mentioning here that all the persons born in twentieth century must have at least one 1 and one 9 in the chart while the persons born in twenty-first century will have at least one 2 in their chart. Persons born on same date will have the same and identical charts otherwise their charts will be different. So, it is very practical that the other perspectives of the Numerology must be taken care of because the persons born on same date can have some common features but all their traits and their fortune of course will not be the same. So, the readers should realize its limitations and not solely rely on this concept alone. However, they are advised to use it as a very effective supporting tool for prediction and suggesting remedies in Numerology. There are different ways to took at the grid. Some are of the view that the top column of the grid consisting of the numbers 4, 9, & 2 represents the head of a person. The middle column of the grid consisting of the numbers 3, 5 & 7 represents the body while the bottom column consisting of the numbers 8, 1 & 6 represents the legs and feet.
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Another school of thought calls the top column of the grid as the Intellectual Plane which contains the inherent qualities of a human being like thinking, creating, imagining and analyzing. The middle column is called the Spiritual Plane because the heart holds prime importance in the body. This Plane encompasses the qualities like spirituality, intuition, feelings and emotions. The bottom row in the grid is called the Material Plane. This Plane encompasses physical labour, the ability to be good with one’s hands and the ability to be practical to gain ďŹ nancial and business success in everyday life.
The vertical rows have also been interpreted in the same manner. The left vertical row consisting of the numbers 4,3 & 8 is called the Thought Plane. This Plane interprets how the ideas ďŹ rst emerge in the mind to create things and ultimately carrying them through to fruition and accomplishment.
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The middle vertical row consisting of the numbers 9, 5 & 1 is called the Activity Plane. This Plane gives the zeal to work with determination and persistence to succeed. The right vertical row consisting of the numbers 2, 7 & 6 is called the Strength Plane. This plane shows the person’s ability to put their thoughts into action by working in full strength in order to accomplish any work successfully. These three vertical rows form a natural phenomena. We know that we first come up with any idea (Thought Plane). We have to show determination and persistence in work (Activity Plane) to get the idea fructified by means of our right action put with strength (Strength Plane). After the action is taken in right direction with strength the work will get accomplished. However, the Chinese interpreted this grid in somewhat a different way relating them to weather and agriculture. It is evident that the weather had a major impact on the well being of everyone during those days of agrarian economy. The top horizontal column represented Sunshine and rain both necessary components for agricultural activities. The middle horizontal component represented the crops that are produced from the soil while the bottom column represented the soil itself. The vertical rows were also interpreted in their own way. The left hand row represented thought, the middle vertical row represented activity and the third right hand row represented strength. But, one thing is worth mentioning here for the benefit of the readers that the Chinese used the lunar calendar. There are some differences between the solar calendar and lunar calendar. In the solar Calendar, most months consist of either thirty or thirty one days barring February which has 28 or 29 days. In the Lunar Calendar the months consist of either twenty nine or thirty days. However in certain years month repeat themselves creating thirteen month years. So, it is advisable to read and interpret the Lo Shu rows and columns after converting the solar date of birth to lunar date of birth. However, I have found in my experience that
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event if the solar date of birth is used, it is quite beneficial.
NUMBERS IN CHINA & THE EAST Original Lo-Shu grid is used in the Eastern part of the world in Numerology. So, the meanings of the individual numbers as they are used in the East are being presented here.
Number 1 is placed in the central position on the Material Plane. This number is considered to be a positive number for making money and enjoying a good life style.
One 1 Persons having one 1 in the chart do reasonably well financially. If the other two numbers (8 and 6) are found present on Material Plane, it’s a promise of good monetary condition.
Two 1s Persons having two 1s in their chart get very good success in financial matters and they are lucky. Other numbers on Material Plane will prove extremely good for financial prosperity. Three or more 1s Persons having three 1s are financially very successful especially if the other two numbers are also present on the Material Plane. If there are four or more 1s then a person concentrates only on the accumulation of wealth ignoring everything else. But, this can be balanced if the numbers are present on the Spiritual Plane (3, 5 or 7). NUMBER 2 Number 2 is placed in the top right hand square in the
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Lo-Shu grid on the Mental Plane. It is considered the least auspicious number of the intellect because it occurs very frequently. In 21st century everyone will have at least one 2 in the chart. In China and the East 2 is regarded as a negative or neutral number unless it associates with 4 and 9.
One 2 Persons having only one 2 in their charts on the Mental Plane have very average minds. If other two numbers (4 and 9) are present on the Mental Plane, then it is a promise of high intellect and the persons can do well in the ďŹ eld of law, philosophy and literature.
Two 2s If there are two 2s in the chart and there is absence of 4 and 9 on the Mental Plane, it is considered highly negative. If only two 2s are on the Mental Plane and no 4 or 9, it is the sign of lack of energy and gives health problems. But if other two numbers are present on the Mental Plane then it is very positive and gives high intellect and good memory.
Three or more 2s Persons having three or more 2s in their chart and not supported by numbers 4 and 9 on Mental Plane are considered to be the most unfortunate. It may give major health problems and make the persons arrogant, sarcastic and rude. NUMBER 3 Number 3 is placed in the middle row of left hand squares in the Lo-Shu grid on the Spiritual Plane. This number is concerned with sensitivity and intuition.
One 3 Persons having only one 3 in their charts suffer from stress and are easily hurt. They ďŹ nd it hard to survive in
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competitive ďŹ elds. If other numbers either 4 and 8 or 5 and 7 are present then it is good.
Two 3s Persons having two 3s in the chart are intelligent, sensitive and intuitive. They have well balanced personality and they easily adjust with others. They have good understanding of the motive of others. They prove good friends. If this number is supported by any or both of the two numbers, 5 and 7, they incline towards spirituality and develop a strong faith and philosophy of life.
Three or more 3s Persons having three 3s in their charts on Spiritual Plane are very sensitive, imaginative and intuitive. They like to live in their own dream world. If this number gets the support of other two numbers 5 and 7 on Spiritual Plane, it is the promise of high intellect, intelligence, spiritualism and intuitiveness. Four or more 3s make the persons impatient, reckless and impulsive. Other supporting numbers also do not help much.
Number 4 is placed in the top square of left hand row in the Lo Shu grid on the Intellectual Plane. This number is found in the people with high intelligence. However, this number is considered to be negative but in some circumstances it can be favourable.
One 4 Persons having one 4 in their charts on the Intellectual Plane have logical mind, intelligence and they take every step with caution. These qualities can be used in a number of vocations depending on other prominent numbers in the chart. Two 4s Persons having two 4s in their chart are generally
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stubborn, intolerant and rigid. Such people are extremely intelligent but they always consider themselves superior to others. They must control themselves, use their brain in positive way and get along better with other people.
Three or more 4s Three or more 4s make the persons extremely stubborn exible. They don’t like to compromise and have lots and of difficulties in getting along with others.
Number 5 is placed in the central square in the LoShu Grid and is a common number in Spiritual Plane and Activity Plane.
One 5 Persons having one 5 in their charts are emotionally well balanced and they have the capacity to take right decisions especially if there are supportive numbers either 3 or 7.
Two 5s Persons having two 5s in their chart are dynamic, eager, versatile and enthusiastic. They love adventure and taking risk and feel happy in demonstrating their capabilities. They have strong determination, confidence and ambition. Their positive qualities are enhanced when they also get the support of other numbers 1 and 5 in the same row. They must control themselves from over indulgence in stoth and sensualities. Three or more 5s Persons having three or more 5s in their chart in the LoShu grid are very dominant, over powering and dominant and find it hard to cope up with others. NUMBER 6 Number 6 is placed in the right hand square of the
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Material Plane. It is the promise of wealth and material possessions. It enables the people to maintain a good standard of living.
One 6 Persons having only one 6 in their chart in the Lo Shu grid are lucky but in a narrow way. If this number gets the support of number 8 and 1, it is the promise of a good life free of financial worries and problems. If this number does not have the support of these numbers, then a person can do well financially in a creative field. These people are family oriented and like to work in pleasant environments.
Two 6s Persons having two 6s in their chart in the Lo Shu grid are highly creative but lack self confidence and determination in their work and abilities. They fall prey to unnecessary worries and tensions and take long time to recover from even small setbacks. Such people require support and encouragement to yield the best results.
Three or more 6s Persons having three or more 6s in their chart easily fall prey to unnecessary worries and tensions for their loved ones. If this number gets the support of numbers 8 and 1, it is the guarantee of financial prosperity which is also helpful in relieving the worries and tensions to a great extent. NUMBER 7 Number 7 is placed in the right hand square of the Spiritual Plane. This number represents spirituality, intuition and faith.
One 7 Persons having one 7 in their chart without the support of other numbers 3 and 5 means that they are interested in searching out the ultimate truth and perfection. It
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represents a person seeking to make a career in a spiritual or humanitarian ďŹ eld. If this number is supported by other numbers, it makes a person dogmatic.
Two 7s Persons having two 7s in their chart are generally showy and boasting. Even though they are spiritual but they like to display more than they actually are. They have the potential to get good material success.
Three or more 7s Persons having three or more 7s in their chart have two distinct types. Some of them prove themselves to be the ideal citizens and work hard to achieve their goals. Others are unfortunate and easily fall prey to depression due to much pomp and show and philosophies of life. This is found if numbers 4, 5 & 6 are absent from the chart. NUMBER 8
Number 8 is placed in the left hand square of the Material Plane. Number 8 represents money in Chinese Numerology. Presence of number 8 in the chart is the promise of good material success and fortune.
One 8 Persons having only one 8 in their chart of Lo-Shu grid without the support of numbers 1 and 6 are found to be efďŹ number also has the support of numbers 1 and 6 then it represents signiďŹ cant material success and happy and prosperous life.
Two 8s Persons having two 8s in their chart are generally very good businessman and do ďŹ nancially very well. They are witty, intelligent and shrewd and have the ability to analyse
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and seize every opportunity that come in their way.
Three or more 8s It is hard to find any person with three or more 8s in their chart. If it happens it is a positive combination but after the middle ages. In the younger days persons find it difficult to succeed financially but in their forties they get good financial prosperity and success. NUMBER 9
Number 9 is considered highly auspicious, intellectual and spiritual number all over the world. This number symbolizes idealism, humanitarianism and ambition.
One 9 Persons having one 9 in the chart are witty, intelligent, prosperous and spiritual if this number also gets the support of numbers 4 and 2. If this number does not have the support of any of these two numbers 4 and 2, then the person may have to struggle in all spheres of life.
Two 9s Persons having two 9s in their chart have good intellect and brain and they enjoy learning. They have thoughtful approach and like to work in fields that are intellectually stimulating. Three or More 9s Persons having three or more 9s in their chart are highly idealistic and intelligent. They are very ambitious and have a strong desire to do well in education. In the negative side, many 9s can make the person arrogant and ill tempered.
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