Career Report
Dear Sir, Y are presently running mahadasha of venus till 3-10-2025 and the current antara is of rahu till 3-12-2015. Strength of your horoscope: 1. Ascendant Lord in ascendant‌is a very good yoga. Yogakarak Mars is aspecting moon and ascendant both. 2. Mars in own sign in an angle is creating ruchaka yoga, one of the panch mahapurush yoga. 3. Moon is aspected by Mars and Venus, Jupiter. 4. There are no malefic aspects on moon and mars. 5. Your horoscope has following Yogas: a. Ruchak
b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k.
Gajkesari Anaphaa Adhi Parvat Kaahal Sankh Mridang Bheri Pushkal Parijaat
The ashtakvarga also has good points for the houses 2,6,10,11. It is very good for professional purposes. You are presently running mahadasha of Venus. It is ruling your 4 th and 11th house. Venus is conjunct Jupiter and is posited in 6th hosue with jupiter in the cusp chart. It is a significator of houses 12,6,1,9,10 . The current antara is of rahu. Rahu signifies houses 11,5,2,12,3. Problem: I am working in a MNC presently, How will my career flourish? I have been assigned to a new role now , will this work out well? OR Will I change my job and move to a new company? Solution : In the given significations, houses majority of houses indicate higher responsibility and targets. You will think of changing the job but will decide to stick to the same. There will be some delays in your work results and you will have
unforeseen hindrances but that will not stop you from being successful in your present role. Under the present significations, as per the horoscope, you should not change, and prove your mettle here in this company itself. Problem: My career and salary has been better in last four years (from May of 2010 - my earlier company was taken over by a MNC)compared to before. I work hard and have good appreciation from my superiors But even so my salary and rank is not comparable to many of my peers . Will things change for me with increased salary and promotions? Solution : You will get better hikes and designations later, in the present situation 12th house is signified in both the dasha and antra lords, it is indicative of mental dissatisfaction apart from other things. So growth is there for you but after some time. Your broad career scope: You have very high growth potential and it is just due to the ongoing dashas you are feeling that you are lagging behind. In the time to come you will be getting a great boost and will outshine others. You need to keep in control your behavior which seems to cross the lines at times and there could be an undercurrent of jealousy towards others as Jupiter is aspecting moon and Jupiter is debilitated. You keep your focus on your job and life and stop thinking about what others are getting . Your good times are also near, after 3 years you will also be in a good position and will be enjoying the perks which you had wanted.